Overcoming Ecological Misconceptions
Overcoming Ecological Misconceptions
Overcoming Ecological Misconceptions
About Mis on eptions Reg!r"#ess of the !ge !n" b! $groun" of peop#e% they wi## h!&e 'is on eptions in bio#ogy ()% *)% *+% *,% -.% -/01 Mis on eptions !re s ientifi !##y in! ur!te !ssu'ptions !n" e2p#!n!tions of pheno'en!% whi h !re onstru te" by !n in"i&i"u!# through his3her e2perien es (4%*)% *,01 Mis on eptions h!&e !#so been !##e" 5pre on eptions6 (*70% 5!#tern!ti&e fr!'ewor$s6 (**0% 5!#tern!ti&e i"e!s6 (80% !n" 5 hi#"ren6s s ien e6 (*801 Litt#e is $nown !bout 'is on eptions th!t e2ist in the fie#" of e o#ogy1 In f! t% re#!ti&e#y few p!pers h!&e been pub#ishe" th!t o&er gener!# pe"!gogi !# issues in e o#ogy1 9or e2!'p#e% :6A&!n;o sur&eye" !rti #es pub#ishe" in the <ourn!# of Rese!r h in S ien e Te! hing fro' *44,=-..-% !n" foun" 88 p!pers on erning te! hing physi s% -* for he'istry% !n" *4 for bio#ogy (401 On#y se&en of these bio#ogy p!pers o&ere" e o#ogi !# topi s1 The nu'ber of pub#i !tions th!t "e!# with the 'is on eptions of e o#ogy is fewer sti##1 Munson6s re&iew of e o#ogi !# 'is on eptions o&ers re#!ti&e#y few on epts !s o'p!re" to wh!t h!s been o&ere" of the physi !# s ien es (*,01 To get ! fee# for so'e of the 'ost o''on 'is on eptions in e o#ogy% t!$e the Se#f= Test1 >ou '!y fin" th!t% !'ong the wrong !nswers% there !re so'e i"e!s th!t you on e he#" !s truths% or '!y h!&e he!r" !s truths fro' other peop#e1 A#so% see the #ist of Co''on e o#ogi !# 'is on eptions1 Is it ne ess!ry to "ispe# stu"ents6 e o#ogi !# 'is on eptions? >es% the "ispe##ing of e o#ogi !# 'is on eptions is i'port!nt to un"erst!n"ing !n" being !b#e to '!$e "e isions th!t i'p! t the #i&es of the stu"ents1 Mis on eptions !re pre&!#ent in the s ien es% where they !re p!rti u#!r#y troub#eso'e1 Sin e s ien e is b!se" on the &!#i"ity of pre&ious#y "eter'ine" i"e!s% the persisten e of ! 'is on eption within the #ogi of !n !rgu'ent '!y h!&e the !s !"ing effe t of the re!tion of se&er!# f!#se on #usions1 Mis on eptions in&o#&ing e o#ogi !# pheno'en! !re p!rti u#!r#y i'port!nt to o&er o'e% be !use e o#ogy te! hes stu"ents how they !re inf#uen e" by% !n" h!&e inf#uen e on% the e osyste's !n" the biosphere (4%*/0 A#though s ientifi #iter! y shou#" in re!se !s stu"ents t!$e s ien e ourses% it is o''on for stu"ents to ret!in 'is on eptions ()%*)01 @io#ogy on eptions !re often f!r 'ore "iffi u#t for stu"ents to gr!sp th!n bio#ogists i'!gine ()01 9urther'ore% 'is on eptions !re high#y resist!nt to h!nge !n"% onseAuent#y% tr!"ition!# te! hing is se#"o' effe ti&e ()% ,% 7% */% *,01 N!B&e !n" C'!gi !# be#iefsD ! t #i$e fi#ters !n" so !n !##ow "is onne te" f! ts !n" i"e!s through% but b#o $ out ! "eeper un"erst!n"ing of 'etho"s !n" wor#"=&iew (*01 O&er o'ing 'is on eptions is ru i!# to stu"ent #e!rning1 Ehen 'is on eptions !re h!##enge" "ire t#y !n" stu"ents pro&i"e" with opportunities to re= onstru t their wor#"=
&iew% the proportion of stu"ents !b#e to use s ien e on eptions to e2p#!in pheno'en! in re!ses signifi !nt#y ()01 9in" out 'ore !t Fow to o&er o'e 'is on eptions1 One of the best w!ys th!t stu"ents !n #e!rn ourse '!teri!# is by p#! ing the on epts into ! fr!'ewor$ th!t te##s ! story1 Ehen instru tors present e o#ogi !# on epts in the onte2t of ! #!rger pi ture% stu"ents !re 'ore #i$e#y to #e!rn !n" ret!in the infor'!tion presente" (-)01 Le!rn 'ore !bout !n" &iew ourse '!teri!#s for the Power of Story1
SELF TEST: Choose the best !nswer Guestion H* Varying the size of a population of a species: A) affects only other populations that are directly connected to it through a food chain. B) affects the entire ecosystem to some degree. C) does not affect the entire ecosystem because some organisms are not important. ) !ill affect all other organisms !ithin the ecosystem to the same degree. Guestion HOf the energy gained by any trophic level (i.e. producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, etc.), what percentage is typically transferred to the next trophic level A) "#$ %##& B) '#$(#& C) )#$*#& ) %#$+#& Guestion H8 !hat causes the seasons A) ,otation of the Earth on its a-is. B) .arying distance of the Earth from the Sun. C) Tilt of the Earth in relation to the Sun. ) Tilt and cur/ature of the Earth. Guestion H) !here do plants get their food A) They ma0e their o!n food internally1 mainly from a gas. B) They absorb it from the soil /ia the roots. C) They get it from ground !ater. ) They get it from the air !hich diffuses into pores in their lea/es. Guestion H/
Organisms higher in a food web: A) eat e/erything that is lo!er on the food !eb. B) ha/e more energy !ithin them than those lo!er in the food chain. C) are no more efficient in har/esting energy than those lo!er in the food chain. ) accumulate all of the energy that e-ists in the organisms that are lo!er in the food chain. Guestion H+ !hich of the following statements about adaptation is true A) Traits are de/eloped by indi/iduals in response to the needs of the indi/idual. B) Traits de/elop because they are part of a pre$determined plan. C) Traits are de/eloped across generations in response to en/ironmental demands. ) Traits are passed on by the bigger1 stronger indi/iduals that replace the smaller1 !ea0er ones. Guestion H, !hich of the following statements about tropical rainforests is accurate A) They ha/e soils that are rich in nutrients. B) They ha/e an impenetrable understory. C) They are particularly noisy !ith animal sounds. ) They ha/e !et and dry seasons. Guestion H7 !hich of the following statements regarding predator"prey relationships is accurate A) The relati/e si2es of predator and prey populations ha/e no bearing on the population si2e of the other. B) Both predator and prey ha/e e/ol/ed in response to selecti/e pressure from the other. C) 3redator$prey relationships center around a carni/ore eating a defenseless herbi/ore. ) 4f a prey species is depleted1 the predator !ill automatically s!itch to another prey species. Guestion H4 #opulations exist in states of: A) Either constant gro!th or decline1 depending on their position in the food chain. B) Constant gro!th. C) Constant e5uilibrium. ) Fluctuation around an a/erage si2e.
Answer * b Popu#!tion si;e of ! spe ies h!s "ire t !n" in"ire t effe ts on both other spe iesI popu#!tions !n" the en&iron'ent% whi h in turn !ffe ts yet other spe ies1 9ro' Munson *44)J K111peop#e shou#" un"erst!n" th!t !## org!nis's #i&e in ! syste' !n" th!t !## h!nges !re i'port!nt !n" h!&e effe ts on the syste'1K - " E o#ogi !# effi ien y of tr!nsfer of energy is re#!ti&e#y #ow1 9or e2!'p#e% not !## th!t !n !ni'!# e!ts !n be !ssi'i#!te"1 8 " Fow 'u h ! be!' of sun#ight is spre!" when it hits ! surf! e "eter'ines the he!t per unit !re!1 Therefore% both ti#t of the E!rth on its !2is !n" the E!rth !s ! sphere !ffe t he!ting of !n !re!% whi h in turn !ffe ts win" !n" pre ipit!tion p!tterns1 ) ! P#!nts !pture sun#ight% whi h pro&i"es energy th!t the p#!nts use to on&ert !rbon "io2i"e fro' the !ir into si'p#e !rbohy"r!tes Lsug!rM% whi h in turn is use" to '!$e o'p#e2 !rbohy"r!tes !n" other p#!nt pro"u ts1 / E o#ogi !# effi ien y of tr!nsfer of energy is #ow reg!r"#ess of trophi #e&e#1 + Tr!its !re geneti !##y b!se" !n" !ppe!r in in"i&i"u!#s !s ! resu#t of r!n"o' pro esses1 N!tur!# se#e tion inf#uen es the in re!sing or "e re!sing pre&!#en e of tr!its in ! popu#!tion1 So the "egree !n" type of "e&e#op'ent of ! tr!it "epen"s on the geneti '!teri!# !&!i#!b#e !n" the se#e ti&e pressures in the en&iron'ent o&er ti'e1 , " Tropi !# forests h!&e wetter !n" "rier se!sons% "ue to the E!rthIs ti#t on its !2is !using !nnu!# shift in where sunbe!' strength is 'ost intense% whi h in turn !ffe ts win" !n" pre ipit!tion p!tterns1 7 b Spe ies inter! tions ! t !s se#e ti&e pressures on both p#!yers1 4 " Popu#!tion si;e n!tur!##y f#u tu!tes !roun" the !rrying !p! ity of the en&iron'ent for th!t spe ies% !n" !rrying !p! ity of the en&iron'ent for ! spe ies is not onst!nt1 So popu#!tion si;e '!y o&er=shoot or un"er=shoot urrent !rrying !p! ity of the en&iron'ent% be !use !"Nust'ents in repro"u tion in response to resour es !re not inst!nt!neous Common Ecological 6isconceptions C#i $ on the #in$s be#ow to &iew 'is on eptions !bout th!t topi 1 Sin e '!ny of the 'is on eptions o&er 'ore th!n one topi % there is so'e o&er#!p in the #ists of 'is on eptions for the fo##owing topi s1 CA,,7489 CA3AC4T7 Mis on eption Spe ies oe2ist in !n e o#ogi !# syste' be !use of their o'p!tib#e nee"s !n" beh!&iorsJ they nee" to get !#ong1 Popu#!tions e2ist in st!tes of either onst!nt growth or "e #ine "epen"ing upon their position in ! foo" h!in1 So'e e osyste's !re #i'it#ess resour es !n" pro&i"e !n opportunity for #i'it#ess growth of ! popu#!tion1 The re#!ti&e si;es of prey !n" pre"!tor popu#!tions h!&e no be!ring on the si;e of the other1 :ensity="epen"ent f! tors !re bioti % !n" "ensity=in"epen"ent f! tors !re !bioti 1
Referen eO Munson *44* Munson *44* Munson *44* G!##egos et !#1 *44) L!&oie *44,
Popu#!tions in re!se unti# #i'its !re re! he"% then they r!sh !n" go e2tin t1 More herbi&ores th!n !rni&ores be !use peop#e $eep !n" bree" herbi&ores1
C:63ET4T4:8 Mis on eption Spe ies oe2ist in !n e o#ogi !# syste' be !use of their o'p!tib#e nee"s !n" beh!&iorsJ they nee" to get !#ong1 The nee"s !n" ro#es of ! spe ies !re gener!# !n" typi !# of spe ies1 Tr!its !re p!sse" on by the bigger% stronger org!nis's th!t rep#! e the s'!##er% we!$er ones1 ECOLOGICAL A:APTATION Mis on eption Tr!its !re "e&e#ope" by in"i&i"u!#s in response to the nee"s of the in"i&i"u!#1
Referen eO @ishop P An"erson *44.% C#ough P Eoo"=Robinson *47/ C#ough P Eoo" Robinson *47/ @ishop P An"erson *44. Munson *44* @ishop P An"erson *44. :IA&!n;o -..8
Tr!its "e&e#op be !use they !re p!rt of ! pre"eter'ine" p#!n1 Tr!its !re properties of popu#!tions !n"3or spe ies1 Tr!its !re p!sse" on by the bigger% stronger org!nis's th!t rep#! e the s'!##er% we!$er ones1 A spe ies h!nges be !use the org!nis's use or f!i# to use p!rti u#!r bo"y p!rts or !bi#ities1 A"!pt!tion eAu!#s e&o#ution
TFE ECOS>STEM Mis on eption V!rying the popu#!tion si;e of ! spe ies wi## on#y !ffe t the others th!t !re "ire t#y onne te" through ! foo" h!in1 V!rying the popu#!tion si;e of ! spe ies '!y not !ffe t !n Referen eO Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/% Munson *44* Munson *44*
e osyste'% be !use so'e org!nis's !re not i'port!nt1 V!rying the popu#!tion si;e of ! spe ies wi## !ffe t !## other org!nis's to the s!'e "egree1 Org!nis's higher in ! foo" web e!t e&erything th!t is #ower in the foo" web1 The top of the foo" h!in h!s the 'ost energy be !use it ! u'u#!tes up the h!in1 Popu#!tions higher on ! foo" web in re!se in nu'ber be !use they "ep#ete those #ower in the web1 Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/ Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/ A"eniyi *47/ Munson *44*
Tot!# bio'!ss for ! trophi #e&e# is gre!test !t the top of the foo" @reh' et !#1 *47+ web be !use the org!nis's !re #!rger1 E osyste's !re not ! fun tioning who#e% but si'p#y ! o##e tion of org!nis's1 Co''unities h!nge #itt#e o&er ti'e1 More herbi&ores th!n !rni&ores be !use peop#e $eep !n" bree" herbi&ores1 :e o'posers re#e!se so'e energy th!t is y #e" b! $ to p#!nts1 The nitrogen y #e is use" to pro&i"e energy for the !rbon y #e1 The !rbon y #e onsists of photosynthesis !n" respir!tion1 The nu'ber of pro"u ers is high to s!tisfy onsu'ers1 P#!nts "o not #i&e in w!ter1 P#!nts !re "epen"ent on peop#e% not &i e &ers!1 Energy is not #ost in trophi tr!nsfer1 An org!nis' !nnot h!nge trophi #e&e#s1 Fu'!ns pro&i"e foo" for other org!nis's1 @reh' et !#1 *47+ :IA&!n;o -..8 Le! h et !#1 *44+ L!&oie *44, L!&oie *44, L!&oie *44, Le! h et !#1 *44+ A"eniyi *47/ Eisen !n" St!&y *44:IA&!n;o -..8 L!&oie *44, Le! h et !#1 *44+
ENERG> 9LOE Mis on eption P#!nts t!$e in foo" fro' the outsi"e en&iron'ent% !n"3or p#!nts get their foo" fro' the soi# &i! roots1 Org!nis's higher in ! foo" web e!t e&erything th!t is #ower in the foo" web1 Referen eO @e## *47/% S'ith P An"erson *47) Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/
The top of the foo" h!in h!s the 'ost energy be !use it ! u'u#!tes up the h!in1 Popu#!tions higher on ! foo" web in re!se in si;e be !use they "ep#ete those #ower in the web1 More herbi&ores th!n !rni&ores be !use peop#e $eep !n" bree" herbi&ores1 :e o'posers re#e!se so'e energy th!t is y #e" b! $ to p#!nts1 The nu'ber of pro"u ers is high to s!tisfy onsu'ers1 P#!nts "o not #i&e in w!ter1 P#!nts !re "epen"ent on hu'!ns% not &i e &ers!1 C!rbon "io2i"e is ! sour e of energy for p#!nts1 Energy is not #ost in trophi tr!nsfer1 9OO: EE@S Mis on eption V!rying the popu#!tion si;e of spe ies wi## on#y !ffe t the others th!t !re "ire t#y onne te" through ! foo" h!in1 Green p#!nts !re the on#y pro"u ers of !rbohy"r!tes in e osyste's1 P#!nts t!$e in foo" fro' the outsi"e en&iron'ent% !n"3or p#!nts get their foo" fro' the soi# &i! roots1 9oo" webs !re interprete" !s si'p#e foo" h!ins1
A"eniyi *47/ Munson *44*% *44) Le! h et !#1 *44+ L!&oie *44, Le! h et !#1 *44+ A"eniyi *47/ Eisen !n" St!&y *44L!&oie *44, :IA&!n;o -..8
Referen eO Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/% Munson *44* Storey *474 @e## *47/% S'ith P An"erson *47) Munson *44*% Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/ Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/ A"eniyi *47/ Munson *44*% *44) G!##egos et !#1 *44) G!##egos et !#1 *44)
Org!nis's higher in ! foo" web e!t e&erything th!t is #ower in the foo" web1 The top of the foo" h!in h!s the 'ost energy be !use it ! u'u#!tes up the h!in1 Popu#!tions higher on ! foo" web in re!se in si;e% be !use they "ep#ete those #ower in the web1 The re#!ti&e si;es of prey !n" pre"!tor popu#!tions h!&e no be!ring on the si;e of other1 In ! foo" web% ! h!nge in si;e in one popu#!tion wi## on#y !ffe t !nother popu#!tion if the two popu#!tions !re "ire t#y re#!te" !s pre"!tor !n" prey1
More herbi&ores th!n !rni&ores be !use peop#e $eep !n" bree" herbi&ores1 P#!nts !re "epen"ent on hu'!ns% not &i e &ers!1 An org!nis' !nnot h!nge trophi #e&e#s1 Fu'!ns pro&i"e foo" for other org!nis's1 9oo" h!ins in&o#&e pre"!tor !n" prey% but not pro"u ers1 C!rni&ores !re big !n"3or fero ious1 Ferbi&ores !re p!ssi&e !n"3or s'!##er1 C!rni&ores h!&e 'ore energy or power th!n herbi&ores "o1 LIMITING 9ACTORS Mis on eption A## f! tors !re #i'iting% e2 ept the 'ost !bun"!nt one1 The 'ost #i'iting f! tor is the #e!st !bun"!nt one1 NICFE Mis on eption The nee"s !n" ro#es of ! spe ies !re gener!# !n" typi !# of spe ies1 Spe ies oe2ist in !n e o#ogi !# syste' be !use of their o'p!tib#e nee"s !n" beh!&iorsJ they Cget !#ong1D PLANT=FER@IVORE INTERACTIONS Mis on eption P#!nts !nnot "efen" the'se#&es !g!inst herbi&ores1 Spi es "onIt h!&e !ny p!rti u#!r fun tion in p#!nts1 So'e p#!nts pro"u e !ffeine be !use they nee" it for their own 'et!bo#is'1 P#!nts !nnot "efen" the'se#&es !g!inst p!thogens1 E2 ept for p#!nt to2ins% the Au!#ity of foo" for herbi&ores is the s!'e !s th!t for !rni&ores1 Most inse t herbi&ores wi## e!t ! &!riety of p#!nt spe ies1
Le! h et !#1*44+ Eisen !n" St!&y *44L!&oie *44, Le! h et !#1 *44+ G!##egos et !#1 *44) G!##egos et !#1 *44) A"eniyi *47/
Referen eO St!'p -..) St!'p -..) St!'p -..) St!'p -..) St!'p -..) St!'p -..)
POPULATIONS Mis on eption Popu#!tions oe2ist in !n e o#ogi !# syste' be !use of their o'p!tib#e nee"s !n" beh!&iorsJ they nee" to get !#ong1 Popu#!tions e2ist in st!tes of either onst!nt growth or "e #ine "epen"ing upon their position in ! foo" h!in1 So'e e osyste's !re #i'it#ess resour es !n" pro&i"e !n opportunity for #i'it#ess growth of ! popu#!tion1
Popu#!tions higher on ! foo" web in re!se in si;e be !use they Munson *44*% *44) "ep#ete those #ower in the web1 The re#!ti&e si;es of prey !n" pre"!tor popu#!tions h!&e no be!ring on the si;e of the other1 G!##egos et !#1 *44)
In ! foo" web% ! h!nge of si;e in one popu#!tion wi## on#y !ffe t G!##egos et !#1 *44) !nother popu#!tion if the two popu#!tions !re "ire t#y re#!te" !s pre"!tor !n" prey1 The nu'ber of pro"u ers is high to s!tisfy onsu'ers1 :ensity="epen"ent f! tors !re bioti % !n" "ensity=in"epen"ent f! tors !re !bioti 1 Popu#!tions in re!se unti# #i'its !re re! he"% then they r!sh !n" go e2tin t1 V!rying the popu#!tion si;e of ! spe ies wi## on#y !ffe t the others th!t !re "ire t#y onne te" through ! foo" h!in1 V!rying the popu#!tion si;e of !n org!nis' wi## !ffe t !## other org!nis's to the s!'e "egree1 L!&oie *44, L!&oie *44, M Co'!s -..Griffiths P Gr!nt *47/% Munson *44* Munson *44*
Nu'ber of pro"u ers Lor p#!ntsM is #!rge so to s!tisfy onsu'ers Le! h et !#1 *44+ L!ni'!#sM1 More herbi&ores th!n !rni&ores be !use peop#e $eep !n" bree" herbi&ores1 PRE:ATOR>=PRE> INTERACTION Mis on eption The re#!ti&e si;es of prey !n" pre"!tor popu#!tions h!&e no be!ring on the si;e of the other1 In ! foo" web% ! h!nge in si;e in one popu#!tion wi## on#y !ffe t !nother popu#!tion if the two popu#!tions !re "ire t#y re#!te" !s pre"!tor !n" prey1 Org!nis's higher in ! foo" web e!t e&erything th!t is #ower in the foo" web1 Le! h et !#1 *44+
Popu#!tions higher on ! foo" web in re!se in nu'ber% be !use they "ep#ete those #ower in the web1 The nu'ber of pro"u ers is high to s!tisfy onsu'ers1 K@!#!n e of n!tureK refers to popu#!tions of pre"!tors !n" prey being si'i#!r in si;e1 9oo" h!ins in&o#&e pre"!tor !n" prey% but not pro"u ers1 C!rni&ores !re big !n"3or fero ious1 Ferbi&ores !re p!ssi&e !n"3or s'!##er1 C!rni&ores h!&e 'ore energy or power th!n herbi&ores "o1 P#!nts !re we!$ !n" !nnot "efen" the'se#&es1 PRO:UCERS L9or the 'ost p!rt Q p#!ntsM Mis on eption P#!nts t!$e in foo" fro' the outsi"e en&iron'ent% !n"3or p#!nts get their foo" fro' the soi# &i! roots1 C!rbon "io2i"e is ! sour e of energy for p#!nts1
Munson *44*% *44) Le! h et !#1 *44+ @reh' et !#1 *47+ G!##egos et !#1 *44) G!##egos et !#1 *44) A"eniyi *47/ :IA&!n;o -..8
The pro ess of photosynthesis pro&i"es p#!nts with their energy1 L!&oie *44, Energy !n be use" o&er !n" o&er !g!in to power the C!#&in y #e1 Photosynthesis o urs in p#!nts !n" respir!tion o urs in !ni'!#s1 Respir!tion is the re&erse of photosynthesis1 :e o'posers re#e!se so'e energy th!t is y #e" b! $ to p#!nts1 The nu'ber of pro"u ers is high to s!tisfy onsu'ers1 P#!nts "o not #i&e in w!ter1 P#!nts !re "epen"ent on hu'!ns% not &i e &ers!1 L!&oie *44, L!&oie *44, L!&oie *44, L!&oie *44, Le! h et !#1 *44+ A"eniyi *47/ Eisen !n" St!&y *44-
SUCCESSION Mis on eption Su ession in&o#&es sep!r!te st!ges #e!"ing u#ti'!te#y to ! "eter'inisti #i'!21
Co''unities h!nge #itt#e o&er ti'e1 Eithout hu'!n inter&ention% o#" fie#"s either re'!in #!rge#y b!rren or in ! perpetu!# st!te of wee"y growth1 Soi# "e re!ses in ferti#ity o&er ti'e1 Soi# is ferti#e on#y if hu'!ns inter&ene1 As su ession progresses% o''unity is h!r! teri;e" by bigger p#!nts !n" bigger !ni'!#s1 The #i'!2 o''unity is usu!##y the fin!# st!ge% #ong=#!sting% !n" se#f=perpetu!ting1
:IA&!n;o -..8 @reh' et !#1 *47+ @reh' et !#1 *47+ @reh' et !#1 *47+ @reh' et !#1 *47+ Gibson *44+
RE9ERENCES AN: RESOURCES Referen es %. Ange#o TA% Cross RP L*448M C#!ssroo' Assess'ent Te hniAuesJ A F!n"boo$ for Co##ege Te! hers% -n" e"1 <ossey=@!ss% S!n 9r!n is o +. Augustine N L*447M Eh!t we "on6t $now "oes hurt us1 Fow s ientifi i##iter! y hobb#es so iety1 S ien e -,4J *+).=*+)* ). @e## @ L*47/M Stu"ents6 i"e!s !bout p#!nt nutritionJ wh!t !re they? <ourn!# of @io#ogi !# E"u !tion *4J -*8=-*7 *. @ishop @A% An"erson CE L*44.M Stu"ent on eptions of n!tur!# se#e tion !n" its ro#e in e&o#ution1 <ourn!# of Rese!r h in S ien e Te! hing -,J)*/=)-, ;. @reh' S% An"erson CE% :u@!y < L*47+M E o#ogyJ ! te! hing 'o"u#e1 The Institute for Rese!r h on Te! hing1 Mi hig!n St!te Uni&ersity% E!st L!nsing% MI '. @ybee% R L*448M An instru tion!# 'o"e# for s ien e e"u !tion1 In :e&e#oping @io#ogi !# Liter! y1 @io#ogi !# S ien e Curri u#u' Stu"y% Co#or!"o Springs (. Chinn CA% @rewer E9 L*448M The ro#e of !no'!#ous "!t! in $now#e"ge ! AuisitionJ ! theoreti !# fr!'ewor$ !n" i'p#i !tions for s ien e e"u !tion1 Re&iew of E"u !tion!# Rese!r h +8J*=)4 <. Cobern EE L*44)M PointJ be#ief% un"erst!n"ing% !n" the te! hing of e&o#ution1 <ourn!# of Rese!r h in S ien e Te! hing 8*J/78=/4. ". :6A&!n;o C L-..8M App#i !tion of rese!r h on #e!rning to o##ege te! hingJ e o#ogi !# e2!'p#es1 @ios ien e /8J**-*=**-7 %#. :e'!stes S% E!n"ersee <F L*44-M @io#ogi !# #iter! y in ! o##ege bio#ogy #!ssroo'1 @ios ien e )-J +8=+/ %%. :ri&er R L*47*M Pupi#s6 !#tern!ti&e fr!'ewor$s in s ien e1 Europe!n <ourn!# of S ien e E"u !tion 8J 48=*.* %+. Eyster LS% T!shiro <S L*44,M Using '!nipu#!ti&es to te! h Au!ntit!ti&e on epts in e o#ogyJ ! h!n"s=on 'etho" for "ete ting !n" orre ting 'is on eptions !bout #i'iting f! tors in eutrophi !tion !n" &eget!ri!nis'1 A'eri !n @io#ogy Te! her /4L+MJ8+.=8+) %). Gi#bert <R% Osborne R<% 9ensh!' P< L*47-M Chi#"ren6s s ien e !n" its onseAuen es for te! hing1 S ien e E"u !tion ++J +-8=+881 %*. Fewson P% Fewson M L*477M An !ppropri!te on eption of te! hing s ien eJ ! &iew fro' stu"ies of s ien e #e!rning1 S ien e E"u !tion ,-L/MJ/4,=+*) %;. <ohnson RL% Peep#es EE L*47,M The ro#e of s ientifi un"erst!n"ing in o##egeJ
stu"ent ! ept!n e of e&o#ution1 A'eri !n @io#ogy Te! her )4J48=4+ %'. Rh!#i" T L-..-M Pre=ser&i e te! hers6 'is on eptions reg!r"ing three en&iron'ent!# issues1 C!n!"i!n <ourn!# of En&iron'ent!# E"u !tion +J in press %(. Munson @F L*44)M E o#ogi !# 'is on eptions1 <ourn!# of En&iron'ent!# E"u !tion -/L)MJ8.=8) %<. No&!$ <: L*4,,M A Theory of E"u !tion1 Corne## Uni&ersity Press% Ith! !% N> %". Posner G<% Stri$e RA% Fewson PE% Gert;og EA L*47-M A o''o"!tion of ! s ientifi on eptionJ tow!r" ! theory of on eptu!# h!nge1 S ien e E"u !tion ++J-**=--, +#. Rut#e"ge ML% Mit he## MA L-..-M Figh s hoo# bio#ogy te! hers6 $now#e"ge stru ture% ! ept!n e P te! hing of e&o#ution1 A'eri !n @io#ogy Te! her +)L*MJ-*=-, +%. Sun"berg M: L-..8M Str!tegies to he#p stu"ents h!nge n!B&e !#tern!ti&e on eptions !bout e&o#ution !n" n!tur!# se#e tion1 Reports of the N!tion!# Center for S ien e E"u !tion -8 LM!r=AprMJ -8=-+ ++. St!ub NL L-..-M Te! hing e&o#ution!ry 'e h!nis'sJ geneti "rift !n" MPM6s1 @ioS ien e /-J8,8=8,, +). Tre!gust :9 L*477M :e&e#op'ent !n" use of "i!gnosti tests to e&!#u!te stu"ents6 'is on eptions in s ien e1 Intern!tion!# <ourn!# of S ien e E"u !tion *.J*/4=*+4 +*. Ei#son EO L-..-M The power of story1 A'eri !n E"u !tor -7J 7=** +;. Ei#son <A L-..*M Pseu"os ientifi be#iefs !'ong o##ege stu"ents1 Report of the N!tion!# Center for S ien e E"u !tion -*J4=*8 +'. L!&oie :R L*44,M Using ! 'o"ifie" on ept '!pping str!tegy to i"entify stu"entsI !#tern!ti&e s ientifi un"erst!n"ings of bio#ogy1 P!per present!tion !t N!tion!# Asso i!tion for Rese!r h in S ien e Te! hing% Annu!# 'eeting !t Chi !go% IL% M!r h -*=-)1 +(. M Co'!s E9 L-..-M The i"e!# en&iron'ent!# s ien e urri u#u'J I1 history% r!tion!#es% 'is on eptions P st!n"!r"s1 The A'eri !n @io#ogy Te! her +)J ++/=+,-1 +<.Leach =1 ri/er ,1 Scott 31 >ood$,obinson C ?%""') Children@s ideas about ecology ): ideas found in children aged ;$%' about the interdependency of organisms. 4nternational =ournal of Science Education %<: %+"$%*%. +". Adeniyi E: ?%"<;) 6isconceptions of selected ecological concepts held by some 8igerian students. =ournal of Biological Education %": )%%$)%'. )#. Eisen 71 Sta/y , ?%""+) 6aterial cycles in nature: a ne! approach to teaching photosynthesis in Aunior high school. The American Biology Teacher ;*: ))"$)*+. )%. 9allegos L1 =ere2ano 6E1 Flores F ?%""*) 3recoceptions and relations used by children in the construction of food chains. =ournal of ,esearch in Science Teaching )%: +;"$+(+. )+. 9ibson = ?%""') Te-tboo0 misconceptions: the clima- concept of succession. The American Biology Teacher ;<: %);$%*#. )). La!son AE1 Thompson L ?%"<<) Formal reasoning ability and misconceptions concerning genetics and natural selection. =ournal of ,esearch in Science Teaching +;: ())$(*'. O&er&iew of our use of the Power of Story St!'p N% Ar'strong M L-../M Using KThe Power of StoryK to o&er o'e e o#og !# 'is on eptions !n" bui#" sophisti !te" un"erst!n"ing1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! 7+ L8MJ *,,=*781 St!'p N% Robinson :% Urb!n R L-..,M The E&erg#!"es power=of=story /E=te! hing unit1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri !% in press Other sour es not referen e"
St!'p NE L*44+M Getting the 'ess!ges of e o#ogy ! ross to un"ergr!"u!tes1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! ,,J 7+=7,1 St!'p NE L*44+M Cooper!ti&e #e!rning e2er ises in e o#ogy for un"ergr!"u!tes1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! ,,J */-=*/81 St!'p N L-..)M Mis on eptions !bout p#!nt=herbi&ore inter! tions% espe i!##y p#!nt "efenses1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! 7/L)MJ -.*=-./1 St!'p N% OI@rien T L-../M GR*- p!rtnershipJ ! 'o"e# to !"&!n e h!nge in s ien e e"u !tion1 @ioS ien e //J ,.=,,1 St!'p N L-../M The prob#e' with the 'ess!ges of p#!nt=herbi&ore inter! tions in e o#ogy te2tboo$s1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! 7+ L*MJ -,=8*1 St!'p N% Ar'strong M% @iger < L-..+M E o#ogi !# 'is on eptions% sur&ey IIIJ The h!##enge of i"entifying sophisti !te" un"erst!n"ing1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! 7,L-MJ*+7= *,/1 Lin$s 6isconceptions @!$er V L-..)M @eyon" !ppe!r!n eJ Stu"entsI 'is on eptions !bout b!si i"e!sJ A report prep!re" for the Roy!# So iety of Che'istry http:BB!!!.chemsoc.orgBpdfBLearn8etBrscBmiscon.pdf :uit R L-..+M @ib#iogr!phy STCSE !t Leibni; Institute for S ien e E"u !tion httpJ33www1ipn1uni=$ie#1"e3!$tue##3st se3st se1ht'# Mis e##!neous sour e '!teri!# on 'is on eptions httpJ33"ep!rt'ents1weber1e"u3s ien e enter3 h ttpJ33www1newyor$s ien ete! her1 o'3"ef!u#t3N>ST3Site3Mis on eptions1ht' httpJ33www1en 1org3fo us3'is on eptions httpJ33www1hunte#1net3rsweet#!n"3s ien e3'is on eptions httpJ33en1wi$ipe"i!1org3wi$i3S ientifi S'is on eptions /E Te! hing Cy #e httpJ33bio#ogy1bingh!'ton1e"u3nsf$*httpJ33'!n;!no1!ps1e"u3s ien e3 urri u#u'3p#!nning1sht'# httpJ33www1bs s1org3#ibr!ry3@SCSS/ESInstru tion!#SAppro! hS<u#yS.+1p"f httpJ33e o'is on eptions1bingh!'ton1e"u3intro1ht' he'i !#
FOE TO OVERCOME MISCONCEPTIONS OVERVIEE Te! hers '!y fin" it "iffi u#t to o&er o'e stu"ent 'is on eptions% sin e stu"ents often try to fit new i"e!s into the f!u#ty fr!'ewor$ they possess% whi h is !use" by the persisten e of 'is on eptions1 In or"er to effe ti&e#y te! h stu"ents% e"u !tors 'ust he#p stu"ents to o&er o'e their 'is on eptions by "i!gnosing the 'is on eptions% re!ting "iss!tisf! tion with the 'is on eptions% !n" pro&i"ing opportunities to pr! ti e the go!# on eptions (/01 Tr!"ition!# 'etho"s of instru tion Leg1 #!ss=#ong #e turingM !re not suffi ient in o&er o'ing stu"ent 'is on eptions (*4%-*%-801 Most s ien e f! u#ty t!$e their te! hing serious#y but h!&e #itt#e or no b! $groun" in the pe"!gogi !# issues of s ien e e"u !tion !t the uni&ersity #e&e#1 This prob#e' is o'poun"e" by the #i'ite" ti'e th!t 'ost f! u#ty !n "e&ote to e2p#or!tion of the s ien e e"u !tion #iter!ture for new !ppro! hes to te! hing1 In !""ition% f! u#ty often "o not h!&e ti'e to ferret out the 'is on eptions of stu"ents !n" "e&e#op w!ys to h!##enge those% both of whi h !re Auite ti'e= onsu'ing t!s$s1 ConseAuent#y% few f! u#ty "e#iber!te#y i"entify !n" h!##enge su h 'is on eptions% e&en though there is ! pro&en fr!'ewor$ for th!t1 Th!t fr!'ewor$ is the /E te! hing y #e (+01 /E Metho" of instru tionJ In *474 the @io#ogi !# S ien e Curri u#u' Stu"y L@SCSM group "e&e#ope" the /E Mo"e# of instru tion1 The /E y #e *M fo uses on '!Nor 'is on eptions% -M begins with !n 5eng!ge6 ph!se th!t reAuires ! ti&e p!rti ip!tion by stu"ents% 8M 'o&es to !""ition!# ph!ses th!t "e&e#op !n" e2p!n" the infor'!tion !n" i"e!s% )M but with 'u h of the !rti u#!tion "one by the stu"ents% !n" /M en"s with !n 5e&!#u!te6 ph!se th!t e'ph!si;es stu"ent synthesis !n"3or !pp#i !tion% p#us se#f=!ssess'ent% 'ore th!n gr!"e reports1 The /E #e!rning3te! hing y #e is b!se" on the inter! ti&e e2p#or!tion of ! on ept1 :uring this in&estig!tion% stu"ents bui#" on for'er on epts in or"er to p#! e the new i"e!s into their wor$ing fr!'ewor$ of $now#e"ge1 The y #e p!rt of this 'etho" refers to the nee" to re&isit 'is on eptions !n" reinfor e on eptions within ! ourse !n" ! ross ourses Lor gr!"e #e&e#sM% whi h is ne essit!te" by the "iffi u#ty in "isp#! ing 'is on eptions1 On e the new on ept is in p#! e% it !n then be use" !s the foun"!tion for #e!rning new on epts1 Gi&en this ontinu!# bui#"ing of the $now#e"ge fr!'ewor$% the prob#e' of persisting 'is on eptions be o'es &ery #e!r1 If ! stu"ent6s $now#e"ge !n" future #e!rning is b!se" on the &!#i"ity of their pre&ious #e!rne" on epts% !n" one Lor 'oreM of those on epts is f!u#ty% then the stu"ent '!y h!&e "iffi u#ty #e!rning new infor'!tion1 The ; ECs of the model are: Engage1 E-plore1 E-plain1 Elaborate1 and E/aluate1 ENGAGEJ :uring this st!ge% the instru tor piAues the stu"ent6s interest in the subNe t '!tter by !s$ing Auestions% pro&i"ing !n interesting or unusu!# e&ent% !n"3or pro&i"ing "is rep!nt e&ents1 This is not the ti'e to e2p#!in or "efine on epts% pro&i"e !nswers% or #e ture1 The point of this st!ge is to gener!te enough interest in the subNe t !t h!n" to prope# the stu"ent into the #e!rning pro ess% whi h fo##ows with the re'!ining st!ges1 A $ey to su essfu# /E y #es is the 5eng!ge6 ph!se% whi h whene&er possib#e '!$es use of 5"is rep!nt e&ents61 9or #!rge enro##'ent #e ture ourses% it is 'u h e!sier to on"u t #!ssroo' "e'onstr!tions th!t pro&i"e h!##enges to 'is on eptions in physi s !n" he'istry th!n it is in bio#ogy% espe i!##y in e o#ogy !n" e&o#ution1 Fowe&er% "is rep!nt e&ents !n be "one &i! !n!#ogies th!t '!$e use of si'p#e% ine2pensi&e '!nipu#!ti&e (*-%--0% or !n!#ogies or re!# e&ents th!t !n be shown in -=/ 'inute &i"eo= #ips1
ETPLOREJ In the e2p#ore st!ge% stu"ents h!&e !n opportunity to wor$ through the prob#e' to be o'e f!'i#i!r with it by using so'e h!n"s=on 'o"e#% "is ussion% or #ogi !# thought pro esses1 Instru tors here !n !s$ "ire ting Auestions% pro&i"e 'ini'!# onsu#t!tion% !n" obser&e !n" #isten to stu"ent inter! tions1 Instru tors shou#" not pro&i"e !nswers% ritiAue stu"ents% or #e ture e2tensi&e#y1 The fo us of this o'ponent is for the stu"ent to be o'e f!'i#i!r with the wor$ings of the prob#e' !n" gener!te further interest in the subNe t1 ETPLAINJ :uring the e2p#!ining st!ge% stu"ents wi## begin to use !n" un"erst!n" the orre t ter'ino#ogy surroun"ing the subNe t1 Stu"ents !re for'!##y pro&i"e" with "efinitions% e2p#!n!tions% !n" re#!tionships !s they pert!in to the on ept1 Stu"ents '!y sti## be en our!ge" to wor$ with h!n"s=on '!teri!#s% !n" p!rti ip!te in group wor$ !n" #!ss "is ussions1 Instru tors shou#" not intro"u e unre#!te" '!teri!#% but shou#" orre t 'is on eptions L!#tern!ti&e on eptionsM1 ELA@ORATEJ In this st!ge% stu"ents use wh!t they h!&e #e!rne" to so#&e the initi!# Auestion% !s we## !s others th!t !re si'i#!r in n!ture1 :uring this st!ge% stu"ents shou#" be !b#e to use the on epts intro"u e" "uring the E2p#!in st!ge to so#&e new prob#e's1 Instru tors shou#" #isten for the orre t on ept !n" &o !bu#!ry us!ge% !n" pro&i"e "ire ti&e Auestions1 EVALUATEJ :uring this st!ge% instru tors !n !ssess their stu"ents6 !bi#ity to use the on epts orre t#y1 This '!y be "one through ! &!riety of pro esses Le1g1 tests% inter&iews% obser&!tions% !pstone proNe ts% et 1M1 A#tern!ti&e#y% stu"ents !n !ssess their own progress &i! ! se#f=e&!#u!tion1 Te! hers shou#" !&oi" testing for iso#!te" f! ts% but r!ther they shou#" !s$ Auestions th!t "eter'ine if stu"ents !n "is uss !n" !pp#y the on epts o&ere"1
OUR RESEARCF The go!#s of this proNe t !re to "e&e#op te! hing units for #!rge enro##'ent ourses th!t !""ress 'is on eptions in e o#ogy !n" e&o#ution !n"% thus% "e&e#op ! new prototype of ! pr! ti e !n" pro"u t for su h ourses1 The on eptu!# fo us of this proNe t is !pp#i !tion of the /E y #e of instru tion% whi h refers to #essons bui#t on y #es of Ceng!ge% e2p#ore% e2p#!in% e#!bor!te !n" e&!#u!teD1 I'p#i it in the /E y #e is i"entifi !tion of !n" h!##enge to 'is on eptions1 9or e2!'p#e% the 5eng!ge6 ph!se typi !##y in #u"es ! "is rep!nt e&ent to h!##enge ! 'is on eption1 The ter' 5 y #e6 refers to the nee" to re=!tt! $ 'is on eptions in subseAuent y #es Lbut not ne ess!ri#y in the s!'e unit or ourseM be !use they !re so resist!nt to h!nge1 St!'p N% Ar'strong M L-../M Using KThe Power of StoryK to o&er o'e e o#og !# 'is on eptions !n" bui#" sophisti !te" un"erst!n"ing1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! 7+ L8MJ *,,=*781 St!'p N% Ar'strong M% @iger < L-..+M E o#ogi !# 'is on eptions% sur&ey IIIJ The h!##enge of i"entifying sophisti !te" un"erst!n"ing1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri ! 7,L-MJ*+7= *,/1 St!'p N% Robinson :% Urb!n R L-..,M The E&erg#!"es power=of=story /E=te! hing unit1 @u##etin of the E o#ogi !# So iety of A'eri !% in press EDA63LE :F E:> T: 463LE6E8T $ 48T,: FCT4:8 TEE 3:>E, :F ST:,7 CThe power of storyD refers to using non=fi tion!# ! ounts of s ien e on&eye" !s CstoryD to eng!ge stu"ents6 e'otion !n" i'!gin!tion1 Rese!r h in ognition shows th!t% CStoryte##ing is not so'ething we Nust h!ppen to "o1 It is so'ething we &irtu!##y h!&e to "o if we w!nt to re'e'ber !nything !t !##1D (*.0 Ehether in ! te2tboo$ or in ! #e ture ourse% ! few stories th!t !re presente" in "et!i#% tying together e o#ogi !# on epts !n" fr!'e" #e!r#y !s e2!'p#es th!t i##ustr!te o''on the'es% wou#" be 'ore effe ti&e then short e2!'p#es for e! h on ept1 Su h stories !n better "e'onstr!te the in re!sing#y sophisti !te" un"erst!n"ing th!t we h!&e !bout e o#ogy% for e2!'p#e% !s out#ine" by O"u' (**0 !n" Sin #!ir (*-0% but se#"o' !pp!rent to stu"ents using the urrent e o#ogy te2tboo$s1 9urther'ore% su h stories '!y inspire stu"ents to see$ ! !reer in e o#ogy !n" with ! better un"erst!n"ing of the ontributions nee"e"1 Su h stories !n be "e&e#ope" fro' the we!#th of rese!r h th!t h!s been on"u te" on p!rti u#!r syste's1 @e#ow !re so'e e2!'p#es1 E! h e2!'p#e h!s ! brief synopsis of the story% whi h is entere" on p#!nt=herbi&ore inter! tions !n" with !n e'ph!sis on #ong=ter'% o'p#e2 e osyste'=#e&e# onseAuen es1 None of the stories !re 'e!nt to be o'p#ete Li1e1% in #u"e !## th!t is $nown !bout the syste' or ! $now#e"ge the '!ny peop#e who ontribute" to the urrent un"erst!n"ingM% !n" on#y so'e referen es !n be pro&i"e"1 E2!'p#e of how to i'p#e'ent ObjectiveJ The obNe ti&e is to go we## beyon" the si'p#isti present!tion in te2tboo$s of e osyste's !n" foo" webs1 Co##ege stu"ents !re fu##y !p!b#e of re!"ing the te2tboo$1 Re&iewing th!t or presenting 'ore e2!'p#es in #e ture "oes not 'o&e the' tow!r" the sophisti !te" #e&e# of un"erst!n"ing th!t we e o#ogists h!&e1 Te##ing the' !bout the o'p#e2ity is not suffi ient1 Stu"ents h!&e to gr!pp#e with it 'ent!##y% !n" this !n be ! o'p#ishe" in #!ssroo's by h!&ing stu"ents the'se#&es on&ert the f! ts to on eptu!# re#!tionships1 An integr!# p!rt of this is stu"ents !rti u#!ting their thoughts to others1 On e the stu"ents h!&e been through one e2!'p#e of this% they un"erst!n" how to !tt! $ !nother e2!'p#e% !n" so it pro ee"s 'ore r!pi"#y1
Conceptual approachJ The C#e ture hourD stru ture is b!se" on the /=E #e!rning3te! hing y #e (*01 /E refers to fi&e ph!sesJ eng!ge% e2p#ore% e2p#!in% e#!bor!te !n" e&!#u!te1 CCy #eD refers to the nee" to re&isit or reinfor e on epts L!n" re= h!##enge pre on eptions !n" 'is on eptionsM1 This powerfu# 'etho" is p!rti u#!r#y usefu# for i"entifying% h!##enging !n" rep#! ing 'is on eptions1 A#though it is usu!##y !pp#ie" to inAuiry=b!se" !n" h!n"s=on ! ti&ities% it is Nust !s usefu# !n" !ppropri!te for 'in"s=on ! ti&ities !n"% thus% for #!rge enro##'ent o##ege ourses1 The pri'!ry 'in"s=on ! ti&ities use" here !re on ept '!ps !n" p!ir=!n"=sh!re1 The &!#ue of these h!s been we## "e'onstr!te"% !n" &!rious suggestions for i'p#e'enting the' !re "es ribe" e#sewhere (-% 8% )01 Mechanics of course relative to this kind of exerciseJ Fow 'u h ti'e it t!$es for this e2er ise "epen"s on the si;e of the #!ss% the b! $groun" of stu"ents% re!"ing !ssign'ents in support of the e2er ise% how 'u h of the wor$ of the e2er ise is "one outsi"e of the #!ssroo'% !n" interests of stu"ents Lor ti'e spent on "is ussions !n"3or t!ngentsM1 Ee !ssign re!"ings for three purposesJ *M !s re&iew Lusu!##y fro' ! te2tboo$M to '!$e sure e&eryone Lin theoryM st!rts !t the s!'e p#! e Le1g1% this e2er ise is use" in ! sopho'ore ourse !n" sin e !s fresh'en they h!" intro"u tory bio#ogy with ! goo" foun"!tion of e&o#ution% the topi of Cn!tur!# se#e tionD is onsi"ere" re&iew% 'e!ning they !re responsib#e for the '!teri!# in the te2tboo$ but we "on6t #e ture !bout it per seM% -M e o#ogi !# on eptu!# "e&e#op'ent Li1e1% stu"ents !re to re!" Lusu!##y spe ifi se tions fro' ! te2tboo$M !bout on epts for un"erst!n"ing% !n" so 'ost of this re!"ing is !ssigne" !t the E2p#!in ph!seM% !n" 8M Ceng!gingD !rti #es th!t show how e o#ogists thin$% wh!t they "o to !nswer Auestions% how our un"erst!n"ing of the biosphere h!s "e&e#ope"% wh!t we "on6t $now but nee" to fin" out% et 1 Ee h!&e stu"ents "o !s 'u h of the wor$ of the e2er ise outsi"e of #!ss !s possib#e1 On=#ine ourse '!n!ge'ent softw!re Le1g1% @#! $bo!r"M gre!t#y f! i#it!tes th!t1 Ee !i' for -1/ hours of fo use" out=of= #!ss wor$ !n" re!"ing per re"it hour per wee$1 Ee e'ph!si;e ! ste!"y C"ietD of wor$ !n" re!"ing to reinfor e the 'ini=#e ture="is ussion for'!t of the #e ture perio" r!ther th!n 'e'ori;!tion L!n" r!''ingM before the e&!#u!tion ph!se1 Ee rew!r" #!ss !tten"!n e !n" p!rti ip!tion1 Ee "o not gr!"e on ! ur&eU we gr!"e for '!stery of '!teri!# !n" o'peten e in !pp#i !tion1 In theory% e&eryone !n get !n CAD1 Ee set ! high st!n"!r"% !n" either h!&e ! Cpr! ti e e&!#u!tionD Le2!'M e!r#y in the ourse% or !##ow stu"ents to "rop the #owest e&!#u!tion3e2!' gr!"e1 Setting the stageJ @egin by setting the st!ge for this type of e2er ise1 9or inst!n e% we te## the stu"ents !t the outset of our e o#ogy ourse th!t the go!# of the ourse is to "eter'ine wh!t it t!$es to put together !n"3or sust!in ! he!#thy% fun tion!# e osyste'1 If we !n un"erst!n" th!t% then we !n !s$ wh!t it t!$es to put together !n"3or sust!in ! he!#thy% fun tion!# set of e osyste's% or ! biosphere1 An" we $eep re'in"ing the stu"ents !bout this go!# throughout the ourse1 E2!'p#es of how to i'p#e'ent the power of storyJ E!stern "e i"uous forestJ Ly'e "ise!se% '!sting% !n" gypsy 'oths E!stern "e i"uous forestJ Mutu!#is's !n" nutrient y #ing Out#ines for E!stern "e i"uous forest '!teri!# Referen es for Power of Story e2!'p#es S!'p#e on ept '!ps
ETAMPLE O9 USING TFE POEER O9 STOR> J EASTERN :ECI:UOUS 9OREST = L>ME :ISEASE% MASTING P G>PS> MOTFS E-ample of using the po!er of story: Eastern deciduous forest L9or stu"ents in !nother region of the USA or wor#"% it 'ight be better to st!rt with the e osyste' for whi h they !re 'ost f!'i#i!r1M 3re$assessment: As$ stu"ents to "r!w #!be#e" bo2es !n" !rrows with !"N! ent phr!ses to i##ustr!te the re#!tionship of these org!nis's fro' !n e!stern "e i"uous forest LUSAMJ gypsy 'oth% "eer% white=foote" 'i e% white o!$% re" o!$% re" '!p#e% e!rthwor'% thrush Lsongbir"M1 The "r!wing is ! on ept '!p of ! foo" web1 It wi## be r!ther sp!rse !t the outset1 Stu"ents '!y !"" other entities if they wish1 They shou#" use #ines to #in$ entities% !n" !"" ! "es ripti&e phr!se by the #in$1 The stu"ents shou#" $eep ! opy of e&ery '!p gener!te" in the ourse% !s ! re or" of their progress1 Stu"ent ref#e tion !bout their '!ps wi## be !n i'port!nt p!rt of their #e!rning1 ;E cycle G% 6aAor conceptsJ Popu#!tion growth% y #es !n" 'o"e#s ,unning themesJ e&o#ution of e osyste's% hu'!n i'p! t% intro"u e" spe ies% spe ies Linterspe ifi M inter! tions% #ife history tr!its Engage phase1 part %J Ly'e "ise!se L !use" by ! spiro heteM w!s first "is o&ere" in *4,, in Conne ti ut1 Ly'e "ise!se is tr!ns'itte" by ti $s% whi h nor'!##y use 'i e% s'!## bir"s !n" "eer !s hosts1 Ly'e "ise!se is now the 'ost i'port!nt &e tor=tr!ns'itte" "ise!se in the USA1 Eh!t e2p#!ins the su""en !ppe!r!n e of this "ise!se !n" its spre!"? List i"e!s of stu"ents on bo!r" or o&erhe!" tr!nsp!ren y1 A#tern!ti&e#y% post Auestions on $lac%board for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss% !n" h!&e the' sub'it i"e!s% whi h !re then su''!ri;e" by instru tor1 Re=&isit these !fter 'ini=#e ture1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"ents but "on6t "is uss !nswers yetJ "ise!se intro"u e" fro' !nother ountry (no)% ti $ h!s h!nge" hosts or e2p!n"e" its use of hosts (no)% "eer popu#!tion h!s in re!se" !n" gre!ter proportion of "eer !rry ti $s (well yes, but more complicated than that), spiro hete in re!se" its &iru#en e (no)1 Now pro&i"e ! 'ini=#e ture pun tu!te" by Auestions !bout the re#!tionship of Ly'e "ise!se% 'i e% "eer% o!$s% h!bit!t fr!g'ent!tion1 See the outline for Eastern eciduous Forest. Re=&isit the Auestion !n" their !nswers1 As$ stu"ents to !rti u#!te new !nswers1 Then h!&e the' "r!w ! on ept '!p for spiro hete re#!tionship with hosts !n" &e tors1 @efore they "r!w% e2p#!in3re&iew Cb!si sD !bout "e&e#oping on ept '!ps1 F!&e stu"ents p!ir=!n"= sh!re1) As$ for ! few p!irs to s!y wh!t they #e!rne" fro' the p!ir=!n"=sh!re1 Re=infor e
Tot!# #!ss ti'e V -. 'inutes Eng!ge ph!se% p!rt -J Nut=pro"u ing tree spe ies often pro"u e huge nu'bers of nuts perio"i !##y !n" then #itt#e or no nuts for se&er!# ye!rs !n"% often within !n" e&en !'ong spe ies to so'e e2tent% !re syn hroni;e"1 Eh!t !re the !"&!nt!ges !n" "is!"&!nt!ges of these p!tterns for nut= pro"u ing spe ies? An" wh!t !uses these p!tterns? List i"e!s of stu"ents on bo!r" or o&erhe!" tr!nsp!ren y1 A#tern!ti&e#y% post Auestions on $lac%board for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss% !n" h!&e the' sub'it i"e!s% whi h !re the' su''!ri;e" by instru tor1 Re=&isit these !fter 'ini=#e ture1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"ents but "on6t "is uss !nswers yetJ A"&!nt!ges? S!ti!ting see" pre"!tors "uring '!sting !n" #i'iting pre"!tor popu#!tions "uring non='!st ye!rs% '!sting for t!$ing !"&!nt!ge of f!&or!b#e growing3repro"u ti&e on"itions% '!sting for !ttr! ting see" "ispersers &all may play a role' :is!"&!nt!ges? Attr! ting pre"!tors with '!sting% ger'in!tion3est!b#ish'ent on"itions 'ight not be f!&or!b#e !fter '!sting so #oss of '!ny offspring &all possible'
C!uses for p!tterns3syn rhony? bui#" up of stores for repro"u tion with we!ther both #i'iting !n" enh!n ing bui#" up% !n" so triggering repro"u tion &li%ely'U "efo#i!tion y #es of inse ts &gypsy moth may have effect' Now pro&i"e ! 'ini=#e ture pun tu!te" by Auestions !bout the e&o#ution !n" e o#ogy of nuts !n" '!sting1 See outline for Eastern eciduous Forest 1 Re=&isit the Auestion !n" their !nswers1 As$ stu"ents to !rti u#!te new !nswers1 Then h!&e stu"ents "r!w ! 8=p!ne# on ept '!p of the effe t of '!sting !n" non='!sting ye!rs on ris$ of Ly'e "ise!se% using the entities fro' the first '!p p#us the spiro hete1 Sub'!ps forJ ye!r * with '!sting in f!##% then ye!r - !n" ye!r 81 F!&e stu"ents p!ir=!n"= sh!re1 As$ for ! few p!irs to s!y wh!t they #e!rne" fro' the p!ir=!n"=sh!re1 A series of y #es using C y #esD te'p#!te in (nspiration )oftware wor$s we## for this1
Tot!# #!ss ti'e V -. 'inutes E2p#ore ph!se% p!rt *J Gypsy 'oth e2hibits popu#!tion y #e with pe!$ V,=*. ye!rs% !n go fro' * to /%... egg '!sses3he t!re% e!t -..W woo"y spe ies but prefer o!$s% !t pe!$ "efo#i!tion wi"espre!"% !n" with su essi&e ye!rs of "efo#i!tion up to -.X of trees '!y "ie1 Not so 'u h ! prob#e' in Europe !n" Asi!1 Ehy "o popu#!tions y #e to wi"espre!" "efo#i!tion #e&e#s here? An" wh!t !uses popu#!tion to "e #ine or r!sh? List i"e!s fro' stu"ents on bro!" or o&erhe!" tr!nsp!ren y1 A#tern!ti&e#y% post Auestions on $lac%board for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss% !n" h!&e the' sub'it i"e!s% whi h !re the' su''!ri;e" by instru tor1 Re=&isit !fter 'ini=#e ture1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"entsJ not right $in" of pre"!tors !n"3or p!r!sites here to ontro# gypsy 'oth (no)% gypsy 'oth "estroys its foo"% so foo" nee"s ti'e to re o&er (no)% !bun"!n e
of su' of pre"!tors !n" p!r!sites out of sin$ with !bun"!n e of gypsy 'oth (not really, different predators*parasites provide control at low vs high densities of gypsy moth)% y #i #i'!te p!tterns (no)% so'e o'bin!tion of these (not really) Now pro&i"e ! 'ini=#e ture pun tu!te" by Auestions !bout the re#!tionship of gypsy 'oths% their hostp#!nts Lin #u"ing foo" Au!#ity !n" '!stingM% their pre"!tors% their p!r!sites% #i'!te1 See outline for Eastern eciduous Forest1 Re=&isit the Auestion !n" their !nswers1 As$ stu"ents to !rti u#!te new !nswers1 Then h!&e the' "r!w ! ti'e #ine of effe ts of gypsy 'oth popu#!tion on popu#!tions of C o''unityD of first '!p1 Tot!# #!ss ti'e V -. 'inutes E2p#ore ph!se% p!rt -J @esi"es gypsy 'oths% there !re '!ny other ! i"ent!##y intro"u e" inse t herbi&ores in North A'eri !n forests1 Th!t Europe !n" North A'eri ! were on e Noine" pre"isposes the' to su essfu# inter h!nge of inse t herbi&ores1 @ut why h!&e Europe!n inse ts been *.. ti'es 'ore su essfu# !t in&!sion into North A'eri ! th!n &i e &ers!? List i"e!s fro' stu"ents on bro!" or o&erhe!" tr!nsp!ren y1 A#tern!ti&e#y% post Auestions on $lac%board for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss% !n" h!&e the' sub'it i"e!s% whi h !re the' su''!ri;e" by instru tor1 Re=&isit !fter 'ini=#e ture1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"entsJ 'is'!t h between inse ts !n" their ene'ies gre!ter in North A'eri ! (no)% 'is'!t h between inse ts !n" hostp#!nts gre!ter in Europe (o%ay, but why ), 'is'!t h between inse ts !n" #i'!te gre!ter in Europe (o%ay, but why )% inse ts fro' Europe !re better o'petitors (o%ay, but why ) Now pro&i"e ! 'ini=#e ture pun tu!te" by Auestions1 List hypotheses% !n" e&i"en e for e! h1 In ! h!rt% !ssign ! prob!bi#ity or per ent for e! h hypothesis3e2p#!n!tion6s ontribution to the s$ewe" proportion of in&!sion into North A'eri !1 Ref#e ting on the prob!bi#ity h!rt% "is uss whether this is sti## ! on ern !n"% if so% wh!t is3!re the 'ost re!son!b#e ourseLsM of ! tion? As$ stu"ents how they thin$ this 'ight p#!y out for entire foo" web Lto "egree "e&e#ope" !t this pointM1 Loo$ing for re!son!b#e !rgu'ents1 List !""ition!# e o#ogi !# on epts to "!te1 As$ for #!rifi !tions !n"3or e2!'p#es1 (FypothesesJ/ +eneral category ,: -umber invaders going in any direction proportional to size of conduits of passage . can/t examine because not enough 0uality data but probably not ma1or factor +eneral category 2: -umber invaders reflects fundamental differences in number species available for dispersal from donor continent . insect fauna estimated to be same size, so not factor
+eneral category 3: -umber successful invaders determined by ecological opportunities at arrival . ma1or factor
a) #otential
host plant species (taxonomically or chemically related), their abundance, morphological, ecological and phenological similarity to native hosts due to less extinction during glaciation due to north"south mountains rather than east"west), greater abundance (tree abundance 2x greater), less fragmented distribution than in 6urope (with longer and intense disturbance by humans)
b) (n -4, larger number of potential host plants (north of 35o, 2x more tree species
4bundant alien plants from 6urope (37"879 during early succession) facilitates establishment by 6uropean insects
+eneral category :: (nvaders are intrinsically competitively superior than natives . ma1or factor a) )ince 4lps, 6uropean biota more severely impacted than any other by cyclical severe climate changes driven by 6arth/s orbital fluctuations (e.g., glaciation from north and glaciers in east"west mountains left little refuge for plants and animals, and created aridity in southern 6urope b) )ince last ,7,777 years humans with invention of agriculture disrupted and even wholly eliminated many ecosystems in 6urope c) )elects for suite of traits that facilitate survival in patchy, fragmented, impoverished forests: high behavioral, morphological and physiological plasticity; uniparental reproduction (parthenogenesis) (:79 of intro insects on woody plants compared to ,,9 native insects), large reproductive potential, auto" and alloploidy, strong dispersal capability, efficacy in dealing with competitiors, predators and parasites, special stress tolerance such as extended dormancy d) <apid and perfect synchronization of invader/s life cycle to that of new environment and hosts, insects coming from 57o to :7o latitude (northern 6urope to -ew 6ngland) no problem, but other direction is problem because summer day length in northern 6urope too long to trigger diapause for a -ew 6ngland adapted insect ' Tot!# #!ss ti'e V -. 'inutes E2p#!in ph!seJ @rief#y "is uss or re&iew wh!t insight popu#!tion growth 'o"e#s !n pro&i"e1 @rief#y "is uss or re&iew popu#!tion y #es !n" #!g effe ts1 As$ stu"ents to re&iew their on ept '!ps to "!te to i"entify where popu#!tion growth !n" popu#!tion y #es !re i'port!nt1 (6verywhere, but they need to explain.0 :is uss !rrying !p! ity !n" !s$ wh!t it is for the spe ies "is usse" so f!r1 (=arrying capacity is not a constant.0 As$ stu"ents to #ist other e o#ogi !# on epts in&o#&e" Lso f!rM in this CstoryDU !s$ for "efinition !n" e2!'p#e1 Then h!&e the' "r!w ! on ept '!p of the hier!r hy of !## of these on epts1 (>here is no one or right answer. ?apping shows individual perception.
!hat is important is that students have this practice and develop reasonable lin%ing and sufficient complexity.0 E2p#!in how to use st!n"!r" riteri! for e&!#u!ting su h ! C'!pD1 F!&e stu"ents either se#f= e&!#u!te or !s p!irs e&!#u!te e! h others6 '!ps1 @rief#y "is uss the e&!#u!tion Lwh!t stu"ents #e!rne" fro' it% wh!t wor$e" we##% wh!t "i"n6tM1 This is ! tr!ining session% so worth so'e ti'e to ensure th!t stu"ents "o it we##1 Tot!# #!ss ti'e V // 'inutes E#!bor!te ph!seJ Pre= o#oni!# northe!stern forests were "o'in!te" by o!$s !n" hestnut1 Chestnut w!s wipe" out by !n Asi!n b#ight% !n" so the o!$s h!&e "o'in!te" unti# re ent#y1 Now re" '!p#e is t!$ing o&er !s ! "o'in!nt1 Eh!t e2p#!ins this h!nge? List i"e!s fro' stu"ents on bro!" or o&erhe!" tr!nsp!ren y1 A#tern!ti&e#y% post Auestions on $lac%board for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss% !n" h!&e the' sub'it i"e!s% whi h !re then su''!ri;e" by instru tor1 Re=&isit !fter 'ini=#e ture1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"ents% but "o not o''ent on theseJ o!$s "ying fro' intro"u e" inse t pests !n"3or "ise!se LnoM% o!$s #ogge" preferenti!##y LnoM% !b!n"one" !gri u#tur!# #!n" o#oni;e" by re" '!p#e before o!$s Lin part yesM% gypsy 'oths "efo#i!ting o!$s Lin part yesM% #i'!te h!nge Lmay beM Now pro&i"e ! 'ini=#e ture pun tu!te" by Auestions !bout the e&o#ution of e!stern "e i"uous forest "uring P#eisto ene to present% ro#e of see" pre"!tors% fire% gypsy 'oths% #i'!te h!nge1 Re=&isit the Auestion !n" their !nswers1 As$ stu"ents to !rti u#!te new !nswers1 List new on epts1 Then h!&e the' "r!w ! ti'e #ine showing the "o'in!nt &eget!tion for the !re! th!t is now e!stern "e i"uous forest% fro' *+%... ye!rs !go through present to *.. ye!rs into future1 F!&e stu"ents p!ir=!n"=sh!re1 As$ for ! few p!irs to s!y wh!t they #e!rne" fro' the p!ir=!n"=sh!re1 Tot!# #!ss ti'e V -/ 'inutes E&!#u!tion ph!seJ @ir"s re"u e "ensities of #e!f=e!ting inse t herbi&ores in forests1 @ir"s by e!ting #e!f=fee"ing inse t herbi&ores in re!se growth of trees1 Songbir"s L'!ny of whi h !re inse ti&oresM !re &!nishing fro' North A'eri !1 Ehy? Options for e&!#u!tionJ Post=!ssess'ent% p#us H* or H* P Stu"ents re!" Terborgh+ !rti #e Lon reser&eU our #ibr!ry h!s Ce#e troni reser&eDM1 *M App#i !tion &i! i"entifi !tion of hypotheses% !n!#yses !n" on #usions1
!M Answer set of Auestions% !s p!ir=!n"=sh!re% ho'ewor$ or ess!y e2!'J Con ise#y st!te e! h hypothesis gi&en for why songbir"s !re &!nishing fro' North A'eri !1 Su''!ri;e the riti !# e&i"en e for the hypothesis1 Con ise#y st!te the on #usion "r!wn by the !uthor for the #i$e#ihoo" of th!t hypothesis e2p#!ining why songbir"s !re &!nishing1 In ! h!rt% !ssign ! prob!bi#ity or per ent for e! h hypothesis3e2p#!n!tion6s ontribution to the &!nishing of songbir"s1 @!se" on your prob!bi#ity h!rt% wh!t is3!re the 'ost re!son!b#e ourseLsM of ! tion? :oes your !n!#ysis !gree with the !uthor6s? E2p#!in why or why not? List three things you wou#" !s$ the !uthor if you h!" the opportunity1 bM A#tern!ti&e#y% this wor$ !n be "one by onstru ting ! on ept '!p LCprob#e' so#&ingD te'p#!te fro' Inspir!tion Softw!re wor$s we##M in #!ss or outsi"e #!ss% or fi##ing out ! on ept '!p for' on ! 'u#tip#e hoi e e2!'1
&>he article provides several hypotheses and outlines the evidence. >he author provides his conclusions but does not ran% the hypotheses or give percent contribution to the problem. )o students will have to assess that and sufficient information is provided for that. <easonable ran%ing and appropriate rationale are the goals. >he author provides some ideas about course of action; again students need to articulate well an appropriate rationale with sufficient and well"chosen detail. >he list of 0uestions for the author should reflect a clear and sophisticated understanding of the problem. (t is appropriate to tell students these things before this assignment.' -M Gui; or e2!' on on epts !n" !pp#i !tion3i"entifi !tion of e2!'p#es1 I"entify e o#ogi !# on epts !#re!"y "is usse" !n" pro&i"e !n e2!'p#e fro' the !rti #e for e! h1 In"i&i"u!#
or in"i&i"u!#=then=group Aui; Lthe #!tter is ! pro&en 'etho" th!t pro'otes both in"i&i"u!# #e!rning !n" te!'wor$M1, Tot!# #!ss ti'eJ typi !##y ! fu## #!ss perio" Post=!ssess'entJ Outsi"e of #!ss% h!&e stu"ents re="r!w their on ept '!p=foo" web for e!stern "e i"uous forest1 It wi## be Auite o'p#i !te" now1 Stu"ents shou#" use sub='!ps Le1g1% spiro hetes on '!Nor '!p shou#" refer to ! sub'!p to show host=&e tor y #eM1 There is no best w!y to "o this !n" stu"ents !n L!n" shou#"M use their re!ti&ity Le1g1% using o#ors to "istinguish on epts fro' f! ts% tr!nsp!rent o&er#!ys% the'!ti series of '!ps% powerpoint fe!turesM1 The instru tor% !n"3or stu"ent Lse#f=e&!#u!tionM !n"3or stu"ent group !n e&!#u!te using st!n"!r" riteri!1 8 Stu"ents shou#" $eep the set of '!ps "e&e#ope" in this series Lfro' beginning to en"M in ! portfo#io !n" !s$e" to ref#e t on these either !t this ti'e or !t en" of ourse1 Tot!# ourse ti'e for this /E y #eJ V two wee$s ======== ETAMPLE O9 USING TFE POEER O9 STOR> J EASTERN :ECI:UOUS 9OREST = MUTUALISMS AN: NUTRIENT C>CLING /E y #e H- Mutu!#is's !n" Nutrient Cy #ing This ne2t y #e ontinues with e!stern "e i"uous forest% by !""ing the 'utu!#is's of 'y orrhi;!e !n" p#!nts% !nts "ispersing herb! eous see"s% bir"s !n" s'!## '!''!#s !s frugi&ores% !n" nutrient y #ing with e2!'p#es of pit=!n"='oun"ing effe ts on un"erstory% effe ts of #ogging% effe ts of ! i" r!in in #u"ing !# iu' "ep#etion !n" nitrogen s!tur!tion% !n" effe ts of e!rthwor' in&!sion1 The 'utu!#is's !n" nutrient y #ing !re together be !use these 'utu!#is's ref#e t response to nutrient poor en&iron'ents1 Thus% this y #e fo uses on nutrient y #ing but !#so reinfor es on epts of popu#!tion "yn!'i s !n" spe ies inter! tions1 6aAor concept: Nutrient y #ing ,unning themesJ e&o#ution of e osyste's% hu'!n i'p! t% intro"u e" spe ies% spe ies Linterspe ifi M inter! tions% #ife history tr!its Eng!ge ph!se% p!rt *J If you were to r!$e !w!y the #e!&es on the forest f#oor% you wou#" see th!t the forest f#oor is not f#!t1 >ou wou#" fin" th!t 'u h of the surf! e onsists of pits !n" 'oun"s% e&en in the !re!s th!t were o&ere" by g#! i!# i e sheet1 Fow "o you e2p#!in th!t? In #!ss% #ist i"e!s fro' stu"ents% or post Auestions on $lac%board for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss1 Re=&isit !fter 'ini #e ture1
Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"entsJ frost he!&e LnoM% before it w!s ! forest it w!s gr!ss#!n" with gophers LnoM% "igging by other !ni'!#s LnoM Now pro&i"e 'ini=#e ture !bout pits !n" 'oun"s% physi !# h!r! teristi s of pits !n" 'oun"s% wh!t th!t 'e!ns for p#!nts1 See outline for Eastern eciduous Forest. F!&e stu"ents p!ir=!n"=sh!re !bout wh!t e#se 'ight re!te p!t hes of "ifferent en&iron'ent!# on"itions for p#!nts growing within ! forest1 List i"e!s on o&erhe!"1 Ti'e V-. 'inutes Eng!ge ph!se% p!rt -J Eoo"#!n" !nts g!ther see"s !n" s'!## inse ts for foo"1 So'e see"s !re routine#y g!there" but then "u'pe" on the tr!sh pi#es of !nt o#onies1 Ehy wou#" !nts e2pen" the ti'e !n" energy tr!nsporting ite's !s big !s they !re o&er '!ny 'eters !n" then "is !r" the'? In #!ss #ist i"e!s fro' stu"ents% or post Auestions on $lac%board for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss1 Re=&isit !fter 'ini #e ture1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"entsJ !nts g!ther e&erything they !n !n" then others !t nest "e i"e to "is !r" LnoM% !nts !nnot "is ri'in!te we## LnoM Now pro&i"e 'ini=#e ture !bout !nts g!thering see"s with e#!ioso'es% f!te of see"s% est!b#ish'ent !n" su ess of su h see"s1 See outline for Eastern eciduous Forest 1 Re=&isit Auestion1 F!&e stu"ents p!ir=!n"=sh!re i"e!s !bout wh!t $in" of en&iron'ent!# on"itions pro'ote this $in" of 'utu!#is'1 List i"e!s1 Ti'e V -. 'inutes Eng!ge ph!se% p!rt 8J In ontr!st to fruits th!t ripen in the f!##% '!ny su''er fruits e2hibit three r!ther th!n two "istin t o#or h!nges1 9or e2!'p#e% b#! $berries !n" wi#" herries% both fruits of su''er% go fro' green to pin$3re" to b#! $U b#ueberries go fro' green to pin$ to b#ue1 Ehy is this su h ! o''on p!ttern for su''er fruits but not for f!## fruits? In #!ss #ist i"e!s fro' stu"ents% or post Auestions on @#! $bo!r" for stu"ents to onsi"er before #!ss1 Re=&isit !fter 'ini #e ture1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"entsJ o#or h!nges !re he'i !# h!nges whi h !re !ffe te" by te'per!ture% "ifferent o#ors for '!ture fruit in f!## so seAuen e nee"e" for fin!# o#or is "ifferent% "ifferent spe ies so Nust "ifferent L all are possible, but probably not the answerM Now pro&i"e 'ini=#e ture !bout frugi&ory by bir"s !n" s'!## '!''!#s in e!stern "e i"uous forest1 Re=&isit Auestion1
F!&e stu"ents p!ir=!n"=sh!re i"e!s !bout wh!t $in" of en&iron'ent!# on"itions pro'ote this $in" of 'utu!#is'% then h!&e the' "es ribe !n" "r!w the see" sh!"ow for fruiting p#!nts th!t pro"u e fruits inJ *M su''er% -M f!## with fruits e!ten then% !n" 8M f!## with fruits he#" on p#!nts through winter1 List i"e!s on o&erhe!"1 Ti'e V-. 'inutes E2p#ore ph!se% p!rt *J Eh!t !re 'y orrhi;!e? Fow wi"e spre!" !re 'y orrhi;!e? Eh!t $in" of p#!nts h!&e !n !sso i!tion with the'? Eh!t e2! t#y "o p#!nts g!in by the !sso i!tion? Eh!t h!ppens to p#!nts th!t "on6t h!&e the !sso i!tion? C!n 'y orrhi;!e e&er be h!r'fu# to p#!nts? Eh!t e2! t#y "o 'y orrhi;!e get fro' p#!nts? C!n 'y orrhi;!e e2ist without p#!nts? :o !gri u#tur!# pr! ti es enh!n e or "is our!ge 'y orrhi;!#=p#!nt !sso i!tions? :oes #ogging !ffe t 'y orrhi;!# o''unity !n"% thus% the 'y orrhi;!#=see"#ing inter! tions? :oes ! i" r!in !ffe t 'y orrhi;!#=p#!nt !sso i!tions? Eh!t wou#" the wor#" be #i$e without 'y orrhi;!e? Nee" !t #e!st ! senten e e2p#!n!tion for e! h1 Post Auestions on $lac%board !n" h!&e stu"ents rese!r h their !nswers before #!ss1 In #!ss% p#!y C h!##engeD g!'e1 Nee" ! b!g of !n"y1 E2p#!in g!'e to stu"ents1 Instru tor !s$s first Auestion1 9irst person with h!n" up gets to !nswer Auestion1 Answer 'ust be one #e!r !n" on ise senten e Lnot ! Cp!r!gr!ph senten eDM1 If so'eone h!##enges th!t he3she !n !nswer it better% then puts h!n" up1 If !nswer is better L!s Nu"ge" by instru tor or ! p!ne# of stu"ents Cthu'bs up or "ownDM% then instru tor !nnoun es th!t it is better1 If so'eone e#se w!nts to h!##enge% then ontinue1 Instru tor "e i"es how f!r to #et this go1 C!n"y gi&en to winnerLsM1 Then go to ne2t Auestion1 Instru tor shou#" '!$e this fun !n" $eep ! f!st p! e1 ObNe ti&eJ Stu"ents "o so'e rese!r h on their own1 Co&ers topi with stu"ents eng!ge"1 Stu"ents h!&e to #isten to !nswers to !s ert!in whether they !n !nswer better% !n" it for es the' to !rti u#!te #e!r#y !n" on ise#y1 This is ! goo" g!'e to p#!y e!r#y in ourse1 Stu"ents then ne&er $now when you 'ight pro&i"e ! #itt#e 'ore rew!r" for the' o'ing prep!re" to #!ssY As$ stu"ents to post to $lac%boardJ 9ro' ! p#!nt6s perspe ti&e% "r!w ! on ept '!p in orpor!ting the ter'sJ pits% 'oun"s% !nts% e#!ioso'es% frugi&ory% 'y orrhi;!e1 Eh!t !re the org!ni;ing prin ip#es !n" the'es th!t you use"? Ti'e V -. 'inutes E2p#ore ph!se% p!rt -J Eh!t h!ppens to the nutrients #o $e" up in ! forest if the p#!nts !re $i##e"? Post ! 'u#tip#e hoi e on o&erhe!"1 Choi esJ !M #ost through physi !# "e o'position% bM #ost through 'i robi!# "e o'position% M !bsorbe" by soi#% "M !rrie" off by w!ter into stre!' syste'% eM !bout eAu!##y by !## of !bo&e% fM "on6t $now Get ! h!n" t!##y !n" write nu'bers by e! h hoi e1
:es ribe !n" "is uss the stu"y "one on Fubb!r" @roo$ E2peri'ent!# 9orest L"es ribe" in 'ost e o#ogy te2tboo$sM1 Pose 'ore Auestions throughout1 Re=&isit the 'u#tip#e hoi e Auestion !n" t!$e !nother h!n" t!##y1 Re or" the nu'bers1 ( ?ost of the loss is via water runoff; plants aren/t present to hold nutrients in system.0 As$ where the nutrients th!t !re !rrie" off by w!ter to the stre!' syste' en" up1 List i"e!s on o&erhe!"1 Is '!ssi&e tr!nsport of nutrients fro' one e osyste' to !nother ! goo" thing? (?ost ecosystems are naturally nutrient"poor so the point is that there is massive transport to another ecosystem (e.g., la%e), which usually originally was naturally in balance as a nutrient"poor system and, thus, now balance is upset (unnatural eutrophication). 0 Ti'e V -. 'inutes E2p#!in ph!seJ @rief#y "is uss3re&iew wh!t soi# is% how #ong it t!$es to "e&e#op% soi# #!yers% !n" how !tion e2 h!nge !p! ity wor$s !n" why it is i'port!nt1 @rief#y "is uss or re&iew wh!t !n e#e'ent y #e is% why we use the wor" C y #eD% !n" i##ustr!te with the nitrogen y #e1 As$ stu"ents to re&iew their on ept '!ps for this /E unit LH-M to i"entify pie es of nutrient y #ing in forest1 ((t is everywhere, but students need to explain. 0 :is uss the effe ts of "ifferent org!nis's on nutrient y #ing for the forest1 As$ stu"ents to #ist other e o#ogi !# on epts in&o#&e" Lso f!rM in this CstoryDU !s$ !n" e2!'p#e1 Then h!&e the' "r!w ! on ept '!p of the hier!r hy of on epts1 (>here is no one or right answer. ?apping shows individual !hat is important is that students have this practice and develop lin%ing and sufficient complexity10 for "efinition !## of these perception. reasonable
Re'in" stu"ents how to use st!n"!r" riteri! for e&!#u!ting su h ! C'!pD1 F!&e stu"ents either se#f=e&!#u!te or !s p!irs e&!#u!te e! h others6 '!ps1 @rief#y "is uss the e&!#u!tion Lwh!t stu"ents #e!rne" fro' itM1 Ag!in% stu"ents shou#" $eep opies of !## '!ps they pro"u e in ! ourse portfo#io1 Ti'e V // 'inutes E#!bor!te ph!seJ The prob#e' with ! i" r!in is the su#furi ! i" re!te"1 >es% be !useZ1? or No% be !useZ1? Ee h!&e so#&e" the ! i" r!in prob#e' with the re ent C#e!n Air A ts1 >es% be !useZ1 or No% be !useZ1? F!&e stu"ents "is uss !s p!ir=!n"=sh!re1 List su''!ry of opposing i"e!s on o&erhe!"1 Mini=#e ture on ! i" r!in% !# iu' "ep#etion !n" nitrogen s!tur!tion1 Re&isit the Auestions pose" !t the outset1 F!&e p!ir=!n"=sh!re groups re="is uss !n" offer !nswers1 List su''!ry of i"e!s on o&erhe!"1 St!te'ent H*J The prob#e' with ! i" r!in is the su#furi ! i" re!te"1 (>he problem is not 1ust with sulfuric acid. ?ore complicated@@ 0 St!te'ent H-J Ee h!&e so#&e" the ! i" r!in prob#e' with the re ent C#e!n Air A ts1 ( $ecause of the complications, the problem persists and will continue to do so for some time@@0 Ti'e V -. 'inutes
E&!#u!te ph!seJ N!ti&e e!rthwor's "on6t usu!##y o ur in northe!stern forests1 These forests !re now being in&!"e" by e2oti e!rthwor's1 Ehy !re there not n!ti&e e!rthwor's in northe!stern forests? Ehy is there ! on ern !bout e2oti e!rthwor's in northe!stern forests? Eh!t #ong=ter' effe ts 'ight e2oti e!rthwor's h!&e on these forests? Application: !M 9irst% h!&e stu"ents re or" their !nswers to the Auestions !bo&e1 Li$e#y i"e!s fro' stu"entsJ no n!ti&es be !use too o#" LnoM% no n!ti&es be !use too '!ny pre"!tors L no, not stopping exoticsM% e2oti s e!t "ifferent foo" LnoM% e2oti s h!&e no pre"!tors3p!r!sites here LnoMU on ern !bout e2oti s be !use not p!rt of forest L so what M% on ern be !use !using prob#e' Lsuch as M% "isrupting foo" web Lhow so M1 Then out=of= #!ss% stu"ents re!" !n !rti #e or poste" su''!ry Lon reserve; our library has Aelectronic reserveBM% or in= #!ss h!&e stu"ents re!" ! short "es ription1 )ample reading assignment: Of !## the !ni'!#s th!t #i&e in soi#% e!rthwor's !re the best $nown !n" usu!##y the 'ost i'port!nt1 The gener!# &iew is th!t e!rthwor's !re benefi i!# !n"% other th!n o##e ting the' for fishing% peop#e "o not "e#iber!te#y $i## the'1 E!rthwor's onsu'e "e!" p#!nt '!tterU wh!t they !n6t !ssi'i#!te is "eposite" !s !sts L! 'i2 of org!ni !n" 'iner!# "ebrisM1 P#eisto ene g#! i!tions e#i'in!te" e!rthwor's fro' 'ost of C!n!"! !n" northern ontinent!# Unite" St!tes !n" prob!b#y to the e"ge of per'!frost Li1e1% so'e "ist!n e south beyon" the e"ge of the i e sheetM1 Re= o#oni;!tion h!s been s#ow% so n!ti&e e!rthwor's !re not usu!##y foun" in the "eg#! i!te" !re!s1 At present through ! i"ent!# !n" purposefu# intro"u tion% there !re )/ e2oti e!rthwor' spe ies in North A'eri !% !#ong with the *..W n!ti&e spe ies1 M!ny of the e2oti spe ies h!&e su essfu##y est!b#ishe" in the northern forests1 Eithin h!bit!ts% e!rthwor's on#y o ur where the &eget!tion% soi# te2ture% org!ni ontent !n" 'oisture !re f!&or!b#e1 At !ny gi&en p#! e !s '!ny !s ! h!#f "o;en e!rthwor' spe ies '!y o=e2ist be !use resour es !re p!rtitione" through "ifferent fee"ing str!tegies ref#e ting "ifferent beh!&ior!#% 'orpho#ogi !# !n" physio#ogi !# !"!pt!tions1 9or e2!'p#e% so'e inh!bit !n" fee" on p#!nt #itter !n" others inh!bit the 'iner!# soi# within the rhi;osphere1 Rese!r h fro' !gri u#tur!# syste's shows th!t e!rthwor's !n i'pro&e soi# &i! in re!sing r!tes of p#!nt #itter "e o'position% in re!sing nutrient tr!nsfor'!tion !n" p#!nt upt!$e of nutrients% i'pro&ing soi# porosity% !n" enh!n ing w!ter infi#tr!tion !n" so#ute tr!nsport1 Fowe&er% stu"ies in forest in"i !te th!t e!rthwor's '!y !#so h!&e neg!ti&e effe ts on soi# &i! 'o&ing or burying surf! e '!teri!#s th!t wou#" prote t soi# surf! e fro' erosion% "epositing !sts th!t se!# surf! es% in re!se o'p! tion of soi# surf! e% "ispersing wee" see"s !n" p!thogens Le1g1% foot=!n"='outh "ise!se in EuropeM% in re!sing #osses of soi# nitrogen through #e! hing !n" "enitrifi !tion% !n" in re!sing #oss of soi# !rbon through enh!n e'ent of 'i robi!# respir!tion1 E!rthwor's !n e#i'in!te the forest f#oor Lorg!ni #!yerM% whi h is the $ey o'ponent to st!bi#ity of forests Le1g1% prote ts !g!inst erosion% prote ts see"s fro' pre"!tors% f! i#it!tes forest regener!tion !fter "isturb!n eM1 One forest proNe t showe" th!t presen e of e!rthwor's re"u e" fine root bio'!ss% soi# nitrogen ontent L!#so nitrogen 'iner!#i;!tion !n" nitrifi !tion r!tesM% soi# phosphorus% 'y orrhi;!e r!te of infe tion of p#!nts% !n" Csoi#D respir!tion1 Another stu"y showe" th!t when "eer "ensity !n" e!rthwor' "ensities were both high% there w!s ! "e #ine in n!ti&e un"erstory Le1g1% #i#y !n" or hi" popu#!tionsM !n" in re!se in e2oti p#!nt spe ies Le1g1% gr!ssesM1
Sour es for re!"ing '!teri!#17 On#ine sour es th!t h!&e photogr!phs or i##ustr!tions of soi# without wor's &ersus with wor's14 bM Co'p!re !n" ontr!st 'o&e'ent of nutrient !to' L e.g., nitrogenM through forest e osyste' in e!rthwor'=free &ersus e!rthwor'=in&!"e" situ!tion1 Stu"ents shou#" in"i !te where 'o&e'ent of !to' is s#owe" "own or spe" up L i.e., loc%ed up for some period versus freed soonerM in the e!rthwor'=in&!"e" situ!tion o'p!re" to the e!rthwor'=free situ!tion1 This t!s$ !n be "one by onstru ting ! on ept '!p in #!ss or outsi"e #!ss% or fi##ing out ! on ept '!p for' on ! 'u#tip#e hoi e e2!'1 Another 'etho" is the in"i&i"u!#=then=group Aui; La proven method that promotes both individual learning and teamwor%M1, Tot!# #!ss ti'eJ typi !##y ! fu## #!ss perio" LV/. 'inutesM Post=!ssess'entJ Outsi"e of #!ss% h!&e stu"ents re="r!w their on ept '!p=foo" web for e!stern "e i"uous forest1 It wi## be Auite o'p#i !te" now1 Stu"ents shou#" use sub='!ps Le1g1% e!rthwor's on '!Nor '!p shou#" refer to ! sub'!p to show e!rthwor' effe ts on forestM1 There is no best w!y to "o this !n" stu"ents !n L!n" shou#"M use their re!ti&ity Le1g1% using o#ors to "istinguish on epts fro' f! ts% tr!nsp!rent o&er#!ys% the'!ti series of '!ps% powerpoint fe!turesM1 The instru tor% !n"3or stu"ent Lse#f=e&!#u!tionM !n"3or stu"ent group !n e&!#u!te using st!n"!r" riteri!1 8 Stu"ents shou#" $eep the set of '!ps "e&e#ope" in this series Lfro' beginning to en"M in ! portfo#io !n" !s$e" to ref#e t on these either !t this ti'e or !t en" of ourse1 Tot!# ourse ti'e for this /E y #eJ V two wee$s
Cocal species: oa%s, maples, deer, gypsy moth, mice, tic%s, Dyme disease (spirochete), songbirds, earthworms, mycorrhizae, ants Key topics: plant-herbivore interactions (seed predation !asting plant defense" prey-predator interactions (gypsy !oth pupae-!ice and insect herbivores-songbirds" host-parasite interactions (!ice#deer#hu!ans-ticks and gypsy !oth-virus" !utualis!s (!ycorrhi$ae ant-seed frugivore" population dyna!ics episodic events eastern deciduous forest in %orth &!erica glaciation forest frag!entation ne' diseases nutrient cycling nitrogen cycle (u!an interest: glaciation gypsy !oth )y!e disease extinction of do!inant species global 'ar!ing acid rain Nuts %
Nut=pro"u ing tree spe ies e&o#&e" tr!its th!t f! i#it!te nut Lsee" e'bryo p#us foo"M "ispers!# by ert!in ro"ents !n" or&i"s whi#e re"u ing nut pre"!tion by others L!rge nutrient reser&e !ttr! ts "ispersers !n" f! i#it!tes Aui $ est!b#ish'ent with #!rge photosyntheti surf! e !n" e2tensi&e rootsU ounters '!Nor 'ort!#ity f! tors [ "rought% insuffi ient on forest f#oor% browsing by herbi&ores% o'petition with p#!nts A orns ont!in t!nnins% t!nnins !n bin" with nutrients Lpre&enting !ssi'i#!tion ! ross gut w!## of see" pre"!torM !n" h!&e to2i effe ts Lon e##s of gut #iningM A orns of Cb#! $ o!$D group Lin #u"es re" o!$sM h!&e higher t!nnin #e&e#s th!n Cwhite o!$D group Ehite o!$ ! orns ger'in!te in f!## of pro"u tion% where!s others ger'in!te !fter o&erwintering Consu'ers Le1g1% sAuirre#s% gr! $#es% b#ue N!ysM usu!##y on#y e!t !p=en" of ! orn whi h h!s #ess t!nnins% p#!nt e'bryo is in other en" so ger'in!tion sti## possib#e Ro"ents "isperse nuts up to *.. ' * So'e onsu'ers bury ! orns% if s !tter ho!r"ers !n" not retrie&e" #!ter% then Cp#!ntingD the'% usu!##y in f!&or!b#e ger'in!tion sites Most nuts #! $ #ong=ter' "or'!n y% e1g1% white o!$ ! orns h!&e no "or'!n y% !n" so ger'in!te within "!ys of '!turing in f!## :ispersers e2hibit L'orpho#ogi !# !n" beh!&ior!#M !"!pt!tions % e1g1% gr!y sAuirre#s often e2 ise e'bryo of white o!$ ! orn before buri!# but "on6t "o th!t with re" o!$ ! orns whi h o&erwinter !s ! orns
M!sting )1*
M!ny o!$ spe ies pro"u e ! #!rge see" L! ornM rop e&ery -=+ ye!rs% with #ow or no pro"u tion in between M!sting ref#e ts intern!# inter! tion of !rbon stor!ge !n" !##o !tion p!tterns to growth &ersus repro"u tion in o!$s% with we!ther inf#uen ing ti'e between '!sting M!sting '!y be !"&!nt!geous by s!ti!ting see" pre"!tors !n" thus so'e see"s sur&i&e Most !"&!nt!geous if '!sting o urs in ye!rs when other nut=pro"u ing spe ies !re not '!sting So'e other '!Nor onsu'ersJ white=foote" 'i e% e!stern hip'un$s% white=t!i#e" "eer These three !re !#so '!Nor hosts for "eer ti $s Mi e !#so i'port!nt pre"!tors of other tree see"s L'!p#eM !n" gypsy 'oth pup!e :eer !#so browse un"erstory woo"y !n" herb! eous p#!nts :eer browsing !n" gypsy 'oth "efo#i!tion of trees re"u es songbir" !bun"!n e M!sting Lin f!##M orre#!te" to in re!se" 'ouse "ensity Lfo##owing su''erM
Figh 'ouse "ensity orre#!te" to high pre"!tion on gypsy 'oth pup!e M!st rop f!i#ure Lin f!##M orre#!te" to #ow 'ouse "ensity !n" #ow gypsy 'oth pup!# pre"!tion fo##owing su''er Figh ! orn "ensity orre#!te" to !ttr! ting "eer% resu#ting in high "ensity of ti $s
Gypsy 'oth LLy'!ntri! "isp!rM is n!ti&e to Europe !n" Asi!% not !s 'u h prob#e' there :e#iber!te#y brought to USA Lby 9ren h !rtist in #!te *7+.sM for purpose of "e&e#oping ! si#$ pro"u er by hybri"i;ing with n!ti&e 'oths A i"ent!##y es !pe"% spre!" through New Eng#!n"% now throughout northe!stern USA Prefer o!$ #e!&es but wi## e!t #e!&es of '!ny other woo"y spe ies% '!in#y o#"er #!r&!e th!t uti#i;e other woo"y spe ies Gypsy 'oth #!r&!e h!&e !n e#e&!te" 'i"gut pF whi h wou#" "isso i!te #e!f protein fro' #e!f t!nnins L o'p#e2es for'e" un"er ! i" on"itions of '! er!ting #e!f tissue whi h is f!ir#y ! i" L-8 tree spe ies with pF r!nging fro' )1. to +1-M !n" we## buffere" Lresist!nt to h!ngeM /
o o o o o
O#"er #!r&!e h!&e 'ore !#$!#ine 'i"gut so !n e2p#oit wi"er r!nge of tree spe ies A#$!#ine 'i"gut !#so f! i#it!tes surf! t!nt properties of ingeste" #ipi"s so in re!ses upt!$e !n" inhibit t!nnin=protein bin"ing A#$!#ine 'i"gut f! i#it!tes epo2i"!se ! ti&ity% whi h "eto2ifies terpene="eri&e" to2ins A#so% infe ting st!ge of NP &irus !n" to2in of @! i##us thuringiensis Lb! teri! use" !s bio ontro#M reAuire !#$!#ine on"itions% so ost to gypsy 'oth #!r&!e of h!&ing !#$!#ine gut
Egg '!sses o&erwinter% h!t h in spring% #!r&!e 'o&e to top of trees% spin "own on si#$ thre!"s !n" "isperse by win"% #!r&!e e!t #e!&es% pup!te in e!r#y su''er% !"u#ts '!te in su''er% fe'!#es f#ight#ess% !ttr! t '!#es with phero'one P #!y one #!rge b!t h of eggs Popu#!tion pe!$s !bout e&ery 4=*. ye!rs% outbre!$ #e&e#s resu#t in wi"e=spre!" "efo#i!tion% whi h !n !ffe t '!sting y #e% we!$en or $i## trees% !n" in re!se o'petition !'ong woo"y spe ies for resour es Lby in re!sing #ight to un"erstory woo"y spe iesM :e #ine fro' pe!$ popu#!tion #e&e#s ref#e ts #i'ite" foo" Au!ntity% effe ts of poor foo" Au!#ity Lin re!se" p#!nt "efensesM% 'ort!#ity "ue to p!r!sitoi"s% &ir!# !n" fung!# p!thogens% !n" pre"!tion by 'i e 9ee"ing !ffe ts fo#i!ge Au!#ity Lt!nnins in re!seM but h!nges "on6t see' to "ri&e popu#!tion y #es +
Nu #e!r Po#yhe"rosis &irus LNPVM [ 'ost inse t spe ies not !ffe te"% high on entr!tion of t!nnins !n inhibit NPV whi h '!y ontribute to &!ri!tion in outbre!$ p!tterns% yet !t high popu#!tion "ensity of gypsy 'oths #!rgest !n" 'ost i'port!nt sour e of 'ort!#ity% often !uses o##!pse of popu#!tion 9ungus Ento'oph!g! '!i'!ig! [ ! i"ent!##y intro"u e"% so'e other inse ts '!y be !ffe te" P!r!sitoi" r!tes gener!##y re#!ti&e#y #ow Ee!ther p!tterns we!$#y orre#!te" with popu#!tion p!tterns% in"ire t effe t by ontributing to '!sting p!ttern% "ire t effe t if &ery o#" winter or oo# spring Europe!n &ersion in North A'eri ! = fe'!#e "oes not f#y so "ispers!# re"u e"% but hybri"i;es with Asi!n &ersion L! i"ent!##y intro"u e" in e!r#y *44.sM whi h "oes f#y CTe'por!# !n" sp!ti!# p!tterns of '!st pro"u tion '!y be responsib#e for the episo"i !n" sp!ti!##y syn hronous beh!&ior of gypsy 'oth outbre!$s in North A'eri !1D +
o o
:ensity="epen"ent 'ort!#ity #i'its high="ensity popu#!tions Litt#e e&i"en e for strong regu#!tion !t #ow "ensity% s'!## '!''!#s '!Nor sour e of 'ort!#ity but gener!#ists !n" not prefer gypsy 'oths% pre"!tion #e&e#s ref#e t s'!## '!''!# !bun"!n e% whi h is #in$e" to '!sting p!tterns !n" #!gs '!sting p!ttern M!sting h!s onsi"er!b#e sp!ti!# syn hrony o&er #!rge geogr!phi !re!s% thus gypy 'oth outbre!$ o&er #!rge geogr!phi !re!s ref#e ts '!sting effe t on s'!## '!''!#s !bun"!n e CThis 'u#titrophi re#!tionship !'ong '!st% pre"!tors% !n" gypsy 'oths represents ! &ery "ifferent e2p#!n!tion of forest inse t outbre!$ "yn!'i s th!n the 'ore wi"e#y !pp#ie" theories b!se" upon pre"!tor=prey y #es or fee"b! $ with host fo#i!ge Au!#ity1D +
Ly'e "ise!se w!s n!'e" in *4,, when !rthritis LNoint ! hesM w!s obser&e" in ! nu'ber of hi#"ren in the !re! of Ly'e% CT Sy'pto'sJ Cbu##6s=eyeD erythe'!% !n" non=spe ifi s su h !s fe&er% f!tigue% he!"! he% 'us #e !n" Noint ! hes 7 Ly'e "ise!se !use" by spiro hete L@orre#i! burg"orferiM% tr!ns'itte" by bite of ti $ &e tor LI2o"es sp1M Ti $s h!&e ) st!gesJ egg% #!r&!% ny'ph !n" !"u#tU #!r&!% ny'ph !n" !"u#t e! h t!$e one b#oo" 'e!#% then "rop off host% #!r&! !n" ny'ph 'o#t then fin" new host% !"u#ts '!te on hostU so ) st!ges% 8 b#oo" 'e!#s% - ye!rs for #ife y #e fro' egg to !"u#t I''!ture ti $s nor'!##y fee" on s'!## &ertebr!tes Lbir"s% 'i e% #i;!r"sM !n" !"u#t ti $s on "eer
M!ny ti $s ne&er infe te" be !use '!ny host spe ies not effi ient for tr!ns'ission% 'ost C o'petentD tr!ns'ission is in white=foote" 'i e L).=7.X tr!ns'issionM% so white= foote" 'i e !re '!Nor reser&oir 9e'!#e ti $ repro"u es on e P "ies% spiro hete r!re#y tr!ns'itte" fro' 'other to eggs% thus tr!ns'ission on#y fro' Creser&oir hostD to i''!ture ti $ L!n" not &i e &ers!M A"u#t ti $s fee" on "eer% "eer !ttr! te" to ! orn=ri h o!$ !re!s% !"u#t ti $s '!te on "eer P "rop off there o&erwintering P fe'!#es "eposit eggs thereU eggs h!t h in spring% #!r&!e fee" on bir"s !n" s'!## '!''!#s !n" 'o#t to ny'ph in #!te su''er% o&erwinter then fee" fo##owing spring3su''er% hu'!ns 'ost #i$e#y infe te" by ny'phs L*'' in si;eM% so Ly'e "ise!se shows up in hu'!ns in #!te spring=su''er L*=- wee$ in ub!tionM% ny'phs 'o#t to !"u#t% !"u#ts fee" on "eer !n" '!te !n" "rop off in f!## Corre#!tion between nu'ber of ! orns !n" nu'ber potenti!##y infe te" ti $ ny'phsJ -= ye!r #!gU '!sting !ttr! ts "eer% #ots of ti $ eggs "eposite" to those sites% 'i e popu#!tion in re!ses there Lo&erwinter better "ue to '!stingM% ti $s h!&e !bun"!nt supp#y of 'i e hosts% 'i e best spiro hete reser&oir% -n" su''er !fter '!st wi## be high ris$ ti'e !n" p#! e Lhigh "ensity ti $ ny'phs h!&ing fe" on 'i eM for Ly'e "ise!se Are!s in e!stern USA where resi"enti!# !re! !"N! ent to forest in re!sing "r!'!ti !##y Popu#!tion "ensity of white=foote" "eer 'i e !n" "eer is high in forest fr!g'ents% pre"!tor popu#!tions in gener!# re"u e" by hu'!ns , Ly'e "ise!se ris$ is *.2 gre!ter in s'!## forest fr!g'ents th!n #!rger fr!g'ents% s'!## forest fr!g'ents ne!r hu'!n "we##ings !n" ! ti&ity
:r!'!ti h!nges sin e g#! i!tionU "r!'!ti h!nges pre"i te" with g#ob!# w!r'ing o About -.%... ye!rs !go% i e or tun"r! where northe!stern US forests !re now 4
o o o o
9orest tree spe ies !re sti## 'igr!ting into pre&ious#y "eg#! i!te" !re!s% !&er!ge interg#! i!# perio" too short for f#oristi eAui#ibriu' to be obt!ine" Se#e tion through P#eisto ene pro"u e" spe ies su essfu# in in&!"ing o''unities% "e i"uous trees !n" he'#o $ 'igr!te re#!ti&e#y r!pi"#y About *+%... ye!rs !go Lpe!$ of #!st g#! i!tionM% nut=pro"u ing trees Lo!$s% bee h% hi $oriesM restri te" to southe!stern US * Re! he" northern e"ge of urrent r!nges between *.%... !n" *-%... ye!rs !goU re o#oni;!tion r!te &!rie" with spe ies% but !s f!st or f!ster th!n win"="isperse" tree spe ies L'!p#es% firs% he'#o $% spru esM 9oo"= ! hing ro"ents !n" N!ys h!" '!Nor ro#e !s see" "ispersers On e ne!r#y ontinuous forest now fr!g'ente" by !gri u#tur!#% superhighw!ys% ities !n" suburbs
o o
Eith g#ob!# w!r'ing% "e i"uous forest shou#" e2p!n" northw!r"% but on ern !bout o#oni;!tion r!te "ue to fr!g'ent!tion #i'iting "ispers!# !gents?
Co'position of e!stern "e i"uous forest w!s "ifferent prior to o#oni;!tion of North A'eri ! by Europe!ns *.
o o o o
Ehite o!$ r!ther th!n re" o!$ w!s ! "o'in!nt then Ehite o!$ ! orns ger'in!te in f!##% re" o!$ ! orns "on6t ger'in!te unti# spring Fuge nu'bers of p!ssenger pigeons L8=/ bi##ion% eAu!# to urrent nu'ber of bir"s of !## spe ies o&erwintering in USAM% hunte" to e2tin tion by #!te *7..s M!Nor ! orn e!ters espe i!##y in spring when nesting% prob!b#y to "etri'ent of re" o!$
Re" '!p#e now "o'in!tes un"erstory of '!ny o!$% pine !n" northern=h!r"woo" forests% !n" so in re!se in o&erstory "o'in!n e "uring this entury **
Low resour e reAuire'ents !n" Csupergener!#istD so h!r! teristi s of both e!r#y !n" #!te su ession!# spe ies Thri&es in '!ny #!n"s !pes% "ifferent soi# on"itions !n" #ight regi'es @enefits fro' fire suppression% o!$s wou#" benefit if fire freAuent Figh popu#!tions of see"=e!ting !n" s!p#ing=browsing "eer prob!b#y hurt o!$ 'ore th!n '!p#e% whi h h!&e !#$!#oi"s !s he'i !# "efense See"s ger'in!te soon !fter pro"u tion in spring% e!r#y repro"u ti&e '!turity !t )=*. ye!rs% '!2i'u' #onge&ity V-.. ye!rs
Other intro"u e" inse t herbi&ores to North A'eri !n forests% NA forests sus eptib#e to intro"u e" spe ies but why? *8
Th!t Europe !n" North A'eri ! on e Noine" pre"isposes the' to su essfu# inter h!nge of inse t herbi&ores% but why h!&e Europe!n inse ts been *..2 'ore su essfu# !t in&!sion into North A'eri ! th!n &i e &ers!? Nu'ber of su essfu# in&!"ers "eter'ine" by e o#ogi !# opportunities upon !rri&!#
Potenti!# host p#!nt spe ies Lt!2ono'i !##y or he'i !##y re#!te"M% !n" their !bun"!n e% 'orpho#ogi !#% e o#ogi !# !n" pheno#ogi !# si'i#!rity to n!ti&e hosts In NA #!rger nu'ber of potenti!# host p#!nts Lnorth of 8/o% -2 'ore tree spe ies "ue to #ess e2tin tion "uring g#! i!tion "ue to north=south 'ount!ins r!ther th!n e!st=west !s in EuropeM% gre!ter !bun"!n e Ltree !bun"!n e -2 gre!terM% #ess fr!g'ente" "istribution th!n in Europe Lwith #onger !n" intense "isturb!n e by hu'!nsM
Abun"!nt !#ien p#!nts fro' Europe L8.=+.X "uring e!r#y su ession in NAM f! i#it!tes est!b#ish'ent by Europe!n inse ts
Sin e A#ps "e&e#ope"% Europe!n biot! 'ore se&ere#y i'p! te" th!n !ny other by y #i !# se&ere #i'!te h!nges "ri&en by E!rth6s orbit!# f#u tu!tions Le1g1% g#! i!tion fro' north !n" g#! iers in e!st=west 'ount!ins #eft #itt#e refuge for p#!nts !n" !ni'!#s% !n" re!te" !ri"ity in southern Europe Sin e #!st *.%... ye!rs hu'!ns with in&ention of !gri u#ture "isrupte" !n" e&en who##y e#i'in!te" '!ny e osyste's in Europe Se#e ts for suite of tr!its th!t f! i#it!te sur&i&!# in p!t hy% fr!g'ente"% i'po&erishe" forestsJ high beh!&ior!#% 'orpho#ogi !# !n" physio#ogi !# p#!sti ityU unip!rent!# repro"u tion Lp!rthenogenesisM L).X of intro"u e" inse ts on woo"y p#!nts o'p!re" to **X n!ti&e inse tsM% #!rge repro"u ti&e potenti!#% !uto= !n" !##op#oi"y% strong "ispers!# !p!bi#ity% effi ! y in "e!#ing with o'petitiors% pre"!tors !n" p!r!sites% spe i!# stress to#er!n e su h !s e2ten"e" "or'!n y R!pi" !n" perfe t syn hroni;!tion of in&!"er6s #ife y #e to th!t of new en&iron'ent !n" hosts% inse ts o'ing fro' /.o to ).o #!titu"e Lnorthern Europe to New Eng#!n"M no prob#e'% but other "ire tion is prob#e' be !use su''er "!y #ength in northern Europe too #ong to trigger "i!p!use for ! New Eng#!n" !"!pte" inse t
9orest songbir"s
Effe ts on o''unity
@ir"s #e!rn how to fin" inse t prey !'ong tree spe ies *) @ir"s re"u e "ensities of #e!f=e!ting inse t herbi&ores in forests */ @ir"s by e!ting #e!f=fee"ing inse t herbi&ores in re!se growth of trees *+
Si;e of forests Lfr!g'ent!tion% s'!## p#ots% fewer spe iesM E"ge effe t Lforest '!rgins "ifferent h!bit!tM Migr!ting bir"s #ess #i$e#y to fin" s'!## p#ots Tropi !# "eforest!tion !ffe t 'igr!nts Lo&erwinter in tropi s but nest in North A'eri !M Long="ist!n e 'igr!nts 'ore &u#ner!b#e L!rri&e #!ter on bree"ing sites% n!rrower win"ow% "isturb!n e bigger i'p! tM
Nest pre"!tors in re!sing in fr!g'ente" forests whi h !re in suburb!n !re!s% &ery strong e&i"en e for this Nest p!r!sites su h !s brown=he!"e" owbir" in re!sing% &ery strong e&i"en e for this 9r!g'ente" !re!s be o'ing popu#!tion sin$s !n" sour es 'ore prob#e'!ti
My orrhi;!e o Roots of 'ost p#!nts in&o#&e" in sy'biosis with 'y orrhi;!# fungi% fungi fun tion !s root h!irs penetr!ting soi#% f! i#it!te upt!$e of phosphorus !n" other nutrients% p#!nt supp#ies !rbohy"r!tes to fungus
En"o'y orrhi;!e Lhyph!e penetr!te outer e##s of p#!nt rootM !n" e to'y orrhi!e Lhyph!e surroun" but "o not penetr!te rootsM% prob!b#y p#!ye" ro#e in o#oni;!tion of #!n" by e!r#y #!n" p#!nts E to=type h!r! teristi of trees !n" shrubs espe i!##y in te'per!te regions% so pines% firs% o!$s% bee hes !n" wi##owsU sy'biosis '!y f! i#it!te resist!n e to h!rsh on"itions or be f! i#it!te" by p#!nt spe ies with 'ore resist!n e
E!stern "e i"uous forest typi !##y 'e!ns re#!ti&e#y nutrient poor soi#% see"s !re the "ispers!# st!ge% so'e p#!nts h!&e e&o#&e" tr!its th!t f! i#it!te getting see"s to f!&or!b#e ger'in!tion sites So'e herb! eous perenni!#s !n" shrubs pro"u e see"s with e2tern!# tissue Le#!ioso'eM th!t is ri h in f!ts or protein !n" ont!in he'i !# !ttr! t!nts% e1g1 so'e &io#ets Ants !rry see"s to o#ony% hew off e2tern!# tissue% '!y store see" or "is !r" on tr!sh pi#e Lsee" o!t &ery h!r" but !nt '!n"ib#es s !rify whi h he#ps see" !bsorb 'oistureM% other refuse in tr!sh pi#e '!$es it nutrient ri h% !nt 'oun"s "ue to e2 !&!tions h!&e !er!te" soi# !n" w!ter retention E2peri'ents show th!t see"s with e#!iso'e usu!##y "eposite" unh!r'e"% tr!sh pi#es nutrient ri h% see"s h!&e higher ger'in!tion there% better sur&i&orship !n" 'ore repro"u tion
9rugi&ory *4
o o
In e!stern "e i"uous forest% *-/W spe ies of woo"y tree% shrubs !n" &ines th!t pro"u e fruits% with see"s "isperse" pri'!ri#y by bir"s 9ruit Au!#ity p!tternsJ *M su''er s'!## see"s = #ow #ipi"s% high sug!rs% #ow retention on p#!ntU -M su''er #!rge see"e" [ #ow #ipi"s% &!ri!b#e sug!r !'ount% #ow retentionU 8M f!## high Au!#ity [ #!rge see"s% high #ipi"s% &!ri!b#e sug!r%
&!ri!b#e retentionU )M f!## #ow Au!#ity [ &!ri!b#e see" si;e% #ow #ipi"s% #ow sug!r% high retention Q C#ong she#f #ifeD
o o
M!ny bir" spe ies in e!stern "e i"uous forest e!t fruits% for so'e it is ! '!Nor p!rt of "iet for so'e of the ye!r% '!Nor spe ies !re thrushes !n" w!2wings 9ruit ripening p!tternsJ *M su''er fruits ten" to e2hibit 8 o#or st!ges% Ci''!tureD green then to Cinter'e"i!te o#orD then CripeD o#or% e1g1 green to pin$3re" to b#ue3b#! $% !s in b#ueberries or b#! $berries !n" herries% th!t '!y sign!# territori!# bir"s !n" thus in re!se "ispers!# by CAu!#ity "ispersersD !s oppose" to s'!## '!''!#s% !n" -M f!## fruits '!y h!&e e!r#y fo#i!ge o#or h!nge th!t '!y sign!# 'igr!tory bir"s% or o&erwinter retention of fruits thus "ispers!# by o&erwintering bir"s :ifferent see" "ispersers #i$e#y to gener!te "ifferent see" sh!"ows
Nutrient y #ing
Soi# is pro"u e" by we!thering of be"ro $ Lro $ onsisting of ! &!riety of 'iner!#s Le#e'ents o'bine" into inorg!ni o'poun"sMM% soi# pro"u tion is f! i#it!te" by org!ni ! i"s fro' p#!nt '!tter% 'iner!# ontent o'bine" with org!ni '!tter &i! we!thering !n" bioti pro esses L! tion of 'i robes !n" soi# in&ertebr!tesM% #!yering ref#e ts whi h pro esses "o'in!nt fro' surf! e through soi# to be"ro $ Gu!#ity !n" Au!ntity of soi# is p!t hy ! ross forest f#oor% pit=!n"='oun"s ontribute to p!t hiness% !ffe ts "istribution of un"erstory p#!nts -. Fubb!r" @roo$ e2peri'ent% whi h !n be foun" in !#'ost e&ery e o#ogy te2tboo$ A i" r!in
Su#furi ! i" is '!in ! i" L/.=,/XM th!t "e&e#ops fro' in"ustri!# e'issions Lespe i!##y power p#!nts using fossi# fue#M% re or"s fro' *4+8 into *44.s show pre ipit!tion in northe!stern US with !&er!ge pF of )% Europe with si'i#!r prob#e' C!# iu'
N!tur!# sour e is fro' we!thering of be"ro $ C!# iu' i'port!nt in !'bi!# growth of trees !n" s!pwoo" fun tioning whi h !ffe ts rown "ensity L#e!f '!ss !n" !re!% tooM A i" r!in resu#te" in #oss of /.X !# iu' o&er )/ ye!rs !t Fubb!r" @roo$ E9 Eithout enough !# iu' L!n" '!gnesiu'M to neutr!#i;e ! i" r!in !#u'inu' ions re#e!se" into soi#% !#u'inu' ions re"u e upt!$e of !# iu' by p#!nts L o'petition for bin"ing sites on fine rootsM% !#so !#u'inu' to2i to p#!nts% o&er!## '!$es p#!nts 'ore &u#ner!b#e to "ise!ses !n" inse ts -* In Europe forest bir"s pro"u ing eggshe##s th!t !re thinner !n" thus high r!te of nesting f!i#ure% !# iu' "efi ien y% sn!i# she##s !re '!in !# iu'
sour e for bir"s% but now sn!i#s s !r e% "e re!se in !# iu' on nutrient poor L'ost forest soi#s !reM ! i"ifie" soi#s o
Nitrogen s!tur!tion -8
Su#furi ! i" "eposition fro' ! i" r!in L"ue to burning fossi# fue#sM h!s been ! on ern% but now !#so worrie" !bout nitrogen fro' s!'e sour e 9orest e osyste's usu!##y nitrogen #i'ite"% so how !n in re!se" nitrogen be ! stressor? A u'u#!tes% e2 ee"s !p! ity of syste' for upt!$e% other resour es Lusu!##y phosphorus !n" w!terM r!ther th!n nitrogen #i'it p#!nt growth M!y resu#t in nitr!te #e! hing to stre!'s !n" groun"w!ter Lwhi h '!y in re!se 'i robi!# #e&e#s
9i2ing ! i" r!inU if ! i" r!in6s effe ts were "ire t on trees% #!$es !n" stre!'s then see's si'p#e [ Nust ut in"ustri!# e'issions espe i!##y su#fur% USA *4,. C#e!n Air A t !n" *44. !'en"'ents Lre"u ing su#fur e'issions to /.X of *47. #e&e# by -...M% h!s this wor$e"?
o o o o
Cut b! $s in e'issions Lso'ewh!tM% on entr!tion of su#fur in w!ter "e #ine"% but w!ter #ow in ! i" neutr!#i;ing !p! ity% effe t of ! i" r!in sti## strong#y present Thin$ing !t ti'e of #egis#!tion w!s th!t soi#s were so we## buffere" th!t ! i" r!in "i"n6t h!&e serious "ire t effe t there @ut no% ! i" r!in '!"e profoun" h!nges in soi#% best "!t! set in US is Fubb!r" @roo$ E2peri'ent!# 9orest in New F!'pshire A i" r!in !use" #e! hing of !# iu' fro' soi# to w!ter% e'issions utb! $ !#so re"u e" !# iu' input% so #itt#e to ounter #oss% wi## be /.W ye!rs before we!thering of be"ro $ !n restore !# iu' poo# So'e Europe!n ountries spre!" #i'e in forests% too e2pensi&e here
N!ti&e e!rthwor's !re r!re in northern forests of North A'eri !% presu'!b#y wipe" out "uring #!st g#! i!tion !n" s#ow to re o#oni;e Most e!rthwor's in northern forests now !re e2oti % intro"u e" re ent#y Not $nown wh!t #ong ter' effe ts th!t wi## h!&e% how wi"e=spre!" in&!sion is% wh!t !re!s !re sus eptib#e !n" how th!t wi## h!nge with g#ob!# w!r'ing% how other f! tors su h !s ! i" r!in "eposition wi## !ffe t in&!sion or its effe ts? E!rthwor's !n e#i'in!te the forest f#oor Lorg!ni #!yerM% whi h is $ey o'ponent to st!bi#ity of forests Le1g1% prote ts !g!inst erosion% f! i#it!tes regener!tion !fter "isturb!n eM E!rthwor' ! ti&ity '!y re"u e !&!i#!bi#ity of phosphorus to p#!nts% !n" sti'u#!te nitrogen y #e pro esses L!n" thus #oss of fi2e" nitrogenM
,eference * V!n"er E!## S@ L-..*M The e&o#ution!ry e o#ogy of nut "ispers!#1 @ot!ni !# Re&iew +,J,)=**, (Gre!t resour e !bout p!tterns !n" hypotheses10 Stee#e MA% Rnow#es T% @ri"#e R% Si''s EL L*448M T!nnins !n" p!rti!# onsu'ption of ! ornsJ i'p#i !tions for "ispers!# of o!$s by see" pre"!tors1 A'eri !n Mi"#!n" N!tur!#ist *8.J--4=-87 8 <ones CG% Ostfe#" RS% Ri h!r" MP% S h!uber EM% Eo#ff <O L*447M Ch!in re! tions #in$ing ! orns to gypsy 'oth outbre!$s !n" Ly'e "ise!se ris$1 S ien e -,4J*.-8=*.-+ (Re'o&ing 'i e resu#te" in 'ore 'othsU !""ing ! orns in re!se" 'i e "ensity !n" ti $ "ensity% with ti $s the &e tor for Ly'e "ise!se10 ) Ostfe#" RS% <ones CG% Eo#ff <O L*44+M Of 'i e !n" '!st1 @ioS ien e )+J8-8=88. (9ee"b! $ !'ong o!$s L! ornsM% "eer Le!ting fo#i!ge !n" ! ornsM% 'i e Le!ting ! orns% '!p#e see"s !n" gypsy 'oth pup!eM% !n" ti $s L !rrie" by "eer !n" 'i e !n" !rriers of Ly'e "ise!seM gener!ting episo"i e&ents in "e i"uous forest of e!stern US0 / S hu#t; <C% Le howi ; M< L*47+M Fostp#!nt% #!r&!# !ge% !n" fee"ing beh!&ior inf#uen e 'i"gut pF in the gypsy 'oth LLy'!ntri! "isp!rM1 Oe o#ogi! ,*J*88=*8, (E2!'ines gut physio#ogi !# !"!pt!tions &ersus #e!f he'istry to !ssess gypsy 'oth6s !bi#ity to be ! gener!#ist fee"er10 + Liebho#" A% E#$inton <% Ei##i!'s :% Mu;i$! R L-...M Eh!t !uses outbre!$s of the gypsy 'oth in North A'eri !? Popu#!tion E o#ogy )-J-/,=-++ (CTe'por!# !n" sp!ti!# p!tterns of '!st pro"u tion '!y be responsib#e for the episo"i !n" sp!ti!##y syn hronous beh!&ior of gypsy 'oth outbre!$s in North A'eri !1 This 'u#titrophi re#!tionship !'ong '!st% pre"!tors% !n" gypsy 'oths represents ! &ery "ifferent e2p#!n!tion of forest inse t outbre!$ "yn!'i s th!n the 'ore wi"e#y !pp#ie" theories b!se" upon pre"!tor=prey y #es or fee"b! $ with host fo#i!ge Au!#ity1D0 httpJ33www1s!n"y#iebho#"1 o'3pubs3rpeSg'1p"f , Ostfe#" RS% Reesing 9 L-...M @io"i&ersity !n" "ise!se ris$J the !se of Ly'e "ise!se1 Conser&!tion @io#ogy *)J,--=,-7 (CThe reser&oir o'peten e of hosts within &ertebr!te o''unities !n" the "egree of spe i!#i;!tion by ti $s on p!rti u#!r hosts wi## strong#y inf#uen e the re#!tionship between spe ies "i&ersity !n" the ris$ of e2posure to the '!ny &e tor=borne "ise!ses th!t p#!gue hu'!ns1D0 7 Roren FS% Cr!wfor"=@rown : L-..)M A fr!'ewor$ for the integr!tion of e osyste' !n" hu'!n he!#th in pub#i po#i yJ two !se stu"ies with infe tious !gents1 En&iron'ent!# Rese!r h 4/J4-=*./ (Ly'e "ise!se in re!sing "ue to r!pi" suburb!ni;!tion !n" reforest!tion resu#ting in fr!g'ente" forest !"N! ent to hu'!n "we##ings1 9r!g'ents h!&e high popu#!tions of white=foote" 'i e Lreser&oir for spiro hete !using "ise!seM !n" "eer% whi h in !""ition to 'i e host ti $ &e tor% but few or no pre"!tors to $eep 'i e !n" "eer popu#!tions in he $10 4 :!&is M@ L*4,+M P#eisto ene biogeogr!phy of te'per!te "e i"uous forests1 Geos ien e !n" M!n *8J*8=-+ (Goo" su''!ry0 *. E##sworth <E% M Co'b @C L-..8M Potenti!# effe ts of p!ssenger pigeon f#o $s on the stru ture !n" o'position of presett#e'ent forests of e!stern North A'eri !1 Conser&!tion @io#ogy *,J*/)7=*//7 (Suggest wi"espre!" !n" freAuent "isturb!n e of forests by huge% ro!'ing f#o $s of pigeons% &i! roosting beh!&ior !using #i'b bre!$!ge !n" thus re!ting fire fue#% gu!no "eposition $i##ing un"erstory p#!nts !n" see"=e!ting f!&oring f!## ger'in!ting o!$s o&er spring ger'in!tors10 ** Abr!'s M: L*447M The re" '!p#e p!r!"o21 @ioS ien e )7J8//=8+) (An e2p#!n!tion for the wi"espre!" e2p!nsion of re" '!p#e in e!stern forests10
Fen"ri2 P9% @oh#en P< L-..-M E2oti e!rthwor' in&!sions in North A'eri !J E o#ogi !# !n" po#i y i'p#i !tions1 @ioS ien e /-J7.*=7**U @oh#en P<% Groff'!n PM% 9!hey T<% 9is$ MC% Su!re; E% Pe##etier :M% 9!hey RT L-..)M E osyste' onseAuen es of e2oti e!rthwor' in&!sion of north te'per!te forests1 E osyste's ,J*=*- (Su''!ry of ! set of rese!r h p!pers in th!t &o#u'e1 Too e!r#y to h!&e ! #e!r pi ture of wh!t the out o'e of e!rthwor' in&!sion wi## be% but #!rge effe ts !re Auite #i$e#y10 *8 Nie'e#! P% M!ttson E< L*44+M In&!sion of North A'eri !n forests by Europe!n phytoph!gous inse ts1 @ioS ien e )+J,)*=,/8 (CEurope!n biot! '!y be 'u h better o'petitors% espe i!##y un"er "isturb!n e !n" fr!g'ente" on"itions% th!n their North A'eri !n ounterp!rts1D0 *) Feinri h @% Co##ins SL L*478M C!terpi##!r #e!f "!'!ge% !n" the g!'e of hi"e=!n"=see$ with bir"s1 E o#ogy +)J/4-=+.-U Feinri h @ L*4,4M 9or!ging str!tegies of !terpi##!rsJ #e!f "!'!ge !n" possib#e pre"!tor !&!oi"!n e str!tegies1 Oe o#ogi! )-J8-/=88, (Series of obser&!tions !n" e2peri'ents th!t show how !terpi##!rs e&!"e bir"s% !n" how bir"s se!r h for !terpi##!rs !n" the ro#e of #e!rning10 */ Fo#'es RT% S hu#t; <C% Nothn!g#e P L*4,4M @ir" pre"!tion on forest inse tsJ !n e2 #osure e2peri'ent1 S ien e -.+J)+-=)+8 *+ M!rAuis R<% Ehe#!n C< L*44)M Inse ti&orous bir"s in re!se growth of white o!$ through onsu'ption of #e!f= hewing inse ts1 E o#ogy ,/J-..,=-.*) *, Terborgh < L*44-M Ehy A'eri !n songbir"s !re &!nishing? S ientifi A'eri !n LM!yMJ47=*.) (Eng!ging !rti #e th!t onsi"ers &!rious hypotheses% su''!ri;es "!t!% !n" in"i !tes o'p#e2ities #e!r#y1 Reports sin e *44- for USA L!n" EuropeM in"i !te ontinuing "e #ine10 *7 F!n"e# SN% @e!ttie A< L*44.M See" "ispers!# by !nts1 S ientifi A'eri !n -+8 L-3AugMJ,+WU @e!ttie A< L*44.M Ant p#!nt!tion1 N!tur!# Fistory 9ebJ*.=*) (Eng!ging "es riptions p#us goo" i##ustr!tions !n" photogr!phs10 *4 Sti#es EE L*47.M P!tterns of fruit present!tion !n" see" "ispers!# in bir"="isse'in!te" woo"y p#!nts in the e!stern "e i"uous forest1 A'eri !n N!tur!#ist **+J+,.=+77U Sti#es EE L*47)M 9ruit for !## se!sons1 N!tur!# Fistory O toberJ )8=/- (:!t! !'!sse" in first !rti #eU eng!ging "es ription !n" photogr!phs in se on"10 -. @e!tty SE L*47)M Inf#uen e of 'i rotopogr!phy !n" !nopy spe ies on sp!ti!# p!tterns of forest un"erstory p#!nts1 E o#ogy +/J*).+=*)*4 -* Short#e EC% S'ith RT L*477M A#u'inu'=in"u e" !# iu' "efi ien y syn"ro'e in "e #ining re" spru e1 S ien e -).J*.*,=*.*7 -Gr!&e#!n" <% &!n "er E!# R% &!n @!#en <F% &!n Noor"wiN$ A< L*44)M Poor repro"u tion in forest p!sserines fro' "e #ine of sn!i# !bun"!n e on ! i"ifie" soi#s1 N!ture 8+7J))+= ))7 -8 Aber <:% N!"e#hoffer R<% Steu"#er P% Me#i##o <M L*474M Nitrogen s!tur!tion in northern forest e osyste's1 @ioS ien e 84J8,7=87+ (CE2 ess nitrogen fro' fossi# fue# o'bustion '!y stress the biosphere1D0 -) Li$ens GE% :ris o## CT% @uso :C L*44+M Long=ter' effe ts of ! i" r!inJ response !n" re o&ery of ! forest e osyste'1 S ien e -,-J-))=-), 3:>E, :F ST:,7 ,EFE,E8CES * @ybee R L*448M An instru tion!# 'o"e# for s ien e e"u !tion% :e&e#oping @io#ogi !# Liter! y1 Co#or!"o SpringsJ @io#ogi !# S ien e Curri u#u' Stu"y1 Pe!rs!## NR% S$ipper <<% Mint;es << L*44,M Rnow#e"ge restru turing in the #ife s ien esJ ! #ongitu"in!# stu"y of on eptu!# h!nge in bio#ogy1 S ien e E"u !tion 7*J*48=-*/U No&!$ <: L-..-M Me!ningfu# #e!rningJ the essenti!# f! tor for on eptu!# h!nge in #i'ite" or in!ppropri!te proposition!# hier!r hies #e!"ing to e'power'ent of #e!rners1 S ien e E"u !tion 7+J/)7=/,*
Softw!re for on ept '!pping !&!i#!b#e on#ineJ Inspir!tion Softw!re = \,. [ !n bui#" '!p by onstru ting !n out#ine or &i e &ers! whi h is espe i!##y he#pfu# if stu"ents nee" to on&ert &isu!# to !n ess!y or &i e &ers!% pro&i"es '!ny usefu# te'p#!tes su h !s Cprob#e'=so#&ingD% p#us other ni e fe!tures httpJ33www1inspir!tion1 o'3ho'e1 f' !n"3or% CMP !t Institute for Fu'!n M! hine Cognition !t Uni&ersity of Eest 9#ori"! = free for nonprofit use [ b!si '!pping httpJ33 '!p1 oginst1uwf1e"u ) There !re se&er!# w!ys to "o Cp!ir=!n"=sh!reD1 In b!si Cp!ir=!n"=sh!reD% stu"ents p!ir !n" wor$ on ! Auestion together for *=- 'inutes% with the un"erst!n"ing th!t one of the' '!y h!&e to report subseAuent#y to Cthe group !s ! who#eD1 In the first or tr!ining st!ge% whi h '!y benefit by se&er!# tri!#s% stu"ents in"i&i"u!##y write their !nswer% then p!ir !n" sh!re1 Other &ersions !n pro&i"e &!riety !n" !"" to s$i## "e&e#op'entU for e2!'p#eJ Cpower of twoD Lstu"ents write !nswer in"i&i"u!##y% p!ir !n" sh!re% then re!te ! new !nswer th!t i'pro&es on their in"i&i"u!# !nswersM !n" Ce2p#!iner=#istenerD Lstu"ents re!" s!'e !rti #e or !nswer s!'e Auestion in"i&i"u!##y% then p!ir with one person e2p#!ining !n" other !n on#y !s$ Auestions for #!rifi !tion or to obt!in orre t !nswerM1 / Nie'e#! P% M!ttson E< L*44+M In&!sion of North A'eri !n forests by Europe!n phytoph!gous inse ts1 @ioS ien e )+J,)*=,/8 (CEurope!n biot! '!y be 'u h better o'petitors% espe i!##y un"er "isturb!n e !n" fr!g'ente" on"itions% th!n their North A'eri !n ounterp!rts1D0 + Terborgh < L*44-M Ehy A'eri !n songbir"s !re &!nishing1 S ientifi A'eri !n LM!yM p1 47= *.)1 (Eng!ging !rti #e th!t onsi"ers &!rious hypotheses% su''!ri;es "!t!% !n" in"i !tes o'p#e2ities #e!r#y1 Reports sin e *44- for USA L!n" EuropeM in"i !te ontinuing "e #ine10 , There !re '!ny &ersions of group Aui;;es1 The 'ost o''on &ersion is th!t stu"ents first t!$e the Aui; in"i&i"u!##y then wor$ on it in ! te!'1 The stu"ent6s gr!"e is ! o'bin!tion of the in"i&i"u!# gr!"e !n" the te!' gr!"e1 The !"&!nt!ges !re th!t stu"ents h!&e to !rti u#!te their $now#e"ge !n" i"e!s to others !n" they h!&e to ooper!te Lprep!re proper#y !n" p!rti ip!te in "is ussion M to '!2i'i;e their own !n" the group6s su ess1 7 Fen"ri2 P9% @oh#en P< L-..-M E2oti e!rthwor' in&!sions in North A'eri !J E o#ogi !# !n" po#i y i'p#i !tions1 @ioS ien e /-J7.*=7**U @oh#en P<% Groff'!n PM% 9!hey T<% 9is$ MC% Su!re; E% Pe##etier :M% 9!hey RT L-..)M E osyste' onseAuen es of e2oti e!rthwor' in&!sion of north te'per!te forests1 E osyste's ,J*=*- (Su''!ry of ! set of rese!r h p!pers in th!t &o#u'e1 Too e!r#y to h!&e ! #e!r pi ture of wh!t the out o'e of e!rthwor' in&!sion wi## be% but #!rge effe ts !re Auite #i$e#y10 httpJ33www1e ostu"ies1org3rese!r h3reports3grofrep-1ht'# httpJ33www1 !#s1 orne##1e"u3 !#s3CALSSNews3&+i43e!rthwor'1ht'# 4 httpJ33www1nrri1u'n1e"u3wor's httpJ33www1bot!ny1wis 1e"u3w!##er3ho'ogeni;e"3SESSC@.81ppt *. Ei#son EO L-..-M The power of story1 A'eri !n E"u !tor -7 LspringMJ7=** ** O"u' EP L*44-M Gre!t i"e!s in e o#ogy for the *44.s1 @ioS ien e )-J/)-=/)/ *Sin #!ir ARE L-..8M M!''!# popu#!tion regu#!tion% $eystone pro esses !n" e osyste' "yn!'i s1 Phi#osophi !# Tr!ns! tions of the Roy!# So iety of Lon"on Series @ 8/7J*,-4=*,).
The following are examples of concept maps that students have created during class-time about the eastern deciduous forest.
Student A: Pre-assessment map Concept map of the hosts and vectors of Lyme disease Concept map of the effects of masting on the timing of the increased risk of Lyme disease Student B: Pre-assessment map Post-assessment concept map PR -!"" ""# $T C%$C PT #!P-"tudent ! &efore we started the unit on the eastern deciduous forest' students were given basic information about the construction of concept maps. Then we asked students to construct a concept map using the following list of some of the organisms found in the eastern deciduous forest( gypsy moth' deer' white-footed mice' white oak' red oak' red maple' earthworm' and thrush )songbird*. "tudents were not given any further information or assistance. &elow is a typical concept map from one of our students. +e then used Cmap Tools' ver. ,.- to present it here. This program can be found at http(..cmap.ihmc.us .
L/# 01" !" ( 2%"T" !$0 3 CT%R"- "tudent ! !fter completing the mini-lecture on Lyme disease' we had students construct a concept map regarding Lyme disease and its hosts and vectors. &elow is an example of this map from one of our students. This map may not be as complete as what a trained ecologist would have make' but there are some points where the student shows a fairly sophisticated understanding of the material. The student shows an understanding of the different lifestages of the deer tick' as well as in which stages it becomes infected and causes infection. 4or this assignment' we expected students to construct their maps in a more circular )life-cycle* format with respect to the lifecycle of the deer tick' which was how some of the information was presented during the minilecture. 1nterestingly' this student took the point of view of the spirochete and how it moves between members of the ecosystem. This variation from the expected suggests the student had a very good understanding of the material when constructing this map. +e used Cmap Tools ver. ,.- to present this map.
T1#1$5 %4 #!"T1$5 !$0 L/# 01" !" - "tudent ! !fter covering both Lyme disease and masting in the classroom' we asked our students to construct a concept map that covers a timeline of three years. The first year is a masting year. The second and third years follow and are not masting years. "tudents were to draw a map of the effects of the timing of masting' over these three years' on the increased risks of Lyme disease in humans. &elow is an example of this map' which was contributed by one of our students. 0espite its simplicity' this map indicates that this student understood the significance and effects of masting' not only during the masting year' but also for the two years immediately following that year. +e used Cmap Tools ver. ,.- to present this map.
Student B:
PR -!"" ""# $T C%$C PT #!P-"tudent & &efore we started the unit on the eastern deciduous forest' students were given basic information about the construction of concept maps. Then we asked students to construct a concept map using the following list of some of the organisms found in the eastern deciduous forest( gypsy moth' deer' white-footed mice' white oak' red oak' red maple' earthworm' and thrush )songbird*.
"tudents were not given any further information or assistance. &elow is a typical concept map from one of our students. +e then used Cmap Tools' ver. ,.- to present it here. This program can be found at http(..cmap.ihmc.us .
POST-ASSESSMENT CONCEPT MAP- 6 MONTHS AFTER COURSE-Student B "ix months after the completion of the course )- months after the unit on the eastern deciduous forest*' we asked one of our students to construct a concept map about the eastern deciduous forest ecosystem without looking at their course notes. xcept for the tick life stage on each animal' which the student checked after making the map' the map was constructed from the student6s recall of eastern deciduous forest issues. +e then used Cmap Tools ver. ,.- to present the map here. The point is that this student has' in long-term memory' a much more sophisticated understanding of an ecosystem than at the outset of the course- now complex relationships' and a sense of population dynamics are shown.
ACKNOWLE !EMENTS T"#$ %ate&#a' #$ ba$ed (n )(&* $u++(&ted b, t"e Nat#(na' Sc#ence F(undat#(n unde& !&ant N(- NSFCCL./006123- An, (+#n#(n$4 5#nd#n6$4 and c(nc'u$#(n$ (& &ec(%%endat#(n$ e7+&e$$ed #n t"#$ %ate&#a' a&e t"($e (5 t"e aut"(&$ and d( n(t nece$$a&#', &e5'ect t"e 8#e)$ (5 t"e Nat#(na' Sc#ence F(undat#(nMa#n+a6e and Banne& !&a+"#c$ P"(t($ b, 9#ct(& La%(u&eu7 and Te&a (t, Webde$#6n b, Te&a (t, Tec"n#ca' Su++(&t S+ec#a'#$t Cente& 5(& Lea&n#n6 and Teac"#n6 B#n6"a%t(n Un#8e&$#t,