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M LG & For LG Electronic Pune Limited: Project Report ON

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It i# in"ee" o$ %re&t !o!ent to 'le&# re to e('re## !) #en#e# o$ 'er $o n" %r&tit "e & in"e*tne## to &ll t+e 'eo'le ,+o +&-e *een in#tr !ent&l in !&.in% !) t&nnin% & ric+ e('erience/ I %ot t+e o''ort nit) to "o & c+&llen%in% 'ro0ect in LG ELECTRONIC PUNE 1INDIA2 T+e 'ro0ect i# t+e i!'ort&nt '&rt o$ o r #t ") &n" %i-e# # & re&l 'r&ctic&l e('o# re to t+e cor'or&te ,orl" &n" it i# &l!o#t i!'o##i*le to "o t+e #&!e ,it+o t t+e % i"&nce o$ 'eo'le# in &n" &ro n" #/ S'eci$ic&ll) t+e # !!er tr&inin% o$ $ro! 3n" o$ M&) to 3n" o$ J l) t+&t i#

%ener&ll) ter!e" &# t+e '&rti&l $ l$ill!ent o$ o r '%' 'ro%r&! +ol"# e(tre!e i!'ort&nce $or o r ,+ole c&reer/ Si!il&rl) ,+ile "oin% t+e to'ic 4 Market Survey on LG consumer durables & dealer development &# & # !!er tr&inee I too. !&n) !) 'ro0ect# in +el'/ It %i-e# !e i!!en#e 'le&# re to &c.no,le"%e LG ELECTRO !CS ! "!A Ltd/5 ,+ic+ +&# *een nice eno %+ to %i-e !e & c+&nce to "o !) # !!er tr&inin% &n" 'ro-i"in% !e ,on"er$ l # ''ort t+ro %+ o t !) tr&inin% 'erio" &n" &$ter,&r"/ I &! t+&n.$ l to MR $or &llo,in% !e to "o !) re#e&rc+ in +i# o$$ice *) .no,in% !) intere#t in "oin% re#e&rc+ on LG con# !er " r&*le# &n" "e&ler "e-elo'!ent re#e&rc+/

I &! %r&te$ l $or +i# e(ce'tion&l # ''ort $or !) #t ") t+ro %+o t t+e#e ei%+t ,ee.#/ I +&-e le&rne" t+e !e&nin% o$ !&r.etin% &n" 'ro$e##ion&li#! $ro! t+i# %re&t 'er#on&lit)/ ! also t#ank to I ,o l" li.e to t&.e t+i# o''ort nit) to e(ten" !) +e&rt$elt %r&tit "e to6 $

I &! &l#o %r&te$ l to t+e A#!it& S&,&nt5 RSO5 S+o' !&n&%er5 &n" t+e Di#tri* tor I ,or.e" ,it+/ T+e entire e('erience +&# *een -er) enco r&%in% &n" ,ill cert&inl) +el' !e #t&n" in %oo" #te&" t+ro %+o t !) C&reer in F t re/

I &l#o t+&n.# to !) 'ro0ect % i"e $or +i# % i"&nce " rin% !) 'ro0ect/ I &l#o t+&n. to !) colle%e "irector Mr% $or %i-in% !e c+&nce to %et # c+ &n e('erience &n" %i-in% !e c+&nce to %et &n in" #tri&l e('erience/

I ,ill t&.e 'le&# re in "ecl&rin% t+&t t+e 'ro0ect ,or. t+&t i# n"ert&.en *) !e i# &n ori%in&l &n" & t+entic ,or. "one *) !e/ T+i# 'ro0ect i# *ein% # *!itte" I '&rti&l $ l$ill!ent $or &,&r" o$ "e%ree o$ Po#t Gr&" &te Di'lo!& in M&n&%e!ent $ro! T+e content o$ t+i# re'ort i# *&#e" on t+e in$or!&tion collecte" *) !e " rin% !) ten re &t LG Electronic# Lt"/ &t PUNE $or t,o !ont+# o$ tr&inin% $ro! 3 n" o$ M&) to 3n" J l) 3778

E(ec ti-e # !!&r)

In"i&n Con# !er " r&*le# !&r.et #e" to *e "o!in&te" *) $e, "o!e#tic 'l&)er# li.e %o"re0 Volt&# &ll,)n &n" .&l-in&ter/ B t 'o#t li*er&li9&tion ! c+ $orei%n co!'&n) +&-e entere" into In"i&n !&r.et "et+ronin% t+e In"i&n 'l&)er &n" "o!in&tin% In"i&n !&r.et t+e !&0or c&te%orie# in t+e !&r.et CTV5 REFRIGRATOR5 AIR CONDTIONERS AND :AS;ING MAC;INE In"i& *ein% t+e #econ" l&r%e#t %ro,in% econo!) ,it+ + %e con# !er cl&## +&# re# lte" in con# !er " r&*le# &# t+e $&#te#t %ro,in% in" #trie# in In"i& LG5 SAMSUNG t+e t,o Kore&n co!'&nie# +&# *een !&int&inin% t+e le&" in t+e in" #trie# ,it+ LG *ein% le&"er in &l!o#t &ll t+e c&te%orie#/ T+e r r&l !&r.et i# %ro,in% $&#ter t+&n t+e r*&n !&r.et5 &lt+o %+ t+e

'enetr&tion le-el i# ! c+ lo,er /T+e CTV #e%!ent i# e('ecte" to t+e l&r%e#t contri* tin% #e%!ent to t+e o-er&ll %ro,t+ t+e in" #tr)/ T+e ri#in% inco!e le-el# "o *le<inco!e $&!ilie# &n" con# !er &,&rene## &re t+e !&in %ro,t+ "ri-er# o$ t+e in" #trie#/ Con# !er " r&*le# !&0or LG Electronic# In"i& P-t Lt" 1LGEIL2 ,ill in-e#t ne&rl) R# =77 crore in In"i& t+i# )e&r in re#e&rc+ &n" "e-elo'!ent5 *r&n"< * il"in% &n" ot+er !&r.etin% initi&ti-e#/ T+e co!'&n)5 +&-in% & t rno-er o$ R# >5=77 crore &n" !&r.et #+&re o$ 3? 'er cent5 i# in-e#tin% R# @?7 crore on *r&n"<* il"in% &n" ot+er !&r.etin% initi&ti-e# &n" &ro n" R# AB7 crore on re#e&rc+ &n" "e-elo'!ent5 *e#i"e# l& nc+in% ne, 'l&t$or!# in in$or!&tion tec+nolo%) &n" rel&te" &re&#5

LGC# inno-&ti-e D3AA c&!'&i%nC to 'ro-i"e E &lit) &$ter<#&le# #er-ice5 ,ill &l#o *e e('&n"e" $ro! t+e e(i#tin% 33 to B7 citie# *) ne(t !ont+5 T+e c&!'&i%n5 $or ,+ic+ IT in$r&#tr ct re +&# *een #et '5 incl "e# t+e

co!'&n)C# re#'on#e to c #to!er co!'l&int ,it+in t,o +o r#/ T+e $i(in% ti!e $or co!'l&int# -&rie# $ro! one +o r to & !&(i! ! o$ 3B +o r#/

Scope o& pro'ect

T+i# 'ro0ect %i-e# !e %re&t e('o# re to t+e con# !er " r&*le !&r.et *ec& #e it incl "e# 'ro" ct .no,le"%e &n" t+e $ile" 0o* in ,+ic+ I +&-e -i#ite" t+e #tore co!e# n"er t+e re%ion o$ P ne/ D rin% t+i# 'ro0ect I &l#o too. '&rt in t+e e(+i*ition o$ LG ,+ic+ +el" $or t+e ' r'o#e *r&n"in% &n" &,&rene## o$ LG 'ro" ct/ T+i# 'ro0ect +el'# !e to .no, t+e !&r.et 'r&ctic&ll)/ M) 0o* ,&# " rin% t+i# 'ro0ect to #ee t+e !&r.et #+&re &n" &l#o t+e "i#'l&) #+&re o$ t+e LG 'ro" ct in t+e #tore/ LG &l,&)# in#i#t t+e =7F "i#'l&) #+&re o$ LG 'ro" ct *ec& #e LG *elie-e# t+&t ()O "!*+TA +A! ,O -!*TA +A!./ My 'ob /nclude w#/le v/s/t/ng t#e s#ops A/ C&lc l&te t+e "i#'l&) #+&re o$ t+e LG 'ro" ct in e-er) #+o' ,+ic+ co!e# n"er P ne re%ion/ 3/ Collect t+e "&t& o$ &ct &l !ont+l) #&le o$ t+e LG 'ro" ct in e-er) #+o'/ @/ C+ec. t+e &-&il&*ilit) o$ LG c&t&lo% e &n" t+e POP# in t+e #tore/ B/ Fin" o t t+e 'ro*le!# t+&t t+e "e&ler &re $&cin% ,+ile #&ilin% t+e LG 'ro" ct/ =/ Fin" o t t+e co#t !er re#'on#e $or t+e LG 'ro" ct *) &#.in% t+e o,ner o$ t+e #+o'/ ?/ Fin" o t t+e "i#tri* ter n&!e $ro! ,+o! t+e) ' rc+&#in% t+eir 'ro" ct &n" &l#o ,e&t+er t+e) +&-e "irect "e&ler#+i' &n" ,+ic+ *r&n"/ G/ C+ec. t+&t "e!o c&ll# &re &tten"e" or not

*ey &/nd/ngs01 A/ B) c&lc l&tin% t+e "i#'l&) #+&re ,e $o n" t+&t in !o#t o$ #tore LG +&# =7F "i#'l&) #+&re &l!o#t &ll c&te%orie#/ 3/ B) t+e &ct &l !ont+l) #&le o$ '&rtic l&r #tore ,e c&!e to .no, t+e c&'&cit) o$ t+e #tore &n" +o, ! c+ 'ro" ct c&n t+e) #&le/ @/ It +el'# # to .no, t+&t ,e&t+er "e&ler i# c&'&*le o$ *ein% & "irect "e&ler o$ LG or not &n" it &l#o +el'# to $in" o t t+e ne, "e&ler ,+o &re c&'&*le o$ *ein% t+e "e&ler o$ LG/ B/ :e &l#o c&!e to .no, ,+ile -i#itin% t+e #+o'# t+&t t+ere ,&# *i% 'ro*le! o$ &$ter #&le #er-ice/ =/ M&n) "e&ler# ,ere $&cin% t+e 'ro*le! o$ &$ter #&le #er-ice *ec& #e t+ere i# no $ollo, ' c&ll# $ro! LG/ ?/ De!o c&ll# &l#o not "one 'ro'erl)/

Be$ore t+e li*er&li9&tion o$ t+e In"i&n econo!)5 onl) & $e, co!'&nie# li.e Kel-in&tor5 Go"re05 All,)n5 &n" Volt&# ,ere t+e !&0or 'l&)er# in t+e con# !er " r&*le# !&r.et5 &cco ntin% $or no le## t+&n >7F o$ t+e !&r.et/ T+en5 &$ter t+e li*er&li9&tion5 $orei%n 'l&)er# li.e LG5 Son)5 S&!# n%5 :+irl'ool5 D&e,oo5 &n" Ai,& c&!e into t+e 'ict re/ To"&)5 t+e#e 'l&)er# control t+e !&0or #+&re o$ t+e con# !er " r&*le# !&r.et/ Con# !er " r&*le# !&r.et i# e('ecte" to %ro, &t A7<A=F in 377G<3778/ It i# %ro,in% -er) $&#t *ec& #e o$ ri#e in li-in% #t&n"&r"#5 e&#) &cce## to con# !er $in&nce5 &n" ,i"e r&n%e o$ c+oice5 &# !&n) $orei%n 'l&)er# &re enterin% in t+e !&r.et :it+ t+e incre&#e in inco!e le-el#5 e&#) &-&il&*ilit) o$ $in&nce5 incre&#e in con# !er &,&rene##5 &n" intro" ction o$ ne, !o"el#5 t+e "e!&n" $or con# !er " r&*le# +&# incre&#e" #i%ni$ic&ntl)/ Pro" ct# li.e ,&#+in% !&c+ine#5 &ir con"itioner#5 !icro,&-e o-en#5 color tele-i#ion# 1CTV#2 &re no lon%er con#i"ere" l ( r) ite!#/ ;o,e-er5 t+ere &re #till -er) $e, 'l&)er# in c&te%orie# li.e -&c ! cle&ner#5 &n" "i#+,&#+er#

Con# !er " r&*le# #ector i# c+&r&cteri9e" *) t+e e!er%ence o$ MNC#5 e(c+&n%e o$$er#5 "i#co nt#5 &n" inten#e co!'etition/ T+e !&r.et #+&re o$ MNC# in con# !er " r&*le# #ector i# ?=F/ MNCH# !&0or t&r%et i# t+e %ro,in% !i""le cl&## o$ In"i&/ MNC# o$$er # 'erior tec+nolo%) to t+e Con# !er# ,+ere&# t+e In"i&n co!'&nie# co!'ete on t+e *&#i# o$ $ir! %r&#' o$ t+e loc&l !&r.et5 t+eir ,ell<&c.no,le"%e" *r&n"#5 &n" +ol" o-er

,i"e "i#tri* tion net,or./ ;o,e-er5 t+e 'enetr&tion le-el o$ t+e con# !er " r&*le# i# #till lo, in In"i&/

Class/&/cat/on o& consumer durables sector A/ Con# !er electronic incl "e -c"I"-"5 +o!e t+e&tre5 ! #ic 'l&)er5 color tele-i#ion 1CTV#25 c&!er&#5 c&!cor"er#5 'ort&*le & "io5 ;i<Fi5 etc 3/ :+ite %oo"# incl "e "i#+,&#+er#5 &ir con"itioner#5 +e&ter#5 ,&#+in% !&c+ine#5 re$ri%er&tor#5 -&c 'ro" ct etc/ @/ Mo l"e" l %%&%e incl "e 'l&#tic# B/ Cloc.# &n" ,&tc+e# =/ Mo*ile '+one# ! cle&ner#5 .itc+en &''li&nce#5 non<.itc+en &''li&nce#5 !icro,&-e#5 * ilt<in &''li&nce#5 T !*le "r)er5 'er#on&l c&re

A/ In ter! o$ ' rc+&#in% 'o,er '&rit) 1'''25 In"i& i# t+e Bt+ l&r%e#t econo!) in t+e ,orl" &n" o-ert&.e J&'&n in t+e ne&r $ t re *eco!e t+e @r" l&r%e#t/ 3/ In"i&n con# !er " r&*le !&r.et i# e('ecte" to re&c+ JB77 *illion *) on 37A7 @/ In"i& +&# t+e )o n%e#t 'o' l&tion &!on%#t t+e !&0or co ntrie#/ T+ere &re lot o$ 'eo'le in t+e "i$$erent inco!e c&te%orie# ne&rl) t+e t,o t+ir" 'o' l&tion i# *elo, t+e &%e o$ @= &n" ne&rl) =7F i# *elo, 3=/ B/ T+ere &re =? !illion 'eo'le in !i""le cl&##5 ,+o &re e&rnin% #JB5B77< USJ3A5877 & )e&r/ An" t+ere &re ? !illion ric+ +o #e+ol" in In"i&/



T+e ''er<!i""le &n" +i%+<inco!e +o #e+ol" in r*&n &re&#

&re e('ecte" to %re, to @8/3 !illion in 377G &# &%&in#t AB/? !illion in 3777.


A/ In In"i& t+e 'enetr&tion le-el o$ ,+ite %oo"# i# lo,er &# co!'&re" to ot+er "e-elo'in% co ntrie#/ 3/ Une('loite" r r&l !&r.et/ @/ R&'i" r*&ni9&tion/ B/ Incre&#e in inco!e le-el5 i/e/incre&#e in ' rc+&#in% 'o,er o$ con# !er#/ =/ E&#) &-&il&*ilit) o$ $in&nce/

T#reats ;i%+er i!'ort " tie# on ro, !&teri&l#/ C+e&' i!'ort# $ro! Sin%&'ore5 C+in& &n" $ro! ot+er A#i&n co ntrie#/


-rands /n consumer electron/c sector



TO"A3 Con# !er " r&*le# #ector i# c+&r&cteri9e" *) t+e e!er%ence o$

MNC#5 e(c+&n%e o$$er#5 "i#co nt#5 &n" inten#e co!'etition/ T+e !&r.et #+&re o$ MNC# in con# !er " r&*le# #ector i# ?=F/ MNCH# !&0or t&r%et i# t+e %ro,in% !i""le cl&## o$ In"i&/ MNC# o$$er # 'erior tec+nolo%) to t+e LG5 SAMSUNG t+e t,o Kore&n co!'&nie# +&# *een !&int&inin% t+e le&" in t+e in" #trie# ,it+ LG *ein% le&"er in &l!o#t &ll t+e c&te%orie#/

T+e co!'&n)5 +&-in% & t rno-er o$ R# >5=77 crore &n" !&r.et #+&re o$ 3? 'er cent5 i# in-e#tin% R# @?7 crore on *r&n"<* il"in% &n" ot+er !&r.etin% initi&ti-e# &n" &ro n" R# AB7 crore on re#e&rc+ &n" "e-elo'!ent5 *e#i"e# l& nc+in% ne, 'l&t$or!# in in$or!&tion tec+nolo%) &n" rel&te" &re&#5

LG Electron/cs i# one o$ t+e le&"in% co!'&nie# in t+e $iel" o$ electronic# ,it+ & %lo*&l 're#ence in !&n) co ntrie#/ / Be$ore *rie$in%5 I +&-e "i-i"e" t+e intro" ction '&rt into t+ree !&in # * '&rt#/ A/ LG Glo*&l 3/ LG In"i& @/ LG P ne History of company T+e co!'&n) ,&# ori%in&ll) e#t&*li#+e" in A>=8 &# Gol" St&r5 'ro" cin% r&"io#5 TV#5 re$ri%er&tor#5 ,&#+in% !&c+ine#5 &n" &ir con"itioner#/ T+e LG Gro ' ,&# & !er%er o$ t,o Kore&n co!'&nie#5 L c.) &n" Gol" St&r5 $ro! ,+ic+ t+e &**re-i&tion o$ LG ,&# "eri-e"/ T+e c rrent LLi$eH# %oo"L #lo%&n i# & *&c.ron)!/ Be$ore t+e cor'or&te N&!e c+&n%e to LG5 +o #e+ol" 'ro" ct# ,ere #ol" n"er t+e Br&n" n&!e o$ Lucky5 ,+ile electronic 'ro" ct# ,ere #ol" n"er t+e *r&n" n&!e o$ Gold Star/ T+e Gol" St&r *r&n" i# #till 'ercei-e" &# & "i#co nt *r&n"/ In A>>=5 Gol" St&r ,&# ren&!e" LG Electronic#5 &n" &cE ire" Menit+ Electronic# o$ t+e Unite" St&te#/ Global Operat/on


LG Electronic# i# 'l&)in% &n &cti-e role in t+e ,orl" !&r.et ,it+ it# &##erti-e %lo*&l * #ine## 'olic)/ A# & re# lt5 LG Electronic# control# AA7 loc&l # *#i"i&rie# in t+e ,orl" ,it+ &ro n" 835777 e(ec ti-e &n" e!'lo)ee#/

LG Group A/ LG/P+ili'# LCD 3/ LG C+e!ic&l @/ LG Teleco! B/ LG Po,erco! =/ LG T,in# ?/ LG D&co! -us/ness areas and ma/n products Mob/le commun/cat/ons 1&2 CDMA ;&n"#et#5 1*2 GSM ;&n"#et#5 1c2 @G ;&n"#et#5 1"2 Cell l&r P+one# "/g/tal appl/ance &2 Air Con"itioner#5 *2 Re$ri%er&tor#5 c2 Micro,&-e O-en#5

"2 :&#+in% M&c+ine#5

e2 V&c

! Cle&ner#5

$2 ;o!e Net5 %2 Co!'re##or# $or Air Con"itioner# &n" Re$ri%er&tor#

"/g/tal d/splay &2 Pl&#!& TV#5

*2 LCD TV#5

c2 Micro Di#'l&) P&nel TV#5 "2 Monitor#5 e2 PDP Mo" le#5 $2 OLED P&nel#5 %2 USB Me!or)5 +2 Fl&t P&nel Co!' ter Monitor#

"/g/tal med/a &2 ;o!e T+e&ter S)#te!#5

*2 DVD Recor"er#5


c2 S 'er M lti DVD Re,riter#5 "2 CDNR:5 e2 Note*oo. PC#5 $2 De#.to' PC#5 %2 PDA#5 +2 PDA P+one#5
i2 MP@ Pl&)er#5

02 Ne, K&r&o.e S)#te!#5 .2 C&r In$ot&in!ent

4!S!O Global Top 5 by 6787 Global Top 5 Electron/c9Telecommun/cat/on company GRO,T+ STRATEG3 (:ast /nnovat/on; :ast growt#. CORE COM<ETE


(<roduct leaders#/p; Market leaders#/p; <eople leaders#/p. COR<ORATE C2LT2RE o e=cuse; (we. not (!.; :un workplace

>L/&e?s Good> represents LG?s determ/nat/on to prov/de del/g#t&ully smart products t#at w/ll make your l/&e good%


T+e LG Electronic# Li$eH# Goo" #i%n&t re con#i#t# o$ t+e LG lo%o5 #e&l5 &n" t+e #lo%&n5 LLi$eH# Goo"L #et in C+&rlotte #&n# t)'e$&ce c r-e" &ro n" t+e LG #)!*ol/ T+e c r-in% o$ t+e #lo%&n rein$orce# LGH# 'er#on&lit) &n" niE ene##/ T+e con#i#tent #&%e o$ t+i# #i%n&t re cle&rl) e#t&*li#+e# t+e niE e i"entit) o$ t+e co!'&n) &n"

ni$ie# e-er) "i-i#ion &n" 'ro" ct $ro! LG Electronic# &cro## t+e %lo*e/


T+e #)!*ol o$ LG i# t+e $&ce o$ $ t re/ T+e letter 4LO &n" 4GO in & circle #)!*oli9e# ,orl"5 $ t re5 )o t+5 + !&nit) & tec+nolo%)/LG '+ilo#o'+) i# *&#e" on + !&nit)/ It &l#o re're#ent# LGC# e$$ort# to .ee' clo#e rel&tion#+i' ,it+ o r c #to!er# &ro n" t+e ,orl"/

T+e #)!*ol con#i#t# o$ t,o ele!ent#/ A/ T+e lo%o in LG %r&)


3/ T+e #t)li9e" i!&%e o$ + !&n $&ce in t+e niE e LG re" color/

Red color re're#ent# o r $rien"line## &n" %i-e# & #tron% i!'re##ion o$ LGC# co!!it!ent to "eli-er t+e *e#t/ T+e circle #)!*oli9e# T#e Globe/ T+e #t)li9e" i!&%e o$ & #!ilin% $&ce in t+e #)!*ol con-e)# (:r/endl/ness and Approac#ab/l/tyO/ T+e one e)e on t+e #)!*ol re're#ent# (Goal1or/ented; :ocused & Con&/dentO/

T+e #lo%&n o$ LG i# (L/&e@s GoodO/ It e('re##e# 4-rand@s 4alue; <rom/ses; -ene&/ts5 <ersonal/ty%

LG Electronic# c+oo#e# to 'ro!ote +&r!on) &n" * il" con#tr cti-el) on & l&*or<!&n&%e!ent rel&tion#+i' r&t+er t+&n &n e!'lo)ee<e!'lo)er rel&tion#+i'/ T+i# ill #tr&te# t+&t !&n&%e!ent &n" ,or.er# &re not in & -ertic&l rel&tion#+i'5 * t in & +ori9ont&l one/ T+i# c lt re i# nece##&r) $or LG Electronic# &# it #tri-e# to *eco!e one o$ t+e ,orl"H# to' co!'&nie#/ S c+ & rel&tion#+i' i# tr&n#$or!e" into & -&l e<cre&tion rel&tion#+i' ,+ere*) *ot+ '&rtie# en"e&-or to &""re## ! t &l 'ro*le!# &n" cre&te ne, -&l e# to%et+er/



LG Electron/cs /s mak/ng tec#n/cal advances and /dent/&y/ng bus/ness opportun/t/es t#roug# var/ous assoc/at/ve relat/ons#/ps w/t# some o& t#e world?s lead/ng compan/es% LG Electronic# i# #tri-in% to *eco!e n !*er one in t+e ,orl" *) !in%lin% in -&rio # * #ine## &n" tec+nolo%ic&l $iel"# &n" !&.in% #tr&te%ic &lli&nce# ,it+ ,orl" $&!o # co!'&nie#/ LStr&te%ic &##oci&tion *et,een cor'or&tion#5L in ,+ic+ co!'&nie# ,it+ "i$$erent in$r&#tr ct re# coo'er&te in t+e $&#t<"e-elo'in% 3A#t cent r) * #ine## $iel"5 i# o$ .e) #i%ni$ic&nce in ter!# o$ #tren%t+enin% t+e e(i#tin% in" #tr) &n" cre&tin% & ne, one/

LG Electron/cs ,ill "o it# *e#t to cre&te ne, 'ro" ct# &n" #er-ice# ,it+ &n o'en !in"5 ,+ile "e-elo'in% ne, tec+nolo%ie# &n" * #ine## $iel"# t+ro %+ -&rio # &##oci&tion# ,it+ #o!e o$ t+e ,orl"H# !o#t # cce##$ l co!'&nie#/ A/ @M 3/ SUN @/ YA;OO B/ P;ILLIPS =/ TOYOTA


And t#e number &ollows many moreAAPPPPPPPP//

In Fe*/ 377G LG Electronic# &n" Y&+oo $or!e" & #tr&te%ic &lli&nce/ Y&+oo !o*ile #er-ice# ,ill *e &-&il&*le $ro! LG !o*ile/ T+i# #er-ice i# t&r%etin% A7 !illion LG !o*ile '+one# in o-er G7 co ntrie#/ In M&r/ 377G LG Electronic# &n" Goo%le $or!e" & #tr&te%ic &lli&nce/


Bot+ co!'&nie# ,ill ,or. to%et+er to rele&#e5 !&r.et5 &n" o$$er LG !o*ile '+one# ,it+ Goo%le #er-ice# 1#e&rc+ en%ine5 !&'5 e!&il5 &n" *lo%#/2

LG -RA " !"E T!T301 T+e *r&n" o$ LG i# "eli%+t$ ll) #!&rt/ LG #tri-e# to en+&nce t+e c #to!erC# li$e &n" li$e#t)le ,it+ intelli%ent $e&t re#5 in#tit ti-e $ nction&lit) &n" e(ce'tion&l 'er$or!&nce/ T#e brand plat&orm01 T+e LG *r&n" i# co!'o#e" o$ $o r *&#ic ele!ent# Q A/ 3/ @/ B/ V&l e Pro!i#e Bene$it# Per#on&lit)

T#e -rands core 4alue t#at never c#anges%

&/ */ c/ "/

Tr #t5 Inno-&tion5 Peo'le P&##ion


T+e *ene$it# t+&t &re con#i#tentl) "eli-ere" to t+e c #to!er incl "e# Reli&*le 'ro" ct# Si!'le "e#i%n E&#e o$ #e E(tr&or"in&r) E('erience Per#on&lit) "e#cri*e# t+e + !&n c+&r&cteri#tic t+&t &re e('re##e" to t+e c #to!er t+ro %+ Tr #t,ort+)5 Con#i"er&te Pr&ctic&l5 Frien"l)

T#e !nternal Culture o& LG0 LG 'r&ctice# $o r c lt re# A/ Le&rnin% C lt re 3/ Bo n"&r) le## En-iron!ent @/ A C&rrier B/ Gro,t+

Accor"in% to LG5 t+e Le&rnin% C lt re contin o #l) +el'# t+e e!'lo)ee to le&rn !ore &n" !ore to "e-elo' t+e +&*it o$ contin o # le&rnin%/

-oundary less Env/ronment !e&n# t+&t t+ere i# no "i$$erence *et,een t+e le-el# o$ e!'lo)ee#/ T+ere i# tr&n#'&renc) *et,een t+e ,or. &n" ! t &l n"er#t&n"in% *et,een &ll t+e e!'lo)ee#/ A c&rrier i# +i%+l) %ro,in% in LG &n" one ,+o i# t+e e!'lo)ee c&n "e-elo' t+eir c&rrier l&r%el)/ A ne, co!er ,ill $eel $ ll) co!$ort&*le in t+e co!'&n) &n" $or & ne, co!er t+e co!'&n) i# -er) +el'$ l in t+e o-er&ll %ro,t+ o$ 'er#on&lit)/ Gro,t+ in LG i# -er) +i%+ $or t+o#e ,+o &re in t+e co!'&n) &n" $or t+o#e ,+o ,&nt to 0oin in LG/ T+e co!'&n) i# %ro,in% ,it+ $&#t inno-&tion &n" t+e BLUE Oce&n #tr&te%) i# one o$ t+e e(&!'le# o$ %ro,t+/

T+e !i##ion o$ LG i# to 'ro-i"e t+e c #to!er# ,it+ t!o#t #&ti#$&ction t+ro %+ le&"er#+i'/ T+e $ n"&!ent&l 'olic) o$ "e-elo'!ent i# to #ec re 'ro" ct le&"er#+i' t+&t t+e C #to!er# !&) +&-e t+e t!o#t #&ti#$&ction/

<roduct Leaders#/p :e &re $oc #in% on #i( "e-elo'!ent &re&# to *eco!e t+e 'ro" ct le&"er/ A/ 3/ @/ B/ =/ ?/ Ne, M&c+ine Reli&*ilit) Con-ention&l In#t&ll&tion En-iron!ent Frien"l) Pro" ct Lo, Noi#e & Vi*r&tion Ener%) S&-in%

Bual/ty !nnovat/on T+e 'olic) o$ E &lit) &## r&nce i# to 'ro-i"e c #to!er# ,it+ #&ti#$&ction *) # ''l)in% 9ero "e$ect#/ t!o#t


LG 'rocee"# in & +ier&rc+&l !&nner/ It i# n&!e" &# (LG ,A3.% Fro! to' to *otto!6 No/A LG Q i# t+e VISION 4Jeong-DO Management i# LGC# * #ine## #.ill/ A2 ;one#t ,it+ o r c #to!er *2 Pro-i"in% %re&t -&l e# to c #to!er t+ro %+ con#t&nt inno-&tion & &n" "e-elo'!ent/ c2 EE &l o''ort nitie# "2 EE &l Tre&t!ent M&n&%e!ent Princi'le < Cre&tin% -&l e $or c #to!er niE e &''lic&tion to et+ic#/ LG ,ill # ccee" t+ro %+ $&ir !&n&%e!ent 'r&ctice# &n" con#t&ntl) "e-elo'in% o r

Code o& conduct o& LG6

A/ 3 Re#'on#i*ilit) &n" o*li%&tion# to c #to!er# 6 Re#'ect $or C #to!er# Cre&tin% V&l e Pro-i"in% V&l e F&ir co!'etition P r# it o$ Free Co!'etition

Co!'li&nce ,it+ L&,# &n" Re% l&tion# @ B = ? F&ir Tr&n#&ction 6 EE &l O''ort nit) F&ir Tr&n#&ction Proce" re S ''ort &n" Ai" $or B #ine## P&rtner# B&#ic Et+ic# $or E!'lo)ee# B&#ic Et+ic# Co!'letion o$ D t) Sel$ De-elo'!ent F&irne## in Per$or!&nce A-oi"&nce o$ con$lict ,it+ co!'&n) intere#t Cor'or&te Re#'on#i*ilitie# to e!'lo)ee# Re#'ect $or + !&n "i%nit) F&ir Tre&t!ent Pro!otin% Cre&ti-it) Re#'on#i*ilitie# to #ociet) &n" co ntr) R&tion&l B #ine## De-elo'!ent Protection o$ #toc. +ol"er intere#t Contri* tion to #oci&l "e-elo'!ent En-iron!ent&l Con#er-&tion

LG Electronic# In"i& P-t/ Lt"/5 & ,+oll) o,ne" # *#i"i&r) o$ LG Electronic#5 So t+ Kore& ,&# establ/s#ed /n )anuary 8CCD &$ter cle&r&nce $ro! t+e Forei%n In-e#t!ent Pro!otion Bo&r" 1FIPB2/ LG #et !&n $&ct rin% $&cilit) &t Greater in-e#t!ent o$ R# =77 Crore#/

' & #t&te<o$<t+e &rt

o/da; near "el#/; /n 8CCE5 ,it+ &n

LG cor'or&te o$$ice i# loc&te" &t Plot no/=A5 U")o% Vi+&r5 K&#n& Ro&"5 Gre&ter Noi"&5 In"i&/ T+i# $&cilit) !&n $&ct re" Color Tele-i#ion#5 :&#+in% M&c+ine#5 Air< Con"itioner# &n" Micro,&-e O-en#/ HHCo!'&n) i# #ettin% ' & c+&in o$ e(cl #i-e 're!i ! #+o,roo!#/ LG 'l&n# to l& nc+ ?7 're!i ! Br&n" S+o''e# *) t+e en" o$ t+e $ir#t E &rter o$ t+i# )e&r/ At 're#ent5 LG +&# & tot&l o$ 8@ LG #tore# &cro## t+e co ntr)5 o$ ,+ic+ B= &re #+o''e# &n" @8 &re e(cl #i-e #tore#/ Br&n" #+o''e# ,ill *e 'l&ce" in t+e 're!i ! #e%!ent &n" t+e t&r%et & "ience ,ill co!'ri#e * )er# intere#te" in 're!i ! &n" +i%+ en" 'ro" ct#/ LG Br&n" S+o''e %oe# *e)on" t+e conce't o$ & nor!&l e(cl #i-e #tore *) +&-in% & !ore inter&cti-e en-iron!ent &n" &""ition&l li$e#t)le orient&tion on "i#'l&) #o t+&t t+e c #to!er c&n &ct &ll) e('erience t+e LG 'ro" ct# in +i# or +er o,n +o!e #ettin%#/ LG Electronic# In"i& Lt" 1LGEIL25 con# !er " r&*le# le&"er ,it+ 3GF !&r.et #+&re5 i# 'l&nnin% & *r&n" ne, i!&%e/ To &ttr&ct in#'ir&tion&l &n" )o n% con# !er# &cro## In"i&5 co!'&n) ,ill roll o t & ne, !&r.etin% #tr&te%)/ T+e e(erci#e ,ill co#t t+e co!'&n) R# @?7 crore/

LG Electron/cs In"i& i# t+e $&#te#t %ro,in% co!'&n) in t+e con# !er electronic#5 +o!e &''li&nce#5 &n" co!' ter 'eri'+er&l# in" #tr) to"&)/ LG Electronic# i# contin &ll) 'ro-i"in%5 # 'erior tec+nolo%) 'ro" ct# & -&l e $or !one) to !ore t+&n =7 l&.+ +o #e+ol"# in In"i&/ LGE!L /s celebrat/ng t#e 88t# ann/versary t#/s year/


LG So&t !nd/a t+e inno-&tion ,in% o$ LG Electronic# in B&n%&lore i# LG Electronic#H largest R&" centre outs/de *orea/ :e &t LGSI $oc # on nic+e tec+nolo%) &re&# # c+ &# !o*ile &''lic&tion "e-elo'!ent5 "i%it&l -i"eo *ro&"c&#t &n" *io!etric# #o$t,&re &n" # ''ort LG Electronic# ,it+ o r e('erti#e/ Moti-&te" *) & '&##ion $or tec+nolo%)5 & #tron% ,or. c lt re &n" lo)&lt) to t+e or%&ni9&tion5 ,e &re "eter!ine" to #ee LG *eco!e one o$ t+e top t#ree *r&n"# %lo*&ll)/ Pro!inent con# !er electronic co!'&n)5 LG Electronic# Inc/ +&# #&i" t+&t it e('ect# t+e #&le o$ it# 'ro" ct# in In"i& to ' *) A= 'er cent in 3778/ Moon B ! S+in5 !&n&%in% "irector o$ LG Electronic# In"i& +&# #&i" t+&t t+e co!'&n) +&# e&r!&r.e" B/8 *illion r 'ee# $or in-e#t!ent ' r'o#e in In"i& t+i# )e&r/ T+e #&i" !one) ,ill *e #e" to !&r.et &# ,ell &# !&n $&ct re ne, 'ro" ct#/ LG Electronic#5 ,+ic+ i# ori%in&ll) & So t+ Kore&n Co!'&n) ,it+ *r&nc+ in In"i&5 in$or!e" t+&t it# #&le# o$ GSM !o*ile '+one#5 color tele-i#ion#5 &ir con"itioner# &n" ot+er +o #e+ol" %oo"# in t+e In"i&n !&r.et ,&# to t+e t ne o$ >= *illion r 'ee# 1J3/B *illion2 in 377G/ A# 'er S+inH# e#ti!&te5 t+e #&le# in 3778 ,o l" *e &ro n" AA7 *illion r 'ee#/ In or"er to &c+ie-e it# t&r%et5 S+in #&i" LG Electronic# ,ill concentr&te on c&terin% to t+e +i%+<en" con# !er !&r.et ,+ic+ ,ill +el' *oo#t #&le# t+i# )e&r/ In"i& c+ rn# o t #i( 1?2 'er cent o$ LG Electronic# %lo*&l re-en e# o$ JB3 *illion/ T+e In"i&n *r&nc+ o$ LG e('ort# to B7 co ntrie#/

!nd/a c#allenges
T#e c#allenges &aced by LG w#en entered /n !nd/an market

A/ Lo, *r&n" &,&rene## &*o t LG in In"i&/


3/ One o$ t+e l&#t MNC# entere" in In"i& 1S&!# n%5 P&n&#onic entere" in A>>= in In"i&2/ @/ ;i%+ i!'ort " t) B/ Co!'itition $ro! loc&l !&r.et 'l&)er# &n" ot+er MNC# in con# !er " r&*le #e%!ent/ =/ Price #en#iti-ene## o$ t+e In"i&n con# !er LGE! over comes t#ese c#allenges to emerge as !nnovat/ve market/ng strategy A/ L& nc+ ne, tec+nolo%ie# in con# !er electronic &n" +o!e &''li&nce#/ 3/ LG ,&# t+e $ir#t *r&n" to enter in cric.et in *i% ,&) & ,&)5 *) #'on#orin% t+e A>>> ,orl" c ' $ollo,e" it ' in 377@ &# ,ell/ @/ LG *ro %+t in $o r c&'t&in# o$ t+e In"i&n cric.et te&! to en"or#e it# 'ro" ct#/ LG in-e#te" !ore t+en USJ 8 !illion on &"-erti#in% &n" !&r.etin% in t+i# #'ort/ B/ LG +&# "i$$erenti&te" it# 'ro" ct #in% tec+nolo%) &n" +e&lt+ *ene$it#/ CTV +&# (Golden eye tec#nology. Air con"itioner +&# (+ealt# a/r system. &n" !icro,&-e o-en# +&-e t+e (+ealt# wave system.%

Local and e&&/c/ent manu&actur/ng to reduce t#e cost To o-erco!e +i%+ i!'ort " tie# LG !&n $&ct re# TV re$ri%er&tor in In"i& &t !&n $&ct rin% $&cilit) &t Noi"& &n" P ne/ LGEI +&" &lre&") co!!i##ione"


contr&ct !&n $&ct rin% &t Mo+&li Kol.&t& &n" B+o'&l $or CTV#/ T+i# +&# +el'e" LGEI to re" ce co#t/ LGEI i!'le!entin% t+e 4Di%it&l !&n $&ct rin% #)#te!O 1DMS2 &# t+e co#t c ttin% inno-&tion t+i# #)#te! i# $ollo,< ' to t+e #i( #i%!& e(erci#e LGEI +&" initi&te e&rlier/ R&" potent/al LG +&# t+e re#e&rc+ &n" "e-elo'!ent $&cilitie# in B&n%&lore &n" P ne/ Bot+ t+e nit c&rr) o t R&D "e'&rt!ent $or t+e "o!e#tic &# ,ell &# t+e '&rent co!'&n) it &l#o "o#e c #to!i9e R&D $or t+e #'eci$ic co ntrie# to ,+ic+ it e('ort 'ro" ct/ Reg/onal c#annel and w/de d/str/but/on network A/ LG +&# &"o'te" t+e re%ion&l "i#tri* tion c+&nnel in In"i&/ All t+e "i#tri* ter# ,or. "irectl) ,it+ t+e co!'&n)/ T+i# +&# re# lte" in E ic.er rot&tion o$ t+e #toc. &n" *etter 'enetr&tion into B5 C5 D5 cl&## !&r.et/ 3/ LG &l#o $ollo,# t+e #toc. rot&tion 'olic) r&t+er t+en " !'in% #toc. on c+&nnel '&rtner#/

<roduct local/Fat/on01 A/ Pro" ct loc&li9&tion i# t+e .e) #tr&te%) #e" *) t+e LG 3/ LG c&!e o t ,it+ ;in"i &n" re%ion&l l&n% &%e !en # on it# TV#/

@/ Intro" ce" t+e lo,<'rice" 4Cine'l #O &n" 4#&!'oo!&O $or t+e r r&l !&r.et/ B/ LG ,&# t+e $ir#t *r&n" to intro" ce %&!in% in TV# in contin &tion# o$ it# &##oci&tion ,it+ cric.et LG intro" ce cric.et %&!e in CTV# MA)OR *E3 S2CCESS :ACTORS A/ Inno-&ti-e !&r.etin% < LG ,&# t+e $ir#t *r&n" to enter cric.et in & *i% ,&)5 *) #'on#orin% t+e A>>> :orl" C ' &n" $ollo,e" it ' in 377@ &# ,ell/ 3/ Loc&l &n" e$$icient !&n $&ct rin% to re" ce co#t < To o-erco!e +i%+ i!'ort " tie#5 LG !&n $&ct re# PC !onitor# &n" re$ri%er&tor# in In"i& &t it# !&n $&ct rin% $&cilit) &t Noi"&5 Del+i/ @/ Co!!i##ione" contr&ct !&n $&ct rin% &t Mo+&li5 Kol.&t& &n" B+o'&l $or CTV#/ B/ Pro" ct loc&li9&tion < Pro" ct loc&li9&tion i# & .e) #tr&te%) #e" *) LG/ It c&!e o t ,it+ ;in"i &n" re%ion&l l&n% &%e !en # on it# TV/ =/ Re%ion&l "i#tri* tion !o"el < T+i# +&# re# lte" in E ic.er rot&tion o$ #toc.# &n" *etter 'enetr&tion into t+e B5 C &n" D cl&## !&r.et#/ ?/ Le-er&%in% In"i&C# IT &"-&nt&%e < LG Electronic# +&# &,&r"e" & contr&ct to "e-elo' IT #ol tion# to LG So$t In"i& 1LGSI2/ T+e 'ro0ect in-ol-e# "e-elo'!ent &n" # ''ort $or ERP5 SCM5 CRM &n" IT<en&*le" #er-ice# $or LG/

Strateg/es adopted by t#e organ/Fat/on

LG $ollo,# A7 co!!&n"!ent# ,+ic+ &re &# $ollo,#/

A/ Fo#ter ,or.in% en-iron!ent<=S En-iron!ent 3/ F&#t e(ec tion i# .e) to # cce## @/ Tr&n#'&rent &n" $&#t co!! nic&tion<o'en co!! nic&tion B/ U'"&te !&r.et <.no,le"%e QDe!o%r&'+ic# =/ :in Q:in rel&tion#+i' ,it+ t+e tr&"e '&rtner# ?/ C #to!er i# t+e .in% G/ E-en Billin% QRo&" to &c+ # ''lier A 8/ Be in to c+ ,it+ t+e !&r.et 1G7F M&r.et5 @7F O$$ice2/ >/ Pl&n &n" E(ec te &nn &l !&r.etin% C&len"&r<Ti!e to !&r.et A7/Di#'l&) #+&re o$ =7F <to %et =7F con# !er #+&re/

LG market s#are o& consumer appl/ances and consumer electron/c01 LG pos/t/on o& CT4 /n var/ous states /n !nd/a

LG pos/t/on o& RE: /n var/ous states /n !nd/a

LG pos/t/on o& ,M /n var/ous states /n !nd/a


LG pos/t/on o& AC /n var/ous States /n !nd/a

LG pos/t/on o& Aud/o & +ome T#eater /n var/ous /n !nd/a


LG pos/t/on o& "4" /n var/ous /n !nd/a

LG pos/t/on o& M,O /n var/ous states /n !nd/a


T#/s analys/s /s based on t#e ORG survey con" cte" *) LG ,+ic+ re're#ent t+e LG 'o#ition o$ "i$$erent con# !er " r&*le# in -&rio # #t&te# in In"i&/ I #elect "i$$erent *r&n" in "i$$erent c&te%or) &# 'er t+e !&r.et #+&re &n" t+e "e!&n" o$ 'ro" ct in !&r.et/ T+i# &n&l)#i# re're#ent# t+e LG !&r.et 'o#ition " rin% t+e 'erio" o$ M&rc+ 3778/ It #+o,# t+&t LG +&# c&'t re" !&(i! ! !&r.et #+&re &l!o#t in e-er) c&te%or)/ LG &n" S&!# n% +&-e t+e !&(i! ! !&r.et in con# !er " r&*le !&r.et * t LG "o!in&te t+e &l!o#t &ll t+e c&te%or) in con# !er " r&*le/ Pro!inent con# !er electronic co!'&n)5 LG Electronic# Inc/ +&# #&i" t+&t it e('ect# t+e #&le o$ it# 'ro" ct# in In"i& to ' *) A= 'er cent in 3778/ Moon B ! S+in5 !&n&%in% "irector o$ LG Electronic# In"i& +&# #&i" t+&t t+e co!'&n) +&# e&r!&r.e" B/8 *illion r 'ee# $or in-e#t!ent ' r'o#e in In"i& t+i# )e&r/ T+e #&i" !one) ,ill *e #e" to !&r.et &# ,ell &# !&n $&ct re ne, 'ro" ct#/

LG Electronic#5 in$or!e" t+&t it# #&le# o$ GSM !o*ile '+one#5 color tele-i#ion#5 &ir con"itioner# &n" ot+er +o #e+ol" %oo"# in t+e In"i&n !&r.et ,&# to t+e t ne o$ >= *illion r 'ee# 1J3/B *illion2 in 377G/ A# 'er S+inH# e#ti!&te5 t+e #&le# in 3778 ,o l" *e &ro n" AA7 *illion r 'ee#/ In or"er to &c+ie-e it# t&r%et5 S+in #&i" LG Electronic# ,ill concentr&te on c&terin% to t+e +i%+<en" con# !er !&r.et ,+ic+ ,ill +el' *oo#t #&le# t+i# )e&r/ In"i& c+ rn# o t #i( 1?2 'er cent o$ LG Electronic# %lo*&l re-en e# o$ JB3 *illion/ T+e In"i&n *r&nc+ o$ LG e('ort# to B7 co ntrie#/ S+in re!&r.e" t+&t t+e co!'&n) ,&# t&r%etin% &n incre&#e o$ e('ort# to J@77 !illion in 3778 $ro! J3@7 !illion in 377G/


LG <2 E LG P ne i# t+e *r&nc+ o$$ice o$ LGEIL% It i# loc&te" in J/M Ro&"/ In 377B LGEIL o'ene" #econ" $&ctor) ,+ic+ i# loc&te" in R&n0&n%&on/ T+i# 'l&nt !&n $&ct re# &ll 'ro" ct incl "in% DVD ,riter# &n" GSM !o*ile#/ T+ # it *ec&!e $ir#t co!'&n) to !&n $&ct re DVD ,riter in In"i&/ T+e ODP 'l&nt &i!# to re&c+ & !&n'o,er *&#e o$ A=77 'eo'le &n" &n in-e#t!ent o$ R# @77 crore till 37A7/ LG In"i& ,ill *eco!e t+e e('ort + * $or LG :orl",i"e5 c&terin% to t+e Mi""le E&#t &n" A$ric&n !&r.et#/ T+e co!'&n) &i!# to to c+ &n e('ort


t rno-er o$ J@ *illion *) 37A7 $ro! In"i&5 ,+ic+ ,ill contri* te to @7 'er cent o$ t+e In"i&n &r!H# t rno-er/ P ne5 In"i&5 Octo*er ?5 377B << LGE &nno nce" @ %ro,t+ #tr&te%ie# &i!e" &t t+e A/A *illion 'eo'le o$ In"i& !&.in% t+e In"i&n !&r.et t+e #econ" l&r%e#t %lo*&l 'ro" ction *&#e $ollo,in% C+in&/ Un"er t+i# #tr&te%) LGE +&# 'ro0ecte" 377G re-en e# in In"i& ,ill e(cee" USJA7 *illion5 A7 ti!e# t+&t o$ 377B/ T+e t+ree #tr&te%ie# $or t+e In"i&n !&r.et t+&t t+e %lo*&l electronic# %i&nt "i#clo#e"/ incl "e"6 'enetr&te# t+e #o t+<,e#tern !&r.et o$ In"i& t+ro %+ t+e ne, P ne 'l&nt ne&r M !*&i5 t+e #econ" l&r%e#t cit) in In"i&5 in &""ition to t+e e(i#tin% nort+ern 'l&ntR in#t&ll# & ne, GSM +&n"#et 'ro" ction line in t+e ne, P ne 'l&nt &n" #e# it &# it# #econ"<l&r%e#t %lo*&l GSM +&n"#et 'ro" ction line &$ter t+e Sin%"&o 'l&nt in C+in&R &n" e('&n"# t+e c rrent G=7 R&D #t&$$ in In"i& to A5=77 *) 377G5 #tri-in% to "e-elo' 're!i ! 'ro" ct# &n" e('ort @7F o$ In"i&<!&n $&ct re" 'ro" ct# to A#i&5 Mi""le E&#t &n" A$ric& !&r.et# *) 377G/

LG Electronic#C #econ" ne, 'l&nt in P ne5 In"i& co-er# & tot&l &re& o$ 3AA5377 #E &re !eter# &n" i# c rrentl) eE i''e" ,it+ & 'ro" ction line to !&n $&ct re ?775777 TV# &n" one !illion re$ri%er&tor# & )e&r/ T+e co!'&n) i# #et to &"" 'ro" ction line# o$ &ir con"itioner#5 ,&#+in% !&c+ine#5 !onitor#5 &n" electronic o-en#5 *) 377=/ Also; LG Electronic# i# 'oi#e" to in#t&ll & GSM +&n"#et 'ro" ction line in t+e ne, P ne 'l&nt *) e&rl) ne(t )e&r/ T+e P ne GSM +&n"#et line en-i#&%e# & c&'&cit) o$ !&n $&ct rin% 3 !illion +&n"#et# &nn &ll)5 &n" t+e co!'&n)


e('&n"# it to *eco!e & %lo*&l GSM +&n"#et 'ro" ction *&#e ,it+ & c&'&cit) o$ &n &nn &l A7 !illion nit# *) 37A7/ In connection ,it+ it# t+ree %ro,t+ #tr&te%ie# $or t+e In"i&n !&r.et5 LG Electronic# ,ill in-e#t & tot&l o$ USJA=7 !illion in e#t&*li#+in% $&cilitie# &n" *oo#tin% R&D e$$ort# in In"i& *) 377G/ S'eci$ic&ll)5 it ,ill in-e#t USJ=@ !illion in t+e P ne #econ" 'l&nt5 &not+er USJB@ !illion in e#t&*li#+in% t+e GSM line5 &n" USJ=B !illion in #ec rin% R&D !&n'o,er &n" *oo#tin% ot+er e$$ort#/ T+ro %+ t+e#e #tr&te%ie#5 LG Electronic# &i!# to 'enetr&te t+e %lo*&l !&r.et *) #in% C+in& &n" In"i& &# it# core 'ro" ction *&#e#5 ,+ile o'er&tin% it# 'l&nt# in C+&n%,on &n" G !i5 Kore&5 &# it# !&in 'ro" ction *&#e#/ T+i# ,&)5 t+e co!'&n) i# ' #+in% to 'enetr&te t+e %lo*&l +o!e &''li&nce !&r.et/ T+e 're#ent c&'&cit) o$ t+e $&cilit) i# o$ A l&.+ nit 'er )e&r &n" it #+&ll c&ter to t+e nee" o$ t+e "o!e#tic !&r.et#/ LG 'l&n# to '#c&le it# o'er&tion# to & $i% re o$ 3/= l&.+ nit# & )e&r in t+e ne&r $ t re/ T+e P ne 'l&nt in &""ition to it# c rrent !&n $&ct rin% $&cilit) &t Gre&ter Noi"& ,ill en&*le t+e co!'&n) to en+&nce it# con# !er re&c+ &n" reiter&te itC# co!!it!ent to,&r"# 'ro-i"in% # 'erior tec+nolo%) 'ro" ct# to t+e In"i& con# !er/

T#e key strateg/es *ein% i!'le!ente" incl "e incre&#in% t+e n !*er o$ it# re%ion&l o$$ice# $ro! #i( to ei%+t/ LG +&# #'lit it# #o t+ern re%ion&l o$$ice into t,o5 one co!'ri#in% t+e #t&te# o$ T&!il N&" &n" Ker&l& &n" t+e ot+er con#i#tin% o$ An"+r& Pr&"e#+ &n" K&rn&t&.&/ In &""ition5 it +&# #'lit one o$ it# nort+ern re%ion&l o$$ice# *) !&.in% Utt&r Pr&"e#+ & #e'&r&te re%ion &$ter #'innin% it o t $ro! Del+i NCR/ T+e ot+er $o r re%ion&l o$$ice# t&.e c&re o$


E&#t5 G 0&r&t &n" M&"+)& Pr&"e#+5 M&+&r&#+tr& & Go& &n" P n0&*5 ;&r)&n& & R&0&#t+&n re#'ecti-el)/ In t+e co!in% )e&r5 LG i# &l#o re'o#itionin% it# !&r.etin% #'en"#5 re# ltin% in & #i%ni$ic&nt incre&#e in it# !&## !e"i& e('en"it re $or *etter *r&n" -i#i*ilit)/ LG +&" & !&r.etin% * "%et o$ R# @37 crore in 377G ,it+ & ?76B7 #'lit in $&-or o$ *elo,<t+e<line &cti-itie#/ Ne(t )e&r5 t+e co!'&n) 'l&n# to incre&#e t+e #+&re o$ !&## !e"i& e-en &# o-er&ll !&r.etin% #'en"# ,o l" *e r&i#e" *) 0 #t &*o t A7<A=F/

LG <une /s t#e branc# o&&/ce o& LGE!L%!t /s located /n )%M Road%


T+e or%&ni9&tion #tr ct re i# Qone *r&nc+ !&n&%er5 one c+ie$ &cco nt&nt5 &n" &re& #&le# !&n&%er o$ CE5 ;A #e'&r&te $or GSM5 M&r.etin%

B.M Account SR.BSI ASI



!&n&%er $or CE5 ;A &n" #e'&r&te $or GSM/T+e P ne *r&nc+ +&# ,&re+o #e &t ,&%oli/


"/str/but/on and Market/ng T+e co!'&n) +&# n !*er o$ "e&ler# &n" ,&re+o #e#/ T+e) +&-e LG e(cl #i-e #+o'ee/ For t+e !&r.etin% o$ t+e 'ro" ct# & n !*er o$ &cti-itie# &re $ollo,e" A/ E(+i*ition# &re con" cte" $ro! ti!e to ti!e/ 3/ Societ) &n" colle%e &cti-itie# &re con" cte"/ @/ ;o&r"in%5 Po#ter#5 *&nner# &re #e" #o &# to %r&* t+e &ttention o$ t+e co#t !er#/ B/ D&) to "&) &"-erti#e!ent in le&"in% ne,#'&'er/ =/ Di#co nt &t $e#ti-&l ti!e/ ?/ For "e&ler rel&tion#+i' t+e) &rr&n%e "e&ler !etin% &t #e-er&l ti!e in t+e )e&r G/ LG "i-i"e "e&ler in %ol" #il-er etc/ c&te%or) to .no, t+e 'er$or!&nce o$ t+e "e&ler#/ 8/ T+e) +&-e t+eir #&le# 'er#on# &t -&rio # # * "e&ler #tore &n" &t !or"ent tr&"e #tore $or '&rtic l&rl) $or t+e 'ro!otion o$ t+e LG 'ro" ct/ >/ LG &l#o #e# t+e r&"io FM $or t+e 'ro!otion &cti-itie#/ A7/Al#o 'ro-i"e c&'on &n" #cr&tc+ c&r" $or $e#ti-e #e&#on/


T#e log/st/cs GSupply C#a/n Management$

4/s/t to ware#ouse o& LG <une at ,agol/

Log/st/cs i# t+e &rt &n" #cience o$ !&n&%in% &n" controllin% t+e $lo, o$ %oo"#5 ener%)5 in$or!&tion5 &n" ot+er re#o rce# li.e 'ro" ct#5 #er-ice#5 &n" 'eo'le5 $ro! t+e #o rce o$ 'ro" ction to t+e !&r.et'l&ce/ It i# "i$$ic lt to &cco!'li#+ &n) !&r.etin% or !&n $&ct rin% ,it+o t lo%i#tic&l # ''ort/ It in-ol-e# t+e inte%r&tion o$ in$or!&tion5 tr&n#'ort&tion5 in-entor)5 ,&re+o #in%5 !&teri&l +&n"lin%5 &n" '&c.&%in%/ T+e o'er&tin% re#'on#i*ilit) o$ lo%i#tic# i# t+e %eo%r&'+ic&l re'o#itionin% o$ r&, !&teri&l#5 ,or. in 'roce##5 &n" $ini#+e" in-entorie# ,+ere reE ire" &t t+e lo,e#t co#t 'o##i*le/ Log/st/cs Management i# t+&t '&rt o$ t+e # ''l) c+&in5 ,+ic+ 'l&n#5 i!'le!ent# &n" control# t+e e$$icient5 e$$ecti-e $or,&r" &n" re-er#e $lo, &n" #tor&%e o$ %oo"#5 #er-ice# &n" rel&te" in$or!&tion *et,een t+e 'oint o$ ori%in &n" t+e 'oint o$ con# !'tion in or"er to !eet c #to!er#H reE ire!ent#/ HR@s o& Log/st/c $ollo,e" *) LG6 A/ Ri%+t Ti!e 3/ Ri%+t Pl&ce @/ Ri%+t Con"ition B/ Ri%+t Co#t =/ Ri%+t ;&n"lin%


LG <une "/str/but/on LG P ne co!e# $ollo,in% A/ P ne 3/ Kol&' r @/ S+ol&' r B S&t&r& = S&n%li T#e LG :actory /s located at NOIDA & PUNE/ T+ere &re t+ree t)'e# o$ :&re+o #e< A/ Mot+er :&re+o #e 3/ Br&nc+ :&re+o #e @/ S'&re '&rt ,&re+o #e T+e !ot+er ,&re+o #e i# t+&t ,+ere t+e 'ro" ct# $ro! t+e $&ctor) &re .e't &n" $ro! t+&t ,&re+o #e5 t+e 'ro" ct# &re #ent to t+e *r&nc+ ,&re+o #e/ A ware#ouse i# & co!!erci&l * il"in% $or #tor&%e o$ %oo"#/ :&re+o #e# &re #e" *) !&n $&ct rer#5 i!'orter#5 e('orter#5 ,+ole#&ler#5 tr&n#'ort * #ine##e#5 c #to!#5 etc/ T+e) &re # &ll) l&r%e 'l&in * il"in%# in in" #tri&l &re&# o$ citie# &n" to,n#/ T+e) co!e eE i''e" ,it+ lo&"in% "oc.# to lo&" &n" nlo&" tr c.#R or #o!eti!e# &re lo&"e" "irectl) $ro! r&il,&)#5 &ir'ort#5 or #e&'ort#/ T+e) &l#o o$ten +&-e cr&ne# &n" $or.li$t# $or !o-in% %oo"#5 ,+ic+ &re # &ll) 'l&ce" on ISO #t&n"&r" '&llet# lo&"e" into '&llet r&c.#/ n"er t+e ,e#tern Di#tri* tion Re%ion/ T+i# re%ion +&#


T#e <une ware#ouse /s located near ,agol/% !t /s 85ID7 sJ% &eet /n area% In ,&re+o #e G loc&tion# i# #et ' $or t+e 'ro" ct#/ Loc A5 Loc 35 Loc @5 Loc B 5 Loc = 5Loc?5 Loc G Loc A Q #ellin% Loc 3 < #econ" #&le Loc @ < in# r&nce cl&i! Loc B < ,rite o$$ !&teri&l Loc = Q "e#tro) t+e ite! Loc ? < co rt c&#e !&teri&l Loc G < $or re'&ir H@s o& ware#ouse5 ,+ic+ t+e LG #trictl) $ollo,/ A/ S,ee'in% 3/ Sortin% @/ S)#te!&tic Arr&n%e!ent B/ Si!'li$ic&tion =/ Sel$< "i#ci'line


!n ware#ouse5 t+e 'ro" ct# &re 'in ' ,it+ @<color '&'er to %et t+e .no,le"%e &*o t t+e "eli-er)/ A/ Re" C&r" Q To #to' t+e 'ro" ct %oin% into !&r.et5 3/ Green c&r" Q To &llo, t+e 'ro" ct $or "eli-er) in !&r.et5 @/ Yello, C&r" Q A$ter t+e 'ro" ct l&*ele" ,it+ %reen5 &llo, t+i# to !o-e in !&r.et "/str/but/on T/me0< Loc&l "eli-er) :it+in 377 .!/ Be)on" 377 .!/ Q B +r#/

U'co ntr) "eli-er) < A3 +r#/ Q 3B +r#/ Q B8 +r#%

T+e &*o-e "i#tri* tion ti!e i# t+e ti!e o$ "eli-er) o$ 'ro" ct# $ro! ,&re+o #e to t+e !&r.et 'l&ce5 ,+ic+ t+e lo%i#tic "e'&rt!ent $ollo,# to $ l$ill t+e "e!&n" in t+e !&r.et &t ri%+t ti!e/ In LG5 ,e +&-e t+e $ollo,in% 'roce##5 ,+ic+ i# $ollo,e" in lo%i#tic t+ro %+ ERP/ Or"er Proce##in% In-oicin% In"entin% Re'ort Or"er Proce##in% In-oicin% In"entin% Re'ort *oo.in% $or "e&ler# I"i#tri* tor# &$ter *illin% 'roce##I*ill %ener&tion reE ire!ent 1P"t Unit to *r&nc+ nit2 "i#tri* te" to &ll


!n ware#ouse; t+ere &re t,o !o"e o$ "i#'er#ion o$ 'ro" ct $ro! one 'l&ce to &not+er ,it+in/ &2 ;)"r& lic *2 M&n &l

In &""ition5 t+ere &re @= $ire e(tin% i#+er# to 're-ent t+e &cci"ent&l +&9&r" ,it+in t+e ,&re+o #e " e to $ire/ T+e#e $ire e(tin% i#+er# &re -&li" ' to )e&r 37AA/ One +&# to $ollo, t+e r le o$ 4NO S!o.in%O ,it+in t+e ,&re+o #e

Log/st/cs Ten Commandments K Golden Rules A < :&re+o #e =S Q to *e #trictl) $ollo,e" Q FG Q 35 = & G to *e 'ro'erl) !&int&ine"/ 3 < A77F B&r<co"in% $or &ll in,&r" & o t,&r" tr&n#&ction/ @ < Follo, #t&n"&r" 'ic. Q #+i' 'roce## reli%io #l)/ B Q No in-entor) !i#!&tc+5 #+ort&%e or e(ce## Q !ont+l) A77F '+)#ic&l #toc.t&.in%/ = Q Nil @7T $or FG Q 35 @ & =/ ? Q Nil tr&n#it "&!&%e/ G Q File in# r&nce cl&i! ,it+in 3 "&)#/ Settle &ll cl&i! &ll ,it+in @7 "&)#/ 8 Q No inter Q *r&nc+ tr&n#$er ,it+o t ;O cle&r&nce/ > Q PSI $ee"in% into #)#te! *) 3=t+ o$ e-er) !ont+/ En# re >7F &cc r&c)/ A7 Q A''l) '+)#ic&l FMFO/


A< In tr&n#it !&teri&l "&!&%e c+ec.in%/ 3< Co#t t&r%et &c+ie-e!ent/ @< N&t r&l e-ent# tr&c.in%/ B< Fl ct &tion in "e!&n"<# ''l)


A< A77F B&r co"e #c&nner/ 3< ERP Q In-oice Gener&tion Proce##/ @< ;)"r& lic Trolle)# $or !&teri&l !o-e!ent/ B< P&llet# $or #&$et) o$ !&teri&l/


,ARE+O2SE ,!T+ T+E EB2!<ME T%



T+e *e#t &n" t+e *i%%e#t intern&tion&l *r&n"# &re +ere in In"i& Q* t t+e iron) i$ it &ll6 ,+ere i# t+e &$ter<#&le#<#er-iceU So inte%r&l to & *r&n"5 #o critic&l $or it# # cce## &n" #o t&.en $or %r&nte" in "e-elo'e" !&r.et#V In In"i&5 &$ter #&le# #er-ice i#5 $or ,&nt o$ & *etter "e#cri'tion5 t+e 'it#/ So ,+&tC# #to''in% t+e *e#t co!'&nie# $ro! ' llin% o t &ll t+e #to'# ,+en it co!e# to 'ro-i"in% t+e *e#t #er-iceU Do c #to!er# e('ect $or too ! c+U Or i# it t+&t in In"i& t+e) "onCt re&ll) c&re/ Br&n" EE it) $&nne" o t to MNC &# ,ell &# In"i&n con# !er " r&*le co!'&nie#5 #toc.ie#t &n" "e&ler#5 &n&l)#t# &n" !&r.et re#e&rc+er# to %et & $eel o$ ,+&tC# re&ll) .ee'in% &$ter #&le# $ro! *ein% #e" &# & c ttin% e"%e !&r.etin% tool in ' #+in% 'ro" ct# &cro## c&te%orie#/ C #to!er# # ''ort $ollo,in% t+e ' rc+&#e o$ & 'ro" ct or #er-ice/ In #o!e c&#e#5 &$ter<#&le# #er-ice c&n *e &l!o#t &# i!'ort&nt &# t+e initi&l ' rc+&#e/ T+e !&n $&ct rer5 ret&iler5 or #er-ice 'ro-i"er "eter!ine# ,+&t i# incl "e" in &n) ,&rr&nt) 1or % &r&ntee2 '&c.&%e/ T+i# ,ill incl "e t+e " r&tion o$ t+e ,&rr&nt) tr&"ition&ll) one )e&r $ro! t+e "&te o$ ' rc+&#e5 * t incre&#in%l) t,o or !ore )e&rC# !&inten&nce &n"Ior re'l&ce!ent 'olic)5 ite!# incl "e"Ie(cl "e"5 l&*or co#t#5 &n" #'ee" o$ re#'on#e/ In t+e c&#e o$ & #er-ice 'ro-i"er5 &$ter<#&le# #er-ice !i%+t incl "e &""ition&l tr&inin% or +el'"e#. &-&il&*ilit)/ O$ eE &l i!'ort&nce i# t+e c #to!erH# 'erce'tion o$ t+e "e%ree o$ ,illin%ne## ,it+ ,+ic+ & # ''lier "e&l# ,it+ & E e#tion or co!'l&int5 #'ee" o$ re#'on#e5 &n" &ction t&.en/


LG also #ad a b/g problem o& a&ter sale serv/ce in In"i&/ D rin% !) 'ro0ect I &l#o c&!e to .no, t+&t &$ter #&le #er-ice *eco!e# t+e *i% i## e in P ne re%ion/ C #to!er# &# ,ell &# "e&ler ,ere $&cin% t+e 'ro*le! o$ &$ter #&le #er-ice/ Bec& #e o$ t+i# 'ro*le! !&n) "e&ler in P ne re%ion ,ere not re&") to #&le LG 'ro" ct/ So it *eco!e# t+e *i% i## e/ -ut LG #as taken #o!e #oli" #te'# to,&r"# i!'ro-in% c #to!erC# 'erce'tion &n" e('erience o$ &$ter #&le# #er-ice/ Bec& #e it -er) i!'ort&nt in co!'etiti-e !&r.et to 'ro-i"e t+e *e#t #er-ice/ L G Electronic# +&# #i%ne" & !e!or&n" ! o$ n"er#t&n"in% ,it+ 3@ In" #tri&l Tr&inin% In#tit te# to #tren%t+en it# &$ter #&le# #er-ice in In"i&/ T+e co!'&n) &i!# to recr it A75777 'eo'le *) t+e en" o$ t+i# )e&r &# & '&rt o$ it# *r&n"in% #tr&te%) to $oc # on #er-ice &n" !o-e &,&) $ro! "i#co ntin%/ L G Electronic# +&# i"enti$ie" ei%+t #t&te# ,it+ +i%+ &$ter #&le# #er-ice c&ll r&te# to in. t+e "e&l# ,it+ t+e ITI/ Y V Ver!&5 "irector ;R &n" !&n&%e!ent #)#te!5 LG Electronic# #&i"5 LT+e Co!'&n) ,&# tr)in% to $in" & #ol tion $or e$$ecti-e &$ter #&le# #er-ice #ince l&#t t,o )e&r#/ T+ere i# & + %e nee" o$ tr&ine" !&n'o,er $or t+e &$ter #&le# #er-ice to &li%n ,it+ t+e co!'&n)H# e('&n#ion &n" $oc # on t+e GSM !o*ile# &n" t+e 'er#on&l co!' ter #e%!ent#/L


A/ In t+e initi&l '+&#e t+e co!'&n) +&# entere" into &%ree!ent# ,it+ ITI# in t+e #t&te# li.e Ma#aras#tra; Gu'arat; "el#/; <un'ab; Assam; and *arnataka &n" i# in t+e l&#t le% o$ #i%nin% ,it+ 2ttar <rades#% 3/ L G Electronic#5 ,it+ 8677 #er-ice center#5 +&# &lre&") recr ite" 577 #t "ent# &n" 'l&n# to *ee$ ' t+e n !*er to 87;777 *) t+e )e&r<en"/ @/ LT+e co!'&n) +&# o$$ere" & #c+ol&r#+i' to t+e #electe" #t "ent# $or t+e l&#t #i( !ont+# o$ t+eir tr&inin% 'ro%r&!!e5L B/ T+e co!'&n) ,ill in-e#t R# 8 crore 1R# 87 !illion2 in e!'lo)ee "e-elo'!ent 'ro%r&!!e t+i# )e&r ,it+ &n &i! to &tt&in & 8 'er cent &ttrition r&te/ =/ T+e co!'&n) !o-e" &,&) $ro! t+e "i#co ntin% #tr&te%) #ince l&#t )e&r &n" i# ' ttin% t+r #t on t+e E &lit) &n" #er-ice in it# *r&n" co!! nic&tion to 'o#ition LG &# & 're!i ! con# !er electronic# *r&n"/ ?/ At t+e to'5 t+e Ser-ice Di-i#ion in Kore& re'ort# to t+e Glo*&l CMO/ 1&# !entione" in Der!otC# ' *lic inter-ie, in ET on :e"ne#"&)2/ T+i# #+o,# co!!it!ent t+&t Ser-ice ! #t *e !&"e into & !&r.etin% "i$$erenti&tor5 &n" le-er&%e" t+ #/ G/ LG +&# t+e ,i"e#t #er-ice net,or. &cro## t+e co ntr)R #o!e e#ti!&te# ' t it &t & #i%ni$ic&nt ! lti'le o$ #er-ice<in$r&#tr ct re $ro! o r ne&re#t co!'etitor/ :+ile t+e #&le #i9e !&) &l#o *e & nice ! lti'le $ro! ne&re#t5 it #+o,# t+e co!'&n) i# re&") to ' t o r !one) ,+ere o r !o t+ i#/

8/ T+e co!'&n) +&# intro" ce" & 3AA #er-ice < once )o re%i#ter )o r co!'l&int5 ,e ,ill c&ll )o *&c. in 3 +o r# 1+ence 325 #et ' &n &''oint!ent $or t+e ne(t con-enient "&) $or )o 1+ence t+e $ir#t A25 &n" #+o, ' in t+e 'ro!i#e" A<+o r #lot 1+ence t+e #econ" A2/ I$ t+e ne(t con-enient "&) $or )o i# t+e ne(t "&)5 t+&tC# %re&t too/ ItC# & "i#r 'ti-e &ction in &n in" #tr) 1incl "in% LG2 +&-in% tr&"ition&ll) #+ie" &,&) $ro! it# #er-ice re#'on#i*ilitie#5 &n" t+ # not le-er&%in% &n) !ile&%e $ro! it/ >/ T+e co!'&n) i# 'ro!otin% 3AA t+ro %+ ATL5 'ro*&*l) t+e $ir#t ti!e &$ter<#&le# #er-ice i# *ein% co!! nic&te" in t+i# $&#+ion *) &n) 'ro" ct co!'&n)/ Yo !&) +&-e #een t+e TV co!!erci&l or +e&r" t+e r&"io &"-ert or #een t+e ne,#'&'er &" or in<#+o' 'o#ter#5 *ot+ o$ ,+ic+ re-ol-e &ro n" 'ro!'t re#'on#e/ A7/T+e $ir#t LG<o,ne" #er-ice centre o'ene" in G r%&on/ 1Ser-ice in In"i& %ener&ll) ,or.# t+ro %+ & t+ori9e" #er-ice center#5 in LGC# c&#e t+e) ,or. e(cl #i-el) $or LG/2 A co!'&n)<o,ne" #er-ice centre trie# t+&t ! c+ +&r"er5 .no,# t+in%# *etter5 &n" c&n e-en contri* te &# & re-en e center/


CO S2MER S2R4E3 "2R! G EL+!-!T!O Fro! A?t+ to 3=t+ M&) & con# !er e(+i*ition ,&# or%&ni9e" &t t+e colle%e o$ En%ineerin% %ro n"/ T+e e(+i*ition ,&# #'on#ore" *) S&.&l %ro ' in ,+ic+ n !*er o$ co!'&nie# '&rtici'&te"/

EL+!-!T!O S <!CT2RES S+O,! G T+E <RO"2CTS


Ob'ect/ve o& t#e pro'ect

<r/mary ob'ect/ve

Fin" o t t+e 'o#ition&l "e&ler ,+o c&n #&le t+e LG 'ro" ct in l&r%e -ol !e/ T+e !&in o*0ecti-e o$ re#e&rc+ ,&# to i"enti$) 'otenti&l "e&ler &n" "e-elo'!ent t+e#e "e&ler/ So LG c&n !&.e t+e! t+eir "irect "e&ler/ T+i# ,ill e&#e t+e "e'en"ence on t+e #o!e *i% "e&ler li.e M&+&r&#+tr& &n" M&+&-eer electronic#/ Fin" o t t+e 'ro*le! $&ce" *) t+e "e&ler in #&le# &n" t+e "i#tri* tion/ Secondary ob'ect/ve T+e O*0ecti-e ,&# to $in" o t t+&t +o, $&r t+e e(+i*ition# &re +el'$ l in *r&n"in%5 :+ile ' rc+&#in% t+e con# !er " r&*le# ,+ic+ '&r&!eter i# !o#t i!'ort&nt $or t+e con# !erU Do t+e con# !er# 're$er t+e $in&nci&l $&cilit) $or * )in% con# !er " r&*leU ;o, $reE entl) con# !er# c+&n%e t+e con# !er " r&*leU To en+&nce# t+e .no,le"%e o$ con# !er " r&*le !&r.et/

To incre&#e# t+e .no,le"%e con# !er " r&*le 'ro" ct o$ LG/ To en+&nce# t+e .no,le"%e &*o t t+e !&r.etin% &n" *r&n"in% &cti-it)/

Research Methodolo y:
Re#e&rc+ !et+o"olo%) i# con#i"ere" &# t+e ner-e o$ t+e 'ro0ect/ :it+o t & 'ro'er ,ell<or%&ni9e" re#e&rc+ 'l&n5 it i# i!'o##i*le to co!'lete t+e 'ro0ect &n" re&c+ to &n) concl #ion/ T+e 'ro0ect ,&# *&#e" on t+e # r-e) 'l&n/ T+e !&in o*0ecti-e o$ # r-e) ,&# to collect &''ro'ri&te "&t&5 ,+ic+ ,or. &# & *&#e $or "r&,in% concl #ion &n" %ettin% re# lt/ T#ere&ore; re#e&rc+ !et+o"olo%) i# t+e ,&) to #)#te!&tic&ll) #ol-e t+e re#e&rc+ 'ro*le!/ Re#e&rc+ !et+o"olo%) not onl) t&l.# o$ t+e !et+o"# * t &l#o lo%ic *e+in" t+e !et+o"# #e" in t+e conte(t o$ & re#e&rc+ #t ") &n" it e('l&in# ,+) & '&rtic l&r !et+o" +&# *een #e" in t+e 're$erence o$ t+e ot+er !et+o"# Researc# des/gn0 Re#e&rc+ "e#i%n i# i!'ort&nt 'ri!&ril) *ec& #e o$ t+e incre&#e" co!'le(it) in t+e !&r.et &# ,ell &# !&r.etin% &''ro&c+e# &-&il&*le to t+e re#e&rc+er#/ In $&ct5 it i# t+e .e) to t+e e-ol tion o$ # cce##$ l !&r.etin% #tr&te%ie# &n" 'ro%r&!!er#/ It i# &n i!'ort&nt tool to #t ") * )erC# *e+&-ior5 con# !'tion '&ttern5 *r&n" lo)&lt)5 &n" $oc # !&r.et c+&n%e#/ A re#e&rc+ "e#i%n #'eci$ie# t+e !et+o"# &n" 'roce" re# $or con" ctin% & '&rtic l&r #t ")/ Accor"in% to Kerlin%er5 4Re#e&rc+ De#i%n i# & 'l&n5 conce't &l #tr ct re5 &n" #tr&te%) o$ in-e#ti%&tion concei-e" &# to o*t&in &n#,er# to re#e&rc+ E e#tion# &n" to control -&ri&nce/


Types o& researc# /s0 "escr/pt/ve Researc#

T+e t)'e o$ re#e&rc+ &"o'te" $or #t ") i# "e#cri'ti-e/ De#cri'ti-e #t "ie# &re n"ert&.en in !&n) circ !#t&nce# ,+en t+e re#e&rc+e# i# intere#te" to .no, t+e c+&r&cteri#tic o$ cert&in %ro ' # c+ &# &%e5 #e(5 e" c&tion le-el5 occ '&tion or inco!e/ A "e#cri'ti-e #t ") !&) *e nece##&r) in c&#e# ,+en & re#e&rc+er i# intere#te" in .no,in% t+e 'ro'ortion o$ 'eo'le in & %i-en 'o' l&tion ,+o +&-e in '&rtic l&r !&nner5 !&.in% 'ro0ection# o$ & cert&in t+in%5 or "eter!inin% t+e rel&tion#+i' *et,een t,o or !ore -&ri&*le#/ T+e o*0ecti-e o$ # c+ #t ") i# to &n#,er t+e 4,+o5 ,+&t5 ,+en5 ,+ere &n" +o,O o$ t+e # *0ect n"er in-e#ti%&tion/ T+ere i# & %ener&l $eelin% t+&t "e#cri'ti-e #t "ie# &re $&ct &l &n" -er) #i!'le/ T+i# i# not nece##&ril) tr e/ De#cri'ti-e #t ") c&n *e co!'le(5 "e!&n"in% & +i%+ "e%ree o$ #cienti$ic #.ill on '&rt o$ t+e re#e&rc+er/ De#cri'ti-e #t "ie# &re ,ell #tr ct re"/ An e('lor&tor) #t ") nee"# to *e $le(i*le in it# &''ro&c+5 * t & "e#cri'ti-e #t ") in contr&#t ten"# to *e ri%i" &n" it# &''ro&c+ c&nnot *e c+&n%e" e-er) no, &n" t+en/ It i# t+ere$ore nece##&r)5 t+e re#e&rc+er %i-e # $$icient t+o %+t to $r&!in% re#e&rc+/


Buest/ons and dec/d/ng t#e types o$ "&t& to *e collecte" &n" t+e 'roce" re to *e #e" in t+i# ' r'o#e/ De#cri'ti-e #t "ie# c&n *e "i-i"e" into t,o *ro&" c&te%orie#6 Cro## Section&l &n" Lon%it "in&l Section&l/ A cro## #ection&l #t ") i# concerne" ,it+ & #&!'le o$ ele!ent# $ro! & %i-en 'o' l&tion/ T+ #5 it !&) "e&l ,it+ +o #e+ol"5 "e&ler#5 ret&il #tore#5 or ot+er entitie#/ D&t& on & n !*er o$ c+&r&cteri#tic# $ro! #&!'le ele!ent# &re collecte" &n" &n&l)9e"/ Cro## #ection&l #t "ie# &re o$ t,o t)'e#6 Fiel" #t ") &n" S r-e)/ Alt+o %+ t+e "i#tinction *et,een t+e! i# not cle&r< c t 5 t+ere &re #o!e 'r&ctic&l "i$$erence#5 ,+ic+ nee" "i$$erent tec+niE e# &n" #.ill#/ Fiel" #t "ie# &re e(<'o#t<$&ctor #cienti$ic inE irie# t+&t &i! &t $in"in% t+e rel&tion# &n" interrel&tion# &!on% -&ri&*le# in & re&l #ettin%/ S c+ #t "ie# &re "one in li-e #it &tion# li.e co!! nitie#5 #c+ool#5 $&ctorie#5 &n" or%&ni9&tion#/ Anot+er t)'e o$ cro## #ection&l #t ") i# # r-e) re# lt5 ,+ic+ +&# *een t&.en *) !e/ A !&0or #tren%t+ o$ # r-e) re#e&rc+ i# it# ,i"e #co'e/ Det&il in$or!&tion c&n *e o*t&ine" $ro! & #&!'le o$ l&r%e 'o' l&tion /Be#i"e#R it i# econo!ic&l &# !ore in$or!&tion c&n *e collecte" 'er nit o$ co#t/ In &""ition5 it i# o*-io # t+&t & #&!'le # r-e) nee"# le## ti!e t+&n & cen# # inE ir)/ De#cri'ti-e re#e&rc+ incl "e# # r-e) &n" $&ct $in"in% enE irie# o$ "i$$erent .in"# o$ t+e !&0or ' r'o#e/ De#cri'ti-e re#e&rc+ i# "e#cri'tion o$ t+e #t&te o$ &$$&ir#5 &# it e(i#t# &t 're#ent/ T+e !&in c+&r&cteri#tic o$ t+i# !et+o" i# t+&t t+e re#e&rc+er +&# no control o-er t+e -&ri&*le#R +e c&n onl) re'ort ,+&t +&# +&''ene" or ,+&t i#

+&''enin%/ T+e !et+o"# o$ re#e&rc+ tili9e" in "e#cri'ti-e re#e&rc+ &re # r-e) !et+o"# o$ &ll .in"# incl "in% co!'&r&ti-e &n" co rel&tion&l !et+o"#/ T+e re&#on $or #in% # c+ nee"# to *e $le(ile in it# &''ro&c+5 * t & "e#cri'ti-e #t ") in contr&#t ten"# to *e ri%i" &n" it# &''ro&c+ c&nnot *e c+&n%e" e-er no, &n" t+en/

"EALER MA AGEME T M&''in% o$ P ne re%ion "e&ler#/ In P ne re%ion t+ere ,ere tot&l A87 "e&ler# incl "in% t+e ' co ntr) #i"e T+e) +&-e *een "i-i"e" into t+ree c&te%orie# on t+e *&#i# o$ t+eir t rno-er &n" t+e #ellin% c&'&cit)/ PUNE <A PUNE<3 PUNE<@




<2 E18 Incl "e# t+e !o"ern tr&"e &n" t+e) +&-e "irect *illin% $ro! t+e *r&nc+ o$$ice/ T+e) +&-e +i%+ t rno-er &n" t+e co!'&n) "e'en"# +e&-il) on t+e!


<2 E16 /ncludes t+e "i#tri* tor#/ T+e) +&-e "irect *illin% $ro! t+e *r&nc+ o$$ice/T+eir t rno-er i# &l#o +i%+/ <2 E15 Incl "e# t+e # * "e&ler# /T+e) +&-e "irect *illin% $ro! "i#tri* tor# or $ro! t+e *r&nc+ o$$ice/ T+eir t rno-er i# not #o +i%+5 * t t+ere &re $e, # * "e&ler# ,+o#e 'otenti&l i# E ite +i%+/ Accor"in% to #&le# t+e *r&nc+ +&# "e#i%n&te" &# %ol" &n" #il-er # * "e&ler#/

O-)ECT!4E O: T+E ST2"3 T+e o*0ecti-e ,&# to $in" o t t+e !&r.et #+&re o$ LG 'ro" ct#5 &"-&nt&%e#5 &n" "i#&"-&nt&%e# o$ LG 'ro" ct# $ro! "e&ler# &n" to $in" o t ,+&t 'ro*le!# t+e) &re $&cin% ,it+ t+e LG 'ro" ct# #o t+&t 'ro*le!# c&n *e re#ol-e" to incre&#e t+e #&le/


<!CT2RE S+O,! G T+E <RO"2CT O: LG ! O E O: T+E S+O<


"ata collect/on met#ods0 A$ter t+e re#e&rc+ 'ro*le!5 ,e +&-e to i"enti$) &n" #elect ,+ic+ t)'e o$ "&t& i# to re#e&rc+/ At t+i# #t&%eR ,e +&-e to or%&ni9e & $iel" # r-e) to collect t+e "&t&/ One o$ t+e i!'ort&nt tool# $or con" ctin% !&r.et re#e&rc+ i# t+e &-&il&*ilit) o$ nece##&r) &n" #e$ l "&t&/ <r/mary data6 For 'ri!&r) "&t& collection5 ,e +&-e to 'l&n t+e $ollo,in% $o r i!'ort&nt &#'ect#/ Sampl/ng Researc# !nstrument Secondary "ata < T+e Co!'&n)C# 'ro$ile5 0o rn&l# &n" -&rio # liter&t re #t "ie# &re i!'ort&nt #o rce# o$ #econ"&r) "&t&/ "ata analys/s and /nterpretat/on A/ S e#tionn&ire# 3/ Pie c+&rt &n" B&r c+&rt Buest/onna/res0 T+i# i# t+e !o#t 'o' l&r tool $or t+e "&t& collection/ A E e#tionn&ire cont&in# E e#tion t+&t t+e re#e&rc+er ,i#+e# to &#. +i# re#'on"ent# ,+ic+ i# &l,&)# % i"e" *) t+e o*0ecti-e o$ t+e # r-e)/ </e c#art0 T+i# i# -er) #e$ l "i&%r&! to re're#ent "&t& 5 ,+ic+ &re "i-i"e" into & n !*er o$ c&te%orie#/ T+i# "i&%r&! con#i#t# o$ & circle o$ "i-i"e" into & n !*er o$ #ector#5 ,+ic+ &re 'ro'ortion&l to t+e -&l e# t+e) re're#ent/ T+e tot&l -&l e i# re're#ente" *) t+e $ ll cre&te/ T+e "i&%r&! *&r c+&rt c&n !&.e co!'&ri#on


&!on% t+e -&rio # co!'onent# or *et,een & '&rt &n" & ,+ole o$ "&t&/

-ar c#art0 T+i# i# &not+er ,&) o$ re're#entin% "&t& %r&'+ic&ll)/ A# t+e n&!e i!'lie#5 it con#i#t o$ & n !*er o$ ,+i#'ere" *&r5 ,+ic+ ori%in&te $ro! & co!!on *&#e line &n" &re eE &l ,i"t+#/ T+e len%t+# o$ t+e *&r"# &re 'ro'ortion&l to t+e -&l e t+e) re're#ent/ <reparat/on o& report0 T+e re'ort ,&# *&#e" on t+e &n&l)#i# &n" 're#ente" ,it+ t+e $in"in%# &n" # %%e#tion#/ T+e #&!'le o$ t+e E e#tionn&ire# i# &tt&c+e" ,it+ t+e re'ort it#el$/ Sampl/ng Met#odology0 Det&il# o$ t+e #&!'lin% !et+o"olo%)5 I +&-e !&"e E e#tionn&ire/ T+e one i# !&"e $or t+e C #to!er/ 7G 7@ 377 =7

No/ o$ E e#tion# in E e#tionn&ire# $or c #to!er6 No/ o$ E e#tion rel&te" to LG 'ro" ct6 No/ o$ 'eo'le !et " rin% t+e re#e&rc+6 No/ o$ re#'on"ent# " rin% t+e re#e&rc+6 Sample un/t Pro$e##ion&l#5 B #ine## !&n5 E!'lo)ee#5 ;o #e ,i$e5 :or.in% ,o!en5 St "ent#

Analys/s0 SA/ ;&-e )o ' rc+&#e" &n) con# !er " r&*le " rin% E(+i*ition#U Ye# No

!n&erence# A/ ?= F o$ C #to!er +&-e not ' rc+&#e" &n) con# !er " r&*le $ro! e(+i*ition#/ 3/ Onl) @= F 'eo'le +&-e ' rc+&#e"/ @/ It #+o,# t+&t con# !er# &re co!in% in t+e e(+i*ition $or .no,le"%e o$ 'ro" ct &n" &l#o t+e) ,&nt to .no, t+&t ,e&t+er t+ere i# &ct &l 'rice "i$$erence in e(+i*ition &n" #+o' or not/ B/ Con# !er &l#o ,&nt to co!'&re to t+e "i$$erent *r&n" ,+ic+ &re &-&il&*le in t+e e(+i*ition/

=/ So e(+i*ition# &re !ore #e$ l to incre&#e# *r&n" &,&rene##/ ?/ Peo'le &re le## intere#te" to ' rc+&#e 'ro" ct $ro! t+e e(+i*ition/

S/3:+ile ' rc+&#in% con# !er " r&*le ,+ic+ '&r&!eter in$l ence# )o U Price Pro" ct $e&t re Br&n" Ser-ice D r&*ilit)

!n&erence A/ 57F o$ c #to!er %i-e# i!'ort&nce to 'rice/ So it #+o,# t+&t In"i&n con# !er# &re -er) 'rice #en#iti-e/ T+e) %i-e !ore i!'ort&nce to 'rice o-er t+e *r&n"/ 3/ 3?F %i-e i!'ort&nce to *r&n"/ So 'rice &n" Br&n" !&tter & lot# $or t+e co#t !er#/ An" t+e) &re &l#o ,&nt *e#t *r&n" in *e#t 'rice/


@/ A>F to 'ro" ct $e&t re Ser-ice A?F &n" " r&*ilit) >F Ser-ice i# &l#o & *i% $&ctor $or t+e c #to!er t+e) &re le## intere#te" in t+e " r&*ilit)/

S@/ Fro! ,+ere )o 're$er * )in% con# !er " r&*le# E(+i*ition# Co/#+o''ee S+o,roo!

!n&erence0 A/ A !&0orit) o$ c #to!er# 're$er to * ) $ro! #+o,roo!#/ Ver) le## 'ro'o#ition o$ c #to!er# * )# $ro! E(+i*ition#/ 3/ BGF c #to!er# &re 're$er to *) $ro! t+e #+o,roo!# *ec& #e t+e #+o,roo!# &re !ore con-enient to c #to!er# t+e) &l#o t+in. t+&t t+e#e #+o'# %i-e !ore "i#co nt#/ @/ Peo'le &re le## intere#te" to * ) $ro! t+e e(+i*ition t+e) onl) -i#it t+e e(+i*ition $or 'rice E ot&tion o$ t+e 'ro" ct &n" t+e co!'&ri#on o$ t+e 'ro" ct/


S/B/Yo 're$er to * ) $ro! t+e #&!e &# )o +&-e !entione" in S/@ *ec& #e o$ $ollo,in% re&#on# Attr&cti-e Price Ser-ice De!on#tr&tion# O$$er#


A/ C #to!er# * ) $ro! #+o,roo!# *ec& #e o$ t+e #er-ice &n" con-enience/ T+e#e &re t,o !&in $&ctor#/ 3/ C #to!er# &re 're$erre" to * ) $ro! t+e #+o,roo! *ec& #e o$ t+e) t+in. t+&t t+e#e con-enient #tore !&) 'ro-i"e %oo" &$ter #ell #er-ice/ @/ C #to!er &l#o t+in.# t+&t t+ere i# !ore c+&nce to *&r%&in &n" t+e) c&n %et !ore "i#co nt# in t+e#e #+o,roo!#/

B/ Price &l#o & $&ctor t+&t &ttr&ct #+o,roo!#/

t+e c #to!er in t+e#e

S/=/:+ic+ con# !er " r&*le )o +&-e &n" o$ ,+ic+ *r&n"U CTV LCD PLASMA REF :M M: AC


!n&erence In CTV #ection !&(i! ! c #to!er# +&-e Oni"&5 in LCD Son) i# t+e le&"er5 In 'l&#!& BPL i# t+e le&"er5 In Re$ LG i# t+e le&"er5 M: LG i# t+e le&"er/ In :M t+ere &re co!'&nie# &n" in AC &l#o/

S/?/ ;o, $reE entl) )o c+&n%e )o r con# !er " r&*le#U A<@ )e&r# @<= )e&r# =<A7 )e&r# More t+&n A7 )e&r#



A/ C #to!er# 're$er to c+&n%e con# !er " r&*le# ,it+in =<A7 )e&r#/ In In"i& 'eo'le "o not c+&n%e con# !er " r&*le $reE entl)/ 3/ 3@F c #to!er# "o not c+&n%e t+eir con# !er " r&*le ,it+in A7 )e&r/ @/ It re're#ent t+&t In"i&n con# !er "o not 're$er to c+&n%e t+eir con# !er " r&*le $reE entl)/

S/G/Do )o 're$er &n) $in&ncin% #c+e!e to ' rc+&#e con# !er " r&*le#U Ye# No

! :ERE CE M&0orit) o$ c #to!er# "o not 're$er &n) $in&nci&l #c+e!e/


"ealer survey :/nd/ngs

A/ B) c&lc l&tin% t+e "i#'l&) #+&re ,e $o n" t+&t in !o#t o$ #tore LG +&# =7F "i#'l&) #+&re &l!o#t &ll c&te%orie#/ 3/ B) t+e &ct &l !ont+l) #&le o$ '&rtic l&r #tore ,e c&!e to .no, t+e c&'&cit) o$ t+e #tore &n" +o, ! c+ 'ro" ct c&n t+e) #&le/ @/ It +el'# # to .no, t+&t ,e&t+er "e&ler i# c&'&*le o$ *ein% & "irect "e&ler o$ LG or not &n" it &l#o +el'# to $in" o t t+e ne, "e&ler ,+o &re c&'&*le o$ *ein% t+e "e&ler o$ LG/ B/ :e &l#o c&!e to .no, ,+ile -i#itin% t+e #+o'# t+&t t+ere ,&# *i% 'ro*le! o$ &$ter #&le #er-ice/ =/ M&n) "e&ler# ,ere $&cin% t+e 'ro*le! o$ &$ter #&le #er-ice *ec& #e t+ere i# no $ollo, ' c&ll# $ro! LG/ ?/ De!o c&ll# &l#o not "one 'ro'erl)/

G/ T+e to' co!'etitor o$ LG 'ro" ct in P ne i# SAMSUNG/ 8/ In P ne &re& t+e 'er$or!&nce o$ LG i# in *etter 'o#ition * t t+e co!'etitor &l#o +ol" clo#er !&r%in/ >/ T+ere i# +i%+ %ro,t+ o$ #&le in !&r.et " e to *oo!in% in ne, tec+nolo%) &n" *etter #er-ice/ A7/:or" o$ !o t+ 'l&)# & -it&l role in &,&rene## &!on% c #to!er/ T+i# i# one $&ctor5 ,+ic+ c&n 'l&) & %oo" role in 'ro!otion o$ 'ro" ct# &# ,ell &# "e!on#tr&tion %i-en *) t+e #+o'.ee'er &l#o 'l&)# & -it&l role $or c #to!er/

RECOMME "AT!O S A " S2GGEST!O S A/ LG #+o l" i!'ro-e itC# &$ter #&le #er-ice *ec& #e it# +it# *&"l) LG# !&r.et #+&re in P ne re%ion/ 3/ More "et&ile" c #to!&rie# #er-ice i# to *e 'ro-i"e"/ @/ T+e tr&inin% to in #+o' "e!on#tr&tion #+o l" *e %i-en &t $reE ent ti!e inter-&l &n" $ee" *&c. #+o l" *e con#i"ere" 'o#iti-el)/ B/ T+e co!'&n) #+o l" loo. into t+e !&tter o$ 'er#on +irin% $or in #+o' "e!on#tr&tion/ A *i% LG #+o,roo! #+o l" +&-e &t le&#t 3 # c+ .in" o$ 'er#on/ =/ LG #+o l" tr) ne, "e&ler ,+o +&-e t+e 'otenti&l/ So t+e) c&n t&r%et !ore !&r.et/ ?/ A# t+ere i# & *ottle nec. co!'etition *et,een S&!# n% &n" LG5 it i# nece##&r) to t&.e !e&# re #te'# to o-erco!e t+e &re& o$ "o,n$&ll in LG ,it+ re#'ect to S&!# n%/ G/ T+e !&r.etin% !&n&%er# #+o l" !&.e *etter rel&tion# ,it+ "e&ler# &n" re' t&tion o$ t+e co!'&n)/

8/ C #to!er con#i"er# E &lit) &# t+eir $ir#t 're$erence5 #o t+e co!'&n) #+o l" %i-e !ore #tre## on t+i#/ >/ T+e #,itc+in% o$ c #to!er $ro! LG 'ro" ct to ot+er *r&n" i# " e to t+e *e" &$ter #ell #er-ice in #+o'/ A7/T+e 'ro" ct i# ,ell &,&re &n" it i# on to' o$ !in" o$ c #to!er/ So co!'&n) #+o l" &l,&)# i!'ro-e #er-ice# &n" '"&te t+eir tec+nolo%)/

C2STOMER S2R4E3 :! "! GS A/ Secon"&r) # ''ort# 'l&) &n i!'ort&nt role in t+e c #to!er# !in" &n" cre&te &,&rene## &!on% t+e c #to!er#/ T+e #econ"&r) # ''ort incl "e# De!on#tr&tion5 E(+i*ition & E-en S'on#or#/ 3/ Fro! t+e # r-e) it ,&# $o n" o t t+&t t+e !&0orit) o$ c #to!er# "onCt * ) con# !er " r&*le# $ro! e(+i*ition#/ T+e) 0 #t -i#it t+e e(+i*ition# to #ee t+e co/ l&te#t !o"el/ @/ T+e) ,&nt to * ) $ro! t+e #+o,roo!# or $ro! co/ #+o,roo!#/ For t+e! #er-ice i# i!'ort&nt /Be#i"e con-enience &n" ot+er $&ctor# #er-ice i# .e) $&ctor/ B/ Al#o !&0orit) o$ c #to!er# "o not ,&nt &n) $in&ncin% #c+e!e $or ' rc+&#in% t+e " r&*le#/ =/ T+ere ,&# +e&-) r #+ on ,ee.en"# #o l&r%e n !*er# o$ ISDC# ,ere &''ointe" t+&t "&)/ Al#o t+e li-e "e!o c&ll# +el'# in #ellin%/ E(c+&n%e o$$er# &l#o %ener&te #&le/


?/ C #to!er# &re &l#o no, -er) c+oo#) in * )in% t+e 'ro" ct &n" it i# i!'ort&nt $or t+e co!'&n) to !&.e lo)&l c #to!er o$ t+eir *r&n"/ G/ In # r-e) ,e $o n" t+&t LG +&# c&'t re" !&(i! ! !&r.et #+&re in e-er) c&te%or)/ LG "o!in&te# CTV5 LCD5 &n" Re$ri%er&tor5 &n" :&#+in% !&c+ine5 c&te%or)/ 8/ LG &n" S&!# n% +&-e *ottle nec. co!'etition in TV &n" REF/ c&te%or)/ >/ T+e 'ro" ct i# ,ell &,&re &n" it i# on to' o$ !in" o$ c #to!er/ A7/C #to!er# &re &l#o no, -er) c+oo#) in * )in% t+e 'ro" ct &n" it i# i!'ort&nt $or t+e co!'&n) to !&.e lo)&l c #to!er o$ t+eir *r&n"/


A/ E(+i*ition# "o not +el' to %ener&te #o ! c+ #ell# * t t+e) #+o l" *e con" cte" re% l&rl)/ T+i# +el'# in %ener&tin% &,&rene## re%&r"in% t+e 'ro" ct in c #to!er# ,+ic+ lti!&tel) +el'# in #&le#/ 3/ Al#o it i# +el'# in &"-erti#in% $or t+e ne, 'ro" ct#/ Li.e in t+i# e(+i*ition ne, LCD SCARLET ,&# &"-erti#e"/ Co!'&n) #+o l" &l,&)# $oc # on #er-ice/ @/ Di#'l&) #+&re #+o l" *e incre&#e" ,+ere t+ere i# le## t+&n =7F &# LG &l#o *elie-e# t+&t ()O "!*+TA +A! ,O -!*TA +A!.%


B/ Co!'&n) #+o l" tr) to i!'ro-e #er-ice/ No "o *t t+e co!'&n) 'ro" ct# +&-e tec+nic&ll) e"%e o-er co!'etitor# * t in lon% r n it !&) +&!'er t+e co!'&n)C# 'ro$it/ =/ Co!'&n) #+o l" concentr&te !ore on it# !&0or "ri-er# LCD5 IT5 &n" GSM/ Br&n"in% &n" 'ro!otion# #+o l" *e "one e$$ecti-el) &# it cre&te# & lon% l&#tin% i!&%e in t+e !in" o$ c #to!er#/ ?/ Co!'&n) #+o l" &l#o c&ter to t+e nee"# o$ # * "e&ler# &# #o!e o$ t+e # * "e&ler# +&-e 'otenti&l o$ +i%+ #&le#/

L!M!TAT!O S E-er) #t ") +&# cert&in li!it&tion#/ In !) #t ")5 &l#o t+ere ,ere cert&in li!it&tion#5 ,+ic+ I co l" not &*le to #ol-e/

A/ T+e re#e&rc+ ,&# con" cte" in & -er) #!&ll &re&/ 3/ M) re#e&rc+ ,or. 'erio" ,itne## t+e *i%%e#t '# &n" "o,n# in 'ro" ct #&le o$ "i$$erent *r&n"#5 ,+ic+ &$$ecte" t+e 'erce'tion o$ t+e c #to!er/ T+i# ,&# *i%%e#t "r&,*&c. o$ !) #t ")/

@/ Ti!e $&ctor ,&# &l#o i!'ort&nt $or !e/ I +&" onl) ?7 "&)# to co!'lete !) re#e&rc+5 $or ,+ic+ & $ ll<$le"%e" re'ort ,&# in# $$icient $or !e/ B/ T+e c #to!er $ille" t+e E e#tionn&ire !o#tl) in c&rele## !&nner5 #o it ,&# "i$$ic lt to !&.e t+e! +ol" $or ti!e/ =/ I +&" onl) $o n" t+e reE ire" $or t+e #t ")/ ?/ T+e #&!'le #i9e i# &l#o -er) #!&ll ,+ic+ re're#ent !) re#e&rc+ on con# !er *e+&-ior ''er<!i""le cl&## $&!il) to $ill ' t+e E e#tionn&ire5 * t %ener&ll)5 &n &-er&%e !i""le cl&## $&!il) ,&#

M) #t ") i# not reco%ni9&*le in ,+ole INDIA &# ,ell &# o t#i"e R&nc+i " e to t+e &*o-e li!it&tion# &n" le## &re& co-er&%e/


,,,/l%in"i&/co! ,,,/%oo%le/co!


B #ine## ,orl" B #ine## to"&)


LG !&%&9ine Econo!ic# ti!e# Ne,# '&'er Ti!e# o$ In"i&

Consumer survey Buest/onna/re

SA/ ;&-e )o ' rc+&#e" &n) con# !er " r&*le " rin% E(+i*ition#U &2 Ye# *2 No

S/3:+ile ' rc+&#in% con# !er " r&*le ,+ic+ '&r&!eter in$l ence# )o U &2 Price

*2 Pro" ct $e&t re c2 Br&n" "2 Ser-ice e2 D r&*ilit) S@/ Fro! ,+ere )o 're$er * )in% con# !er " r&*le# &2 E(+i*ition# *2 Co/#+o''ee c2 S+o,roo!

S/B/Yo 're$er to * ) $ro! t+e #&!e &# )o +&-e !entione" in S/@ *ec& #e o$ $ollo,in% re&#on# &2 Attr&cti-e Price *2 Ser-ice c2 De!on#tr&tion# "2 O$$er# e2 Con-enience

S/=/:+ic+ con# !er " r&*le )o +&-e &n" o$ ,+ic+ *r&n"U &2 CTV *2 LCD c2 PLASMA D2 REF E2 :M

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

F2 M: G2 AC

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

S/?/ ;o, $reE entl) )o c+&n%e )o r con# !er " r&*le#U &2 A<@ )e&r# *2 @<= )e&r# c2 =<A7 )e&r# "2 More t+&n A7 )e&r#

S/G/Do )o 're$er &n) $in&ncin% #c+e!e to ' rc+&#e con# !er " r&*le#U &2 Ye# *2 No

A<<E "!L A/S/I Are& Ser-ice In c+&r%e


Are& #&le# !&n&%er


Br&nc+ Ser-ice In c+&r%e



Co!!erci&l Air Con"itionin% S)#te!


C #to!er Ser-ice Net


Direct #er-ice centre/


Lo%i#tic# ;e&" o$ "e'&rt!ent




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