Book Review
Book Review
Book Review
The majority part of the book deals with five different topics. The
first one are the so-called ‘ über trends’. This chapter describes
trends like globalization, changing consumer demographics and
the emergence of new technologies. The book continues with a
chapter about “game changing”. Given the previously described
‘ über trends’ as well as three scenario-related assumptions,
Taneja believes that airlines might face five possible scenarios in
their operating environment: (1) the emergence of a new genera-
tion of airlines in intercontinental markets (e.g. Jet Airways), (2)
the global virtual airline, (3) the Gulf region becoming an avia-
tion powerhouse, (4) a format invader from within the industry
and (5) a reduction in the aviation activity.
In chapter four, Taneja helps airline management to prepare consists of 21 stories (30% of the book!) of global companies
for coping with the outlined trends. From his perspective, air- like Google, Ikea and Starbucks and what the airline industry
lines should prepare by optimizing their airline business model. can learn from these companies.
Chapter five deals with the social networking phenomenon and
chapter six with brand and loyalty management - both topics are In the paragraph ‘Takeaways for Airlines’ on, the
considered to be very important for airlines to survive. author concludes that Amazon is a non-asset company which
provides Amazon various big advantages. That’s nice for Ama-
Flying Ahead of the Airplane is predominantly written for air- zon but the problem of the airline industry is actually that it is
line managers. To underscore this target audience, Nawal Taneja an asset-based industry and related disadvantages do not fade
used his personal address book to persuade up to 13 (!) airline away by adding some of the features of non-asset companies like
CEO’s to write a foreword. These pieces are ‘nice to read’ but, Amazon. Although other lessons that can be learned from these
from my perspective, the added value of these contributions is benchmarking stories might be interesting, it highly depends on
quite low. The same holds true for chapter seven, which contains the particular circumstances of an airline.
insights from non-airline brands around the world. This chapter
e-zine edition 45 1
It may not be a surprise for those readers knowing the profes- management of passenger and cargo business, the need to par-
sional background of the reviewer that I was particularly inter- ticipate in an alliance, or the need to have your own engineering
ested in Taneja’s vision on flying cargo as this is an important and maintenance facility. Although Taneja proposes “integrative
part of the business for many airlines around the world. management”, the ways to do this remains up to you!
While reading this book, successfully
dealing with freight seems to be an ir- About the Author
relevant part of airline management. Nawal Taneja is Professor and Chairman
I can’t imagine! Are the trends and of the Department of Aviation, Ohio State
scenarios as important for manag- University. Over the last 35 years he has
ing an airlines cargo division as been contributing within the global airline
they are for running the passenger industry sector, as a practitioner, advisor,
business? Is the social networking educator, and an author. In 2002, he began
phenomenon and building a brand writing a series of books. Among these books
and developing loyalty equally were “Fasten Your Seatbelt: the Passenger is
important for running the freight Flying the Plane” and “Simpli-Flying - Opti-
business as they are for running mizing the Airline Business Model”.
the passenger business? I don’t
think so... Airlines that neglect About the Reviewer
the importance of cargo in the Willem-Jan Zondag studied Transport Eco-
same way as Taneja does are nomics at the Free University. He has been edi-
certainly not prepared for their tor in chief of Aerlines Magazine and hold sev-
airline’s future. eral editorial positions at air transport releated
magazines. Furthermore, he has performed sev-
This book provides interesting eral consultancy assignments in the past. Nowa-
insight for those of you want- days, he works for one of the world’s largest inte-
ing to learn more about glob- grated express companies.
al trends that impact the air-
line industry, about potential Product details
new market circumstances Hardcover: 298 pages
(scenarios) for the airline Publisher: Ashgate (1 Nov 2008)
industry as well as about Language English
managing brands and loy- ISBN-10: 0754675793
alty. But do not expect too much practical ISBN-13: 978-0754675792
recommendations about your airline business model like the Product Dimensions: 23.4 x 16 x 2.8 cm
e-zine edition 45 2