Ecoexpo Display Space
Ecoexpo Display Space
Ecoexpo Display Space
Display Areas:
Indoor displays:
- 3 x 3 metre display area $150.00
- 6 x 3 metre display area $280.00
- Other sizes available by prior arrangement.
Outdoor Displays:
- Will be 5 metres deep and price will be $30.00 a liner metre
based on frontage.
For publicity we will be drawing up booklets including details of
displays, and for this purpose please attach a description of your display
with photographs for possible inclusion in the booklets.
Name of person/s requiring entry to Eco Expo:………………………..
Signed:…………………………Name printed:………………………..
Position held:………………………………………..
Please let us know any contact details you would like displayed on the
website and if you have a website address let us know what it is so we
can link to you.
The result is that your support will attract high public regard for
your business, increased awareness of your products and
services, and enhancement of your community image.
Keith Renike
Chairperson – Preserve Planet Earth
Rotary 9640
Project Co-ordinator