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PR 14 02 25

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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Tuesuay, Febiuaiy 2S, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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SAN ANT0NI0 - The Campbell Campaign blasteu Balance PAC foi filing a blatantly false
campaign finance iepoit that listeu the Campbell Campaign as both a uonoi anu as a
iecipient of funus.

"The iepoit, fileu by Balance PAC is a lie. It iepoits things that nevei took place. We
uemanu an immeuiate apology anu a coiiection," saiu Allen Blakemoie, Campbell Campaign
Senioi Stiategist.

The campaign finance iepoit fileu by Balance PAC on Febiuaiy 24, 2u14
|http:2u4.6S.2uS.Spublic6uSS28.pufj uetails on Scheuule A that on u22114 the
Bonna Campbell Campaign maue a $12,Suu in-kinu contiibution to Balance PAC. The iepoit
cites the uesciiption of the in-kinu contiibution as 'Shaie of meuia consulting expenses'.

"That's pieposteious! The Bonna Campbell Campaign is not engageu in offeiing meuia
consulting to political action committees - not Balance PAC oi any othei," Blakemoie saiu.

"Neithei Senatoi Campbell, hei campaign, oi anyone associateu with hei campaign,
suppoits oi enuoises any of the activities of Balance PAC in any way, shape, oi foim,"
exclaimeu Blakemoie.

The campaign finance iepoit goes one step fuithei, it uetails on Scheuule F that the Bonna
Campbell Campaign was the iecipient of a $12,Suu in-kinu contiibution foi 'Shaie of meuia
consulting expenses'.

"The Campbell Campaign woulu nevei accept a contiibution of any kinu fiom Balance PAC.
Senatoi Campbell uoes not suppoit the political goals of Balance PAC, noi the people behinu
the oiganization," auueu Blakemoie.

"I uon't know what soit of game these folks at Balance PAC aie playing, but they shoulu
leave us out. We uemanu an immeuiate apology anu coiiection. The way the iepoit
cuiiently stanus is a violation of numeious sections of the Texas Elections Coue, some of
which have ciiminal penalties. If a public apology is not issueu anu the iepoit is not
coiiecteu immeuiately, the next step will be to file a swoin complaint with the Texas Ethics
Commission, " Blakemoie concluueu.


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