Agriculture Bldg. (10), Room 210 Phone: 805.756.5000; Fax: 805.756.5040 Department Chair: Jay E. Noel
promotion, lobbying, and information services, state and federal government agencies, and non-food and fiber businesses.
Agribusiness Minor
In todays ever more complex, technology-driven world, it is a necessity for any graduate in agriculture to have some exposure to marketing, personnel management, financial management, budgeting, and economics if they are to succeed. The minor is designed to give students in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences this opportunity. Interested students must apply for acceptance into the minor through the Agribusiness Department.
Academic Programs
Program name Agricultural Business Agribusiness Program type BS Minor, MS
The Agribusiness Management program prepares students for rewarding and satisfying careers in the dynamic and increasingly global agrifood and fiber system. The program provides a course of study that develops the requisite interpersonal and communication skills, critical thinking skills, and applied business skills that are required to have successful careers in an ever changing economic, technological, political, and social environment. Graduates are highly sought after by firms that produce and market food and fiber products, provide logistics and transportation services, market research services, banking and finance services, state and federal government agencies, agricultural organizations that provide commodity promotion, lobbying, and information services, and non-food and fiber businesses. Many graduates have gone on to earn law, masters of science, and masters of business administration degrees. The Agribusiness Department curriculum provides a solid foundation in communication and leadership skills, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, and food and fiber policy. Students are encouraged to get involved with academic clubs, student teams, and internship programs. In addition, the curriculum allows for students to gain knowledge of the technical and scientific issues associated with production agriculture. The upper division curriculum structure provides students coursework that develops quantitative skills while having the flexibility to choose courses that allow them to pursue a generalist agribusiness perspective or focus on a specific agribusiness interest area, such as food marketing or finance. The course of study concludes with capstone courses that provide for the application of the interpersonal and communication skills, critical thinking skills, and applied business skills developed earlier in the curriculum.
Additional Prerequisites
A bachelors degree and one course in each of the following areas: Intermediate microeconomics, macroeconomics, statistics, calculus or business calculus. Submit Graduate Record Exam (GRE) General Test scores (50 percentile required) electronically to Institution Code: R4038.
Program of Study
Graduate students must file a formal study plan with their major professor, graduate committee, college and university graduate studies office no later than the end of the quarter in which the 12 unit of approved courses is completed.
Agribusiness Courses
AGB 101. Introduction to Agribusiness. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB major and freshman standing. Orientation to the agribusiness sector of agriculture. An overview of the breadth, size, scope and management aspects of the agricultural business complex. Agribusiness students are required to complete this within the first year of the major. 4 lectures. AGB 200. Special Problems for Undergraduates. 1-2 units. CR/NC Prerequisite: Consent of department head. Individual investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems. Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter. Credit can only be used to satisfy free electives. Credit/No Credit grading only. AGB 202. Sales, Communication and Leadership in Agribusiness. 4 units. Self management, communication, and interpersonal skills necessary in developing managerial abilities, leadership qualities, and facilitating teamwork within the agribusiness sector. Industry opportunities ranging from input and output products and services along with government and special interest groups will be surveyed. 4 lectures.
AGB 212. Agricultural Economics. 4 units. Theoretical development of factors affecting demand and supply for food and fiber and for agricultural inputs. Methods of selecting optimal levels of agricultural production and consumption variables. Evaluation of market structure and price formulation for agricultural products and resources. 4 lectures. AGB 214. Agribusiness Financial Accounting. 4 units. Principles of financial accounting in agribusiness. Preparation for understanding and interpreting financial statements. Exploration of financial reporting standards to provide an understanding of how financial events are reflected in financial statements. The importance of social responsibility in accounting. The accounting cycle, from transactions posting to financial statements through spreadsheet applications. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 260. Agribusiness Information Technology. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 101 or junior standing. Using data and analysis in making decisions related to agribusiness. Developing basic and intermediate spreadsheet skills necessary to organize, analyze, and summarize information. Development of data management and analysis as tools to assist in agribusiness problemsolving. 4 lectures. AGB 270. Selected Topics. 1-4 units. Prerequisite: Open to undergraduate students and consent of instructor. Directed group study of selected topics. The Schedule of Classes will list title selected. Total credit limited to 8 units. 1 to 4 lectures. AGB 301. Food and Fiber Marketing. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 212, ECON 201, or ECON 221. Food and fiber marketing, examining commodity, industrial, and consumer product marketing from a managerial viewpoint. A global perspective in understanding consumer needs and developing the knowledge of economic, political, social and environmental factors that affect food and fiber marketing systems. 4 lectures. AGB 303. Introduction to the Horse Racing Industry. 4 units. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Descriptive analysis of horse racing industry: breeding farms, race tracks, trade associations, training issues, and auction sales. Industry structure, economic flows, contributions to state and local taxes, and racing law. Cultural influences of racing in Europe, Australasia, and Latin America. 4 lectures. AGB 310. Agribusiness Credit and Finance. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 214 for AGB majors; AGB 214 or BUS 212 or BUS 214 for non-AGB majors. Financing Californias agricultural industry. Sources of credit and types of loans used by agribusinesses. Costs of credit. Financial analysis of agricultural borrowers. Future and present value techniques used in evaluating agricultural investments. Agricultural financial management. Financial capital markets and leasing. 4 lectures.
AGB 311. Intermediate Agribusiness Finance. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 260 and AGB 310. Financial tools applied to the agribusiness industry, focusing on unique risks in agriculture. Risk and return in the production and processing sectors, working capital management, cash flows and financial statement forecasting for agribusiness firms, using spreadsheet analysis. 4 lectures. AGB 312. Agricultural Policy. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 212 and ECON 222. Agricultural policy objectives and formulation, resource allocation and production adjustments. Survey of State and Federal agricultural policies as they influence the planning and practices of agribusiness. 4 lectures. AGB 313. Agriculture Economic Analysis. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 212 and MATH 221. Advanced agricultural microeconomics with emphasis on mathematical problem solving; production and cost functions, single and multiple input allocation, agricultural output combinations, agricultural market structures, and economies of size. 4 lectures. AGB 314. Fair and Fair Facility Management. 4 units. Prerequisite: Upper division standing. Fundamentals of the year round operation of a fair facility to include rental opportunities, master planning, and maintenance. Principles and procedures in planning, organizing, operating, and evaluating a fair. One day field trip required. 4 lectures. AGB 315. Land Economics. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 312 and AGB 313. Economics of agricultural and rural land use. Incorporates production economics with welfare theory to explore societys implicit and explicit land use decisions and problems in California, the West and nationwide. Incorporates land use planning and its implicit economic content. 4 lectures. AGB 318. Global Agricultural Marketing and Trade. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301 and 312. Analysis of international marketing opportunities for agricultural products. Strategies for enhancing the performance of U.S. agricultural exports/ imports. Impact of government trade policies and regulations, distribution systems, and the changing consumer. 4 lectures. AGB 321. Farm Records. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 212 or ECON 201. Fundamentals of record keeping, kinds of records, inventory, depreciation, payrolls, cash and accrual basis of income tax reporting, financial statements and analysis. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 322. Principles of Agribusiness Management. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 212; and AGB 214 or AGB 321. Organization and operation of agribusinesses. Identification of factors affecting profitability. Evaluation of the business for increased efficiency and profit. Application of budgeting to representative firms and independent analysis of an agribusiness. 3 lectures, 1 activity.
AGB 323. Agribusiness Managerial Accounting. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 214. Agribusiness management with an emphasis on using accounting procedures that will provide useful information in making management decisions, setting objectives, and controlling operations. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 324. Agricultural Property Management and Sales. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 310 or consent of instructor. Economic, legal and real estate principles in the investment, development, mortgaging and transferring of agricultural real estate. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 326. Rural Property Appraisal. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 310. Methods of rural appraisal, including farms, ranches and other rural properties, use of county records, appraisal practice on different types of rural properties, discussions with professional appraisers. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 327. Agribusiness Data Analysis. 4 units. Prerequisite: STAT 251 and AGB 260. Methods in agricultural business data analysis, including multiple regression analysis, analysis of variance, and time series analysis. Applications include agricultural price forecasting and estimation of the determinants of food and fiber demand. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 328. Decision Tools for Agribusiness. 4 units. Prerequisite: STAT 251 and AGB 260. Development of agribusiness modeling techniques that are applied to solving a diverse and unique set of resource allocation issues encountered throughout the agricultural and food retail sectors. Techniques include linear programming, decision analysis, and computer simulations. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 331. Farm Accounting. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 214. Application of commercial accounting process to farm and ranch accounting problems. Emphasis on accounting systems that facilitate financial statement presentation, tax preparation and ADP enterprise analysis. Income tax laws pertaining to agriculture. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 339. Internship in Agribusiness. 1-12 units. CR/NC Prerequisite: Consent of internship instructor. Selected students will spend up to 12 weeks with an approved agricultural firm engaged in production or related agribusiness. Time will be spent applying and developing agribusiness functional and managerial skills and abilities. One unit of credit may be allowed for each full week of completed and reported internship. Degree credit limited to 6 units. Credit/No Credit grading only. AGB 370. World Food Economy. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 312 and AGB 313. International agricultural production, economics, and distribution. Comparative and competitive advantage in world agriculture. Food security issues and regional analysis of agriculture policies. The future of agriculture from a global perspective. 4 lectures.
AGB 400. Special Problems. 1-2 units. Prerequisite: Consent of department head or instructor. Individual investigation, research, studies, or surveys of selected problems. Total credit limited to 4 units, with a maximum of 2 units per quarter. AGB 401. Managing Cultural Diversity in Agricultural Labor Relations. 4 units. USCP Prerequisite: Senior standing. Agricultural labor trends and problems as determined by changes occurring in farming and farm related industries. Labor-management relations in agriculture; principles and procedures in organizing and managing the agricultural business personnel program. 4 lectures. Fulfills USCP. AGB 404. Food Retail Management. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301. Uses and techniques in management of perishable and non-perishable food commodities at the retail level. Issues in traditional versus new models of retain with emphasis on the marketing mix. Introduction to vendor, category and shelf management. 4 lectures. AGB 405. Agribusiness Marketing Research Methods. 4 units. Prerequisite: STAT 251 and AGB 301. Agricultural marketing research data collection and analysis. Emphasis on food sector market segmentation, product positioning, new product testing, sales forecasting, and marketing plan development through secondary and primary data sources. Experimental research design and implementation. 4 lectures. AGB 406. Agribusiness Marketing Planning. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301, AGB 310, AGB 312, AGB 313, AGB 323 and AGB 405. Client centered course where self-managed teams develop agribusiness marketing plan. Emphasis on developing presentation skills. Integration of marketing mix, particularly promotional elements in developing agribusiness marketing strategy emphasized. 4 lectures. AGB 407. Agribusiness Marketing Plan Internship. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 405. Corequisite: AGB 339. A minimum of 120 hours spent with an approved agricultural marketing firm. Development of an agribusiness marketing plan. Integration of marketing mix, particularly promotional elements in developing agribusiness marketing strategy emphasized. Presentation of the marketing plan to corporate management and instructor. AGB 409. California Agricultural Law. 4 units. Prerequisite: BUS 207, senior standing or consent of instructor. Historical and current sources of law, examination of judicial systems, application of contracts, agency, labor law, torts, property, air, and water law, business organizations, agricultural cooperatives, debtor and creditor rights and regulations that impact agricultural enterprises. 4 lectures.
AGB 410. Agricultural Lending. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301; AGB 310; AGB 312; AGB 313; AGB 323; and one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 405, AGB 421, AGB 422, AGB 433, AGB 435. Structure and performance of the agricultural lending industry. Advanced agricultural loan analysis and risk assessment. Agricultural loan documentation, securitization of farm loans, and farm bankruptcy. Exploration of interest rate impacts on agricultural lending. 4 lectures. AGB 411. Agribusiness Risk Management. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301, AGB 311, and AGB 328 or graduate standing. Risk management strategies and tools applied to the agribusiness industry, focusing on risks in agriculture. Forward contracting, futures and options, swaps, crop insurance, trading and hedging strategies, and their applications to agribusiness problems. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 412. Advanced Agricultural Policy. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 312; AGB 315; AGB 370; and one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 421 or AGB 433. Agricultural resource allocation issues with emphasis on policies that impact the production of food and fiber and inputs used in their production. Special topics in agricultural resource allocation stressing issues and policies emphasizing economic externalities. 4 lectures. AGB 422. Logistics in Global Agribusiness. 4 units. Prerequisite: Junior standing; AGB majors: STAT 251; non-AGB majors: STAT 218 or STAT 251. Scope and elements of the agribusiness logistics system including supply and distribution channels, transportation, inventory, warehousing, packaging, and order processing. 4 lectures. AGB 426. Advanced Rural Appraisal. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 326. Case studies in agricultural and rural property appraisal. Practice in income, cost and direct sales comparison approaches, and advanced appraisal topics such as conservation easements. 3 lectures, 1 activity. AGB 427. Advanced Agribusiness Data Analysis. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 327 or AGB 328 or graduate standing and consent of instructor. Advanced topics in agricultural business data analysis. Topics include advanced agricultural price analysis, advanced linear programming in agribusiness, and advanced agricultural business operations analysis. The Schedule of Classes will list the topic selected. 4 lectures. AGB 440. Field Studies in Agribusiness. 2 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing or consent of instructor. Visitation to selected agribusinesses. Organization, operation, services and problems considered. Can only be taken once for credit in the major. AGB 444. Wine Compliance and Market Analysis. 4 units. Prerequisite: STAT 251. Legal aspects of wine marketing with emphasis on Federal (BATF) requirements. Application of statistical theory to the collection, interpretation, and forecasting of wine and grape industry data with emphasis on production and sales. Introduction to standard accounting ratios. 4 lectures.
AGB 445. Produce Marketing. 2 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing and AGB 301. Directed group study of fresh fruit and vegetable marketing. Includes analysis of terminal markets, retail marketing (supermarkets, farmers markets, roadside stands), limited preserving and ripening, grading and inspection, economics of transportation, international marketing. 2 seminars. AGB 450. Agbusiness Strategy Formulation. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301; AGB 310; AGB 312; AGB 313; AGB 323; and one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 405, AGB 421, AGB 422, AGB 433, AGB 435. Development of strategy for agribusinesses where an uncontrollable environment makes output and results highly unpredictable; emphasis on the total enterprise. Case analysis. 4 lectures. AGB 452. Agricultural Market Structure and Strategy. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301; AGB 310; AGB 312; AGB 313; AGB 323; and one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 405, AGB 421, AGB 422, AGB 433, AGB 435. Development of skills for quantity and price determination in a noncompetitive setting. Emphasis on examining the agribusiness industry structures that exist and their effects on decision-making. The use of game theory demonstrated as a strategy formulation tool. 4 lectures. AGB 455. Advanced Fair Management Seminar. 2 units. Prerequisite: AGB 314. Advanced studies in fair management with emphasis on budgets, contracts, entertainment, carnivals, exhibit programs, crowd control, master planning maintenance. 2 seminars. AGB 456. Agricultural Management Problems. 4 units. Prerequisite: AGB 301; AGB 310; AGB 312; AGB 313; AGB 323; and one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 405, AGB 421, AGB 422, AGB 433, AGB 435. Management problems in agricultural production. Enterprise costing procedures, equipment costing and replacement, scheduling of operations to obtain efficiencies. Determination of most profitable production mix. Includes whole farm budget development and analysis. 4 lectures. AGB 460. Research Methodology in Agribusiness. 2 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing and AGB major; one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 405, AGB 421, AGB 422, AGB 433, AGB 435; and one of the following AGB 406, AGB 410, AGB 427, or AGB 450. Empirical application of the scientific method as it relates to the design and development of Senior Project. Research plan is developed. First quarter of Senior Project. 2 seminars. AGB 461. Senior Project. 2 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing and AGB 460. Completion of a project under faculty supervision. Research topics or projects typical of problems which graduates must solve in the agricultural, food and fiber industries. Project results are presented in a formal report. Minimum 60 hours total time.
AGB 462. Senior Project - Applied Agribusiness Problems. 4 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing and AGB major; one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 405, AGB 421, AGB 422, AGB 433, AGB 435; and one of the following AGB 406, AGB 410, AGB 427, or AGB 450. Selection and analysis of agribusiness problems and opportunities in directed group-based projects. Exploration of problems which agribusiness graduate students may encounter in marketing, finance, management and production in the food and fiber industry. Formal report and presentation required. 4 lectures. AGB 463. Senior Project - Agribusiness Consulting. 4 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing and AGB major; one of the following AGB 327, AGB 328, AGB 405, AGB 421, AGB 422, AGB 433, AGB 435; and one of the following AGB 406, AGB 410, AGB 427, or AGB 450. Client-centered course where self-managed teams develop solutions to agribusiness problems. Exploration of problems typical to those which agribusiness graduates may encounter in marketing, finance, management and production in the food and fiber industry. Formal report and presentation to client required. 4 lectures. AGB 464. Senior Project - Advanced Internship Experience in Agribusiness. 4 units. Prerequisite: Senior standing and Agribusiness major; AGB 327 or AGB 328 and one of the following AGB 406, AGB 410, AGB 450 or AGB 427. A minimum of 120 hours spent with an approved agribusiness firm. Independent internship experience conducted under faculty supervision focusing on a discipline area of agribusiness. Completion of a project as a component of the internship. Formal report and presentation required. AGB 470. Selected Advanced Topics. 1-4 units. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Directed group study of selected topics for advanced students. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. The Schedule of Classes will list title selected. Total credit limited to 8 units. 1 to 4 lectures. AGB 500. Individual Study in Agribusiness. 1-6 units. Prerequisite: Consent of department head, graduate advisor and supervising faculty member. Advanced independent study planned and completed under the direction of a member of the Agribusiness faculty. Total credit limited to 6 units. AGB 514. Agribusiness Managerial Leadership and Communication. 4 units. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Current issues in agriculture addressed through the case analysis method. Emphasis on communication skills and leadership qualities, identifying key success requirements. 4 seminars.
AGB 539. Graduate Internship in Agribusiness. 1-9 units. Prerequisite: Consent of internship instructor. Application of theory to the solution of problems of agricultural production or related business in the field of Agribusiness. Analyze specific management problems and perform general management assignments detailed in a contract between the student, the firm or organization, and the faculty advisor before the internship commences. Degree credit limited to 6 units. AGB 543. Agribusiness Policy and Program Analysis. 4 units. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Economic, political, and social objectives of domestic agricultural policies and programs. Consequences of governments policies and programs to control production, allocate resources, support market prices, and provide benefits to food and fiber producers, marketers, and consumers. Topical analysis of current effort of government to direct agriculture. 4 seminars. AGB 554. Food System Marketing. 4 units. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Major issues facing the food system marketer. Vertical and horizontal linkages, pricing in agricultural markets, management of price risk through futures markets and hedging, and public policy and consumer impacts on the system. Student involvement through case studies simulations, and presentations. 4 seminars. AGB 555. Technological and Economic Change in Agribusiness. 4 units. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, or consent of instructor. Ramifications and impacts in agribusiness firms from technological and economic changes. Emphasis on specific agribusiness firms and their managerial process of dealing with problems and opportunities in the operational environments of economic, technology, political, global, domestic and marketing. 4 seminars. AGB 563. International Agribusiness Trade and Development. 4 units. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Agricultural trade dynamics in a world economy. Evaluation of multinational firms and unilateral and multinational government policy strategies in interacting with and expanding markets for agricultural trade. Agribusiness opportunities with social and institutional limitations; emphasis on environmental and sustainable trade issues. 4 seminars. AGB 570. Selected Topics in Agribusiness. 1-4 units. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Directed group study of selected topics for advanced students. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. Class Schedule will list topic selected. Total credit limited to 12 units. 1 to 4 seminars. AGB 571. Selected Advanced Laboratory in Agribusiness. 1-4 units. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Directed group laboratory study of selected topics for advanced students. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. Class Schedule will list topic selected. Total credit limited to 8 units. 1-4 laboratories.
AGB 599. Thesis in Agribusiness. 1-9 units. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Systematic research of a significant problem in Agribusiness. Thesis will include problem identification, significance, methods, data analysis, and conclusion. Students must enroll every quarter in which facilities are used or advisement is received. Degree credit limited to 6 units.