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Process Paper The Rights of A Family, The Responsibilities of A Nation

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PROCESS PAPER The Rights of a Family, the Responsibilities of a Nation

Joyce Cao Nancy Li

Senior i!ision "ro#p $ebsite Category

For this years Rights and Responsibilities in History theme, we created a project on China's famous ne!Child "olicy# $e deliberated on topics such as %ri&ona's 'mmigration Reform and the regulation of the meat pac(ing industry, but as students with Chinese heritage, we pic(ed this topic because we could personally relate to it# )he ne!Child "olicy had rightly targeted social and economic problems caused by a rapidly growing Chinese population, but it also infringed upon the rights of families, as well as causing a host of social problems by affecting China's demographics# $e began our research by first heading for the public library to loo( for secondary sources# )hen we went to *ni+ersity of %ri&onas main library, where we too( notes on primary sources, including information on the ne!Child "olicy's ad+ocates, the principle reasons behind its implementation, as well as how it may ha+e led to gender imbalance and infanticide in the Chinese population# From then on, we built our annotated bibliography# ,ater, we searched e-tensi+ely for images, boo(s, and other articles on 'nternet archi+es.digitali&ed newspapers, and museum collections# $e were able to find original photographs and articles to include in our project# %fter our research, we began building our website using the $eebly platform# $e already had plenty of e-perience with this platform/ it was our choice of category for pre+ious 0ational History 1ay competitions# ur websites customi&ed theme was created by twea(ing the H)2,

and C33 coding, and employing %dobe "hotoshop and "aint )ool 3%' for header images# $e di+ided the writing of the pages, coding, and graphic design between each group member# 4efitting this years theme, the Chinese Family "lanning "olicy addresses the rights and responsibilities of the Chinese go+ernment and Chinese families# 3ince a go+ernment is responsible for caring for its population, the Chinese go+ernment was arguably doing the right thing.responsibly

caring for future generations at the e-pense of second or third children# Howe+er, China's aging wor(force and declining wor(ing population means that e+entually, there will not be enough young people to care for the elderly# )here is also the so!called 56!7!85 problem, where four grandparents and two parents all focus their energy and attention onto one child, the 5little 9mperor5 of the family# )he reproducti+e rights of a family are also infringed by this strict policy# %s such, the ne!Child

"olicy, concei+ed with good will, ultimately created more unwanted social conse:uences# 't is a comple- issue with many +iewpoints, which we wanted to e-plore through our website project#

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