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Akumal Manifesto

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Akumal Manifesto

Authors: Ken Sheldon, Barbara Frederickson, Kevin Rathunde, Mike Csikszentmihalyi, and Jon aidt! "his mani#esto $as ori%inally created durin% the Akumal & meetin% in January &''', and $as revised #ollo$in% the Akumal ( meetin% in January ()))!

&!Definition *ositive *sycholo%y is the scienti#ic study o# o+timal human #unctionin%! ,t aims to discover and +romote the #actors that allo$ individuals and communities to thrive! "he +ositive +sycholo%y movement re+resents a ne$ commitment on the +art o# research +sycholo%ists to #ocus attention u+on the sources o# +sycholo%ical health, thereby %oin% beyond +rior em+hases u+on disease and disorder!

(!Goals "o meet these ob-ectives $e must consider o+timal #unctionin% at multi+le levels, includin% biolo%ical, e.+eriential, +ersonal, relational, institutional, cultural, and %lobal! ,t is necessary to study a/ the dynamic relations bet$een +rocesses at these levels, b/ the human ca+acity to create order and meanin% in res+onse to inevitable adversity, and c/ the means by $hich 0the %ood li#e,0 in its many mani#estations, may emer%e #rom these +rocesses! 1!Applications *otential a++lications o# +ositive +sycholo%y include:

1. ,m+rovin% child education by makin% %reater use o# intrinsic motivation, +ositive a##ect,
and creativity $ithin schools

2. ,m+rovin% +sychothera+y by develo+in% a++roaches that em+hasize ho+e, meanin%, 3. 4. 5. 6.

and sel#2healin% ,m+rovin% #amily li#e by better understandin% the dynamics o# love, %enerativity, and commitment ,m+rovin% $ork satis#action across the li#es+an by hel+in% +eo+le to #ind authentic involvement, e.+erience states o# #lo$, and make %enuine contributions in their $ork ,m+rovin% or%anizations and societies by discoverin% conditions that enhance trust, communication, and altruism bet$een +ersons ,m+rovin% the moral character o# society by better understandin% and +romotin% the s+iritual im+ulse $ithin humans!

3! Implementation of Goals ,n order to create the o+timal conditions #or the #lourishin% o# +ositive +sycholo%y, $e +ro+ose the #ollo$in%: &/ "he circle o# researchers $ho call themselves +ositive +sycholo%ists should be broadened, #unded, nurtured in their career develo+ment, and ke+t in close contact! (/ 4e must

+roduce use#ul and ins+irin% +roducts, such as articles, books, and e##ective interventions! S+eci#ic strate%ies #or brin%in% about these ends include: a/ "he #ormation o# 5*ositive Science6 research net$orks! 7ach net$ork $ould include members #rom several social sciences! Belo$ are three emer%in% net$ork #oci:

1. *ositive sub-ective states! 4hat characterizes and +romotes o+timal e.+eriencin%8 2. "he %ood li#e9%ood +erson! 4hat characterizes and +romotes admirable +ersons and

3. "he %ood society :includin% %rou+s such as #amilies, cor+orations, and communities/!
4hat characterizes and +romotes #ully #unctionin% %rou+s8 ,t is recommended that net$orks have a chair+erson, but no +ermanent members! *otentially interested scientists $ill be invited to +artici+ate in s+eci#ic activities! ;et$orks $ill select concrete tasks to $ork on, such as desi%nin% interventions to #oster moral develo+ment in late childhood! b/ Fosterin% contact amon% +ositive scientists:

1. 2. 3.

oldin% at least one lar%e meetin% +er year in a +ositive location conducive to the develo+ment o# ne$ insi%hts and collaborations! Maintainin% a current +ositive2+sych listserv: +ositive2+sycholo%y<lists!a+a!or% Su++ortin% s+ecial to+ical meetin%s :in addition to those o# the net$orks described above/! ,t may be use#ul to schedule more than one sub%rou+ meetin% in the same time and +lace to #acilitate cross2#ertilization!

c/ Facilitation o# #undin% #or +ositive +sycholo%y researchers! Senior members o# the Akumal %rou+ are takin% the lead in identi#yin% and contactin% interested #oundations! As one e.am+le, the "em+leton #oundation has created a yearly +rize #or the most innovative research done in +ositive +sycholo%y by youn% scientists! d/ Findin% hi%h +ro#ile outlets #or +romotin% +ositive a++roaches! Current and u+comin% +ublications include:

1. A s+ecial issue o# the American *sycholo%ist, $hich a++eared in January ())), in 2. 3. 4.

$hich senior researchers e.+lore the a++licability o# +ositive +ers+ectives $ithin their $ork :edited by Seli%man = Csikszentmihalyi/! A s+ecial section o# the American *sycholo%ist on +ositive +sycholo%y, to a++ear in March ())&, in $hich researchers describe their emer%in% research #indin%s $hich are relevant to +ositive +sycholo%y :edited by Sheldon = Kin%/! A #orthcomin% book series on subto+ics $ithin +ositive +sycholo%y :edited by As+in$all = Staudin%er/! A #orthcomin% andbook o# *ositive *sycholo%y :edited by Snyder = >o+ez/

e/ Fosterin% the careers o# +ositive +sycholo%ists: As +ractitioners o# +ositive +sycholo%y rise in +rominence, so does the #ield! *ositive +sycholo%ists should:

1. Be $illin% to host %raduate students #rom other universities in +ost2docs or short2term


2. ,nvite +ositive +sycholo%ists to +resent collo?uia at their universities

#/ S+readin% +ositive +sycholo%ical +rinci+les and +ers+ectives to the broader +ublic! For e.am+le, +ositive +sycholo%y mi%ht be incor+orated into hi%h school +sycholo%y curricula or $ithin +ublic health initiatives!

@! For more information, please see htt+:99$$$!+ositive+sycholo%y!com

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