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Discrimination Worksheet

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Discrimination Worksheet ETH/125 Version 8

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Discrimination Worksheet
Write a 100- to 200-word response to each of the following questions. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What is discrimination !ow is discrimination different from pre"udice and stereotyping

Discrimination is the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people #$%erriam-We&ster$' 201(). Discrimination is the act of doing something harmful to certain groups of people. *n e+ample of this would &e the ,,, and &eating *frican *mericans. Pre"udice is having a pro&lem or issue with a certain group of people or race of people. -inally stereotyping is a &road generali.ation of statements made a&out people with similar characteristics. /hey are all different and yet still the same in regard to the a&ility to hurt other individuals no matter what. What are the causes of discrimination

Discrimination is &rought a&out &y different racial &ackgrounds' religion' se+' different cultural views and &ackgrounds and politics. 0ne1s identity is the ma"or source of discrimination in the world today where they are denied their human rights. Discrimination is caused &y a num&er of reasons' one of which is learned &ehavior. 2f you grew up seeing discrimination practiced &y your parents' you will pro&a&ly follow the same &ehavior' as you get older. 3ince discrimination is a learned &ehavior' proper education and tolerance for our children will &e the only way we can stop this cycle of ignorance and hatred. 0ur children are our future. !ow is discrimination faced &y one identity group #race' ethnicity' religious &eliefs' gender' se+ual orientation' age' or disa&ility) the same as discrimination faced &y another !ow are they different

!ow they are similar is that these groups are all &eing discriminated against for things they can4t control. /hey are &aring the &runt of this hate &ecause of factors they have no say in or can4t change. /hey are different in that not all discrimination is the same. -or some groups the discrimination can "ust &e slurs or foul language hurled towards them while others can &e as e+treme as death or torture. 2t also really depends on how fanatical the people are who discriminate. 2f they are more volatile like the ,,, or even the /ali&an than they will &e more violent or e+treme than people who simply don4t like elderly people for e+ample.

%erriam-We&ster. #201(). 5etrieved from http677www.merriam-we&ster.com7dictionary7discrimination

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