EDU698 Capstone Project Plan Edgenuity Professional Development Project
EDU698 Capstone Project Plan Edgenuity Professional Development Project
EDU698 Capstone Project Plan Edgenuity Professional Development Project
Edgenuity Professional Development Project Plan Scott A. McKee EDU 698 Rebecca Waters
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Abstract The Edgenuity Professional Development Project (EPD) is intended to design, develop, and
implement an available online resource for Valley Community School (VCS) educators to learn how to use Edgenuity for online and blended learning as an option for at-risk student remediation, credit recovery, and online learning. To create an effective online resource the Instructional System Design (ISD) will utilize the ADDIE Model, named after the first letter of each word in the process (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). According to Hodell (2011, p.24), the ADDIE model or some derivative of it provides designers with the necessary structure for designing any curriculum, regardless of the variables involved. With high school drop-out rates increasing and graduation rates decreasing, VCS needs to look for additional options to address the growing need to help students catch up on lost credits and use 21st century pedagogy and methods. Through the use of Edgenuity, VCS teachers will be able address these needs by creating a student-centered learning environment integrating available technology and blended learning. Key Terms: court and community schools, alternative education, at-risk students, credit recovery, remediation, graduation rates, blended learning, Edgenuity, professional development
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Edgenuity Professional Development Project Plan Rationale VCS purchased the services of Edgenuity four years ago. Initially small group
professional development was provided for the teachers at each site. At that time not all of the site infrastructures could support adequate use of the online learning product and as a result Edgenuity has fallen by the wayside for almost every teacher and site. For Edgenuity to be used effectively into the future it is necessary to create an online resource for teachers to use to learn how to employ the benefits as an option for remediation, credit recovery, and online learning to help at-risk students achieve a high school diploma. Sari Factor, CEO of Edgenuity Inc., states, Every student dropout is a tragedy, and our country and economy cant afford to keep squandering talent and letting our students down. At Edgenuity, we are deeply gratified to partner with schools and districts to help drive meaningful dropout prevention results. (as cited in Edgenuity, 2013, p. 1). Matt Wicks, Vice President of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL), is quoted by Plummer (2012) as saying, the surge of virtual credit recovery is a recent phenomenon. We probably began seeing online credit recovery become a bigger focus about four years ago. Schools noticed how online learning could be utilized for students who were unsuccessful. VCS began to consider virtual credit recovery about the same time in 2008, first with a product called School City and eventually settled with Edgenuity (formerly E2020 Inc.) in 2010. However, since then, Edgenuity has not been utilized effectively as an option by VCS teachers. VCS is currently evaluating the expense of Edgenuity in relation to the benefits of students and educators. For this reason a readily available online resource for educators to access for use when needed and convenient could help bring Edgenuity back through increased
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT use as a viable option in the eyes of VCS administrators, educators, and students. Research or Theory Base Watson & Gemin (2008), cite a report on a study regarding what is called The Silent
Epidemic. The epidemic is the increasing dropout rate in the United States. The report is titled, Ending the Silent Epidemic: A Blue Print to Address Americas High School Dropout Crisis. According to the study; Every 29 seconds another student gives up on school. Nearly one-third of all public high school students fail to graduate with their class. Dropouts are more likely to be unemployed, in poor health, living in poverty, on public assistance, or single parents with children who fail to graduate. Dropouts are more than eight times as likely to be in jail or prison. Dropouts are four times less likely to volunteer, twice less likely to vote or participate in community projects, representing only 3 percent of actively engaged citizens in the United States. The impact of dropping out of high school affects the individual, family, community, and nation. The costs are great, based on the information presented by the study; something needs to be done to address this epidemic. In the 21st century the time has come to address problems with 21st century solutions and/or options. Online and blended learning environments are a couple of these options. Varius (2011) describes blended learning as a model in which a student learns, at least in part, at a supervised physical location away from home and through online delivery where the student has control over the time, place, or pace of the curriculum. On a larger scale, blended learning is becoming a tool for problem-solving around the dropout crisis.
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Currently there are several online and blended learning products available, VCS has chosen Edgenuity. According to an article titled, Edgenuity Highlights New At-Risk Student Success Stories (2013), research from Alliance for Excellent Education shows that many
students drop out of school because of lack of engagement with subject matter or challenges in making up for missed credits. Edgenuity is addressing these issues by providing flexible and personalized learning opportunities that resonate with students and help them earn credits at their own pace. For educators to adopt and feel comfortable in integrating online and blended learning on-going professional development is necessary. According to the iNACOL, professional development is needed for virtual teachers in meeting the needs of students with disabilities, identifying at-risk students, and differentiating instruction, topics that are not part of the current professional development programs for the majority of virtual teachers (Rice & Dawley, 2009). This Capstone Project will address this need to design, develop, and implement an available online professional development resource for VCS educators to use to better understand how to use Edgenuity as an effective option for helping at-risk students with remediation, credit recovery, and ultimately graduate high school. Contribution to Education The Edgenuity Professional Development Project will make a contribution to VCS Juvenile Hall by enabling a 21st century option for students and teachers to use for students to have an additional opportunity to advance and recover lost credits in the process of graduating high school. Other VCS sites and educators will also have the opportunity to participate and become more proficient in the use of Edgenuity as an option to help their at-risk students graduate. Edgenuity is not the answer to every student; however, it is a 21st century option for a
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT very diverse population of at-risk students as an option to address the learning needs to help
achieve a high school diploma. Sari Factor (2013), CEO of Edgenuity Inc., states, Weve seen online and blended learning solutions help students stay in school and change the trajectory of students lives through flexible, personalized, engaging instruction. This professional development resource for Edgenuity will be made available online and easily accessible to share with all VCS or any other schools educators interested in using Edgenuity. Contribution to Personal Skills The EPD Project is going to allow the Instructional Designer (ID) to apply many skills and much of the knowledge that has been learned in this program at Post University. It is going to provide an opportunity to demonstrate that the ID has developed the knowledge and skill set needed to meet the M.Ed. Core Outcomes and Instructional Design and Technology Outcomes that have been identified as key for this project. Through the process of designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating this program the ID will be able to experience the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process by using the ADDIE model. The ID will explore the functional elements and artistry of website design in the process of utilizing and integrating a variety of technology tools and multimedia. Once the EPD Project is completed the ID will have developed a professional development resource that can be shared with colleagues and hopefully enhance at-risk student learning options and opportunities at all VCS sites. This final application to earn a M.Ed., in the form of a capstone project, will add to and enhance the IDs personal skill set as an educator, technology coach, and a solid resource for VCS and Merced County Office of Education (MCOE) into the future.
This project will be using California State University, Chicos (2002) Rubrics for Online Instruction (ROI) and Joan Van Duzers (2002) from Humboldt State University, Instruction Design Tips for Online Learning (IDTOL) as a framework while using the ADDIE model to create an online professional development in the use of Edgenuity for VCS educators. The ROI breaks down the process of developing an effective Online Learning Environment (OLE) into six categories. In conjunction with the ROI, the IDTOL provides a checklist that can be used for each category to ensure the instructional designer incorporates all the key elements to create an exemplary online learning environment. For the application of ROI to EPD the word student
will be replaced with participant, since EPD is intended to be a professional development resource as opposed to an actual course. What follows is a listing of key components of the ROI that will be applied in the development of EPD as an exemplary OLE; Category 1 Learner Support and Resources According to the ROI (2002), the exemplary OLE will contain; A. A variety of course-specific resources with contact information for instructor. B. Access to a wide range of resources supporting course content and different learning abilities. Using a website as a platform, EPD will incorporate a wide range of participant support and resources in its design as it applies to learning how to use and understanding the benefits of Edgenuity as an option for remediation, credit recovery, and online learning. Category 2 Online Organization and Design According to the ROI (2002), the organization and design of an exemplary OLE will;
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A. Be well organized and easy to navigate. B. Be aesthetically designed and present and communicate course information clearly throughout the course. C. All web pages are visually and functionally consistent throughout the course. EPDs weebly website will have a clean professional look with close attention paid to
ease of navigation, aesthetics, and consistency in its visual and functional aspects. In order for participants to have a good experience, the organization and design need to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and practical in function. Category 3 Instructional Design and Delivery According to the ROI (2002), an exemplary OLEs instructional design and delivery should include; A. Clearly defined goals that are aligned to the learning objectives. B. Learning objectives are identified and leaning activities are clearly integrated. C. Visual, Textual, kinesthetic, and/or auditory activities to enhance participant learning and accessibility. EPD will breakdown Edgenuitys use and benefits into separate web pages based on specific functions. Each page will have goals and objectives that are clearly identified and supported by engaging learning experiences. Category 4 Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Since this EPD is not intended to be an actual course, but an effective professional development resource, it will not be necessary to use a platform with a Learning Management System (LMS), such as COURSEsites, Haiku, or Moodle. However, if in the future the need were to arise to monitor and assess participants in EPD an LMS could be installed.
According to the ROI (2002), an exemplary course should effectively use technology by; A. Using a variety of technology tools to appropriately facilitate learning. B. Applying new teaching methods to innovatively enhance participant learning and interactively engage participants. C. Using a variety of multimedia elements and/or learning objects are used and are relevant to accommodate different learning styles. D. Optimizing internet access and effectively engage participants in the learning process. In the development of EPD as an effective OLE it will be a challenge to incorporate a variety of technology tools and multimedia to address and accommodate different learning styles. This part of the project will be where creativity and innovation are needed to explore new ways of creating an engaging professional development resource. Category 6 Faculty Use of Student Feedback (ie. Instructional Designer Use of Participant Feedback) This category will be used in a way for the instructional designer to use participant feedback from a survey to further enhance and modify the professional development resource on an ongoing basis. At the end of each visit, the participant will ask to take part in a survey of their experience to be used by the instructional designer to improve the learning experience of EPD. Project Outcomes The intended outcomes for the EPD Project are; 1. Provide an effective and engaging online professional development resource for VCS educators in the use and benefits of Edgenuity as an option for at-risk
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT students for remediation, credit recovery, and online or blended learning.
2. Increase the use of Edgenuity by VCS educators in their approach to increasing student learning options and opportunities. 3. Ultimately improve existing credit recovery program, decrease dropout rates, and increase graduation rates for VCSs at-risk students. Key M.Ed. Outcomes The key M.Ed. outcomes that will be clearly demonstrated by the EPD Project are; Core Program Outcomes: Students will develop a vision for the future of education, a personal critical and creative perspective on issues and changes in education, and several means to adapt to future realities. Students will develop and demonstrate leadership thinking in critical areas of interest within their field. The EPD Project has identified the need for professional development for VCS educators regarding the use and benefits of Edgenuity as an option for improving student success rates. By identifying this need demonstrates a vision for VCSs future. Taking the lead on piloting Edgenuity and designing, developing, and implementing an online professional development resource demonstrates creative perspective on issues and change in education while demonstrating leadership thinking in critical areas of interest. Students will develop expertise in designing and delivering instruction to support the achievement of a diverse population of learners of all ages in a variety of settings (e.g., public education, private education, charter schools, corporations, elearning, et al.).
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The EPD project will design and deliver instruction to educators who teach in an
alternative learning environment which intends to increase the use of Edgenuity as an option for at-risk learners to improve their educational situation by recovering credits and graduating high school. Students will be able to identify and use current relevant technology in the service of better learning. Students will demonstrate an understanding of creativity and innovation as applied to education. The goal of the EPD Project is to create an effective and engaging learning experience for its participants. EPD will identify and integrate relevant technology to enhance participant learning and create an engaging experience that demonstrates innovation and creativity. Concentration in Instructional Design and Technology Outcomes: Students will be able to design and develop learning environments using models of instructional design, such as the ADDIE model. The EPD Project will use the ADDIE model to analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate the projects instructional design through completion and will be ongoing until the need for EPD expires. Students will understand and be able to apply theories of design and instruction to the development, design, and implementation of educational experiences and events. Along with the ADDIE model, the EPD Project will use the ROI and IDTOL as a framework to aid in the creation of an exemplary and effective OLE that adheres to the theory of design and instruction of instructional experiences and events.
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Students will be able to integrate appropriate technology in a diversity of
educational settings, including schools, universities, corporations, non-profits and government agencies. The EPD Project will identify and integrate appropriate technology to create an effective and engaging OLE for VCS educators to better understand the uses and benefits of Edgenuity as an option to improve student success in remediation, credit recovery, and online learning. Technology The EPD Project will use technology throughout the scope of the project to deliver instruction and learning experiences to the participants. The project platform will be delivered on in the form of a webpage. The webpage will use the ROI and IDTOL as a guide to develop an exemplary and effective OLE. The learning experiences will include, but not limited to, screen casts for tutorials, links to videos, interviews, webinars, and survey tools. The website will also have a resource page for educators to quickly access other options for online learning resources and tools. For participant evaluation and feedback there will be an online survey for each participant to complete regarding the learning experience before leaving the website. One skill set that will be developed through this project is various forms of screencasting. Three screen-casting tools will be explored; screen-cast-omatic for tutorials, Jing for screen shots and video recording, and Educreations for online lectures. The ID will be looking to find innovative and creative ways to integrate these technology tools into the instructional design of different learning experiences. The ID has had several years of web design experience by building websites on msn Live, Google Sites, Wordpress, and now Some of this experience has been honed
through this program using Wordpress to develop and maintain a personal learning environment, Also, the ID has been a technology coach for MCOE/VCS for the last three years and has had additional training opportunities, exposure to resources, and collaboration with like-minded educators along the way. The ID hopes to use these opportunities, resources, and experiences in some way to further enhance the EPD Projects learning experience. Most of what has been learned regarding instructional design and technology integration has been through a combination of personal interest, professional teaching, technology coaching, and educational experiences at MCOE/VCS and Post University over the last three years. The goal of this capstone project is to effectively use appropriate technology to develop an effective and engaging online professional development resource that uses the ADDIE model of instructional design and adheres to the ROI standards using the INTOL checklist to create an exemplary OLE. Timeline Week # 1 ADDIE Phase Analyze & Evaluate ROI Category Category 1 Tasks to Complete Select website theme. Identify each pages content. Select page layouts to fit with content. Research best practices in online professional development. Research tips and tutorials for screen-casting. Research Survey tips for evaluations. Evaluate progress and make adjustments. Keep notes of changes made. Begin planning Project Presentation Write goals and objectives for each pages content. Design aesthetics and ensure consistency between pages in form and function. Design learning experiences for each pages content, goals, and objectives. Select and design visuals that fit with content
Category 2
Category 3
Category 5
Implement &
Category 5 &
and page layouts. Design survey for participants. Evaluate progress and make adjustments. Keep notes of changes made. Outline Project Presentation Establish universal accessibility; non-text items optimize images for quick display, choose colors that arent affected by colorblindness, and add alternative media sources if possible for different modalities and disabilities. Ensure goals align to learning objective and add content to pages. Begin to create learning experiences, edit, and embed into appropriate pages. Begin to assemble and integrate goals, objectives, and activities into pages. Edit survey for participants. Evaluate progress and make adjustments. Keep notes of changes made. Collect information needed for Project Presentation. Complete rough draft for each page regarding all materials, goals, objectives, activities, nontext items and run tests to ensure functionality. Embed and test survey for participants. Evaluate progress and make adjustments. Keep notes of changes made. Begin writing or creating visual/auditory Presentation based on rubrics. Finish editing and testing content to create final draft of entire website. Run a final round of testing to check for ease of navigation, page content activities alignment with goals and objectives. Send EPD Website to professor, an administrator, and other technology coaches to test and provide initial feedback. Make final edits and adjustments before deployment. Evaluate progress and make adjustments. Keep notes of changes made. Continue writing or creating visual/auditory Presentation based on rubrics. Send out an email to all VCS educators and administrators and ask them to use the site,
Category 6
complete the survey, and contact the ID if they have any questions or need some personal assistance. Evaluate and make adjustments as needed per survey results. Keep notes of changes made. Complete draft of Project Presentation based on rubrics. Send out email reminder for those who have not participated encouraging them to take the time to participate and complete the survey. Evaluate and make adjustments as needed per survey results. Keep notes of changes made. Edit and revise draft of Project Presentation based on rubrics. Analyze and evaluate survey results. Make adjustments as needed per survey evaluation. Continue to make note of changes. Send out an email to thank all of those who have participated and continue to encourage everyone to participant and come back periodically for refresher participation. On-going development until EPD Project need expires. Incorporate final evaluation of project into Project Presentation and make final edits for final draft and submit for Post University approval.
Project Evaluation Hodell (2011, p.69), reminds us that, evaluation is more than just a post-course event. Evaluation takes place in every element of the ADDIE model. Throughout the entire course of the instructional design process everything and anything is subject to change as the ID evaluates and monitors the design process of a project. For the EPD Project each week, each phase of ADDIE, and every category of the ROI will undergo evaluation and adjustments and changes will be made as needed. The ID will seek ongoing evaluation and feedback from MCOE/VCS
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT technology coach colleagues to have more feedback from a variety of sources. Prior to implementation a Post professor, VCS administrator, and VCS Juvenile Hall teachers will be consulted for evaluation and feedback. Once the EPD Project is launched and implementation begins each participant will be asked to complete a short survey regarding their learning experience and provide feedback to improve the professional development resource. Each week of implementation evaluation,
adjustments, and changes will take place as deemed necessary. The ID will be able to determine if the identified key outcomes have been demonstrated based on the qualitative feedback from a professor, VCS administrator, MCOE/VCS technology coach colleagues, and participants that have completed the survey going into the Capstone Projects final week and evaluation.
EDGENUITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT References Chico, CSU. (2002). Rubrics for online instruction. Retrieved from
Hodell, C. (2011). Isd from the ground up: A no-nonsense approach to instructional design (3rd ed.). Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD Press. Plummer, L. (2012). Credit recovery programs combine the best of online and in-class instruction. The Journal, March. Retrieved from Rice, K., & Dawley, L. (2009). Going virtual: The status of professional development for K-12 online teachers: Insights and implications. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 17. Retrieved from Unknown. (2013, May 30). Edgenuity highlights new at-risk student success stories. Retrieved from Van Duzer, J. (n.d.). Instruction design tips for online learning. Retrieved form Varius, L. (2011). Getting to graduation: Can blended learning curtail the dropout crisis? Education, 53. Retrieved from Watson, J., & Gemin, B. (2008, June). Using online learning for at-risk students and credit recovery. Retrieved from