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HR Research Topics

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Hr research topics Industrial Pyschology Payroll and Compensation Industrial relations Labour Laws Quantitative techniques Productivity tools

in HRms HRIS Strategic Methods in HR HR udit

!udget and !udgetary Control "raining and #evelopment

gonies and $cstasies o% a training pro%essional &' Con%lict Resolution Strategies (' )ob characteristics Model *' $valuation o% e%%ectiveness o% "raining +' Role clarity through competency mapping ,' Coping with stress - a Study o% "ra%%ic police .' Re-e/amination o% 0actories ct 1' Micro $nterprises - tool o% empowerment %or women

If we assume your interests are -strategic management. -quantitative research -major in HR WE CAN CO !INE "HE#E "HREE $$#"RA"E%IC HR ANA%E EN"$$. IN"O ONE

"HEN& WE CAN "A'E A COR(ORA"E #"RA"E%) A# AN E*A (+E AN, #EE HOW I" I# A((+IE, "O "HE HR ,E(AR" EN"


/. #trategic (ers0ective 1 the resu2ts of strategic initiatives manage3 4y the HR grou0. "he strategic 0ers0ective focuses on the measurement of the effectiveness of major strategy-2in5e3 0eo02e goa2s. 6or instance& the 4usiness strategy ca22e3 for major organi7ationa2 change 0rograms as the 4usiness face3 major restructuring an3 mu2ti02e mergers an3 acquisitions. In this conte8t& the organi7ation9s change management ca0a4i2ity wi22 4e a 5ey factor in the success or fai2ure of its e8ecution. "herefore& measuring the a4i2ity of the 4usiness to manage change effective2y is the core measure of the effectiveness of HR an3 wi22 4e a 5ey strategic contri4ution to the future success of the 4usiness. E*A (+E# -change management ca0a4i2ity of the organi7ation -organi7ation com0ensation an3 4enefit 0ac5age with res0ect mar5et rate. -organi7ation cu2ture survey -HR !.,%E" : AC".A+ -HR CO#"# !ENCH AR' E*"ERNA++) -HR annua2 resource 02an. -s5i22s: com0etency 2eve2 etc ;.O0erationa2 (ers0ective 1 the o0erationa2 tas5s at which HR must e8ce2. "his 0iece of the !a2ance3 #corecar3 0rovi3es answers to queries a4out the effectiveness an3 efficiency in running HR 0rocesses that are vita2 to the organi7ation. E8am02es inc2u3e measuring HR 0rocesses in terms of cost& qua2ity an3 cyc2e time such as time to fi22 vacancies. E*A (+E# -time ta5en to fi22 vacancies -cost 0er recruitment 0romotions -a4senteeism 4y jo4 category -acci3ent costs -acci3ent safety ratings -training cost 0er em02oyee -training hours 0er em02oyee -average em02oyee tenure in the com0any -2ost time 3ue to injuries -no. of recruiting a3vertising 0rograms -no. of em02oyees 0ut through training. -turnover rate -attrition rate etc

<.6inancia2 (ers0ective 1 this 0ers0ective tries to answer questions re2ating to the financia2 measures that 3emonstrate how 0eo02e an3 the HR function a33 va2ue to the organi7ation. "his might inc2u3e arriving at the va2ue of the human assets an3 tota2 0eo02e e80enses for the com0any. HR E*A (+E# -com0ensation an3 4enefits 0er em02oyee -sa2es 0er em02oyee -0rofit 0er em02oyee -cost of injuries -HR e80enses 0er em02oyee -turnove cost

-em02oyee $$ wor5ers com0ensation costs$$ etc

=.Customer (ers0ective 1 this focuses on the effectiveness of HR from the interna2 customer view0oint. Are the customers of HR satisfie3 with their service> are service 2eve2 agreements met> 3o the customers thin5 they can get 4etter service e2sewhere? Con3ucting an HR customer survey might ty0ica22y arrive at this. E*A (+E# -em02oyee 0erce0tion of the HR -em02oyee 0erce0tion of the com0any & as an em02oyer -customer:mar5et 0erce0tion of the com0any& as an em02oyer. etc I6 )O. RE#EARCHIN%& say & /@ organi7ations -you can structure a questionnaire A for inrerviewingB 0ur0oses using the a4ove e2ements.

"HE WHO+E 6OC.# #HO.+, !E -quantitative resu2ts -quantitative im0act on HR -quantitative im0act on !.#INE## RE#.+"#.

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