Mars User Guide r01
Mars User Guide r01
Mars User Guide r01
Users guide
MARINE DIVISION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 17 bis, place des Reflets La Dfense 2 92077 Paris La Dfense Cedex Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 91 Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 98
Chapter 1 : 1.1 GENERAL COMMENTS ........................................................... 2
GENERAL............................................................................................ 2 SHELL....................................................................................... 3
Chapter 3 : 3.1
GENERAL COMMENTS...................................................................... 6
3.2 3.3
3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4
3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3
3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3
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MARS2000 is a software tool that allows to input sections, bulkheads and torsion models; it is organized around the following seven modules:
MARS2000 (Shell). MIRE2000 (Basic Ship Data). MarsIn2000 (Sections Input). MarsRule2000 (Sections Check). BhaIn (Bulkhead Arrangements Input). BhaRule (Bulkhead Arrangements Check). Torsion (Input of torsion model and check).
The geometry and the scantling are defined using an user friendly process. MARS2000 checks that the actual local scantlings (Hull girder strength, plating and ordinary stiffeners) are in accordance with the Rules. The program is updated each time the Rules are modified.
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Chapter 2 : SHELL
The Mars shell module allows creating a new database or choice an existing database. The module is organized around the following application:
Figure 1 : MARSSHELL List of available objects: displays all the existing objects in the database. Basic Ship Data button: run the Basic Ship Data program. Edit button: run the MarsIn2000 program if the user have choice a section in the list of available objects. In case of Bulkhead Arrangement the button run the BhaIn program. In case of torsion model the button run the Torsion program. Rule button: run the MarsRule2000 program if the user have choice a section in the list of available objects. In case of Bulkhead Arrangement the button run the BhaRule program. WARNING: BUTTON NOT AVAILABLE IN TORSION MODEL CASE Section view: displays a view of the section (not available in case of torsion model).
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File Menu It allows to manage the databases (save, open) and to quit MARS2000.
Figure 2 : FILE MENU Item New database Open database Save database as Import a whole DOS database Export whole database to DOS Quit Use Creates a new database. Opens an existing database. Saves the opened database. Imports from a old MARS DOS database (.mar) Exports to a old MARS DOS database (.mar) Quits MARS2000
BSD Menu It allows undoing the last action or copy the section drawing to clipboard.
Figure 3 : BSD MENU Item Open Import Use Runs Basic Ship Data program. imports BSD from a file .mar, .maw, .ma2, .bsd
Create Menu It allows creating a new section, bulkhead arrangement or model for torsion.
Figure 4 : CREATE MENU Item Section Bulkhead Arrangement Model for Torsion Use Creates a new section. Creates a new bulkhead arrangement. Creates a new model for torsion.
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Figure 5 : SECTION MENU Item Edit Rule Copy Delete Import from another DB (DOS or Win) Export to Mars Dos Use Runs input module related to selected object. Runs check module related to selected object. Copy the selected object. Delete the selected object. Imports section from a file .mar, .maw, .ma2 Exports to a old section DOS (.mar)
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3.1 3.1.1
The Basic Ship Data module allows the input of general data common for all the transverse sections, bulkhead arrangements and models of torsion. It also performs calculations that may be done from those data. The module is organized around the following application:
Figure 6 : BASIC SHIP DATA The BSD module is divided into eight main parts:
General. Notations & Main Data. Moment & Draught. Bow Flare. Materials Frame Locations. Hopper wells (Hopper dredgers & split hopper dredgers only) Calculation & Print.
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The first tab of the basic ship data window allows defining the identifiers of the ship and the general data.
Miscellaneous Number of inner decks: the strength deck has to be included in this number. So the minimum value is 1.
Standard for bulb plate: select one of the 5 standards in the list. The geometrical properties of the bulb plates are stored on internal files corresponding to the 5 cases of the list. Sailing factor: ratio of sailing time of the ship in its life.
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The data defined in this tab are the main ship dimensions, notations, depths and location of hold regions.
Service: identifies the service notation of the ship. This notation is used in the local rule scantling to determine, for example, the load heights and the minimum rule thickness.
The possible service notations are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cargo ship Container ship Ro-ro cargo ship Ro-ro passenger ship Passenger ship Oil tanker (and easy chemical) Bulk carrier Ore carrier Combination carrier Liquefied gas carrier Chemical tanker 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Tanker Dredger Hopper dredger/barge Split hopper dredger/barge Fishing vessel Launch Sea going launch Yacht Tug Supply vessel
Navigation: identifies the area where the ship may navigate. This notation is used to calculate some rule coefficient.
The possible navigation notations are : 1 2 3 4 5 Unrestricted navigation Summer zone Tropical zone Coastal area Sheltered waters
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If the service notation is equal to Hopper dredger/barge or Split hopper dredger/barge the window become:
The possible operating areas are: 1 2 3 Dredging over 15 miles offshore and over 20 miles from port Dredging within 15 miles from shore or within 20 miles from port Dredging within 8 miles from shore
Scantling length: length of the ship as defined in Rules for ship scantlings. Breadth moulded: breadth moulded of the ship as defined in Rules. Block coefficient: block coefficient as defined in Rules, corresponding to the scantling draught amidship. Contractual service speed: contractual service speed used to calculate the ship motions.
Aft end: It is the longitudinal location of the aft end of the hold region measured from the aft perpendicular in metres Fore end: It is the longitudinal location of the fore end of the hold region measured from the aft perpendicular in metres
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At strength deck: depth moulded at strength deck in metres. The strength deck is defined in Rules. At freeboard deck: depth moulded at freeboard deck. When this value is not defined the strength deck is supposed to be freeboard deck also. At top of continuous member: this depth has to be defined when there are continuous member above the strength deck taking part into the longitudinal strength. This value is useful to determine the scale of plotting. But even when it is no completed the program searches for continuous member above the strength deck to calculate a modulus at top if necessary.
The third tab of the basic ship data window allows defining moments and draughts for scantling or ballast.
Still water bending moments This item allows defining the still water bending moment in midship region, in hogging and sagging conditions, for which the ship will be calculated. If these value are yet unknown, the scantling will be done using permissible rule value. Hogging condition: still water bending moment in hogging condition and calculated in midship region.
Sagging condition: still water bending moment in sagging condition and calculated in midship region.
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Ship Ship behavior: this data is used in buckling calculation. The possible ship behaviors are: 1 2 3 Both Hogging / Sagging Always in sagging Always in hogging The different loadings of the ship cause both hogging and sagging condition The ship is always in sagging condition whatever the loadings The ship is always in hogging condition whatever the loadings
Vertical wave bending moments The vertical wave bending moments are rule values that are determined automatically by the program. However the user can define other bending moments clicking on Rule vertical wave bending moments but it is important to know that WAVE BENDING MOMENTS DEFINED BY THE USER LEAD TO NON RULE SCANTLINGS CALCULATION This option may be used in a vue of experimental calculation. Draughts This item is used to define the scantling draught. Scantling draught: at midship perpendicular used for scantlings. This data is compulsory.
GM transverse metacentre: GM corresponding to scantling draught or minimum ballast draught defined hereabove.
Draughts This item is used to define the Minimum ballast draught and the Heavy ballast draught. Minimum ballast draught: if it is not defined the program assumes a rule default value.
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If the service notation is equal to Hopper dredger/barge or Split hopper dredger/barge the window become:
Figure 12 : MOMENT & DRAUGHT TAB DREDGING CASE In this case a new field is displayed: Dredging draught: draught in dredging condition.
Clicking on the Bow Flare tab, you can define the dimension of the bow flare:
Figure 13 : BOW FLARE TAB The effects of bow flare impact are to be considered where all the following conditions occur:
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Ship length between 120 m and 180 m. Maximum ahead service speed greater than 17.5 knots.
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The item Materials allows to define up to 6 different materials used in the ship and their corresponding mechanical properties.
Ship built in: indicates if the ship is a steel ship or an aluminium ship. Material type: type of the material. The possible materials are : 1 2 3 4 Steel Stainless steel Aluminium rolled Aluminium extruded
Yield stress: Yield stress of the material in newtons per square millimetres. Young modulus: Young modulus in newtons per square millimetres. For steel the program assumes a standard value of 206.000 N/mm. Joint Weld coefficient: have to be defined only for aluminium Bottom zone, Neutral axis, Deck zone: this data allows to define the material used in their 3 horizontal zones of the ship. This data is considered, for example, in the evaluation of global strength criteria, to calculate the rule moduli at top, bottom and top of continuous member if any.
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The frame locations need to be defined, only when the user asks for the calculation of longitudinal strength distributions. In this case the calculation points may be defined by the frame number or by distance from aft perpendicular in meters. The frame location definition is done by means of the following window:
General frame data Distance with sign from AP to frame N0: location of frame number 0 from the aft perpendicular. This value is positive when the frame 0 is forward the aft perpendicular and negative when it is backward. First frame number: this value may be negative if there are frames located backward the frame 0.
Frame spacing definition From frame N: indicates the number of the first frame of the group. To frame N: indicates the number of the last frame of the group. Frame spacing: frame spacing of the group. Clicking Valid button you may enter a new group of frame with the relevant properties; using Delete button you may erase a group of frame previously selected on the frame list.
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If the service notation is equal to Hopper dredger/barge or Split hopper dredger/barge the Hopper Wells tab become active:
Figure 16 : HOPPER WELLS TAB Warning: Rule calculations for dredgers have not yet been implemented.
Hopper well description for dredger h1: Distance from base line to highest weir level, when working at the dredging freeboard.
Hopper well description for split hopper dredger Hopper well are: the possible hopper wells are : 1 2 Partly fixed Simply supported
h1: Distance from base line to highest weir level, when working at the dredging freeboard. h2: Distance from base line to highest weir level, when working at the international freeboard.
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3.9 3.9.1
Clicking on
Figure 17 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select what you want to print. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list. Front page produces the cover page of a report.
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The program is able to perform basic calculations from the basic ship data only. The window with the available possibilities is the following: STILL WATER, WAVE MOMENTS, SHEAR FORCE The longitudinal strength distributions which can be obtained clicking on Rule strength distributions are : Vertical still water bending moments, in hogging and sagging conditions.
Vertical wave bending moments, in hogging and sagging conditions. The resultant moments, in hogging and sagging conditions corresponding to the combined effect of the still water bending moments and wave bending moments, as defined in Rules. The horizontal wave bending moment. The horizontal wave shear force.
The distribution of still water bending moments is based on values in hogging and sagging conditions in midship region with the rule longitudinal distribution applied. Those values may have different origine selected from the window: Users proposal value of S.W.B.M.: distribution based on users proposal values in midship region in hogging and sagging conditions.
Rule standard value: distribution based on the rule permissible still water bending moments. Standard value based on users proposal modulus: the section modulus amidships is a users proposal value. The still water bending moment amidships are calculated from this users proposal modulus amidships and from the rule horizontal wave bending moment amidships.
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The longitudinal strength distributions are displayed for calculation points selected by the user. There are 3 ways to define those points:
Direct input of their X coordinates. Selection of a list of frame numbers. Both, X coordinates and list of frames. Clicking on Calculation points button you enter the following window which allows the definition of the longitudinal calculation points:
Rule coefficients: provides the rule coefficients, parameters and material factors. Ship motions: provides the ship acceleration and amplitude of motions. Rule moduli: provides the rule section moduli at midship perpendicular. Resultant acceleration: this item allows to calculate the components of the resultant acceleration in upright ship condition and inclined ship condition at scantling and minimum ballast draughts for a list of points the coordinate of which are defined with the following window:
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Figure 20 : COORDINATES OF GRAVITY CENTER WINDOW Up to 10 points may be defined in the same calculation. Each point may be considered as the center of gravity of a compartment.
Clicking on Print Result button you enter the Print Result management window:
Figure 21 : PRINT RESULT MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select what you want to print. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list. Front page produces the cover page of a report.
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Table of Figure
Figure 1 : MARSSHELL ................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2 : FILE MENU...................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3 : BSD MENU ...................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 4 : CREATE MENU............................................................................................................... 4 Figure 5 : SECTION MENU ............................................................................................................. 5 Figure 6 : BASIC SHIP DATA .......................................................................................................... 6 Figure 7 : GENERAL TAB................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 8 : NOTATION & MAIN DATA TAB ...................................................................................... 8 Figure 9 : NOTATION & MAIN DATA TAB 2 ................................................................................. 9 Figure 10 : MOMENT & DRAUGHT TAB SCANTLING CASE ................................................... 10 Figure 11 : MOMENT & DRAUGHT TAB BALLAST CASE ........................................................ 11 Figure 12 : MOMENT & DRAUGHT TAB DREDGING CASE .................................................... 12 Figure 13 : BOW FLARE TAB ....................................................................................................... 12 Figure 14 : MATERIALS TAB ........................................................................................................ 14 Figure 15 : FRAME LOCATIONS TAB .......................................................................................... 15 Figure 16 : HOPPER WELLS TAB ................................................................................................ 16 Figure 17 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW ................................................................... 17 Figure 18 : CALCULATION & PRINT TAB .................................................................................... 18 Figure 19 : CALCULATION POINTS WINDOW ............................................................................ 19 Figure 20 : COORDINATES OF GRAVITY CENTER WINDOW .................................................. 20 Figure 21 : PRINT RESULT MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................................... 20
Bureau Veritas
Users guide
MARINE DIVISION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 17 bis, place des Reflets La Dfense 2 92077 Paris La Dfense Cedex Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 91 Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 98
Chapter 1 : 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
1.4.1 1.4.2
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 3 MARSIN INTERFACE.......................................................................... 3 A GOOD WAY TO MODELISE A SECTION ....................................... 4 MAIN DIFFERENCES WITH MARSWIN ............................................. 4
Compartments data Span 4 4
MAIN DATA ......................................................................................... 5 STRENGTH ......................................................................................... 6 FATIGUE ............................................................................................. 7 SHIP STATE........................................................................................ 8 HOLD DATA ........................................................................................ 9 SECTION GEOMETRY ........................................................... 10
INPUT SEQUENCE ORGANIZED BY PANEL .................................. 10 CREATION AND DELETION OF DATA ............................................ 11 PANEL DATA .................................................................................... 11 NODE BUTTON : GEOMETRY OF THE PANEL .............................. 12
Nodes and segments Circles Bilge wizard Tangent arc Arc Corrugated segment Intersection Intersection with Y entered Intersection with Z entered Intersection with a node Insert node Tools Make horizontal Make vertical Align segment Set position with mouse 12 14 14 17 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 26
3.5 3.6
3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3
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3.7 3.8
Chapter 4 : 4.1
4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3
COMPARTMENTS ............................................................................ 35
Dimensions Loading cases Resonance
ZOOM................................................................................................ 50
Table of Figure................................................................................................ 51
Bureau Veritas
MarsIn allows the input of any section along the ship length. The section is described by:
Longitudinal elements contributing to the hull girder strength. Transverse stiffeners. Compartments
The module allowing to input the data of a section is organized around the following application:
Figure 1: MARSIN Warning Box: displays warning message when MARSIN detects incoherence in the Section definition. Section view: displays a view of the section.
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The geometry of a section is panel oriented: the section has to be divided into several panels, each one corresponding to a physical entity such as the outside shell, the strength deck, the inner bottom or a longitudinal bulkhead... Each panel is made of contiguous segments described by two nodes. Those segments have eventually different geometry (straight, circular or corrugated line). The way of the description defines a direction on the panel. This direction is commonly used to define flange direction of longitudinals... Each panel is an independent entity, even for calculation. Once the panels are fully described, welding joints and longitudinal stiffeners (with their scantling) can be located. If necessary, it is also possible to define transverse stiffening zones.
1.4 1.4.1
A new data has been added: main destination of the compartment. This data leads to the evaluation of net scantling of the section. The top of air pipe is replaced by the deck level to which the air pipe extends. When openning an old MarsWin database, those data are initialized:
For the main destination: on the basis of the compartment load type. It should be checked carefully. For the air deck: minimum between the top of air pipe and the depth at strength deck.
The SpanS value is recovered through the Spacing of primary transverse structure (see 3.3 and 3.8)." The SpanL value is recovered through the stiffeners span reduction.
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The first tab of the main section data window allows defining the X longitudinal location of the section and also to precise main data that might be dependent of this location. Moreover it allows defining the type of section (e.g. Half section, Full section, Thin walled structure).
Figure 2: MAIN DATA WINDOW The Default (BSD) button of this window initializes the Main Data with the values already defined in the Basic Ship Data or with default values. It is only an initialization: a change in the Basic Ship Data doesnt modify the Main Section Data It initializes:
Identification = Midship section Longitudinal Location (from APP) = Scantling length / 2 Extension heights = 0.000 m All the others data are initialized with their BSD equivalent.
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Extension heights (in m): used to define the zone in which the materials are defined.
The second tab of the main section data window allows entering the design values of the still water bending moments at X, still water shear force and vertical wave bending moments. If you prefer dont enter a SWBM value for a section, the calculations are based on: The values defined in the BSD taken as midship section values and modified using the rule distribution law.
If no value has been defined in the BSD, the rule distribution will be applied to the admissible rule values.
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The ship behavior defined in the BSD (both hogging/sagging, hogging only, sagging only) is displayed on screen. Obviously, it can not be corrected at this level. The rule calculations are based on rule values of vertical wave bending moments automatically calculated by the program. However it is possible to perform special calculations with vertical wave bending moments defined by the user. If so, it is reminded that the obtained results are not according to the rules.
The third tab of the main section data window allows defining the data needed for fatigue calculation.
Figure 5: FATIGUE DATA WINDOW This tab allows precising: Mean weld toe angle for butt joints ( 30 default value )
Mean weld toe angle for T joints and cruciform joints ( 45 default value )
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On this tab (Figure 5), the Weld configuration button shows a window which allows to initialize the lambda () value:
The fourth tab of the main section data window allows defining the Ship State.
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As Built Survey
The state type survey allows performing a corroded section calculation. The state index has no impact on the calculation. It is an help to manage a section for different surveys.
The last tab of the main section data window allows defining the hold data. These values have to be filled to calculate bulk pressure in case of hold having geometry shows in figure:
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There are four main sequences to define the geometry of a section: Panels
These different sequences of the geometry description may be accessed by the following toolbar as follows:
Figure 9: MARSIN TOOLBAR Panels: allows defining the panel name and characteristics. Nodes: allows defining the geometry of the panel by a succession of segments. Strakes: allows to locate welding joints and to enter the actual thickness of every strake on a panel. Stiffeners: allows to locate all the longitudinals and to define their scantlings. Transverse stiffening: allows defining the areas transversally stiffened and the secondary transverse stiffeners Special Span: allows defining panel areas where a special span is to be considered All these input sequences are panel-oriented. It means that, inside an input sequence, the data are available panel by panel. When an input sequence is selected in the toolbar, the program displays generally the data corresponding to the current panel. The current panel is the last selected panel. They are five ways to move from one panel to another: a direct click on the desired panel in the section view,
the Next Panel and Previous Panel items on the Tools menu (Figure 51), the F5 key to jump to the previous panel, the F6 key to jump to the next panel, using the panel list placed on the right-hand corner of MARSIN :
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In each input sequence, you can create or delete data: Nodes : creation or deletion of a segment
Strakes : creation or deletion of a welding joint Stiffeners : creation or deletion of a group of stiffeners regularly spaced
Figure 11 : CREATION-DELETION TOOLBAR For example, if you want to create a new panel click on the panel button (Figure 9), the Panel management window (Figure 12) is displayed,
Inversely, if you want to delete an existing panel, click on the panel button (Figure 9),
select the panel you want to delete, click on the deletion button (Figure 11).
To create data, it is also possible to hit the F12 key instead of clicking the creation button. Another way to create or delete objects is to use Create object or Delete object on the Tools menu (Figure 51)
or on Panel on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Panel management
Figure 12: PANEL MANAGEMENT WINDOW In this window, you can create or delete panels using the creation or the deletion buttons (Figure 11). Each panel is defined by identification, a percentage of bending efficiency and spans. These values are assigned to every strake and every longitudinal stiffener of the panel. Panel Identification: up to 40 characters. The panel has to be clearly identified. This identification will appear in input sequences and in output of data and results.
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Bending Efficiency (in %): percentage of contribution to the overall longitudinal strength. DO NOT ENTER 50% FOR PLATINGS ON THE CENTER LINE Spacing of primary transverse structure (in m): span of the strakes, in the ship longitudinal direction, between 2 consecutive transverse stiffeners. This value is used to calculate the rule thickness of the strakes longitudinally stiffened. Span L (in m): effective span of the longitudinal stiffeners on the panel. This value is only a reminder in case of old MarsWin database (see 1.4.2). Spacing and Span L can be locally changed (see 3.8.). It is also possible to assign particular values of bending efficiency to groups of stiffeners (see 3.6.2). Clicking on Tools button you can:
A panel is made of contiguous segments of different geometry (straight, circular or corrugated line). Each segment is described by: Its ending node
First node of a panel When you define a panel, a first node (segment 0) is automatically created with coordinates by default: you have to correct these Y and Z coordinates.
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or on Nodes - Plates on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Node Clicking on the node button management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 13: NODE MANAGEMENT WINDOW Node creation The creation button allows you to create a segment extending the current panel. The deletion button is used to delete nodes. It is also possible to insert a node between two existing nodes by clicking on the Tools button (Figure 13) and selecting Insert node (Figure 21). See 3.4.5 for more information. Next segment - Previous segment: Those two buttons allow navigating segment by segment within a panel. A direct click on the desired segment in the section view is also possible. Node characteristics Coordinates of the node (in m): The Y and Z coordinates of the current segment ending node. Sometimes, it is not necessary (see, 3.4.4 and 3.4.5) to define them. Knuckle Code: It is used in the rule scantling calculation of strakes and stiffeners. The corresponding node is considered as a limit between two segments with a significant variation of curvature. A knuckle node affects the calculation of the spacing (E) between longitudinals or of the span of transverse plating. For instance, with this following detail:
If the node 2 has the knuckle code, the spacing will be calculated with E1 or E2 If the node 2 hasnt the knuckle code, the spacing will be calculated with E1+E2
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Some facilities are provided to make easier the input of the coordinates: The bilge wizard (see
The tools button (see 3.4.5) to align or to insert nodes or to set the node position with the mouse.
Segment characteristics The characteristics of the segment between the current node and the previous one consist in : Curve Type: it specifies the type of the segment. : Straight line : Tangent arc (see : Arc (see : Corrugated segment (see 3.4.3) Position Code: definition of the allocation of the segment inside the section. A position code in the list is to be selected. The possible positions are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Undefined Keel plate Bottom Bilge Side shell Sheer strake Upper strength deck (weather) Upper strength deck (no weather) Trunk deck Lower deck Inner bottom Double bottom girder 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Inner hull Double hull girder Keelson or other girder Tank and watertight bulkhead Vertical corrugation Wash bulkhead Cellular keel Hopper well bulkhead Solid bar keel Garboard plate Margin plate Miscellaneous
The more precise position code has to be selected. For the bottom plate at the centerline side, the position code Keel plate or Bottom can be equally chosen.
Circles Bilge wizard The bilge wizard is the best way to easily define circular plate tangent to the adjacent segments. Using this tool will create a straight segment, a circular segment and another straight segment. The bilge wizard has to be used very early into the process: click the bilge wizard immediately after the coordinate definition of the first tangent line-starting node.
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Example of input of bilge with a flat bottom For a flat bottom, you enter: Node 1 Y Coordinate 0. Z Coordinate 0. Click On
Figure 14: ROUND SHAPE WIZARD End point coordinates (in m): coordinates of ending node of the second tangent line (node 4 on Figure 14). Tangent intersection (in m): coordinates of the intersection between the tangent lines. Circle radius (in m): Radius of the bilge Preview: Refresh the section view of the Round Shape Wizard without any effect on your section.
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Example of input of bilge with rise of keel For a rise of keel, you enter: Node 1 2 Y Coordinate 0. 2. Z Coordinate 0. 0. Click On to create a node.
Bureau Veritas Tangent arc The Tangent Arc button is another way of defining circular segment tangent to both segments enclosing it. Therefore you have to create the nodes for the three segments (the circular one end its adjacent). Example of input of bilge with a flat bottom For a rise of keel, you enter: Node 1 2 3 4 Y Coordinate 0. 10. Z Coordinate 0. 10. Click On to create a node. to create a node. to create a node.
Click on segment 2 (node 3) and hit on the Arc Tangent button (Figure 13). The window here after is displayed on screen:
Figure 15: TANGENT ARC DATA R (in m): Radius of the circle
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YTan and ZTan (in m): Y and Z coordinates of the tangent intersection of the enclosing segments. The coordinates of the first and the last nodes on this segment are automatically calculated and cannot be changed. The result is:
Example of input of bilge with rise of keel For example, for a rise of keel, you enter: Node 1 2 3 4 5 Y Coordinate 0. 2. 10. Z Coordinate 0. 0. 10. Click On to create a node. to create a node. to create a node. to create a node.
Click on segment 3 (node 4) and hit on the Arc Tangent button (Figure 13). The window here after is displayed on screen:
Bureau Veritas Arc The Arc button can be used to define any circular segment. The coordinates of the first and the last nodes on this segment have to be input. The definition of an arc is completed by means of the window here after. It is displayed on screen, hitting arc button when the current node is the last node of the circle:
Figure 16: ARC DATA R (in m) : Radius of the circle. With this method, you can define any kind of circular segment. For example:
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Corrugated segment
Choosing a corrugated segment makes this button appear: The definition of a corrugated segment is completed by means of the window hereafter obtained by clicking on the last button:
Figure 17: CORRUGATED DATA h0 (in m): transverse width of the first corrugation. h1 (in m): height of corrugations. x0 (in m): distance from the first node of the corrugated segment (see here-above) to the first corrugation. x1 (in m): width of the flange. x2 (in m): projection of the inclined part on the support line (see here-above). N: number of straight parts of the corrugated segment: from the first node to the last node (including the first and the last straight part on the support line). A corrugated bulkhead is defined as a segment (with corrugations) located between two nodes. Those two nodes that start and end the corrugated segment define the support line of the corrugated bulkhead. This support straight line is the reference for all locations of welding joints, stiffeners, This means that the curvilinear abscises must be projected on the support line.
During the definition of a panel, you have to create nodes that are intersection nodes with a panel previously defined. To do that:
Click on
as usual,
select the type of intersection : : Intersection with a panel defined by the Y coordinate : Intersection with a panel defined by the Z coordinate : Intersection with a node
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What is an intersection node? It is a node defined on a panel 2 and being located as intersecting with a panel 1. This node is not seeable in the list of nodes that define panel 1, but it may be used on panel 1 as an entry to locate stiffeners for example. Intersection with Y entered This method is to be used when the intersection node may be defined by: the selection of the intersection panel
a Y coordinate.
To define the node 6 as an intersection with the segment 1-2: click on the intersection with Y entered button (Figure 13),
Figure 18: INTERSECTION Y ENTERED With Panel: panel on which the intersection is defined. Between nodes: nodes between which the intersection is defined.
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The Y coordinate of the intersection is available, but its Z coordinate is automatically calculated. Intersection with Z entered This method is to be used when the intersection node may be defined by: the selection of the intersection panel
a Z coordinate.
To define the node 6 as an intersection with the segment 3-4: click on the intersection with Z entered button (Figure 13),
Figure 19: INTERSECTION Z ENTERED With Panel: panel on which the intersection is defined. Between nodes: nodes between which the intersection is defined. The Z coordinate of the intersection is available, but its Y coordinate is automatically calculated.
Bureau Veritas Intersection with a node This method is to be used when the new node to define is an exiting node (generally on another panel).
To put the node 6 of panel 2 in coincidence with the node 3 of panel 1: click on the intersection with node button (Figure 13),
Figure 20: INTERSECTION WITH NODE With Node: Node on which the intersection is defined. The intersection node coordinates are not available when the current segment is the one used to defined the intersection (segment 5-3 in the previous example).
Insert node
The creation button (Figure 11) permits to create nodes, but only at a panel end. With the Insert node tool, it is possible to create a new node on the segment you want. Using this tool changes the cursor in . A simple click on the segment on which you want to insert the node creates it.
Bureau Veritas
There are some tools that make easier the input of nodes. They can be reached via the Other Tools button (Figure 13). This button display the following menu:
Figure 21: OTHER TOOL MENU Those tools are just an help to define the node position: they dont define properties for the nodes. For example, making a segment horizontal just set the position of the nodes, but the horizontality of the segment is not a recorded data. Make horizontal The choice of the tool Make horizontal (Figure 21) will display the following sub-menu :
with previous node make the Z coordinates of the current node equal to the previous node. For example, with the node 2 as current node :
with next node make the Z coordinates of the current node equal to the next node. For example, with the node 2 as current node : Make vertical The choice of the tool Make vertical (Figure 21) will display the following sub-menu:
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with previous node make the Y coordinates of the current node equal to the previous node. For example, with the node 2 as current node :
with next node make the Z coordinates of the current node equal to the next node. For example, with the node 2 as current node : Align segment The choice of the tool Align segment (Figure 21) will display the following sub-menu:
Project node on segment places the current node at the nearest position on the line passing by the previous and the next nodes. For example, if the current node is the node 2 :
Keep Z value, compute Y places the current node on the line passing by the previous and the next nodes keeping the old Z value. For example, if the current node is the node 2 :
Keep Y value, compute Z places the current node on the line passing by the previous and the next nodes keeping the old Y value. For example, if the current node is the node 2 :
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25 Set position with mouse The Set position with mouse tool (Figure 21) is another way to define the coordinates of a node. Choosing it change the cursor in . A simple click on the section view where you want to place the node position set it at this exact location.
All the strakes constituting the panel have to be defined by their width and their thickness. They are automatically numbered, starting at number 1 on the first panel, and with an increasing numbering along the successive panels. Clicking on the Strake button (Figure 9) or on Strakes - Welding joints on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Strake management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 22: STRAKE MANAGEMENT WINDOW During a first input, there is a strake automatically created on each panel with width equal to the width of the panel. The creation and the deletion buttons (Figure 11) allow you to create or delete strakes. Creating a strake means to divide the strake selected in the strake list (Figure 22) into two strakes of same characteristic, thickness and material, and with width equal to the half width. Strake List: display of the number and thickness of the strakes defined on the current panel. The strake selected is the current strake. To select a strake, click on a strake in the list or in the section view. Width (in m): width of the current strake. As general, this value is also the distance between 2 consecutive welding joints. Nevertheless the first strake is the distance between the origin of the panel and the first welding joint. The software always recalculates the width of the last defined strake so that the ending joint of the strake coincides with the last node of the panel.
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Distance along: specifies how the widths are measured. There are 3 possibilities:
Thickness (in mm): thickness of the current strake. Material: material of the current strake. By default, the material defined in the main section data (see 2.1) is assigned to the strake. Hole Location (in m): distance from the beginning of the strake to the beginning of the hole (measured with respect of the Distance Type). Hole Breadth (in m): distance from the beginning to the end of the hole (measured with respect of the Distance Type). To perform an efficient entry of strakes: Press F12 to create a new strake, the current strake is divided into two, the first part is selected and the focus is on the width. Define the width and press Enter, the strake thickness is selected. Input the thickness and press Enter, the next strake is selected. Press F12 to create a new strake
3.6 3.6.1
This chapter concerns the description of longitudinal secondary stiffeners. For transverse stiffeners, refer to 3.7 part. Clicking on the Stiffener button (Figure 9) or on Stiffeners on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Stiffener management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 23: STIFFENER MANAGEMENT WINDOW The longitudinal stiffeners have to be located on a panel. The successive locations of stiffeners must be given in an increasing order along the panel description.
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This location is done by defining groups of stiffeners having the same spacing. The creation and the deletion buttons (Figure 9) allow you to create or delete groups of stiffeners. It is necessary to define sequentially all the stiffener groups as they appear moving along the panel, without skipping any of them. Stiffener List: Display of the stiffeners defined on the current panel and of their scantling. Theyre divided in groups of location which are numbered. The list shows: the group number, the stiffener number and its scantling. The stiffeners selected are the current stiffeners. They can belong to different groups. Next group - Previous group: Those two buttons allow navigating group by group within a panel. Selection of one stiffener Click the stiffener in the Stiffener List or in the section view. Selection of a group of stiffeners Click a stiffener of the previous (next) group and push the Next group (Previous group) button. Selection of stiffeners that are next to each other Select the first stiffener you want to select; hold down the SHIFT key and click the last stiffener you want to select. Select in the list the first stiffener you want to select, hold down the mouse button and drag the selection to the last stiffener you want. Selection of stiffeners that are not next to each other Hold down the CTRL key, and then click each stiffener you want to select. Location Reference: It is either a node (select from node (Figure 23) and enter the node number), or the last stiffener of the previous group (select from previous stiffener (Figure 23)). Start (in m): Distance from the location reference (node or last stiffener of previous group) to the first stiffener of the group. Spacing (in m): spacing of the stiffeners for the group. Number: number of stiffeners in the group. A group of stiffener is a set of successive stiffeners having the same spacing, even if their scantlings differ. Along: the starting distance and the stiffener spacing can be measured along
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Side: allows to precise, according to the panel direction, if the stiffeners are:
: on the left side of the panel : on the right side of the panel
: in the description direction of the panel : in the opposite direction of the panel
In case of flat or bulb type, flange characteristics arent available. If none type is chosen, the stiffener is considered as a NULL type, which is defined in 3.6.3. Web Height (in mm): Height of stiffener web (H1). Web Thickness (in mm): Thickness of stiffener web (E1). Flange Height (in mm): Width of stiffener flange (H2). Flange Thickness (in mm): Thickness of stiffener flange (E2).
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Figure 25: SPECIAL ITEM Material: allows changing the current stiffener material, which, by default, is the supporting strake one. Efficiency (in %): allows changing the bending efficiency of current stiffeners. DO NOT ENTER 50% FOR STIFFENERS ON THE CENTERLINE DO NOT ENTER 50% FOR STIFFENERS LOCATED ON A PANEL ON THE CENTERLINE In that case, enter 100 %: the program detects their location and takes them into account only once Span reduction (in m): allows defining the span reduction of current stiffeners. Brackets item A click on it displays the following windows:
Length (in m): allows defining the bracket length. Type: (see 3.6.2. Scantling item)
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Null type
A stiffener with NULL type has no effect on the geometric characteristics (areas, inertia, moduli) of the section. But it may be used in different ways with program convention as follows: Type NULL and a bending efficiency coefficient equal to 0 %. This type of stiffener allows defining an intermediate support for a transverse stiffener without affecting the span of the plating. It is a convenient way to enter a strut linking transverse frames in inner hull, for instance. Plating longitudinally stiffened: no action. Plating transversally stiffened: support of the transverse member only.
Type NULL and a bending efficiency coefficient not equal to 0 %. This type of stiffener allows in the considered transverse section to reduce the plate extension without modification of the supporting conditions of the transverse members. Plating longitudinally stiffened: this stiffener reduces the spacing E used to calculate the scantlings of the plating and of the adjacent longitudinals. Plating transversally stiffened: this stiffener reduces the span used to calculate the scantlings of the plating. It is not considered as an intermediate support for the transverse stiffener.
This sequence allows basically defining the areas transversally stiffened so that MARS is able to distinguish plating longitudinally stiffened from plating transversally stiffened. But the same sequence may be considered as defining the secondary transverse stiffeners whose scantlings may be evaluated in the calculation modulus. The areas transversally stiffened have to be described by giving: their location
the corresponding spacing of secondary transverse stiffeners the type of secondary transverse stiffener
In a more precise definition, the areas transversally stiffened have to be located with respect of the starting and ending points of the transverse stiffeners. The lengths of associated brackets may be defined for span correction as stated in the Rules. Every plating not considered in this sequence is supposed to be longitudinally stiffened. The locations are performed by giving: a START point (node or stiffener) and
The START point must be located before the END point in way of the panel description.
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Clicking on the Transverse Stiffening button (Figure 9) or on Transverse Stiffening on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Transverse Stiffening management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 27: TRANSVERSE STIFFENING MANAGEMENT WINDOW Location: enter either a node or a stiffener number in the corresponding input fields to define the start and end of stiffener. The stiffener numbers are always related to their location numbering on the panel. Spacing (in m): the transverse frame spacing to be considered for all members (stiffener or part of strake) located inside this transverse area. Side: allows precising, according to the panel direction, if the stiffeners are:
: on the left side of the panel : on the right side of the panel
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Figure 28: BRACKET AT START ITEM Length (in m): the bracket length are useful to get the rule scantling of the transverse stiffener. Type: (see 3.6.2. Scantling item). Bracket at end item A click on it displays the following windows:
Figure 29: BRACKET AT END ITEM Length (in m): the bracket length are useful to get the rule scantling of the transverse stiffener. Type: (see 3.6.2. Scantling item).
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The rule scantling of elements (strakes and longitudinal stiffeners) is based on a longitudinal span. The default values are those defined for the panel (in general panel description). This input allows defining panel areas where a special span is to be considered (for strakes and/or longitudinals). Clicking on the Special Span button (Figure 9) or on Special Span Areas on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Special Span management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 30: SPECIAL SPAN MANAGEMENT WINDOW Start: enter either a node or a stiffener number in the corresponding input field. End: enter either a node or a stiffener number in the corresponding input field. Local spacing of primary transverse structure (in m): special span value for primary transverse structure. Reduced span by subdivision of the plate (in m): special span value for strakes only. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP PANEL VALUES LEAVE BLANK THE TWO INPUT FIELDS.
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Clicking on the compartment button (Figure 31) or on Compartments - Loading cases on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Compartments management window:
Figure 32 : COMPARTMENTS MANAGEMENT WINDOW In this window, you can create or delete compartments using the creation or the deletion buttons (Figure 11). Each compartment is defined by a name, a main destination, a type and a list of node. Name: used to identify the compartment.
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Main destination: choose a compartment main destination in the list. The possible destinations are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ballast Cargo oil / Fuel oil Other Liquid Cargo Dry bulk Spoil Accomodation space Other destination
Type: choose a compartment type in the list. The possible types are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tank Double bottom, skin Dry compartment Engine room Boiler compartment Tunnel Hopper well 1 Hopper well 2
Description by node circuit: enter the list of nodes of compartment contour. If the compartment is entirely located on one side of the section, the first and last nodes are to be the same. You dont have to enter all the nodes along the compartment contour. For instance:
can be describe with: 1 4 5 1. The result is: The list of nodes is also used in the calculation modulus to determine the highest point after rolling in tanks. The contour of an opened hold is generally not complete because the hatch cover has not to be defined in MARS. So the upper node on the vertical axis is missing. To obtain a correct calculation of the center of gravity, it is necessary to start the description of the contour by the low node located on the vertical axis: MARS will close the contour with an horizontal line at the level of the last defined node.
Clicking on the Dimensions button (Figure 32), the compartment-dimension window is displayed:
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Length (in m): compartment length. Breadth (in m): compartment breadth. Height (in m): compartment height. X start (in m): longitudinal location of start compartment from APP. Xg (in m): longitudinal location of compartment center of gravity from APP. The following data may be obtained by calculation clicking on Always use compute values check or by direct input: Yg (in m): center of gravity (Centerline). Zg (in m): center of gravity above base line. Zmin/BL (in m): min of compartment from base line. Ztop/BL (in m): top of compartment from base line. If you dont want use the Rule values for highest point / total acceleration click in the related check. The window become:
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Loading cases
Clicking on the Loading Cases button (Figure 32), the compartment load window is displayed:
Figure 35: COMPARTMENT LOAD WINDOW Type: select a load type. Liquid cargo Load test height (in m): tank testing load height from base line. Air Pipe (in m): distance from top of air pipe height to base line. Density liquid: density of liquid cargo. Setting pressure (in bar): setting pressure of safety valves. Bulk cargo Load in hold (in t): load in hold (bulk or spoil). Density of bulk or spoil: density of bulk or spoil. Friction angle (in deg): internal friction angles for bulk. This input allows defining for the same compartment a liquid cargo and a bulk cargo. This facility may be used for ballastable hold in bulk carrier.
Clicking on the Resonance button (Figure 32), the Resonance window is displayed. The user may ask to the program to calculate in any case the risk of resonance due to roll or sway checking the relative checkbox on the window. In Tank geometry frame the user may choose the case to calculate the coefficient for reference pressure for calculation of sloshing loads.
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The first tab of the Resonance window allows defining the values in inclined ship condition.
Figure 36: RESONANCE - INCLINED SHIP CONDITION Effective breadth (in m): breadth of the free surface of the liquid, measured horizontally with the ship at rest and depending on the filling level dF for ships without watertight or wash longitudinal bulkheads; for ships fitted with watertight or wash longitudinal bulkheads the effective breadth is delimited by these bulkheads. The second tab of the Resonance window allows defining the values in upright ship condition.
Figure 37: RESONANCE - UPRIGHT SHIP CONDITION Effective length (in m): length of the free surface of the liquid, measured horizontally with the ship at rest and depending on the filling level dF.
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The last tab of the Resonance window allows to define the filling level and the corresponding free surface length and free surface breadth to evaluate the risk of resonance for each of these.
Figure 38: RISK OF RESONANCE (2) These data are used to evaluate the risk of resonance of the compartment in roll, sway and pitch. This check is reachable through the prints (see 6.2.1).
The definition of deck load is panel oriented. It means that a deck load is defined between two nodes in a panel. Clicking on the Deck Load button (Figure 31) or on Deck Load on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Deck Load management window:
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From Node: node number for the start of load extension. The starting point of the load extension must be located before ending point (in way of the panel description). To Node: node number for the end of load extension. Type: choose the load type in the list proposed. The possible types are: 1 2 3 4 5 Cargo Deck Accommodation deck : large public rooms Accommodation deck : large rooms with fixed furniture or cabins Accommodation deck : other spaces Wheel load
Distributed load (in t/m): in case of cargo deck only. In case of Wheel load type the window become:
Figure 40: DECK LOAD MANAGEMENT WINDOW (2) Axle load (in t): load for considered axle. Number of wheels for the considered axle: wheel number.
Bureau Veritas
The definition of a wheel load data is completed by means the window here-after obtained by clicking on the Wheel load data button:
Figure 41 : WHEEL LOAD DATA WINDOW Wheel configuration: choose a configuration in the list. The possible configurations are: 1 2 3 Single wheel configuration Double wheel configuration Triple wheel configuration
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Chapter 5 : FATIGUE
or on Fatigue on the Section menu (Figure 46), you enter the Fatigue
Figure 42: FATIGUE MANAGEMENT WINDOW Stiffeners list: allows selecting the stiffeners to be fatigued. Stiffeners type: displays the type of the selected stiffeners. The fatigue details can be selected by:
the details button (Figure 42) which display a view of the connection type and of the collar plate with
the relevant Kh and Kl coefficients ;
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Clicking on Weld configuration button you can change for the stiffener selected the default value for coefficient defined in Main Section data (see 2.3. - fatigue tab).
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File Menu It allows managing the sections (save, open), to print and to quit MARSIN.
Figure 44: FILE MENU Item New Open.. Save Save as Export drawing Print Data Print Drawing Quit Use Creates a new section. Opens an existing section. Saves the opened section. Saves a copy of the section with another name. Creates a bitmap file from the section drawing. Prints the data of the section (see 6.2.1). Prints a drawing of a section (see 6.2.2). Quits MARSIN to return to MARSHELL. Shortcut You can also press Ctrl + O. You can also press Ctrl + S or
You can also press Ctrl + S or You can also press Ctrl + Q or
Edit Menu It allows undoing the last action or copy the section drawing to clipboard.
Figure 45: EDIT MENU Item Undo Copy Section Drawing to clipboard Use Cancels the last action. Allows pasting the section drawing in any other application. Shortcut Ctrl + Z
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Figure 46: SECTION MENU Item Main data - Moments Panels Nodes - Plates Strakes - Welding joints Stiffeners Transverse Stiffening Special Span Areas Compartments - Loading cases Deck Load Fatigue Use Displays the Main Section Data Window (see Chapter 2 :). Displays the Panels management window (see 3.3). Displays the Nodes management window (see 3.4). Displays the Strakes management window (see 3.5). Displays the Stiffeners management window (see 3.6). Displays the Transverse Stiffening management window (see 3.8). Displays the Special Span management window (see 3.8). Displays the Compartments management window (see 4.1). Displays the Deck Load management window (see 4.2). Displays the Fatigue management window (see Chapter 5 :). Shortcut
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Item Materials Bending Efficiencies Span Thickness Longitudinal stiffener Positions Codes Transverse stiffener Panel List
Use Displays the strakes and stiffeners with a different color for each material. Displays the strakes and stiffeners with a different color for each bending efficiency. (see Figure 48) Displays the strakes with a different color for each thickness. (see Figure 49) Displays the segments with a different color for each position code. (see Figure 50) Displays a list of the current entry data. These lists are the exact reflect of what would be printed with the Print Data function (see 6.2.1).
Ctrl + L
Figure 48: SPAN SUB-MENU Item Spacing of primary transverse structures Effective Span Use Displays the strakes with a different color for each span. Displays the strakes and stiffeners with a different color for each span. Shortcut
Figure 49: LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS SUB-MENU Item Stiffeners scantling Bracket scantling Bracket length Span reduction Use Displays the stiffeners with a different color for each stiffener scantling. Displays the brackets with a different color for each bracket scantling. Displays the bracket length. Displays the span reduction. Shortcut
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Use Displays the transverse stiffening zones with a different color for each scantling of those transverse. Displays the transverse stiffening zones with a different color for each spacing of those transverse.
Tools menu:
Figure 51: TOOLS MENU Item Add object Delete object Insert node Zoom Previous panel Next panel Use Creates data (see 3.2). Deletes data (see 3.2). Inserts a node (see 3.4.5 ), this item is available only during the node input sequence. Allows zooming in (see 6.3). Changes the current panel to the previous one (see 3.1). Changes the current panel to the next one (see 3.1). F5 F6 Shortcut or F12
Options menu
Figure 52: OPTIONS MENU Item Colors Preferences Refresh section Use Displays a set up window for the colors on the screen or a printer. Displays a set up window for the drawing preferences on the screen or a printer. Refreshes the screen in case of display anomalies. Shortcut
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6.2 6.2.1
Clicking on or on Print Data on the File menu (Figure 44) or pressing Ctrl + S, you enter the Print Data management window:
Figure 53: PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select what you want to print. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list. Front page produces the cover page of a report.
Printing drawing
Clicking on Print Drawing on the File menu (Figure 44), you enter the Print Drawing management window:
Figure 54: PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select which item will be printed on the item. The Normalized scale check box will make the drawing printed with a regular scale (e.g. 1/50, 1/100).
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It is possible to Zoom in on or out of the Section view thanks to the Zoom Toolbar:
Figure 55: ZOOM TOOLBAR A first click on the Zoom button (Figure 55) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 51) changes the cursor in and allows you to zoom in the section view by simple click on it. A second click on the Zoom button (Figure 55) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 51) changes back the cursor in and allows you to work on your zoomed section view. To zoom out of the section view, you can: Click on the No Zoom (1:1) button (Figure 55) to bring back the view to the initial size.
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Table of Figure
Figure 1: MARSIN ............................................................................................................................ 3 Figure 2: MAIN DATA WINDOW ..................................................................................................... 5 Figure 3: EXTENSION HEIGHTS .................................................................................................... 6 Figure 4: STRENGTH WINDOW ..................................................................................................... 6 Figure 5: FATIGUE DATA WINDOW .............................................................................................. 7 Figure 6: WELD CONFIGURATION WINDOW ............................................................................... 8 Figure 7: SHIP STATE WINDOW.................................................................................................... 8 Figure 8: HOLD DATA WINDOW .................................................................................................... 9 Figure 9: MARSIN TOOLBAR........................................................................................................ 10 Figure 10: PANEL LIST.................................................................................................................. 10 Figure 11 : CREATION-DELETION TOOLBAR............................................................................. 11 Figure 12: PANEL MANAGEMENT WINDOW .............................................................................. 11 Figure 13: NODE MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................................................... 13 Figure 14: ROUND SHAPE WIZARD ............................................................................................ 15 Figure 15: TANGENT ARC DATA ................................................................................................. 17 Figure 16: ARC DATA.................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 17: CORRUGATED DATA.................................................................................................. 20 Figure 18: INTERSECTION Y ENTERED ..................................................................................... 21 Figure 19: INTERSECTION Z ENTERED...................................................................................... 22 Figure 20: INTERSECTION WITH NODE ..................................................................................... 23 Figure 21: OTHER TOOL MENU................................................................................................... 24 Figure 22: STRAKE MANAGEMENT WINDOW ........................................................................... 26 Figure 23: STIFFENER MANAGEMENT WINDOW ...................................................................... 27 Figure 24: STIFFENER TYPE ....................................................................................................... 29 Figure 25: SPECIAL ITEM ............................................................................................................. 30 Figure 26: BRACKETS ITEM......................................................................................................... 30 Figure 27: TRANSVERSE STIFFENING MANAGEMENT WINDOW ........................................... 32 Figure 28: BRACKET AT START ITEM......................................................................................... 33 Figure 29: BRACKET AT END ITEM ............................................................................................. 33 Figure 30: SPECIAL SPAN MANAGEMENT WINDOW ................................................................ 34 Figure 31 : COMPARTMENTS AND LOADS TOOLBAR .............................................................. 35 Figure 32 : COMPARTMENTS MANAGEMENT WINDOW .......................................................... 35 Figure 33: COMPARTMENT-DIMENSION WINDOW ................................................................... 36 Figure 34: COMPARTMENT-DIMENSION WINDOW (2) ............................................................. 37 Figure 35: COMPARTMENT LOAD WINDOW.............................................................................. 38 Figure 36: RESONANCE - INCLINED SHIP CONDITION ............................................................ 39 Figure 37: RESONANCE - UPRIGHT SHIP CONDITION............................................................. 39 Figure 38: RISK OF RESONANCE (2) .......................................................................................... 40 Figure 39: DECK LOAD MANAGEMENT WINDOW ..................................................................... 40 Figure 40: DECK LOAD MANAGEMENT WINDOW (2)................................................................ 41 Figure 41 : WHEEL LOAD DATA WINDOW ................................................................................. 42 Figure 42: FATIGUE MANAGEMENT WINDOW .......................................................................... 43 Figure 43: FATIGUE DETAILS ...................................................................................................... 43 Figure 44: FILE MENU................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 45: EDIT MENU .................................................................................................................. 45 Figure 46: SECTION MENU .......................................................................................................... 46 Figure 47: CHECK MENU.............................................................................................................. 46 Figure 48: SPAN SUB-MENU ........................................................................................................ 47 Figure 49: LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS SUB-MENU................................................................ 47 Figure 50: TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS SUB-MENU.................................................................. 47 Figure 51: TOOLS MENU .............................................................................................................. 48 Figure 52: OPTIONS MENU .......................................................................................................... 48 Figure 53: PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW .................................................................... 49 Figure 54: PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................................ 49 Figure 55: ZOOM TOOLBAR......................................................................................................... 50
Bureau Veritas
Users guide
MARINE DIVISION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 17 bis, place des Reflets La Dfense 2 92077 Paris La Dfense Cedex Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 91 Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 98
Chapter 1 : 1.1 1.2 1.3
1.3.1 1.3.2
HULL GIRDER LOADS........................................................................ 9 SECTION MODULI ............................................................................ 10 ULTIMATE STRENGTH .................................................................... 11 NET/GROSS MODULI....................................................................... 11 STRAKES ............................................................................... 12
Chapter 6 : 6.1
STRAKES .......................................................................................... 20 LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS ......................................................... 21 STRESSES ............................................................................. 22 RATIO ..................................................................................... 23 MAIN FEATURES ................................................................... 25
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ZOOM................................................................................................ 29
Table of Figure................................................................................................ 30
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The MARSRULE module allows to check a section according to Bureau Veritas Rules for Classification of Steel Ships. It checks:
the strength characteristics of the hull girder, the scantling of the continuous longitudinal members strakes and longitudinal ordinary stiffeners, the scantling of the transverse ordinary stiffeners.
MARSRULE is able to perform calculations in any section all along the ship length. The sections are to be defined as described in the booklet Definition of a section. The module allowing to perform the calculations for a given section is organized around the following application:
Figure 1: MARSRULE Warning Box: displays warning message when MARSRULE detects incoherence in the Section definition. Section View: displays a view of the section.
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button or on Compute
When you launch MARSRULE module or you click on the Compute section section on the File menu (Figure 18), the Compute section window is displayed:
Figure 2: COMPUTE SECTION WINDOW This window allows selecting one or several types of calculation from the following list: Geometric properties.
Hull girder loads; check of section modulus and inertia. Yielding check. Ultimate strength check. Plating and longitudinal ordinary stiffeners. Transverse ordinary stiffeners. Structural details (fatigue) Replacement thickness. Shear (gross scantling).
Warning: Rule calculations for dredgers have not yet been implemented. Rule options tab SHEAR FORCE: As required by the Rules, the shear stress is taken into account in criteria applied to strakes and longitudinal ordinary stiffeners (ships greater than 90 m in length). Consequently, exhaustive rule verification assumes that the user has defined a value of design still water shear force.
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If this value is not entered, Mars uses a default shear stress as defined in Rules (ships greater than 90 m in length). Clicking on Shear Force check box the calculation takes into account the input value of design still water shear force. If this value has not been defined (it means, equal to rezo), there is a warning. TORQUE: Clicking on Torque check box the calculation takes into account stresses due to torque moment. To do that, a torsion model, for which the calculations have been performed and saved into the database, has to be selected. Load cases (a, b, c, d) This list allows carrying out the hull scantling calculations for all the load cases (normal rule scantling) or only for a particular one, it means: load case a,
load case b, load case c, load case d, dynamic pressure (resonance due to Roll), dynamic pressure (resonance due to Sway).
Ultimate options tab Choosing the Ultimate strength check calculation it is possible to require calculations based on different assumptions. The rule calculation is based on: the net scantling for the section,
the Standard control for Solution item, the Fixed horizontal/vertical curvatures ratio for Moment item, with a ratio value equal to zero.
Elastic ideally plastic behaviour Standard control Plate failure mode Beam-column failure mode Flexural-torsional failure mode Local (web) failure mode
Fixed vertical bending moment Fixed horizontal bending moment Fixed horizontal/vertical bending moments ratio Fixed vertical/horizontal bending moments ratio Fixed horizontal/vertical curvatures ratio Fixed vertical/horizontal curvatures ratio
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Miscellaneous options tab Clicking on User defined value option button launchs the calculation with the user defined vertical wave bending moment, in case of the user has entered correspondinge values in the Main Section data. In that case, the section is not evaluated according to the Rules.
The following section gives some guidance about two concepts widely used in MARS, the net scantling and the Elementary Plate Panel.
Net Scantling
Depending on the rule criteria, the calculations have to be performed with the gross or with the net scantling of the section. Gross scantling: hull girder strength criteria (bottom and deck moduli; yielding check) Net scantling: verification of the scantling of the strakes and ordinary stiffeners, including fatigue calculation for structural details; ultimate strength check of the hull girder. In MARS, Actual Net Scantling refers to a scantling automatically deduced by the program from the Actual Gross Scantling.This evaluation, for every stake and every stiffener, is based on the location of the considered element in the section and on the attribute Main destination of the compartments surrounding the element. The Main destination defines the corrosion margin to be applied to the element.
The rule criteria apply to every strake and every stiffener. But, even is the approval process has to be performed at the stake level, the calculations are performed at a more elementary level, the Elementary Plate Panel which is a unit of plating stiffened on its four sides. So, local calculations for plating are always performed E.P.P by E.P.P. The syntheses of calculations are made at the strake level. We may distinguish two cases: PLATING LONGITUDINALLY STIFFENED An elementary plate panel (E.P.P.) is the unit of plating bordered by two longitudinal ordinary stiffeners and limited by the primary transverse structure. To check the strake S2, MARSRULE checks the EPPs 1,2, 3 and 4. The EPP 1 and 4 are assumed to have the thickness of strake S2. But, when checking the strake S3, MARSRULE reuses, as first EPP of the strake S3, EPP 4 with an assumed thickness equal to S3 thickness.
PLATING TRANSVERSALLY STIFFENED An elementary plate panel (E.P.P.) is the unit of plating bordered by two transverse ordinary stiffeners and limited by the primary longitudinal structure. To check strake S2, MARSRULE calculates the large EPP 1 assumed to have an homogeneous thickness equal to the thickness of strake S2.
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Clicking on the Geometric properties button or on Geometric properties on the View menu (Figure 19), The user enter the Geometric properties result window:
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The program provides results for Gross scantling and Net scantling. All results except gross area are effective values: it means that, compared to the calculation of gross area, the program takes into account mechanical properties as: Young modulus: the calculation, is provided assuming an homogeneous material with Young modulus equal to: 206.000 N/mm2, for a ship built in steel 70.000 N/mm2, for a ship built in aluminium alloy Ship built in steel: The program corrects the areas by multiplying by the hereunder ratio which takes into account the actual Young modulus and c coefficient of the material of the considered plating. Actual Young modulus / (206.000 * c) Ship built in aluminium alloy: The program corrects the areas by multiplying by the hereunder ratio which takes into account the actual Young modulus of the material of the considered plating. Actual Young modulus / 70.000
Bending efficiency: when strakes and longitudinal stiffeners are defined with a bending efficiency different from 100%%, it means that they do not have a full contribution to the overall strength. To take their effective contribution into account, the area of these elements is multiplied by the actual value of the bending efficiency coefficient.
Effective area of cross-section: different from gross area when strakes and longitudinal stiffeners are defined with a bending efficiency different from 100.
A modulus is calculated at a distance Vt from neutral axis in case where there are continuous trunks and longitudinal hatch coamings contributing to the longitudinal strength. This Vt value is evaluated in a point defined by its coordinates b (Y coordinate) and V1 (distance to neutral axis). This point is the one that leads to the maximum value of Vt. Half section tab The results displayed are relevant to the half section only (Fig. 14). Moreover the program prints for the whole section a list of the different types of stiffeners existing in the section and a list of thickness with their corresponding length in the section.
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Figure 5: GLOBAL STRENGTH CRITERIA RESULT WINDOW (1) Still water bending moment The value of the design still water bending moments used to calculate the section are evaluated as follows: Equal+ to local still water moments (builders proposal) entered in the module Definition of a section for the current section, if they have been defined.
Otherwise, equal to the values calculated at the longitudinal location of the section according to the rule
distribution law. The maximum value of this distribution is equal to the still water moments (builders proposal) entered in the module Basic ship data if they have been defined. Otherwise, the program uses the rule permissible still water bending moments.
Wave bending moment Design vertical wave bending moments are basically rule value. However if the user has defined values in input process and if he has explicitly required non-rule calculation, these value are used and printed out.
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Figure 6: GLOBAL STRENGTH CRITERIA RESULT WINDOW (2) The global characteristics of a section subject to rule criteria are: The moduli at bottom, at deck at side and at a distance Vt.
Only for midship section, the moment of inertia of the section about the neutral axis.
The rule values of modulus at bottom, at deck at side and at a distance Vt are based on design bending moments. The program displays a summary allowing comparing the rule values of moduli to the actual values. The red color means that the actual value does not comply with the rule one. Even in the case of non-compliance with rules, the actual values are used for the calculations of the local rule scantlings.
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Figure 8: GLOBAL STRENGTH CRITERIA RESULT WINDOW (4) Local stress calculations are based on the actual net scantling. But, if one of the actual net moduli is 90% less then its corresponding actual gross moduli, local stress calculations are based on 90% of the actual gross scantling.
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Chapter 4 : STRAKES
or on Strakes on the View menu (Figure 19), you enter the Strakes result
The purpose of this calculation is to check in a given section the actual scantling of strakes contributing to the longitudinal strength of the ship. The window display the results at strake level or in more detailed way for each elementary plate panel forming the strake. To highlight the strake anomalies if the actual value of considered result is lower then rule value this latter become red.
Gross frame Thickness Sig Nor Tau Nor Sig Comb Actual Gross thickness of the strake. Normal stress induced by vertical bending moments. Shear stress induced by vertical bending moments. Normal stress induced by torque and bending moments. Rule Maximum of Rule thick. Load and Rule Thick. Mini added with the corrosion margin of the strake. Rule normal stress induced by vertical bending moments. Rule shear stress induced by vertical bending moments. Rule normal stress induced by torque and bending moments.
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Shear stress induced by torque and bending moments. Actual Net thickness of the strake.
Net thickness of the strake. In plane hull girder compression normal stress. The output value is the one obtained on the E.P.P. where the ratio Rule/Actual is the harshest. In plane hull girder shear stress. The output value is the one obtained on the E.P.P. where the ratio Rule/Actual is the harshest.
Rule Thickness based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. It is calculated on each E.P.P. considered by the program. The output value of Thick. Load is the maximum one. Minimum rule thickness. Maximum of the values calculated on each E.P.P. Critical buckling stress based on Euler stress. The output value is the one obtained on the E.P.P. where the ratio Rule/Actual is the harshest. Critical buckling shear stress based on Euler stress. The output value is the one obtained on the E.P.P. where the ratio Rule/Actual is the harshest.
Tau Buck.
Yielding tab This tab gives details of the Thick. Load result on the E.P.P. where it is maximized. Thick Thickness based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Ps Still water pressure. Pw Wave pressure. SigX1 In-plane hull girder normal stress. Tau1 In-plane hull girder shear stress. Load references SEA Sea pressure LIQ i Liquid pressure BULK i Bulk pressure SEALIQ I Differential pressure due to sea and internal liquid cargo SEABULK I Differential pressure due to sea and internal bulk cargo FLOOD I Pressure in flooding condition Slosh I Sloshing pressure Impact i Impact pressure Wheel Wheel load UniCarg Dry uniform cargo pressure AccDeck Accomodation For the code described hereabove the figure i mean: number of the compartment, the data of which are used in the calculation of pressure.
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Chapter 5 : STIFFENERS
The purpose of this calculation is to check in a given section the actual scantling of longitudinal stiffeners contributing to the longitudinal strength of the ship. To highlight the stiffener anomalies if the actual value of considered result is lower then rule value this latter become red.
Gross frame Modulus Sig Nor Tau Nor Sig Comb Tau Comb Actual Modulus of the stiffener based on its gross scantling. Normal stress induced by vertical bending moments. Shear stress induced by vertical bending moments. Normal stress induced by torque and bending moments. Shear stress induced by torque and bending moments. Rule Rule normal stress induced by vertical bending moments. Rule shear stress induced by vertical bending moments. Rule normal stress induced by torque and bending moments. Rule shear stress induced by torque and bending moments.
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Net frame Modulus Shear Area Thick. Mini Sigma Buck. Actual Modulus of the stiffener based on its net scantling. Shear area of the stiffener based on its net scantling. Net thickness of the stiffener web. In plane hull girder compression normal stress. The output value is the one obtained for maximal ratio Rule/Actual. In plane hull girder compression normal stress. The output value is the one obtained for maximal ratio Rule/Actual. Modulus of the stiffener based on its net scantling Rule Modulus based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Shear area based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Minimum rule thickness. Critical buckling stress based on Euler stress. The output value is the one obtained for maximal ratio Rule/Actual. Ultimate strength stress. The output value is the obtained for maximal ratio Rule/Actual. Modulus based on external or internal design pressure range and on the overall bending stress range.
Ult. Strength
Modulus tab This tab gives details of the net modulus result. W Modulus based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Ps Still water pressure. Pw Wave pressure. SigX1 In-plane hull girder normal stress. Spac Spacing of the stiffener. Span Span of the stiffener. Shear A. tab This tab gives details of the shear area result. S Area Shear area based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Ps Still water pressure. Pw Wave pressure. Spac Spacing of the stiffener. Span Span of the stiffener. Ult. Str. tab This tab gives details of the Ult. Strangth result. SigU Ultimate strength stress. The output value is the obtained for maximal ratio Rule/Actual. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Ps Still water pressure. Pw Wave pressure. SigX1 In plane hull girder compression normal stress. Spac Spacing of the stiffener. Span Span of the stiffener. Load references SEA LIQ i Sea pressure Liquid pressure
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BULK i Bulk pressure SEALIQ I Differential pressure due to sea and internal liquid cargo SEABULK I Differential pressure due to sea and internal bulk cargo FLOOD I Pressure in flooding condition Slosh I Sloshing pressure Impact i Impact pressure Wheel Wheel load UniCarg Dry uniform cargo pressure AccDeck Accomodation For the code described hereabove the figure i mean: number of the compartment, the data of which are used in the calculation of pressure.
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Clicking on the Transverse stiffeners button enter the Transverse stiffeners result window:
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Gross frame Modulus Net frame Modulus Shear Area Thick. Mini Actual Modulus of the stiffener based on its net scantling. Shear area of the stiffener based on its net scantling. Net thickness of the stiffener web. Rule Modulus based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Shear area based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Minimum rule thickness. Actual Modulus of the stiffener based on its gross scantling.
Modulus tab This tab gives details of the net modulus result. W Modulus based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Ps Still water pressure. Pw Wave pressure. Max Code indicating the position along the stiffener where the ratio Rule/Actual is maximal. The possible items of position are described hereafter. Spac Spacing of the stiffener. Span Span of the stiffener. Shear A. tab This tab gives details of the shear area result. S Area Shear area based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Max Code indicating the position along the stiffener where the ratio Rule/Actual is maximal. The possible items of position are described hereafter.
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Ps Pw Spac Span
Still water pressure. Wave pressure. Spacing of the stiffener. Span of the stiffener.
Load references SEA Sea pressure LIQ i Liquid pressure BULK i Bulk pressure SEALIQ I Differential pressure due to sea and internal liquid cargo SEABULK I Differential pressure due to sea and internal bulk cargo FLOOD I Pressure in flooding condition Slosh I Sloshing pressure Impact i Impact pressure Wheel Wheel load UniCarg Dry uniform cargo pressure AccDeck Accomodation For the code described hereabove the figure i mean: number of the compartment, the data of which are used in the calculation of pressure. Position references Start Start of the stiffener (panel direction) End End of the stiffener (panel direction) Between Point where the moment is maximal.
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Chapter 7 : RENEWAL
Figure 14 : STRAKE RENEWAL RESULT WINDOW Thickness frame Actual Gross thickness of the strake. Renewal Maximum of tRi. Thickness detailed frame ti Minimum Minimum net thickness. Yielding Thickness based on external or internal design pressure and on a stress factor depending on the overall bending stress. Buck. Comp. Compression buckling net thickness. Buck. Shear Shear buckling net thickness. tRi Minimum renewal thickness. Renewal thickness of plating subjected to lateral pressure and wheel loads. Compression buckling renewal thickness. Shear buckling renewal thickness.
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Thickness frame Actual Web thick Actual web thickness Flange thick Actual flange thickness Thick Dat tab Web % Buck
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Chapter 8 : STRESSES
or on Stresses on the View menu (Figure 19), you enter the Stresses result
Figure 16 : STRESSES RESULT WINDOW The distribution of stresses is calculated for unitary internal forces using the geometry of the section. The actual stresses are obtained by multiplying the unit stresses by the value of the internal forces stored for each loading conditions. The stress display are induced by:
Vertical Shear Force; Horizontal Shear Force; Saint Venant torque; Warping torque; Warping moment.
When you click in the section view the window shows the value for the selected segment in Start and End fields.
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Chapter 9 : RATIO
or on Ratio on the View menu (Figure 19), you enter the Ratio result window :
Figure 17 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW This window allows to select one or several types of ratio from the following list : Hull girder strength.
Local strength Strakes. Local strength Stiffeners. Local strength Transverse stiffeners. Corrosion.
Hereafter the different type of ratio available for each item. Hull girder strength All
Local strength Strakes All
Thickness Load Thickness Mini Buckling Normal stress Buckling Shear stress
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Thickness Load Net modulus Net shear area Buckling Normal stress Ultimate strength Thickness Mini Fatigue
Local strength Transverse stiffeners All
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10.1 MENU
File Menu It allows to launch the calculation, to print and to quit MARSRULE.
Figure 18 : FILE MENU Item Compute section Print Results Print Drawing Export Quit Use allows to set calculation options (see 1.3). prints the calculation results (see 1.4.1). Prints a drawing of a section (see 1.4.2). Quits MARSRULE to return to MARSHELL. Shortcut Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Q
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Item Geometric properties Global strength criteria Strakes Stiffeners Transverse stiffeners Stresses Ratio Plot hull girder ultimate strength
Use displays the geometric properties results window (see 2). displays the Hull girder strength criteria results window (see 3). displays the Strake results window (see 4). displays the Stiffener results window (see 5). displays the Transverse stiffener results window (see 6). displays the Stresses results window (see 7). displays the Ratio results window (see 8). displays the Hull girder ultimate strength results window (see 9).
Figure 20 : CHECK MENU Item Materials Bending Efficiencies Span Thickness Longitudinal stiffeners Positions Codes Transverse stiffeners Use displays the strakes and stiffeners with a different color for each material. displays the strakes and stiffeners with a different color for each bending efficiency. (see Figure 21) displays the strakes with a different color for each thickness. (see Figure 22) displays the segments with a different color for each position code. (see Figure 23) Shortcut
Figure 21 : SPAN SUB-MENU Item Spacing of primary transverse structures Effective Span Use displays the strakes with a different color for each span. displays the strakes and stiffeners with a different color for each span. Shortcut
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Figure 22 : LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS SUB-MENU Item Stiffeners scantling Bracket scantling Bracket length Span reduction Use displays the stiffeners with a different color for each stiffener scantling. displays the brackets with a different color for each bracket scantling. displays the brackets length. displays the span reduction. Shortcut
Figure 23 : TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS SUB-MENU Item Stiffeners scantling Stiffeners spacing Tools menu : Use displays the transverse stiffening zones with a different color for each scantling of those transverse. displays the transverse stiffening zones with a different color for each spacing of those transverse. Shortcut
Figure 24 : TOOLS MENU Item Display always Preferences Zoom Refresh section Previous panel Next panel Copy to clipboard Debug Occurs on panel View File EPP Use allows to set drawing preferences. displays a set up window for the drawing preferences on the screen or a printer. allows to zoom in (see 10.3). refreshes the screen in case of display anomalies. changes the current panel to the previous one. changes the current panel to the next one. Allows to paste the section drawing in any other application displays occurrence attributes for one panel in the section. displays yielding values for all the Elementary Plate Panel in the section. Shortcut
F9 F5 F6 Ctrl + C
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displays modulus values for all the stiffeners in the section. displays Ultimate strength values for all the stiffeners in the section. displays Elementary Plate Panel attributes for one panel in the section.
Clicking on or on Print Results on the File menu (Figure 18) or pressing Ctrl + P, you enter the Print Results management window :
Figure 25 : PRINT RESULTS MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select what you want to print. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list. Front page produces the cover page of a report.
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Printing drawing
Clicking on Print Drawing on the File menu (Figure 18), you enter the Print Drawing management window :
Figure 26 : PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select which item will be printed on the item. The Normalized scale check box will make the drawing printed with a regular scale (e.g. 1/50, 1/100,).
10.3 ZOOM
It is possible to Zoom in on or out of the Section view thanks to the Zoom Toolbar:
Figure 27 : ZOOM TOOLBAR A first click on the Zoom button (Figure 27) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 24) changes the cursor in and allows you to zoom in the section view by simple click on it. A second click on the Zoom button (Figure 27) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 24) changes back the cursor in and allows you to work on your zoomed section view. To zoom out of the section view, you can : click on the No Zoom (1:1) button (Figure 27) to bring back the view to the initial size.
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Table of Figure
Figure 1: MARSRULE ...................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2: COMPUTE SECTION WINDOW ...................................................................................... 4 Figure 3: GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES RESULT WINDOW ............................................................ 7 Figure 4: GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES RESULT WINDOW (HALF) ............................................... 7 Figure 5: GLOBAL STRENGTH CRITERIA RESULT WINDOW (1) ............................................... 9 Figure 6: GLOBAL STRENGTH CRITERIA RESULT WINDOW (2) ............................................. 10 Figure 7: GLOBAL STRENGTH CRITERIA RESULT WINDOW (3) ............................................. 11 Figure 8: GLOBAL STRENGTH CRITERIA RESULT WINDOW (4) ............................................. 11 Figure 9: STRAKES RESULT WINDOW ....................................................................................... 12 Figure 10: LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS RESULT WINDOW.................................................... 14 Figure 11: TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS RESULT WINDOW(1).................................................. 17 Figure 12: TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS RESULT WINDOW(2).................................................. 17 Figure 13: TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS RESULT WINDOW(3).................................................. 18 Figure 14 : STRAKE RENEWAL RESULT WINDOW ................................................................... 20 Figure 15 : STIFFENER RENEWAL RESULT WINDOW .............................................................. 21 Figure 16 : STRESSES RESULT WINDOW.................................................................................. 22 Figure 17 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW .......................................................................................... 23 Figure 18 : FILE MENU .................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 19 : VIEW MENU ................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 20 : CHECK MENU ............................................................................................................. 26 Figure 21 : SPAN SUB-MENU ....................................................................................................... 26 Figure 22 : LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS SUB-MENU ............................................................... 27 Figure 23 : TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS SUB-MENU ................................................................. 27 Figure 24 : TOOLS MENU ............................................................................................................. 27 Figure 25 : PRINT RESULTS MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................................. 28 Figure 26 : PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................................ 29 Figure 27 : ZOOM TOOLBAR ........................................................................................................ 29
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Users guide
MARINE DIVISION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 17 bis, place des Reflets La Dfense 2 92077 Paris La Dfense Cedex Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 91 Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 98
Chapter 1 : 1.1 1.2 1.3 GENERAL COMMENTS ........................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 3 A GOOD WAY TO CREATE A BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT ........... 3 BHAIN INTERFACE............................................................................. 4 MAIN SECTION DATA.............................................................. 5
MAIN DATA ......................................................................................... 5 HOLD DATA ........................................................................................ 6 SHIP STATE........................................................................................ 6 BULKHEAD GEOMETRY ......................................................... 7
INPUT SEQUENCE ............................................................................. 7 CREATION AND DELETION OF DATA .............................................. 8 BULKHEAD DATA ............................................................................... 9 NODE BUTTON : GEOMETRY OF THE BULKHEAD......................... 9
Nodes and segments Circles Tangent arc Arc 9 10 10 13
3.5 3.6
3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4
3.10 3.12
3.12.1 3.12.2
3.11................................................................................................................... 23
ZOOM ................................................................................................ 25
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BhaIn allows the input of any bulkhead arrangement along the ship length. A bulkhead arrangement is a set of bulkheads located at the same longitudinal position. The bulkhead is described by:
Its geometry and scantling. Primary and ordinary stiffeners. Forward and aftward compartments.
Figure 1 : BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT CREATION There are two ways to modelise a bulkhead arrangement:
The second way (from a section) is the fastest: it automatically detects the bulkhead geometry based on the compartments. It also initializes the compartment data.
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The module allowing to input the data of a bulkhead is organized around the following application:
Figure 2 :BHAIN Warning Box : displays warning message when BHAIN detects incoherence in the bulkhead definition. Bulkhead arrangement view : displays a view of the bulkhead arangement.
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The first tab of the main bulkhead arrangement data window allows to define a identification of bulkhead, the X longitudinal location of the bulkhead and also the type of section used to define the bulkhead.
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The second tab of the main bulkhead arrangement data window allows defining the hold data. These values have to be filled to calculate bulk pressure.
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There are six main sequences to define the geometry of a bulkhead: Nodes
These different sequences of the geometry description may be accessed by the following toolbar as follows:
Figure 6 : BHAIN TOOLBAR Bulkheads: allows defining the bulkhead name and characteristics. Nodes: allows defining the geometry of the bulkhead by a succession of segments. Primary Stiffeners: allows locating all the primary stiffeners. Ordinary Stiffeners: allows locating all the ordinary stiffeners and to define their scantlings in case of a single or double skin bulkhead. Corrugation: allows defining geometry of a corrugated bulkhead. Strakes: allows locating strake bands and characteristics. Compartments: allows defining forward and aftward compartments. All these input sequences are bulkhead-oriented. It means that, inside an input sequence, the data are available bulkhead by bulkhead. When an input sequence is selected in the toolbar, the program displays generally the data corresponding to the current bulkhead. The current bulkhead is the last selected bulkhead. They are four ways to move from one bulkhead to another: a direct click on the desired bulkhead in the bulkhead arrangement view,
the Next Bulkhead and Previous Bulkhead items on the Tools menu (Figure 24),
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the F6 key to jump to the next bulkhead or the F5 key to jump to the previous bulkhead, using the bulkhead list placed on the right-hand corner of BHAIN :
In each input sequence, you can create or delete data: Bulkheads : creation or deletion of a bulkhead
Nodes : creation or deletion of a segment Primary stiffeners : creation or deletion of a primary stiffener Ordinary stiffeners : creation or deletion of a secondary stiffener Strakes : creation or deletion of a strake band
Figure 8 : CREATION-DELETION TOOLBAR For example, if you want to create a new bulkhead click on the bulkhead button (Figure 6), the Bulkhead management window (Figure 9) is displayed,
Inversely, if you want to delete an existing panel, click on the bulkhead button (Figure 6), select the bulkhead you want to delete, click on the deletion button (Figure 8).
To create data, it is also possible to hit the F12 key instead of clicking the creation button. Another way to create or delete objects is to use Create object or Delete object on the Tools menu (Figure 24)
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or on Bulkhead on the Bulkhead arrangement menu (Figure 24), you enter
Figure 9 : BULKHEAD MANAGEMENT WINDOW In this window, you can create or delete bulkheads using the creation or the deletion buttons (Figure 8). Identification, a type and material define each bulkhead. Moreover you can enter the stiffeners location as regards compartments near to bulkhead and the secondary stiffeners direction. Bulkhead Identification: up to 40 characters. The bulkhead has to be clearly identified. This identification will appear in input sequences and in output of data and results. Type: single skin, double skin or corrugated. Material: material of bulkhead. Stiffeners are located in the: stiffeners location as regards compartments near to bulkhead. Ordinary Stiffeners are: ordinary stiffeners direction.
3.4 3.4.1
A bulkhead contour is made of contiguous segments of different geometry (straight or circular line). Each segment is described by: its ending node
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First node of a bulkhead or on Nodes on the Bulkhead arrangement menu (Figure 24), you enter the Clicking on the node button Node management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 10 : NODE MANAGEMENT WINDOW Node creation The creation button allows you to create a node extending the bulkhead contour. The deletion button is used to delete nodes. It is also possible to insert a node between two existing nodes by clicking on the Tools menu and selecting Insert node (Figure 24). Next node - Previous node: Those two buttons allow to navigate node by node within a bulkhead. A direct click on the desired node in the bulkhead arrangement view is also possible. Node characteristics Coordinates of the node (in m): The Y and Z coordinates of the current node. Segment characteristics The characteristics of the segment between the current node and the previous one consist in: Curve Type: it specifies the type of the segment. : straight line : tangent arc (see : arc (see
arc button Tangent arc The Tangent Arc button is a way of defining circular segment tangent to both segments enclosing it. Therefore you have to create the nodes for the three segments (the circular one end its adjacent).
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Example of input of bilge with a flat bottom For a rise of keel, you enter: Node 1 2 3 4 Y Coordinate 0. 10. Z Coordinate 0. 10. Click On to create a node. to create a node. to create a node.
Click on segment 2 (node 3) and hit on the Arc Tangent button (Figure 10).The window here after is displayed on screen :
Figure 11 : TANGENT ARC DATA R (in m): Radius of the circle YTan and ZTan (in m) : Y and Z coordinates of the tangent intersection of the enclosing segments. The coordinates of the first and the last nodes on this segment are automatically calculated and cannot be changed. The result is:
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Example of input of bilge with rise of keel For example, for a rise of keel, you enter: Node 1 2 3 4 5 Y Coordinate 0. 2. 10. Z Coordinate 0. 0. 10. Click On to create a node. to create a node. to create a node. to create a node.
Click on segment 3 (node 4) and hit on the Arc Tangent button (Figure 10). The window here after is displayed on screen:
Bureau Veritas Arc The Arc button can be used to define any circular segment. The coordinates of the first and the last nodes on this segment have to be input. The definition of an arc is completed by means of the window here after. It is displayed on screen, hitting arc button when the current node is the last node of the circle
Figure 19 : ARC DATA R (in m) : Radius of the circle. With this method, you can define any kind of circular segment. For example:
All the primary stiffeners existing on the bulkhead have to be defined by their position and their coordinate. They are automatically numbered, starting at number 1 for each bulkhead. Clicking on the Primary stiffeners button (Figure 6) or on Primary stiffeners on the Bulkhead Arrangement menu (Figure 24), you enter the Primary stiffener management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 12 : PRIMARY STIFFENER MANAGEMENT WINDOW The creation and the deletion buttons (Figure 8) allow you to create or delete primary stiffeners. Position: horizontal or vertical. To select a primary stiffener, click on a primary stiffener in the bulkhead arrangement view or in the previous/next button. Z/Y (in m): coordinate of primary stiffener.
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3.6 3.6.1
Clicking on the Secondary Stiffener button (Figure 6) or on Secondary Stiffeners on the Bulkhead Arrangement menu (Figure 24), you enter the Secondary Stiffener management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 13 : SECONDARY STIFFENER MANAGEMENT WINDOW The location is done by defining a coordinate of stiffener. The creation and the deletion buttons (Figure 6) or the Stiffener Wizard button (see 3.6.2) allow you to create or delete stiffener. Stiffener List: Display of the stiffeners defined on the current bulkhead and of their scantling. The list shows: the stiffener number and its scantling. The stiffeners selected are the current stiffeners. Selection of one stiffener click the stiffener in the Stiffener List or in the Bulkhead Arrangement view. Selection of stiffeners that are next to each other select the first stiffener you want to select; hold down the SHIFT key and click the last stiffener you want to select. select in the list the first stiffener you want to select, hold down the mouse button and drag the selection to the last stiffener you want. Selection of stiffeners that are not next to each other hold down the CTRL key, and then click each stiffener you want to select. Material: allows changing the current stiffener material which, by default, is the supporting bulkhead one. Spacing (in m): spacing of the selected stiffeners.
Stiffener Wizard
The stiffener wizard is the best way to easily define a group of stiffeners regularly spaced.
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Clicking on the Stiffener Wizard button you enter the Secondary stiffeners creation window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 14 : SECONDARY STIFFENERS CREATION WINDOW Start position (in m): coordinate of first stiffener. Spacing (in m): spacing of considered stiffeners. Number: number of considered stiffeners.
In case of flat or bulb type, flange characteristics arent available. If none type is chosen, the stiffener is considered as a NULL type which is defined in 3.6.4. Web Height (in mm): Height of stiffener web (H1). Web Thickness (in mm): Thickness of stiffener web (E1). Flange Height (in mm): Width of stiffener flange (H2). Flange Thickness (in mm): Thickness of stiffener flange (E2).
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Null type
A stiffener with NULL type has no effect on the geometric characteristics (areas, inertia, moduli) of the bulkhead.
and Corrugated item on the Bulkhead
Arrangement menu (Figure 24) become active; clicking on one of these you enter the Corrugation management window where these inputs are performed:
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Clicking on the Strakes button (Figure 6) or on Strakes on the Bulkhead Arrangement menu (Figure 24), you enter the Strake band management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 15 : STRAKE BAND MANAGEMENT WINDOW During a first input, there is a strake automatically created on each bulkhead with width equal to the width of the bulkhead. The creation and the deletion buttons (Figure 6) in the Tool bar allow you to create or delete vertical strakes. To create or delete horizontal strakes you have to use the creation and the deletion buttons located in Horizontal distribution frame. Creating a strake means to divide the strake selected in the strake list (Figure 29) into two strakes of same characteristics, thickness and material, and with width equal to the half width. Vertical Strake List: display of the number and limit of the strakes defined on the current bulkhead. The strake selected is the current strake. To select a strake, click on a strake in the list or in the Bulkhead Arrangement view. Horizontal Strake List: display of the number, limit and thickness of the strakes defined on the current bulkhead. The strake selected is the current strake Thickness (in mm): thickness of the current strake. Material: material of the current strake.
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Clicking on the compartment button (Figure 13) or on Forward and aftward compartments on the Bulkhead Arrangement menu (Figure 24), you enter the Compartments management window:
Figure 16 : COMPARTMENTS MANAGEMENT WINDOW In this window, you can define the data for forward and aftward compartments. Main destination: main load type. Type: choose a compartment type in the list. The possible types are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tank Double bottom, skin Dry compartment Engine room Boiler compartment Tunnel Hopper well 1 Hopper well 2
Clicking on the Dimensions button (Figure 16), the compartment-dimension window is displayed:
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Breadth (in m): compartment breadth. Height (in m): compartment height. X start (in m): longitudinal location of start compartment from APP. Xg (in m): longitudinal location of compartment center of gravity from APP. The following data may be obtained by calculation clicking on Always use compute values check or by direct input: Yg (in m): center of gravity (Center line). Zg (in m): center of gravity above base line. Zmin/BL (in m): min of compartment from base line. Ztop/BL (in m): top of compartment from base line. If you dont want use the Rule values for highest point / total acceleration click in the related check. The window become:
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Loading cases
Clicking on the Loading Cases button (Figure 16), the compartment load window is displayed:
Figure 19 : COMPARTMENT LOAD WINDOW Type: select a load type. Liquid cargo Load test height (in m): tank testing load height from base line. Air Pipe (in m): distance from top of air pipe height to base line. Density liquid: density of liquid cargo. Setting pressure (in bar): setting pressure of safety valves. Bulk cargo Load in hold (in t): load in hold (bulk or spoil). Density of bulk or spoil (in t): density of bulk or spoil. Friction angle (in ): internal friction angle for bulk. This input allows to define for the same compartment a liquid cargo and a bulk cargo. This facility may be used for ballastable hold in bulk carrier.
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3.10 MENUS
File Menu It allows to manage the bulkheads (save, open), to print and to quit BHAIN.
Figure 20 :FILE MENU Item New Open.. Save Save As Export Drawing Print Data Print Drawing Quit Use Creates a bulkhead. Opens an existing bulkhead. Saves the opened bulkhead. Saves a copy of the bulkhead with another name. Creates a bitmap file from the bulkhead drawing Prints the data of the bulkhead (see 3.12.1). Prints a drawing of a bulkhead (see 1.3.2). Quits BHAIN to return to MARSHELL. Shortcut you can also press Ctrl + O. you can also press Ctrl + S or
Edit Menu It allows to undo the last action or copy the section drawing to clipboard.
Use cancels the last action. allows to paste the section drawing in any other application.
Shortcut Ctrl + Z
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Figure 22 : BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT MENU Item Main data Bulkhead Nodes Primary stiffeners Secondary stiffeners Corrugated Strakes Forward and aftward compartments Check menu It includes checking tools. Use displays the Main Bulkhead Arrangement Data Window (see Chapter 2 :). displays the Bulkhead management window (see 3.3). displays the Nodes management window (see 3.4). displays the Primary stiffeners management window (see 3.5). displays the Secondary stiffeners management window (see 3.6). displays the Corrugation management window (see 3.7). displays the Strake Band management window (see 3.8). displays the Forward and aftward compartments management window (see 3.9). Shortcut
Figure 23 : CHECK MENU Item Check Materials - Strakes Check Materials - Stiffeners Check Thickness Check Secondary Stiffeners scantling Use displays the strakes with a different color for each material. displays the stiffeners with a different color for each material. displays the strakes with a different color for each thickness. displays the secondary stiffeners with a different color for each stiffener scantling. Shortcut
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Tools menu :
Figure 24 : TOOLS MENU Item Add object Delete object Insert node Zoom Previous bulkhead Next bulkhead Options menu Use creates data (see 3.2). deletes data (see 3.2). inserts a node (see 3.4.1 ), this item is available only during the node input sequence. allows to zoom in (see 3.13). changes the current bulkhead to the previous one (see 3.1). changes the current bulkhead to the next one (see 3.1). F5 F6 Shortcut or F12
Figure 25 : OPTIONS MENU Item Preferences Refresh drawing Use displays a set up window for the section drawing on the screen or a printer. refreshes the screen in case of display anomalies. Shortcut
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Clicking on or on Print Data on the File menu (Figure 20) or pressing Ctrl + P, you enter the Print Data management window:
Figure 26 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select what you want to print. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list. Front page produces the cover page of a report.
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Printing drawing
Clicking on Print Drawing on the File menu (Figure 20), you enter the Print Drawing management window:
Figure 27 : PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select which item will be printed on the item. The Normalized scale check box will make the drawing printed with a regular scale (e.g. 1/50, 1/100, ).
3.13 ZOOM
It is possible to Zoom in on or out of the Bulkhead view thanks to the Zoom Toolbar:
Figure 28 : ZOOM TOOLBAR A first click on the Zoom button (Figure 28) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 24) changes the cursor in and allows you to zoom in the bulkhead view by simple click on it. A second click on the Zoom button (Figure 28) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 24) changes back the cursor in and allows you to work on your zoomed bulkhead view. To zoom out of the section view, you can: click on the No Zoom (1:1) button (Figure 28) to bring back the view to the initial size. right-click on the section view when the Zoom button is down.
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Table of Figure
Figure 1 : BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT CREATION ..................................................................... 3 Figure 2 :BHAIN ............................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3 : MAIN DATA WINDOW ....................................................................................................5 Figure 4 : HOLD DATA WINDOW ................................................................................................... 6 Figure 5 : SHIP STATE WINDOW ................................................................................................... 6 Figure 6 : BHAIN TOOLBAR ............................................................................................................ 7 Figure 7 : BULKHEAD LIST ............................................................................................................. 8 Figure 8 : CREATION-DELETION TOOLBAR ................................................................................. 8 Figure 9 : BULKHEAD MANAGEMENT WINDOW .......................................................................... 9 Figure 10 : NODE MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................................................... 10 Figure 11 : TANGENT ARC DATA................................................................................................. 11 Figure 12 : PRIMARY STIFFENER MANAGEMENT WINDOW .................................................... 13 Figure 13 : SECONDARY STIFFENER MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................. 14 Figure 14 : SECONDARY STIFFENERS CREATION WINDOW .................................................. 15 Figure 15 : STRAKE BAND MANAGEMENT WINDOW ................................................................ 17 Figure 16 : COMPARTMENTS MANAGEMENT WINDOW........................................................... 18 Figure 17 : COMPARTMENT-DIMENSION WINDOW .................................................................. 18 Figure 18 : COMPARTMENT-DIMENSION WINDOW (2)............................................................. 19 Figure 19 : COMPARTMENT LOAD WINDOW ............................................................................. 20 Figure 20 :FILE MENU ................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 21 : EDIT MENU.................................................................................................................. 21 Figure 22 : BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT MENU ......................................................................... 22 Figure 23 : CHECK MENU ............................................................................................................. 22 Figure 24 : TOOLS MENU ............................................................................................................. 23 Figure 25 : OPTIONS MENU ......................................................................................................... 23 Figure 26 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW .................................................................... 24 Figure 27 : PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW ............................................................ 25 Figure 28 : ZOOM TOOLBAR ........................................................................................................ 25
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Users guide
MARINE DIVISION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 17 bis, place des Reflets La Dfense 2 92077 Paris La Dfense Cedex Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 91 Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 98
Chapter 1 : 1.1 1.2 1.3 GENERAL COMMENTS ........................................................... 2
CONCEPTS ......................................................................................... 2 MAIN FEATURES................................................................................ 2 COMPUTE BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT.......................................... 3 STRAKE RESULTS .................................................................. 4
ZOOM ................................................................................................ 15
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BhaRule is able to perform calculations in any bulkhead all along the ship length. The bulkheads are to be defined as described in the booklet Definition of a bulkhead arrangement. Local calculations are based on the net scantling of the section. This net scantling is evaluated from the main destination of each compartment. An elementary plate panel (E.P.P.) is a subdivision of plate bordered by primary stiffeners, ordinary stiffeners and bulkhead bounds. Local calculations for plating are always performed by E.P.P. As strakes can be divided in E.P.P., syntheses of calculations are made to the strake level. When a welding joint is located between two stiffeners, the E.P.P. belongs to both jouxting strakes. But it is calculated twice, each time with the thickness of one of the two strakes.
The BhaRule module performs, for plates and ordinary stiffeners located on a transverse bulkhead, rule calculations according to Jap Rules and Regulations for classification of Steel Ships. All the calculations carried out by this module which is explained in this booklet, are relative to the bulkhead arrangement which has been selected in MarsShell. The module allowing to perform the calculation for a given bulkhead arrangement is organized around the following application:
Figure 1 : BHARULE Warning Box : displays warning message when BhaRule detects incoherence in the Bulkhead arrangement definition. Bulkhead Arrangement view : displays a view of the bulkhead arrangement.
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When you launch BhaRule module or you click on the Compute bulkhead arrangement button Compute bulkhead arrangement on the File menu (Figure 2), the following window is displayed:
Figure 2 : COMPUTE BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT WINDOW This window allows carrying out the hull scantling calculation. It is possible to require calculations for only plates or only stiffeners (by default both of them). Options It is possible to require calculations for all the load cases (default value) or for only one of these (e.g. case a, case b,). Moreover, it is possible to select all the bulkheads of the bulkhead arrangement (default ) or only some of them. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list.
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The purpose of this calculation is to check in a given bulkhead the actual scantling of strakes. The window display the results at strake level or in more detailed way for each elementary plate panel forming the strake. To highlight the strake anomalies if the actual value of considered result is lower then rule value this latter become red.
Gross frame Thickness Actual Gross thickness of the strake. Rule Maximum of Rule thick. Load and Rule Thick. Mini added with the corrosion margin of the strake. Rule Thickness based on internal design pressure. It is calculated on each E.P.P. considered by the program. The output value of Thick. Load is the maximum one. Minimum rule thickness. Maximum of the values calculated
Net frame Thick. Load Thick. Mini Actual Net thickness of the strake. Net thickness of the strake.
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on each E.P.P. Yielding tab This tab gives details of the Thick. Load result on the E.P.P. where it is maximized. Thick Thickness based on internal design pressure. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Ps Still water pressure. Pw Wave pressure. Load references LIQ i Liquid pressure BULK i Bulk pressure Slosh I Sloshing pressure Impact i Impact pressure For the code described hereabove the figure i means: number of the compartment, the data of which are used in the calculation of pressure.
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The purpose of this calculation is to check in a given bulkhead the actual scantling of Stiffeners. To highlight the stiffener anomalies if the actual value of considered result is lower then rule value this latter become red.
Gross frame Modulus Net frame Modulus Shear Area Actual Modulus of the stiffener based on its net scantling. Shear area of the stiffener based on its net scantling. Rule Modulus based on internal design pressure. Shear area based on internal design pressure. Actual Modulus of the stiffener based on its gross scantling. Rule
Modulus tab This tab gives details of the net modulus result. W Modulus based on internal design pressure.
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Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Still water pressure. Wave pressure. Code indicating the position along the stiffener where the ratio Rule/Actual is maximal. The possible items of position are described hereafter. Spacing of the stiffener. Span of the stiffener.
Shear A. tab This tab gives details of the shear area result. S Area Shear area based on internal design pressure. Load reference Code indicating the corresponding type of loading and load case. The possible items of loading are described hereafter. Max Code indicating the position along the stiffener where the ratio Rule/Actual is maximal. The possible items of position are described hereafter. Ps Still water pressure. Pw Wave pressure. Spac Spacing of the stiffener. Span Span of the stiffener. Load references LIQ i Liquid pressure BULK i Bulk pressure Slosh I Sloshing pressure Impact i Impact pressure For the code described hereabove the figure i mean: number of the compartment, the data of which are used in the calculation of pressure. Position references Start Lower position on the span. End Upper position on the span. Between Point where the moment is maximal.
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Figure 5 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW The window allows to select one or several types of ratio from the following list: Local strength - Strakes.
Local strength - Secondary. Hereafter the different type of ratio available for each item:
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Clicking on Renewal
Figure 6 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW (1) Thickness frame Actual Gross thickness of the strake. Renewal Maximum of tRi. Thickness detailed frame ti Minimum Minimum net thickness. Yielding Thickness based on internal design pressure. tRi Minimum renewal thickness. Renewal thickness of plating subjected to lateral pressure.
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Figure 7 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW (2) Thickness frame Actual Web thick Actual web thickness Flange thick Actual flange thickness Thick Dat tab Web % Buck Flange
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File Menu It allows to manage the sections (save, open), to print and to quit MARSIN.
Figure 8 : FILE MENU Item Open.. Compute Bulkhead Arrangement Print Data Print Drawing Quit Use opens an existing bulkhead. allows to set calculation options (see 1.3). prints the data of the bulkhead (see 1.4.1). prints a drawing of a bulkhead (see 1.4.2). Quits BHARULE to return to MARSHELL. Shortcut Ctrl + O
Ctrl + P or Ctrl + Q or
Figure 9 : BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT MENU Item Strakes Stiffeners Use displays the Strake results window. displays the Stiffeners results window. Shortcut
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Use displays the strakes with a different color for each material. displays the stiffeners with a different color for each material. displays the strakes with a different color for each thickness. displays the secondary stiffeners with a different color for each stiffener scantling.
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Tools menu :
Figure 11 : TOOLS MENU Item Zoom Previous bulkhead Next bulkhead View File EPP View File Stiff Options menu Use allows to zoom in (see 6.3). changes the current bulkhead to the previous one. changes the current bulkhead to the next one. displays yielding values for all the Elementary Plate Panel in the bulkhead. displays modulus values for all the stiffeners in the bulkhead. Shortcut F5 F6
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Use displays a set up window for the drawing preferences on the screen or a printer. refreshes the screen in case of display anomalies.
6.2 6.2.1
Clicking on or on Print Data on the File menu (Figure 8) or pressing Ctrl + P, you enter the Print Data management window :
Figure 13 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select what you want to print. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list. Front page produces the cover page of a report.
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Printing drawing
Clicking on Print Drawing on the File menu (Figure 8), you enter the Print Drawing management window :
Figure 14 : PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select which item will be printed on the item. The Normalized scale check box will make the drawing printed with a regular scale (e.g. 1/50, 1/100, ).
It is possible to Zoom in on or out of the Section view thanks to the Zoom Toolbar :
Figure 15 : ZOOM TOOLBAR A first click on the Zoom button (Figure 9) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 5) changes the cursor in and allows you to zoom in the section view by simple click on it. A second click on the Zoom button (Figure 9) or on Zoom on the Tools menu (Figure 5) changes back the cursor in and allows you to work on your zoomed section view. To zoom out of the section view, you can : click on the No Zoom (1:1) button (Figure 9) to bring back the view to the initial size.
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Table of Figure
Figure 1 : BHARULE ........................................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2 : COMPUTE BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT WINDOW .................................................... 3 Figure 3 : STRAKE RESULT WINDOW .......................................................................................... 4 Figure 4 : STIFFENER RESULT WINDOW .................................................................................... 6 Figure 5 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW ............................................................................................. 8 Figure 6 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW (1) ........................................................................................ 9 Figure 7 : RATIO RESULT WINDOW (2) ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 8 : FILE MENU.................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 9 : BULKHEAD ARRANGEMENT MENU........................................................................... 11 Figure 10 : CHECK MENU............................................................................................................. 11 Figure 11 : TOOLS MENU ............................................................................................................. 13 Figure 12 : OPTIONS MENU ......................................................................................................... 13 Figure 13 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW ................................................................... 14 Figure 14 : PRINT DRAWING MANAGEMENT WINDOW ........................................................... 15 Figure 15 : ZOOM TOOLBAR........................................................................................................ 15
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Users guide
MARINE DIVISION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 17 bis, place des Reflets La Dfense 2 92077 Paris La Dfense Cedex Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 91 Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 91 52 98
Chapter 1 : 1.1 1.2 GENERAL COMMENTS ........................................................... 2
INPUT SEQUENCE ............................................................................. 3 CREATION AND DELETION OF DATA .............................................. 3 HOLD DATA ........................................................................................ 4 TRANSVERSE BEAM DATA............................................................... 5
Beam Model creation 6
2.5 2.6
TORSION RESULTS ......................................................................... 10 STRESSES........................................................................................ 11 PRINT RESULTS............................................................................... 12 3D View.............................................................................................. 14 GENERAL FEATURES ........................................................... 15
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The calculation is based on a simplified model, correct for large opening ships, where the ship is made of continuous holds and each holds is defined by a section (ship beam with variable section). Each hold is described by: its start position (X coordinate).
its end position (X coordinate). its shape (existing section in MARS file). The user may add on the model transverse and longitudinal beams. The transverse beam must be put at the end on considered hold (end position) and connected to the section defining the hold by an existing node in the section. The longitudinal beam length is not free but is always the same of the hold length where the beam is added.
The module allowing to input the data of a torsion model is organized around the following application:
Figure 1 : TORSION Warning Box: displays warning message when TORSION detects incoherence in the Section definition. Ship view: displays a view of the hold limits and the position of the section defining the holds. Section view: displays a view of the section defining the hold.
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There are four main sequences to define the model of torsion: Holds
These different sequences of the model description may be accessed by the following toolbar as follows :
Figure 2 : TORSION TOOLBAR Holds: allows to define the hold and his characteristics. Transverse Beams: allows to locate and define the transverse beam characteristics. Longitudinal Beams: allows to locate and define the longitudinal beam characteristics. Loads: allows to set the loading condition. They are four ways to move from one hold to another: a direct click on the desired hold in the ship view,
the Next Hold and Previous Hold items on the Tools menu (Figure 21), the F6 key to jump to the next hold or the F5 key to jump to the previous hold, using the panel list placed on the right-hand corner of TORSION :
In the following input sequence, you can create or delete data : Holds : creation or deletion of a hold
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Figure 4 : CREATION-DELETION TOOLBAR For example, if you want to create a new hold click on the hold button (Figure 2), the Hold management window (Figure 5) is displayed,
Inversely, if you want to delete an existing hold, click on the hold button (Figure 2),
select the hold you want to delete, click on the deletion button (Figure 4).
To create data, it is also possible to hit the F12 key instead of clicking the creation button. Another way to create or delete objects is to use Create object or Delete object on the Tools menu (Figure 21)
or on Hold on the Torsion menu (Figure 4), you enter the Hold management
Figure 5 : HOLD MANAGEMENT WINDOW In this window, you can create or delete holds using the creation or the deletion buttons (Figure 4). The holds are automatically numbered, starting at number 1 and with an increasing numbering along the successive holds. Each hold is defined by a start coordinate, a end coordinate and a section defining the shape.
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Torsion Model Name: up to 255 characters. X start (in m): X coordinate of start hold. The X start is always equal to X end of previous hold. X end (in m): X coordinate of end hold. Section: section defining hold shape; can be choose from the existing sections in MARS file. When you choose a section to define a hold shape a triangle in the low part of ship view is added to indicate the position of the section along the ship.
the Transverse beam management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 6 : TRANSVERSE BEAM MANAGEMENT WINDOW In case of the section considered is the total one (not only the symmetric part) the interface shows also a field End Node that means join node for the end of transverse beam and the field Second point to calculate the elongation that means other node in the section that define the hatchway diagonal.
They are automatically numbered, starting at number 1 and with an increasing numbering along the successive beams. TAKE NOTE OF THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRANSVERSE BEAM IN EACH HOLD IS EQUAL TO 3 The delete button is used to delete a beam model.
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Using Add button and Edit button is displayed the Beam Model management window; this is the way to define or change the geometric characteristics of a beam model.
Figure 7 : BEAM MODEL MANAGEMENT WINDOW Input data Using the Check Box placed on the left-hand corner you can define the type of beam.
The beam is defined as a list of nodes connected by the plates: Nodes table X (in m): node coordinate; Z (in m): node coordinate; Area (in m): concentrated area in the node, if any (i. e. stiffener). Plates table Start node: start plate using a node in the node list defined above; End node: end plate using a node in the node list defined above; Thickness (in mm): thickness of plate.
The creation and the deletion buttons (Figure 4) allow you to create or delete nodes and plates.
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Result data (Beam data) displaying when clicking Auto button Inertia(in m ): inertia of the beam; Shear area (in m): shear area of the beam; Torsion constant (in m ): torsion constant of the beam. TAKE NOTE THAT WITHOUT CLICKING AUTO BUTTON THE ABOVE VALUES ARE NOT INITIALISED Clicking on Ok will then create the beam. Clicking on Cancel will close the window but the beam model remains in the list.
4 4
enter the Longitudinal beam management window where these inputs are performed:
Figure 8 : LONGITUDINAL BEAM MANAGEMENT WINDOW The creation and the deletion buttons (Figure 4) allow you to create or delete Longitudinal beams. TAKE NOTE OF THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LONGITUDINAL BEAM IN EACH HOLD IS EQUAL TO 3 Each longitudinal beam is defined by the coordinates, area and bending efficiency. Y (in m): Y coordinate of center of gravity; Z (in m): Z coordinate of center of gravity; Area (in m): longitudinal beam area; Bending efficiency (in %): percentage of contribution to the overall longitudinal strength.
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or on Loads on the Torsion menu (Figure 4), you enter the Loads
Figure 9 : LOADS MANAGEMENT WINDOW (1) In this window you can display the load distributions applied in the TORSION calculation. The interface shows in the section view the following distributions conforming to user choice in frame View: Horizontal Shear Force for ship direction forming an angle of 60 or 120 with the prevailing sea direction;
Torque for ship direction forming an angle of 60 or 120 with the prevailing sea direction. The default setting for this window is rule values but you can use own values for wave parameter and waterplane coefficient. The window shows also the maximum and minimum values for the distributions displayed.
For non uniform distribution of cargo container case the window display the rule distributions and values (using as input container stacks and tiers) or the user distributions (using as input X coordinate of maximum distribution and maximum distribution value).
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Chapter 3 : RESULT
When you have finished the data input you have to run the calculation with the Run button At the end of calculation the torsion result button and stresses button become active. The strength and bimoment distributions may be saved and used in MarsRule2000 module in plates and ordinary stiffeners scantling calculations.
The distributions displayed, calculated in fifty points among the X start of first hold and X end of last hold, are the following:
or on Torsion result on the Torsion menu (Figure 4), you enter the
Figure 11 : TORSION RESULT MANAGEMENT WINDOW The window allows you to select which item will be display among the three considered loading case (see 2.6.).
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or on Stresses on the Torsion menu (Figure 4), you enter the Stresses
Figure 12 : STRESSES MANAGEMENT WINDOW The user can run the stress calculation for all the sections existing in the MARS file (also for the section not utilised for the model) at whatever X coordinate. The stress display are induced by:
When you click in the section view the window shows the value for the selected segment in Start and End fields.
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The program is able to calculate the displacements of nodes defining the hatch cover limits. Clicking on the Hatchway Results item in the Print window the results are displayed for the three loading cases:
Moreover the program is able to calculate the elongation of the hatchway diagonal :
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Clicking on the Transverse Beams: Shear Force item in Print window the shear force values applied on the section node connected to the transverse beams are displayed:
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3D View
Clicking on 3D View on the Check menu (Figure 5), you enter the 3D View management window:
Figure 16 : 3D VIEW MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to display the deformation in 3D view. The user can show the torsion deformation for the following loading case:
In case of the deformation values are not considerable you can use the increase factors to amplify the deformation effects. Using the Both sides check you can show all the ship model with the mirror part as regards the Z axis. Using the rotation manager and after clicking in the reference axis is possible to change the 3D view as the user likes.
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File Menu It allows to manage the sections (save, open), to print and to quit MARSIN.
Figure 17 :FILE MENU Item New Open.. Save Print Data Quit Use creates a new model for torsion. opens an existing model for torsion. saves the opened model for torsion. prints the data of the model for torsion (see 4.2.1). quits TORSION to return to MARSHELL. Shortcut you can also press Ctrl + O. you can also press Ctrl + S or you can also press Ctrl + S or you can also press Ctrl + Q or
Edit Menu It allows to undo the last action or copy the section drawing to clipboard.
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Use cancels the last action. allows to paste the section drawing in any other application.
Shortcut Ctrl + Z
Figure 19 : TORSION MENU Item Holds Transverse Beam Longitudinal Beams Loads Torsion results Stresses Check menu It includes checking tools. Use displays the Hold management window (see 2.3). Displays the Transverse beam management window (see 2.4). Displays the Longitudinal beam management window (see 2.5). Displays the Load management window (see 2.6). Displays the Torsion results management window (see 3.1). Displays the Stress management window (see 3.2). Shortcut
Figure 20 : CHECK MENU Item 3D View Tools menu : Use Displays 3D Beam deformation (see 3.3). Shortcut
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Use creates data (see 2.2). deletes data (see 2.2). changes the current hold to the previous one (see 2.1). changes the current hold to the next one (see 2.1).
Shortcut or F12 F5 F6
Options menu
Figure 22 : OPTIONS MENU Item Preferences Refresh drawing Use displays a set up window for the section drawing. refreshes the screen in case of display anomalies. Shortcut F9
4.2 4.2.1
Clicking on or on Print Data on the File menu (Figure 17) or pressing Ctrl + P, you enter the Print Data management window:
Figure 23 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW This window allows you to select what you want to print. The All (None) button selects (deselects) all the items of the list. Front page produces the cover page of a report.
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Table of Figure
Figure 1 : TORSION ........................................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2 : TORSION TOOLBAR ...................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3 : HOLD LIST ...................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 4 : CREATION-DELETION TOOLBAR................................................................................. 4 Figure 5 : HOLD MANAGEMENT WINDOW ................................................................................... 4 Figure 6 : TRANSVERSE BEAM MANAGEMENT WINDOW ......................................................... 5 Figure 7 : BEAM MODEL MANAGEMENT WINDOW ..................................................................... 6 Figure 8 : LONGITUDINAL BEAM MANAGEMENT WINDOW ....................................................... 7 Figure 9 : LOADS MANAGEMENT WINDOW (1) ........................................................................... 8 Figure 10 : LOADS MANAGEMENT WINDOW - 2 ......................................................................... 9 Figure 11 : TORSION RESULT MANAGEMENT WINDOW ......................................................... 10 Figure 12 : STRESSES MANAGEMENT WINDOW...................................................................... 11 Figure 13 : PRINT NODES DISPLACEMENTS............................................................................. 12 Figure 14 : PRINT ELONGATION ................................................................................................. 13 Figure 15 : PRINT SHEAR FORCE ............................................................................................... 13 Figure 16 : 3D VIEW MANAGEMENT WINDOW .......................................................................... 14 Figure 17 :FILE MENU................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 18 : EDIT MENU ................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 19 : TORSION MENU......................................................................................................... 16 Figure 20 : CHECK MENU............................................................................................................. 16 Figure 21 : TOOLS MENU ............................................................................................................. 16 Figure 22 : OPTIONS MENU ......................................................................................................... 17 Figure 23 : PRINT DATA MANAGEMENT WINDOW ................................................................... 17
Bureau Veritas