360 Degree Feedback Form Person Being Org Unit: Position Title: Evaluation Period: Supervisor Name: Evaluator
360 Degree Feedback Form Person Being Org Unit: Position Title: Evaluation Period: Supervisor Name: Evaluator
360 Degree Feedback Form Person Being Org Unit: Position Title: Evaluation Period: Supervisor Name: Evaluator
(evaluators please indicate if you are a peer, customer, subordinate, supplier) Please evaluate this employee on the following competencies. If you feel that you do not work closely enough with this individual or have enough information about this individual's performance to rate a particular competency, simply enter N/A into the rating field.
Job Knowledge: Understands present job responsibilities and related work; demonstrates skills and abilities necessary for full job performance; comprehends all phases of the job, including the use of technology, materials and tools.
OUTSTANDING (5) Exceptionally well informed. Rarely needs instructions, even in new assignments.
EXCELLENT (4) Very good knowledge of the position and related work. Needs little instruction.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Adequate knowledge of the position and related work. Routine instructions given.
NEEDS WORK (2) Understands the minimum requirements of position and related work. Extensive instruction required.
UNACCEPTABLE (1) Lacks an understanding of duties and knows little about related work.
OUTSTANDING (5) Quality of Work: Accurately, Consistently exceeds neatly and effectively completes expectations. Performs work; produces work that is outstanding work. comprehensive in scope, complete in detail and accurate in content.
EXCELLENT (4) MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Frequently exceeds Produces satisfactory work. expectations. Performs above Meets all expectations of the average work. position. Work is seldom redone.
NEEDS WORK (2) Seldom meets standards; work must be redone occasionally
UNACCEPTABLE (1) Work is unacceptable and must often be redone. Consistently below standards.
Productivity: Produces the required volume of work; plans, organizes and meets deadlines.
Teamwork: Actions make clear that we are one team. Serves both the University and team by being committed to achieving all goals of the organization. Willingly cooperates with others to achieve department and University goals.
OUTSTANDING (5) Consistently; works well with people; respects other teams; develops relationships; seeks opportunities to cooperate & collaborate with others.
EXCELLENT (4) Frequently; works well with people; respects other teams; develops relationships;
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Generally; willing to work with others. Respects other teams and willing to work with others
NEEDS WORK (2) Seldom willing to work with others as a team. Occasionally disrespectful to other teams and teammates.
UNACCEPTABLE (1) Unwilling to work with others and often disrespectful to other teams and teammates.
Adaptability/Flexibility: Adheres to work schedule. Alters activities to adapt with demands of new situations; listens attentively and openly to the ideas, problems and suggestions of others. Makes suggestions for change that enhance individual, unit and operations performance.
OUTSTANDING (5) Successfully alters activities to adapt with demands of new situations and is perceptive to the impact of change.
EXCELLENT (4) MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Readily accepts and adapts to Accepts and adapts to new new practices and procedures; practices and procedures. seeks change in the interest of department.
UNACCEPTABLE (1) Treats changes as negative and focuses on barriers to successful change.
Communication Skills: Shares and provides relevant, timely, and accurate information; expresses ideas clearly in written and oral form; follows oral and written directions. Chooses the most appropriate method of communication. Directs feedback to supervisor. Understands when its appropriate to use email vs. phone communication.
EXCELLENT (4) Better than average ability to communicate thoughts and ideas.
NEEDS WORK (2) Communication is not timely and/or sometimes unclear or inaccurate.
Initiative: Exercises judgment and independent actions within limits of authority and responsibility; seeks additional responsibilities; voluntarily starts projects; is selfstarting and proactive. Identifies areas of process improvement.
OUTSTANDING (5) Consistently exercises judgment and independent action, offers suggestions; shows interest in improving skills and knowledge.
EXCELLENT (4) Exercises judgment and independent action. Occasionally is proactive and does additional work without direction.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Routinely exercises judgment and independent action with little direction.
NEEDS WORK (2) Requires some encouragement to exercise judgment and independent action and/or seldom seeks additional duties.
UNACCEPTABLE (1) VALUE Fails to exercise judgment and independent action or seek additional responsibility.
Quality of Service/Service Standards: Delivers expected service in person, on the phone and in written correspondence (including email) as measured by the Purdue Calumet Service Standards.
OUTSTANDING (5) Consistently ensures the needs of others are met in a proactive, timely and sensitive manner.
EXCELLENT (4) Frequently ensures needs of others are met in a timely and sensitive manner; does additional work without direction.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Adequately responds to the needs of others in a timely or sensitive manner.
NEEDS WORK (2) UNACCEPTABLE (1) VALUE Inconsistently responds to the Insensitive or unresponsive to needs of others in a timely or the needs of others. sensitive manner.
Leadership: Counsels, coaches, mentors, and provides clear instruction for motivation, purpose, and inspiration. Creates an environment that fosters respect, integrity, fairness and professionalism. Demonstrates University values and is committed to the University mission. Is open to suggestions from employees and supervisors.
OUTSTANDING (5) Consistently energizes people toward a common objective; has an outstanding ability to get the maximum from staff.
EXCELLENT (4) Frequently succeeds under unusual or difficult circumstances; develops and motivates staff.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Routinely exhibits good leadership. Has respect of employees.
NEEDS WORK (2) Accepts leadership role but has not adequately developed leadership qualities.
Organizing and Planning: Accurately determines length and scope of tasks & projects; sets measurable goals and effectively organizes team members, support, and materials to accomplish tasks. Uses resources effectively and manages time efficiently to achieve results. Effectively manages change and communication.
OUTSTANDING (5) Demonstrates top level planning and organizing. Anticipates department needs and develops implementation plans.
EXCELLENT (4) Plans and organizes routine and non-routine work very effectively.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Plans and organizes adequately to meet departmental goals.
UNACCEPTABLE (1) Unable to plan and organize work or staff to meet departmental goals.
Supervision: Maximizes staff skills and potential through encouragement, empowerment and a motivating environment. Selects, motivates, develops, and evaluates staff effectively. Adheres to University policies as well as federal and state laws.
OUTSTANDING (5) Consistently selects productive staff; promotes staff development; resolves conflict effectively and provides objective and timely performance evaluations.
EXCELLENT (4) Frequently coaches and guides staff; recommends staff development and completes performance evaluations in a timely manner.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Performs supervisory duties and performance management of staff at an acceptable level.
NEEDS WORK (2) Inconsistent in the supervision and performance management of staff.
UNACCEPTABLE (1) Hires unqualified staff; fails to coach and guide staff and/or does not provide for staff development.
Inclusivity: Provides an environment where all voices are heard respectfully and all individuals are able to participate to their full capability in performing work responsibilities in the unit. Ensures there is a platform for gathering thoughts and opinions from all users prior to implementation of projects, policies, events and other items that impact University operations.
OUTSTANDING (5) Leverages inclusivity-seeks out and uses ideas, opinions, and insights from diverse and various sources and individuals; maximizes effectiveness by using individuals particular talents and abilities on tasks and/or assignments.
EXCELLENT (4) - Actively seeks out contributions from diverse groups to enhance the overall collective effort. -Proactively incorporates contributions from diverse groups and individuals.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) - Consistently seeks out contributions from diverse groups to enhance the overall collective effort. - Consistently incorporates contributions from diverse groups and individuals.
NEEDS WORK (2) -Rarely seeks out contributions from diverse groups to enhance the overall collective effort. -Rarely incorporates contributions from diverse groups and individuals
UNACCEPTABLE (1) - Fails to seek out contributions from diverse groups to enhance the overall collective effort. -Fails to incorporate contributions from diverse groups and individuals.
Setting Standards & Measuring Results: Sets standards for organizational objectives and measuring results against standards; analyzing and reporting results. Strives for continuous improvement in organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
OUTSTANDING (5) EXCELLENT (4) Consistently sets standards for Frequently sets standards for all staff and analyzes and staff and often analyzes and reports on outcomes to then reports on outcomes. improve organizational effectiveness.
MEETS EXPECTATIONS (3) Sets standards and analyzes results of work adequately to meet departmental needs.
NEEDS WORK (2) UNACCEPTABLE (1) VALUE Sets limited standards for staff Unable to set proper standards and rarely reports on or for staff and unable to analyze analyzes results. or report results.
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