Buddy API Docs
Buddy API Docs
Buddy API Docs
Buddy API is an Xtra for use with Macromedia Director and Authorware and a UCD for use with Authorware which allows access to Windows API functions. This manual covers Windows 3.31 and Macintosh 1.1 versions. Buddy API comes an an Xtra for both Windows and Macintosh for use with Director 5, 6 & 7 and Authorware 4 & 5. It is also available as a UCD for use with all Windows versions of Authorware.
Installation....................................................4 Loading Buddy functions ..............................5 Distributing your applications......................6 What's new in this release - Windows ...........7 What's new in this release - Macintosh ........8 Information functions ...................................9
Version......................... 10 CpuInfo......................... 11 SysFolder...................... 13 FindApp........................ 14 ReadIni......................... 15 WriteIni........................ 16 FlushIni......................... 17 ReadRegString.............. 18 DisableDiskErrors ......... 31 DisableKeys .................. 31 DisableMouse............... 32 DisableSwitching ........... 33 DisableScreenSaver ....... 34 ScreenSaverTime.......... 34 SetScreenSaver............. 35 SetWallpaper................ 35 SetPattern..................... 36 SetDisplay ..................... 37 ExitWindows ................. 38 RunProgram .................. 39 WinHelp....................... 41 MsgBox........................ 42 WriteRegString............. 19 ReadRegNumber ........... 20 WriteRegNumber .......... 21 DeleteReg..................... 22 RegKeyList ................... 23 RegValueList................ 23 Previous........................ 24 SoundCard.................... 25 HideTaskBar ................. 43 SetCurrentDir............... 43 CopyText...................... 44 PasteText...................... 44 EncryptText.................. 45 DecryptText.................. 45 Sleep............................. 46 PlaceCursor.................. 46 RestrictCursor ............... 47 FreeCursor.................... 47 SetVolume.................... 48 GetVolume .................... 49 InstallFont ..................... 50 KeyIsDown ................... 51 FontInstalled................. 26 CommandArgs .............. 26 DiskInfo ........................ 27 ScreenInfo.................... 28 MemoryInfo .................. 28 Gestalt.......................... 29 GestaltExists................. 29
System functions.........................................30
KeyBeenPressed ............ 51 Virtual Key Codes ......... 52 CreatePMGroup ............ 53 DeletePMGroup ............ 53 PMGroupList ................ 54 PMSubGroupList .......... 54 CreatePMIcon ............... 55 DeletePMIcon ............... 56 PMIconList ................... 56 SystemTime .................. 57 SetSystemTime ............. 58 PrinterInfo.................... 59 SetPrinter...................... 60 RefreshDesktop ............. 61
File functions..............................................62
FileAge......................... 63 FileExists...................... 63 FolderExists.................. 64 CreateFolder................. 64 DeleteFolder .................. 65 RenameFile................... 65 DeleteFile ...................... 66 DeleteXFiles .................. 66 XDelete......................... 67 FileDate........................ 68 FileSize......................... 69 FileAttributes................ 70 SetFileAttributes........... 71 WindowInfo ................96 FindWindow ................97 WindowList................98 ChildWindowList ........99 ActiveWindow ...........100 ActivateWindow ..........97 CloseWindow ............101 CloseApp..................101 SetWindowState ..........99 SetWindowTitle........100 About...................116 Register................116 SaveRegistration..117 GetRegistration....117 Functions.............118 RecycleFile................... 72 CopyFile....................... 73 CopyXFiles ................... 74 XCopy.......................... 75 FileList......................... 76 FolderList..................... 76 GetFilename .................. 77 GetFolder...................... 79 FindFirstFile................. 80 FindNextFile ................. 81 FindClose ...................... 81 FileVersion................... 82 EncryptFile................... 82 MoveWindow ............103 WindowToFront ........104 WindowToBack ........104 WindowDepth ...........105 SetWindowDepth ......105 GetWindow ...............106 WaitForWindow.......107 WaitTillActive..........108 NextActiveWindow ...109 WindowExists ...........110 FindDrive..................... 83 Shell............................. 84 OpenFile....................... 85 OpenURL..................... 86 PrintFile........................ 87 ShortFileName .............. 88 TempFileName............. 89 MakeShortcut............... 90 MakeShortcutEx........... 91 ResolveShortcut ............ 92 FileType....................... 93 FileCreator .................... 93 SetFileInfo.................... 94 SendMsg ................... 110 SendKeys .................. 111 AddSysItems ............. 112 RemoveSysItems ....... 112 WinHandle ................ 113 StageHandle .............. 114 Aw2Window ............. 114
Window functions.......................................95
The Windows version of Buddy API contains 7 files Budapi.x16 Budapi.x32 Budapi.ucd Budapi.u32 Budapi.hlp The Macintosh version contains 2 files: Buddy API Xtra Buddy API Help FAT Xtra electronic help file 16 bit Xtra 32 bit Xtra 16 bit ucd 32 bit u32 electronic help file
Xtra installation - Windows The Xtra version can be used with Director 5, 6 or 7 and Authorware 4 or 5. Buddy API comes in two versions - 16 and 32 bit. These can only be used with the equivalent versions of Director or Authorware. Place the Xtra file into the Xtras folder inside your Director folder or Authorware folder. The ucd and u32 files are not used in the Xtra version. Xtra installation - Macintosh The Xtra version can be used with Director 5 or 6 and Authorware 4. Buddy API comes in one FAT version for use in PPC and 680x0 Macintoshs. Place the Buddy API Xtra file into the Xtras folder in your Director or Authorware application folder. UCD installation - Windows The ucd/u32 version can only be used with Authorware - any version. Buddy API comes in two versions - 16 and 32 bit. These can only be used with the equivalent versions of Authorware. Place the UCD and U32 files into your Authorware folder. The Xtra file are not used.
Important Information You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. Disclaimer of Warranty This software and the accompanying files are provided "as is" and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. The user must assume the entire risk of using Buddy API. Copyright Buddy API Copyright 1995-1999 Gary Smith All rights reserved. Contact Gary Smith gary@mods.com.au The latest version of Buddy API is available at http://www.mods.com.au/budapi 28th August 1999
Macintosh Xtra distribution When distributing Buddy API with your application, you need to include the Buddy API Xtra file. The Xtra should go into a folder called 'Xtras' This folder must be in the same folder as your projector/packaged file.
Windows UCD distribution When distributing Buddy API with your application, you need to the ucd or u32 files in the same folder as your packaged file. If you have packaged your file as 16 bit, include the Budapi.ucd file; if you packaged as 32 bit, include the Budapi.u32 file.
The following changes were new in version 3.3 The Xtra version now contains an embedded copy of the DLL, and is distributed as a single file. The GetFolder function has an option to allow the creation of a new folder. The GetFilename function has the OFN_ADDEXTENSION option added. Some internal changes to the FindApp function to wprk around problems with applicataions that are not registered correctly in the registry. The XCopy and CopyXFiles functions now retain the case of the original file names in 32 bit. FileList and FolderList now return the filenames with the same case as the original filenames in 32 bit. An option to overwrite existing read-only files was added to the file copying functions The following bugs were fixed in version 3.3 FindFirstFile could report the wrong path to the file, if the second file found was in the same folder as the first file found. XCopy crashed when copying a file which has an embedded version resource, and the "IfNewer" option is specified, and the file already exists in the destination folder.
The following functions were new in version 3.2 FlushIni FindFirstFile FindNextFile FindClose XCopy XDelete FontList FontStyleList MakeShortcutEx ResolveShortcut RegKeyList RegValueList ChildWindowList GetFilename GetFolder Sleep SystemTime SetSystemTime PrinterInfo SetPrinter Shell RefreshDesktop forces Windows to write an ini file to disk. searches for the first file matching a specification searches for the next file matching a specification finishes a search started with baFindFirstFile copies multiple files with wildcard matching, including sub-directories. deletes files with wildcard matching, including sub-directories returns a list of installed fonts returns a list of available styles for a truetype font creates a Win95/NT shortcut returns the file a shortcut points to returns a list of sub-keys inside a registry key returns a list of values inside a registry key returns a list a window's child windows displays a file selection dialog. displays a folder selection dialog. pauses the calling Directof/Authorware program returns the current system time/date sets the system time/date returns information about the installed printer changes settings for the default printer executes a file refreshes the desktop icons
Changes to existing functions in 3.2: baVersion( "os" ) will return "Win98" on Windows 98 baVersion( "windows" ) will return "4.10" (32 bit) and "3.98" (16 bit) on Windows 98 baVersion( "qt3" ) will return the version of QuickTime 3 installed (32 bit only) baGetVolume/SetVolume have been changed to use the Win32 mixer functions if they are available. Some new options are now available. These new options are 32 bit only. These are: "master" controls the master volume "master mute" controls the master mute "wave mute" controls the wave mute "cd mute" controls the CD mute "synth mute" controls the built-in synthesizer mute Bugs fixed in 3.2 baFileVersion failed on Word 97 and PowerPoint 97. baCopyFile failed when copying to the root directory of a drive (introduced in 3.12 release). baCommandArgs could cut off the first letter of the argument if you define a file type to be associated with your projector/application, and a file of that type in a folder with a long file name is double-clicked in Exporer. baFindApp failed when used on NT if the user did not have write access to the system folder.
Information functions
Version SysFolder CpuInfo DiskInfo DiskList FindApp ReadIni WriteIni ReadRegString WriteRegString ReadRegNumber WriteRegNumber DeleteReg SoundCard FontInstalled CommandArgs Previous ScreenInfo MemoryInfo Gestalt GestaltExists returns version info (Windows, NT, DOS, QuickTime, VFW) returns location of system folders (windows, system, temp, etc) gets information (type, speed) about the processor installed gets information (type, size, name, number) about a disk returns list of mounted disks finds the application associated with a file type reads Windows ini file writes an entry to a Windows ini file reads Registry string value writes string value to the Registry reads Registry number value writes number value to the Registry deletes Registry entry checks whether a sound card is installed checks whether a font is installed returns the command line arguments the applicationwas started with checks whether a previous instance is running gets information (width, height, etc) of the screen returns information about the system memory returns a gestalt value checks whether a gestalt exists
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baVersion returns a string containing version information. Result = baVersion( VersionType ) String. VersionType is the type of version you are interested in. Can be one of the following:
"os" "windows" "nt" "dos" "vfw" "qt" "qt3" "mac" the current operating system (Win/Mac) Windows version (Win) version of Windows NT (Win) DOS version (Win) Video for Windows version (Win) QuickTime 2 version (Win/Mac) QuickTime 3 version (Win) Mac OS version (Mac)
String. Returns the version information requested. The return for "os" will be either "Win16", "Win95", "Win98", "WinNT", "Mac7" or "Mac8". Director: set WinVer = baVersion( "windows" ) Authorware: MacVer := baVersion( "mac" )
The NT information is provided to enable programs to tell whether or not they are running under Windows NT. For example, baVersion( "windows" ) will return 4.0 for both Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 under 32 bit. If the program is running under NT, then baVersion("nt") will also return 4.0, but will return 0 if running under Windows 95/98. This function also allows 16 bit programs to tell what version of NT they are running under. A 16 bit program running under NT will return 3.10 for baVersion("windows"), but baVersion("nt") will return the correct NT version. Here is a table of the possible baVersion return values on Windows: Win 3.1 3.0, 3.10 0 all versions ---Win 95 3.95 0 7.0 4.0 0 0 Win 98 3.98 0 7.10 4.10 0 0 Win NT 3.10 3.1, 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 5.0 3.51, 4.0 3.51, 4.0 0
16 bit "windows" 16 bit "nt" 16 bit "dos" 32 bit "windows" 32 bit "nt" 32 bit "dos"
On Windows, Apple made considerable changes to QuickTime between versions 2 and 3, and both may co-exist on the same system. "qt" will report the version of QuickTime prior to version 3. The version of QuickTime returned will match the Xtra/UCD version used - the 16bit Xtra/UCD will return the version of 16 bit QuickTime; the 32 bit will return the version of 32 bit QuickTime. "qt3" returns the version of QuickTime 3 or later. "qt3" is only available in 32 bit. On Macintosh, only one version of QuickTime can be installed at once and "qt" will return the version of either QuickTime 2 or 3.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baCpuInfo returns information about the processor installed. Result = baCpuInfo( InfoType ) String. InfoType is the type of information to get. Can be:
"vendor" "type" "model" "stepping" "speed" the manufacturer of the processor the family type of processor the model of the processor the stepping revision of the processor the speed of the processor om mHz
Returns: Examples:
String or Integer, depending on the InfoType. Director: set Cpu = baCpuInfo( "type" ) Authorware: Cpu := baCpuInfo( "type" )
The "vendor" option returns a string containing the name of the manufacturer of the processor. This will be a 12 character string, the most common returns will be "GenuineIntel", "AuthenticAMD" and "CryixInstead" but there will be others for chips from IBM, Compaq, DEC and others. This function contains identification code from Intel and AMD and is only reliable with those processors. Other brands will report that they are equivalent to an Intel processor, but that will not necessarily be a valid comparison. To determine the actual processor model, you need to interpret both the "type" and "model" options. The "type" option will identify a general family of processor eg: 486, Pentium or K6. The "model" option will give specific information about the model within a particular family. "stepping" is the revision number of a specific model, and will not generally be useful. Refer to the following table to determine a processor.
Description Intel 486 DX Intel 486 SX Intel 486 DX2 Intel 486 SL Intel 486 SX2 Intel 486 DX4 Pentium Pentium Overdrive Pentium MMX Pentium Pro Pentium II (r1) Type 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 Model 0, 1 2 3, 7 4 5 8 1, 2 3 4 1 3 Description Pentium II (r2) Celeron (r1) Celeron (r2) Pentium III Type 6 6 6 6 Model 5 5 6 7
5 5 5 5 6
<6 6, 7 8 9
Note that the first release of the Celeron has the same numbers asthe second Pentium II release. The "speed" returned is only an approximation within a variation of about 10%. If the processor has been overclocked, the speed it is running at will be returned. Intel specifically warn against quoting this number to users, because it can not be guaranteed to be accurate. Use this number as a guide only.
In the 16 bit Xtra, only Intel processors are supported. This function is not present in the UCD version.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baSysFolder gets the location of a special Windows directory. Result = baSysFolder( Folder ) String. Folder is the name of the folder to return. Can be one of the following:
"windows" "system" "system16" "system32" "temp" "current" "desktop" "common desktop" "groups" "common groups" "start menu" "common start mene" "personal" "favorites" "startup" "common startup" "recent" "sendto" "network" "fonts" "shellnew" "program files" "common files" returns the Windows folder the System folder the System folder for 16 bit files the System folder for 32 bit files the folder used for temporary files the current DOS directory the desktop folder the common desktop folder for all users the program groups folder in the start menu the common program groups folder the start menu folder the common start menu fodler for all users the users personal documents folder the users favorites folder the 'Start Up' program group folder the common startup folder for all users the 'Recent documents' folder the 'Send To' folder the 'Network Neighborhood' folder the 'Fonts' folder the new documents template folder the program files folder the common folder in the program files folder the System Folder the Preferences folder the Temporary Items folder on the startup disk the Desktop folder on the startup disk the trash can the Startup Items folder the Apple Menu Items folder the Control Panels folder the Extensions folder the Fonts folder the name of the start up disk
"system" "prefs" "temp" "desktop" "trash" "startup" "apple" "control panels" "extensions" "fonts" "boot"
Returns: Examples:
String. Director: set WinDir = baSysFolder( "windows" ) Authorware: WinDir := baSysFolder( "windows" )
The string that is returned will have a "\" (Windows) or ":" (Mac) at the end. The "system16" and "system32" options are for use with Windows NT. On other versions of windows, they will return the same as "system". These options allow a 16 bit exe to get the windows\system32 folder; and a 32 bit exe to get the windows\system folder. The common desktop, startup, start menu and groups options are normally only available on Windows NT, but will also be available on 95/98 systems set up for multiple users.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFindApp finds an application. Result = baFindApp( Type ) String. Type is the extension of the file type on Windows or the Creator type on Macintosh. String. Windows - returns the full path name to the application. Returns an empty string if the extension is not associated with or a program, or the associated program does not exist. Macintosh - returns the full path name to the application. Returns an empty string if the application is not installed. Director: set Notepad = baFindApp( "txt" ) set SimpleText = baFindApp( "ttxt" ) Authorware: Acrobat := baFindApp( "pdf" ) Acrobat := baFindApp( "CARO" ) Notes: In 32bit Windows, Microsoft guidelines state that if a program registers a file extension, and the path to the executable file is a long file name, then that name must be included in quotes. If an installation program doesn't follow these guidelines, then this function may fail. Specifically, if the path name to the executable contains a space, then this function will not be able to return the path to the executable. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3 is one program that does not register itself correctly - it does not place quotes around the executable name in the registry. The baFindApp function has been written around this particular problem with Acrobat, and will use other methods to locate Acrobat if it is asked to find the app associated with "pdf" files. Each application on the Mac has its own unique four character identifier eg, CARO for Acrobat, MOSS for Netscape, MSIE for Internet Explorer. There are a number of shareware utilities available which will tell you the creator type of a application, such as File Buddy by Laurence Harris. You can also use Apples ResEdit.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh. baReadIni gets a string from a Windows style ini file. Result = baReadIni( Section, Keyname, Default, IniFile ) String, String, String, String. Section is the section name of the ini file. Keyname is the name of the key Default is the string that is returned if the file, section or key doesn't exist. IniFile is the name if the ini file to use. String. Returns the value associated with the Keyname. If the IniFile, Section or Keyname doesn't exist, then the return will be the Default string. Director: set Name = baReadIni( "CurrentUser", "UserName", "Error", "Userdat.ini" ) Authorware: Name := baReadIni( "CurrentUser", "UserName", "Error", "Userdat.ini" ) Notes: An entry in a Windows ini file has the following format :
[Section] Keyname=string
This function will return the string after the equals sign. When using this function, the Section name you use should not include the square brackets around the name. The Keyname should not include the equals sign. For example the ini file for the example above might look something like this
[CurrentUser] UserName=Gary Smith Password=mypw ModulesCompleted=4
The IniFile can be in any directory. On Windows, if the full path is not specified the file will be assumed to be in the Windows directory, on the Macintosh it will be assumed to be in the Preferences folder. The ini file does not have to have an .ini extension: any extension can be used. This function returns a maximum of 2000 characters. See also: baWriteIni
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh. baWriteIni writes a string into a Windows style ini file. Result = baWriteIni( Section, Keyname, NewValue, IniFile ) String, String, String, String. Section is the section name of the ini file. Keyname is the name of the key NewValue is the string to write into the file. IniFile is the name if the ini file to use. Integer. Returns 1 if the function was successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baWriteIni( "CurrentUser", "UserName", "Gary Smith", "Userdat.ini" ) Authorware: OK := baWriteIni( "CurrentUser", "UserName", "Gary Smith", "Userdat.ini" ) Notes: An entry in a Windows ini file has the following format :
[Section] Keyname=string
This function will write the string after the equals sign. When using this function, the Section name you use should not include the square brackets around the name. The Keyname should not include the equals sign. For example the ini file for the example above might look something like this
[CurrentUser] UserName=Gary Smith Password=mypw ModulesCompleted=4
The IniFile can be in any directory. On Windows if the full path name is not specified, the file will be created in the Windows directory, on the Macintosh it will be created in the Preferences folder. The ini file does not have to have an .ini extension: any extension can be used. If the ini file does not exist, then it will be created. This function will write a maximum of 2000 characters. On Win95, strings written to an ini file can not contain a tab character. See also: baReadIni
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baFlushIni forces Windows to write an ini file to disk. baFlushIni( Filename ) String. Filename is the name of the ini file to flush. Void. Director: baFlushIni( the moviePath & "data.ini" ) Authorware: baFlushIni( FileLocation ^ "data.ini" ) Notes: This function is for use with the other ini file functions. When Windows writes an ini file it keeps it cached for a short time. This does not cause problems when using only the ini functions. However, if you want to write an ini file, then immediately do something else with it, say, encrypt it, then you should use this function to force Windows to write the file to disk before you use it. eg. baWriteIni( "data", "password", pw, iniFile ) -- write ini file baFlushIni( iniFile ) -- force it to disk baEncryptFile( iniFile, key ) -- encrypt it This functions is not needed if you are only using baWriteIni and baReadIni on your ini files. See also: baReadIni baWriteIni
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baReadRegString gets a string from the Windows Registry. Result = ReadRegString( KeyName, ValueName, Default, Branch ) String, String, String, String. KeyName is the name of the key. ValueName is the name of the value. Under 16 bit, this value is ignored. Default is the string that is returned if the key/value doesn't exist. Branch is the branch of the registry to use. Can be one of the following:
Under 16 bit, only the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT branch is accessible - the Branch setting is ignored. Returns: String. Returns the value associated with the Keyname. If the Keyname doesn't exist, then the return will be the Default string. Director: set Name = baReadRegString( "Courses\Computers\101", "CurrentUser", "Error", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) Authorware: Name := baReadRegString( "Courses\\Computers\\101", "CurrentUser", "Error", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) Notes: A Registry entry consists of keys and sub-keys, similar to the directories and subdirectories in the Windows file system. 32 bit Windows adds Values to the registry. These can be thought of as files within the key. These Values are not available under 16 bit - the ValueName argument is ignored. Also in 16 bit, this function can only obtain values from keys located in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT branch of the Registry. To get the (Default) value of a key in 32 bit use an empty string for the ValueName argument. If the (Default) value does not have a value set, the return will be an empty string. In Buddy API versions prior to 3.31, under NT, a (Default) value without a value set returned the Default value passed in to the function, while under 95/98 an empty string was returned. Although this was correct according to Windows API, this function has been changed to return an empty string under NT so in order to provide consistency over all 32 bit Windows versions. Under Windows 3.1, the KeyName can not contain any spaces. This function returns a maximum of 2000 characters. See also: baWriteRegString baReadRegNumber baWriteRegNumber baDeleteReg
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baWriteRegString writes a string into the Windows Registry. Result = baWriteRegString( KeyName, ValueName, Data, Branch ) String, String, String, String KeyName is the name of the key. ValueName is the name of the value. In 16 bit this value is ignored. Data is the string to write into the registry. Branch is the branch of the registry to use. Can be one of the following:
Under 16 bit Windows, only the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT branch is accessible the Branch setting is ignored. Returns: Integer. Returns 1 if the function is successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baWriteRegString( "Courses\Computers\101", "CurrentUser", "Gary Smith" , "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) Authorware: OK := baWriteRegString( "Courses\\Computers\\101", "CurrentUser", "Gary Smith" , "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) Notes: A Registry entry consists of keys and sub-keys, similar to the directories and subdirectories in the Windows file system. 32 bit Windows adds Values to the registry. These can be thought of as files within the key. These Values are not available under 16 bit - the ValueName argument is ignored. Also in 16 bit, this function can only obtain values from keys located in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT branch of the Registry. Under Windows 3.1, the KeyName can not contain any spaces. baReadRegString baReadRegNumber baWriteRegNumber baDeleteReg
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baReadRegNumber gets a number from the Windows Registry. Result = baReadRegNumber( KeyName, ValueName, Default, Branch ) String, String, Integer, String. KeyName is the name of the key. ValueName is the name of the value. Default is the string that is returned if the key/value doesn't exist. Branch is the branch of the registry to use. Can be one of the following:
Integer. Returns the value associated with the Keyname. If the Keyname doesn't exist, then the return will be the Default value. Director: set Name = baReadRegNumber( "Courses\Computers", "Course", 0, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) Authorware: Name := baReadRegNumber( "Courses\\Computers", "Course", 0, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" )
This function does not work in 16 bit - the 16 bit registry can not contain numbers. If used in 16 bit, the Default value will always be returned. A Registry entry consists of keys and sub-keys, similar to the directories and subdirectories in the Windows file system. 32 bit Windows adds Values to the registry. These can be thought of as files within the key. baReadRegString baWriteRegString baWriteRegNumber baDeleteReg
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baWriteRegNumber gets a number from the Windows Registry. Result = baWriteRegNumber( KeyName, ValueName, NewData, Branch ) String, String, Integer, String. KeyName is the name of the key. ValueName is the name of the value. NewData is the number that will be written to the registry. Branch is the branch of the registry to use. Can be one of the following:
Integer. Returns 1 if the function is successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baWriteRegNumber( "Courses\Computers", "Course", 101 , "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) Authorware: OK := baWriteRegNumber( "Courses\\Computers", "Course", 101 , "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" )
This function does not work in 16 bit - the 16 bit registry can not contain numbers. If used in 16 bit, the function does nothing. A Registry entry consists of keys and sub-keys, similar to the directories and subdirectories in the Windows file system. 32 bit Windows adds Values to the registry. These can be thought of as files within the key. baReadRegString baWriteRegString baReadRegNumber baDeleteReg
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baDeleteReg deletes a key or value from the Windows Registry. Result = baDeleteReg( KeyName, ValueName, Branch ) String, String, String. KeyName is the name of the key. ValueName is the name of the value. A empty string will delete the entire KeyName. Branch is the branch of the registry to use. Can be one of the following:
Integer. Returns 1 if the function is successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baDeleteReg("Courses\Computers","Course","HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT") Authorware: OK := baDeleteReg( "Courses\\Computers", "Course", HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" )
In 16 bit, the ValueName and Branch parameters are ignored - the 16 bit registry can not have values or branches. Under Windows NT, a Key can only be deleted if it is empty. Under Windows 95 or 3.1, all sub keys will also be deleted.
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baRegKeyList returns a list of sub-keys inside a registry key. Result = baRegKeyList( KeyName, Branch ) String, string. KeyName is the name of the key. Branch is the branch of the registry to use. Can be one of the following: "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" "HKEY_USERS"
List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns a list of the keys, or an empty list/string if the key doesn't exist or is empty. Director: set keyList = baRegKeyList( "Software\Adobe", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" ) Authorware: keyList := baRegKeyList( "Software\Adobe", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" )
The 16 bit version can only read from the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT branch.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baRegValueList returns a list of values inside a registry key. Result = baRegValueList( KeyName, Branch ) String, string. KeyName is the name of the key. Branch is the branch of the registry to use - see the RegKeyList function above for possible values. List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns a list of the keys, or an empty list/string if the key doesn't exist or is empty. Director: set valueList = baRegValueList( "Netscape\ Navigator", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" ) Authorware: valueList := baRegValueList( "Software\\Adobe", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" ) Notes: This function is not available in the 16 bit version - the 16 bit registry can not contain values.
Platform: Description: Windows baPrevious checks whether a previous instance of a projector or packaged file is running. Result = baPrevious( Activate ) Integer. If Activate is true, the previous instance is activated and brought to the front. Integer. Returns the window handle of the previous instance if one is running, else 0. Director: if baPrevious( true ) <> 0 then quit Authorware: if baPrevious( true ) <> 0 then quit(0) Notes: Both Director and Authorware open their display windows before scripts are executed. This means that the window of the second instance will appear before the previous one can be activated. Under Windows NT, this function will only find the first insta nce opened. For example, if you open three copies of a projector, then quit the first one, baPrevious in the third projector will return 0 - it can not recognise the second projector as a previous instance. Under Windows 95 and 3.1, the third projector will be able to identify the second projector as a previous instance. If you are using a full screen Director projector, this script will activate the previous instance. The example given above will make the stage move to a new position. set wnd = baPrevious( false ) if wnd <> 0 then baWindowToFront( wnd ) quit end if
Usage: Arguments:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows baSoundCard checks whether a sound card is installed. Result = baSoundCard() Void. Integer. Returns 1 if a sound card is installed, else 0. Director: set Sound = baSoundCard( ) Authorware: Sound := baSoundCard( )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFontInstalled reports whether or not a font is installed. Result = baFontInstalled( FontName, Style ) String, String. FontName is the name of the font family eg "Arial". Windows - Style is the specific style eg "Bold". Use an empty string ("") to see if the basic font is installed. The style is ignored if FontName is a Bitmap font. Macintosh - the Style argument is ignored. Integer. Returns 1 if the font is presently installed, otherwise 0. Director: set FontOK = baFontInstalled( "Arial", "Bo ld Italic" ) Authorware: FontOK := baFontInstalled( "Times", "" ) Notes: If you ask for a specific font style, then the function will only return true if that style is present. For example, if you ask for "Arial", "Bold" and only the normal Arial is installed, this function will return 0. Some fonts may have different names for the styles, eg "Black" for bold and "Oblique" for italic. You must use the names built into the font. baInstallFont
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows baCommandArgs returns the arguments the application was started with. Result = baCommandArgs( ) Void. String. Returns the command line arguments, or an empty string if there were none. Director: set Args = baCommandArgs( ) Authorware: Args := baCommandArgs( )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baDiskInfo returns the information about a disk. Result = baDiskInfo( Drive, InfoType ) String, String Drive is the drive to get the information of. InfoType is the type of information to get. Can be:
"type" "name" "size" "free" "number" returns the type of drive - Win returns the volume name - Win returns the size of the disk in Kb -Win, Mac returns the amount of free space in Kb -Win, Mac returns the serial number of the disk -Win
Depends on InfoType.
"type" string The type of drive. Can be: "Hard" Fixed hard drive. "Floppy" Floppy disk drive. "CD-ROM" CD-ROM drive. "Network" Network drive. "Removable" Removable drive eg Zip, Syquest. "RAM" RAM drive. "Invalid" Drive doesn't exist, or is of unknown type. string The name of the disk or an empty string if the disk doesn't exist. integer The size of the disk in Kb, or 0 if the disk doesn't exist. integer The amount of free space on the disk in Kb, or 0 if the disk doesn't exist.
"number" integer The serial number of the disk, or 0 if the disk doesn't exist.
Director: set Size = baDiskInfo( "Mac HD:" , "size" ) set Label = baDiskInfo( "k" , "name" ) Authorware: Size := baDiskInfo( "Mac HD:" , "size" ) Label := baDiskInfo( "k" , "name" )
On Windows, the drive argument is the letter of the drive; on Macintosh it is the name of the disk. The original Windows API DriveType function reported that a CD-ROM drive was a remote (network) drive when used under Windows 3.1. This function has been altered to report correctly. The 32 bit version reports Floppy drives as Removable. The 16 bit Xtra/UCD will give inaccurate results on drives greater than 2gb. The 32 bit Xtra/U32 will report the correct size and free space when used on FAT32 or NTFS drives greater than 2gb. baFindDrive
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baScreenInfo returns information about the screen. Result = baScreenInfo( InfoType ) String. The type of information to get. Can be:
"height" "width" "depth" "fontheight" "titlebar height" "menubar height" the height of the screen in pixels the width of the screen in pixels the colour depth of the screen in bits the height of the system font in pixels the height of the system title bars the height of su\ystem menu bars
Returns: Examples:
Integer. Director: set ScrHgt = baScreenInfo( "height" ) Authorware: ScrHgt := baScreenInfo( "height" )
The values that are returned will be accurate even if the screen size is changed while the projector or packaged file is running.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baMemoryInfo returns information about system memory. Result = baMemoryInfo( InfoType ) String. InfoType is the type of information to get. Can be:
"ram" "free ram" "swap" "free swap" the amount of physical ram installed the amount of physical ram not being used the size of the current swap file the amount of the swap file not being used
Integer. Returns the information in bytes. Director: set ram = baMemoryInfo( "ram" ) Authorware: free := baMemoryInfo( "free ram" )
The "free swap" option is not available in the 16 bit version. The "swap" option in the 16 bit version when running under Windows 95 will return the smaller of the physical ram or the swap file size.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Macintosh baGestalt returns the gestalt value of a Selector. Result = baGestalt( Selector ) String. Selector is the four character code to get the value of. Integer. The value of the Selector. Director: set qt = baGestalt( qtim ) Authorware: sys := baGestalt( sysv ) Notes: The format and interpretation of the value returned will depend on the Selector used. For some Selectors 0 is a valid return - if you want to check whether or not a Selector is actually available use baGestaltExists.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Macintosh baGestaltExists checks whether a gestalt Selector exists. Result = baGestaltExists( Selector ) String. Selector is the four character code to check. Integer. Returns 1 if the Selector exists, otherwise 0. Director: set ok = baGestaltExists( qtim ) Authorware: ok := baGestaltExists( sysv ) Notes: This function checks whether or not a Selector is available. To check the value of a Selector, use baGestalt.
System functions
DisableDiskErrors DisableKeys DisableMouse DisableSwitching DisableScreenSaver ScreenSaverTime SetScreenSaver SetWallpaper SetPattern SetDisplay ExitWindows RunProgram WinHelp Sleep MsgBox HideTaskBar SetCurrentDir CopyText PasteText EncryptText DecryptText PlaceCursor RestrictCursor FreeCursor SetVolume GetVolume InstallFont KeyIsDown KeyBeenPressed EjectDisk CreatePMGroup DeletePMGroup PMGroupList PMSubGroupList CreatePMIcon DeletePMIcon PMIconList SystemTime SetSystemTime PrinterInfo SetPrinter RefreshDesktop disables the 'Drive not ready' error message disables/enables key presses disables/enables mouse clicks disables/enables task switching disables/enables the screen saver sets the screen saver time out sets the screen saver sets the desktop wallpaper sets the desktop pattern sets the screen size and depth exits or restarts Windows runs an external program, with command line arguments shows a Windows help file pauses the calling Director/Authorware program shows standard Windows message box shows/hides the Win95 task bar changes the DOS current directory copies text to the clipboard pastes text from the clipboard encrypts a text string decrypts a text string positions the cursor restricts the cursor to a specific screen area allows the cursor to move anywhere on the screen sets the volume of wave and midi files and audio CD gets the current sound volume of wave and midi files and audio CD installs TrueType or bitmap font checks whether a key is being held down checks whether a key has been pressed unmounts and ejects a disk creates a Program Manager or Start Menu group deletes a Program Manager or Start Menu group returns list of Program Manager or Start Menu group s returns list of Start Menu groups inside another group creates a Program Manager or Start Menu icon deletes a Program Manager or Start Menu icon returns list of icons in a Program Manager or Start Menu group returns the current system time/date sets the system time/date returns information about the installed printer changes settings for the default printer refreshes the desktop icons
Platform: Description: Windows baDisableDiskErrors allows you to suppress the Windows 'drive not ready' error message. baDisableDiskErrors( State ) Integer. State determines whether or not the error messages are shown. Can be either true or false. Void. Director: baDisableDiskErrors( true ) Authorware: baDisableDiskErrors( true ) Notes: This function disables the 'drive not ready' error message that occurs when Windows tries to access a file when there isn't a disk in the drive. This is a system wide setting and you should enable the disk errors again as soon as possible after disabling them.
Usage: Arguments:
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baDisableKeys allows you to disable key presses. Result = baDisableKeys( Disable , WindowHandle ) Integer, Integer. WindowHandle is the handle of the window to disable. To disable the keys on all windows, use 0. If Disable is true, key presses will be disabled. If Disable is false, key presses will be enabled again - the WindowHandle argument is ignored. Integer. When disabling the keys, returns 1 if the function was successful, otherwise 0. When enabling the keys, will always return 1. Director: set KeysOff = baDisableKeys( true , baWinHandle() ) Authorware: KeysOff := baDisableKeys( true , baWinHandle() ) Notes: If you disable the keys using this function, make sure that you enable the function before your application quits.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baDisableMouse allows you to disable mouse clicks. Result = baDisableMouse( Disable , WindowHandle ) Integer, Integer. WindowHandle is the handle of the window to disable. To disable clicks on all windows, use 0. If Disable is true, mouse clicks will be disabled. If Disable is false, mouse clicks will be enabled again - the WindowHandle argument is ignored. Integer. When disabling the mouse, returns 1 if the function was successful, otherwise 0. When enabling the mouse, will always return 1. Director: set MouseOff = baDisableMouse( true , baWinHandle() ) Authorware: MouseOff := baDisableMouse( true , baWinHandle() ) Notes: If you disable the mouse using this function, make sure that you enable the function before your application quits. Note that the cursor will still be visible and movable.
Platform: Description: Windows baDisableSwitching disables the task switching keys - Alt-Tab, Alt-Esc, and CtrlEsc. On Windows 95, the Ctrl-Alt-Del command is also disabled. baDisableSwitching( On ) Integer. If On is true, then task switching will be disabled. Void Director: baDisableSwitching( true ) Authorware: baDisableSwitching( true ) Notes: If you disable switching, you should restore it again before your application quits. If you fail to do so, under Windows 95 the system keys will remain disabled. Under Windows 3.1, at best there will be loss of system resources; more likely, a complete system crash. For this function to work, you must first set the Director property exitLock to true. Add this code set the exitLock to true before you call this function. This will also mean that your user can not quit the application using Alt-F4, Esc, etc. Under Windows 95, if a password protected screen saver is activated after this function is called, task switching will be possible after the password has been entered. This function will not work under Windows NT.
Usage: Arguments:
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baDisableScreenSaver allows you to enable/disable the screen saver. Result = baDisableScreenSaver( State ) Integer. State can be either true or false. Integer. Returns 1 if the screen saver was previously active, or 0 if is was inactive. Director: set OldSS = baDisableScreenSaver( false ) Authorware: OldSS := baDisableScreenSaver( false ) Notes: This function does not actually start the screen saver. It just determines whether or not the screen saver will appear after it's time out period has passed. If your user has previously elected not to have a screen saver active, then this function will have no effect. baScreenSaverTime baSetScreenSaver
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baScreenSaverTime allows you to set the screen saver time out. Result = baScreenSaverTime( Time ) Integer. Time is the value to set the screen saver time out to, in seconds. Integer. Returns the previous time out value. Director: set OldTime = baScreenSaverTime( 120 ) Authorware: OldTime := baScreenSaverTime( 120 ) See also: baDisableScreenSaver baSetScreenSaver
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetScreenSaver allows you to set the screen saver file. Result = baSetScreenSaver( FileName ) String. FileName is the file name of the screen saver. String. Returns the file name of the previous screen saver. Director: set OldSS = baSetScreenSaver( "c:\windows\ss.scr" ) Authorware: OldSS := baSetScreenSaver( "c:\\windows\\ss.scr" ) Notes: You should use the full path name of the screen saver. A empty string will disable screen saving. This function will also enable the screen saver. baDisableScreenSaver baScreenSaverTime
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetWallpaper allows you to set the desktop wallpaper. Result = baSetWallpaper( FileName , Tile ) String, Integer FileName is the file name of the wallpaper. If Tile is true, the wallpaper will be tiled. String. Returns the file name of the previous wallpaper. Director: set Old = baSetWallpaper( "c:\windows\arcade.bmp" ) Authorware: Old := baSetWallpaper( "c:\\windows\\arcade.bmp" ) Notes: You should use the full path name of the wallpaper. A empty string will remove the wallpaper. baSetPattern
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetPattern allows you to set the desktop pattern. Result = baSetPattern( Name , Pattern ) String, String. Name is the name of the pattern. Pattern is a string containing the pattern. String. Returns the previous pattern. Director: set Old = baSetPattern( "Bricks" , "187 95 174 93 186 117 234 245" ) Authorware: Old := baSetPattern( "Bricks" , "187 95 174 93 186 117 234 245" ) Notes: See also: The standard Windows patterns are listed in the contol.ini file. baSetWallpaper
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetDisplay sets the screen size and depth. Result = baSetDisplay( Width , Height , Depth , Mode , Force ) Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer. Width is the new width of the screen in pixels. Height is the new height of the screen in pixels. Depth is the new depth of the screen in bits. Mode is the way in which the new display is set. Can be:
"temp" "perm" "test" temporarily change the display settings. permanently change the display settings. tests whether the display can be set without restarting.
If Force is true, forces the display to change. Returns: Integer. Returns 0 if the display was changed or can be changed without restarting. Returns 1 if Windows will need to be restarted for the change to take effect. Returns less than 0 if another error occurred, eg invalid screen size. Director: set OK = baSetDisplay( 640 , 480 , 8 , "temp" , false ) Authorware: OK := baSetDisplay( 640 , 480 , 8 , "temp" , false ) Notes: This function will not work under Windows 3.1 - it will always return 0. Not all display cards and drivers support screen changing without restarting. The force option is not officially supported by Microsoft. It forces the display to change without restarting. This may work correctly with some video cards and drivers, but can cause palette problems on others, and crash the system on some. You are advised to only use this option on known hardware and after extensive testing. If you use the "temp" mode, then the user's preferred screen display will be returned when the system is restarted. You can not set a "temp" mode unless it can be changed without restarting Windows. baScreenInfo
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baExitWindows exits or restarts Windows. baExitWindows( Option ) String. Option is the type of exit. Can be:
"reboot" "restart" "logoff" "shutdown" reboots the system restarts Windows logs off Windows shuts down the system
Returns: Examples:
Not all versions of Windows support all the restarting options. If a particular function is not available, then another mode will be substituted according to the following table. The system security settings may prohibit some of these options from operating.
Windows 3.1 reboot restart restart restart ----Windows 95 reboot restart shutdown logoff reboot restart shutdown logoff Windows NT logoff logoff logoff logoff reboot reboot shutdown logoff
16 bit "reboot" 16 bit "restart" 16 bit "shutdown" 16 bit "logoff" 32 bit "reboot" 32 bit "restart" 32 bit "shutdown" 32 bit "logoff"
Platform: Description: Windows baRunProgram runs an external application and can opt ionally wait until the other program quits before continuing. Result = baRunProgram( Program , State, Wait ) String, String, Integer. Program is the name of the program to run. State is how the program is to appear. Can be one of the following:
"Normal" "Hidden" "Maximised" "Minimised" shows in its usual state. is not visible. shows as a maximised window. shows as an minimised icon.
Usage: Arguments:
Wait determines whether the Authorware program continues, or if it waits for the external program to finish before continuing. Can be either true or false. Returns: Integer. In 16 bit, returns the instance handle of the program. If this is greater than 31, then the program started successfully. In 32 bit, returns a meaningless number greater than 31. If the return is less than 32, then an error occurred. Some possible error numbers are listed here.
0 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 System was out of memory, executable file was corrupt, or relocations were invalid. Unspecified error. File was not found. Path was not found. Attempt was made to dynamically link to a task, or there was a sharing or networkprotection error. Library required separate data segments for each task. There was insufficient memory to start the application. Windows version was incorrect. Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image. Application was designed for a different operating system. Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0. Type of executable file was unknown. Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows). Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only. Attempt was made to load a compressed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded. Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run this application was corrupt. Application requires 32-bit extensions.
Director: set OK = baRunProgram( "Notepad.exe", "maximised", false ) Authorware: OK := baRunProgram( "Notepad.exe", "maximised", false )
RunProgram (continued)
Where possible, the complete path to the program should be specified. If a path is not provided, then Windows searches for the file in the following order:
1 2 3 4 5 6 The current directory. The Windows directory. The Windows system directory. The directory containing the executable file for the current task. The directories listed in the PATH environment variable. The directories mapped in a network.
You are not limited to supplying just an executable file name; you can add any other command line parameters that the executable supports. For example, to load the Adobe Acrobat Reader with mydoc.pdf, use the following call: baRunProgram( "acroread.exe mydoc.pdf", "maximised", false ) To print an Acrobat file, you can use baRunProgram( "acroread.exe /p mydoc.pdf", "Hidden", true) If used with the Wait option, this function will not return control to Authorware/Director until the jumped to program has quit. If your user switches back to the Authorware program, it will appear to have frozen. You may choose to display an on-screen message to inform your user of this. You can also use the WaitTillActive function to pause execution until the Authorware/Director window becomes active again. See also: baWaitTillActive baWaitForWindow baNextActiveWindow baOpenFile
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baWinHelp displays a windows Help file. Result = baWinHelp(Cmd, HelpFile, Data ) String, String, String. Cmd is the help file command. Can be one of the following:
"Contents" "Context" "PopUp" "Show" shows the Contents page. shows the page with the "Data" context number. shows the page with the "Data" context number in a pop-up window. shows the topic found that matches "Data" if there is one exact match. If there is more than one match, then the Search dialog box is displayed. If there is no exact match, then an error message will appear. shows the topic found that matches "Data" if there is one exact match. If there is more than one match, then the Search dialog box is displayed. If there is no match, then the Search dialog box appears. closes the Help file. shows the Help-On-Help page. executes the Help macro named in "Data".
HelpFile is the name of the Help file to display. This should include the compl ete path to the help file. Data is a string containing extra information. This will vary according to the Cmd used. Note that even if a number is required, this must be passed as a string.
"Contents" "Context" "PopUp" "Show" "Search" "Quit" "Help" "Macro" Data should be "". Data is the context number, eg "4". Data is the context number, eg "4". Data is the topic string to show, eg "About BudAPI". Data is the topic string to search for, eg "About BudAPI". Data should be "". Data should be "". Data should be the name of the macro to execute, eg "PlayMovie".
Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Not finding the Help file is not considered a failure. Director: set OK = WinHelp( "Show", the pathName & "myhelp.hlp", "Flowers" ) set OK = WinHelp( "Quit", the pathName & "myhelp.hlp", "" ) Authorware: OK := WinHelp( "Show", FileLocation ^ "myhelp.hlp", "Flowers" ) OK := WinHelp( "Quit", FileLocation ^ "myhelp.hlp", "" )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baMsgBox displays a standard Windows MessageBox Result = baMsgBox( Message, Caption, Buttons, Icon, DefButton ) String, String, String, String, Integer. Message is the message to display. This can contain more than one line. Caption is the caption to show in the Title bar. Buttons is the type of buttons to display. This can be one of the following:
"OK" "OKCancel" "RetryCancel" "AbortRetryIgnore" "YesNo" "YesNoCancel"
Icon is the type of icon to display. This can be one of the following:
"Stop" "Information" "Question" "Exclamation" "NoIcon"
DefButton is the number of the default (selected) button. Can be 1, 2, or 3 depending on the number of buttons. On Windows, the button on the left hand side is 1. On Macintosh, the right hand button is number 1. Returns: String. Returns the name of the button clicked eg "OK" or "Ignore". Director: set Answer = baMsgBox( "Is this is a test message?", "A question" , "YesNo", "Question" , 1 ) if Answer = "Yes" then baMsgBox("Correct!" , "The answer", "OK", "Information", 1) Authorware: Answer := baMsgBox( "Is this is a test message?", "A question" , "YesNo", "Question" , 1 ) if Answer = "Yes" then baMsgBox("Correct!" , "The answer", "OK", "Information", 1) Notes: On Macintosh, you can use alternative icon names - "Note" instead of "Information"; "Caution" instead of "Exclamation". On Macintosh, if the Caption argument is empty, then a non-movable message box will be used.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baHideTaskBar shows/hides the Win95 task bar. Result = baHideTaskBar( Hide ) Integer. If Hide is true, the task bar is hidden, else it will be visible. Integer. Returns the previous state of the task bar - 1 if it is visible, 0 if it isn't. Director: set showing = baHideTaskBar( true ) Authorware: showing := baHideTaskBar( true ) Notes: This function will not change the users task bar settings - the 'Always on top'and 'Auto hide' settings.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetCurrentDir sets the current directory. Result = baSetCurrentDir( Dir ) String. Dir is the full path name of the directory to make current. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baSetCurrentDir( "c:\temp" ) Authorware: OK := baSetCurrentDir( "c:\\temp" ) Notes: This function is useful when running external programs using the RunProg ram function. Some programs, particularly DOS ones, require the current directory to be set first. The current directory can be retrieved using the SysFolder function. SysFolder
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baCopyText copies text to the clipboard. Result = baCopyText( ClipText ) String. ClipText is the text to copy to the clipboard. Integer. Returns 1 if the function is successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baCopyText( UserName ) Authorware: OK := baCopyText( UserName ) See also: baPasteText
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows baPasteText copies text from the clipboard. Result = baPasteText() Void. String. Returns the text currently in the clipboard. If the clipboard is empty or unavailable, returns an empty string. Director: set ClipText = baPasteText() Authorware: ClipText := baPasteText() See also: baCopyText
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baEncryptText encrypts a text string. Result = baEncryptText( String , Key ) String, String. String is the text to encrypt. Key is the string to use as the encryption key. String. Returns the encrypted string. Director: set text = baEncryptText( "MyPassword" , "This is my key" ) Authorware: test := baEncryptText( "MyPassword" , "This is my key" ) Notes: This function uses an xor routine to encrypt the text. To decrypt the text, use the baDecryptText function using the same key. This will return the original text. As well as encrypting the text, this function also puts the text through a uuencode type function to ensure that the encrypted string contains only printable characters. This means that the encrypted string will not be the same length as the original string. The maximum size of the string that can be encrypted is 2000 characters. baDecryptText
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baDecryptText decrypts a string encrypted with baEncryptText Result = baDecryptText( String , Key ) String, String. String is the text to decrypt. Key is the string that was used as the encryption key. String. Returns the decrypted string. Director: set text = baDecryptText( "MyEncryptedPassword" , "This is my key" ) Authorware: text := baDecryptText( "MyEncryptedPassword" , "This is my key" ) See also: baEncryptText
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSleep pauses the calling Director/Authorware program. baSleep( milliSecs ) Integer. milliSecs is the time to sleep for, in thousandths of a second. Void. Director: baSleep( 200 ) Authorware: baSleep( 200 ) Notes: This function is most useful for 'lowering' the priority of Director to allow other programs a larger slice of available processing time - for example when playing a mpeg movie. Calling this function in a loop such as in a on exitFrame handler, will give other processes a chance to run while still allowing Director to process events such as mouse clicks. Larger numbers will give other programs more time, but slow down Director responses. Values between 50 and 200 would be a good starting point for experimentation. This function is available in 16 bit, but its effectiveness is limited because 16 bit Windows has limited multitasking ablilites.
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baPlaceCursor positions the cursor on the screen. baPlaceCursor( X, Y ) Integer, Integer. X an Y is the new position of the cursor, measured from the top left corner of the screen. Void. Director: baPlaceCursor( 200 , 300 ) Authorware: baPlaceCursor( 200 , 300 ) See also: baRestrictCursor
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baRestrictCursor restricts the cursor to a specified part of the scree n. baRestrictCursor( Left, Top, Right, Bottom ) Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer. Left, Top, Right, Bottom define the rectangle that the cursor will be restricted to. They are measured in pixels from the top left corner of the screen. Void. Director: baRestrictCursor( 100, 100, 200, 200 ) Authorware: baRestrictCursor( 100, 100, 200, 200 ) Notes: See also: Use the baFreeCursor function to return the cursor to its normal state. baFreeCursor baPlaceCursor
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Windows baFreeCursor allows the cursor to move anywhere on the screen. It is used to free the cursor after using baRestrictCursor. baFreeCursor() Void. Void. Director: baFreeCursor() Authorware: baFreeCursor() See also: baRestrictCursor
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baSetVolume sets the volume level of the sound card for wave files and audio CD. Result = baSetVolume( Device , Volume ) String, Integer. Device is the device to change. Can be:
Windows: "master" "wave" "cd" "midi" "synth" "master mute" "wave mute" "cd mute" "synth mute" Macintosh: "speakers" "wave" sets the master volume sets the volume of wave and video files sets the volume of audio CD playback sets the volume of an external midi device sets the volume of the internal FM synthesizer controls the master mute controls the wave mute controls the CD mute controls the built-in synthesizer m ute
sets the volume of external speakers sets the volume of the internal speaker
Volume is the volume level to set. The volume level can be between 0 (silence) and 100 (maximum). For the mute devices, Volume can be either 1 for mute on, or 0 for mute off. Returns: Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baSetVolume( "cd" , 50 ) set OK = baSetVolume( "master mute" , 1 ) Authorware: OK := baSetVolume( "cd" , 50 ) Notes: Not all sound cards in Windows support this function. Some cards will only support some of the device types. They will return 0 if the function is not supported. The function will set the volume on the first sound card found. Some sound cards do not set the volume precisely. For example, if you set the volume to 50, then call the baGetVolume function, it may return 48 or 49. On Macintosh, you can also use "master" for "speakers". See also: baGetVolume
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baGetVolume gets the current volume level of wave files and audio CD. Result = baGetVolume( Device ) String. Device is the device to get the volume of. Can be:
Windows: "master" "wave" "cd" "midi" "synth" "master mute" "wave mute" "cd mute" "synth mute" Macintosh: "speakers" "wave" gets the master volume gets the volume of wave and video files gets the volume of audio CD playback gets the volume of an external midi device gets the volume of the internal FM synthesizer gets the master mute state gets the wave mute state gets the CD mute state gets the built-in synthesizer mute state
gets the volume of external speakers gets the volume of the internal speaker
Integer. Returns the volume of the requested device. The volume level can be between 0 (silence) and 100 (maximum). The mute options will return 1 if the mute is on, or 0 if it isn't. Returns -1 if the function is not supported.
Director: set Volume = baGetVolume( "wav e" ) Authorware: Volume := baGetVolume( "wave" )
Not all sound cards on Windows support this function. Some cards will only support some of the device types. They will return -1 if the function is not supported. The function will get the volume from the first sound card found. If the left and right channels are at different levels, then the average of the two is returned. Some sound cards do not set the volume precisely. For example, if you set the volume to 50 using the baSetVolume function, then call this function, it may return an 48 or 49. On Macintosh, you can also use "master" for "speakers".
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baInstallFont installs a TrueType or Bitmap font. Result = baInstallFont( FontFile , FontName ) FontFile is the .ttf or .fon file to install. FontName is the name of the font. Integer. Returns 0 if font installs OK. Otherwise returns one of:
1 2 3 4 5 A font file with that name already exists. The font file was not found. Error copying font file. Windows couldn't install the font. The font file is an invalid name.
Director: set OK = baInstallFont( "arialb.ttf" , "Arial Bold" ) Authorware: OK := baInstallFont( "arialb.ttf" , "Arial Bold" )
Most fonts are copyrighted material. You should not install a font unless you are legally allowed to do so. The name of the font should be taken from the Fonts Control Panel. The name that Windows identifies the font to applications is taken from information inside the font file, not the name you give it. You should use the FontInstalled command to check whether or not a particular font is already installed before you try to install a new copy. Director does not rebuild it's font list after it has been started. This means that the font will not be available to the projector that installed it unless it is restarted. All versions of Authorware should be able to use the font immediately. There is usually no need to restart Windows. baFontInstalled
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baKeyIsDown checks whether a key is currently down. Result = baKeyIsDown( Key ) Integer. Key is the virtual key code of the key to test. Integer. Returns 1 if Key is being held down, else 0. Director: set KeyDown = baKeyIsDown( 65 ) -- check if the "a" key is down Authorware: KeyDown := baKeyIsDown( 65 ) -- check if the "a" key is down Notes: The Key argument is the windows virtual key code. A list of Virtual Key Codes supplied on the next page. Some of these keys are not available in different versions of Windows. baKeyBeenPressed
See also:
Description: baKeyBeenPressed checks whether a key has been pressed since the last time the function was called. Result = baKeyBeenPressed( Key ) Integer. Key is the virtual key code of the key to test. Integer. Returns 1 if Key has been pressed since the last time the function was called, else 0. Director: set KeyBeenPressed = baKeyBeenPressed( 65 ) -- check if the "a" key has been pressed Authorware: KeyBeenPressed := baKeyBeenPressed( 65 ) -- check if the "a" key has been pressed Notes: A list of Virtual Key Codes is supplied on the next page. Some of these keys are not available in different versions of Windows. This function tracks key presses in all applications, not just yours. baKeyIsDown
Usage: Arguments:
See also:
vk_B = 66 vk_E = 69 vk_H = 72 vk_K = 75 vk_N = 78 vk_Q = 81 vk_T = 84 vk_W = 87 vk_Z = 90 vk_RWin = 92 * vk_NumPad0 = 96 vk_NumPad3 = 99 vk_NumPad6 = 102 vk_NumPad9 = 105 vk_Subtract = 109
vk_Apps = 93 * vk_NumPad1 = 97 vk_NumPad4 = 100 vk_NumPad7 = 103 vk_Multiply = 106 vk_Decim al = 110
vk_F2 = 113 vk_F5 = 116 vk_F8 = 119 vk_F11 = 122 vk_F14 = 125
vk_F3 = 114 vk_F6 = 117 vk_F9 = 120 vk_F12 = 123 vk_F15 = 126
vk_ScrollLock = 145 vk_LControl = 162 ** vk_RAlt = 165 ** vk_Comma = 188 vk_Slash = 191 vk_LeftBrace = 219
vk_LShift = 160 ** vk_RControl = 163 ** vk_SemiColon = 186 vk_UnderScore = 189 vk_BackSlash = 220 vk_Apostrophe = 222
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baCreatePMGroup makes a Program Manager or Start Menu group. Result = baCreatePMGroup( Group ) String. Group is the name of the group to create. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baCreatePMGroup( "Multimedia World" ) Authorware: OK := baCreatePMGroup( "Multimedia World" )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baDeletePMGroup deletes a Program Manager or Start Menu group. Result = baDeletePMGroup( Group ) String. Group is the name of the group to delete. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baDeletePMGroup( "Multimedia World" ) Authorware: OK := baDeletePMGroup( "Multimedia World" ) Notes: See also: The group does not have to be empty for it to be deleted. baCreatePMGroup baPMGroupList baCreatePMIcon baDeletePMIcon baPMIconList
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows baPMGroupList returns a list of all Program Manager or Start Menu groups. Result = baPMGroupList( ) Void. List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns a list or string containing all Program Manager groups. Director: set GroupList = baPMGroupList( ) Authorware: GroupList := baPMGroupList( ) Notes: The return for the UCD version is a string with each group on a seperate line. You can use the Authorware GetLine function to retrieve each group.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baPMSubGroupList returns a list of Start Menu groups inside another group. Result = baPMSubGroupList( GroupName ) GroupName. Group is the name of the group to get the list of List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns a list or string containing the groups. Director: set GroupList = baPMSubGroupList( "Accessories" ) Authorware: GroupList := baPMSubGroupList( "Accessories " ) Notes: This function returns the groups inside a group. These 'nested groups' are only possible in Windows 95/NT, and this function is only available in the 32 bit Xtra/UCD. If used in 16 bit, it will return an empty string/list. To get the contents of a group inside a group, place a "\" between the groups ("\\" in Authorware) eg baPMSubGroupList( "Accessories\Multimedia" ). The return for the UCD version is a string with each group on a seperate line. You can use the Authorware GetLine function to retrieve each group.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baCreatePMIcon creates a Program Manager or Start Menu icon. Result = baCreatePMIcon( Command, Title, Icon, IconNumber ) String, String, String, Integer. Command is the command line to use in the icon. Title is the name that appears under the icon. Icon is the name of the icon to use. IconNumber is the number of the icon to use. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baCreatePMIcon( "d:\mterms.exe","Multimedia Terms","d:\mterms.ico", 0 ) Authorware: OK := baCreatePMIcon( "d:\\mterms.exe", "Multimedia Terms", "d:\\mterms.ico", 0 ) Notes: The icon will be added to the active Program Manager group. To ensure that the group you want to add the icon to is active, you should always call baCreatePMGroup before you use this function (even if the group already exists). This will make the group the active one. If you are adding multiple icons, you only need to make one call to baCreatePMGroup before you start adding. If you create a group, and want to add icons to it, you should allow enough time for Windows to create the group before you try to add an icon to it. A wait of one second should be enough, but slow machines running Win95 may take longer. The Icon parameter can be either an .ico, .exe or .dll file. If the file is a .ico, the n the IconNumber parameter is ignored. If it is a .exe or .dll file, then the IconNumber is the number of the icon in that file to use. If the Icon is an empty string (""), then the first icon in the Command .exe file will be used. For example: baCreatePMIcon( "d:\mterms.exe", "Multimedia Terms" , "" , 0 ) will use the default icon for d:\mterms.exe. baCreatePMIcon( "d:\mterms.exe", "Multimedia Terms" , "d:\mterms.ico" , 0 ) will use the d:\mterms.ico icon. baCreatePMIcon( "d:\mterms.exe", "Multim edia Terms", "c:\win\moreicons.dll", 5 ) will use the fifth icon in moreicons.dll. See also: baCreatePMGroup baDeletePMGroup baPMGroupList baPMSubGroupList baDeletePMIcon baPMIconList
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baDeletePMIcon deletes a Program Manager or Start Menu icon. Result = baDeletePMIcon( Icon ) String. Icon is the name of the icon to delete. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baDeletePMIcon( "Multimedia Terms" ) Authorware: OK := baDeletePMIcon( "Multimedia Terms" ) Notes: The icon will be deleted from the active Program Manager group. To ensure that the group you want to delete the icon from is active, you should always call baCreatePMGroup before you use this function (even if the group already exists). This will make the group the active one. If you are deleting multiple icons, you only need to make one call to baCreatePMGroup before you start deleting.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baPMIconList returns a list containing all the icons in a Program Manager group. Result = baPMIconList( Group ) String. Group is the name of the group to get the icons of. List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns a list or string containing all the icons in Group. If Group does not exist or it empty, then an empty list or string will be returned. Director: set IconList = baPMIconList( "Macromedia" ) Authorware: IconList := baPMIconList( "Macromedia" ) Notes: The return for the UCD version is a string with each icon on a seperate line. You can use the Authorware GetLine function to retrieve each group. In 32 bit, you can also get the contents of a nested group, by placing a "\"("\\" in Authorware) between the groups. eg baPMIconList( "Accessories\Multimedia" ) will get the contents of the Multimedia group, inside the Accessories group.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSystemTime returns the current time/date. Result = baSystemTime( Format ) String. Format is the time/date format to return. String. Returns the requested time/date. Director: set theTime = baSystemTime( "date" ) Authorware: theTime := baSystemTime( "Today is %A" ) -- returns the day eg "Today is Tuesday" Notes: There are two predefined formats - "time" and "date" "time" will return the current time in 24 hour format with leading zeros - hours, minutes and seconds eg "230412". It will always be 6 characters long. "date" will return the date in year, month, day eg "19980321". It will always be 8 characters long, Other formatting is available. Any of these constants will be replaced by the appropriate time/date - any other characters will be returned as is.
%a %A %b %B %d %0d %H %0H %j %0j %m %0m %M %0M %S %0S %w %y %Y Abbreviated weekday name Full weekday name Abbreviated month name Full month name Day of month as decimal number (1 - 31) Day of month with leading 0 Hour in 24-hour format (0 - 23) Hour in 24-hour format with leading 0 Day of year as decimal number (1 - 366) Day of year as decimal number with leading 0 Month as decimal number (1 - 12) Month as decimal number with leading 0 Minute as decimal number (0 - 59) Minute as decimal number with leading 0 Second as decimal number (0 - 59) Second as decimal number with leading 0 Weekday as decimal number (0 - 6; Sunday is 0) Year without century, as decimal number (00 - 99) Year with century, as decim al number
Examples: "%d %B, %Y" "It is %M past %H on %A" "The time is %H:%0M:%0S" See also: baSetSystemTime
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetSystemTime sets the current time/date. Result = baSetSystemTime( Format, NewTime ) String, string. Format is the time/date format to set. Can be either "time" or "date". NewTime is the time/date to set. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. Director: set ok = baSetSystemTime( "date", "19980523" ) - sets the date to 23 June 1998 Authorware: set ok = baSetSystemTime( "time", "102300" ) - sets the time to 23 past 10 Notes: The format for the time or date must be as follows: "time" is in 24 hour format with leading zeros - hours, minutes and seconds and must be 6 characters "date" is in year, month, day with leading zeros and must be 8 characters long, The "date" and "time" formats ar e the same as those returned by baSystemTime baSystemTime
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baPrinterInfo returns information about the installed printers. Result = baPrinterInfo( Info ) String. Info is the type of information required. Can be
"installed" "list" "default" "orientation" "paper" "papers" "papername" "papernames" "paperlength" "paperwidth" "copies" returns full list of installed printers, drivers and ports list of the names of installed printers the current default printer the orientation of the default printer the current paper size of the defauilt printer the list of paper sizes supported by the default printer the name of the current paper of the default printer the list of paper names of the default printer the length of the paper in the default printer in 1/1000 mm the width of the paper in the default printer in 1/1000 mm the number of copies to print
Depends on Info type. Xtra: "installed", "list", "papers", "pape rnames" return a list; "default", "orientation", "paper", "papername" return a string; "paperlength", "paperwidth" and "copies" return an integer. UCD: always returns a string. Director: set printer = baPrinterInfo( "default" ) Authorware: printerList := baPrinterInfo( "list" )
The "installed" info type returns a list (Xtra) or a string (UCD) - one list element or line for each printer. Each element will consist of the printer name, then the driver, then the port, all seperated by commas. eg. ["EPSON Stylus COLOR 400,EPS400,LPT1:", "Acrobat PDFWriter,PDFWRITR,DISK:"] (Xtra) "EPSON Stylus COLOR 400,EPS400,LPT1:\rAcrobat PDFWriter,PDFWRITR,DISK:" (UCD) The "list" Info type returns a list with just the printer names. eg ["EPSON Stylus COLOR 400", "Acrobat PDFWriter"] The "orientation" Info type will return "Landscape", "Portrait" or "Unknown". The "paper" Info type returns the size of the selected paper. It will be one of the following values: "Letter", "LetterSmall", "T abloid", "Ledger", "Legal", "Statement", "Executive", "A3", "A4", "A4Small", "A5", "B4", "B5", "Folio", "Quarto", "10x14", "11x17", "Note", "Envelope9", "Envelope10", "Envelope11", "Envelope12", "Envelope14", "CSheet", "DSheet", "ESheet", "EnvelopeDL", "EnvelopeC5", "EnvelopeC3", "EnvelopeC4", "EnvelopeC6", "EnvelopeC65", "EnvelopeB4", "EnvelopeB5", "EnvelopeB6", "EnvelopeItaly", "EnvelopeMonarch", "EnvelopePersonal", "FanFoldUS", "FanFoldStdGerman", "FanFoldLegalGermany", "User", "Unknown". (continued next page)
PrinterInfo (continued)
The "papers" info type returns a list (Xtra) or string( UCD) of the paper sizes supported by the default printer. The "papername" type returns the name of the selected paper as shown by the printer driver. The "papernames" type returns a list of the papers supported by the default printer, as listed by the printer driver. The "paper" option uses paper sizes pre-defined by Windows. Printer drivers may define thier own page sizes and names - if the selected paper is a printer-defined size, the function will return "Unknown". The "papername" will return the name of the paper as displayed by the printer driver - this will be the name the user sees in printer setup dialog boxes. See also: baSetPrinter
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetPrinter changes settings for the default printer. Result = baSetPrinter( Info, Data ) String, any (Xtra) or string (UCD) Info is the type of information to set. Can be
"default" "orientation" "paper" "papername" "copies" set the current default printer (string) the orientation of the default printer (string) the selected paper size of the defauilt printer (string) the name of the selected paper of the defauilt printer (string) the number of copies to print (integer - Xtra, string - UCD)
Data is the data to set - the format depends on the info type. The UCD version will always be a string. Returns: Integer Returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. Director: set ok = baSetPrinter( "default", "Epson 400 Stylus Color" ) set ok = baSetPrinter( "copies", 2 ) Authorware: ok := baSetPrinter( "orientation", "landscape" ) ok := baSetPrinter( "copies", "2" ) Notes: The "default" option only requires the name of the printer, not the port or driver. The "paper" option uses the same names as the baPrinterInfo "paper". The "papername" option uses the same names as the baPrinterInfo "papername".
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baRefreshDesktop refreshes the desktop icons. baRefreshDesktop( Wait ) Integer. If Wait is true, then the function will wait until the update is complete before returning. Void. Director: baRefreshDesktop( true ) Authorware: baRefreshDesktop( false ) Notes: This function would typically be used after making registry changes that affect the icons displayed by files, such as changing a file association. This function only works in the 32 bit Xtra/UCD. If used in 16 bit,it will do nothing.
Returns: Examples:
File functions
FileAge FileExists FolderExists CreateFolder DeleteFolder RenameFile DeleteFile DeleteXFiles XDelete FileDate FileSize FileAttributes SetFileAttributes RecycleFile CopyFile CopyXFiles XCopy FileVersion FileList FolderList GetFilename GetFolder FindFirstFile FindNextFile FindClose EncryptFile FindDrive Shell OpenFile OpenURL PrintFile ShortFileName TempFileName MakeShortcut MakeShortcutEx ResolveShortcut FileType FileCreator SetFileInfo returns the age of a file checks whether a file exists checks whether a folder exists creates a new folder deletes an empty folder renames a file deletes a file deletes files with wildcard matching deletes files with wildcard matching, including sub-directories returns the date of a file returns the size of a file returns the attributes of a file sets the attributes of a file places a file in the Win95/NT recycle bin. copies a file. copies multiple files with wildcard matching. copies multiple files with wildcard matching, including sub-directories returns the version of a file. returns a list of files in a folder returns a list if folders in a folder displays a file selection dialog. displays a folder selection dialog. searches for the first file matching a specification. searches for the next file matching a specification. finishes a search started with baFindFirstFile. encrypts/decrypts a file searches all drives for a specified file executes a file opens a file using it's associated program opens a URL using the default browser prints a file using it's associated program returns the DOS version of a Win95 long file name returns a temporary file name guaranteed not to exist creates a shortcut/alias creates a Win95/NT shortcut returns the file a shortcut points to returns the type of a file returns the creator of a file sets the type and creator of a file
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFileAge returns the date of a file in seconds. Result = baFileAge( FileName ) String FileName is the file to get the age of. Integer. Returns the age of the file in seconds. Director: set Age = baFileAge( "student.dat" ) Authorware: Age := baFileAge( "student.dat" ) Notes: The number returned is the number of seconds since an arbitrary date. The number means little by itself, but can be used to compare the dates of two files. The file with higher number is the newer file. For example: if baFileAge( "c:\\data\\student.dat"" ) > baFileAge( "a:\\student.dat" ) then -- file on "C" drive is newer than the one on "A" drive. baFileDate baFileVersion
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFileExists reports whether or not a specific file exists. Result = baFileExists( FileName ) String. FileName is the name of the file. It should include the full path name. Integer. Returns 1 if the file exists, otherwise 0. Director: set File = baFileExists( the pathname & "test.dat" ) Authorware: File := baFileExists( FileLocation ^ "test.dat" ) See also: baRenameFile baFolderExists
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFolderExists checks whether or not a folder exists. Result = baFolderExists( FolderName ) String FolderName is the folder to check for. Integer. Returns 1 if the folder exists, else 0. Director: set OK = baFolderExists( "c:\data" ) Authorware: OK := baFolderExists( "c:\\data" ) See also: baCreateFolder baDeleteFolder baFileExists
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baCreateFolder creates a new folder. Result = baCreateFolder( FolderName ) String FolderName is the folder to create. Integer. Returns 1 if the folder was successfully created or already exists, else 0. Director: set OK = baCreateFolder( "c:\data\courses" ) Authorware: OK := baCreateFolder( "c:\\data\\courses" ) Notes: This function will create any intermediate folders that are needed. For example, baCreateFolder( "c:\data\courses\biology" ) will create "c:\data", then "c:\data\courses", then "c:\data\courses\biology". baFolderExists baDeleteFolder
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baDeleteFolder deletes an empty folder. Result = baDeleteFolder( FolderName ) String FolderName is the folder to delete. Integer. Returns 1 if the folder was successfully deleted or doesn't exist, else 0. Director: set OK = baDeleteFolder( "c:\data" ) Authorware: OK := baDeleteFolder( "c:\\data" ) Notes: This function will only delete a folder that doesn't contain any files or subdirectories. baFolderExists baCreateFolder
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baRenameFile renames a file. Result = baRenameFile( FileName , NewNam e) String FileName is the file to rename. NewName is the new name for the file. Integer. Returns 1 if the file was successfully renamed, else 0. Director: set OK = baRenameFile( "c:\data\student.dat" , "c:\data\student.bak" ) Authorware: OK := baRenameFile( "c:\\data\\student.dat" , "c:\\data\\student.bak" ) Notes: This function will fail if a file called NewName already exists. The full path name to both the FileName and the NewName should be given. baFileExists baDeleteFile
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baDeleteFile deletes a file. Result = baDeleteFile( FileName ) String FileName is the file to delete. Integer. Returns 1 if the file was successfully deleted or doesn't exist, else 0. Director: set OK = baDeleteFile( "c:\data\student.bak" ) Authorware: OK := baDeleteFile( "c:\\data\\student.bak" ) See also: baDeleteXFiles baRenameFile baRecycleFile
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baDeleteXFiles deletes files with wildcard matching. Result = baDeleteXFiles( DirName , FileSpec ) String, String. DirName is the folder to delete the files from. FileSpec determines what files are deleted. Integer. Returns 1 if all the matching files were successfully deleted or if DirName doesn't exist, else 0. Director: set OK = baDeleteXFiles( "c:\data" , "*.bak" ) set OK = baDeleteXFiles( "Mac HD:data", "TEXT" ) Authorware: OK := baDeleteXFiles( "c:\\data , "*.bak" ) OK := baDeleteXFiles( "Mac HD:data", "TEXT" ) Notes: On Windows, the FileSpec argument follows normal DOS wildcard rules. A * means match any character in the file name. So *.* deletes all files in the directory; *.bmp deletes all files with a .bmp extension; T*.* deletes all files starting with the letter T. On Macintosh, the Filespec is the four character type code eg "TEXT". Only one type can be specified. Use an empty string or "*.*" to match all files.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baXDelete deletes files with wildcard matching, including sub-directories. Result = baXDelete( DirName , FileSpec ) String, string. DirName is the folder to delete the files from. FileSpec determines what files are deleted. Integer. Returns 1 if all the matching files were successfully deleted or if DirName doesn't exist, else 0. Director: set OK = baXDelete( "c:\data" , "*.bak" ) Authorware: OK := baXDelete( "c:\\data , "*.bak" ) Notes: Any empty directories that are left will also be deleted. The FileSpec argument follows normal DOS wildcard rules. A * means match any character in the file name. So *.* deletes all files in the directory; *.bmp deletes all files with a .bmp extension; T*.* deletes all files starting with the letter T. baDeleteFile baDeleteXFiles
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baFileDate returns the date of a file as a string. Result = baFileDate( FileName , DateFormat , TimeFormat ) String, String, String FileName is the file to get the date of. DateFormat is the desired format of the date, TimeFormat is the desired format of the time. String. Returns the date of the file, or an empty string if the file doesn't exist. Director: set OK = baFileDate( "c:\data\student.dat" , "dd-mm-yy" , "hh:nn:ss" ) Authorware: OK := baFileDate( "c:\\data\\student.dat" , "dd-mm-yy" , "hh:nn:ss" ) Notes: The date format can consist of "d" for day, "m" for month, "y" for year. The time format can consist of "h" for hours, "n" for minutes, "s" for seconds. (Note the "n" for minutes.) A single letter ("d") returns the exact number eg "5". A double letter ("dd") returns the number with a leading zero if required eg "05". A triple letter ("ddd") returns the short name eg "Mon". A quad letter ("dddd") returns the full name eg "Monday". Any letters other than those listed above will returned as is - they can be used for separators eg "dd-mm-yy" returns "05-11-97"; "d mmmm, yyyy" returns "5 November, 1997" If the format is an empty string, then the date or time will not be returned. baFileAge baFileVersion
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFileSize returns the size of a file. Result = baFileSize( FileName ) String. FileName is the file to get the size of. Integer. Returns the size of the file in bytes, or -1 if the file doesn't exist. Director: set size = baFileSize( "c:\data\student.dat" ) Authorware: size := baFileSize( "c:\\data\\student.dat" )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFileAttributes returns the attributes of a file. Result = baFileAttributes( FileName ) String. FileName is the file to get the attributes of. String. Returns a string containing all the the attributes that are set. Can be any combination of:
Windows "r" read-only "a" archive "h" hidden "s" system Macintosh "r" locked "h" invisible "s" shared "c" custom icon "t" stationery pad "l" alias "n" name locked "b" has bundle "I" has been inited
Returns an empty string if FileName doesn't exist. Examples: Director: set att = baFileAttributes( "c:\data\student.dat" ) Authorware: att := baFileAttributes( "c:\\data\\student.dat" ) Notes: You can use the Director contains or Authorware Find function to test whether a particular attribute is set. eg. if Find( "r" , baFileAttributes( FileName ) ) <> 0 then --file is read only if baFileAttributes( FileName ) contains "r" then --file is read only See also: baSetFileAttributes
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baSetFileAttributes sets the attributes of a file. Result = baSetFileAttributes( FileName , Attributes ) String, String. FileName is the file to get the attributes of. Attributes are the attributes to set. Can be any combination of:
Windows "r" read-only "a" archive "h" hidden "s" system Macintosh "r" locked "h" invisible "s" shared "c" custom icon "t" stationery pad "l" alias "n" name locked "b" has bundle "I" has been inited
An empty string removes all attributes. Returns: Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baSetFileAttributes( "c:\data\student.dat" , "rh" ) --make file hidden and read-only Authorware: OK := baSetFileAttributes( "c:\\data\\student.dat" , "" ) --clear all attributes See also: baFileAttributes
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baRecycleFile places a file in the Win95/NT recycle bin. Result = baRecycleFile( FileName ) String FileName is the file to recycle. Integer. Returns 1 if the file was successfully recycled or doesn't exist, else 0. Director: set OK = baRecycleFile( "c:\data\student.b ak" ) Authorware: OK := baRecycleFile( "c:\\data\\student.bak" ) Notes: This function only works in 32 bit. If used in 16 bit, the file will be immediately deleted. baDeleteFile
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baCopyFile copies a file. Result = baCopyFile( SourceFile , DestFile , Overwrite ) String, String, String. SourceFile is the file to copy. DestFile is the name to copy it to. Overwrite determines how the copy is done. Can b e:
"Always" "IfNewer" "IfNotExist" always copies the file copies the file if SourceFile is newer than DestFile copies only if DestFile does not already exist
Integer. Returns 0 if the file was copied successfully, otherwise one of these:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Invalid Source file name Invalid Dest file name Error reading the Source file Error writing the Dest file Couldn't create directory for Dest file Dest file exists Dest file is newer that Source file
By default, this function will not overwrite an existing file if that file is marked as read-only. However, by adding "+" to the "Always" and "IfNewer" options ( eg "Always+" or "IfNewer+"), the files will be overwritten if they are read-only. A return value of 6 (Dest file exists) can only be returned when Overwrite is "IfNotExist". A return value of 7 (Dest file is newer than Source file) can only be returned when Overwrite is "IfNewer". The other return values can be returned for all Overwrite options. The "IfNewer" option operates as follows onWindows: if both files have internal version numbers, then these numbers are used for comparison, otherwise the dates of the two files are used for comparison. On Macintosh, only the file dates are used for comparison. The DestFile must contain the full name of the file, not just the name of the folder it is being copied to.
See also:
Platform: Description: Windows and Macintosh baCopyXFiles copies multiple files from one folder to another folder, with wildcard matching. Result = baCopyXFiles( SourceDir , DestDir , FileSpec , Overwrite ) String, String, String, String. SourceDir is the folder to copy from. DestDir is the folder to copy to. FileSpec determines what files are copied. Overwrite determines how the copy is done. Can be:
"Always" "IfNewer" "IfNotExist" always copies the file copies the file if SourceFile is newer than DestFile copies only if DestFile does not already exist
Usage: Arguments:
Integer. Returns 0 if all the files were copied successfully, otherwise one of these:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Invalid SourceDir name Invalid DestDir file name Error reading a Source file Error writing a Dest file Couldn't create directory for Dest files Dest file exists Dest file is newer that Source file No files matched the specified wildcard
Director: set OK = baCopyXFiles( "c:\data" , "d:\backup" , "*.dat " , "IfNewer" ) Authorware: OK := baCopyXFiles( "c:\\data" , "d:\\backup" , "*.dat" , "IfNewer" )
By default, this function will not overwrite an existing file if that file is marked as read-only. However, by adding "+" to the "Always" and "IfNewer" options ( eg "Always+" or "IfNewer+"), the files will be overwritten if they are read-only. The return value will not be 0 if any file is not copied. For example, if you specify baCopyXFiles( "c:\data" , "d:\backup" , "*.*" , "IfNewer" ) and any of the files in c:\data are newer than the ones in d:\backup, the return result will be 7 (Dest file is newer than Source). A result of 0 will be returned only if none of the files in c:\data is newer than d:\backup. On Windows, the FileSpec argument follows normal DOS wildcard rules. A * means match any character in the file name. So *.* copies all files; *.bmp copies all files with a .bmp extension; T*.* copies all files starting with the letter T. On Macintosh, the Filespec is the four character type code eg "TEXT". Only one type can be specified. Use an empty string or "*.*" to match all files. A return value of 6 (Dest file exists) can only be returned when Overwrite is "IfNotExist". A return value of 7 (Dest file is newer than Source file) can only be returned when Overwrite is "IfNewer". The other return values can be returned for all Overwrite options. The "IfNewer" option operates as follo ws: if both files have internal version numbers, then these numbers are used for comparison, otherwise the dates of the two files are used for comparison. baCopyFile
See also:
Platform: Description: Windows
baXCopy copies multiple files from one folder to another folder, with wildcard matching, including sub-directories. Result = baCopyX( SourceDir, DestDir, FileSpec, Overwrite, MakeDir ) String, string, string, string, integer. SourceDir is the folder to copy from. DestDir is the folder to copy to. FileSpec determines what files are copied. Overwrite determines how the copy is done. Can be:
"Always" always copies the file "IfNewer" copies the file if SourceFile is newer than DestFile "IfNotExist" copies only if DestFile does not already exist
Usage: Arguments:
Integer. Returns 0 if all the files were copied successfully, otherwise one of these:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Invalid SourceDir name Invalid DestDir file name Error reading a Source file Error writing a Dest file Couldn't create directory for Dest files Dest file exists Dest file is newer that Source file No files matched the specified wildcard
Director: set OK = baXCopy( "c:\data" , "d:\backup" , "*.dat " , "IfNewer" , true ) Authorware: OK := baXCopy( "c:\\data" , "d:\\backup" , "*.*" , "Always" , false )
By default, this function will not overwrite an existing file if that file is marked as read-only. However, by adding "+" to the "Always" and "IfNewer" options (eg "Always+" or "IfNewer+"), the files will be overwritten if they are read-only. The return value will not be 0 if any file is not copied. For example, if you specify baXCopy( "c:\data" , "d:\backup" , "*.*" , "IfNewer" ) and any of the files in c:\data are newer than the ones in d:\backup, the return result will be 7 (Dest file is newer than Source). A result of 0 will be returned only if none of the files in c:\data is newer than d:\backup. The FileSpec argument follows normal DOS wildcard rules. A * means match any character in the file name. So *.* copies all files; *.bmp copies all files with a .bmp extension; T*.* copies all files starting with the letter T. A return value of 6 (Dest file exists) can only be returned when Overwrite is "IfNotExist". A return value of 7 (Dest file is newer than Source file) can only be returned when Overwrite is "IfNewer". The other return values can be returned for all Overwrite options.
See also:
baCopyFile baCopyXFiles
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFileList returns a list of files in a folder. Result = baFileList( Folder, FileSpec ) String, String. Folder is the name of the folder to list. FileSpec is the pattern of files to match. List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns the list of matching files. If Folder doesn't exist, then an empty list/string is returned. Director: set Files = baFileList( "c:\windows", "*.*" ) Authorware: Files := baFileList( "c:\\temp", "*.bmp" ) Notes: On Windows, the FileSpec argument follows normal DOS wildcard rules. A * means match any character in the file name. So *.* copies all files; *.bmp copies all files with a .bmp extension; T*.* copies all files starting with the letter T. On Macintosh, the Filespec is the four character type code eg "TEXT". Only one type can be specified. Use an empty string or "*.*" to match all files. See also: baFolderList
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baFolderList returns a list of folders in a folder. Result = baFolderList( Folder ) String. Folder is the name of the folder to list. List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns the list of folders. If Folder doesn't exist, then an empty list/string is returned. Director: set Folders = baFolderList( "c:\windows" ) Authorware: Files := baFolderList( "c:\\temp" )
Platform: Description: Usage: Windows baGetFilename displays a file dialog box and returns the filename selected. Result = baGetFilename( Operation, StartDir, Filename, Filter, Flags, Instruction, NoFolders, X, Y ) String, string, string, string, integer, string, integer, integer, integer. Operation is the type of dialog to show. Can be "open" or "save". StartDir is the initial directory. Use "" for the current directory. Filename is the initial file name to display. Filter is the type of files to display. Use "" to show all files. Flags modifies the behaviour of the dialog. Instruction is the instruction to display to the user. If NoFolders is true, the folder selection controls will not be shown. X is horizontal position of the dialog. Y is the vertical position of the dialog. String. Returns the file name selected, or "" if the user cancelled. Director: set filename = baGetFilename( "save", "c:\temp", "newfile.txt", "Text files|*.txt", 0, "Save new file", false, 100, 100 ) Authorware: file := baGetFilename( "open", "c:\\temp", "", "", 0, "Select data file to open", true, 1, 0 ) Notes: The filter argument consists of a series of strings seperated by "|" characters. The strings are divided into pairs, the first half of a pair is the description that appears in the drop down box, the second half is the wildcard for the files. Separate multiple wildcards with semi-colons. "Text files|*.txt" -- shows only text files "Text files|*.txt"|All files|*.*" -- allows the user to display either te xt files or all files "Images|*.bmp;*.tif;*.jpg" -- shows different image files Setting the NoFolders option to true will mean that the user will not be able to change the initial directory, and folders will not be shown. The X and Y values are the number of pixels from the top left corner of the screen. Set X to -1 to position the dialog in the center of the calling Director/Authorware window. Set X to -2 to position the dialog in the center of the screen.
GetFilename (continued)
The flags argument allows you to change the way the dialog box looks and behaves. It can be the combination of any of these values.
1 OFN_READONLY Causes the Read Only check box to be checked initially when the dialog box is created. 2 OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT Causes the Save As dialog box to generate a message box if the selected file already exists. The user must confirm whether to overwrite the file. 4 OFN_HIDEREADONLY Hides the Read Only check box. 8 OFN_NOCHANGEDIR Restores the current directory to its original value if the user changed the directory while selecting a file. 32 OFN_ADDEXTENSION If the user enters a name without an extension, the first extension listed in the Filter argument will be added to the end of the returned filename. 512 OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT Specifies that the File Name list box allows multiple selections. 2048 OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST Specifies that the user can type only valid paths and filenames. If this flag is used and the user types an invalid path and filename in the File Name entry field, the dialog box function displays a warning in a message box. 4096 OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST Specifies that the user can type only names of existing files in the File Name entry field. If this flag is specified and the user enters an invalid name, the dialog box procedure displays a warning in a message box. 8192 OFN_CREATEPROMPT Specifies that the dialog box function should ask whether the user wants to create a file that does not currently exist. 32768 OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN Specifies that the returned file does not have the Read Only check box checked and is not in a write-protected directory. 131072 OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON Hides and disables the Network button. 262144 OFN_NOLONGNAMES Specifies that long filenames are not displayed in the File Name list box. This value is ignored if OFN_EXPLORER is set. These values are availble in 32 bit only 524288 OFN_EXPLORER Creates an Open or Save As dialog box that uses user-interface features similar to the Windows Explorer. 1048576 OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS Directs the dialog box to return the path and filename of the selected shortcut (.LNK) file. If this value is not given, the dialog box returns the path and filename of the file referenced by the shortcut. 2097152 OFN_LONGNAMES Causes the Open or Save As dialog box to display long filenames. If this flag is not specified, the dialog box displays filenames in 8.3 format. This value is ignored if OFN_EXPLORER is set.
To use these values, add the appropriate values together eg OFN_CREATEPROMPT + OFN_HIDEREADONLY + OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON If OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT is selected and the user selects more than one file, the return will be a series of strings, separated by returns. The first line will be the directory selected, the remaining lines will be the selected filenames. In Director, use "the line of" function to retrieve each line. In Authorware, use the "GetLine" function. The OFN_EXPLORER flag can not be used with the NoFolders option.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baGetFolder displays a directory dialog box and returns the folder selected.. Result = baGetFolder( StartDir, Instruction, Flags, Caption, X, Y ) String, string, integer, string, integer, integer. StartDir is the initial directory. Use "" for the current directory. Instruction is the instruction to display to the user. Flags modifies the behaviour of the dialog. Caption is the caption of the dialog. X is the horizontal position of the dialog. Y is the vertical position of the dialog. String. Returns the folder selected, or "" if the user cancelled. Director: set folder = baGetFolder( "c:\temp", "Please select a folder to install into:", 1, "Select a folder", -1, 0 ) Authorware: folder := baGetFolder( "c:\\temp", "Select installation directory", 0, "", 200, 200 ) Notes: The flags argument allows you to change the way the dialog box looks and behaves. Currently, only one value is defined.
ODN_EXPLORER Makes the dialog box a 32 bit Explorer style. If this style is not available, for example if running under Windows 3.1, then a 16 bit style dialog will be shown. The 16 bit Xtra/UCD ignores this style - it will always show the 16 bit style dialog. ODN_NEWBUTTON Displays a New button to allow the user to create a new folder. This style is only available with the 16 bit style dialog. It cannot be combined with ODN_EXPLORER.
The Caption argument is only used if a 32 bit dialog box is used. If it is an empty string, then the default "Browse for Folder" will be displayed. The X and Y values are the number of pixels from the top left corner of the screen. Set X to -1 to position the dialog in the center of the calling Director/Authorware window. Set X to -2 to position the dialog in the center of the screen.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baFindFirstFile searches for the first file matching a specification. Result = baFindFirstFile( StartDir, FileSpec ) String, string. StartDir is the directory to start seaching in. FileSpec is the pattern to search for. String Returns the full path to the first file found Director: set file = baFindFirstFile( "c:\", "netscape.exe" ) -- searches drive c for netscape Authorware: file := baFindFirstFile( "c:\\windows", "*.ttf" ) -- searches for fonts Notes: All sub-directories of the starting directory will be included in the search. This function can be used with baFindNextFile to find all files. When you are finished finding all the files you are interested in, you must call baFindClose to free memory allocated by baFindFirstFile. Here are examples of searching the C drive for all copies of "netscape.exe"
Director: set fileList = [] -- a list to contain the found files set file = baFindFirstFile( "c:\", "netscape.exe" ) -- loop through all found files and add to the list repeat while file <> "" append( fileList, file ) set file = baFindNextFile() end repeat baFindClose() Authorware Xtra: fileList := [] -- a list to contain the found files file := baFindFirstFile( "c:\\", "netscape.exe" ) repeat while file <> "" AddLinear( fileList, file ) file := baFindNextFile() end repeat baFindClose() Authorware UCD: fileList := "" file := baFindFirstFile( "c:\\", "netscape.exe" ) repeat while file <> "" -- add names to fileList with returns between file names if fileList = "" then fileList := file else fileList := fileList ^ Return ^ file end if -- get next file file := baFindNextFile() end repeat baFindClose()
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows baFindNextFile continues a search started with baFindFirstFile. Result = baFindNextFile( ) Void String Returns the full path to the next file found Director: set file = baFindNextFile( ) Authorware: file := baFindNextFile( ) Notes: You must call baFindFirstFile before calling this function. baFindFirstFile sets up the search criteria, and allocates the required memory. When you are finished finding all the files you are interested in, you should call baFindClose to free memory allocated by baFindFirstFile.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Examples: Windows baFindClose finishes a search started with baFindFirstFile. baFindClose( ) Void Void Director: baFindClose( ) Authorware: baFindClose( ) Notes: This function frees memory allocated by baFindFirstFile. Aft er calling this function, you must call baFindFirstFile to start a new search.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baFileVersion returns a string containing the version of a file. Result = baFileVersion( FileName ) String. FileName is the name of the file to obtain version information of. String. Returns the version of the file. If the file doesn't contain version information or doesn't exist, then an empty string is returned. Director: set AcroVer = baFileVersion( "c:\acroread\acroread.exe" ) Authorware: AcroVer := baFileVersion( "c:\\acroread\\acroread.exe" ) Notes: The version of a 32 bit file (dll, exe, etc) is not available to a 16 bit exe under Windows NT. baFileDate baFileAge
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baEncryptFile encrypts/decrypts a file. Result = baEncryptFile( FileName , Key ) String, String. FileName is the file to encrypt/decrypt. Key is the string to use as the encryption key. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baEncryptFile( "d:\results.dat" , "This is my key" ) Authorware: OK := baEncryptFile( "d:\results.dat" , "This is my key" ) Notes: This function uses an xor routine to encrypt a file. To decrypt the file, run the function again using the same key. This will return it to it's original state. On Macintosh, only the data fork is encrypted - the resource fork is untouched.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baFindDrive searches all drives looking for a specified file. Result = baFindDrive( StartDrive, FileName ) String, String. StartDrive is the letter of the drive to start searching on. FileName is the name of the file to search for. String. Returns the letter of the Drive where the file was found. If the file is not found, returns an empty string. Director: set Drive = baFindDrive( "c", "myfile.id" ) Authorware: Drive := baFindDrive( "c", "myfile.id" ) Notes: The StartDrive option can be used to avoid searching floppy disks. The FileName can consist of a pathname as well as the filename. For example, FindDrive( "c", "data\avi\cn232.avi" ) will search for "c:\data\avi\cn232.avi", "d:\data\avi\cn232.avi", "e:\data\avi\cn232.avi", etc. If a path is not included, then the root directory of the drive will be used in the search. The search is done in alphabetical order. This function can be used to search for content that is stored separately from the main packaged file eg on a CD or network drive. baDiskInfo
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baShell executes a file. Result = baShell( Operation, Filename, Args, WorkDir, State ) String, string, string, string, string. Operation is the action to perform on the file. Filename is the name of the file the shortcut will point to. Args is any command line arguments to use. WorkDir is the working directory to set. State is the state to start the program in. Integer. Returns a number larger than 32 if successful. Returns an error code. If the return is less than 32 than an error occurred. Possible errors include:
0 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 26 27 29 30 31 System was out of memory. File was not found. Path was not found. Sharing or network-protection error. Library required separate data segments for each task. There was insufficient memory to start the application. Windows version was incorrect. Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image. Application was designed for a different operating system. Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0. Type of executable file was unknown. Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows). Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only. Attempt was made to load a compress ed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded. Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run this application was corrupt. Application requires 32-bit extensions. A sharing violation occurred. The filename association is incomplete or invalid. The DDE transaction failed. The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed. There is no application associated with the given filename
Director: set ok = baShell( "open", "c:\windows\notepad.exe", "myfile.txt" , "", "normal" ) set ok = baShell( "edit", "myfile.htm" , "", "", "normal" ) Authorware: set ok = baShell( "open", "myfile.doc", "" , "", "normal" )
This function can execute either a document or a program file. If it opens a document file, the Args parameter is ignored. The Operation can be any action that is registered with the document type, most commonly 'open' and 'print'. If the specified action is not registered to the document, the function will return 31. Only the 'open' action works on program files.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baOpenFile opens a document, using the program that the file is associated with. Result = baOpenFile( FileName , State ) String, String. FileName is the name of the file to open. The full path name should be supplied. State is the window state to open the file with. Can be one of these:
Windows "Normal" "Hidden" "Maximised" "Minimised" shows in its usual state. is not visible. shows as a maximised window. shows as an minimised icon.
Integer. Returns an error code. If the return is less than 32 than an error occurred. Possible errors include:
0 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 26 27 29 30 31 System was out of memory. File was not found. Path was not found. Sharing or network-protection error. Library required separate data segments for each task. There was insufficient memory to start the application. Windows version was incorrect. Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image. Application was designed for a different operating system. Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0. Type of executable file was unknown. Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows). Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only. Attempt was made to load a compressed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded. Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run this application was corrupt. Application requires 32-bit extensions. A sharing violation occurred. The filename association is incomplete or invalid. The DDE transaction failed. The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions we re being processed. There is no application associated with the given filename
Director: set OK = baOpenFile( the pathName & "test.txt" , "maximised" ) Authorware: OK := baOpenFile( FileLocation ^ "test.txt" , "maximised" )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baOpenURL opens an internet document, using the default browser. Result = baOpenURL( URL , State ) String, String. URL is the name of the document to open. State is the window state to open the browser with. Can be one of these:
Windows "Normal" "Hidden" "Maximised" "Minimised" shows in its usual state. is not visible. shows as a maximised window. shows as an minimised icon.
Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Success means that there is a browser associated with .htm files, and it can be started. If opening a local HTML file under Windows 95 the function will fail if the file does not exist; under Windows 3.1, the browser will open with an error message, but the function will return 1. Director: set OK = baOpenURL( "http://www.macromedia.com" , "maximised" ) Authorware: OK := baOpenURL( "http://www.macromedia.com" , "maximised" )
The URL can be any valid internet URL. The function will also work with local HTML files, however using the OpenFile function will be more reliable. This function has been written for use with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, but it may work with other browsers. On Macintosh, the function will use Internet Config to choose the default browser.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baPrintFile prints a document, using the program that the file is associated with. Result = baPrintFile( FileName ) String. FileName is the name of the file to print. The full path name should be supplied. Integer. Returns an error code. If the return is less than 32 than an error occurred. Possible errors include:
0 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 26 27 29 30 31 System was out of memory. File was not found. Path was not found. Sharing or network-protection error. Library required separate data segments for each task. There was insufficient memory to start the application. Windows version was incorrect. Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image. Application was designed for a d ifferent operating system. Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0. Type of executable file was unknown. Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows). Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only. Attempt was made to load a compressed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded. Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run this application was corrupt. Application requires 32-bit extensions. A sharing violation occurred. The filename association is incomplete or invalid. The DDE transaction failed. The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed. There is no application associated with the given filename extension.
Director: set OK = baPrintFile( the pathName & "test.txt" ) Authorware: OK := baPrintFile( FileLocation ^ "test.txt" )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baShortFileName returns the DOS 8.3 name of a Windows 95 long filename. Result = baShortFileName(LongFileName ) String. LongFileName is the name of the file. You must supply the full path name to the file. String. Returns the file name in DOS format. If the file doesn't exist, then the ret urn will be an empty string. Director: set ShortName = baShortFileName( "c:\Program Files\Accessories\Wordpad.exe" ) Authorware: ShortName := baShortFileName( "c:\\Program Files\\Accessories\\Wordpad.exe" ) Notes: In 16 bit, this function works in Windows 95; but under Windows 3.x or NT the function will return the FileName exactly the same as it was. Under 32 bit, the function will work under 95 or NT.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baTempFileName returns a temporary file name that is guaranteed not to exist. Result = baTempFileName( Prefix ) String. Prefix is a string of up to 3 characters that is used to generate the filename. String. Returns the file name, including the path. Director: set FileName = TempFileName( "gaz" ) Authorware: FileName := TempFileName( "gaz" ) Notes: The file name will consist of the path name, a tilde "~" followed by the prefix, then a four digit number, with a ".tmp" extension; eg "c:\temp\~gaz1257.tmp". The baTempFileName function gets the temporary file path as follows:: 16 bit: 1. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable 2. Root directory of the first hard disk, if TEMP is not defined. 32 bit: 1. The path specified by the TMP environment variable. 2. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable, if TMP is not defined. 3. The current directory, if both TMP and TEMP are not defined. This function does not create the file. Files created using file names returned by this function are not automatically deleted when Windows shuts down.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baMakeShortcut creates a Windows 95/NT shortcut or Macintosh alias. Result = baMakeShortcut( FileName , Path , Title ) String, String, String. FileName is the file that the shortcut will point to. Path is the folder that the shortcut will be created in. Title is the name of the shortcut. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set OK = baMakeShortcut( "d:\mworld.exe", "c:\windows\desktop", "Multimedia World" ) set OK = baMakeShortcut( "MMCD:MM World", "Mac HD:Desktop Folder", "Multimedia World" ) Authorware: OK := baMakeShortcut( "d:\\mworld.exe" , "c:\\windows\\desktop" , "Multimedia World" ) Notes: On Windows, this function is only available in the 32 bit version running under Windows 95 or NT4. If used in 16 bit or under earlier versions of NT, it will do nothing and return 0. On Macintosh, if the file the alias points to contains a custom icon, it will not be copied to the alias file. The Finder will update the alias when th file is run.
Platform: Description: Usage: Windows baMakeShortcutEx creates a Windows 95/NT shortcut. Result = baMakeShortcutEx( FileName, Path, Title, Args, WorkDir, Icon, IconNumber, Hotkey, State ) String, string, string, string, string, string, integer, integer, string. Filename is the name of the file the shortcut will point to. Path is the folder to create the shortcut in. Title is the name of the shortcut. Args is any command line arguments to use. WorkDir is the working directory to set. Icon is the name of the icon file. IconNumber is the number of the icon in Icon to use. Hokey is the virtual key code of the hotkey to assign to the shortcut. State is the state to start the program in. Can be "normal", "min", "max" Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set ok = baMakeShortcutEx( "c:\windows\notepad.exe", "c:\temp", "My Notepad", "", "c:\windows", "c:\windows\moricons.dll", 12, 65, "normal" ) Authorware: ok := baMakeShortcutEx( "c:\\window\\notepad.exe", baSysFolder( "desktop" ), "My Document", docpath ^ "theFile.txt", "", "", 0, 65, "max" ) Notes: This function is only available in the 32 bit version running under Windows 95 or NT 4. If used in 16 bit or under earlier versions of NT, it will do nothing and return 0. This function is an extended version of baMakeShortcut. Only the first three arguments are required - if any of the others are an empty string or 0, they will be ignored. The Icon parameter can be either an .ico, .exe or .dll file. If the file is a .ico, then the IconNumber parameter is ignored. If it is a .exe or .dll file, then the IconNumber is the number of the icon in that file to use. If the Icon is an empty string (""), then the first icon in the Command .exe file will be used. The Hotkey is a number that represents the virtual key code to use as the hotkey. The actual hotkey will be Ctrl + Alt + the key. eg a value of 65 will produce a hotkey of Ctrl+Alt+A. If the value is negative then Shift will also be used. eg -66 will produce Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B. A list of Virtual Key Codes is supplied.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baResolveShortcut returns the file a Window 95/NT shortcut. points to. Result = baResolveShortcut( Shortcut ) String. Shortcut is the name of the shortcut. String. Returns the file name, or an empty string if the shortcut doesn't exist or isn't a shortcut. Director: set filename = baResolveShortcut( "c:\temp\My Shortcut" ) Authorware: filename := baResolveShortcut( "c:\\temp\\My Shortcut" ) Notes: This function is only available in the 32 bit version running under Windows 95 or NT 4. If used in 16 bit or under earlier versions of NT, it will do nothing and return an empty string. The file extension fo shortcuts is .lnk, which Windows does not display. If does not matter whether or not you include this extension in your shortcut name.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Macintosh baFileType returns the type code of a file. Result = baFileType( FileName ) String. FileName is the file to get the code of. String. Returns the four character type code of the file. Director: set type = baFileType( "HD:Data:data file" ) Authorware: OK := baFileType( "HD:Data:da ta file" )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Macintosh baFileCreator returns the creator application of a file. Result = baFileCreator( FileName ) String. FileName is the file to get the creator of. String. Returns the four character code of the creator application of the file. Director: set type = baFileCreator( "HD:Data:data file" ) Authorware: OK := baFileCreator( "HD:Data:data file" )
Description: Usage: Arguments:
baSetFileInfo sets the type and creator of a file. Result = baSetFileInfo( FileName, Type, Creator ) String. FileName is the file to set the info of. Type is the four character type code to set. Creator is the four character creator code to set. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, else 0. Director: set ok = baSetFileInfo( "HD:Data:web.htm", HTML, MOSS ) Authorware: OK := baSetFileInfo( "HD:Data:data.txt", TEXT, ttxt )
To leave either the present Type or Creator unchanged, use an empty string as the argument.
Window functions
WindowInfo FindWindow WindowList ChildWindowList ActiveWindow CloseWindow CloseApp SetWindowState ActivateWindow SetWindowTitle MoveWindow WindowToFront WindowToBack WindowToBack WindowDepth SetWindowDepth WaitForWindow WaitTillActive NextActiveWindow WindowExists GetWindow SendKeys SendMsg AddSysItems RemoveSysItems WinHandle StageHandle Aw2Window returns info (state, size, position, title, class) of a window finds a window with given title or class returns a list of all windows with given title or class returns a list a window's child windows returns the active window closes a window closes the application owning a window minimises, maximises, hides a window activates the specified window set the caption of a window moves/resizes a window brings a window to the front of other windows sends a window to the back of other windows sends a window to the back of other windows gets the z-order depth of a window sets the z-order depth of a window waits until a specified window is in a specified state waits until a specified window becomes the active one returns the next window to become active checks that a window handle is valid returns a window related to another window sends simulated key presses to the active window sends a windows message to a window adds System menu, min and max boxes removes System menu, min and max boxes returns the main Director or Authorware presentation window returns the Director stage window returns the Authorware presentation window
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baWindowInfo returns information about a window. Result = baWindowInfo( WindowHandle , InfoType ) Integer, String WindowHandle is the handle of the window. InfoType is the type of information required. Can be one of the following:
"title" "class" "state" the caption of the window the class name of the window the present state of the window. Return can be: "hidden" the window is hidden "min" minimised "max" maximised "normal" normal state "text" the window's text "left" the left edge of the window in pixels "right" the right edge "top" the top edge of the window in pixels "bottom" the bottom edge "width" the wdith of the window "height" the height of the window "client width" the wdith of the window "client height" the height of the window
String. Returns the information requested, or "Invalid" if the window doesn't exist.. Director: set State = baWindowInfo( Window, "state" ) Authorware: State := baWindowInfo( Window, "state" )
The "text" option can be used to retrieve the text in an edit control window. The client area of the window is the area of the window available for drawing on; the window minus the window borders, title bar and menu bar. baSetWindowTitle baMoveWindow baSetWindowState
See also:
Platform: Description: Windows and Macintosh baFindWindow returns the handle of a window. This handle can then be used in other window management functions. Result = baFindWindow( Class/Creator, Title ) String, String. On Windows, Class is the class name of the window. On Macintosh, Creator it is the creator type of the application. Title is the text in the window's caption. The function can use either or both arguments. If one of the arguments is empty, then only the other argument will be used in searching for the window. Integer. Returns the window handle. If the window isn't found, then returns 0. Director: set WinHandle = baFindWindow( "" , "Calculator" ) --Windows set WinHandle = baFindWindow( "CARO", "" ) --Macintosh Authorware: WinHandle := baFindWindow( "" , "Calculator" ) Notes: On Windows, a window handle is an number that Windows uses to identify windows. Every window has a unique handle. You can use this handle to manipulate the window; bring it to the front, close it, etc. Every window also has a class name. This is assigned by the programmer, and can be used to find a specific window. For example, the Class window for the main MS Word window is "OpusApp". To find the handle for the Word window, you could use FindWindow( "OpusApp", "" ). If you know the text in the window's caption, you can use this to find the window. For example, FindWindow( "" , "Notepad - mydoc.txt" ). On Macintosh, the window handle retunred is the identifier for the application rather than an individual window. The title of the window will be the name that appears in the Application menu. See also: baWindowList baGetWindow
Usage: Arguments:
Platform: Description: Windows and Macintosh baWindowList returns a list of the handles of open windows. These handles can then be used in other window management functions. Result = baWindowList( Class/Creator, Caption, MatchCaption ) String, String, Integer. On Windows, Class is the class name of the window. On Macintosh, Creator it is the creator type of the application. Caption is the Caption of the windows to find. If MatchCaption is true, then Caption must match the window caption exactly (apart from case). If it is false, then any window which contains Caption will be returned. If Caption is an empty string, then MatchCaption is ignored. The function can use either or both Class/Creator and Caption arguments. If one of the arguments is blank, then only the other argument will be used in searching for the windows. List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns a list or string of all matching window handles. Director: set WndList = baWindowList( "" , "Netscape" , false ) -- return list of all windows with a caption containing "Netscape" Authorware: WndList := baWindowList( "Notepad" , "" , false ) -- return list of all Notepad windows Notes: The return for the UCD version is a string with each window handle on a separate line. You can use the Authorware GetLine function to retrieve each window handle. The windows will be listed in front-to-back order - the first window in the list will be the one at the front, while the last one in the list will be behind all other windows in the list. baFindWindow baGetWindow
Usage: Arguments:
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baChildWindowList returns a list of a window's child windows. Result = baChildWindowList( ParentWnd, Class, Caption, MatchCaption ) Integer, string, string, integer. ParentWnd is the window to get the children of. Class is the class of child windows to include. Caption is the window title of child windows to include. If MatchCaption is true, then Caption must match the window caption exactly (apart from case). If it is false, then any window which contains Caption will be returned. If Caption is an empty string, then MatchCaption is ignored. The function can use either or both Class and Caption arguments. If one of the arguments is empty, then only the other argument will be used in searching for the windows. List (Xtra) or String (UCD). Returns a list or string of all found window handles. Director: set wndList = baChildWindowList( 1234, "", "", 0 ) -- return list of all child windows of window 1234 Authorware: wndList := baChildWindowList( 1234, "Edit", "", 0 ) -- return list of all edit controls of window 1234 Notes: The return for the UCD version is a string with each window handle on a separate line. You can use the Authorware GetLine function to retrieve each window handle. This function will return all child windows of the parent window and all its' children. baFindWindow baWindowList baGetWindow
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows and Macintosh baActiveWindow returns the handle of the currently active window. Result = baActiveWindow() Void. Integer. Returns the handle of the active window. Director: set WinHandle = baActiveWindow() Authorware: WinHandle := baActiveWindow() Notes: On Windows, under some conditions, this function can return 0. This would typically happen during the time an application starts up - the app may have control, but not yet opened its main window. Do not use a loop such as this: set wnd = 0 baRunProgram( "other.exe" , "normal" , false ) repeat while wnd <> baWinHandle() set wnd = baActiveWindow() -- ActiveWindow could return 0 end repeat In the case above, it is possible that wnd will equal 0, not the window handle of the new application. A better way to achieve this is to use the baNextActiveWindow function.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baActivateWindow activates the specified window. Result = baActivateWindow( WinHandle ) Integer. WinHandle is the handle of the window to activate. To activate the Director or Authorware window, use the baWinHandle() function. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baActivateWindow( baWinHandle() ) Authorware: OK := baActivateWindow( baWinHandle() )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baCloseWindow closes the specified window. Result = baCloseWindow( WinHandle ) Integer. WinHandle is the handle of the window to close. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baCloseWindow( WinHandle ) Authorware: OK := baCloseWindow( WinHandle ) Notes: On Macintosh, this function sends a Quit AppleEvent to the application. Some programs need to be made active before they will quit - you may need to do a baActivateWindow before using this function. baCloseApp
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baCloseApp closes the application owning a specified window. Result = baCloseApp( WinHandle ) Integer. WinHandle is the handle of the window to close. Void. Director: baCloseApp( WinHandle ) Authorware: baCloseApp( WinHandle ) Notes: Not all applications react kindly to being closed by other applications, and may leave the system unstable - particularly in 16 bit Windows. If you use this function, be sure to test thoroughly. If possible, use the baCloseWindow function instead. baCloseWindow
Returns: Examples:
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetWindowState allows you to manipulate the specified window. baSetWindowState( WinHandle, State ) Integer, String. WinHandle is the handle of the window to change. To change the Director or Authorware window, use the baWinHandle() function. State is the window's new state. Can be one of the following:
"Hidden" "Restored" Hides the window and passes activation to another window. Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, it is restored to its original size and position. "Normal" Activates a window and displays it in its current size and position. "Maximised" Activates a window and displays it as a maximized window. "Minimised" Activates a window and displays it as an icon. "MinNotActive" Displays a window as an icon. The window that is currently active remains active. "NotActive" Displays a window in its current state. The window that is currently active remains active. "ShowNotActive" Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The window that is currently active remains active. "StayOnTop" Makes the window stay on top of all other windows. "DontStayOnTop" Allows the window to go behind other windows.
Returns: Examples:
If the WinHandle is 0, or is not the valid handle of a window, then the function will act on the active window. baWindowInfo baActivateWindow
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetWindowTitle sets the title of a specified window. baSetWindowTitle( WinHandle, Title ) Integer, String. WinHandle is the handle of the window to change the title of. Title is the string to change the window title to. Void. Director: baSetWindowTitle( Window, "Module 1" ) Authorware: baSetWindowTitle( Window, "Module 1" ) Notes: If the WinHandle is 0, or is not the valid handle of a window, then the function will act on the active window. baWindowInfo
Returns: Examples:
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baMoveWindow moves or resizes the specified window. baMoveWindow( WinHandle, Left , Top , Width , Height , Activate ) Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer. WinHandle is the handle of the window to move. Left is the new left position of the window. Top is the new top position of the window. Width is the new width of the window. Height is the new height of the window. If Activate is true then the window will be activated. Void. Director: baMoveWindow( Wnd, 20 , 20 , 400 , 400 , true ) Authorware: baMoveWindow( Wnd, 20 , 20 , 400 , 400 , true ) Notes: If both Left and Top arguments are -1, then the windows current position will not be changed. If both Width and Height are -1, then the windows current size will not be changed. baWindowInfo
Returns: Examples:
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baWindowToFront brings the specified window to the front of all other windows. Result = baWindowToFront( WinHandle ) Integer. WinHandle is the handle of the window to bring to the front. To bring the Director or Authorware window to the front, use the baWinHandle() function. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baWindowToFront( baWinHandle() ) Authorware: OK := baWindowToFront( baWinHandle() ) See also: baWindowToBack baWindowDepth baSetWindowDepth
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baWindowToBack sends the specified window to the back of all other windows. Result = baWindowToBack( WinHandle ) Integer. WinHandle is the handle of the window to send to the back. To send the Director or Authorware window to the back, use the baWinHandle() function. Integer. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. Director: set OK = baWindowToBack( baWinHandle() ) Authorware: OK := baWindowToBack( baWinHandle() ) See also: baWindowToFront baWindowDepth baSetWindowDepth
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baWindowDepth gets the z-order depth of the specified window. Result = baWindowDepth( WinHandle ) Integer. WinHandle is the handle to get the depth of. Integer. Returns the depth, or 0 if WinHandle doesn't exist. Director: set depth = baWindowDepth( baWinHandle() ) Authorware: depth := baWindowDepth( baWinHandle() ) Notes: Only windows that are visible are counted in the depth. If a window's state is hidden, then it will be ignored by this function. Windows that are set as topmost or stay-on-top will be counted before normal windows - even if they are minimised.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSetWindowDepth sets the z-order depth of the specified window. baSetWindowDepth( WinHandle , Depth ) Integer, Integer. WinHandle is the handle to set the depth of. Depth is the new depth to set the window to. Void. Director: baSetWindowDepth( baWinHandle() , 2 ) -- sets the Director window to below the top window, but in front of all other windows Authorware: baSetWindowDepth( 3124 , 5 ) Notes: Setting a depth greater than the number of visible windows is allowed - the window will be sent to the back of all other windows. baWindowDepth baWindowToFront baWindowToBack
Returns: Examples:
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baGetWindow gets a window that is related to another window. Result = baGetWindow( WindowHandle , Relation ) Integer, String. WindowHandle is the handle of the window. Relation is the type of relationship to look for. Can be one of the following:
"child" "first" "last" "next" "previous" "owner" "parent" gets the first child window gets the first window gets the last window gets the next window gets the previous window gets the window's owner gets the window's parent
Integer. Returns the handle of the found window, or 0 if the requested window could not be found. Director: set wnd = baGetWindow( 2349 , "parent" ) Authorware: wnd := baGetWindow( 2349 , "parent" )
Platform: Description: Windows and Macintosh baWaitForWindow waits until a window is in a specified state, with an optional timeout. Result = baWaitForWindow( WinHandle, State, TimeOut ) Integer, String, Integer WinHandle is the handle of the window to wait for. State is the state to wait for. Can be: "inactive" waits until the window is inactive "active" waits until the window is active "closed" waits until the window is closed TimeOut is the maximum amount of time to wait in ticks. A tick is equal to 1/60th of a second. If TimeOut is 0, the function will wait indefinitely. Integer. Returns 0 if the window doesn't exist, or the timeout occurs before the window reaches the specified state. Returns 1 if the window reached the specified state. Director: set OK = baWaitForWindow( baWinHandle(), "active", 300 ) -- waits for the Director window to become active, for a maximum of 5 seconds Authorware: OK := baWaitForWindow( 3248, "closed", 600 ) -- waits for the window 3248 to be closed, for a maximum of 10 seconds Notes: The "inactive" option is useful for waiting until the Director/Authorware window is inactive after starting another program. When the Director/Authorware window is no longer active, then the other program has opened and has focus. For example, here is some code to open a readme fil e in Authorware, and wait until the user has finished with it. if baOpenFile( "readme.txt" , "normal" ) > 32 then --open readme file wnd := baNextActiveWindow( 0 ) -- get handle of Notepad window baWaitForWindow( baWinHandle() , "active" , 0 ) -- wait till the Authorware window is active i.e. Notepad has been closed or user switched back to Authorware if baWindowExists( wnd ) then baCloseWindow( wnd ) -- close Notepad end if end if See also: baWaitTillActive baNextActiveWindow baActiveWindow
Usage: Arguments:
Platform: Description: Windows baWaitTillActive pauses execution until a specified window becomes the active one. baWaitTillActive( WindowHandle ) Integer. WindowHandle is the handle of the window to wait for. Void. Director: baWaitTillActive( baWinHandle() ) -- wait till Director window becomes the active one Authorware: baWaitTillActive( baWinHandle() ) -- wait till Authorware window becomes the active one Notes: This function is mainly intended to be used with the RunProgram function. The RunProgram function can pause execution until the jumped to program quits. This may cause a problem if the user switches back to the Authorware program without quitting the jumped to program. If you use the RunProgram without the pause option, you can use this function (after a short wait) to resume the program if the user switches back to it. This function is provided for compatibility with older versions. Newapplications should use the baWaitForWindow function. baWaitForWindow baNextActiveWindow baActiveWindow
Usage: Arguments:
Returns: Examples:
See also:
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baNextActiveWindow returns the next window to become active. Result = baNextActiveWindow( TimeOut ) Integer TimeOut is the maximum amount of time to wait in ticks. A tick is equal to 1/60th of a second. If TimeOut is 0, the function will wait indefinitely. Integer. Returns the handle of the next active window. Returns 0 if the timeout occurs before another window becomes active. Director: set wnd = baNextActiveWindow( 300 ) -- waits for the next window to become active, for a maximum of 5 seconds Authorware: wnd := baNextActiveWindow( 600 ) Notes: This function will not operate with versions of Authorware earlier than 3.0. The next active window is defined as the next window that isn't the window of the Director/Authorware calling program, or a dialog box or a splash screen. It would be typically used after a baRunProgram or baOpenFile call to get the handle of the window the program opens, and is particularly useful for applications such as Netscape and Acrobat that open splash screens. Here is an example of opening an Acrobat file in Director, and closing it when the user is finished with it. if baOpenFile( "readme.pdf" , "normal" ) > 32 then --open acrobat file set wnd = baNextActiveWindow( 0 ) -- get handle of Acrobat window baWaitForWindow( baWinHandle() , "active" , 0 ) -- wait till the Director window is active i.e. Acrobat has been closed or user switched back to Director if baWindowExists( wnd ) then baCloseWindow( wnd ) -- close Acrobat end if end if See also: baWaitTillActive baWaitForWindow baActiveWindow
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows and Macintosh baWindowExists checks if a window handle is valid. Result = baWindowExists( WinHandle ) Integer. WindowHandle is the handle of the window to check for. Integer. Returns 1 if the window exists, else 0. Director: set OK = baWindowExists( 3248 ) Authorware: OK := baWindowExists( 3248 )
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSendMsg sends a Windows message to a window. Result = baSendMsg( WindowHandle , Message , wParam , lParam , Wait ) Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer. WindowHandle is the handle of the window to send the m essage to. Message is the message to send. wParam is additional message information. lParam is additional message information. If Wait is true, execution is paused until the window processes the message. Integer. If Wait is true, the return value specifies the result of the message processing and depends on the message sent. If Wait is false, returns 1 is the message was successfully posted to the window, else 0. Director: set Result = baSendMsg( 65535, 26 , 0, 0, true ) --send a WM_WININCHANGE message to all windows. Authorware: Result := baSendMsg( 65535, 26, 0, 0, true ) Notes: To use this function, you will need access to Windows API information about messages.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSendKeys sends a series of keystrokes to the active window. Result = baSendKeys( Keys ) String. Keys is the string of keys to send. See the notes section for a full description. Integer. Returns an error code.
0 1 2 3 4 success. invalid character in string window unavailable unknown error another SendKeys function is still under way
Director: set OK = baSendKeys( "hello" ) -- sends "hello" set OK = baSendKeys( "^C" ) -- sends Control C set OK = baSendKeys( "{F1}" ) -- sends the F1 key set OK = baSendKeys( "fname.txt{ENTER}" ) --sends "fname.txt" then Enter Authorware: OK := baSendKeys( "hello" ) -- sends "hello" OK := baSendKeys( "^C" ) -- sends Control C OK := baSendKeys( "{F1}" ) -- sends the F1 key OK := baSendKeys( "fname.txt{ENTER}" ) --sends "fname.txt" then Enter
The string sent can contain any alphanumeric character. Use "@" for the Alt key, "~" for the Shift key, and "^" for the Control key. If you need to send these actual keys, use a combination of Shift and the required letter eg to send "@" use "~2". Other special keys can be sent as follows: (include the curly brackets)
Platform: Description: Windows baAddSysItems is a function which adds the system menu, minimise and maximise buttons to a window. baAddSysItems( WindowHandle, SystemMenu, MinBox, MaxBox ) Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer. WindowHandle is the handle of the window to change. If SystemMenu is true, the system menu is added. If MinBox is true, the minimize button is added. If MaxBox is true, the maximize button is added. Void. Director: baAddSysItems(baWinHandle() , false , true , false ) Authorware: baAddSysItems(baWinHandle() , false , true , false ) Notes: Use this function with care. Some windows do not react kindly to having their window style changed. Some windows will ignore this call. This function is limited in 32 bit Windows - only the Director/Authorware window can be changed, and you can only have all the items or none of the items.
Usage: Arguments:
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Windows baRemoveSysItems is a function which removes the system menu, minimise and maximise buttons from a window. baRemoveSysItems( WindowHandle, SystemMenu, MinBox, MaxBox ) Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer. WindowHandle is the handle of the window to change. If SystemMenu is true, the system menu is removed. If MinBox is true, the minimize button is removed. If MaxBox is true, the maximize button is removed. Void. Director: baRemoveSysItems(1356 , true , false , false ) -- remove the system menu from window 1356 Authorware: baRemoveSysItems(1356 , true , false , false ) -- remove the system menu from window 1356
Usage: Arguments:
Returns: Examples:
Platform: Description: Windows and Macintosh baWinHandle returns the main Director window or the Authorware presentation window. Result = baWinHandle() Void. Integer. Director: set Win = baWinHandle() Authorware: Win := baWinHandle() Notes: Use this function to get the Director window for use with the other window manipulation functions. In the UCD version, this function returns the Authorware presentation window when packaged, but the main Authorware window during authoring. When using Buddy window functions on the Authorware window, you should use baWinHandle() rather than the system WindowHandle variable. This is necessary because in authoring mode, the presentation window is a child of the main Authorware window. This causes problems with functions that rely on a specific window being active, because Windows thinks the active window is actually the main Authorware window, not the presentation window. By using this function instead of the system WindowHandle variable, you can create a file that behaves correctly in both authoring and runtime modes. For example, if the presentation window is active, baActiveWindow() and WindowHandle will not be the same during authoring, but will be when packaged. However, baActiveWindow() and baWinHandle() will be the same in both authoring and packaged modes. The baWinHandle function only works in version 3.0 or later of Authorware - use the baAw2Window function in earlier versions.
See also:
baStageHandle baAw2Window
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Examples: Windows baStageHandle returns the Director stage window. Result = baStageHandle() Void. Integer. Director: set Win = baStageHandle() Authorware: N/A Notes: Use this function to get the Director stage window. You should use baWinHandle if you want to use the other Buddy window manipulation functions on the Director window. If used in Authorware, this function will return the main presentation window. See also: baWinHandle
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baAw2Window returns the handle of the Authorware presentation window. Result = baAw2Window( WindowHandle ) Integer. WindowHandle is the system Authorware variable. Integer. Returns the handle of the Authorware presentation window when packaged; the handle of the main Authorware window when authoring.. Director: Not avaialable Authorware: WinHandle := baAw2Window( WindowHandle ) Notes: This function is not available in the Xtra version. The baWinHandle function can be used to retrieve this value in the Xtra version. This function will work in all versions of Authorware, however Versions 3.0 or later of Authorware should use the baWinHandle function. See also: baWinHandle
Registration functions
About Register SaveRegistration GetRegistration Functions shows information about Buddy API registers Buddy API saves your registration information retrieves your registration information retrieves the number of functions you are licenced to use
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Examples: Windows and Macintosh baAbout shows information about Buddy API. baAbout() Void. Void. Director: baAbout() Authorware: baAbout() Notes: This function displays a message box showing the version of Buddy API, who the version is registered to, and the number of functions licenced for use.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baRegister registers Buddy API. Result = baRegister( UserName , RegNumber ) String, Integer. UserName is the user name you received when you registered. RegNumber is your registration number. Integer. Returns the number of functions licenced for use. Director: set funcs = baRegister( "My name" , 111111 ) Authorware: funcs := baRegister( "My name" , 111111 ) Notes: You need to use this function before you call any other Buddy functions. For Director, the best place to do this is in your startMovie handler. In Authorware, place this into a calculation icon near the start of the flowline.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Windows baSaveRegistration saves your Buddy API registration information Result = baSaveRegistration( UserName , RegNumber ) String, Integer. UserName is the user name you received when you registered. RegNumber is your registration number. Integer. Returns 1 if successfully saved, else 0. Director: set OK = baSaveRegistration( "My name" , 111111 ) Authorware: OK := baSaveRegistration( "My name" , 111111 ) Notes: This function is designed to be used with the baGetRegistration function to make it easier for you to enter your registration code. In Director, you can use the Message window to save the information. The function is only available in authoring mode. This function is not included in the UCD version.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows baGetRegistration retrieves your Buddy API registration information Result = baGetRegistration( ) Void. String. Returns your registration information. Director: set regstring = baGetRegistration( ) Authorware: regstring := baGetRegistration( ) Notes: This function is designed to be used with the baSaveRegistration function to make it easier for you to enter your registration code. The function also places the registration information on the clipboard ready to be pasted into the desired handler or calculation icon. In Director, you can use the Message window to get the information. The function is only available in authoring mode. This function is not included in the UCD version.
Platform: Description: Usage: Arguments: Returns: Windows baFunctions returns the number of functions you are licenced to use Result = baFunctions( ) Void. Integer. Returns the number of licenced functions. Director: set number = baFunctions( ) Authorware: number := baFunctions( ) Notes: This function is not included in the UCD version.