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Example of Competency Statement For Ieng and Milp

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Example of Competency Statement for IEng and MILP

Competency Reference

Personal Rev e!
Sales Manager PFI and Controls August 200" # Present



I am currently t$e Area Sales Manager for t$e London and Sout$east area sales team% My dut es nclude tra n ng and development of staff& staff appra sals and assess ng and manag ng t$e tec$n cal and day to day needs of my team% I $ave !r tten nd v dual tra n ng plans ! t$ t$e v e! to ncreas ng t$e 'no!ledge (ase ! t$ n t$e )* Pu(l c L g$t ng team% +ue to my 10 years exper ence of outdoor l g$t ng& I $ave (ecome ,,,,,-s )* lead tec$n cal adv sor on outdoor l g$t ng and regularly consult on future developments% I regularly c$a r team meet ngs& produce m nutes and tr (ute act ons !$ere re.u red% I present at our n#$ouse customer events /,,,,, Academy of L g$t 0 1AL2 present ng papers ent tled C ty Enl g$tenment& Sports L g$t ng& 3lat 4eam L g$t ng and Arc$ tectural 3loodl g$t ng% I am ,,,,, )*-s 1unnel l g$t ng expert and also consult on 5 g$ mast l g$t ng to our extended sales teams% 6ne of my ongo ng pro7ects s to lead t$e 6utdoor L g$t ng Controls team !$ose goal t s to ga n Elexon approval for our central management system% I $ave (roug$t a team toget$er cons st ng of product management& sales and soft!are development eng neers to dent fy mod f cat ons needed ! t$ n t$e system soft!are to (r ng t up to )* re.u rements% I prepared a cost report !$ c$ !as presented to sen or )* management to ga n t$e re.u red fund ng% 8e are currently n t$e process of mplement ng t$e soft!are c$anges% 6nce t$ese $ave (een ac$ eved I ! ll oversee test ng and de#(ugg ng ! t$ t$e f nal goal n m nd of ga n ng approval and Elexon cert f cat on% A recent duty of m ne !as to rev e! and cr t .ue ,,,,,-s (rand ne! street l g$t ng lum na re& t$e for t$e )* mar'et% I carr ed out a S861 analys s to dent fy strengt$s and !ea'nesses ! t$ n t$e product prototype and opportun t es and t$reats ! t$ n t$e mar'etplace% I oversa! t$e opt cal performance test ng and from t$ s I !rote an appra sal and recommended areas for mprovement% I dent f ed spec f c mar'et needs and potent al operat onal pro(lems ! t$ t$e lum na re& nclud ng seal ng& t$ermal management and opt cal performance% I d scussed t$ese ssues ! t$ product management and $elped develop solut ons for t$e )* mar'et% In 200" I !rote and presented a tec$n cal paper at var ous ILE 9 5EMSA tec$n cal forums& ent tled ,,,,,% 1$ s paper d scussed t$e a( l ty for one for one replacement of ex st ng S6, lanterns ! t$ compact fluorescent lantern of correspond ng !attages% 1$ s too' nto account 4S E: 1;201 to reduce a l g$t ng class for res dent al areas% 1$e result (e ng a compl ant solut on ! t$ su(stant al ga ns n energy sav ng& ! t$ t$e added advantage of !$ te l g$t /v sual recogn t on& reduced fear of cr me etc2% 1$ s paper also d scussed t$e eff cac es of
Examplar for IEng MILP 1 August 2011 Ex Mem12001


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Example of Competency Statement for IEng and MILP

t$e t!o types of l g$t ng systems% Sox (e ng t$e older& less eff c ent system& gave advantages for t$e ne!er& $ g$ eff c ency electron c systems% 1$ s coupled ! t$ t$e ease of l near d mm ng ! t$ fluorescent sources gave t$e poss ( l t es of tremendous extra energy sav ng% 6t$er presentat ons nclude countless customer CP+ accred ted presentat ons& performed over t$e last < years for (ot$ ,,,,, and ,,,,, L g$t ng% 1$ese ncludes papers on 8$ te l g$t& )r(an L g$t ng& Arc$ tectural 3loodl g$t ng& LE+ 1ec$nology& 1raff c Cross ngs and many more% I am nvolved n oversee ng t$e tec$n cal content for ne! product advert sements% 1$ s duty ncludes c$ec' ng t$e tec$n cal content and su(7ect matter and ensur ng ,,,,, g ve out t$e correct commerc al nformat on n an nformat ve and upto date manner% In 200= I planned and developed a tra n ng course for t$e ILE >oung L g$t ng Profess onals% 1$ s t!o day tra n ng course !as $eld at t$e ne! tra n ng fac l ty& 1$orn Academy of L g$t /1AL2 n Spennymoor& Co% +ur$am% I !or'ed $ard to develop a programme !$ c$ made more effect ve use of t me and a(ove all& ensured t$e non#commerc al ty of eac$ paper% ,,,,, ntend to run t$ s as an annual course% 3uture asp rat ons nclude (ecom ng a comm ttee mem(er of t$e ILE LSE and $elp s$ape t$e future of my profess on% I $ave part cular nterest n LE+ street l g$t ng as I regularly consult on ,,,,, )*-s re.u rements ! t$ our central street l g$t ng development d rectorate (ased n Les Andelys& 3rance% I regularly attend product evaluat on meet ngs (efore t$e f nal sat on and launc$ of a ne! product%



Sales Manager Industrial Products ,,,,, LI?51I:? :ov 200@ 0 Aug 200" I !or'ed ! t$ n t$e London and Sout$ East reg onal team for almost @ years ! t$ respons ( l ty for floodl g$t ng& Industr al and LE+ sales% I esta(l s$ed a ne! fledgl ng sales area n 200@ and expanded t nto a pro7ect (ased (us ness !ort$ AB00'% 1$ s proved to (e a very $ard ntroduct on nto sales as t$ere !as a $ g$ volume of cold call ng and account development% At ts pea'& 7ust (efore my move to ,,,,, L g$t ng& I !as regularly call ng on customers nclud ng nternat onal consult ng eng neers& lead ng arc$ tects and l g$t ng des gners% I regularly !rote& presented and evaluated CP+ presentat ons on all aspects of floodl g$t ng nclud ng arc$ tectural& area and sports% Large pro7ects !$ c$ I !as nvolved n& ncluded * ngs Cross Central& Cross Ra l and t$e 6lymp c Par'%

Examplar for IEng MILP 1 August 2011 Ex Mem12001

Example of Competency Statement for IEng and MILP

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A pro7ect of part cular note dur ng my t me at ,,,,, !as t$e concept des gn& manufacture& nstallat on and comm ss on ng of a large dynam c LE+ l g$t ng system for t$e Regent 1$eatre n Sto'e on 1rent% I !as g ven a very s mple (r ef to l g$t t$e outs de !alls of t$e fly to!er% I des gned (espo'e LE+ s gnage& and a C!all !as$ ng- l g$t ng system% I des gned and tested t$e opt cal eng nes for t$e letter ng and came up ! t$ t$e (est solut on for surface un form ty% I also des gned (espo'e (rac'etry for t$e !all !as$ ng lanterns% I !as lead eng neer on t$e comm ss on ng and presented t$ s turn#'ey solut on to t$e t$eatre tec$n c ans and tra ned t$em on t$e +M, control soft!are% 8e came across a pro(lem ! t$ t$e mec$an cal f xat on of t$e !all (rac'ets to t$e cladd ng% I came up ! t$ a solut on us ng res n anc$or (olts to 'eep t$e (rac'ets n t$e correct pos t on% 6ne of my largest street l g$t ng pro7ects I managed for ,,,,, !as t$e exter or street l g$t ng to t$e ne! St Pancreas tra n stat on% 1$ s pro7ect ut l sed (espo'e columns !$ c$ mplemented traff c l g$t systems% I l a sed ! t$ t$e 13L traff c eng neers& Arc$ tects and our column suppl er to ensure eac$ (espo'e column !as correct% I pro7ect managed t$e manufacture and supply of lanterns and columns n record t me%


Senior Design Engineer ,,,,, Sep 2000 0 Sep 200; ,,,,, +es gn spec al ses n (espo'e arc$ tectural l g$t ng e.u pment and solut ons% My respons ( l t es as team leader and pro7ect manager ncluded tec$n cal sales& feas ( l ty reports& sc$eme and product des gn% I (ecame competent n LE+ solut ons& spec al s ng n LE+ systems and ntegrat on% 6ne of my most en7oya(le pro7ects& alt$oug$ small& !as t$e des gn and manufacture of a feature l g$t ng sculpture for Poole 5ar(our% I !or'ed closely ! t$ t$e art st to formulate a product des gn ut l s ng some of our LE+ ground#mounted products% I researc$ed and selected a local foundry and comm ss oned t$em to cast t$e unusual (rass sculpture% Pr or to nstallat on I formulated a met$od statement deta l ng t$e man#$andl ng and nstallat on procedure for t$e $eavy cast ng components% I spec f ed t$e foundat on re.u rements and once t$e prel m nary ground !or's !ere complete I superv sed nstallat on and comm ss on ng% 4e ng a Sen or +es gn Eng neer re.u red me to commun cate ! t$ all departments and customers% I learnt $o! to mot vate s$op floor staff and developed a very good !or' ng relat ons$ p ! t$ t$e team% +ue to t$e (espo'e nature of ,,,,, pro7ects& I .u c'ly learnt $o! to commun cate effect vely to overcome product on $ ccups% I also ga ned
Examplar for IEng MILP 1 August 2011 Ex Mem12001



Example of Competency Statement for IEng and MILP nvalua(le customer fac ng exper ence !$ c$ led me to start t$ n' ng a(out a career move to!ards sales%

Application Engineer

,,,,, LI?51I:? L1+

:ov 1=== 0 Sep 2000

My f rst 7o( after graduat ng from un vers ty and my f rst venture nto t$e !orld of l g$t !as ! t$ ,,,,, L g$t ng& part of t$e ,,,,, ?roup% My dut es as an Appl cat on Eng neer ncluded des gn ng traff c and ur(an l g$t ng sc$emes and adv s ng on (est l g$t ng pract ce% +ut es also ncluded pro7ect management from concept on t$roug$ to manufacture and del very% )pon start ng at ,,,,, I engaged n a formal tra n ng program !$ c$ !as to last for t!o years% 4e ng ne! to t$e ndustry I f rst started d gest ng L g$t ng Standard 4S B@"=% I (ecame an expert on t$e r n#$ouse l g$t ng programsD 1ur(ol g$t& AutoCA+ and t$e r 1unnel L g$t ng Program% 3or a num(er of years I !as t$e lead tunnel l g$t ng eng neer& carry ng out des gns for a num(er of tunnels& (ot$ n t$e )* and a(road% I spent a per od of one year ! t$ n t$e tec$n cal support department& tas's ncluded compet tor evaluat on& spac ng calculat ons and var ous opt cal and mec$an cal nvest gat ve re.uests% 8e spent a great deal of effort evaluat ng street l g$t ng opt c performances to 'eep ourselves at t$e forefront of street l g$t ng tec$nology% 1$ s nvolved t$e sett ng up of many automated calculat on rout nes to test t$e performance over many d fferent road l g$t ng scenar os% 8e t$en collated& analysed and presented t$e data to t$e RE+ to s$o! !$ere !e !ere strong and areas !$ c$ re.u red mprovement% 6ne of my pro7ects !as to evaluate and mprove our car par' lantern% I started (y compar ng opt cal performance ! t$ t$e compet t on% I dent f ed areas for mprovements !$ c$ !ere t$en mplemented (y our opt cal des gn team n 4elg um% I evaluated t$e f rst prototype reflector and suggested a redes gn to ncrease performance n a 'ey area% 1$e des gn !as approved !$ c$ led to t$e ndustr al sat on of t$e lantern% 8e t$en carr ed out a value eng neer ng procedure !$ c$ suggested t$e use of a gear tray and lantern (ody from a standard product% 1$ s mproved del very lead t mes and led to t$e need for lo!er stoc' $old ngs% 1$roug$out t$ s pro7ect I l a sed ! t$ t$e .ual ty department to ensure all t$e .ual ty systems /IS6 =0002 !ere met% 6ne of my dut es ncluded (e ng a 5ealt$ and Safety /5ES2 representat ve% I undertoo' a formal B day college tra n ng course& !$ c$ resulted n me (e ng cons dered a Ccompetent person-% My dut es ncluded del ver ng 5ES nduct ons for ne! staff& logg ng of acc dents and
Examplar for IEng MILP 1 August 2011 Ex Mem12001






Example of Competency Statement for IEng and MILP analys ng t$e cause n order to mplement counter measures% I represented employees 5ES needs to t$e management and $elped mplement c$anges to t$e off ce to $elp ! t$ comfort and ran tra n ng sess ons to expla n $o! to setup your o!n personal !or'stat on% 1$ s ncluded t$e correct agronom cal pos t on for your mon tor& 'ey(oard and c$a r%

Examplar for IEng MILP 1 August 2011 Ex Mem12001

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