A Gentle Genius Lesson Plan
A Gentle Genius Lesson Plan
A Gentle Genius Lesson Plan
SCHOOL: O Petar Berislavi CLASS: 8th grade SUBJECT: English TEACHING UNIT/LESSON: Lesson 18 A gentle genius STU ENT TEACHE!: Dina Frani "ENTO!: prof. Ana Zelalija LENGTH O# LESSON: ATE: April $$th% &'$( AI": $ to i"prove learners) lang#age s*ills and e+pand their vo,a-#lar. OBJECTI%ES/ 0 0 0 0 to pra,ti,e previo#sl. learned le+i,al ite"s to develop learners) lang#age s*ills to e+pand their vo,a-#lar. to develop learner1s ,reativit. in lang#age #se ! "in#tes
TEACHING ST!ATEGIES: instr#,ting% e+plaining% 2#estioning% de"onstrating LEA!NING ACTI%ITIES: reading% reading ,o"prehension% ans3ering 2#estions% ,op.ing% pra,ti,ing spea*ing s*ills% 3riting% "onitoring% ,ontrolling ,lassroo" at"osphere TEACHING "ATE!IALS AN AI S/ te+t-oo*% 3or*-oo*% note-oo*% -la,*-oard% ,hal*% tea,her0,reated "aterial STU ENT G!OU&INGS/ 3hole ,lass% individ#al 3or*
$.$ 4o#se*eeping 0 5reeting the st#dents 0 6he,*ing attendan,e $.&. 7ar"0#p/ 8otivation
Esti"ated ti"e/ 8 "in#tes O-je,tive/ to "otivate st#dents for the lesson Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 0 give o#t ,opies of interesting s,ien,e fa,ts read the fa,ts together ,he,* the st#dents1 ,o"prehension of the te+t
&.$. 9ead0in O-je,tive/ to prepare the st#dents for the lesson Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 0 0
tell the st#dents to open their -oo*s at page $$ and loo* at tas* A instr#,t the" to "at,h the s,ien,es 3ith their definitions tell the" to loo* at tas* B ,all o#t st#dents to tal* a-o#t s,ientists and 3hat ea,h of the" does #sing the definitions in tas* A &
0 0
e+plain the differen,es -et3een English and 6roatian 3ith 3ords li*e ,he"ist% ph.si,ist and ph.si,ian ,he,* the st#dents1 ,o""on *no3ledge 3ith the 2#estions fro" tas* D
&.&. :eading and 3riting O-je,tives/ to pra,ti,e the st#dents1 reading and 3riting s*ills Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 0 0 0 0
as* the st#dents so"e of the pre0reading 2#estions on page $$! to see ho3 "#,h do the. *no3 a-o#t Einstein read the te+t on page $$; as* if there are an. #n*no3n 3ords< if there are% e+plain the" go -a,* to pre0reading 2#estions and have the st#dents ans3er the" no3 that the. have read the te+t have the" 3rite the ans3ers on the -la,*-oard tell the st#dents to loo* at tas* D on page $$= and p#t the n#"-er of the paragraph ne+t to the appropriate headline
Aids and "aterials/ te+t-oo*% note-oo*% -la,*-oard% ,hal* 7hole ,lass% individ#al 3or*
O-je,tives/ to e+pand the st#dents1 vo,a-#lar. and ,he,* their ,o"prehension of the te+t Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 tell the st#dents to loo* at tas* F in the >o,a-o+ se,tion on page $$= instr#,t the" to loo* at the te+t and fill in the -lan*s 3ith appropriate 3ords (
0 0
tell the" to loo* at tas* 5 and 3rite do3n the 2#estions to 3hi,h the senten,es in the tas* are the ans3ers ,he,* their 3or*
CONCLUSION (.$. Ending the lesson O-je,tives/ to s#" #p the lesson Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 give the st#dents a ho"e3or* assign"ent sa. good-.e Esti"ated ti"e/ & "in#tes
()o *as Al+e,t Einstein()e,e *as )e +o,n()e,e 0i0 )e li1e 2o, a long ti3e()at is )e 2a3ous 2o,()at 0i0 )e get 2o, )is *o,6()at 3a0e )i3 1e,8 sa0()at 0oes it 3ean *)en so3eone :alls 8ou an ;Einstein<()at 0oes I= stan0 2o,-