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CMHS Le Dilettante

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Le Dilettante

-Tatiana Perkins 1 0th


-Darren Lillie 8th

-Sam North 8th

-Anthony Stewart 8th

-Tyler Giles 8th

-Michelle Teegardin 8th

-Michelle Teegardin 8th

-Ingrid Norberg 1 0th

-Gabe Lilly 8th

-Ingrid Norberg 1 0th

-Shauna Hadsell 8th

-Jaydan Pohl 8th

-Alicia Worden 8th

-Cierra Hinsley 8th

-Paityn Blaisdell 7th

-Kiley Guelzo 7th

-LIbby Ledford 7th

-Ocean Jewel Chavez 7th





-Lattawan Pat Meemano

-Lattawan Pat Meemano


-Kaylee Borton 7th


-Makayla Phenix 7th

-Ocean Jewel chavez

-Breonna Harris 7th

-Lizzy Conklin 7th


-Lina Seungyeon 1 0th


I Am I am judged and insecure. I wonder what goes through your head when you hear my name. I hear your empty promises over and over again. I see a forced smile in the mirror. I want to be thin. I am judged and insecure. I pretend that it doesn't hurt when you lie to me. I feel betrayed. I touch my scars as a reminder of the past. I worry that eventually I'll be forgotten about. I cry when I feel used and foolish. I am judged and insecure. I understand that nothing lasts forever. I say that hate is easy and love takes courage. I dream that one day the world will be more accepting. I try to be confident with who I am. I hope that one day I'll be able to look in the mirror and see someone. truly beautiful inside amd out. I am judged and insecure. -Amber Hollister No Names Routine is a lady cooking and cleaning. But the tables have turned. The ladies are more likely leading. No more butter they churn. Now with a plan a saw in a hand. Tis' the women who now see eye to eye. With the man who once owned the land. No longer the women saying good bye. Tis' a new age of 201 4. The world is an equal. It's not just a dream All men and women are equal. -Anonymous


-Max Trimper 1 2th



-Mira Merilainen 1 0th



-Eathyn White 1 2th


-Shelby LInder 5th

-Alyssa Trumbull 8th

-Nolan Ziegler 8th


-Kaitlyn Klingensmith 11 th


-Hannah Hollenbeck 11 th



-Caleb Johnson 1 0th

-Elora Kronkowski 1 0th

-Katlyn Klingensmith 11 th


-Victori a Peterse n 1 2th



-Michelle Teegardin 8th


-Amanda Pharr 1 2th

-Sean Hall 11 th

-Brandon Cogswell 11 th


-Emilee Bohen 7th

--Addison Petermen 7th

-Melissa Mezquitic 7th


-Trenna Smith 7th

-Logan Heater7th

--Libby Ledford 7th


-Kylie Pixley 1 0th

The Cycle of Earth's LIfe Green green all around Flowers poking through the grass. As snow around melts. Sun is shining. Hot weather wraps around the earth. Storms come in a rush. Things suddenly chill. Magnificent colors come. Silence surrounds us. Nature is dorment. Frozen rain. begins to drop. Blankets of white fall.


-Aubree Harp 1 0th

Demon's Prayer What if the angel you see before you wasn't really an angel at all but a demon? Her wings which once help such beauty now scorched from the fiery depths of hell. Her soul no longer her own, but possessed by those who had fallen before her. A heart of purity now tainted with wickedness. The angel I once was by all means is no more. Although the reflection looking back at me has not changed, I know I am now the demon. The grip I feel upon my soul tightens with every fleeting breath I take. I know there is no escape. The battle has been lost and to resist is futile. These chains that I now find myself burdened with keep my body grounded to the earth along with my spirit. Day by day I find it more difficult to go on and yet I am forced to continue. How long will I have to suffer? When will I find my salvation? Within the darkness there is one shimmering light of hope. I know not his face, nor his name, but he is my savior. He is the one who will release me from my shackles. Setting my soul and body free. I pray for the day of his arrival. -Amber Hollister

-Elijah Jeffers 8th


-Lindsey Sinclair 11 th I like the pirate robot. I like the pirate because it is cool -Chaden Schafer


The pirate is burning down the trees. -Ena Borton

-Ingrid Norberg 1 0th

I like the ogre. -Noah -Kidnergarden I like the face because it is beautiful. -Makenna


-James Fancett 1 2th


-Alexis Harn 8th

-Amos Fisk -Young Fives



-Gavin Freeman 8th

-Hannah Hollenbeck 11 th


-James Fancett 1 2th



-Jade Brown 11 th


-Alyssa Ruggles

Paradox I am complex yet simple. I am a face within a sea of faces, an ant in the expanse of the universe I am nothing but something. I portray shyness around many but blissfulness around few. I look at the big picture; avoid conversations, confrontation, keep to myself quiet as a mouse. Many things go through my mind at a time, always thinking, rarely talking. I want to be alone but yet I want to be everywhere, helping everyone, solving every problem everywhere. My mind is a hive, alive, full of knowledge. Yet I am simple but complex, to you I am a face within the many. I am nothing more than me. -Aaron Willmore 11 th


-Kaitlyn Klingensmith 11 th


S p on sors
Tod d F a n ce tt Kri s Kol b e B re n d a F ord M a rty J a m e s M a ry E l l on Cl e ry B ob Lu g i n bu h l An g e l a B re e se S h a n n o n P o we l l B ra d Ch ri ste n se n S ta r Gillson M i ch e l l e H offm a n D e a f P rog ra m S h el l y Fi sk B e c ky F a n c e t t Tra cy Cop e l a n d P a m e l a F a n c e tt

Shad Morgan

B e n D e rosi a B ra d H a n se n J a s o n J o h n s to n M i ch e l l e E h l e Tom Torok S ta cy Ve l tka m p Cra i g H a rri son Am y Ta ske r Am y P u n g M S F ood S e rvi ce Ap ri l H ol m a n M i ch a e l F i s k Tri m p e r Family





James Fancett
When we first started doing this we thought it wouldn't be too hard to do, but we were wrong. There is so much to do when putting a magizine together. We got through it though, with a lot of hard work. With determination you can do anything!


Alex Albright
As a middle schooler going into high school, I was always interested in being a part of the Le Dilettante magazine. I was in the magazine multiple times and knowing that I had somewhat of a future in art, this is the one thing that I wanted to do before I graduated. I was one of the editors of this year's magazine and I couldn't be more proud of the things that I have accomplished! I am proud to say that I will definitely be a part of more things like the magazine after high school. If there are two people that I could thank, it would be my mom and Mrs. Ruggles. They have always helped me to do my best when trying to succeed at something. Whether it would be my school work, personal problems, or trying to figure out how I could do an art project. So this magazine is dedicated to them. Thank you guys so much.


Blaisdell, Paityn 8 Bohen Emilee 30 Borton, Ena 34 Borton, Kaylee 1 2 Brown, Jade 42 Cogswell, Brandon 29 Conklin, Lizzy 1 3 Fancett, James 36, 40, 41 Fisk, Amos 37 Freeman, Gavin 38 Giles, Tyler 3 Guelzo, Kiley 8 Hadsell, Shauna 6 Hall, Sean 29 Harn, Alexis 36 Harp, Aubree 32 Harris, Breonna 1 3 Heater, Logan 31 Hinsley, Cierra 7 Hollenbeck, Hannah 23,39 Hollister, Amber 1 5, 33 Jeffers, Elijah 33 Jewel chavez, Ocean 9,1 3 Johnson, Caleb 24 Klingensmith, Kaitlyn 22 25 45 Kronkowski, Elora 25 Ledford, Libby 31 Ledford, Libby 9 Lillie, Darren 2 Lilly, Gabe 5 Linder, Shelby 20 Merilainen, Mira 1 8, 1 9 Mezquitic, Melissa 30 Norberg, Ingrid 5, 35 North, Sam 2 Pat Meemano, Lattawan 11 Perkins, Tatiana 1 Petermen, Addison 30 Petersen, Victoria 26,27 Pharr, Amanda 28 Phenix, Makayla 1 2 Pixley, Kylie 32 Pohl, Jaydan 6 Ruggles, Alyssa 43 Schafer, Chaden 34 Seungyeon, Lina 1 4 Sinclair, Lindsey 34 Smith, Trenna 31 Stewart, Anthony 2 Teegardin, Michelle 4, 28 Trimper, Max 1 6, 1 7 Trumbull, Alyssa 21 White Eathyn 20 Willmore, Aaron 43 Worden, Alicia 6 Ziegler, Nolan 21


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