Ucos II Intro
Ucos II Intro
Ucos II Intro
1 Kernel 1.1 Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Critical sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Special tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Managing tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Tasks scheduler and tasks context switch . 1.8 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Initialization and start . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Time Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 Event Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Programming model 2.1 Tasks . . . . . . . 2.2 Semaphores . . . . 2.3 Mutexes . . . . . . 2.4 Event ag groups . 2.5 Mail Box . . . . . 2.6 Message queues . . 2.7 Memory partitions 3 OS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3 3 3 5 6 9 9 11 12 12 14 16 18 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 28 28 29 30 30 31 32 32 35 35 39 46
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4 Demo 4.1 Demo1: Philosophers 4.2 Demo2: Philosophers 4.3 Compiler . . . . . . 4.4 Conguration . . . .
dinner dinner . . . . . . . .
on x86 solution . . . . . . . . . .
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A Appendices A.1 Dining philosophers implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Dining philosophers implementation, waiter solution . . . . . . . . . A.3 Driver example: serial driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C/OS-II is a hard real time kernel for embedded uses. It provides mechanisms for scheduling, synchronization and communication between processes and time management. It shares general characteristics with other OS but also exhibits specic schemes that need to be explained in order to be well used. A general overview is given here, with the goal to provide a fast programming start to every reader.
In this report, I will rst describe general characteristics of C/OS-II, then I will explain the inner working of the kernel. The third part will tackle interface provided for accessing kernel mechanisms such as semaphores or mail boxes. Four part will be about OS components and drivers.
Eventually I describe two demos made about the philosophers dinners which use threads, semaphores, mailboxes and messages queues, the compiler used and the conguration le used.
Chapter 1
All the information and gures in this chapter have mainly been gathered from [6].
C/OS-II is a multitask real time kernel. Up to 64 tasks can run at the same time. It is preemptive as it always runs the ready task with the higher priority.
The kernel is written in ANSI C so is portable. If one has the right cross compiler it is also romable. C/OS-II is scalable since its footprint size is tunable according to application request. Eventually each task has its own stack that size can be reduced precisely.
Every routines have a known running time thus C/OS-II is deterministic. The kernel provides services as semaphores, mutex, event ags groups, mailbox, messages queues. It also permits time management such as delays. C/OS-II manages interrupts.
One can nd the source code quite easily, anyway it is not completely open source and ports are often written for proprietary software.
Finally since July 2000, the kernel complies with Federal Aviation Administration and its RTCA DO-178B rules and is certied for avionic product.
File Structure
Still the sources can be seen as implementation details, le structure is important to understand platform specic and independent code. The gure 1.1 describes four types of class belonging to the software layer. Three lower level layers pertain to kernel sources, namely processor-independent code layer, application-specic code layer and processor-specic code layer. Processor-Specic code contains functions used to interact with specic hardware and necessary for the execution of upper layer code. File describing context switching method and interrupt enabling methods belongs here. 3
Figure 1.1: Code layers. Among C/OS-II layers, processor-specic code is written in assembly language. Application-specic and processor-Independent code are written in C language. Porting C/OS-II is writing assembly code for the new platform.
Processor-Independent code corresponds to the coding of high level mechanism such as memory management or semaphores. They rely on processor-specic code when needed.
Application-Specic methods correspond to conguration methods. On top of the kernel, user software is running.
In the following sections, I describe the mechanisms the kernel provides and their internal.
Critical sections
Critical sections are code areas that need to run uninterruptedly and indivisibly. This is the case when multiple code areas need to access a shared resource as in the context of multitasking.
To overcome this, the kernel disable all interruptions at the beginning of a critical function , meaning that tasks cannot be scheduled and therefore current running task cannot be preempted. When the kernel leaves critical section, the kernel reenable interruptions.
Processors can provide low-level instructions to disable interruptions. Disabling interrupts can be done either by use of inline assembly either by call of high-level language extensions. C/OS-II oers an unied way to disable interruptions by providing macros OS ENTER CRITICAL() and OS EXIT CRITICAL() that take care of low-level details.
Three methods exists to implements these macros. One has to choose the right method depending of processor and compiler capabilities. Since this choice depends of implementation details denitions of these macros are located in the le OS CPU.H, see Fig.1.1 page 4.
The x86 port of C/OS-II described in [6] and compiled with Borland C/C++ Compiler v4.5 uses the second method[5]: #define OS_CRITICAL_METHOD 2
First Method
The rst method is to use processors instructions to enable or disable interrupts. This method is the simplest however when returning from a C/OS-II service call with interrupts disabled, these will eventually be enabled. Therefore this is not the best implementation. However with some processors or compilers this is the only one possible.
Second Method
The second way is to save the interrupt disable status and then disable interrupts when entering critical sections. Implementation of OS EXIT CRITICAL() is done by restoring interrupt disable status. Therefore after a C/OS-II routine call, interrupts status will be unchanged compared to before. Pseudocode for this macro is given in [6]: #define OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() \ asm(" PUSH PSW") \ asm(" DI") \ #define OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() \ asm(" POP PSW") PSW stands for processor status register whereas the DI instruction disables interruptions. This pseudocode assume that the compiler provide inline assembly and be able to gure that the stack pointer has been changed when pushing something on the stack. Otherwise if your compiler is using relative addressing mode, then all stack oset will be wrong after a call to OS ENTER CRITICAL. The x86 port is: #define #define OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() asm {PUSHF; CLI} asm POPF
Third Method
The third method is relying on the compiler for allowing access to the processor interrupt status word and save it into a local variable. This is dependent of your compiler and thus the code is said to be not portable.
A task is a program that thinks it has the CPU for itself[6]. A task is also referred to something that takes time instead as something that takes space as opposed to memory [3], [10] gives use a typical task: void Task (void *p_arg) { Do something with argument p_arg; Task initialization; for (;;) { /* Processing (Your Code) Wait for event; /* Time to expire ... /* Signal from ISR ... /* Signal from task ... /* Processing (Your Code) } }
*/ */ */ */ */
Figure 1.2: The ve states a task can take. Task dormant state is set to tasks no currently running. Ready tasks are running tasks not waiting for an event and which have been preempted. Waiting tasks are tasks blocking for an event such as tasks waiting for semaphores or delayed tasks. Running tasks are started tasks not yet preempted. ISR running state is set to interrupted tasks waiting for the return from interrupt. Changing from one state to another is made by calling the functions displayed on the edges.
Only one task can run at a time. However 255 tasks can cohabit within the same system. The order of execution is determined by task priority of each task. A task is represented in the kernel by the structure OS TCB: typedef struct os_tcb { OS_STK *OSTCBStkPtr; /* Pointer to current top of stack */ #if OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN > 0 void *OSTCBExtPtr; /* Pointer to user definable data for TCB extension */ OS_STK *OSTCBStkBottom; /* Pointer to bottom of stack */ INT32U OSTCBStkSize; /* Size of task stack (in number of stack elements) */ INT16U OSTCBOpt; /* Task options as passed by OSTaskCreateExt() */ INT16U OSTCBId; /* Task ID (0..65535) */ #endif struct os_tcb *OSTCBNext; /* Pointer to next TCB in the TCB list */ struct os_tcb *OSTCBPrev; /* Pointer to previous TCB in the TCB list */ #if ((OS_Q_EN > 0) && (OS_MAX_BS > 0)) || (OS_MBOX_EN > 0) || (OS_SEM_EN > 0) || (OS_MUTEX_EN > 0) OS_EVENT *OSTCBEventPtr; /* Pointer to event control block */ #endif #if ((OS_Q_EN > 0) && (OS_MAX_QS > 0)) || (OS_MBOX_EN > 0) void *OSTCBMsg; /* Message received from OSMboxPost() or OSQPost() */ #endif #if (OS_VERSION >= 251) && (OS_FLAG_EN > 0) && (OS_MAX_FLAGS > 0) #if OS_TASK_DEL_EN > 0 OS_FLAG_NODE *OSTCBFlagNode; /* Pointer to event flag node */ #endif OS_FLAGS OSTCBFlagsRdy; /* Event flags that made task ready to run */ #endif INT16U INT8U INT8U INT8U INT8U INT8U INT8U OSTCBDly; OSTCBStat; OSTCBPrio; OSTCBX; OSTCBY; OSTCBBitX; OSTCBBitY; /* Nbr ticks to delay task or, timeout waiting for event /* Task status */ /* Task priority (0 == highest, 63 == lowest) */ /* /* /* /* Bit position in group Index into ready table Bit mask to access bit Bit mask to access bit corresponding to task priority corresponding to task priority position in ready table */ position in ready group */
OSTCB structure contains information about tasks individual values. Each task has its own stack therefore one could nd the top and base stack pointers along with its size. OSTCBPrio is the priority value which identify a task. OSTCB? and OSTCBBit? 8
are precomputed values used for placing the task in the ready list. OSTCBDelReq ag keeps track about deletion request made from another task about it.
Special tasks
Idle Task
The idle task is running when no other task can run. It is the task with the lowest priority, i.e. the task with priority OS LOWEST PRIO. The idle task can never be deleted. The idle task continuously increments a statistic counter and makes a call to OSTaskIdleHook(). This function can be specialized by user to accomplish any actions.
Statistic task
C/OS-II provides a task that computes CPU times statistics. This task is optional and is only created if the ag OS TASK STAT EN is set to 1 in OSCfg.H. The statistic task always has a priority of OS LOWEST PRIO-1. The idle task computes the time percentage of CPU usage given by: OSCPUSAGE (%)=(100 - OSIdleCtr/((OSIdleCtrMax)/100)) OSIdleCtr is a 32 bits counter incremented by the idle task when running OSIdleCtrMax is the maximum value of OSIdleCtr
Managing tasks
Free list
Before its main execution begins, the kernel allocates OS MAX TASKS OS TCB structures placed in OSTCBFreeList. When a new task is created, the kernel assignees it a free OS TCB structure. To keep track with free and assigned OS TCBs, the free control blocks are linked in a list pointed to by OSTCBFreeList. To assign a TCB to a task the kernel removes the rst structure of the linked list and initializes it with a call to OS TCBInit(), see the listing 1.4 page 8 for details. When a task is deleted, the corresponding OS TCB is returned to the list. The tasks linked in the free list are in a dormant states.
Ready list
The kernel keeps track of runnable tasks with ready list. A task in the ready state is in the ready list. In C/OS-II a priority can only have one task associated. In the following discussion, priority can refer to the associated task and reciprocally.
The ready list is composed of OSRdyGrp and the table OSRdyTbl. OSRdyGrp is a 8 bits structure where each bit corresponds to a dierent group of priorities. RIO OSRdyTbl is a table composed of N B P 8 bits values corresponding to priorities 8 group. Each bit in the table corresponding to a dierent priority. Eight priorities
in OSRdyTBL compose a group and each priority belongs to one group. The relationship between OSRdyGrp and OSRdyTbl is shown in the Fig.1.3.
Figure 1.3: Each lines in OSRdyTbl corresponds to a bit in OSRdyGrp. Priorities increase toward the right and the up with zero being the highest priority task.
[6] gives us the rules for assigning bits in OSRdyGrp to priorities group: Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 in in in in in in in in OSRdyGrp OSRdyGrp OSRdyGrp OSRdyGrp OSRdyGrp OSRdyGrp OSRdyGrp OSRdyGrp is is is is is is is is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 when when when when when when when when any any any any any any any any bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit in in in in in in in in OSRdyTbl[0] OSRdyTbl[1] OSRdyTbl[2] OSRdyTbl[3] OSRdyTbl[4] OSRdyTbl[5] OSRdyTbl[6] OSRdyTbl[7] is is is is is is is is 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
The group of a task is given by the priority eld in its task control block. Bits 3,4,5 corresponds to the index in the OSRdyTbl and the bit position in OSRdyTbl. Bits 0,1,2 corresponds to the bit position in OSRdyTbl at index. When the task corresponding to a priority is ready, it switches on the bit of OSRdyGroup corresponding to its group of priorities. Similarly When a task switches to a state other than ready, it zeroes the corresponding bit.
To determine the next task to run, the kernel rst has to check the lowest ready bit with value 1 corresponding to the highest priority group with at least one runnable task and then nd out the highest priority task within. The maximal number of task scanned corresponds to the size of OSRdyGrp and so is 8.
As an example, if OSRdyGrp is 01100100 then the index in OSRdyTbl is 2. If OSRdyTBL contains 01110010 the task to run is the task with priority 3*8+1 = 25.
The task with the highest priority always run. Choosing the right priority is done by the scheduler in OS SCHED(). Note that the scheduler only does task scheduling, interrupt service routines are scheduled by another function. void OS_Sched (void) { #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr; #endif INT8U y;
OS_ENTER_CRITICAL(); if ((OSIntNesting == 0) && (OSLockNesting == 0)) { /* Sched. only if all ISRs done & not locked */ y = OSUnMapTbl[OSRdyGrp]; /* Get pointer to HPT ready to run */ OSPrioHighRdy = (INT8U)((y << 3) + OSUnMapTbl[OSRdyTbl[y]]); if (OSPrioHighRdy != OSPrioCur) { /* No Ctx Sw if current task is highest rdy */ OSTCBHighRdy = OSTCBPrioTbl[OSPrioHighRdy]; OSCtxSwCtr++; /* Increment context switch counter */ OS_TASK_SW(); /* Perform a context switch */ } } OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(); } Listing of the OS SCHED() function from le OS SCHED.C. Interrupts are disabled during scheduling, so that ready lists are protected. If interrupts were enabled, a race condition could appear, making it possible for a thread to modify a ready bit during scheduling and thus to enable a lower priority task to run.
The scheduling consists of ve steps: 1-The scheduler checks if it has not been called from an ISR or if the scheduling lock has been activated 2-The scheduler gets the highest priority task in the ready list. 3-The scheduler checks that the current task and the task found in the previous step are dierent. This is done to avoid useless commutation. 4-The commuting function called in step 5 uses the variable OSTCBHighRdy which is set here to the TCB corresponding to the highest priority task. 5-The scheduler commutes with OS TASK SW() for commutation
Task Context switch is implemented by OS TASK SW() that calls the architecture specic function OSCtxSW(). OSCtxSW copies and restores all the registers and takes care of changing the pointers to TCB structures. It then executes a return from interrupt.
In C/OS-II, ISR are written in assembly language. As for the task, Interrupt Service Routine follow a general pattern. It rst saves all the register onto the current stack frame or on a dierent stack, depending of the processor. The ISR noties the kernel about itself to avoid nested interrupts. This is done by calling OSIntEnter() or by incrementing OSIntNesting. Note that some processors allow nested interrupts and thus the kernel doesnt have to be notied.
The stack pointer is saved in OsTCBCurOSTCBStkPtr. The ISR clears the interrupt source before re-enabling them to be sure not to call the same interrupt again.
The interrupt is serviced, this is the application specic part of the ISR. The interrupt nesting counter is decremented by calling OSIntExit(). This function checks that the counter is greater than 0. In the other case, a higher priority task has been spawn by any ISR. If so C/OS-II returns to the higher priority task instead of returning to the interrupted one. If no higher priority task exists, the ISR continues to execute and restores the registers. Eventually the ISR returns from interrupts.
Fig. 1.4 taken from [6] shows a situation case after an interruption.
Prior to run tasks, the kernel requires OSInit() to do initializations. OSInit() initializes data structures and variables and start the idle and statistics tasks discussed before in 1.5. OSINIT() has to be called before creating any tasks. OSInit() creates ve free pools implemented as singly linked list. OSTCBFreeList links OS MAX TASKS OSTcbs used to create new task, OSEventFreeList which is a list of OS MAX EVENTS events structure, OS Q contains OS MAX QS queues, OS FLAG GROUP links OS FLAG GRP structures and OS MEM has OS MAX MEM PART mailboxes. Variables are dened in OS CFG.H.
At least one task needs to be created before starting multitasking. The kernel is started with OSStart(). It nds the highest priority task created, see scheduling 12
Figure 1.4: Event ow after when servicing an interrupt. Actions 1, 2 and 3 are made by the kernel to handle the interrupt and vector it to the right ISR. Actions 4 and 5 are taken by the ISR to save all registers and signal itself. Action 6 is the basic ISR code. Actions 7, 8, 9 and 10, 11, 12 belong to two dierent cases. First case is no higher priority task(HPT) has been triggered, OSIntExit() takes less time to return from interrupt. In the second case, an HPT has been triggered, and so OSIntExit() takes longer time because a context switch is done.
for details. It then executes OSStartHighReady() which restores registers from the task space and executes a return from interrupt. This triggers the execution of the higher priority task. OSStartHighReady() never returns to OSStart().
The gure 1.5 presents the variables and data structure after multitasking has started.
Figure 1.5: The ready list is detailed along with dierent values. The current system has 3 tasks running, among them the idle and the statistics tasks. The current priority of the running task is 6.
Time Management
An interrupt occurs periodically at a rate given by the system. The rate must be superior to 10Hz and inferior or equal to 100Hz and is xed in OS CFG.H. OSTimeClick() is called when a clock tick occurs.
A task can delay itself for a specied amount of clock ticks with OSTimeDly(). It is called in a task and causes a context switch. The high priority task ready to run is scheduled. The suspended task is resumed after the time occurs or when a task calls OSTimeDlyResume() if the task is the highest priority ready.
Calling OSTimeDly() with a value of 0 has no eect. The maximum value is 65535.
An important precision has to be brought. Given the case where a task calls OSTimeDly() with a value of 1 and the processor is not very loaded, the task is likely to be waiting for a time inferior of a time cycle. This has to be with delay resolution inferior to 1.
This function is similar to OSTimeDly() in that it permits to delay a task. However it has to be called with hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds arguments. Again the suspended task can be wake if the time expires or if another task calls OSTimeDlyResume() given that the task is the highest priority ready task.
An important limitation of OSTimeDlyHMSM is that a task delayed with it shouldnt be resumed by OSTimeDlyResume(). Especially when the corresponding number of ticks to wait is greater than 65535.
This is given by the following excerpt from OSTimeDlyHMSM() in the le OS TIME.C. loops = (INT16U)(ticks / 65536L); /* Compute the integral number of 65536 tick delays*/ ticks = ticks % 65536L; /* Obtain the fractional number of ticks*/ OSTimeDly((INT16U)ticks); while (loops > 0) { OSTimeDly(32768); OSTimeDly(32768); loops--; } where ticks is the corresponding number of clock cycles to wait. If loops is greater than zero and so if ticks is greater than 65536, it calls OSTimeDly() several times. Therefore a simple call to OSTimeResume() is useless.
A suspended task can be wake before its delay expires by another task calling OSTimeResume() with the priority of the suspended task.
The OSTimeDlyResume() can also resume a task waiting for an event, this is described in 1.11. A task is waiting for an event for a limited amount of time. Calling OSTimeDlyResume() on this task causes a timeout to occurs.
A task can suspend itself for a limited amount of time without calling OSTimeDly() neither OSTimeDlyHMSM(). It simply creates a semaphore, mutex, mailbox or queue with a specied timeout. Resuming such a task is done by incrementing the mutex for example. This techniques needs the creation of an event control block and which waste ram.
OSTime value
The kernel keeps the number of clock ticks that occurred since multitasking has been started with OSStart(). The value resets to zero after 4,294,967,295 ticks occurs. One can get the value of the OSTime counter with OSTimeGet(). Setting OSTime is done with OSTimeSet and a 32 bits unsigned integer value.
Tasks and ISRs can interact by means of signals sent to event control block. ECB can be used to synchronize tasks also semaphores, mutex or mailbox are specialized ECBs.
An ECB is : typedef struct { INT8U OSEventType; /* Type of event control block (see OS_EVENT_TYPE_???) */ INT8U OSEventGrp; /* Group corresponding to tasks waiting for event to occur */ INT16U OSEventCnt; /* Semaphore Count (not used if other EVENT type) */ void *OSEventPtr; /* Pointer to message or queue structure */ INT8U OSEventTbl[OS_EVENT_TBL_SIZE]; /* List of tasks waiting for event to occur } OS_EVENT; An ECB is an event type which sets how the block is used for. Possible values are OS EVENT TYPE SEM, OS EVENT TYPE MUTEX, OS EVENT TYPE MBOX and OS EVENT TYPE Q. When used as a mailbox or a message queue, OSEventPtr is the mailbox or queue containing the event. OSEventTbl and OSEventGrp are the same as OSRdyTbl and OSRdyGrp in a ready list, they refer to tasks waiting for an event. OSEventTbl and OSEventGrp constitute a wait list. OSEventCnt is a count when the type is a semaphore and the priority value when the type is a mutex.
Waiting list
Each task waiting for an event are placed in the wait list according to their priority. When the event occurs, the task waiting with the higher priority is set ready to run. P RIO OSEventTbl is a 8-bits value array of size i OS LOW EST +1. OSRdyGrp is a 8 8 bits-long value where each bit is mapped to a specic index in OSEventTbl. When a task is waiting for an event, its bit in OSEventTbl is set to 1. Similarly to the ready list system, the bit in OSEventGrp corresponding to the index in OSEventTbl is set to 1 if at least one of the bit of the 8-bits value at OSEventTbl at index is set.
Since ready lists and waiting list are similar, Fig. ?? is a good approach to understand wait list.
Since it only uses shift and OR operations, the time required to insert a task is constant. The index in OSEventTbl and OSEventGrp are given by the prio eld of the task, the Figure 1.6 ref gives further details about it. As for the ready group OSMapTbl is used. Finding the highest task to run and removing a task in the
Figure 1.6: The bit position in the OSEventTbl is computed with the 3 lower bits whereas the bit position in OSEventGrp and the index in OSEventTbl are computed with bits 3, 4, 5
waiting list are similar to operations on ReadyGrp and are not detailed here.
Chapter 2
Programming model
2.1 Tasks
Task as been tackled before in ??. As said before, a task is represented by OSTCB in the kernel. The kernel keeps a list of free OSTCBs and so no OSTCB is allocated at run time. Each task as a unique priority and each tasks has its own stack. Before multitasking start, at least one task must be running.
In the following discussion, stack checking is introduced, it consists to check if the space specied for the stack is sucient.
Creating a task
OSTaskCreate() and OSTaskCreateExt() create new tasks. OSTaskCreateExt() is an extended version.
The rst function takes four arguments which are a pointer to the function executed by the task, some data for the task, a stack and the priority for the new task. OSTaskCreate() initializes the stack by calling OSTaskStkInit() and get an initialized OSTCB with OSTCBInit(). The priority given for the task must not be used yet by another task.
OSTaskCreateExt() takes ve more arguments that OSTaskCreate(). These are an id, a pointer to the tasks bottom-of-stack, a stack-size, a pointer to a data area and options. The id arg is given for extension of C/OS and is not used. The second argument is used to perform stack-checking. The stack-size species the number of elements of the stack. Options species details such are cleaning the stack before starting the task, or if the task uses oating points arithmetic.
Deleting a task
OSTaskDel deletes a task by is priority. It rst checks if the task exists and if it is not the idle task. It removes the task from the event waiting list it belongs to if so. The state of the task is set to OS STAT RDY and the task counter is decremented. The OSTCB is returned to OSTCBFreeList. The function calls the scheduler and return OS NO ERR.
Stack allocation
It is better to allocate the stack statically and not dynamically. Static means at compile time and dynamically means by calling malloc() C function for example. This is to avoid memory fragmentation which is the result of dynamic memory allocation and freeing that data.
Stack checking
Stack checking detects if the stack size is sucient for its task. OSTaskStkChk() is responsible for doing the stack checking. It checks for zero value on the stack and lls the OS STK DATA structure given in argument. OS STK DATA contains information about the stack.
[6] gives advices about running this function. It must be run during a long time and exhibit the behavior of the function in the worst case. It is also recommended to allocate between 10 and 100 percent more size for the stack than measured with OSTaskStkChk().
A semaphore is used when tasks want to concurrently access shared limited resources. A semaphore is made from a 16 bit counter and of a list of task waiting for the semaphore to be available. The maximum number of resources is 65535. Semaphore are specialized event control blocks with the OSEventType eld set to OS EVENT TYPE SEM. C/OS-II provides functions to create, delete, wait on or signal a semaphore. Waiting on a semaphore can be blocking or no.
Deleting a semaphore is made with the OSSemDel function that takes the event control block, an option for deleting and an integer pointer for error output. The function rst checks that the ecb is a semaphore. If opt is set to OS DEL NO PEND it then checks if it exists tasks waiting for the semaphore. If so it simply ll the error output with OS ERR TASK WAITING and returns. If no other tasks are waiting or if opt is OS EXIT CRITICAL it then sets the type of the ECB to OS EVENT TYPE UNUSED and returns it to the ecb free list.
When the scheduler returns, if the task is still waiting on the semaphore and the timeout has expired, it is removed from the wait list of the semaphore and the error is set to OS TIMEOUT. Waiting without blocking is called with OSSemAccept which decreases and returns the cnt eld of the semaphore in argument.
Signaling a semaphore
One can signal a semaphore with OSSemPost. It checks if the ecb given in argument is not empty and that it is the type OS EVENT TYPE. If tasks are waiting for the semaphore, it wakes the take with the highest priority in the wait list and calls the scheduler. When the scheduler returns or if there was no tasks waiting, if the count is inferior to 65535, it increments. It then returns.
One can query information about a semaphore with OSSemQuery. It takes as argument an event and a data structure. The data structure is lled and returned
Mutexes provide exclusive access to resources. In C/OS-II mutexes are made to avoid the priority inversion problem described in ??. Mutexes share a lot of code with semaphores, therefore a fast study of its structure is done here.
OSEventCnt value contains both the priority value called pip and the mutex value. The pip value corresponds to the upper 8 bits and the state to the others bits: pevent->OSEventCnt = (prio << 8) | OS_MUTEX_AVAILABLE; Creating a mutex is done with OSMutexCreate(). A major part of it is the same as OSSemCreate(). OSMutexCreate() is called with priority value.
Waiting on a mutex in a blocking way is made with OSMutexPend(). It checks if the ecb has the right type and if the function has not been called from an isr. If the mutex is available, the current task write its priority in the lower 8 bits of the OSEventCnt eld of the ecb. The current task then acquires the semaphore and returns. If the mutex is unavailable and the pip has not been set yet, the priority of the task who has the mutex is compared with the priority of the current task wanting the semaphore. If the task wanting the semaphore has a upper priority, the priority of the task which has the mutex is set to pip and the waiting list for the mutex is updated. The function then calls the scheduler.
Signaling a mutex is done with OSMutexPost(). OSMutexPost() is the same as OSSemPost() excepts it checks that the tasks which got the semaphore had its priority increased. If so it set it recovers its original value. The function then checks if tasks are waiting on the mutex. If so, the highest priority task acquires the mutex.
OSMutexDel(), OSMutexQuery(), OSMutexAccept() behaves the same has respectively OSSemDel(), OSSemQuery() and OSSemAccept() since priority inversion problem doesnt appear here.
Event ag groups
Event ag can be used by task to wait for events. An Event ag is a bit-eld which are states of the events and a list of tasks waiting for one or several events of that group. Only tasks can wait for event. ISRs can only signal.
The wait list is dierent from the one nd in the semaphore and mutex. It consists of a doubly linked list of OS FLAG NODE which denes how a specic task is waiting for events: typedef struct { /* Event Flag Wait List Node */ void *OSFlagNodeNext; /* Pointer to next NODE in wait list */ void *OSFlagNodePrev; /* Pointer to previous NODE in wait list */ void *OSFlagNodeTCB; /* Pointer to TCB of waiting task */ void *OSFlagNodeFlagGrp; /* Pointer to Event Flag Group */ OS_FLAGS OSFlagNodeFlags; /* Event flag to wait on */ INT8U OSFlagNodeWaitType; /* Type of wait: */ /* OS_FLAG_WAIT_AND */ /* OS_FLAG_WAIT_ALL */ /* OS_FLAG_WAIT_OR */ /* OS_FLAG_WAIT_ANY */ } OS_FLAG_NODE; A task can wait for all or any events to be set, or cleared. The listing above gives all the possibilities: #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_ALL 0 OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_AND 0 /* Wait for ALL the bits specified to be CLR (i.e. 0) */
OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_ANY 1 /* Wait for ANY of the bits specified to be CLR (i.e. 0)*/ OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_OR 1 OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_ALL 2 /* Wait for ALL the bits specified to be SET (i.e. 1)*/ OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_AND 2 OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_ANY 3 /* Wait for ANY of the bits specified to be SET (i.e. 1) */ OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_OR 3
Note that values ending with AND and ALL are similar as well as values ending with OR and ANY. One can use either the one or the other.
unblock or to stop waiting for the event group and simply returns. If no tasks are waiting or opt is OS DEL ALWAYS the event ag group is always deleted and the OS FLAG GRP struct is returned to the pool of free structures.
A task can choose to clear after reading, this is done by ADDing the value OS FLAG CONSUME to the wait type. OSFlagPend() checks that the waiting events is not currently true, if so it simply returns. Otherwise it calls OS FlagBlock() which adds a task to an event ag group wait list.
OS FlagBlock simply adds a OS FLAG NODE structure corresponding to the current task at the beginning of the waiting list of the event ag group given in argument.
It computes the new ags in the event group block and check all the OS FLAG NODE structure in the wait list if their waiting condition is fullled. If so the corresponding task is set ready with OS FlagTaskReady(). Eventually the scheduler is called.
The OS FlagTaskReady() function simply changes the status of the task to OS STAT RDY. At the end it calls OS FlagUnlink() which removes the OS FLAG NODE corresponding to the task from the waiting list.
Mail Box
Mailbox are structures used by the tasks and ISR to share a pointer variables which is set to a structure containing data. As for semaphores and mutex, a mailbox is a specialized ECB structure with OSEventType equal to OS EVENT TYPE MBOX and OSEventPtr pointing to the message. Tasks waiting for the mail box are placed in the wait list. The kernel provides routines to create, delete, post, wait with or without blocking.
Create a mailbox
OSMBoxCreate() creates a mailbox. It takes a pointer as argument and initializes a message box. The new message box is currently an empty ecb from OSEventFreeList.
Deleting a mailbox
OSMboxDel() deletes a mailbox according to the options given in argument. As with semaphores, and others, the kernel can either wait for all the task to be ready and returns with OS DEL NO PEND or delete the mail box anyway with OS DEL ALWAYS. Once deleted, the ECB is then returned to OSEventFreeList.
Getting a message
OSSemPend() waits for a message to be available. If OSEventPtr from the ecb is dierent from zero, the function returns the message. If no message is present, it sets the state of the current task to OS STAT MBOX and the timeout. It then calls the scheduler. When returning from the scheduler, the function checks that no task has posted a message directly to the task, if so it returns the current message. Otherwise a timeout has occurred and the task is removed from the waiting list.
OSMboxAccept() checks if a message is present and gets it. If no message is present it returns a null pointer.
Posting a message
OSMboxPost permits to post a message to a specied message box. The function checks that OSEventPtr is empty, if not it returns OS MBOX FULL. If tasks are waiting it sends the message to the higher priority task with OS EventTaskRdy(). If no tasks are in the wait list, it lls OSEventPtr with the message. Another function called OSMboxPostOpt() permits posting to a mailbox but provides increased options. Broadcasting a message to all the tasks waiting in a wait list is possible.
Using mailbox
Mailbox can be used for mutual exclusion. Task wanting exclusive access to resource calls OSSemPend() and releases it with OSSemPost(). Note that, using mutex is better since it provides a protection against priority inversion.
Mailboxes can be used to add delay. A task calls OSMboxPend() with a timeout. If no task posts, the timeout expires and this is similar to OSTimeDly(). Another task can resume a delayed task by posting.
Message queues
As mailboxes, message queues allow tasks or ISRs to communicate through pointers to structures. However message queues are circular buers that can be used as FIFOs or LIFOs.
The OSEventPtr of an event control block specialized as a queue points to a queue control block. A queue control block is described by the following code: typedef struct os_q { /* QUEUE CONTROL BLOCK */ struct os_q *OSQPtr;/* Link to next queue control block in list of free blocks*/ void **OSQStart;/* Pointer to start of queue data */ void **OSQEnd; /* Pointer to end of queue data */ void **OSQIn; /* Pointer to where next message will be inserted in the Q */ void **OSQOut; /* Pointer to where next message will be extracted from the Q */ INT16U OSQSize; /* Size of queue (maximum number of entries) */ INT16U OSQEntries; /* Current number of entries in the queue*/ } OS_Q; The QCB is pointing to the start of the buer with OSQStart and to the end with OSQEnd. It also has a pointer to the next place to insert and a place to next place to output. Fig. ?? gives a better understanding of a circular buer. Nine routines permits to manage message queues.
It then initializes all the pointer to the buer. The type of the event control block is set to OS EVENT TYPE Q. The function returns the event.
It checks that a message is present in the queue, if so it takes the message pointed by OSQOut in the queue control block and decrements the number of elements in the queue. If no message are present in the queue, the current task is put in the wait list of the event and its timeout is set. The scheduler is called. When returning from it, OSQPend() checks if a message has been sent to the queue. If so it gives the message to the current task. Otherwise the timeout error happened. 25
OSQPost() sends a message in back of the queue as a FIFO whereas OSQPostFront() sends it in front of the queue as a LIFO. OSQPostOpt implements the two techniques and permits broadcast to all the tasks waiting.
Arguments given are a pointer to the event control block, a message to post and an option mask. The option can be a combination of OS Q POST FRONT and OS Q POST BROADCAST. No using OS Q POST FRONT implicitly species to use the queue as a FIFO.
Flushing a queue
One can ush a queue with OSQFlush(). This is very fast since it only sets OSQIn and OSQOut to OSQStart and resets OSQEntries.
The status of a message queue is obtained with OSQQuery and returns information in an OS Q DATA given in arguments.
Memory partitions
A partition is a contiguous area split in memory blocks. Free blocks are kept in a free list. Therefore acquiring and releasing a block is made in constant time.
Partitions avoid fragmentation caused by malloc() and free() usage since memory is allocated and frees one time for all the blocks.
An OS MEM structure describes a memory partition: typedef struct {/* MEMORY CONTROL BLOCK */ void *OSMemAddr;/* Pointer to beginning of memory partition */ void *OSMemFreeList; /* Pointer to list of free memory blocks */ INT32U OSMemBlkSize; /* Size (in bytes) of each block of memory */ INT32U OSMemNBlks; /* Total number of blocks in this partition */ INT32U OSMemNFree; /* Number of memory blocks remaining in this partition */ } OS_MEM;
OSMemAddr is a pointer to the beginning of the overall data area. The rst free block is pointed to by OSMemFreeList. As the block size is dierent from one partition to another, it is hold in the structure. OS MEM holds the number of blocks and free blocks.
Creating a partition
OSMemCreate() gets and initializes an OS MEM structure from OSMemFreeList. The function takes as argument a pointer to the memory area, the number of blocks, the block size size and an error pointer. It returns the initialized OS MEM structure.
Getting a block
OSMemGet() returns a block from an existing partition. The block is the rst free block from the OSMemFreeList eld of the OS MEM structure. If no blocks are available, it sets the error to OS MEM NO FREE BLOCKS and returns a null pointer.
Returning a block
OSMemPut() returns a block to a partition. The block size must be the same as in the partition. Free slot must be available in the partition, otherwise the OS MEM FULL error is returned.
Querying a partition
One can get a snapshot from a partition with the OSMemQuery() function. The function lls a OS MEM DATA structure which contains information about it.
Chapter 3
C/FS is a FAT based lesystem for embedded uses. It is congurable to minimize RAM footprint. Optional components are available such as the use of journaling. It provides drivers to be used with.
The lesystem provides facilities to run on ash disk and improve its reliability. Therefore it exhibits atomic writes for data integrity, wear-leveling and bad block management. Since ash devices have a reduced life time in certain conditions [4], it is better to uniform access on the overall device. Bad block management is required on NAND ash.
C/FS can be used with or without an OS. It is processor independent and provides a POSIX interface.
A TCP/IP protocol stack is proposed to be used with C/OS-II and C/OS-III. It is furnished by Micrium to be used in embedded context. It can run on 16, 32 and 64 bits processors. Again memory footprint can be tuned.
C/TCP-IP is written in ANSI-C and can be ported to any other RTOS. The gure 3.1 from [9] presents application modules available.
Driver example
The example is a serial driver given in annexe A.3. The driver is written in C, also it doesnt dier a lot from any other RTOS driver. The driver denes interrupts. Critical sections needs to be implemented in C/OS way by using OS ENTER CRITICAL and OS EXIT CRITICAL. Other parts of code are classical serial driver code.
Chapter 4
4.1 Demo1: Philosophers dinner on x86
Demo1 is an implementation of the philosopher problem described in [1]. It uses the x86 port from Jean J. Labrosse described in [6]. The demo has been compiled with Borland C/C++ 5.02. The application is given in annexe A.1. The philosophers can take two states. They can be eating for a specied amount of time or they can be thinking. The demo implements ve philosophers as threads. The forks are semaphores with initial count set to one. A philosopher always takes and releases its left fork rst. We simulate the worst case by inserting delay after the philosopher took its rst fork. The gure 4.1 shows an application run. A dead lock happened.
Figure 4.1: Each philosopher is waiting for its neighbor to release a fork. The situation cannot evolve. The line after philosophers output is the count of the semaphore used to control the state of the fork. The semaphores are taken meaning that no fork is available.
We propose a solution known as the waiter solution, given in annex ??. A philosopher that wants a fork rst has to ask a waiter. If the two forks are available and no clearance has been given yet for that forks, the waiter agree and the forks are given to the philosopher. The request is made by sending philosophers id to waiter queue. A philosopher is allowed to take forks when the content of its associated mailbox is set to WAITER SAYS YES. Figure 4.2 presents the scheme used. The result is shown in 4.3 as we can see no deadlock appears.
Forks semaphores
makes a request
Messages queue
Philo 2
Philo 3
Philo 4
Philosopherss tasks
Figure 4.2: The waiter solution use semaphores, mailboxes and message queue.
Figure 4.3: Philosophers zero and two are eating. Others have made a request to the waiter and wait a positive response. The rst line after philosophers output is the state of the semaphores, second one is the number of messages and size of the queue. Third line is the content of mailboxes, philosophers zero and two have been allowed to take forks.
The demo has to be compiled with Borland C/C++ compiler with version prior or equal to 5.02. The x86 port uses real mode instructions and so requires a compiler running in it. This can cause problems since that version is no longer sale.
One had to specify OS MAX EVENTS in OS CFG.H to a sucient number. For that demo, it has been set to ten.
C/OS-II has been widely described here. Along with the inner working of the kernel, I described the services. I shown a practical case study which is an implementation of the dinning philosophers problem and one of its solution. More precisions can be found in [6].
Since 1992, numerous applications use C/OS-II. As it begin to get old Micrium provides a new version of its os, namely C/OS-III. C/OS-III has been released in 2009 and keeps a lot of features from its predecessors[8]. The number of tasks on a system is unlimited and tasks can share priority. The kernel uses a round-robin scheduler and is written in C ANSI.
[1] Dining philosophers problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dining philosophers problem. [2] Priority inversion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priority inversion. [3] Process. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process (computing). [4] Wear levelling. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wear levelling. [5] Jean J. Labrosse. microc/os-ii port for x86. Published with the book Microc/OS-II The real time kernel. [6] Jean J. Labrosse. Microc/OS-II. R & D Books, 1998. [7] Christian Legare. c/fs. http://micrium.com/download/fswhitepaper.pdf. [8] Micrium. c/os-iii. http://micrium.com/newmicrium/uploads/le/datasheets/ucosiii datasheet.pdf. [9] Micrium. c/tpc-ip. http://micrium.com/download/tcp-ip dsheet.pdf. [10] NXP. training.micrium.ucos-ii.rtos.ppt. http://www.standardics.nxp.com/support/boards/ird/ppt/ training.micrium.ucos-ii.rtos.ppt.
Appendix A
A.1 Dining philosophers implementation
#include "includes.h" /* Dining Philosophers demo date: november 2009 author: Guillaume Kremer some portions of code are taken from Jean J.Labrosse x86 port TO be compiled with Borland v55 C/C++ compiler */ #dene NB PHILOSOPHERS 5 /*Number of Philosophers*/ #dene MAX BUFFER 100 /*Size for printing buer*/ /* The task size has to been specied carefully each task has 3 buer of MAX BUFFER size so me allocate at least 3*MAX BUFFER others=32+sizeOf(OS */ #dene TASK STAKE SIZE (3*MAX BUFFER)+32+sizeof(OS SEM DATA) /*Tasks size*/ #dene NB FORKS NB PHILOSOPHERS /*Number of forks*/ #dene TIME TO EAT 20 /*Time taken by a philosopher to eat*/ #dene TIMEOUT FORK 0 /*Timeout to take a fork*/ void TaskStart(void *pdata); void Task(void *pdata); static void TaskStartCreatePHILOSOPHERS(void); static void TaskStartDispInit(void); static void TaskStartDisp(void); int Print with id(int index, int state, int cpt); int Print Sem Status(); INT8U ids[NB PHILOSOPHERS]; /*ids for the philosophers*/ OS STK TaskStartStk[TASK STAKE SIZE]; /*Stacks for the start task*/ OS STK TaskStk[NB PHILOSOPHERS][TASK STAKE SIZE]; /*Stacks for the philosophers tasks*/ OS EVENT *FORKS[NB FORKS]; /*FORKS for the Philosophers*/ int
main(argc, argv, argenv) int argc; char **argv, **argenv; { INT8U i; /*loop value*/ INT8U err; /*error value*/ PC DispClrScr(DISP FGND WHITE + DISP BGND BLACK); /*Clear the screen*/ OSInit(); /*Initialise microC/OS-II*/ PC DOSSaveReturn(); PC VectSet(uCOS, OSCtxSw); for(i = 0; i < NB PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { FORKS[i] = OSSemCreate((INT16U)1); /*Semaphores initialization with a cnt of 1 <> mutual exclusion*/ } OSTaskCreate(TaskStart, (void *)0, &TaskStartStk[TASK STAKE SIZE - 1], 0); /*Creation of the starting task*/ OSStart(); /*Start the OS*/ return 0; } /*Some x86 initialisation, starting task*/ void TaskStart(pdata) void *pdata; { #if OS CRITICAL METHOD == 3 OS CPU SR cpu sr; #endif INT8U i; INT16S key; pdata = pdata; TaskStartDispInit(); /*Init the display*/ OS ENTER CRITICAL(); /*Critical section*/ PC VectSet(0x08, OSTickISR); /*Enable ISR*/ PC SetTickRate(OS TICKS PER SEC); /*Change the clock frequency*/ OS EXIT CRITICAL(); /*End of critical section*/ OSStatInit(); /*Initialisation of the Statistic task*/ TaskStartCreatePHILOSOPHERS(); /*Task which create philosophers task*/ for(;;) {
TaskStartDisp(); /* Update the display*/ if (PC GetKey(&key) == TRUE) { /* See if key has been pressed*/ if (key == 0x1B) { /* Yes, see if its the ESCAPE key*/ PC DOSReturn(); /* Return to DOS*/ } } OSCtxSwCtr = 0; OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*Sleeping for one second*/ } } /*Creating the philosophers tasks*/ static void TaskStartCreatePHILOSOPHERS() { INT8U i; /*Loop value*/ for(i = 0; i < NB PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { ids[i] = i; OSTaskCreate(Task, (void*)&(ids[i]), &((TaskStk[i])[TASK STAKE SIZE 1]), i + 1); } } /*Philosopher task*/ void Task(pdata) void *pdata; { INT8U index; /*Index of the task*/ INT8U err; /*Error value*/ INT16U cpt; /*Number of time the philosopher has eaten*/ index = *(INT8U*)pdata; /*Cast of the argument*/ Print with id(index, 1, 0); /*print Hello world*/ Print Sem Status(); /*Print the sem status*/ OSTimeDlyHMSM(0,0,2,0); /*2 seconds delay*/ cpt = 0; for(;;) { Print Sem Status(); Print with id(index, 2, cpt); /*print trying to get left fork*/ OSSemPend(FORKS[(index + 1) % NB FORKS], TIMEOUT FORK, &err); /*bloking wait for the left fork*/ while(err == OS TIMEOUT) /*while timeout*/
{ Print with id(index, 3, cpt); /*print timeout happend*/ Print Sem Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ } Print Sem Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); Print with id(index, 4, cpt); /*print trying to get right fork*/ OSSemPend(FORKS[index], TIMEOUT FORK, &err); /*blocking wait for the right fork*/ while(err == OS TIMEOUT) { Print with id(index, 5, cpt); /*print timeout happend*/ Print Sem Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); } cpt++; Print with id(index, 7, cpt); /*print philosopher is eating*/ OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, TIME TO EAT, 0); /*eating delay time*/ OSSemPost(FORKS[(index + 1) % NB FORKS]); /*releasing right fork semaphore*/ OSSemPost(FORKS[index]); /*releasing left fork semaphore*/ }
#include "includes.h" /* Dining Philosophers demo date: november 2009 author: Guillaume Kremer some portions of code are taken from Jean J.Labrosse x86 port TO be compiled with Borland v55 C/C++ compiler */
#dene NB PHILOSOPHERS 5 /*Number of Philosophers*/ #dene MAX BUFFER 100 /*Size for printing buer*/ #dene SIZE QUEUE 256 /* The task size has to been specied carefully each task has 3 buer of MAX BUFFER size so me allocate at least 3*MAX BUFFER others=32+sizeOf(OS */ #dene TASK STAKE SIZE (4*MAX BUFFER)+64+sizeof(OS SEM DATA)+2*sizeof(OS MBOX DATA)+2*siz /*Tasks size*/ #dene TASK WAITER STAKE SIZE (16+(NB PHILOSOPHERS*8)+2*sizeof(OS SEM DATA)+3*sizeof(OS MBO #dene NB FORKS NB PHILOSOPHERS /*Number of forks*/ #dene TIME TO EAT 20 /*Time taken by a philosopher to eat*/ #dene TIMEOUT FORK 0 /*Timeout to take a fork*/ #dene WAITER UNDEFINED 0 #dene WAITER SAYS NO 1 #dene WAITER SAYS YES 2 void TaskStart(void *pdata); void Task(void *pdata); void Task Waiter(void *pdata); static void TaskStartCreatePHILOSOPHERSAndWAITER(void); static void TaskStartDispInit(void); static void TaskStartDisp(void); int Print with id(int index, int state, int cpt); int Print Sem Status(); int Print Q Status(); int Print Mbox Status(); INT8U ids[NB PHILOSOPHERS]; /*ids for the philosophers*/ OS STK TaskStartStk[TASK STAKE SIZE]; /*Stacks for the start task*/ OS STK TaskStk[NB PHILOSOPHERS][TASK STAKE SIZE]; /*Stacks for the philosophers tasks*/ OS STK TaskWaiterStk[TASK WAITER STAKE SIZE]; void *Array Queue[SIZE QUEUE]; OS OS OS OS int EVENT EVENT EVENT EVENT *FORKS[NB FORKS]; /*FORKS for the Philosophers*/ *SEM FORKS; *MAILBOXES[NB PHILOSOPHERS]; *QUEUE;
main(argc, argv, argenv) int argc; char **argv, **argenv; { INT8U i; /*loop value*/ int i ; INT8U err; /*error value*/ INT8U initial messages; INT8U initial queue; PC DispClrScr(DISP FGND WHITE + DISP BGND BLACK); /*Clear the screen*/ OSInit(); /*Initialise microC/OS-II*/ PC DOSSaveReturn(); PC VectSet(uCOS, OSCtxSw); SEM FORKS = OSSemCreate((INT16U)1); initial queue = 0; for(i = 0; i < SIZE QUEUE; i ++) { Array Queue[i ] = (void *) &initial queue;/*The queue is initialized to a known value*/ } QUEUE = OSQCreate(&Array Queue[0], SIZE QUEUE); initial messages = WAITER SAYS NO;/*Mailboxes are initialized to no*/ for(i = 0; i < NB PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { FORKS[i] = OSSemCreate((INT16U)1); /*Semaphores initialization with a cnt of 1 <> mutual exclusion*/ MAILBOXES[i] = OSMboxCreate(&initial messages); }
OSTaskCreate(TaskStart, (void *)0, &TaskStartStk[TASK STAKE SIZE - 1], 0); /*Creation of the starting task*/ OSStart(); /*Start the OS*/ return 0; } /*Some x86 initialisation, starting task*/ void TaskStart(pdata) void *pdata; { #if OS CRITICAL METHOD == 3 OS CPU SR cpu sr; #endif INT8U i; INT16S key;
pdata = pdata; TaskStartDispInit(); /*Init the display*/ OS ENTER CRITICAL(); /*Critical section*/ PC VectSet(0x08, OSTickISR); /*Enable ISR*/ PC SetTickRate(OS TICKS PER SEC); /*Change the clock frequency*/ OS EXIT CRITICAL(); /*End of critical section*/ OSStatInit(); /*Initialisation of the Statistic task*/ TaskStartCreatePHILOSOPHERSAndWAITER(); /*Task which create philosophers task*/ for(;;) { TaskStartDisp(); /* Update the display*/ if (PC GetKey(&key) == TRUE) { /* See if key has been pressed*/ if (key == 0x1B) { /* Yes, see if its the ESCAPE key*/ PC DOSReturn(); /* Return to DOS*/ } } OSCtxSwCtr = 0; OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*Sleeping for one second*/ } } /*Creating the philosophers tasks and the waiter*/ static void TaskStartCreatePHILOSOPHERSAndWAITER() { INT8U i; /*Loop value*/ OSTaskCreate(Task Waiter, NULL, &TaskWaiterStk[TASK WAITER STAKE SIZE - 1], 10); for(i = 0; i < NB PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { ids[i] = i; OSTaskCreate(Task, (void*)&(ids[i]), &((TaskStk[i])[TASK STAKE SIZE 1]), i + 4); } } /*Creating the philosophers tasks*/ static void TaskStartCreatePHILOSOPHERS() { INT8U i; /*Loop value*/ for(i = 0; i < NB PHILOSOPHERS; i++) { ids[i] = i;
OSTaskCreate(Task, (void*)&(ids[i]), &((TaskStk[i])[TASK STAKE SIZE 1]), i + 1); } } /*Waiter task*/ void Task Waiter(pdata) void *pdata; { INT8U mess; INT8U err; OS SEM DATA sem data1; OS SEM DATA sem data2; OS MBOX DATA m data1; OS MBOX DATA m data2; OS Q DATA qdata; void *ret; INT8U messages[NB PHILOSOPHERS]; pdata = pdata; Print Mbox Status(); Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 10, 0); /*printing waiter is coming*/ for(;;) { Print Mbox Status(); Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 11, 0); mess = *(INT8U*) OSQPend(QUEUE, TIMEOUT FORK, &err);/*Get a request in the queue*/ while(err == OS TIMEOUT) { Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 15,0);/*printing timeout*/ OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ mess = *(INT8U*) OSQPend(&QUEUE, TIMEOUT FORK, &err); } if(mess < NB PHILOSOPHERS)/*if the id request is coherent*/ { Print Mbox Status(); Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 12, mess); Print Mbox Status(); OSSemPend(SEM FORKS, TIMEOUT FORK, &err); Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 13, 0); Print Mbox Status(); OSSemQuery(FORKS[mess], &sem data1); OSSemQuery(FORKS[(mess + 1) % NB FORKS], &sem data2); if(mess != 0)/*if id is not 0*/ { OSMboxQuery(MAILBOXES[mess - 1], &m data1); } else
{ OSMboxQuery(MAILBOXES[(NB PHILOSOPHERS - 1) % NB FORKS], &m data1); } OSMboxQuery(MAILBOXES[(mess + 1) % NB FORKS], &m data2);/*Is right philosopher eating*/ Print Mbox Status(); if(sem data1.OSCnt && sem data2.OSCnt)/*If left and right fork are free*/ { Print Mbox Status(); Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 16, mess); if(((*((INT8U*)m data1.OSMsg)) == WAITER SAYS NO) && ((*((INT8U*)m data2.OSMsg)) == WAITER SAYS NO))/*Is left and right philosophers not eating*/ { Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 14, mess); messages[mess] = WAITER SAYS YES; OSMboxAccept(MAILBOXES[mess]);/*empty the mailboxw*/ if((ret = OSMboxPostOpt(MAILBOXES[mess], &messages[mess], 0))!=OS NO ERR)/*send yes to the mailbox*/ { Print with id(NB PHILOSOPHERS + 1, 18, *((INT8U*)ret)); } Print Mbox Status(); } } OSSemPost(SEM FORKS); } } } /*Philosopher task*/ void Task(pdata) void *pdata; { INT8U index; /*Index of the task*/ INT8U err; /*Error value*/ INT16U cpt; /*Number of time the philosopher has eaten*/ INT8U mess; OS MBOX DATA mdata; index = *(INT8U*)pdata; /*Cast of the argument*/ Print with id(index, 1, 0); /*print Hello world*/ Print Sem Status(); /*Print the sem status*/
OSTimeDlyHMSM(0,0,2,0); /*2 seconds delay*/ mess = WAITER SAYS NO; cpt = 0; for(;;) { Print Mbox Status(); while(mess != WAITER SAYS YES)/*While the waiter says no*/ { Print Mbox Status(); OSQPost(QUEUE, (void*)&index); /*asks a request*/ Print Q Status(); Print Mbox Status(); Print with id(index, 8, cpt); /*print trying to get forks*/ OSMboxQuery(MAILBOXES[index], &mdata); mess = *(INT8U*) mdata.OSMsg; while(err == OS TIMEOUT) /*while timeout*/ { Print with id(index, 9, cpt); /*print timeout happend*/ Print Sem Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ mess = *(INT8U*) OSMboxPend(&MAILBOXES[index], TIMEOUT FORK, &err); /*bloking wait for message*/ } Print Sem Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ } Print with id(index, 17, cpt); /*print trying to get forks*/ Print Mbox Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ OSSemPend(SEM FORKS, TIMEOUT FORK, &err); Print with id(index, 2, cpt); /*print trying to get left fork*/ OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ OSSemPend(FORKS[(index + 1) % NB FORKS], TIMEOUT FORK, &err); /*bloking wait for the left fork*/ while(err == OS TIMEOUT) /*while timeout*/ { Print with id(index, 3, cpt); /*print timeout happend*/ Print Sem Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ OSSemPend(FORKS[(index + 1) % NB FORKS], TIMEOUT FORK, &err); /*bloking wait for the left fork*/ } Print Sem Status(); Print with id(index, 4, cpt); /*print trying to get right fork*/
OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); /*1 second delay*/ OSSemPend(FORKS[index], TIMEOUT FORK, &err); /*blocking wait for the right fork*/ while(err == OS TIMEOUT) { Print with id(index, 5, cpt); /*print timeout happend*/ Print Sem Status(); OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); OSSemPend(FORKS[index], TIMEOUT FORK, &err); /*blocking wait for the right fork*/ }
Print Mbox Status(); OSSemPost(SEM FORKS); cpt++; Print with id(index, 7, cpt); /*print philosopher is eating*/ OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, TIME TO EAT, 0); /*eating delay time*/ mess = WAITER SAYS NO; OSMboxAccept(MAILBOXES[index]); Print Mbox Status(); OSMboxPostOpt(MAILBOXES[index], &mess, 0); Print Mbox Status(); OSSemPost(FORKS[(index + 1) % NB FORKS]); /*releasing right fork semaphore*/ OSSemPost(FORKS[index]); /*releasing left fork semaphore*/ OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0); }
Thanks to Jean-Philippe Babau. #include <msp430x14x.h> #include <io.h> #include <signal.h> #include <iomacros.h> #include <ucos ii.h> #dene MAXBUFFER 64 typedef struct tagComBuer{ unsigned char Buer[MAXBUFFER]; unsigned Head,Tail; unsigned Count; }ComBuer; ComBuer ComRXBuer,ComTXBuer; int PutBuf(ComBuer *Buf,unsigned char Data); unsigned char GetBuf(ComBuer *Buf); unsigned GetBufCount(ComBuer *Buf); unsigned ComOpen; unsigned ComError; unsigned ComBusy;
void initUART(int BaudRate) { volatile unsigned int i; long BaudRateDivisor; ComRXBuer.Head = ComRXBuer.Tail = ComRXBuer.Count = 0; ComTXBuer.Head = ComTXBuer.Tail = ComTXBuer.Count = 0; P3SEL |= 0x30; BCSCTL1 |= XTS; do { IFG1 &= OFIFG; for (i = 0xFF; i > 0; i--); } while ((IFG1 & OFIFG)); BCSCTL2 |= SELM 3; UCTL0 &=0x01; ME1 |= UTXE0 + URXE0; // Enable USART0 TXD/RXD UCTL0 |= CHAR; // 8-bit character UTCTL0 |= SSEL0; // UCLK = ACLK BaudRateDivisor = 8000000; // assuming 8MHz clock as on EasyWeb2 BaudRateDivisor = BaudRateDivisor / (long) BaudRate; UBR00 = BaudRateDivisor & 0x; BaudRateDivisor = BaudRateDivisor >> 8; UBR10 = BaudRateDivisor & 0x; UMCTL0 = 0x00; // no modulation UCTL0 &= SWRST; // Initialize USART state machine IE1 |= URXIE0 + UTXIE0; // Enable USART0 RX and TX interrupts // P3.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD // ACLK = LFXT1 = HF XTAL
// Clear OSCFault ag // Time for ag to set // OSCFault ag still set? // MCLK = LFXT1 (safe)
//#pragma vector=UART0RX VECTOR interrupt (UART0RX VECTOR) usart0 rx (void) { OSIntEnter(); if (PutBuf(&ComRXBuer,RXBUF0) ) ComError = 1; // if PutBuf returns a non-zero value then there is an error OSIntExit(); } //#pragma vector=UART0TX VECTOR interrupt (UART0TX VECTOR) usart0 tx (void) { OSIntEnter(); // while (!(IFG1 & UTXIFG0)); // USART0 TX buer ready? // TXBUF0 = RXBUF0; // RXBUF0 to TXBUF0 if (GetBufCount(&ComTXBuer)) TXBUF0=GetBuf(&ComTXBuer); OSIntExit(); }
//lit le contenue du buer extern int ReadCom(int Max,unsigned char *Buer) { unsigned i; if (!ComOpen) return (-1); i=0; while ((i < Max) && (GetBufCount(&ComRXBuer))) Buer[i++] = GetBuf(&ComRXBuer); if (i>0) { Buer[i]=0; return(i); } else { return(0); } };
//ecrit dans le buer extern int WriteCom(int Count,unsigned char *Buer) { unsigned i,BufLen; if (!ComOpen) return (-1); if (!Buer[0]) // blank string? return(0); BufLen = GetBufCount(&ComTXBuer); for(i=0;i<Count;i++) PutBuf(&ComTXBuer,Buer[i]); // might have to kick-start interrupt driven comms if the UART is idle if ( (!BufLen) && !(IFG1 & UTXIFG0) )
//ajoute dans le buer int PutBuf(ComBuer *Buf,unsigned char Data) { #if OS CRITICAL METHOD == 3 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */ OS CPU SR cpu sr; cpu sr = 0; /* Prevent compiler warning */ #endif if ( (Buf->Head==Buf->Tail) && (Buf->Count!=0)) return(1); /* OverFlow */ OS ENTER CRITICAL(); Buf->Buer[Buf->Head++] = Data; Buf->Count++; if (Buf->Head==MAXBUFFER) Buf->Head=0; OS EXIT CRITICAL(); return(0); };
unsigned char GetBuf(ComBuer *Buf) { unsigned char Data; /* Allocate storage for CPU status #if OS CRITICAL METHOD == 3 register */ OS CPU SR cpu sr; /* Prevent compiler warning */ cpu sr = 0; #endif if ( Buf->Count==0 ) return (0); OS ENTER CRITICAL(); Data = Buf->Buer[Buf->Tail++]; if (Buf->Tail == MAXBUFFER) Buf->Tail = 0; Buf->Count--; OS EXIT CRITICAL(); return (Data); } unsigned int GetBufCount(ComBuer *Buf) { return Buf->Count; };