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The Son of Sobek

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Carter Kane is a magician who tracks down supernatural threats. He was investigating reports of a creature eating wildlife near Montauk Highway on Long Island.

Reports indicated it was a large carnivorous creature living in the marshes and ponds near Montauk Highway that had been eating local wildlife.

Carter brought his curved ivory wand, a lump of wax for making a magical shabti figurine, his calligraphy set, and a healing potion from his friend Jaz.

The Son of Sobek

GETTING EATEN BY A GIANT CROCODILE was bad enough. The kid with the glowing sword onl !ade ! da worse. "a be I should introdu#e ! sel$. I%! Carter &ane ' (art)ti!e high)s#hool $resh!an* (art)ti!e !agi#ian* $ull)ti!e worrier about all the Eg (tian gods and !onsters who are #onstantl tr ing to kill !e. Oka * that last (art is an e+aggeration. Not all the gods want !e dead. ,ust a lot o$ the! ' but that kind o$ goes with the territor * sin#e I%! a !agi#ian in the -ouse o$ Li$e. .e%re like the (oli#e $or An#ient Eg (tian su(ernatural $or#es* !aking sure the don%t #ause too !u#h ha/o# in the !odern world. An wa * on this (arti#ular da I was tra#king down a rogue !onster on Long Island. Our s#r ers had been sensing !agi#al disturban#es in the area $or se/eral weeks. Then the lo#al news started re(orting that a large #reature had been sighted in the (onds and !arshes near the "ontauk -ighwa ' a #reature that was eating the wildli$e and s#aring the lo#als. One re(orter e/en #alled it the Long Island 0wa!( "onster. .hen !ortals start raising the alar!* ou know it%s ti!e to #he#k things out. Nor!all ! sister* 0adie* or so!e o$ our other initiates $ro! Brookl n -ouse would%/e #o!e with !e. But the were all at the 1irst No!e in Eg (t $or a week)long training session on #ontrolling #heese de!ons 2 es* the %re a real thing ' belie/e !e* ou don%t want to know3* so I was on ! own. I hit#hed our $l ing reed boat to 1reak* ! (et gri$$in* and we s(ent the !orning bu44ing around the south shore* looking $or signs o$ trouble. I$ ou%re wondering wh I didn%t 5ust ride on 1reak%s ba#k* i!agine two hu!!ingbird)like wings beating $aster and !ore (ower$ull than heli#o(ter blades. 6nless ou want to get shredded* it%s reall better to ride in the boat. 1reak had a (rett good nose $or !agi#. A$ter a #ou(le o$ hours on (atrol* he shrieked* 71REEEEEE&8% and banked hard to the le$t* #ir#ling o/er a green !arsh inlet between two neighbourhoods. 7Down there9% I asked. 1reak shi/ered and s:uawked* whi((ing his barbed tail ner/ousl . I #ouldn%t see !u#h below us ' 5ust a brown ri/er glittering in the hot su!!er air* winding through swa!( grass and #lu!(s o$ gnarled trees until it e!(tied into "ori#hes Ba . The area looked a bit like the Nile Delta ba#k in Eg (t* e+#e(t here the wetlands were surrounded on both sides b residential neighbourhoods with row a$ter row o$ gre )roo$ed houses. ,ust to the north* a line o$ #ars in#hed along the "ontauk -ighwa ' /a#ationers es#a(ing the #rowds in the #it to en5o the #rowds in the -a!(tons.

I$ there reall was a #arni/orous swa!( !onster below us* I wondered how long it would be be$ore it de/elo(ed a taste $or hu!ans. I$ that ha((ened ; well* it was surrounded b an all) ou)#an)eat bu$$et. 7Oka *% I told 1reak. 70et !e down b the ri/erbank.% As soon as I ste((ed out o$ the boat* 1reak s#ree#hed and 4oo!ed into the sk * the boat trailing behind hi!. 7-e 8% I elled a$ter hi!* but it was too late. 1reak is easil s(ooked. 1lesh)eating !onsters tend to s#are hi! awa . 0o do $ireworks* #lowns and the s!ell o$ 0adie%s weird British Ribena drink. 2Can%t bla!e hi! on that last one. 0adie grew u( in London and de/elo(ed so!e (rett strange tastes.3 I would ha/e to take #are o$ this !onster (roble!* then whistle $or 1reak to (i#k !e u( on#e I was done. I o(ened ! ba#k(a#k and #he#ked ! su((lies< so!e en#hanted ro(e* ! #ur/ed i/or wand* a lu!( o$ wa+ $or !aking a !agi#al shabti $igurine* ! #alligra(h set and a healing (otion ! $riend ,a4 had brewed $or !e a while ba#k. 20he knew that I got hurt a lot.3 There was 5ust one !ore thing I needed. I #on#entrated and rea#hed into the Duat. O/er the last $ew !onths* I%d got better at storing e!ergen# (ro/isions in the shadow real! ' e+tra wea(ons* #lean #lothes* 1ruit b the 1oot and #hilled si+)(a#ks o$ root beer ' but sti#king ! hand into a !agi#al di!ension still $elt weird* like (ushing through la ers o$ #old* hea/ #urtains. I #losed ! $ingers round the hilt o$ ! sword and (ulled it out ' a weight khopesh with a blade #ur/ed like a :uestion !ark. Ar!ed with ! sword and wand* I was all set $or a stroll through the swa!( to look $or a hungr !onster. Oh* 5o 8 I waded into the water and i!!ediatel sank to ! knees. The ri/er botto! $elt like #ongealed stew. .ith e/er ste(* ! shoes !ade su#h rude noises ' suck-plop* suckplop that I was glad 0adie wasn%t with !e. 0he ne/er would%/e sto((ed laughing. E/en worse* !aking this !u#h noise* I knew I wouldn%t be able to sneak u( on an !onsters. "os:uitoes swar!ed !e. 0uddenl I $elt ner/ous and alone. Could be worse* I told ! sel$. I could be studying cheese demons. But I #ouldn%t :uite #on/in#e ! sel$. In a nearb neighbourhood* I heard kids shouting and laughing* (robabl (la ing so!e kind o$ ga!e. I wondered what that would be like ' being a nor!al kid* hanging out with ! $riends on a su!!er a$ternoon. The idea was so ni#e I got distra#ted. I didn%t noti#e the ri((les in the water until $i$t ards ahead o$ !e so!ething broke the sur$a#e ' a line o$ leather bla#kish)green

bu!(s. Instantl it sub!erged again* but I knew what I was dealing with now. I%d seen #ro#odiles be$ore* and this was a $reakishl big one. I re!e!bered El =aso* the winter be$ore last* when ! sister and I had been atta#ked b the #ro#odile god 0obek. That wasnt a good !e!or . 0weat tri#kled down ! ne#k. 70obek*% I !ur!ured* 7i$ that%s ou* !essing with !e again* I swear to Ra ;% The #ro# god had (ro!ised to lea/e us alone now that we were tight with his boss* the sun god. 0till ; #ro#odiles get hungr . Then the tend to $orget their (ro!ises. No answer $ro! the water. The ri((les subsided. .hen it #a!e to sensing !onsters* ! !agi# instin#ts weren%t /er shar(* but the water in $ront o$ !e see!ed !u#h darker. That !eant either it was dee(* or so!ething large was lurking under the sur$a#e. I al!ost ho(ed it was 0obek. At least then I stood a #han#e o$ talking to hi! be$ore he killed !e. 0obek lo/ed to boast. 6n$ortunatel * it wasn%t hi!. The ne+t !i#rose#ond* as the water eru(ted around !e* I reali4ed too late that I should%/e brought the entire Twent )$irst No!e to hel( !e. I registered glowing ellow e es as big as ! head* the glint o$ gold 5eweller round a !assi/e ne#k. Then !onstrous 5aws o(ened ' ridges o$ #rooked teeth and an e+(anse o$ (ink !aw wide enough to gul( down a garbage tru#k. And the #reature swallowed !e whole. I!agine being shrink)wra((ed u(side down inside a giganti# sli! garbage bag with no air. Being in the !onster%s bell was like that* onl hotter and s!ellier. 1or a !o!ent I was too stunned to do an thing. I #ouldn%t belie/e I was still ali/e. I$ the #ro#odile%s !outh had been s!aller* he !ight ha/e sna((ed !e in hal$. As it was* he had gul(ed !e down in a single Carter)si4e ser/ing* so I #ould look $orward to being slowl digested. Lu#k * right9 The !onster started thrashing around* whi#h !ade it hard to think. I held ! breath* knowing that it !ight be ! last. I still had ! sword and wand* but I #ouldn%t use the! with ! ar!s (inned to ! side. I #ouldn%t rea#h an o$ the stu$$ in ! bag. .hi#h le$t onl one answer< a word o$ (ower. I$ I #ould think o$ the right hierogl (hi# s !bol and s(eak it aloud* I #ould su!!on so!e industrial)strength wrath)o$)the)gods) t (e !agi# to bust ! wa out o$ this re(tile.

In theor < a great solution. In (ra#ti#e< I%! not so good at words o$ (ower e/en in the best o$ situations. 0u$$o#ating inside a dark* s!ell re(tile gullet wasn%t hel(ing !e $o#us. You can do this* I told ! sel$. A$ter all the dangerous ad/entures I%d had* I #ouldn%t die like this. 0adie would be de/astated. Then* on#e she got o/er her grie$* she%d tra#k down ! soul in the Eg (tian a$terli$e and tease !e !er#ilessl $or how stu(id I%d been. " lungs burned. I was bla#king out. I (i#ked a word o$ (ower* su!!oned all ! #on#entration and (re(ared to s(eak. 0uddenl the !onster lur#hed u(wards. -e roared* whi#h sounded reall weird $ro! the inside* and his throat #ontra#ted round !e like I was being s:uee4ed $ro! a tooth(aste tube. I shot out o$ the #reature%s !outh and tu!bled into the !arsh grass. 0o!ehow I got to ! $eet. I staggered around* hal$ blind* gas(ing and #o/ered with #ro#odile goo* whi#h s!elled like a s#u!! $ish tank. The sur$a#e o$ the ri/er #hurned with bubbles. The #ro#odile was gone* but standing in the !arsh about twent $eet awa was a teenage gu in 5eans and a $aded orange T)shirt that said CA"= so!ething. I #ouldn%t read the rest. -e looked a little older than !e ' !a be se/enteen ' with tousled bla#k hair and sea)green e es. .hat reall #aught ! attention was his sword ' a straight double)edged blade glowing with $aint bron4e light. I%! not sure whi#h o$ us was !ore sur(rised. 1or a se#ond* Ca!(er Bo 5ust stared at !e. -e noted ! khopesh and wand* and I got the $eeling that he a#tuall saw these things as the were. Nor!al !ortals ha/e trouble seeing !agi#. Their brains #an%t inter(ret it* so the !ight look at ! sword* $or instan#e* and see a baseball bat or a walking sti#k. But this kid ; he was di$$erent. I $igured he !ust be a !agi#ian. The onl (roble! was I%d !et !ost o$ the !agi#ians in the North A!eri#an no!es* and I%d ne/er seen this gu be$ore. I%d also ne/er seen a sword like that. E/er thing about hi! see!ed ; unEgyptian. 7The #ro#odile*% I said* tr ing to kee( ! /oi#e #al! and e/en. 7.here did it go9% Ca!(er Bo $rowned. 7You%re wel#o!e.% 7.hat9% 7I stu#k that #ro# in the ru!(.% -e !i!i#ked the a#tion with his sword. 7That%s wh it /o!ited ou u(. 0o* ou%re wel#o!e. .hat were ou doing in there9%

I%ll ad!it I wasn%t in the best !ood. I s!elled. I hurt. And* eah* I was a little e!barrassed< the !ight Carter &ane* head o$ Brookl n -ouse* had been disgorged $ro! a #ro#%s !outh like a giant hairball. 7I was resting*% I sna((ed. 7.hat do ou think I was doing9 Now* who are ou* and wh are ou $ighting ! !onster9% 7Your !onster9% The gu trudged towards !e through the water. -e didn%t see! to ha/e an trouble with the !ud. 7Look* !an* I don%t know who ou are* but that #ro#odile has been terrori4ing Long Island $or weeks. I take that kind o$ (ersonall * as this is ! ho!e tur$. A $ew da s ago* it ate one o$ our (egasi.% A 5olt went u( ! s(ine like I%d ba#ked into an ele#tri# $en#e. 7Did ou sa pegasi9% -e wa/ed the :uestion aside. 7Is it our !onster or not9% 7I don%t own it8% I growled. 7I%! tr ing to stop it8 Now* where '% 7The #ro# headed that wa .% -e (ointed his sword to the south. 7I would alread be #hasing it* but ou sur(rised !e.% -e si4ed !e u(* whi#h was dis#on#erting sin#e he was hal$ a $oot taller. I still #ouldn%t read his T)shirt e+#e(t $or the word CA"=. Round his ne#k hung a leather stra( with so!e #olour$ul #la beads* like a kid%s arts)and)#ra$ts (ro5e#t. -e wasn%t #arr ing a !agi#ian%s (a#k or a wand. "a be he ke(t the! in the Duat9 Or !a be he was 5ust a delusional !ortal who%d a##identall $ound a !agi# sword and thought he was a su(erhero. An#ient reli#s #an reall !ess with our !ind. 1inall he shook his head. 7I gi/e u(. 0on o$ Ares9 You%/e got to be a hal$)blood* but what ha((ened to our sword9 It%s all bent.% 7It%s a khopesh.% " sho#k was ra(idl turning to anger. 7It%s su((osed to be #ur/ed.% But I wasn%t thinking about the sword. Ca!(er Bo had 5ust #alled !e a half-blood9 "a be I hadn%t heard hi! right. "a be he !eant so!ething else. But ! dad was A$ri#an)A!eri#an. " !o! was white. Half-blood wasn%t a word I liked. 7,ust get out o$ here*% I said* gritting ! teeth. 7I%/e got a #ro#odile to #at#h.% 7Dude* I ha/e to #at#h the #ro#odile*% he insisted. 7Last ti!e ou tried* it ate ou. Re!e!ber9% " $ingers tightened round ! sword hilt. 7I had e/er thing under #ontrol. I was about to su!!on a $ist '% 1or what ha((ened ne+t* I take $ull res(onsibilit .

I didn%t !ean it. -onestl . But I was angr . And* as I !a ha/e !entioned* I%! not alwa s good at #hannelling words o$ (ower. .hile I was in the #ro#odile%s bell * I%d been (re(aring to su!!on the 1ist o$ -orus< a giant glowing blue hand that #an (ul/eri4e doors* walls and (rett !u#h an thing else that gets in our wa . " (lan had been to (un#h ! wa out o$ the !onster. Gross* es* but ho(e$ull e$$e#ti/e. I guess that s(ell was still in ! head* read to be triggered like a loaded gun. 1a#ing Ca!(er Bo * I was $urious* not to !entioned da4ed and #on$used> so when I !eant to sa the English word fist it #a!e out in An#ient Eg (tian instead< khefa. 0u#h a si!(le hierogl (h<

You wouldn%t think it #ould #ause so !u#h trouble. As soon as I s(oke the word* the s !bol bla4ed in the air between us. A giant $ist the si4e o$ a dishwasher shi!!ered into e+isten#e and sla!!ed Ca!(er Bo into the ne+t #ount . I !ean I literally (un#hed hi! out o$ his shoes. -e ro#keted $ro! the ri/er with a loud suck-plop And the last thing I saw was his bare $eet a#hie/ing es#a(e /elo#it as he $lew ba#kwards and disa((eared $ro! sight. No* I didn%t $eel good about it. .ell ; !a be a tin bit good. But I also $elt !orti$ied. E/en i$ the gu was a 5erk* !agi#ians weren%t su((osed to go around su#ker)(un#hing kids into orbit with the 1ist o$ -orus. 7Oh* great.% I hit ! sel$ on the $orehead. I started to wade a#ross the !arsh* worried that I%d a#tuall killed the gu . 7"an* I%! sorr 8% I elled* ho(ing he #ould hear !e. 7Are ou '9% The wa/e #a!e out o$ nowhere. A twent )$oot wall o$ water sla!!ed into !e and (ushed !e ba#k into the ri/er. I #a!e u( s(luttering* a horrible taste like $ish $ood in ! !outh. I blinked the gunk out o$ ! e es 5ust in ti!e to see Ca!(er Bo lea(ing towards !e nin5a)st le* his sword raised. I li$ted ! khopesh to de$le#t the blow. I 5ust !anaged to kee( ! head $ro! being #lea/ed in hal$* but Ca!(er Bo was strong and :ui#k. As I reeled ba#kwards* he stru#k again and again. Ea#h ti!e* I was able to (arr * but I #ould tell I was out!at#hed. -is blade was lighter and :ui#ker* and ' es* I%ll ad!it it ' he was a better swords!an. I wanted to e+(lain that I%d !ade a !istake. I wasn%t reall his ene! . But I needed all ! #on#entration 5ust to kee( $ro! getting sli#ed down the !iddle.

Ca!(er Bo * howe/er* had no trouble talking. 7Now I get it*% he said* swinging at ! head. 7You%re so!e kind o$ !onster.% C!"#$ I inter#e(ted the strike and staggered ba#k. 7I%! not a !onster*% I !anaged. To beat this gu * I%d ha/e to use !ore than 5ust a sword. The (roble! was I didn%t want to hurt hi!. Des(ite the $a#t that he was tr ing to #ho( !e into a &ane)$la/oured barbe#ue sandwi#h* I still $elt bad $or starting the $ight. -e swung again* and I had no #hoi#e. I used ! wand this ti!e* #at#hing his blade in the #rook o$ i/or and #hannelling a burst o$ !agi# straight u( his ar!. The air between us $lashed and #ra#kled. Ca!(er Bo stu!bled ba#k. Blue s(arks o$ sor#er (o((ed around hi!* as i$ ! s(ell didn%t know :uite what to do with hi!. .ho was this gu 9 7You said the #ro#odile was yours.% Ca!(er Bo s#owled* anger bla4ing in his green e es. 7You lost our (et* I su((ose. "a be ou%re a s(irit $ro! the 6nderworld* #o!e through the Doors o$ Death9% Be$ore I #ould e/en (ro#ess that :uestion* he thrust out his $ree hand. The ri/er re/ersed #ourse and swe(t !e o$$ ! $eet. I !anaged to get u(* but I was getting reall tired o$ drinking swa!( water. "eanwhile* Ca!(er Bo #harged again* his sword raised $or the kill. In des(eration* I dro((ed ! wand. I thrust ! hand into ! ba#k(a#k* and ! $ingers #losed round the (ie#e o$ ro(e. I threw it and elled the #o!!and word 7%"& % ' bind 5ust as Ca!(er Bo %s bron4e blade #ut into ! wrist. " whole ar! eru(ted in agon . " /ision tunnelled. Yellow s(ots dan#ed be$ore ! e es. I dro((ed ! sword and #lut#hed ! wrist* gas(ing $or breath* e/er thing $orgotten e+#e(t the e+#ru#iating (ain. In the ba#k o$ ! !ind* I knew Ca!(er Bo #ould kill !e easil . 1or so!e reason he didn%t. A wa/e o$ nausea !ade !e double o/er. I $or#ed ! sel$ to look at the wound. There was a lot o$ blood* but I re!e!bered so!ething ,a4 had told !e on#e in the in$ir!ar at Brookl n -ouse< #uts usuall looked a lot worse than the were. I ho(ed that was true. I $ished a (ie#e o$ (a( rus out o$ ! ba#k(a#k and (ressed it against the wound as a !akeshi$t bandage. The (ain was still horrible* but the nausea be#a!e !ore !anageable. " thoughts started to #lear* and I wondered wh I hadn%t been skewered et. Ca!(er Bo was sitting nearb in waist)dee( water* looking de5e#ted. " !agi# ro(e had wra((ed round his sword ar!* then lashed his hand to the side o$ his head. 6nable to let go o$ his sword* he looked like he had a single reindeer antler s(routing ne+t to his

ear. -e tugged at the ro(e with his $ree hand* but o$ #ourse he #ouldn%t !ake an (rogress. 1inall he 5ust sighed and glared at !e. 7I%! reall starting to hate ou.% 7-ate me9% I (rotested. 7I%! gushing blood here8 And ou started all this b #alling !e a hal$)blood8% 7Oh* (lease.% Ca!(er Bo rose unsteadil * his sword antenna !aking hi! to()hea/ . 7You #an%t be !ortal. I$ ou were* ! sword would%/e (assed right through ou. I$ ou%re not a s(irit or a !onster* ou%/e got to be a hal$)blood. A rogue de!igod $ro! &ronos%s ar! * I%d guess.% "ost o$ what this gu said* I didn%t understand. But one thing sank in. 70o when ou said ?hal$)blood@ ;% -e stared at !e like I was an idiot. 7I !eant demigod. Yeah. .hat did ou think I !eant9% I tried to (ro#ess that. I%d heard the ter! demigod be$ore* but it wasn%t an Eg (tian #on#e(t. "a be this gu was sensing that I was bound to -orus* that I #ould #hannel the god%s (ower ; but wh did he des#ribe e/er thing so strangel 9 7.hat are ou9% I de!anded. 7=art #o!bat !agi#ian* (art water ele!entalist9 .hat no!e are ou with9% The kid laughed bitterl . 7Dude* I don%t know what ou%re talking about. I don%t hang out with gno!es. 0at rs* so!eti!es. E/en C #lo(es. But not gno!es.% The blood loss !ust ha/e been !aking !e di44 . -is words boun#ed around in ! head like lotter balls< Cyclopes* satyrs* demigods* 'ronos. Earlier he%d !entioned Ares. That was a Greek god* not Eg (tian. I $elt like the Duat was o(ening underneath !e* threatening to (ull !e into the de(ths. $reek ( not Egyptian. An idea started $or!ing in ! !ind. I didn%t like it. In $a#t* it s#ared the hol -orus out o$ !e. Des(ite all the swa!( water I%d swallowed* ! throat $elt dr . 7Look*% I said* 7I%! sorr about hitting ou with that $ist s(ell. It was an a##ident. But the thing I don%t understand ; it should ha/e killed ou. It didn%t. That doesn%t !ake sense.% 7Don%t sound so disa((ointed*% he !uttered. 7But* while we%re on the sub5e#t* ou should be dead too. Not !an (eo(le #an $ight !e that well. And ! sword should ha/e /a(ori4ed our #ro#odile.% 71or the last ti!e* it%s not my #ro#odile.%

7Oka * whate/er.% Ca!(er Bo looked dubious. 7The (oint is I stu#k that #ro#odile (rett good* but I 5ust !ade it angr . Celestial bron4e should%/e turned it to dust.% 7Celestial bron4e9% Our #on/ersation was #ut short b a s#rea! $ro! the nearb neighbourhood ' the terri$ied /oi#e o$ a kid. " heart did a slow roll. I reall was an idiot. I%d $orgotten wh we were here. I lo#ked e es with Ca!(er Bo . 7.e%/e got to sto( the #ro#odile.% 7Tru#e*% he suggested. 7Yeah*% I said. 7.e #an #ontinue killing ea#h other a$ter the #ro#odile is taken #are o$.% 7Deal. Now* #ould ou (lease untie ! sword hand $ro! ! head9 I $eel like a $reaking uni#orn.% I won%t sa we trusted ea#h other* but at least now we had a #o!!on #ause. -e su!!oned his shoes out o$ the ri/er ' I had no idea how ' and (ut the! on. Then he hel(ed !e bind ! hand with a stri( o$ linen and waited while I swigged down hal$ o$ ! healing (otion. A$ter that* I $elt good enough to ra#e a$ter hi! towards the sound o$ the s#rea!ing. I thought I was in (rett good sha(e ' what with #o!bat !agi# (ra#ti#e* hauling hea/ arte$a#ts and (la ing basketball with &hu$u and his baboon $riends 2baboons don%t !ess around when it #o!es to hoo(s3. Ne/ertheless* I had to struggle to kee( u( with Ca!(er Bo . .hi#h re!inded !e* I was getting tired o$ #alling hi! that. 7.hat%s our na!e9% I asked* whee4ing as I ran behind hi!. -e ga/e !e a #autious glan#e. 7I%! not sure I should tell ou. Na!es #an be dangerous.% -e was right* o$ #ourse. Na!es held (ower. A while ba#k* ! sister* 0adie* had learned ! ren* ! se#ret na!e* and it still #aused !e all sorts o$ an+iet . E/en with so!eone%s #o!!on na!e* a skilled !agi#ian #ould work all kinds o$ !is#hie$. 71air enough*% I said. 7I%ll go $irst. I%! Carter.% I guess he belie/ed !e. The lines around his e es rela+ed a bit. 7=er# *% he o$$ered. That stru#k !e as an unusual na!e ' British* !a be* though the kid s(oke and a#ted /er !u#h like an A!eri#an.

.e 5u!(ed a rotten log and $inall !ade it out o$ the !arsh. .e%d started #li!bing a grass slo(e towards the nearest houses when I reali4ed !ore than one /oi#e was s#rea!ing u( there now. Not a good sign. 7,ust to warn ou*% I told =er# * 7 ou #an%t kill the !onster.% 7.at#h !e*% =er# gru!bled. 7No* I !ean it%s immortal.% 7I%/e heard that be$ore. I%/e /a(ori4ed (lent o$ immortals and sent the! ba#k to Tartarus.% Tartarus9 I thought. Talking to =er# was gi/ing !e a serious heada#he. It re!inded !e o$ the ti!e ! dad took !e to 0#otland $or one o$ his Eg (tolog le#tures. I%d tried to talk with so!e o$ the lo#als and I knew the were s(eaking English* but e/er other senten#e see!ed to sli( into an alternate language ' di$$erent words* di$$erent (ronun#iations ' and I%d wonder what the he#k the were sa ing. =er# was like that. -e and I almost s(oke the sa!e language ' !agi#* !onsters* et #etera. But his /o#abular was #o!(letel wrong. 7No*% I tried again* hal$wa u( the hill. 7This !onster is a petsuchos a son o$ 0obek.% 7.ho%s 0obek9% he asked. 7Lord o$ #ro#odiles. Eg (tian god.% That sto((ed hi! in his tra#ks. -e stared at !e* and I #ould swear the air between us turned ele#tri#. A /oi#e* /er dee( in ! !ind* said< &hut up. )ont tell him any more. =er# glan#ed at the khopesh I%d retrie/ed $ro! the ri/er* then the wand in ! belt. 7.here are ou $ro!9 -onestl .% 7Originall 9% I asked. 7Los Angeles. Now I li/e in Brookl n.% That didn%t see! to !ake hi! $eel an better. 70o this !onster* this pet-suck-o or whate/er '% 7*etsuchos*% I said. 7It%s a Greek word* but the !onster is Eg (tian. It was like the !as#ot o$ 0obek%s te!(le* worshi((ed as a li/ing god.% =er# grunted. 7You sound like Annabeth.% 7.ho9% 7Nothing. ,ust ski( the histor lesson. -ow do we kill it9% 7I told ou '%

1ro! abo/e #a!e another s#rea!* $ollowed b a loud C+,#CH* like the sound !ade b a !etal #o!(a#tor. .e s(rinted to the to( o$ the hill* then ho((ed the $en#e o$ so!ebod %s ba#k ard and ran into a residential #ul)de)sa#. E+#e(t $or the giant #ro#odile in the !iddle o$ the street* the neighbourhood #ould ha/e been An where* 60A. Ringing the #ul)de)sa# were hal$ a do4en single)store ho!es with well)ke(t $ront lawns* e#ono! #ars in the dri/ewa s* !ailbo+es at the kerb* $lags hanging abo/e the $ront (or#hes. 6n$ortunatel * the all)A!eri#an s#ene was kind o$ ruined b the !onster* who was busil eating a green =rius hat#hba#k with a bu!(er sti#ker that read "Y =OODLE I0 0"ARTER T-AN YO6R -ONO6R 0T6DENT. "a be the petsuchos thought the To ota was another #ro#odile* and he was asserting his do!inan#e. "a be he 5ust didn%t like (oodles andAor honour students. .hate/er the #ase* on dr land the #ro#odile looked e/en s#arier than he had in the water. -e was about $ort $eet long* as tall as a deli/er tru#k* with a tail so !assi/e and (ower$ul it o/erturned #ars e/er ti!e it swished. -is skin glistened bla#kish green and gushed water that (ooled around his $eet. I re!e!bered 0obek on#e telling !e that his di/ine sweat #reated the ri/ers o$ the world. Yu#k. I guessed this !onster had the sa!e hol (ers(iration. Double u#k. The #reature%s e es glowed with a si#kl ellow light. -is 5agged teeth glea!ed white. But the weirdest thing about hi! was his bling. Round his ne#k hung an elaborate #ollar o$ gold #hains and enough (re#ious stones to bu a (ri/ate island. The ne#kla#e was how I had reali4ed the !onster was a petsuchos* ba#k at the !arsh. I%d read that the sa#red ani!al o$ 0obek wore so!ething 5ust like it ba#k in Eg (t* though what the !onster was doing in a Long Island neighbourhood* I had no idea. As =er# and I took in the s#ene* the #ro#odile #la!(ed down and bit the green =rius in hal$* s(ra ing glass and !etal and (ie#es o$ airbag a#ross the lawns. As soon as he dro((ed the wre#kage* hal$ a do4en kids a((eared $ro! nowhere ' a((arentl the %d been hiding behind so!e o$ the other #ars ' and #harged the !onster* s#rea!ing at the to( o$ their lungs. I #ouldn%t belie/e it. The were 5ust ele!entar )age kids* ar!ed with nothing but water balloons and 0u(er 0oakers. I guessed that the were on su!!er break and had been #ooling o$$ with a water $ight when the !onster interru(ted the!. There were no adults in sight. "a be the were all at work. "a be the were inside* (assed out $ro! $right. The kids looked angr rather than s#ared. The ran round the #ro#odile* lobbing water balloons that s(lashed har!lessl against the !onster%s hide.

6seless and stu(id9 Yes. But I #ouldn%t hel( ad!iring their bra/er . The were tr ing their best to $a#e down a !onster that had in/aded their neighbourhood. "a be the saw the #ro#odile $or what it was. "a be their !ortal brains !ade the! think it was an es#a(ed ele(hant $ro! the 4oo* or a #ra4ed 1edE+ deli/er dri/er with a death wish. .hate/er the saw* the were in danger. " throat #losed u(. I thought about ! initiates ba#k at Brookl n -ouse* who were no older than these kids* and ! (rote#ti/e 7big brother% instin#ts ki#ked in. I #harged into the street* elling* 7Get awa $ro! it8 Run8% Then I threw ! wand straight at the #ro#odile%s head. 7&a-mir % The wand hit the #ro# on the snout* and blue light ri((led a#ross his bod . All o/er the !onster%s hide* the hierogl (h $or pain $li#kered<

E/er where it a((eared* the #ro#%s skin s!oked and s(arked* #ausing the !onster to writhe and bellow in anno an#e. The kids s#attered* hiding behind ruined #ars and !ailbo+es. The petsuchos turned his glowing ellow e es on !e. At ! side* =er# whistled under his breath. 7.ell* ou got his attention.% 7Yeah.% 7You sure we #an%t kill hi!9% he asked. 7Yeah.% The #ro#odile see!ed to be $ollowing our #on/ersation. -is ellow e es $li#ked ba#k and $orth between us* as i$ de#iding whi#h o$ us to eat $irst. 7E/en i$ ou could destro his bod *% I said* 7he would 5ust rea((ear so!ewhere nearb . That ne#kla#e9 It%s en#hanted with the (ower o$ 0obek. To beat the !onster* we ha/e to get that ne#kla#e o$$. Then the petsuchos should shrink ba#k into a regular #ro#odile.% 7I hate the word should*% =er# !uttered. 71ine. I%ll get the ne#kla#e. You kee( hi! o##u(ied.% 7.h do I get to kee( hi! o##u(ied9% 7Be#ause ou%re !ore anno ing*% =er# said. 7,ust tr not to get eaten again.%

7ROARR8% the !onster bellowed* his breath like a sea$ood restaurant%s du!(ster. I was about to argue that =er# was plenty anno ing* but I didn%t get the #han#e. The petsuchos #harged* and ! new #o!rade)in)ar!s s(rinted to one side* lea/ing !e right in the (ath o$ destru#tion. 1irst rando! thought< $etting eaten twice in one day would be -ery embarrassing. Out o$ the #orner o$ ! e e* I saw =er# dashing towards the !onster%s right $lank. I heard the !ortal kids #o!e out $ro! their hiding (la#es* elling and throwing !ore water balloons like the were tr ing to (rote#t !e. The petsuchos lu!bered towards !e* his 5aws o(ening to sna( !e u(. And I got angr . I%d $a#ed the worst Eg (tian gods. I%d (lunged into the Duat and trekked a#ross the Land o$ De!ons. I%d stood at the /er shores o$ Chaos. I was not going to ba#k down $ro! an o/ergrown gator. The air #ra#kled with (ower as ! #o!bat a/atar $or!ed round !e ' a glowing blue e+oskeleton in the sha(e o$ -orus. It li$ted !e o$$ the ground until I was sus(ended in the !iddle o$ a twent )$oot)tall* hawk)headed warrior. I ste((ed $orward* bra#ing ! sel$* and the a/atar !i!i#ked ! stan#e. =er# elled* 7-ol -era8 .hat the '9%

The #ro#odile sla!!ed into !e. -e nearl to((led !e. -is 5aws #losed round ! a/atar%s $ree ar!* but I slashed the hawk warrior%s glowing blue sword at the #ro#odile%s ne#k. "a be the petsuchos #ouldn%t be killed. I was at least ho(ing to #ut through the ne#kla#e that was the sour#e o$ his (ower. 6n$ortunatel * ! swing went wide. I hit the !onster%s shoulder* #lea/ing his hide. Instead o$ blood* he s(illed sand* whi#h is (rett t (i#al $or Eg (tian !onsters. I would ha/e en5o ed seeing hi! disintegrate #o!(letel * but no su#h lu#k. As soon as I anked ! blade $ree* the wound started #losing and the sand slowed to a tri#kle. The #ro#odile whi((ed his head $ro! side to side* (ulling !e o$$ ! $eet and shaking !e b the ar! like a dog with a #hew to . .hen he let !e go* I sailed straight into the nearest house and s!ashed through the roo$* lea/ing a hawk)warrior)sha(ed #rater in so!eone%s li/ing roo!. I reall ho(ed I hadn%t 5ust $lattened so!e de$en#eless !ortal in the !iddle o$ wat#hing )r *hil. " /ision #leared* and I saw two things that irritated !e. 1irst* the #ro#odile was #harging !e again. 0e#ond* ! new $riend =er# was 5ust standing in the !iddle o$ the

street* staring at !e in sho#k. A((arentl ! #o!bat a/atar had startled hi! so !u#h he%d $orgotten his (art o$ the (lan. 7.hat the #ree(ing #rud is that9% he de!anded. 7You%re inside a giant glowing #hi#ken) !an8% 7-awk8% I elled. I de#ided that i$ I sur/i/ed this da I would ha/e to !ake sure this gu ne/er !et 0adie. The %d (robabl take turns insulting !e $or the rest o$ eternit . 7A little hel( here9% =er# un$ro4e and ran towards the #ro#. As the !onster #losed in on !e* I ki#ked hi! in the snout* whi#h !ade hi! snee4e and shake his head long enough $or !e to e+tri#ate ! sel$ $ro! the ruined house. =er# 5u!(ed on the #reature%s tail and ran u( his s(ine. The !onster thrashed around* his hide shedding water all o/er the (la#e* but so!ehow =er# !anaged to kee( his $ooting. The gu !ust ha/e (ra#tised g !nasti#s or so!ething. "eanwhile* the !ortal kids had $ound so!e better a!!unition ' ro#ks* s#ra( !etal $ro! the wre#ked #ars* e/en a $ew t re irons ' and were hurling the stu$$ at the !onster. I didn%t want the #ro#odile turning his attention towards the!. 7-EY8% I swung ! khopesh at the #ro#%s $a#e ' a good solid strike that should%/e taken o$$ his lower 5aw. Instead* he so!ehow sna((ed at the blade and #aught it in his !outh. .e ended u( wrestling $or the blue glowing sword as it si44led in his !outh* !aking his teeth #ru!ble to sand. That #ouldn%t ha/e $elt good* but the #ro# held on* tugging against !e. 7=er# 8% I shouted. 7An ti!e now8% =er# lunged $or the ne#kla#e. -e grabbed hold and started ha#king at the gold links* but his bron4e sword didn%t !ake a dent. "eanwhile* the #ro# was going #ra4 tr ing to ank awa ! sword. " #o!bat a/atar started to $li#ker. 0u!!oning an a/atar is a short)ter! thing* like s(rinting at to( s(eed. You #an%t do it $or /er long* or ou%ll #olla(se. Alread I was sweating and breathing hard. " heart ra#ed. " reser/oirs o$ !agi# were being se/erel de(leted. 7-urr *% I told =er# . 7Can%t #ut it8% he said. 7A #las(*% I said. 7There%s gotta be one.% As soon as I said that* I s(otted it ' at the !onster%s throat* a golden #artou#he en#ir#ling the hierogl (hs that s(elled 0OBE&. 7There ' on the botto!8%

=er# s#ra!bled down the ne#kla#e* #li!bing it like a net* but at that !o!ent ! a/atar #olla(sed. I dro((ed to the ground* e+hausted and di44 . The onl thing that sa/ed ! li$e was that the #ro#odile had been (ulling at ! a/atar%s sword. .hen the sword disa((eared* the !onster lur#hed ba#kwards and stu!bled o/er a -onda. The !ortal kids s#attered. One di/ed under a #ar* onl to ha/e the #ar disa((ear ' s!a#ked into the air b the #ro#%s tail. =er# rea#hed the botto! o$ the ne#kla#e and hung on $or dear li$e. -is sword was gone. =robabl he%d dro((ed it. "eanwhile* the !onster regained his $ooting. The good news< he didn%t see! to noti#e =er# . The bad news< he definitely noti#ed !e* and he looked !ightil tor:ued o$$. I didn%t ha/e the energ to run* !u#h less su!!on !agi# to $ight. At this (oint* the !ortal kids with their water balloons and ro#ks had !ore o$ a #han#e o$ sto((ing the #ro# than I did. In the distan#e* sirens wailed. 0o!ebod had #alled the (oli#e* whi#h didn%t e+a#tl #heer !e u(. It 5ust !eant !ore !ortals were ra#ing here as $ast as the #ould to /olunteer as #ro#odile sna#ks. I ba#ked u( to the kerb and tried ' ridi#ulousl ' to stare down the !onster. 70ta * bo .% The #ro#odile snorted. -is hide shed water like the grossest $ountain in the world* !aking ! shoes slosh as I walked. -is la!() ellow e es $il!ed o/er* !a be $ro! ha((iness. -e knew I was done $or. I thrust ! hand into ! ba#k(a#k. The onl thing I $ound was a lu!( o$ wa+. I didn%t ha/e ti!e to build a (ro(er shabti* but I had no better idea. I dro((ed ! (a#k and started working the wa+ $uriousl with both hands* tr ing to so$ten it. 7=er# 9% I #alled. 7I #an%t unlo#k the #las(8% he elled. I didn%t dare take ! e es o$$ the #ro#%s* but in ! (eri(heral /ision I #ould see =er# (ounding his $ist against the base o$ the ne#kla#e. 70o!e kind o$ !agi#9% That was the s!artest thing he%d said all a$ternoon 2not that he%d said a lot o$ s!art things to #hoose $ro!3. The #las( was a hierogl (hi# #artou#he. It would take a !agi#ian to $igure it out and o(en it. .hate/er and whoe/er =er# was* he was no !agi#ian. I was still sha(ing the lu!( o$ wa+* tr ing to !ake it into a $igurine* when the #ro#odile de#ided to sto( sa/ouring the !o!ent and 5ust eat !e. As he lunged* I threw ! shabti* onl hal$ $or!ed* and barked a #o!!and word. Instantl the world%s !ost de$or!ed hi((o(ota!us s(rang to li$e in !idair. It sailed head$irst into the #ro#odile%s le$t nostril and lodged there* ki#king its stubb ba#k legs.

Not e+a#tl ! $inest ta#ti#al !o/e* but ha/ing a hi((o sho/ed u( his nose !ust ha/e been su$$i#ientl distra#ting. The #ro#odile hissed and stu!bled* shaking his head* as =er# dro((ed o$$ and rolled awa * barel a/oiding the #ro#odile%s sto!(ing $eet. -e ran to 5oin !e at the kerb. I stared in horror as ! wa+ #reature* now a li/ing 2though /er !issha(en3 hi((o* tried to either wriggle $ree o$ the #ro#%s nostril or work its wa $urther into the re(tile%s sinus #a/it ' I wasn%t sure whi#h. The #ro#odile whi((ed round* and =er# grabbed !e 5ust in ti!e* (ulling !e out o$ its tra!(ling (ath. .e 5ogged to the o((osite end o$ the #ul)de)sa#* where the !ortal kids had gathered. A!a4ingl * none o$ the! see!ed to be hurt. The #ro#odile ke(t thrashing and wi(ing out ho!es as it tried to #lear its nostril. 7You oka 9% =er# asked !e. I gas(ed $or air but nodded weakl . One o$ the kids o$$ered !e his 0u(er 0oaker. I wa/ed hi! o$$. 7You gu s*% =er# told the kids* 7 ou hear those sirens9 You%/e got to run down the road and sto( the (oli#e. Tell the! it%s too dangerous u( here. 0tall the!8% 1or so!e reason* the kids listened. "a be the were 5ust ha(( to ha/e so!ething to do* but* $ro! the wa =er# s(oke* I got the $eeling he was used to rall ing outnu!bered troo(s. -e sounded a bit like -orus ' a natural #o!!ander. A$ter the kids ra#ed o$$* I !anaged to sa * 7Good #all.% =er# nodded gri!l . The #ro#odile was still distra#ted b its nasal intruder* but I doubted the shabti would last !u#h longer. 6nder that !u#h stress* the hi((o would soon !elt ba#k to wa+. 7You%/e got so!e !o/es* Carter*% =er# ad!itted. 7An thing else in our bag o$ tri#ks9% 7Nothing*% I said dis!all . 7I%! running on e!(t . But i$ I #an get to that #las( I think I #an o(en it.% =er# si4ed u( the petsuchos. The #ul)de)sa# was $illing with water that (oured $ro! the !onster%s hide. The sirens were getting louder. .e didn%t ha/e !u#h ti!e. 7Guess it%s ! turn to distra#t the #ro#*% he said. 7Get read to run $or that ne#kla#e.% 7You don%t e/en ha/e our sword*% I (rotested. 7You%ll die8% =er# !anaged a #rooked s!ile. 7,ust run in there as soon as it starts.%

7As soon as what starts9% Then the #ro#odile snee4ed* laun#hing the wa+ hi((o a#ross Long Island. The petsuchos turned towards us* roaring in anger* and =er# #harged straight at hi!. As it turned out* I didn%t need to ask what kind o$ distra#tion =er# had in !ind. On#e it started* it was (rett ob/ious. -e sto((ed in $ront o$ the #ro#odile and raised his ar!s. I $igured he was (lanning so!e kind o$ !agi#* but he s(oke no #o!!and words. -e had no sta$$ or wand. -e 5ust stood there and looked u( at the #ro#odile as i$ to sa * Here I am Im tasty The #ro#odile see!ed !o!entaril sur(rised. I$ nothing else* we would die knowing that we%d #on$used this !onster !an * !an ti!es. Cro# sweat ke(t (ouring o$$ his bod . The bra#kish stu$$ was u( to the kerb now* u( to our ankles. It sloughed into the stor! drains but 5ust #ontinued s(illing $ro! the #ro#%s skin. Then I saw what was ha((ening. As =er# raised his ar!s* the water began swirling #ounter#lo#kwise. It started around the #ro#%s $eet and :ui#kl built u( s(eed until the whirl(ool en#o!(assed the entire #ul)de)sa#* s(inning strongl enough that I #ould $eel it (ulling !e sidewa s. B the ti!e I reali4ed I%d better start running* the #urrent was alread too $ast. I%d ha/e to rea#h the ne#kla#e so!e other wa . One last tri#k* I thought. I $eared the e$$ort !ight literall burn !e u(* but I su!!oned ! $inal bit o$ !agi#al energ and trans$or!ed into a $al#on ' the sa#red ani!al o$ -orus. Instantl * ! /ision was a hundred ti!es shar(er. I soared u(wards* abo/e the roo$to(s* and the entire world swit#hed to high)de$inition BD. I saw the (oli#e #ars onl a $ew blo#ks awa * the kids standing in the !iddle o$ the street* wa/ing the! down. I #ould !ake out e/er sli! bu!( and (ore on the #ro#odile%s hide. I #ould see ea#h hierogl (h on the #las( o$ the ne#kla#e. And I #ould see 5ust how i!(ressi/e =er# %s !agi# tri#k was. The entire #ul)de)sa# was engul$ed in a hurri#ane. =er# stood at the edge* un!o/ed* but the water was #hurning so $ast now that e/en the giant #ro#odile lost his $ooting. .re#ked #ars s#ra(ed along the (a/e!ent. "ailbo+es were (ulled out o$ lawns and swe(t awa . The water in#reased in /olu!e as well as s(eed* rising u( and turning the entire neighbourhood into a li:uid #entri$uge. It was ! turn to be stunned. A $ew !o!ents ago* I%d de#ided =er# was no !agi#ian. Yet I%d ne/er seen a !agi#ian who #ould #ontrol so !u#h water. The #ro#odile stu!bled and struggled* shu$$ling in a #ir#le with the #urrent.

7An ti!e now*% =er# !uttered through gritted teeth. .ithout ! $al#on hearing* I ne/er would%/e heard hi! through the stor!* but I reali4ed he was talking to !e. I re!e!bered I had a 5ob to do. No one* !agi#ian or otherwise* #ould #ontrol that kind o$ (ower $or long. I $olded ! wings and di/ed $or the #ro#odile. .hen I rea#hed the ne#kla#e%s #las(* I turned ba#k to hu!an and grabbed hold. All around !e* the hurri#ane roared. I #ould barel see through the swirl o$ !ist. The #urrent was so strong now it tugged at ! legs* threatening to (ull !e into the $lood. I was so tired. I hadn%t $elt this (ushed be ond ! li!its sin#e I%d $ought the Chaos lord* A(o(his hi!sel$. I ran ! hand o/er the hierogl (hs on the #las(. There had to be a se#ret to unlo#king it. The #ro#odile bellowed and sto!(ed* $ighting to sta on its $eet. 0o!ewhere to ! le$t* =er# elled in rage and $rustration* tr ing to kee( u( the stor!* but the whirl(ool was starting to slow. I had a $ew se#onds at best until the #ro#odile broke $ree and atta#ked. Then =er# and I would both be dead. I $elt the $our s !bols that !ade u( the god%s na!e<

The last s !bol didn%t a#tuall re(resent a sound* I knew. It was the hierogl (h $or god* indi#ating that the letters in $ront o$ it ' &.' ' stood $or a deit %s na!e. .hen in doubt* I thought* hit the god button. I (ushed the $ourth s !bol* but nothing ha((ened. The stor! was $ailing. The #ro#odile started to turn against the #urrent* $a#ing =er# . Out o$ the #orner o$ ! e e* through the ha4e and !ist* I saw =er# dro( to one knee. " $ingers (assed o/er the third hierogl (h ' the wi#ker basket 20adie alwa s #alled it the 7tea#u(%3 that stood $or the ' sound. The hierogl (h $elt slightl war! to the tou#h ' or was that ! i!agination9 No ti!e to think. I (ressed it. Nothing ha((ened. The stor! died. The #ro#odile bellowed in triu!(h* read to $eed.

I !ade a $ist and sla!!ed the basket hierogl (h with all ! strength. This ti!e the #las( !ade a satis$ ing click and s(rang o(en. I dro((ed to the (a/e!ent* and se/eral hundred (ounds o$ gold and ge!s s(illed on to( o$ !e. The #ro#odile staggered* roaring like the guns o$ a battleshi(. .hat was le$t o$ the hurri#ane s#attered in an e+(losion o$ wind* and I shut ! e es* read to be s!ashed $lat b the bod o$ a $alling !onster. 0uddenl * the #ul)de)sa# was silent. No sirens. No #ro#odile roaring. The !ound o$ gold 5eweller disa((eared. I was l ing on ! ba#k in !u#k water* staring u( at the e!(t blue sk . =er# %s $a#e a((eared abo/e !e. -e looked like he%d 5ust run a !arathon through a t (hoon* but he was grinning. 7Ni#e work*% he said. 7Get the ne#kla#e.% 7The ne#kla#e9% " brain still $elt sluggish. .here had all that gold gone9 I sat u( and (ut ! hand on the (a/e!ent. " $ingers #losed round the strand o$ 5eweller * now nor!al)si4ed ; well* at least normal $or so!ething that #ould $it round the ne#k o$ an a/erage #ro#odile. 7The ' the !onster*% I sta!!ered. 7.here '9% =er# (ointed. A $ew $eet awa * looking /er disgruntled* was a bab #ro#odile not !ore than three $eet long. 7You #an%t be serious*% I said. 7"a be so!ebod %s abandoned (et9% =er# shrugged. 7You hear about those on the news so!eti!es.% I #ouldn%t think o$ a better e+(lanation* but how had a bab #ro# got hold o$ a ne#kla#e that turned hi! into a giant killing !a#hine9 Down the street* /oi#es started elling* 76( here8 There%s these two gu s8% It was the !ortal kids. A((arentl the %d de#ided the danger was o/er. Now the were leading the (oli#e straight towards us. 7.e ha/e to go.% =er# s#oo(ed u( the bab #ro#odile* #len#hing one hand round his little snout. -e looked at !e. 7You #o!ing9% Together* we ran ba#k to the swa!(. -al$ an hour later* we were sitting in a diner o$$ the "ontauk -ighwa . I%d shared the rest o$ ! healing (otion with =er# * who $or so!e reason insisted on #alling it nectar. "ost o$ our wounds had healed.

.e%d tied the #ro#odile in the woods on a !akeshi$t leash* 5ust until we #ould $igure out what to do with it. .e%d #leaned u( as best we #ould* but we still looked like we%d taken a shower in a !al$un#tioning #ar wash. =er# %s hair was swe(t to one side and tangled with (ie#es o$ grass. -is orange shirt was ri((ed down the $ront. I%! sure I didn%t look !u#h better. I had water in ! shoes* and I was still (i#king $al#on $eathers out o$ ! shirt slee/es 2hast trans$or!ations #an be !ess 3. .e were too e+hausted to talk as we wat#hed the news on the tele/ision abo/e the #ounter. =oli#e and $ire$ighters had res(onded to a $reak sewer e/ent in a lo#al neighbourhood. A((arentl (ressure had built u( in the drainage (i(es* #ausing a !assi/e e+(losion that unleashed a $lood and eroded the soil so badl se/eral houses on the #ul)de)sa# had #olla(sed. It was a !ira#le that no residents had been in5ured. Lo#al kids were telling so!e wild stories about the Long Island 0wa!( "onster* #lai!ing it had #aused all the da!age during a $ight with two teenage bo s* but o$ #ourse the o$$i#ials didn%t belie/e this. The re(orter ad!itted* howe/er* that the da!aged houses looked like 7so!ething /er large had sat on the!%. 7A $reak sewer a##ident*% =er# said. 7That%s a $irst.% 71or ou* !a be*% I gru!bled. 7I see! to #ause the! e/er where I go.% 7Cheer u(*% he said. 7Lun#h is on !e.% -e dug into the (o#kets o$ his 5eans and (ulled out a ball(oint (en. Nothing else. 7Oh ;% -is s!ile $aded. 76h* a#tuall ; #an ou #on5ure u( !one 9% 0o* naturall * lun#h was on me. I could (ull !one out o$ thin air* sin#e I ke(t so!e stored in the Duat along with ! other e!ergen# su((lies> so in no ti!e we had #heeseburgers and $ries in $ront o$ us* and li$e was looking u(. 7Cheeseburgers*% =er# said. 71ood o$ the gods.% 7Agreed*% I said* but when I glan#ed o/er at hi! I wondered i$ he was thinking the sa!e thing I was< that we were re$erring to different gods. =er# inhaled his burger. 0eriousl * this gu #ould eat. 70o* the ne#kla#e*% he said between bites. 7.hat%s the stor 9% I hesitated. I still had no #lue where =er# #a!e $ro! or what he was* and I wasn%t sure I wanted to ask. Now that we%d $ought together* I #ouldn%t hel( but trust hi!. 0till* I sensed we were treading on dangerous ground. E/er thing we said #ould ha/e serious i!(li#ations ' not 5ust $or the two o$ us but !a be $or e/er one we knew. I $elt sort o$ like I had two winters ago* when ! un#le A!os e+(lained the truth about the &ane $a!il heritage ' the -ouse o$ Li$e* the Eg (tian gods* the Duat* e/er thing. In a single da * ! world e+(anded ten$old and le$t !e reeling.

Now I was standing at the edge o$ another !o!ent like that. But i$ ! world e+(anded ten$old again I was a$raid ! brain !ight e+(lode. 7The ne#kla#e is en#hanted*% I said at last. 7An re(tile that wears it turns into the ne+t petsuchos* the 0on o$ 0obek. 0o!ehow that little #ro#odile got it round his ne#k.% 7"eaning so!eone put it round his ne#k*% =er# said. I didn%t want to think about that* but I nodded relu#tantl . 70o* who9% he asked. 7-ard to narrow it down*% I said. 7I%/e got a lot o$ ene!ies.% =er# snorted. 7I #an relate to that. An idea why* then9% I took another bite o$ ! #heeseburger. It was good* but I had trouble #on#entrating on it. 70o!eone wanted to #ause trouble*% I s(e#ulated. 7I think !a be ;% I studied =er# * tr ing to 5udge how !u#h I should sa . 7"a be the wanted to #ause trouble that would get our attention. .oth o$ our attention.% =er# $rowned. -e drew so!ething in his ket#hu( with a 1ren#h $r ' not a hierogl (h. 0o!e kind o$ non)English letter. Greek* I guessed. 7The !onster had a Greek na!e*% he said. 7It was eating (egasi in ! ;% -e hesitated. 7In our ho!e tur$*% I $inished. 70o!e kind o$ #a!(* 5udging $ro! our shirt.% -e shi$ted on his bar stool. I still #ouldn%t belie/e he was talking about (egasi as i$ the were real* but I re!e!bered one ti!e at Brookl n -ouse* !a be a ear ba#k* when I was #ertain I saw a winged horse $l ing o/er the "anhattan sk line. At the ti!e* 0adie had told !e I was hallu#inating. Now* I wasn%t so sure. 1inall =er# $a#ed !e. 7Look* Carter. You%re not nearl as anno ing as I thought. And we !ade a good tea! toda * but '% 7You don%t want to share our se#rets*% I said. 7Don%t worr . I%! not going to ask about our #a!(. Or the (owers ou ha/e. Or an o$ that.% -e raised an e ebrow. 7You%re not #urious9% 7I%! totally #urious. But until we $igure out what%s going on I think it%s best we kee( so!e distan#e. I$ so!eone ' so!ething ' unleashed that !onster here* knowing it would draw both o$ our attention '% 7Then !a be that so!eone wanted us to !eet*% he $inished. 7-o(ing bad things would ha((en.%

I nodded. I thought about the uneas $eeling I%d had in ! gut earlier ' the /oi#e in ! head warning !e not to tell =er# an thing. I%d #o!e to res(e#t the gu * but I still sensed that we weren%t !eant to be $riends. .e weren%t !eant to be an where close to ea#h other. A long ti!e ago* when I was 5ust a little kid* I%d wat#hed ! !o! do a s#ien#e e+(eri!ent with so!e o$ her #ollege students. *otassium and water* she%d told the!. &eparate/ completely harmless. .ut together 0he dro((ed the (otassiu! into a beaker o$ water* and ka-blam The students 5u!(ed ba#k as a !iniature e+(losion rattled all the /ials in the lab. =er# was water. I was (otassiu!. 7But we%/e !et now*% =er# said. 7You know I%! out here on Long Island. I know ou li/e in Brookl n. I$ we went sear#hing $or ea#h other '% 7I wouldn%t re#o!!end it*% I said. 7Not until we know !ore. I need to look into so!e things on* uh* ! side ' tr to $igure out who was behind this #ro#odile in#ident.% 7All right*% =er# agreed. 7I%ll do the sa!e on ! side.% -e (ointed at the petsuchos ne#kla#e* whi#h was glinting 5ust inside ! ba#k(a#k. 7.hat do we to do about that9% 7I #an send it so!ewhere sa$e*% I (ro!ised. 7It won%t #ause trouble again. .e deal with reli#s like this a lot.% 70e*% =er# said. 7"eaning* there%s a lot o$ ; ou gu s9% I didn%t answer. =er# (ut u( his hands. 71ine. I didn%t ask. I ha/e so!e $riends ba#k at Ca' uh* ba#k on ! side who would lo/e tinkering with a !agi# ne#kla#e like that* but I%! going to trust ou here. Take it.% I didn%t reali4e I%d been holding ! breath until I e+haled. 7Thanks. Good.% 7And the bab #ro#odile9% he asked. I !anaged a ner/ous laugh. 7You want it9% 7Gods* no.% 7I #an take it* gi/e it a good ho!e.% I thought about our big (ool at Brookl n -ouse. I wondered how our giant !agi# #ro#odile* =hili( o$ "a#edonia* would $eel about ha/ing a little $riend. 7Yeah* it%ll $it right in.%

=er# didn%t see! to know what to think o$ that. 7Oka * well ;% -e held out his hand. 7Good working with ou* Carter.% .e shook. No s(arks $lew. No thunder boo!ed. But I still #ouldn%t es#a(e the $eeling that we%d o(ened a door* !eeting like this ' a door that we !ight not be able to #lose. 7You too* =er# .% -e stood to go. 7One !ore thing*% he said. 7I$ this so!ebod * whoe/er threw us together ; i$ he%s an ene! to both o$ us ' what i$ we need ea#h other to $ight hi!9 -ow do I #onta#t ou9% I #onsidered that. Then I !ade a sna( de#ision. 7Can I write so!ething on our hand9% -e $rowned. 7Like our (hone nu!ber9% 76h ; well* not e+a#tl .% I took out ! st lus and a /ial o$ !agi# ink. =er# held out his (al!. I drew a hierogl (h there ' the E e o$ -orus. As soon as the s !bol was #o!(lete* it $lared blue* then /anished. 7,ust sa ! na!e*% I told hi!* 7and I%ll hear ou. I%ll know where ou are* and I%ll #o!e !eet ou. But it will onl work on#e* so !ake it #ount.% =er# #onsidered his e!(t (al!. 7I%! trusting ou that this isn%t so!e sort o$ !agi#al tra#king de/i#e.% 7Yeah*% I said. 7And I%! trusting that when ou #all !e ou won%t be luring !e into so!e kind o$ a!bush.% -e stared at !e. Those stor! green e es reall were kind o$ s#ar . Then he s!iled* and he looked like a regular teenager* without a #are in the world. 71air enough*% he said. 70ee ou when I see ou* C'% 7Don%t sa ! na!e8% 7,ust teasing.% -e (ointed at !e and winked. 70ta strange* ! $riend.% Then he was gone. An hour later* I was ba#k aboard ! airborne boat with the bab #ro#odile and the !agi# ne#kla#e as 1reak $lew !e ho!e to Brookl n -ouse. Now* looking ba#k on it* the whole thing with =er# see!s so unreal I #an hardl belie/e it a#tuall ha((ened. I wonder how =er# su!!oned that whirl(ool* and what the he#k celestial bron1e is. "ost o$ all* I kee( rolling one word around in ! !ind< demigod.

I ha/e a $eeling that I #ould $ind so!e answers i$ I looked hard enough* but I%! a$raid o$ what I !ight dis#o/er. 1or the ti!e being* I think I%ll tell 0adie about this and no one else. At $irst she%ll think I%! kidding. And* o$ #ourse* she%ll gi/e !e grie$* but she also knows when I%! telling the truth. As anno ing as she is* I trust her 2though I would ne/er sa that to her $a#e3. "a be she%ll ha/e so!e ideas about what we should do. .hoe/er brought =er# and !e together* whoe/er or#hestrated our #rossing (aths ; it s!a#ks o$ Chaos. I #an%t hel( thinking this was an e+(eri!ent to see what kind o$ ha/o# would result. =otassiu! and water. "atter and anti!atter. 1ortunatel * things turned out oka . The petsuchos ne#kla#e is sa$el lo#ked awa . Our new bab #ro#odile is s(lashing around ha((il in our (ool. But ne+t ti!e ; well* I%! a$raid we !ight not be so lu#k . 0o!ewhere there%s a kid na!ed =er# with a se#ret hierogl (h on his hand. And I ha/e a $eeling that sooner or later I%ll wake u( in the !iddle o$ the night and hear one word* s(oken urgentl in ! !ind< Carter.

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