Flare KOD Sizing
Flare KOD Sizing
Flare KOD Sizing
DATE : BY : REV : DOC NO.: Flare Knouck Out Drum Sizing (API-521 Method)
03/05/2013 S.R. M.
Input Data Mass Flow Rate Density Viscosity Volumetric Flow Rate Liquid Particle Diameter No of Inlet Nozzel (Passage) Closed Drain Drain (Misc.) Volume Hold up Time between LLL - LL Emergency Duration (for HL to HHL) Depressuring Liquid Volume Min. LLL for Heater (if required) Liquid Drainage Method Liquid Drainage Rate from KOD
Vessel Diamter Trail Trial Diameter Inlet Nozzle Size Gas Outlet Nozzle Size Inlet Device Type Gas Outlet Device Type Height of Inlet Device (if Req.) Minimum Hv/D Ratio Light Droplet Separation Emergency Liquid Volume Total Liquid Volume BTM - EHHL 2 CRe Drag Coefficient Selected Drag Coeffcient Terminal Velocity Vapor Space Liquid Droplet Drop out Time Vessel Cross Sectional Area Vapor Cross Sectional Area Vapor Velocity Lmin for Liq. Droplet Separation Vessel Calculated Length (min) Selected Length L/D Liquid Level Input BTM - LLL LLL - LL LL - HL HL - HHL HHL - EHHL BTM - EHHL
mm mm mm ------mm ----
32.87 37.87 1200 92831 0.61 0.61 1.65 2100 1.27 8.55 5.76 7.88 10047 11097 13500 4.09
mm mm mm mm mm mm
DATE : BY : REV : DOC NO.: Flare Knouck Out Drum Sizing (API-521 Method)
03/05/2013 S.R. M.
Liquid Hold up Time Calculation BTM - LLL Hold up Time LLL - LL Hold up Time LL - HL hold up Time HL - HHL hold up Time HHL - EHHL hold up volume Other Level Settings Both KOD Pumps Trip Low Liquid Level Alarm Initiates Both KOD Pumps Stop - NLL 1st KOD Pump Starts High Liquid Level Alarm Initiates 2nd KOD Pump Starts High-High Liquid Level Alarm Initiates ESD Trip Initiates
--OK ----OK
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
DATE : BY : REV : DOC NO.: Flare Knouck Out Drum Sizing (GPSA Method)
03/05/2013 S.R. M.
Input Data Mass Flow Rate Density Viscosity Volumetric Flow Rate Liquid Particle Diameter No of Inlet Nozzel (Passage) Hold up Time between LLL - LL Emergency Duration Depressuring Liquid Vol. Min. LLL for Heater (if required) Liquid Drainage Method Liquid Drainage Rate from KOD
Vessel Diamter Trail Trial Diameter Inlet Nozzle Size Gas Outlet Nozzle Size Inlet Device Type Gas Outlet Device Type Height of Inlet Device (if Req.) Minimum Hv/D Ratio Liquid Level Input BTM - LLL LLL - LL LL - NL NL - HL HL - HHL HHL - EHHL BTM - EHHL Light Droplet Separation 2 CRe Drag Coefficient Selected Drag Coeffcient Terminal Velocity Vapor Space Liquid Droplet Drop out Time Vessel Cross Sectional Area Vapor Cross Sectional Area Vapor Velocity Lmin for Liq. Droplet Separation Vessel Calculated Length (min) Selected Length L/D
mm mm mm ------mm ----
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
OK OK OK OK OK -------
92831 0.61 0.61 1.65 1800 1.09 8.55 4.79 9.48 10360 11410 13500 4.09
DATE : BY : REV : DOC NO.: Flare Knouck Out Drum Sizing (GPSA Method)
03/05/2013 S.R. M.
Liquid Time/Vol Calculation BTM to LLL LLL to LL LL to NL NL to (HL-100 mm) NL to HL HL to (HL+100 mm) HL to HHL HHL to EHHL Other Level Settings Both KOD Pumps Trip Low Liquid Level Alarm Initiates Both KOD Pumps Stop - NLL 1st KOD Pump Starts High Liquid Level Alarm Initiates 2nd KOD Pump Starts High-High Liquid Level Alarm Initiates ESD Trip Initiates
--OK ---------OK OK
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm