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The project entitled as ONLINE COURIER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is developed to transfer the some important and personal messages from one place to another. So this is used for global connections. Immediate processing will be done. The important notification of this project is to maintain a high level of trading. Today people like to send the letter and other things with the help of this courier. Because it is maintaining the timings and the minimum expenditures. The international and cargo trading can be done in this courier. This project is provided for making this work as computeri ed one. So the manual workings can be reduced by this valuable processing. This courier is also used in domestic and it is also provided in remote areas. So the person who is unknown to this process is also learned easily. The branches of this courier is provided all over the world. The courier is much faster than the postal letters! so the people like to have this kind of approaches. The project is developed using the front"end #$# and as a back"end we use %yS&'! so the storage of data for different modules are easy and viewing the data can be done in the forms organi ed in the database.

Today(s world is very fast and competitive. To achieve the success in this competitive world! one should be aware of the computer and the information related to the concerned business because computer and the information plays an important weeks manually. )ight information available at the right place makes the decision process efficient. $ence the identification of the current and future re*uirement becomes a basic need of any flexible information system +nline ,ourier management system is software which is used manage the work regarding the services of the courier in an effective - efficient manner. Basically it stores the information regarding the customer and his material! which has to be couriered. The project .+nline ,ourier %anagement System/ deliverstatus and notification system this is specially meant for their frontline user service information. This is one of the best efforts by us to prove that how Internet can be helpful in tire service industry where in*uiries are always in *ueue.This system however a snap shot of the whole scenario for theboomingserviceindustry. This basically deals with the *ueries of user for a company simultaneously running its courier - cargo service where the users having booked some cargo or couriers or both for delivery can view the status online about where there booked courier or cargo. $ow much more time it will take to reach the place! and whether received it in original state. 0nd many other *ueries such as the reason of blockage! *ueries with the user care officers regarding handling etc. there is a user satisfaction guest book where user should put some notes about our service user complaint register.

2ith the advent of the Internet technologies wavered. 3very year millions more people around are using internet interact in more ways than ever before to date the find old classmates check of medical elements and cures to react and express and interactive view of the news also gives live sales! $3'# +nline and maximum hit mostly in the service industries. This is an instance to show that how internet can be the best deal with the fast growing network of optical fiber making micro broadband and economical to access the Internet whether in the modern or Information retrieval term. The extract of all these whether the data access retrieval and our goal is placed in a well ordered by using it(s technologies on net. .


The objective of the project .+nline courier delivery status Information.

- notification system/ Is to deal with the *ueries of manger. $ow much more time it will take to reach the place! and whether received in original state. &ueries among the officers regarding handling etc. user satisfaction guest book where user should put some notes about service and other suggestions. 4ser complaint registers to help us get a better feedback for our failures as a hospitable.


The selection of hardware is very important in the existence and proper working of any software. 2hen selecting hardware! the si e and re*uirements are also important.

2.1.1. Soft !"# R#$%&"#'#(t):

+perating system 2eb Browser 8ront" 3nd Back" 3nd 6 6 6 6 2indows 7# or any latest version of windows %o illa 8irefox or any browser #$# %yS&'

#roject will be done in #$# as front end and %yS&' as back end.

2.1.2. H!"* !"# R#$%&"#'#(t):

#rocessor )0% $ard <isk <rive Input devices +utput devices 6 6 6 6 6 I9T3' #entium : or 0bove ;11%B or 0bove :=>B or 0bove ?ey Board! %ouse %onitor

The data for a particular courier maintained in a proper file. 0 person summari es all the data of the courier in a register! this work re*uire a high"level of attention since it has to be taken care that no wring entry goes into the register. This repetitive work may lead to errors in the entry thus resulting in the wrong entry of courier packed data. Since the data is maintained in the registers! the modification of data cannot done easily. The previous information has to be erased and overwritten or a new page has to be allocated so that both the old and new information can be written on the same page. The summari ing of the data i.e. preparation of an up to data report is very complex! it re*uire a lot of hard work and searching through the different register so as to condense the data for presentation.


8rom the client site! the entire work was achieved manually and they manage all their billing and services manually. Because of the manual system there are so many problems occurred in the existing system6 " It involves managing a huge amount of data each having separate data items. 0ll the work is done at a very large volume! so we have a possibility of loosing the data. To look for a particular problem the entire system is searched! so the process becomes more time consuming.


0fter a detailed study of the existing system! it is evident that is does not fulfill the objective of the organi ation. To make the objective possible for the organisaton! it is re*uired to have a computeri ed information system with the help of which all tasks can be processed more accurately and *uickly. To achieve this! it is necessary to design and develop a new system. #roposed system is being designed in such a way that many users can have a view with the system simultaneously. It makes effective and perfect utili ation of man power and resources.


E!)/ &( '!&(t!&(&(0 &(fo"'!t&o(: 0s new information is being added to and released from their respective courses every year! it will be highly user friendly to track and maintain the presentation of all students. U)#" )!t&)f!1t&o(: The system is such that is stands up to the user expectations like easy and faster retrieval of information. S!f#t/: The system will be accessible by only the authori ed users. 0s information being the most crucial for the organi ation! then the safety of information is importation. H&023/ !11%"!t#: resources being used by the system will be compatible with the latest technologies available in the market! as proposed system uses highly technically compatible resources! there will be very very lass wear and tear.


Since the Internet is packed with millions of acronyms! #$# is another oneA #$# stands for #$#6 $ypertext #reprocessor. Bes! the acronym is recursive and for the purposes of this class! we will just call it .#$#./ #$# is a server"side scripting language and is very similar to ,! Cava! and #erl. #$# allows the #rogrammer to dynamically generate content! instead of statically like regular Dol( $T%'. This tutorial will cover uses of #$# from simple data processing of forms to parsing a page for relevant information.

$T%'! which stands for $ypertext %arkup 'anguage! is the predominant markup language for web pages. $T%' is the basic building"blocks of webpage. $T%' is written in the form of $T%' elements consisting of tags! enclosed in angle brackets Elike FhtmlGH! within the web page content. $T%' tags normally come in pairs like Fh1G and FIh1G. The first tag in a pair is the start tag! the second tag is the end tag Ethey are also called opening tags and closing tagsH. The purpose of a web browser is to read $T%' documents and compose them into visual or audible web pages. The browser does not display the $T%' tags! but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page. $T%' elements form the building blocks of all websites. $T%' allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings! paragraphs! lists! links! *uotes and other items. It can embed scripts in languages such as CavaScript which affect the behavior of $T%' 2eb#ages. J

MAR.UP: $T%' markup consists of several key components! including elements Eand their attributesH! character"based data types! character references and entity references. 0nother important component is the document type declaration! which triggers standards mode rendering. The $ello world program! a common computer program employed for comparing programming languages! scripting languages and markup languages is made of L lines of code although in $T%' newlines are optional6

M/S4L is a relational database management system E)<B%S that runs as a server providing multi"user access to a number of databases. %yS&' is officially pronounced EM%y S"&"'MH! but is often also pronounced EM%y Se*uelMH. It is named after developer %ichael 2idenius daughter! my. The S&' phrase stands for Structured &uery 'anguage. The %yS&' development project has made its source code available under the terms of the >94 >eneral #ublic 'icense! as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. %yS&' was owned and sponsored by a single for"profit firm! the Swedish company %yS&' 0B! now owned by +racle ,orporation. 8ree"software projects that re*uire a full"featured database management system often use %yS&'. 8or commercial use! several paid editions are available! and offer additional functionality. Some free software project examples6 Coomla! 2ord #ress! %yBB! phpBB! <rupal and other software built on the '0%# software stack for searchesH and 8ace book.

0 *!t!5!)# #(0&(# Eor Mstorage engineMH is the underlying software component that a database management system E<B%SH uses to create! read! update and delete E,)4<H data from a database. %ost database management systems include their own 0pplication #rogramming Interface E0#IH that allows the user to interact with their underlying engine without going through the user interface of the <B%S. %any of the modern <B%S supports multiple database engines within the same database. 8or example! %yS&' supports Inno<B as well as %yIS0% some database engines are transactional . Such as 8ollows


<esign of the new system begins by elaborating the statement of re*uirements in terms of more detailed objectives. The main aim of design process is to produce a model or representation of the system! which can be used later to bind the system. The produced model is called design of the system. 0 system design is a top down approach to minimi e complexity and make a problem manageable by subdividing it into smaller segments.

The most changing phase of the system development of life cycle is system design. It refers to the technical specification that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. The potential objects are thoroughly analy ed. ,lass hierarchies are to check whether the system is behaving the way it has to. There after the classes are individually tested and subse*uently they are integrated from the overall system. This level focuses on deciding which modules are needed for system the specifications for those modules and how these modules are interconnected.


8ile design is a document it(s stored in a place on your device.3ach new application is designed with its own set of files. ,hanges in files re*uire changes to programs. 4ncontrolled redundancy. Inconsistent data 'imited data sharing



The most common cause of errors in data processing is inaccurate input data. 3rrors entered by data entry operators can be controlled by the input design. Input design is the process of converting user"oriented inputs to computer based formats. The goal of input design to make data entry easy logical and free from errors.


,omputers are the most important source of information to the user. Inputs are fed into computers to ac*uire the re*uired outputs. The computers can provide valuable information(s in the form of well"documented outputs for various values. The major form of output is a hardcopy EreportsH from the printer. )eports are around the output re*uirements of the user.


The collection of data is usually referred to as the database. The database contains the information about one particular enterprise. <atabase system of data involves both the definitions of structures for the storage of information! processing and mechanism for the manipulation of information. In addition! the database system provides for the safety of information stored in the database despite system crashes or attempts of unauthori ed access.



The core of the system is used to categori e to various modules6

0dmin 'ogin ,ourier <etails 3xpenses <etails Branch <etails Total Turnover <etails Status ,heck

The purpose of 0dmin is to maintain the account of the regular customer and other details of the customer. So the staff working in the courier office can view the details without any interruption.

In computer security! a login refers to the credentials re*uired to obtain access to a computer system or other restricted area. 'ogging in is the process by which individual access to a computer system is controlled by identifying and authenticating the admin.

Co%"&#" D#t!&3):
The purpose of the courier details is to maintain the data about the transformation of the couriers from one place to another. So the courier return and courier lost courier dispatch details can be viewed easily and the processing of this automation can be obtained successfully.


E89#()#) D#t!&3):
This detail is provided for the allowance of the working members! travelling charges! Oehicle 0llowances are maintained in this form. 0ccording to the changes of data it can be updated.

B"!(12 D#t!&3):
The branch details are used to have the records about the branches provided in different places and in various locations. So the urgent information can be transferred very *uickly by viewing the address of the courier branch.

Tot!3 T%"( o:#" D#t!&3):

This form contain the branch number! when we have to view the daily! monthly turnover of the courier service !we have enter the number of the courier service and the receiving details of that branch are entered so the turnover of each and every courier services can be viewed automatically.

St!t%) C2#1;:
To know the status of your parcel. Simply enter your label number for up"to"the" minute information on the status of your parcel.



System testing! or end"to"end testing! tests a completely integrated system to verify that it meets its re*uirements.8or example! a system test might involve testing a logon interface! then creating and editing an entry! plus sending or printing results! followed by summary processing or deletion Eor archivingH of entries! then logoff. In addition! the software testing should ensure that the program! as well as working as expected! does not also destroy or partially corrupt its operating environment or cause other processes within that environment to become inoperative.

TESTING METHODOLOGIES: -HITE BO, TESTING: 2hite"box testing tests internal structures or workings of a program! as opposed to the functionality exposed to the end"user. In white"box testing an internal perspective of the system! as well as programming skills! are used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs. This is analogous to testing nodes in a circuit. 2hile white"box testing can be applied at the unit! integration and system levels of the software testing process! it is usually done at the unit level. It can test paths within a unit! paths between units during integration! and between subsystems during a systemPlevel test. Though this method of test design can uncover many errors or problems! it might not detect unimplemented parts of the specification or missing re*uirements.


BLAC. BO, TESTING: Black"box testing treats the software as a Mblack boxM! examining functionality without any knowledge of internal implementation. The tester is only aware of what the software is supposed to do! not how it does it. Black"box testing methods include6 e*uivalence partitioning!boundary table testing! fu value analysis! all"pairs testing! state transition tables! decision testing and testing! model"based testing! use case testing!exploratory

specification"based testing. Specification"based testing aims to test the functionality of software according to the applicable re*uirements. This level of testing usually re*uires thorough test cases to be provided to the tester! who then can simply verify that for a given input! the output value Eor behaviorH! either MisM or Mis notM the same as the expected value specified in the test case. Test cases are built around specifications and re*uirements! i.e.! what the application is supposed to do. It uses external descriptions of the software! including specifications! re*uirements! and designs to derive test cases. These tests can be functional or non"functional! though usually functional.

Integration testing is any type of software testing that seeks to verify the interfaces between components against a software design. Software components may be integrated in an iterative way or all together EMbig bangMH. 9ormally the former is considered a better practice since it allows interface issues to be located more *uickly and fixed. Integration testing works to expose defects in the interfaces and interaction between integrated components EmodulesH. #rogressively larger groups of tested software components corresponding to elements of the architectural design are integrated and tested until the software works as a system.


Testing generally involves running a suite of tests on the completed system. 3ach individual test! known as a case! exercises a particular operating condition of the userQs environment or feature of the system! and will result in a pass or fail outcome. There is generally no degree of success or failure. The test environment is usually designed to be identical! or as close as possible! to the anticipated userQs environment! including extremes of such. These test cases must each be accompanied by test case input data andIor a formal description of the operational activities to be performed. The intentions are to thoroughly elucidate the specific test case and description of the expected results. 0cceptance test cards are ideally created during sprint planning or iteration planning meeting! before development begins so that the developers have a clear idea of what to develop. Sometimes acceptance tests may span multiple stories Ethat are not implemented in the same sprintH and there are different ways to test them out during actual sprints. +ne popular techni*ue is to mock external interfaces or data to mimic other stories which might not be played out during an iteration Eas those stories may have been relatively lower business priorityH. 0 user story is not considered complete until the acceptance tests have passed.

4nit testing is a software development process that involves synchroni ed application of a broad spectrum of defect prevention and detection strategies in order to reduce software development risks! time! and costs. It is performed by the software developer or engineer during the construction phase of the software development lifecycle. )ather than replace traditional &0 focuses! it augments it. 4nit testing aims to eliminate construction errors before code is promoted to &0R this strategy is intended to increase the *uality of the resulting software as well as the efficiency of the overall development and &0 process.


Implementation is one of the processes of system engineering concept. This is the process which puts developed system to work. It also finds the boundaries of the proposed system. Implementation is the stage in the project wherever the theoretical design is turned to working system. This is the most crucial stage in achieving a new successful system and in given confidence of the new system for the user! that it work efficiently and effectively. 0s a part of implementation the system is taken the site loaded on to client(s computer. Some of the users are selected based on parameters like! 4ser level! exposure to computer etc. These users are trained first and they run the system for a month.

Software maintenance is a set of software engineering activities that occur after software has been delivered for the customer and put into operation. The success of software and the project relies and the maintenance procedure performed. 0s with the venture of human! not a single one is perfect. The further modifications are left to the followers. It is becauseR the opinion or vision of a thing differs from individual to individual. The maintenance is performed at regular intervals to keep the project safe and reliable. 3very time changes attempted on the software will cause serious and unexpected side effects. So the maintenance of the software should be considered seriously. Software maintenance is of course fare more than fixing mistakes. %aintenance can be described as the activities that are to be undertaken after software is released for the use. The different type of maintenance are6 ,orrective %aintenance


0daptive %aintenance #erfective %aintenance


1. The courier services are automated as hand written documentation is minimi ed to a bare minimum the software is fully implemented. 1. The data can be easily backed up onto a reliable media so that no or minimal data lass is there in case of system crash. 5. 4nauthori ed access to the data is nearly eliminated by providing password authentication system. This project has made us re*uire a professional outlook towards problem statement and solving it to the best and maximum.



#$# %y s*l Software 3ngineering System 0nalysis and <esign

6 6 6 6

Stven $ol ner dream! 8irst 3dition 1==1 Coyee ,ox By )oger #ressman By 3lias %.0. 2ad! >algotia #ublications 1LLK 3dition

8undamentals of <atabase Systems 6

Shamkant B. 9avathe.

-#5)&t#) R#f#""#*
1. www.w5school.com 1. www.wikipedia.com



<esign of the new system begins by elaborating the statement of re*uirements in terms of more detailed objectives. The main aim of design process is to produce a model or representation of the system! which can be used later to bind the system. The produced model is called design of the system. 0 system design is a top down approach to minimi e complexity and make a problem manageable by subdividing it into smaller segments.


The process shows a transformation or #rocesses manipulation of dataflow with in a system. 0 process transforms in coming data flow into out going data flow. 0 database is a holding place for <atabase information within the system it is represented by an open ended narrow rectangle. 3xternal entities are outside the system but they either supply input data into the
3xternal entity

system or use the system output. 3xternal entities are represented by rectangle. 0 dataflow shows flow of information



form source to destination a data flow represented by a line! with arrow heads

showing the direction of the flow. The employee switch diagram for +nline ,ourier %anagement System system is shown in the figure below. The input and output of this section is shown in the diagram! however number of details about the procedure of the +nline ,ourier management system is given here. 4sing this as a starting point! a logical <8< of the system is developed.


%yS&' S3)O3)


+nline +nline ,ourier ,ourier report %anagement %anagement



<0T0 )3#+) T

2amp Server





4ser Oalidatio n

+nline ,ourier %anagement

<IS#'0B 3))+)S



%anage +ffice

,ontent %anagement


D#)1"&9t&o( of t2# 1o'9o(#(t): D#)1"&9t&o(: 0dmin allocates the uni*ue id and password for each %anager and also he can check details of the %anagers and +ffice details.


$ere 0dministrator can set %asters <etails and assign the number of Branches. $e can also view and edit %anagert details and +ffice details.



4ser Oalidation

Online Courier Managemen t

<isplay 3rrors

%anager <etails <etails

Shipment <etails

0dd Shipment

3dit Shipment



4sing the id assigned by the administrator! the %anagers logs in and enters his daily work details and can view his performance! he can also update his personal information and can also change his password. $ere the %anager can view and edit his personal details and mark the courier details.


T!53# D#)&0(: Table 9ame6 tblScourierSofficer #rimary ?ey6 cid
F&#3* (!'# cid +fficerSname +ffSpwd address email #hSno office )egSdate D!t! t/9# int varcharE;=H varcharE;=H varcharE;=H varcharE1==H 9umber varcharE;=H <atetime 1o()t"!&(t) #rimary key 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull D#)1"&9t&o( %anager code %anager first name %anager password %anager 0ddress %anager email address %anager #hone 9umber %anager +ffice address %anager registration details

T!53# N!'#: t53A1o%"&#"Aoff&1# P"&'!"/ .#/: &*

F&#3* (!'# id +fSname address city #hSno +fficeStime ,ontactSperson )egSdate D!t! t/9# int varcharE;=H varcharE;=H varcharE;=H 9umber time varcharE;=H <atetime

1o()t"!&(t) #rimary key 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull

D#)1"&9t&o( +ffice id +ffice name +ffice address +ffice city +ffice phone number +ffice time +ffice contact person +ffice registration date

T!53# N!'#: t53A1o%"&#" P"&'!"/ .#/: 1&*

F&#3* (!'# cid ,onsSno ShipSname phone SSadd )evSname )Sphone )Sadd type weight InvoiceSno *ty BookSmode fright mode pick status comment Book date #incode

D!t! t/9# 9umber 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H 9umber 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H <ouble 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H double 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H 9varcharE;=H date 9umber

1o()t"!&(t) #rimary key 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull #rimary key 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull

D#)1"&9t&o( ,ourier id ,ourier consumer no ,ourier shipper name Shipper phone number Shipper address )eceiver name )eceiver phone number )eceiver address Type of courier 2eight of corier item ,ourier invoice no ,ourier item *uantity ,ourier booking date ,ourier fright ,ourier mode ,ourier pick up details ,ourier status ,ourier comment Book date pincode


T!53# N!'#: t53A1o%"&#"AA*'&( P"&'!"/ .#/: 1&*

F&#3* (!'# cid +fficerSname +ffSpwd address email #hSno office )egSdate D!t! t/9# int varcharE;=H varcharE;=H varcharE;=H varcharE1==H 9umber varcharE;=H <atetime 1o()t"!&(t) #rimary key 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull D#)1"&9t&o( 0dmin code 0dmin name 0dmin password 0dmin 0ddress 0dmin email address 0dmin #hone 9umber 0dmin +ffice address 0dmin registration details

T!53# N!'#: t53A1o%"&#"AA*'&( P"&'!"/ .#/: 1&*

F&#3* (!'# id ,onsSno ,urrentScity Status comment BkStime D!t! t/9# int 9umber varcharE;=H varcharE;=H varcharE1==H time 1o()t"!&(t) #rimary key 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull 9ot 9ull D#)1"&9t&o( ,ourier id ,onsignment number ,ourier current city ,ourier status ,ourier comment ,ourier booking time



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