The Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985
The Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985
The Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985
Minor Mineral
Concession Rules, 1985
The Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession
Rules 1985 (As amended on 1/4/2004 )
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act
1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957) and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa,
Daman and Diu hereby makes the following rules, namely:
Chapter - I
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral
Concession Rules, 1985.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
(f) "Mamlatdar" shall have the same meaning as assigned to it under clause (c) of section 2 of the
Goa, Daman and Diu Mamlatdar's Court Act, 1966 (9 of 1966);
(g) ”Private Person" shall include an individual, company, family, joint family, association or other body of
individuals, whether incorporated or not a comunidade, temple, church, mosque, any other religious or
charitable institution and any institution capable of holding property:
(h) "Quarrying lease" means a lease granted for the purpose of undertaking quarrying operations and
includes a sub-lease granted for such purpose;
( i)"Quarrying Permit" means a quarrying permit granted under these rules to extract and remove any
specified quantity of a minor mineral:
(j) "Schedule" means Schedule appended to these rules;
(k) "Specified minor mineral" means such minor mineral as may be specified by the Government by a
notification in the Official Gazette from time to time;
(1) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the meaning respectively
assigned to them in the Mines and Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957 (Central Act 67) or in
the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960.
Chapter II
Grant of quarrying lease in respect of lands in which the minerals vest in Government
3. Restriction on quarrying operations - No person shall quarry, win, remove or carry away any minor
mineral or undertake any quarrying operation except under-and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a
quarrying lease or a quarrying permit granted under these rules.
(i) to a person who is not an Indian citizen except with the prior approval of the Government;
(ii) in respect of any land notified by the Government as reserved for use by the Government or-for any
other public special purposes;
(iii) in respect of a specified minor mineral except with the prior approval of the Government;
(iv) in the case of a minor mineral within a distance of 500 metres from the high water mark on all the
5. Application for quarrying lease-.(1) An application for a quarrying lease in respect of any land, whether
belonging to the Government or a private person where in the mineral belongs to the Government, shall be in Form A
and shall be made to the Competent Officer and shall contain the following particulars:-
(a) (i) If the applicant is an individual, his nationality, profession and residential address.
(ii) If the applicant is a company, syndicate, partnership, or private firm, its name, nature and place of
business and place of registration or incorporation.
(b) A description illustrated by a map or plan showing as accurately as possible the situation, boundaries and
area of the land, in respect whereof the quarrying lease is required.
(c) The minor mineral or minerals which the applicant intends to extract.
(d) The purpose for which the extracted minerals are to be used.
(f) Information as regards the area or areas and minor minerals within the Union territory of Goa, Daman and
Diu in respect of which the applicant or any person in joint interests with him already h o l d s as quarrying lease.
(2) Every application for quarrying lease shall be accompanied by:
(b) certified copies of the relevant extracts of the Record of Rights, Revenue Register or property register or
any other legal document, as the case may be pertaining to the persons or the Govt. in respect of the land on
which the quarrying lease is applied for.
(c) A no objection certificate from such authority as may be required by the Competent Officer.
6. Acknowledgement of application.- Every application for a quarrying lease shalI be acknowledged in Form
7. Grant of quarrying lease and execution thereof.- (1) On receipt of an application under rule 5, the
Competent Officer, after making such inquiries as he deems fit, may grant a quarrying lease to the applicant for the whole
or part of the area applied for or refuse to grant it.
(2) Where a quarrying lease is granted under sub-rule (1), a lease in Form D or in a Form as near thereto as the
circumstances of each case may require, shall be executed within three months or the order granting the lease and if no
such lease is executed within aforesaid period, the order granting the lease shall be deemed to have been revoked:
Provided that where the Competent Officer is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient cause from
executing the lease, he may permit the execution of the lease after the expiry of the aforesaid period of three months.
8. Priority - (1) If more than one application for quarrying lease over the same area are received, preference shall be
given to the application in the order of date of receipt unless the Competent Officer, for reasons to be recorded. decides
Provided that where such applications are received on the same day, the Competent Officer, after taking into
consideration the special knowledge of or experience in quarrying operations possessed by the applicant, financial
resources of the applicant and nature and quality of the technical staff employed by the applicant, may grant the
quarrying lease to such of the applicants as he may 'deem fit.
9. Register of applications.- The Competent Officer shall maintain a register of applications for quarrying lease
received by him in Form "C".
10. Refund of application fee.- If the Competent Officer refuses to grant the quarrying lease applied for or if
the applicant refuses to execute the lease on account of any special conditions imposed therein under sub-rule (3) of rule
22, the fee paid alongwith the application shall be refunded.
8 (1) (Omitted).
8 (2) (Omitted).
8 (3) (Omitted).
(4) When an application for quarrying lease is refused by the Competent Officer. he shall inform, in writing. the
applicant accordingly.
(5) Where an application for a quarrying lease for a mineral or minerals not specified in the existing quarrying lease
or quarrying leases is made for the whole or part of the area held under quarrying lease by a person other than
the lessee, the Competent Officer shall notify that fact by registered post/acknowledgement due, to the person who
already holds quarrying lease for another mineral in the land applied for.
(6) If on receipt of the information referred to in sub-rule (5) from the Competent Officer, the lessee applies for
quarrying lease for newly discovered mineral or minerals within three months from the date of communication of the
information by the Competent Officer, the lessee shall be given preference in respect of such grant.
(7) If the lessee fails to apply for quarrying lease within the said period of three months, then this fact will be
intimated to the applicant by the Competent Officer and the Competent Officer shall consider the original application in
accordance with the rules.
(8) The period of twelve months referred to in sub-rule (1) in respect of applications received under sub-rule (5)
shall be counted from the date of communication to the applicant of the information regarding the failure of the lessee to
apply for quarrying lease within the period of three months mentioned in sub-rule (6).
12. S e c u r i t y d e p os i t : - The applicant in whose favour the quarrying lease is granted shall before the lease
deed is executed, deposit, as security for the due observance of the terms and conditions, a sum equal to fifty percent of
the annual dead rent fixed for the lease.
13. Survey of area leased: - When a quarrying lease is granted by the Competent Officer arrangements
shall be made. at the expense of the lessee for the survey and demarcation of the area granted under the quarrying lease.
14. Register of quarrying leases: - A register of quarrying leases granted shall be maintained by the
Competent Officer in Form "E".
9 15. Inspection of register:- The registers maintained by the Competent Officer under rule 9 and 14 shall be
open to inspection by any persons on payment of a fee of[ Rs. 10/-].
16. Restriction on area of quarrying lease:- (1) Except with the prior approval of the Government no
quarrying lease shall be granted in the case of minor minerals or specified minor minerals for an area exceeding five
(2) No lease, by himself or with any person having joint interest with him, shall hold in the aggregate more than fifty
hectares of area under lease in respect of one minor mineral or a group of minor minerals within the Union territory of
Goa, Daman and Diu.
(3) The area under any quarrying lease shall be compact block unless the Competent Officer directs otherwise.
17. Length and breadth of leased area: - The length of an area held under a quarrying lease shall not exceed four
times its breadth.
Provided that the Competent Officer may, after taking into account the circumstances of particular case by order, relax
the provisions of this rule if he deems fit.
18. Boundaries below surface:- The boundaries of the area covered by the quarrying lease shall run vertically
downwards below the surface towards the centre of the earth.
19. Period of quarrying lease and renewal:- (1) The period for which a quarrying lease may be granted shall
not, except with the approval of the Government, 8 [exceed ten years]. The lease may be renewed for one or more
periods, the period of each renewal not exceeding the duration of the original lease.
( a ) ( 2 ) An application for the renewal of quarrying lease shall be made at least 90 days before the expiry of the lease
to the Competent Officer, in Form "F".
8.[Provided that the Competent Officer may. for reasons to be recorded in writing. condone the delay, if any, in
an application for renewal of quarrying lease.]
(4) At the time of renewal of the lease, the lessee shall be entitled to surrender any part of the leased area.
5 [(5) The date of commencement of the period for which a quarrying lease is granted shall be the date of the execution of
the lease deed under sub-rule (2) of rule 7.]
8 [(6) Once an application for renewal of quarrying lease is made under the provisions of sub-rule (2), the period of that
lease shall be deemed to have been extended by a further period till the Competent Officer passes orders thereon.] .
9 20. Transfer of quarrying lease:- The lessee may, with the previous sanction of the Competent Officer and
subject to the conditions specified in sub-rule (2) of rule 16 transfer his lease or any right, title or interest therein to
any person on payment of fee of [ Rs. 750/-] to the Government.
21. Termination of quarrying lease and suspension of mining operations:- (1) Not withstanding anything
contained in these rules, the Competent Officer may, at any time, by giving to the lessee six months notice in writing,
determine lease if the area for which the lease has been granted or any part thereof is required by the Government for
any public purpose.
(2) if the Competent Officer is of the opinion that the quarrying operations are done in a manner which cause
danger to public health or safety of the people or have an adverse effect on environment or ecology or interferes
with the objective of flood control or prevention of pollution or safety to public structures including communication
facilities. roads and buildings or cause public nuisance, he may after obtaining the approval of the Government by an
order in writing suspend the quarrying operations:
Provided that no such order shall be made without giving a reasonable opportunity to the lessee.
22. Conditions of quarrying lease:- (1) Every quarrying lease shall be subject to-the following conditions and
such conditions shall be included in every quarrying lease:
0) The lessee shall pay royalty to the Government on minor minerals despatched from the leased area at the
rate specified in Schedule I.
(ii) The lessee shall also pay to the Government for every year of the lease, dead rent specified in Schedule 11
and if the lease permits the working of more than one mineral, the Competent Officer may charge separate dead
rent in respect of each mineral.
Provided that the lessee shall be liable to pay the dead rent or the royalty in respect of each mineral whichever. is
higher in amount, but not both.
` (iii) Unless the Competent Officer, for good cause permits otherwise, the lessee shall commence quartering
operations within three months from the date of execution of the lease and shall thereafter carry on in a proper
skilful, scientific and workmanlike manner.
(iv) The lessee shall, at his own expenses, erect, attend at all times. maintain and keep in good repair
boundary marks and pillars necessary to indicate the area leased to him.
(v) If any mineral not specified in the lease is discovered in the leased area, the lessee shall report
discovery without delay to the Competent Officer and shall not win or dispose of such minor mineral without
obtaining a lease thereof. If the lessee fails to apply for such lease within three months from the discovery of the
mineral, the Competent Officer may grant a lease in respect of such mineral to any other person.
(vi) The lessee shall abide with such reasonable instructions and directions as may be issued by the
Competent Officer from time to time regarding conservation and development of minor minerals.
(vii) The lessee shall abide by the provisions of any law for the time being in force relating to working of
minerals and matters affecting safety, health and convenience of the lessee's employees or of the public_ and shall
respect all existing rights of way, water and other easements.
(viii) The lessee shall not carry on or allow to be carried on any quarrying operation at any point within a
distance of 50 metres. if no blasting is involved and 200 metres, if blasting is involved from the boundary of any
railway line except with the written permission of the Railway Administration concerned or from the boundary of any
reservoir, canal, road or public works or buildings except with the previous permission of the Government. The Railway
Administration or the Government may while granting permission, impose such conditions as it may deem fit. In
case of national monuments. such distance shall be 300 metres whether blasting is involved or not.
(ix) The lessee shall keep correct account showing the quantity and other particulars of all minor minerals
obtained and despatched from the leased area and the number of persons employed therein and also complete plans
of the workings and shall furnish to the Competent Officer such information, reports and returns as the Competent
Officer may require from time to time.
(x) The lessee shall allow the Competent Officer or Inspecting Officer to enter upon any building, excavation or
land in his leased area for the purpose of inspecting the same or for inspecting any of his accounts, plans and
records which he shall make available to such officer. Such officer may issue such reasonable directions as he may
deem fit to prevent wasteful extraction of minerals and it shall be the duty of the lessee to carry out such directions
within such period as the said officer may specify.
(xi) The lessee, shall to the satisfaction of the Railway Administration concerned or the Government, as the
case may be, strengthen and support any part of the quarry which in its opinion requires such strengthening or
support for the safety of the railway, reservoir, canal, road or any other public work or structure.
(xii) The lease shall be liable for cancellation if the lessee ceases to work the leased area for a continuous
period of six months.
Provided that the lease shall not be cancelled if the lessee ceases to work with the prior permission of the
Competent Officer. .
(xiii) The lessee shall report all accidents to the District Magistrate, the district Superintendent of Police
and the Competent Officer.
(xiv) The Government shall be immune from the lessee's claim for damages on account of any land
having been included in his lease which may subsequently be discovered not to have been available for the lease.
(xv) The lessee shall not cut or injure any trees in the leased area without the previous sanction in writing of the
appropriate authority under the Goa, Daman and Diu Preservation of Trees Act. 1984 (6 of 1984). Such authority may
require the lessee to plant and maintain such number of trees for every tree cut at such place
as maybe directed by it.
(xvi) The lessee shall not enter upon any reserved or protected forest included in the lease area without the
previous sanction in writing of the Conservator of Forests, nor fell, cut and use any timber or trees without obtaining
the sanction in writing of the appropriate authority under the Goa, Daman and Diu, Preservation of Trees Act 1984 (6
of 1984).
(xvii) The lessee shall not enter upon and commence quarrying operations on any occupied or private land or
lands comprised in the quarrying lease except with the sanction in writing of the occupant or the owner thereof.
(xviii) The Government shall at all times hove right of pre-emption of the minerals won from the land in respect of
which the lease has been granted and the lessee shall indemnify the Government against all claims by third parties in
respect of such minerals.
(xix) Right of the Government or Central Government to construct any road, railway, canal, or reservoir or to
carry on electric or telephone lines in or over the limits under the lease is reserved.
Provided that before such right is exercised, notice of not less than sixty days shall be given to
the lessee and the area utilised by the Government for any of the aforesaid purposes shall be
excluded from the area under r the lease.
(xx) A quarrying lease may contain such other conditions as the Competent Officer may deem necessary
having in regard to the following:-
(a) Time limit, mode and place of payment of rents and royalties:
(b) Compensation for damage to the land covered by the lease:
(c) Felling of trees:
(d) Restriction of surface operation in an area prohibited by any authority:
(e) Notice by lessee for surface occupation:
(f) Provision for proper weighing machines:
(g) Facilities to be given by the lessee working other minerals in the leased area or adjacent area:
(k) Delivery of possession over lands and mines on the surrender, expiration or determination of the lease:
(l) Forfeiture of property left after determination of the lease:
(m) Power to take possession of plant, machinery, premises and mines in the event of war or emergency:
(n) Measure that may be required to be taken for environmental protection and ecological balance:
(o) Manner in which rights of third parties may be protected (whether by payment of
compensation or otherwise) in cases where any such party ma) be prejudicially affected by
reason of quarrying operations;
(p) Disposal or discharge of any slurry or products arising from quarrying or crushing operations carried out in a
quarrying lease or mine,
(q) Opening of new quarries and the regulation of quarrying operations in any area;
(r) Regulation of the extraction and collection of minor minerals from any quarry or mine
(2) A quarrying lease may contain any other special conditions in rule 22. which the Competent Officer may
specify with the approval of the Government.
(3) If the lessee does not allow entry or inspection under clause (x) sub-rule ( I ) or fails to carry out the
directions within the specified period, the Competent Officer shall give notice in writing to the lessee requiring him
to show- cause within such time as may be specified in the notice as to why the lease should not be determined and his
security deposit forfeited and if the lessee fails to show cause within the aforesaid time to the satisfaction of the
Competent Officer. the Competent Officer may determine the lease and forfeit the whole or part of the security
(4) If the lessee makes any default in payment of royalty or dead rent or any other dues or commits a
breach of any of the conditions other than those referred to in sub-rule (3). the Competent Officer shall give
notice to the lessee requiring him to pay the royalty or dead rent or any other dues or remedy the breach. as the
case may be, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the notice and if the said royalty or dead rent or the
dues are not paid or the breach is not remedied within such period, the Competent Officer, may without prejudice to
any proceedings that may be taken against him, determine the lease and forfeit the whole or part of the security
8 [Provided that the Competent Officer may in lieu, of giving a notice to lessee requiring him to remedy the
breach, impose upon the lessee after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard. a penalty not exceeding As.
5000/- for every such breach of condition.]
23. Restriction on determination- The lessee shall not determine the lease except after notice in writing of not
less than six calendar months to the Competent Officer and by delivering possession of the leased area.
24. Right of lessee.- Subject to the conditions mentioned in rule 22. the lessee for the purpose of his quarrying
operation shall have the right to:
(i) work the quarry.
(ii) sink pits, shafts and construct but (ding and roads.
(iii) erect plant and machinery.
(iv) use water.
(v) use land for stacking purposes.
(vi) do any other thing specified in the lease.
38. Minor Minerals not to be moved without transit passes: No Minor Minerals shall be moved into or from or
within the territory of Goa, Daman and Diu except as hereunder provided without a transit pass in the form prescribed in
Schedule III from any other officer authorized under these rules to issue such pass and in accordance with the conditions
of such pass.
39. Officers authorized to issue transit passes:- For the purpose of these rules, the following officer shall have
power to issue transit passes under these rules namely:-.
40. Availability of transit pass books: The transit pass books' 8 (...) with the seal of the Competent Officer or
Inspecting Officer shall-be made available to the lessee after paying advance royalty as per the rates prescribed in
Schedule I’ 8 (.:....)
Provided that the advance royalty paid would be adjusted according to the actual quantity of minor mineral
dispatched at the consumption of each pass book.
41. Minor Mineral Stones to be covered under transit pass in Schedule IV:- In cases where minor mineral
stones destined for crushing and which are transported from quarry to crusher covered under a transit pass prescribed in
Schedule III are to be further transported after crushing, they should be covered under another transit pass prescribed in
Schedule IV supplied on purchase of transit passes prescribed in Schedule III.
42. Lessee to issue duly filled in transit pass:- Every lessee who intends to dispatch minor mineral by rail, road
or river shall issue a duly and correctly filled in transit pass supplied by the Competent Officer or the authorized officer or the
inspecting officer to the carriers:
Provided that in case of double transport like from quarry to crusher and crusher to consumer or transport by land
and then by sea where the earlier transport will be covered by transit pass prescribed in Schedule III and the later by
transit pass prescribed in Schedule IV; the transit pass issued to the carrier driver, shall be handed to the
buyer/consumer on delivery of the minor mineral load.
43. Buyer/consumer to retain transit pass:- The buyer/consumer shall retain all transit passes delivered to
him on delivery of each load_ for a period of two years from the date of its issue and if so required to prove
subsequently the bonafides of the minor mineral purchased/consumed; and shall produce it on demand by the
Competent Officer or the authorized officer or the Inspecting Officer, The .buyer/consumer shall furnish all the relevant details
of purchase of minor minerals made by him as may be required by the Competent Officer or the authorized officer or
the Inspecting Officer.
44. Transit Pass not to cover more than one load at a time:- No transit pass issued kinder these rules
shall cover more than one load at a time.
45. Counterfoils of transit pass to be returned to the Competent Officer or the authorized officer or the
Inspecting Officer:- The lessee or the permit-holder shall return the counterfoil of all used transit passes, as the case
may be, to the Competent Officer or the authorized officer or the Inspecting Officer.
46. Driver to produce on demand transit pass:- The driver of the vehicle/vessel carrying minor
(c ) and (d)
mineral shall, at any stage of transport, produce on demand by the Competent Officer or the authorized officer or the
Inspecting Officer, a valid duly filled in transit pass.
47. Application to Competent Officer to bring minor minerals from outside Goa, Daman and Diu:- Where a
person intends to bring minor minerals into the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu from outside the Union
territory, he shall apply to the Competent Officer to issue the necessary permit stating the nature, quantity and origin of
the minor mineral.
48 . Stoppage in transit.-(1) Minor Mineral in transit maybe stopped, unloaded and examined at any
( c ) and (d)
place byre Competent Officer or Inspecting Officer, if such Officer shall have reason to believe that any money which is
due to the Govt. has not been paid or that such minor mineral has been removed illicitly;
Provided always that no such officer shall vexatiously delay the transit of any minor minerals, which is lawfully in
transit, nor vexatiously, or unnecessarily unload the same, for the purpose of examination.
(2) The person in charge of such minor mineral shall furnish to any such officer all the information which he is able to
give regarding the same and if he is transporting the same under the pass, shall produce the pass- on demand for the
inspection of such officer and shall not in any way prevent or resist the stoppage or the examination of the said minor
minerals by such officer.
Chapter VI
(b) 49. Application for revision.- (a) Any person aggrieved by an order of the competent officer made under these
riles, may, within two months from the date of the communication of such order to him, apply to the Government for revision
of such order;
Provided that any such application may be entertained after the said period of two months if the applicant satisfies the
Government that he had sufficient cause for not making the application within the time.
9 50. Application fee.- Every application for revision under rule 49 shall be accompanied by a treasury challan of
Rupees (fifty) paid as a fee for such application and credited in the budget head, as may lie specified, by-. the
Competent Officer.
51. Procedure on receipt of application.- (1) Upon receipt of such application, the Government may call for
the records of the case and the comments of the Competent Officer and after hearing the petitioner, may confirm, modify or-
set aside the order or pass such order in relation thereto, as it may deem just and proper.
(2) Pending the final disposal of an application for revision, the Government may, for sufficient cause, stay the
execution of the order against which the revision application has been made.
Chapter VII
52. Application of rules for renewal:- Where a quarrying lease or any other _right for quarrying a minor mineral or
minerals granted before the commencement of these rules, is renewed after such commencement, these rules shall apply in
relation to such renewal of a quarrying lease granted after such commencement.
53. Exemption:- Nothing contained id these rules shall apply to the extraction of minor mineral or minerals
which-may, be found in-the course of building of any structure or road or opening wells by any person provided,
:however, that royalty at the rates specified in Schedule I shall be payable on the minor mineral so extracted by him.
54. Disposal of minor mineral by public auction:- Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing -
provisions, it shall be lawful for the Competent Officer to sell by public auction or otherwise dispose of, the right. to
remove any minor mineral in such cases or class of cases and on such terms and conditions as the Government . may by
a general or special order, specify
55. Power to rectify errors :- Any clerical or arithmetical error in-any order passed by the Government or
the Competent Officer or any other officer under these rules and any error arising therein from accidental slip or omision
may, within six months from the date of the order, be corrected by the Government or the Competent Officer or the
officer, as the case may be:
Provided that no order prejudicial to any person shall Ire passed unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity
of stating his case.
(a ) 56. Relaxation of rules in special cases:- If the Government is of the opinion that public interest so requires, it
may, in any case or class of classes authorise the grant of quarrying lease or quarrying permit on the terms and
conditions other than those prescribed in these rules.
57. Power of entry and inspection:- (1) For the purpose of ascertaining the position of the working actual or
prospective of any mine' or quarry or abandoned mine or quarry or for any other purpose connected with these rules,
the competent officer or any inspecting officer may,
58. Change of name and address to be intimated:- (1) The holder of a quarrying lease or permit shall intimate to
the competent officer within thirty days, any change that may take place in his name and address.
(2) If the holder of a quarrying lease fails, without sufficient cause, to furnish the information referred to in sub-rule
(1), the competent officer may determine the quarrying lease or quarrying permit.
Provided that no such order shall be made without giving the lessee or permit holder a reasonable opportunity of
stating his case.
59. Manner of deposit of fee:- (1) Any amount payable under these rules shall be paid in such manner, as
the Competent Officer, may specify in this behalf. -
(2) The Competent Officer may, without prejudice to the provisions contained in the Act or in these rules, charge
simple interest at the rate of'8 [24%] per annum on any rent, royalty or fee or the sum due to the Government under the
Act or these rules or under the terms and conditions of any quarrying lease or quarrying permit from the thirtieth day of the
expiry of the date fixed by the competent officer for payment of such rent, royalty, fee or other sum, and until payment
of such rent, royalty, fee or other sum is made.
60. Lease period.- Where more than one mineral is found in an area and lease is granted for exploiting two or
more minerals, the period of lease shall be coterminous with that for which the first lease was granted.
60A. 9 [Amalgamation of quarrying leases]:-
The Competent Officer may, in the interest of mineral development and for reasons to be recorded in writing,
permit amalgamation of two or adjoining leases held by a lessee:
“Provided that the period of the amalgamated leases shall be co-terminus with the lease whose period will expire
61. Repeal and savings:- On the commencement of these rules, the Goa. Daman and Diu Minor Minerals
Extraction and Removal Rules, 1974 shall be repealed:
Provided that anything done or any action taken (including any lease licence or permit granted) under the rules
hereby repealed shall be deemed -to have been done or taken or granted under these rules.
8 [(3) Whenever any person raises without a lawful authority any minor mineral from any land the competent
Chapter VIII
officer or the officer authorized by the competent officer may recover from such person the minor mineral so raised or
where such minor mineral has already been Offencesdespatchedand
or consumed, the competent officer or the officer authorized . by
competent officer may recover the cost of the minor mineral, which may be computed as ten times the royalty payable
(d) 62. P e n a l t y : - (1) Whoever contravenes the provisions of. rule 3 shall be punished with
at the(c)&
prevailing rate.] y ea r
imprisonment- for a term. which may extend to one or with fine. which may extend to rupees 4 [five
thousand]" or both.
9[ (2) Whoever is found extracting or transporting or using or storing minor minerals or on whose behalf extraction
or transport or use or storage is made, other than in accordance with the provisions of these rules, shall be punishable
with simple imprisonment which may extend to one year or with a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees or
with both and in case of continuing contravention, with additional fine which may extend to five hundred rupees for
every day during which such contravention continues after conviction for first such contravention.]
9 (3) [Whenever any person is found extracting or removing or transporting or storing minor minerals in contravention
of the provisions of these rules, the Competent Officer/Inspecting Officer may seize the minor minerals together with all
tools, equipment, vehicles etc. used in committing such offences].
(4) The Competent Officer/Inspecting Officer who has seized the minor minerals or the tools, equipment or
vehicles etc. under sub-rule (3) may release the same on execution by the claimant thereof, a bond for the production of the
property so released if and when so required before the Court. having jurisdiction to try the offence on account of which the
seizure has been made.
(5) The Competent Officer/Inspecting Officer may without orders from a magistrate and without a warrant, arrest the
person who is found extracting or removing or transporting minor minerals in contravention of these rules.
(6) The Competent Officer/Inspecting Officer making arrest under sub-rule 5 shall within 24 hours of the arrest, take
or send the person arrested before the Magistrate having the jurisdiction in the area where the offence is committed along with
the complaint in writing regarding the offence committed by the person.
(7) The Competent Officer/Inspecting Officer may release the person arrested on his executing a bond to appear
before the Magistrate having jurisdiction in the area of the offence if and when so required.
(8) If any driver of any carrier whilst carrying minor minerals fails to furnish the transit pass as specified in Schedule III or
in Schedule IV refuses inspection of the transit pass by the Competent Officer or any Inspecting Officer he shall be
punishable with a simple imprisonment -which may extend to six months or with fine,-which may extend to 4[five
thousand] Rupees or with both.
9[“The Inspecting Officer empowered to take action under this rule, shall, if necessary request in writing for the
help of the local police and the police authorities shall render such assistance, as may be necessary to enable the
officer to exercise the power conferred on him by these rules to stop unauthorized mining and movement of
minor minerals”]
(c)&(d) 63. Compounding of offence -8[(1) The Competent Officer or the Inspecting Officer may either
before or after the institution of the prosecution, compound any offence committed under these rules on payment of
such sum to be specified by him and which shall be credited to the Government.]
(2) When an offence is compounded under sub-rule (1) no proceeding shall be taken against the offender in
respect of the offence so compounded and the offender if in custody shall be released forthwith.
(c) 64. Cognizance of offences: - No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under theses ales
except upon a complaint in writing made by the competent officer or the inspecting officer.
Chapter X
65. Modification of existing mining right:- All mining or quarrying leases or any right or title thereof granted or
acquired before the commencement of these rules, if in force at such commencement, shall stand modified and brought
into conformity with the provisions of the Act and these rules and the provisions of the Act and these rules shall be deemed
to be applicable to such cases.
Chapter XI
(a) which was previously held or which is being held under a mining lease or quarrying lease, 8 [where surface rights
are vested in Government;]
(b) in respect of which an order had been made for the grant of lease but the applicant has died before the
execution of the lease;
(c) in respect-of which the order granting the lease has been revoked under sub-rule 2 of rule 7:
(d) in respect of which a notification has been issued under sub-section (2) or sub-section ( 4 ) o f section 17;
(ii) the availability of the area for grant is published in the Official Gazette specifying a date (being a date
not earlier than thirty days from the date of the publication of such notification in the Official Gazette) from which
such area shall be made available for grant:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply for the renewal of a lease in favour of the original lessee/lessees or his
legal heirs notwithstanding the fact that the lease has already expired:
Provided further that where an area reserved under-sub-rule (ii) of rule 4 is proposed to be granted, to a
Government Company, no notification under clause (ii) shall be required to be issued.
_ (2) The Government may for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax the provisions of sub-rule (1) in any special
67. Premature applications:- Application for grant of quarrying lease in respect of area whose availability for
grant is required to be notified under rule 66 shall, if
(a) no notification has been issued under that rule; or'
(b) where any such notification has been issued the period specified in tip notification has not expired;
shall be deemed to be premature and shall not be entertained and any application fee thereon, if paid, shall be refunded.
5. [Chapter XII
68. Application for quarrying permit:- (1) Application for quarrying permit shall be made to the Competent
Officer in Form H.
(b) Certified copy of the relevant extracts of records of rights, revenue register or property register or any legal
documents as the case may be pertaining to the persons or the Government;
(c) A copy of the cadastral survey plan or the survey number delineating the area required for quarrying`,
(d) A no objection Certificate from such authority as may be required by the Competent Officer.
69. Grant of quarrying permit :- On receipt of an application under rule 68, the Competent Officer may, after
making such enquiries as he deems fit, grant a quarrying permit to the applicant for the whole or part of the are applied
for or refuse to grant it.
70. Conditions of quarrying permit: - A quarrying permit shall be granted subject to such condition as may be
imposed by the Competent Officer.
71. Restriction on quarrying permit:- (1) The period of quarrying permit shall not exceed one year from the
date of grant and the same be renewed for one or more period, each period not exceeding the duration of the original
(2) The total area under quarrying permit shall not exceed 1000 sq. mts
(3) The total quantity under the quarrying permit shall not exceed 1000 cubic metres.
72. Monthly returns and statement:- Every person holding a quarrying permit shall furnish monthly returns to
the Competent Officer before the 10th of every following month, giving the monthly production, despatch, stock, -pit
head value and the number of employees..
9. [Chapter XIII
73. Prohibition (1) No person shall store or cause to be stored any minor mineral within the State of Goa except under and
in accordance with these rules.
(2) Every person who stores the minor mineral(s) for the purpose of sale shall maintain an accurate account of
minor mineral(s) obtained by him/her/them.
74. Registers/Returns for stone crusher/lime kiln/brick kiln owners:- Every owner of crusher/ lime kiln/brick
kiln or owner of mineral based industries shall maintain an account of minor mineral obtained by him/her/them in Form
“I” appended to these rules and shall submit to the Competent Officer a copy of the returns of the stock by 7th of the month
for the preceding month.
76. Inspection of accounts and registers:- All accounts, registers, and other documents pertaining to storage of
minor mineral(s) shall be kept open for inspection of the Inspecting Officer at all reasonable times.
9. [Chapter XIV]
77. Seizure of accounts. Registers and other documents:- (1) If the Inspecting Officer has reason to suspect that
the minerals have been obtained without lawful authority or without the payment of royalty, he may, for reasons to be
recorded in writing, seize such accounts, registers or other documents as he may consider necessary and shall give receipt
to the person from whose custody such accounts, documents and registers are seized.
(2) The accounts, documents and registers so seized under sub-rule(1) shall be retained by such officer only for the
purpose of examination or for any inquiry of proceedings under these rules or for prosecution:
Provided that the accounts, registers and documents so seized shall not be retained by such officer beyond a period
of three months from the date of such seizure without a written order of the Competent Officer for reasons to be recorded
in writing:
Provided further that before returning the accounts, registers and documents, the Competent Officer may require
the person to give a bond alongwith a surety amount as may be determined by the Competent Officer binding the said
person to produce the said accounts, registers and documents before the appropriate authority or the Competent Court.
Application for quarrying lease
(See rule 5)
Dated the ..... 20 ....
I) I/We submit an application for a quarrying lease for .......................... (mineral) for a term of years over
.................................................................................hectares of land in the area specified in the Annexure
hereto appended.
2) The fee of Rs. 300/- has been paid in the Government Treasury at.... (Place) and the receipted challan
is enclosed.
3) The required particulars are given below:
viii) Particulars of the areas, mineralwise, within the State, for which the applicant or any person jointly
in interest with him:-
a) already holds a quarrying lease ...
b) has already applied for a quarrying lease but not granted
c) being applied for simultaneously ...
d) nature of joint Interest, if any, ..:
(ix) Means by which the mineral/minerals is/are to be raised i.e. whether manual or mechanical...
(The plan should be on the relevant portion of the cadastral village map with scale and should contain natural
features, landmarks or other feature to enable identification of the area in the field, the nearest railway station, or
any other place of importance).
3. Full description of the are applied for with regard to natural feature...
4. Taluka...
I/We hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct and am/are ready to furnish any other details, plans,
Yours faithfully.
(See rule 6)
Received an application with the enclosures listed below for renewal of a quarrying lease from Shri/Sarvashri ... at .....
a.m. / p. m. on ........ 20.... for .....(name of mineral) in .. hectares of land situated in ... Village ... Taluka.
Enclosures : 1..........
(See rule 9)
1. Sr. No.
2. Name of applicant with full address
3. Time and date of receipt of application
4. Particulars of minerals applied for
5. Taluka
6. Name of Village
7. Survey No/Nos.
8-Area in hactares
9. -Particulars of application fee paid
10. Final disposal of the application
11. Remarks
12. Signature of the officer.
2)-(2) When the lessees are more (i) (name of person) ... of
than me individual (address and occupation) ...
(hereinafter referred to as "the
leasee" which expression shall
where the context so admits be
deemed to include his heirs.
(3)-(3) When the lessee is a registered
executors, administrators,
firm or syndicate
representatives and permitted
Now this lease witnessed that in consideration of the rents and royalties, covenants and agreements contained in
these presents and the Schedule hereunder written reserved and contained and on the -part of the lessee/lessees to be
observed and performed. the Government hereby grants and demises unto the lessee/lessees all those the quarries/mines
beds of--- (here state the mineral or minerals) (hereinafter and in the Schedule referred to as the “said minerals")
situated. lying and being in or under the lands which are referred to in part I of the said Schedule. together with the
liberties. powers and privileges to he exercised or enjoyed in connection herewith which are mentioned in -Part III of the
said Schedule EXCEPT and reserving out of this demise unto the Government the liberties, powers an privileges
mentioned in Part lV of the said Schedule TO HOLD the premises hereby granted and demised unto the lessee/lessees
from the ... day of ...20... for the terms of ... years thence next ensuing YIELDING AND PAYING therefore unto the
Government the several rents and royalties mentioned. in Part V of the said Schedule at the respective times therein
specified subject to the provisions contained in Part VI of the said Schedule and the lessee/ lessees hereby
covenants/covenant with the Government as in Part VII of the said Schedule and the Government hereby covenants
with the lessee/lessees as in Part VIII of the Schedule AND it is hereby mutually agree between the parties hereto as in
Part IX - of the said Schedule.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed in the manner hereunder appearing the day and
year first above written.
Location aid area of the lease: All that tract of lands situated at (village/town) (description of area or areas) ...
in (Taluka) ... and containing an area of---- of thereabouts delineated on the plan hereto annexed and thereon
coloured ... and bounded as follows :
On the North by
On the South by
On the East by
On the
West by
Liberties powers and privileges to be exercised and enjoyed by the lessee/lessees subject to the restrictions
and conditions in Part III
1. To enter upon land and search for, win, work, etc.- Liberty and power at all times during the terns hereby
demised to enter upon the said lands and to search for, mine, quarry, bore, dig, drill for, win, work, dress, process,
convert, carry away and dispose of the said mineral/minerals.
2. To sink, drive and make pits, shafts and inclines, etc. - Liberty and power for or in connection with any of
the purposes mentioned in this Part to sink, drive. make, maintain and use in the said lands any pits, shafts, inclines,
drifts, levels, waterways
and other works.
3. To bring and use machinery, equipment, etc. - Liberty and power for or in connection with any of the
purposes mentioned in this Part to erect, construct and maintain and use on or under the said lands, any
engines, machinery. work-shops, plan, dressing -dowers. furnace, coke, ovens, brick-kilns, store-houses,
bungalows...sheds and other buildings and other works and conveniences of the like nature on or under the said
4. To make roads and way, etc. and use existing roads and ways.- Liberty and power for or in connection with any
of the purposes mentioned in this Part to make any tramways, railways, roads and other ways in or over the
said lands and to use, maintain. and go and repass with or without cattle, wagons, locomotives of other vehicles
over the same (or any existing railways, roads and other ways in or over -the said lands) on such conditions as
may be agreed to.
5. To use water from streams, etc.- Liberty and power for in connection with any of the purposes mentioned in this
Part but subject to the rights of any existing or future lessees and with the written permission of .. (any office authorised
by the Government in that behalf) to appropriate and use water from any streams, water courses, springs or other
sources in or upon the said lands, and to divert. step up or dam any such stream or water-course and collect or
impound any such water and to make, construct and maintain any water course, culvert'; drains or reservoirs but not
as to deprive any cultivated lands, villages, buildings or watering places for livestock of a reasonable supply of water
Provided that the lessee/lessees shall not interfere with the navigation in any navigable stream nor shall divert
such stream without the previous written permission of the Government.
6. To use land for stacking, heaping or depositing purposes. - Liberty and power to enter upon and use a
sufficient part of the surface of the said land for the purpose of stacking. heaping. storing or depositing thereon any
produce of the mines. quarries or works carried on and any tools, equipment. earth and materials and substances
dug or raised under the liberties and powers mentioned in this part.
7. Beneficiation and carrying away. - Liberty and power to enter upon and use a sufficient part of the said land
to beneficiate, process, dress, convert the said minerals -produced from the said lands and to carry away such
beneficiated, processed, dressed, converted mineral/minerals.
8. To clear brushwood and to fell and utilise trees, etc. - Liberty and power for or in connection with any of
the purposes mentioned in this part and subject to the existing rights of others and save as provided in clause 3 of
Part III of this Schedule. to clear under-growth and brushwood and to fell and utilise any trees or timber standing or
found on the said lands on terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Conservator of Forests or the
Government and subject to the provision of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 081 (Central Act 69 of 1980) and the
Goa. Daman an Diu Preservation of Trees Act. 1984.
Restrictions and conditions as to the exercise of the liberties, powers and privileges in Part II
1. Construction of buildings, etc. upon certain places.- No building or thin(_ , shall be erected, set up or placed and no surface
operations shall be carried on in or upon any public, pleasure ground, burning or burial ground or place held sacred by any
class of persons or any house or village site, public road or other place which the Government may determine as public ground
nor injure or prejudicially effect any buildings, works. property or rights of other persons and no land shall he used for surface
operations which is already occupied by persons other than the Government for works or purposes not included in this lease.
The lessee/lessees shall not also interfere with any right of way. well or tank.
2. Permission for surface operations in a land not already in use.- Before using for surface operations any land which has
not already been used for such operations, the lessee/lessees shall give to the Collector of the District, two calendar months
previous notice in writing specifying the name or other description of the situation and the extent of the land proposed to he so
used and the purpose for which the same is required and the said land shall not he so used if objection is issued by the
Collector within two months after the receipt by him of such notice unless the objection so stated shall. on reference to the
Government. be annulled or waived.
3. Cutting of trees in unreserved lands.- The lessee/lessees shall not, without the express sanction of the Conservator of
Forests. cut down or injure any timber of trees on the said lands but may. without such sanction. but subject to the provisions
of the Preservation of Trees Act, 1984, clear away any brushwood or undergrowth which interferes with any operations
authorised by these presents. The Conservator of Forests may require the lessee/lessees to plant and maintain five trees for
every tree cut and also to pay for any tree or timber felled and utilised by him/them at the rates specified by the Conservator of
4. Entry into reserved forests.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Schedule, the' lessee/lessees shall not enter
upon any reserved forest included in the said land without the previous sanction in writing of the Conservator of Forests nor
fell, cut and use any timber or trees without obtaining the sanction, in writing of that officer nor otherwise than in accordance
with such conditions as the Government may prescribe.
5. Prohibition of mining operations.- The lessee/lessees shall not work or carry on or allow to be worked or carried on
any quarrying or mining operations at or to any point within a distance of 50 metres if no blasting is involved and 200 metres if
blasting is involved from the boundary of any railway line except with the previous written permission of the Railway
Administration concerned or from the boundaries of any reservoirs, canal or other public work or buildings or inhabited site
except with the previous sanction of the Government or any officer authorised by the Government in this behalf and otherwise
than in accordance with such instructions, restriction and conditions either general or special which may be attached to such
permission. The said distance of 50 metres or 200 metres, as the case may he, shall be measured in-the case of railway,
reservoir or canal, horizontally from the outer toe of the bank or the outer edge of the cutting. as the case may be. and in case
of a building. horizontally from
the plinth thereof. In the case of National Monuments. no quarrying operations shall he carried out within a distance of 3(X)
metres whether blasting is involved or not.
Explanation:-For the purpose of this clause. the expression (a) "Railway Administration" shall have the same meaning
6.Facilities for adjoining Government licences and leases. - The lessee/lessees shall allow existing and future holders of
Government licences or leases over any land which is comprised in or adjoins or is reached by the land held by the lessee/lessees
reasonable facilities of access thereto:
Provided that no substantial hindrance or interference shall he caused by such holders of licences or leases to the operations of the
lessee/lessees under these presents and fair compensation (as may be mutually agreed upon or in the event of disagreement as may he
decided by the Government) shall be made to the lessee/lessees for loss or damage sustained by the lessee/lessees by reasons of the
exercise of this liberty.
l . To w ork other minerals.- Liberty and power for the Government or any lessees or persons authorised by it in that behalf, to
enter into and upon the said lands and to search for, win, work, dig, get.. raise, dress, process, convert and carry away any minerals
other than the said minerals and any other substances and for these purposes, to sink, drive make, erect, construct, maintain, and use such
pits. shaft, inclines, drifts, levels and other lines, waterways, airways, watercourses, drains, reservoirs, engines, machinery, plant, buildings,
canals, tramways, railways, roadways and other works and conveniences as may be deemed necessary or convenient.
Provided that in exercise of such liberty and power, no substantial hindrance shall be caused to or with the liberties, power and
privileges of- the lessee/lessees under these presents and that the lessee/lessees shall be entitled to such fair compensation as may be
mutually agreed upon or in the event of disagreement, as may be determined by the Competent Officer or any other officer appointed by the
Government in respect of any loss or damage sustained by the lessee/lessees by reason or in consequence of the exercise of such liberty
and power.
2. To make railways and roads.- Liberty and power to the Government or Central Government to construct any road, railway or
canal reservoir or to carry - electric or telephone lines in or over the lands under the lease is reserved:
Provided that before such liberty or power is exercised, a notice of not less than sixty days shall be given to the lessee and the
area utilised by the Government for any of the aforesaid purposes shall be excluded from the area under the lease and the lessee shall
not be entitled to claim any compensation for such exclusion.
3. Determination of lease.- Liberty and power to the Government to determine, at any time. by giving to the lessee, six months
notice in writing. the lease if the area for which the lease has been granted or any part thereof is required by the Government for any public
purpose and a declaration under the signature of the Competent Officer that the area. or as the case may be, the part of the area is so required
shall, as between the lessee and the Government. he conclusive.
1. Payment of dead rent or royalty. - The lessee/lessees shall pay for every year, except the first year of the lease. yearly dead
rent as specified in clause (2) of this Part in respect of each mineral.
Provided that lessee/lessees shall be liable to pay the dead rent or royalty in respect of each mineral whichever is higher in
amount but not both.
2. Rate and mode of payment of dead rent. - Subject to the provisions of clause (I) of this Part. as from the day of ... 19 and
during the subsistence of this lease, the lessee/lessees shall pay to the Government annual dead rent at the following rates per hectare. of
lands described in Part I of this Schedule (here insert the amount payable under rule 22(ii) of. the said rules).
3. Rate and mode of payment of royalty.- Subject to the provisions of clause (I ) of this Part, the lessee/lessees shall, during the
subsistence of this lease, pay to the Government at such times and in such manner as the Government may prescribe, royalty in respect
of any minor mineral removed by him/them from the ]eased area at the rate for the time being specified in Schedule I.
4. Pay ment of surface rent.- The lessee shall pay to the Government for all parts of the surface area leased to them for the
purpose of quarrying surface rent at the rate prescribed by the Government.
1. Rent and royalties to be free from deductions etc.- The rents and royalties mentioned in Part V of this Schedule shall be paid free
from any deductions to the Government at District Sub-Treasury at ... and in such manner as the Competent Officer may prescribe.
2. Mode of computation of royalty.- For the purpose of computing the said royalties. the lessee/lessees shall keep a correct account
of the mineral/minerals actually produced from the quarries, mines/lands and despatched from the quarry in the Form prescribed by
the Government and the number of persons employed therein and also complete plans of quarry and shall furnish to the Competent Officer.
such information, report and returns, as he may require from time to time. together with representative samples of minerals and processed
materials from the same obtained during the operations. The accounts as well as the quantity (in volume or weight as the case may he) of the
mineral/minerals in stock or in process of despatch from the quarry may be checked by any officer authorised by the Government and/or by the
Competent Officer/Inspecting Officer.
3. Recovery of rent, royalty, etc. as arrears of land revenue.- Any rent, royalty, tax, fees, penalty or other sum due to the
Government under the lease shall he recovered as an arrears of land revenue on the basis of the certificate issued by the Competent Officer.
1. Lessees to pay rents, royalties, taxes, etc.- The lessee/lessees shall pay the rents and royalties. reserved by this lease at such times and
in the manner provided in Part V and VI of these presents and shall also pay and discharge all taxes, cesses, rates, assessments and impositions
whatsoever being in the nature of public demands which shall from time to time be charged, assessed or imposed by the authority of the
Government up to or in respect of the premises and works of the lessee/lessees in common with other premises and works of a like nature except
demands for land revenues.
2. Maintenance and keeping boundary marks in good order.- The lessee/lessees shall at his/their own expense erect and at all times
maintain and keep in repair boundary marks and pillars according to the demarcation shown in the plan annexed to this lease. Such marks and
pillars shall be sufficiently clear of the shrubs and other obstructions as to allow easy identification.
3. Commencement of operation within ninety days and working in a workman-like manner.- Unless the Competent Officer for good
cause permits otherwise, the lessee/lessees shall commence operations within ninety days from the date of execution of the lease and shall
thereafter at all times during the continuance to this lease search for, win. work and develop the said minerals without voluntary intermission in
a proper skilful and workman-like manner without doing or permitting to he done any unnecessary or avoidable damage to the surface of the
said lands or the crops. buildings. structures or other property thereon. The lessee shall prevent waste by removal of overburden. careful
storage of waste, drainage and removal of all valuable minor minerals.
Explanation:- For the purpose of this clause, quarrying operations shall include the erection of machinery. laying a tramway or
construction of a road in connection with the quarry.
4. Indemnification of Government against all claims.- The lessee/lessees shall make and pay such reasonable compensation as may
he assessed by lawful authority in accordance with the law in force on the subject for all damage, injury or disturbance which may he done by
him in exercise of the powers granted by this lease and shall indemnify and keep indemnified fully and Completely. the Government against all
claims which may be made by any person or persons in respect of any such damage, injury or disturbance and all costs and expenses in
connection therewith.
5. Securing and keeping in good condition pits, shafts, etc.- The lessee/lessees shall during the subsistence of this lease sufficiently
secure and keep open with timber or other durable means all pits. shafts and workings that may be made or used in the said land and make
and maintain sufficient fences to the satisfaction of the Government. around every such pit. shaft or working whether the same is abandoned
or not and shall, during the same period. keep all workings in said lands. except such as may be abandoned, accessible free from water and
foul air as far as possible. The lessee/lessees shall also take adequate steps to ensure
a) heights and widths of trenches` in open quarries are properly maintained to facilitate easy removal of the mineral and the muck;
b) the working faces are always kept clean;
c) the minerals and/or beneficiated, processed, dressed products there from won are stacked in suitable dimensions and each such
stack is numbered or smirked in a manner prescribed by the Competent Officer:
7. Prog ress report.- (I) The lessee/lessees shall submit, from time to time. or when required. progress reports to the Competent
Officer, alongwith analysis and representative samples of the mineral collected during the quarrying Operations as also the periodical returns
prescribed in the said rules or in the manner prescribed by him from time to time.
8. Inspection of premises etc.- The lessee/lessees shall allow the Competent Officer or the Inspecting Officer or any officer
authorised by the Central Government or the Competent Officer or the Inspecting Officer in that behalf to enter upon the premises
including any building, excavation or land comprised in the lease for the purpose of inspecting, surveying and making plan thereof,
sampling and collecting any data and lessee/lessees shall with proper person employed by' the lessee/lessees and acquainted with
the mine/quarry and works effectively, assist such officers, agents servants and workmen in conducting every such inspection and
shall afford then all facilities, information connected with the working of the quarry which they may reasonably require. Such
officer may issue such reasonable directions as he may deem fit to prevent wasteful extraction of minerals and it shall he the duty
of the lessee/lessees; his/their agent/manager to carry out such directions within such period as the officer may specify, If the
lessee/ lessees, his/their agent or manager fails to carry out such direction within the specified period the Competent Officer
may determine the lease.
9). Reporting of accidents:- The lessee/lessees shall report all accidents to the Competent Officer, the District Magistrate and the
District Superintendent of Police concerned, in case of any accident causing death or serious bodily injury or serious injury to the property
or seriously affecting or endangering life or property which may occur in the course of the operations under this lease and the lessee/lessees
shall send a complete report without any delay of such an accident to the said officers.
10. Reporting discovery of other minerals:- Whenever the lessee/lessees shall find in the said lands any mineral other than the
leased mineral/minerals. the lessee/lessees shall immediately report such discovery in writing to the Competent Officer with full particulars
of the nature and position of each such find.
11. Records and accounts regarding production and employees, etc.- The lessee/lessees shall at all times during the said term keep
or cause to be kept at an office to be situated upon or near the said lands, correct and intelligible books of accounts which shall
contain accurate entries showing from time to time,
I) Quantity and quality of the said mineral/minerals raised from the said lands;
2) Quantity of the various qualities of the said mineral/minerals beneficiated, processed or converted:
3) Quantities of the various qualities of the said mineral/minerals sold and disposed of separately and the manner and purpose
of such sale and disposal:
4) The prices and all other particulars of all sales of the said mineral/minerals;
5) The number of persons employed in the mines or works or upon the said lands specifying the nationality, qualifications and
pay of such persons:
6) Such other facts, particulars and circumstances as the Competent Officer or the Inspecting Officer may from time to time
require and shall also furnish free of charge to such officers. and at such times as they may prescribe, true and correct
abstracts of all or any such books of accounts and shall at all reasonable times allow such officers or any other officer its
the Government shall in that behalf appoint, to enter into and have free access to. for the-purpose of examination and
inspecting the said books of accounts and make copies thereof and make extracts therefrom.
12. Maintenance of plans, etc.- The lessee/lessees shall at all times during the said terms, maintain at the mine/quarry office correct
intelligible, up-to-date and complete plans and sections of the mines /quarries in the said lands. They shall show all the operation and
working and all the, trenches, pits and drilling made by him them under lease, faults and other disturbances encountered and
geological date (and all such plans and sections shall be amended and filled up) from actual surveys to be made for that purpose at the end
of twelve months or any period specified from time to time and the lessee/lessees shall furnish, free of charge to the Government and
to the Competent Officer, true and correct copies of such plans and sections whenever these we required. Accurate records of all
trenches, pits and drilling shall show:
c) Any other matter of interest and all data required by the Government, the Competent Officer and/or the Inspecting Officer, from
time to time.
The lessee/lessees shall also allow any officer authorised by the Central or the Government or the Competent Officer or the Inspecting
Officer to inspect the same at all reasonable times. `
13 . T o a bi de by t he pr o vis i o ns o f t he l aw s i n f o rc e i n r e s pe c t of l a b o u r w e l f a r e a n d s a f e t y m e a s u r e s . - The
lessee/lessees shall be hound by the provisions of any laws for the time being in force relating to the working of the quarries (mines and
minerals) and matter affecting safety, health and convenience of the lessee's/lessees employees or of the public.
14. To respect all existing rights of way.-The lessee/lessees shall respect all existing right of way. water and other easements and
shall not carry on mining/quarrying or other operations under the said lease in any way other than as prescribed under these rules.
15. Not to obstruct working of other minerals.- The lessee/lessees will exercise the liberties and powers hereby granted in such a
manner as to offer no unnecessary or reasonably avoidable obstructions or interruptions to the development and working within the said lands
of any minerals not included in this lease and shall at all times afford to the Central Government and the Government and the holders of
quarry lease. quarrying permits and prospecting licences or mining leases and in respect of any such minerals or any mineral within
any land adjacent to the said lands as the case may be, reasonable means of access and safe and convenient passage upon and across the said
lands to such minerals for the purpose of getting working developing and carrying away the same provided that the lessee/lessees shall receive
reasonable compensation for any damage or injury which he may sustain by reason or in consequence of the use of such passage by
such lessees or holder of 'quarrying licences.
16. Transfer of quarrying lease. _ (1) The lessee shall not without the consent in vv riling of the Competent Officer: -
a) assign, sublet or mortgage or in any other manner transfer the quarrying lease, or any right. title or interest thereon. or.
b) enter into or make any arrangement, contract for understanding whereby the lessee/lessees will or may he directly or .indirectly
financed to a substantial extent by or under which the lessee's/lessees operations or undertakings will or ma y be s u b st an t ia lly
co n tro lled by any person or body of persons other than the
(2) 'The Competent Officer may, by order in writing, determine the lease at any time. if the lessee/lessees has/have.. in
the opinion of the Competent Officer, committed a breach of any of the provisions contained in this clause. or has/have
transferred the lease of any right, title or interest therein otherwise than in accordance with clause 17:
Provided that no such order shall be made without giving the lessee/lessees a reasonable opportunity of stating his/their case.
17. Deposit of any additional amount other than security deposit. - Whenever the security deposit as provided in rule 12 o f t h e s a i d
r u l e s o r a n y p a r t t h e r e o f o r a n y fu r t h e r s u m h e r e a f t e r d e p o s i t e d w i t h t h e G o v e r n m e n t i n replantment thereof shall be
forfeited or applied by the Competent Officer pursuant to the power hereinafter declared in that behalf. the lessee/lessees shall deposit with
the Government such further sums as may be sufficient with the unappropriate part thereof to bring the amount in deposit with the
Government to be equal to the said full security deposit amount.
18. Delivery of leased area in good order to Government after determination of lease. - The lessee/lessees shall at the expiration
or earlier determination of the said term or any renewal thereof, deliver unto the Government all mines, quarries, pits, shafts, inclines, drifts,
levels, waterways and other works now existing or hereafter to he sunk or made on or 'under the said lands except such as have been abandoned
with the sanction of the Competent Officer and in an ordinary and fair course of working , all engines, machinery, plant, buildings, structures,
other works and conveniences which at the commencement of the tern. were upon or under the said lands and all such machinery set up by the
lessee/lessees below ground level which cannot he removed without causing injury to the mines, quarries or works under the said lands, and all
buildings and structures of bricks or stones erected by the lessee/lessees above ground level in good repaired order and condition and fit in all
respects for further working of the said mines and the said minerals.
19. (a) Right of pre-emption. -The Government shall from time to time and at all times during the said term have the right
(to he exercised by notice in writing to the lessee/lessees) of 'pre-emption of the said minerals (and all products thereof) lying in or upon
The s a id l a n d s h ereb y d e m i s e d or e l s e wh er e u nd er the control of the lessee/lessees and the lessee/lessees shall with all possible
expenditure deliver all minerals or products of minerals purchased by the Government under the power conferred by this provision in the
quantities at the times in the manner and at the place specified in the notice exercising the said right.
(b) The price to-be paid for all minerals or products of minerals taken in pre-emption by the Government in exercise of the right hereby
conferred shall be the fair market price prevailing at the time of pre-emption:
Provided that in order to assist in arriving at the said fair market price, the lessee/lessees shall. if so required. furnish to the
Government for the confidential information of the Government, particulars of the quantities, description and prices of the said
minerals or products thereof sold to the other customers and of charters entered into for freight for carriage of the same and shall
produce to such officer or officers as may be directed by the Government, original or authenticated copies of contracts and charter
parties entered into for the sale or freightage of such minerals or products.
(c) In the event of the existence of State of war or emergency (of which existence the President of India shall be the sole judge and a
notification to this effect in the Gazette of India shall he the conclusive proof), the Government, with the consent of the Central Government
shall, from time to time and at all times during the said term have the right (to be exercised by a notice in writing to the
lessee/lessees), forthwith take possession and control of the works, plants, machinery and premises of the lessee/ lessees on or in connection
with the :said lands or operations under this lease and during such possession or control, the lessee/ lessees shall conform and obey all
directions given by or on behalf of the Central Government or the Government regarding the use of employment of such work, plant,premises
and minerals:
Provided that compensation. which shall he determined by the Government in cases the parties do not reach an agreement therefore.
shall be paid to the lessee/lessees for all loss or damage sustained by him/them by 'reason or in consequence of the exercise of the
powers conferred by this clause and provided also that the exercise of such power shall not determine the said term hereby granted or
affect the terms and conditions and provisions of these presents other than that may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of this
20. Right over produce other than minerals, ores.- (a) The lessee/lessees shall not remove any other produce except the minor
minerals mentioned in the lease. The lessee/lessees shall, without undue delay. report to the Competent Officer. the discovery - in the areas
comprised in his/their lease of any mineral/s not specified in the lease.
(b) If any mineral/s not specified in the lease is/are discovered in the leased area, he/they shall not win and dispose of such mineral/s
without obtaining a lease/leases thereof. If he fails/they fail to apply for such lease/leases within three months from the discovery of the said
mineral/minerals, the Competent Officer may grant a lease/leases in respect of such mineral/minerals to any other person/persons.
(c) Without prior permission of the Competent Officer, the lessee/lessee shall not use the minor minerals quarried under these rules for
a purpose which will classify them as major minerals.
21. Government to be immuned from lessee/lessees claim for damage. - The Government shall he immune from the lessee/
lessees" claims for damage on account of any land having been included in his/their lease which, may subsequently be discovered not to
have been available for the -lease.
22. The lessee/lessees or his/their transferees 'or assignees shall not erect any building in contravention of the provisions of any law for
the time being in force relating to the erection of buildings or in contravention of any order issued by any officer or authority competent to
issue such orders under any such law within whole jurisdiction the leased area is situated.
23. Lessee to abide by instructions. - The lessee/lessees shall abide by such reasonable instructions and directions as may he issued
by the Competent Officer from time to time regarding conservation, regulation and development of minor minerals.
24. Lessee to undertake remedial measures. - The lessee/lessees shall at his/their own expenses, undertake all remedial measures to
prevent damage to the agricultural or forest land due to the flow of rejects or wastes of slimes resulting from his/ their quarrying
operations within a reasonable time or such time as the case may be or as may he directed by the Competent Officer.
25. Lessee to rehabilitate the left over lands..-- The lessee/lessees shall undertake to rehabilitate the land left over after the
quarrying operations are over through soil conservation measure to the satisfaction of the Government and within such reasonable
time as the Government by an order in writing may specify.
2 6 . Government to rehabilitate left over land at lessee's expense. - In the event of the failure on the part of the lessee to
undertake the aforesaid measures within the stipulated period, the Government, without prejudice to any other action that it may take
against the lessee, may take the required steps to rehabilitate the said land and recover the expenses incurred for such work from the
lessee/lessees as arrears of land revenue.
27. Lessee to plant trees. - The lessee/lessees shall undertake necessary measures to plant and maintain suitable species of trees as
may be directed by the Conservator of Forests: Government of Goa, Daman & Diu.
28. Lessee not to dump rejects near river. - The lessee/lessee shall not dump or allow to be dumped, any' rejects at any point
within a distance of 100 metres from the bank of any river or nullah and 50 metres from lease boundary except with the previous
permission of the Government.
29. Lessee to desilt drains. - The lessee/lessees shall undertake the work of desilting of drain, and streams outside the - leased area
periodically to prevent them from being choked and shall provide check dams to facilitate the settling of suspended solids.
30. Lessee to comply with directions of Government. - The lessee/lessees shall comply with the directions issued from time to time by
the Government or by the Competent Officer or any other officer authorised by the Competent Officer.
31. Suspension of quarrying operations. - If the Competent Officer is of the opinion that the quarrying operations are done in a manner
which causes danger to public health or safety of the people or have an adverse effect on environment or ecology or interferes with the
objectives of flood-control or prevention of pollution or safety to public structures including communication facilities. roads and building, or
cause public nuisance. he may by an order in writing. and after obtaining the approval of the Government, order the suspension of quarrying
Provided that no such order shall he made without giving a reasonable opportunity to the lessee/lessees.
Covenants of Government
1. Lessee may hold and enjoy rights quietly. - The lessee/lessees paying the rents and royalties hereby reserved and observing and
performing all the covenants and agreements herein contained and on the part of the lessee/lessees to he observed and performed, may quietly
hold and enjoy the rights and premises hereby demised for and during the term hereby granted without any unlawful interruption from or by
the Government, or any person rightfully claiming under it.
2. Acquisition of lands of third parties and compensation thereof. - If, in accordance with the provisions of clause 4 of part VII of
this Schedule, the lessee/lessees offers/offer to pay to an occupier of the surface or any part of the said lands, compensation for any damage or
injury which may arise from the proposed operation of the lessee/lessees and the said occupier shall refuse his consent to the exercise of
rights and powers reserved to the Government, and demised to the lessee/lessees by these presents and the lessee/lessees shall report the
matter to the Government and shall deposit with it the amount offered as compensation and if the Government are satisfied that the amount of
compensation offered is fair and reasonable or if it is not so satisfied and the lessee/lessees shall have deposited with it such further amount as
the Government shall consider fair and reasonable. the Government shall order the occupier to allow the lessee/lessees lo enter the land and
to carry out such operations as may be necessary for the purpose of this lease. In assessing the amount of such compensation. the
Government shall he guided by the principles of Land Acquisition Act, 1891.
3. Renewal of lease. - If the lessee/lessees he desirous of renewing the lease of the premises hereby demised or any part or parts of
them for a further term from the expiration of the tern hereby granted and is otherwise eligible, he/they shall, prior to the expiration of the last
mentioned term, give to the Competent Officer three calendar month' previous notice in writing and shall pay the rents, rates and royalties
hereby reserved and shall observe and perform the several covenants and agreements herein contained and on the part the
lessee/lessees to be observed and performed up to the expiration of the term hereby granted. The Competent Officer, on receipt of the
application for renewal, shall consider it in accordance with the said rules and shall pass orders as he deems fit. If the renewal is granted, the
Competent Officer shall at the expense of the lessee/lessees and upon his executing and delivering to the Competent Officer a renewed lease
of the said premises or part thereof for the further term of ------years at such rents, rates and royalties and on such terms and subject to
such rents and royalties and on such terms and subject to such covenants and agreements including this present covenant to renew as-
shall be in accordance with the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985, as applicable to ... (name of mineral) renew the
lease on the day next following the expiration of the term hereby granted.
4. The lessee/lessees shall be at liberty to surrender this lease by giving a notice of not less than six months in writing to the
Competent Officer and no fresh liability shall accrue to the lessee/lessees - from the date of such surrender provided that all the
Government dues, rents, royalties and taxes arising up to the date of surrender and nothing in that behalf is outstanding against the
lessee/lessees shall be cleared off.
5. Refund of Security Deposit. - On such date as the Competent Officer may fix. within six calendar months after the determination
of this lease or of any renewal thereof. the amount of the security deposit paid in respect of this lease and then remaining in deposit with the
Government and not required to be applied to any of the purposes mentioned in this lease, shall he refunded to the lessee/lessees. No
interest shall accrue to the lessee/lessees on the security deposit.
General Provisions
1. Obstruction to inspection. In case the lessee/lessees or his/their transferees or assignees does/do not allow or obstruct entry or
inspection by the officers authorised by the Government, the Competent Officer may cancel the lease and forfeit the whole or part of
the deposit made under rule 12 of the said rules.
2. In case the lessee/lessees or his/their transferees or assignees commits/commit any breach of any of the conditions and covenants
other than those referred to in covenant (i) above, the Competent Officer shall give notice to the
lessee/lessees requiring him/them to remedy the breach within a period of sixty days from the date of receipt of the notice and if the said
breach is not remedied within such period, the Competent Officer may without prejudice to any proceeding that may he taken against the
lessee/lessees, determine the lease and forfeit the whole or part of the security deposit.
3. Penalty in case of breach. - Inn case of breaches of the covenants and agreements by the lessee/lessees on which the aforesaid
notice has been given, the Competent Officer. in lieu of giving notice, may impose such penalty not exceeding Rupees
five hundred as he may deem fit. `
4. Cancellation of lease. - If the lessee/lessees ceases/cease to work the quarry for a continuous period of 6 months, the Peas- shall he
liable to cancellation.
Provided that the lease shall not be cancelled if the lessee/lessees is/are prevented from working the quarry owing to some
reasonable cause or if the lessee/lessees ceases/cease to work with the prior permission of the Competent Officer.
5. Interpretation of the lease. - It there is any dispute regarding their lease or any other matter or thing, construction of a term or
condition in the lease or anything connected with the quarries or minor. minerals specified in this lease or the working .or non-working of the
quarry operated under this lease, the amount of payment of royalty or dead rent or its mode of payment to the Competent Officer, it shall he
referred to the Government whose decision shall he final and binding on the lessee/lessees.
6. Failure to fulfill the terms of lease due to "force-majeure". - Failure on the part of the lessee/lessees to fulfill any of the terms and
conditions of these presents shall not he deemed to he a breach of this lease in so far as such failure is considered by the Government to arise
from "force majeure". and if throw *h "force majeure" the fulfillment by the lessee/lessees of any of the terms and conditions of this lease be
delayed. the period of such delay shall he added to the period fixed by this lease. In this clause, the expression "force majeure" means act of
God. war. insurrection. riot. civil commotion. strike. earthquake, tide. storm, tidal wave. flood lightning. explosion, fire, and any other
happening which the lessee/lessees could not reasonably prevent or control,
7. Lessee to move his properties on the expiry of his lease. - The lessee/lessees having first paid and discharged the rents and
royalties payable by virtue of these presents may at the expiration or sooner determination of the said term or within six calendar months
thereafter unless the lease shall be determined under clauses I and 2 of this Part and in that case at any time not less than three
calendar months after such determination), take down and remove for his own benefit all or any engines, machinery, plant, buildings,
structures, railways, and other works. erection and conveniences which may have been erected, set up or placed by the lessee/lessees in or
upon the said lands any? which the lessee/lessees is/are not hound to deliver to the Government under clause 18 of Part VII of this Schedule and
which the Government shall not desire to purchase.
8. Forfeiture of property left more than six months after determination of lease. - If at the end of six calendar months after
the expiration or sooner determination of the said terms or after the date from which any surrender by the lessee/lessees of part or parts of the
said lands under the provisions contained in clause 4 of part VIII of this Schedule becomes effective. there shall remain in or upon the said
land or the surrendered part or parts thereof as the case may he. any engine, machinery. plant, building. structures. tramways. railways and
other work erections and conveniences or other property which are not required by the lessee/lessees in connection with his/their operations in
these parts of the said land which he/they has/have not surrendered or in any-other lands held by him/them tinder prospecting licence or
mining lease the same shall, if not removed by the lessee/ lessees within one calendar month after notice in writing requiring their removal
has been given to the lessee/lessees by the Government he deemed to become the property of the Government and may he wild or disposed of
in such manner as the Government shall deem fit without. liability to pay compensation or to account to the lessee/lessees in respect
9. Services of notices. - Every notice by these presents required to he given to the lessee/lessees shall he given in writing to such
persons as may be appointed by the lessee/lessees for the purpose of receiving such notices and if there is no such appointment
then every such notice shall he sent to the lessee/lessees by registered post addressed to the lessee/lessees at the address recorded in
this lease or at such other address in India as the lessee/lessees may from time to time in writing to the Competent Officer
designate for the receipt of notices and every such service shall he deemed to he proper and validly served upon the lessee/lessees and
shall not he questioned or challenged by him.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF those presents have been executed in the manner hereunder appearing the day and year first above written.
Signed by Shri
(Designation) ...
for Government of Goa. Daman and Diu and on behalf of the President of India
Signed by
1. Serial No.
2. Name of the lessee/lessees.
3. Residence with complete address of lessee/lessees.
4. Date of application.
5. Date on which application was received by the Receiving Officer.
6. (a) Number and date of grant of lease.(b) Date of' execution of mining lease.
7. Number and date of certificate of approval held by the lessee/lessees at the time of
8. Situation and boundaries of the land.
9. Total area for which lease has been granted.
10. Mineral or Minerals for which lease originally granted.
11 Mineral or Minerals added to the Mining lease with date.
12. Period for which granted.
13. Date and period of renewal.
14. Date of change together with details of change that may take place in name, nationality or other particulars
of the holder of mining lease.
15. Date of assignment of transfer of the lease. if any and the name and address -of the
16. Date of expiry or relinquishment or cancellation.
17. Date from which the area is available for regrant.
18. Remarks.
19. Signature of Officer.
[See Rule 19(2)]
Application for Renewal of quarrying lease
I/We submit an application for the renewal of the Quarrying lease under the Goa. Daman and Diu Minor Mineral
Concession Rules. 1985.
I/We hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct and I/We am/are ready to furnish any other details, Plan, etc. as may
he required.
Yours faithfully,
N. B.: If the application is signed by an authorised agent of the applicant, the Power of Attorney should be attached.
[See Rule l9(3)]
Receipt for application for renewal of quarrying lease in respect of minor minerals
S. No ....................................................................................................................................................... Date:.........
Received an application with the enclosures listed below for renewal of a quarrying lease from Shri/Sarvashri ... at ... a. m./ p.m. on ...
19 ... for .. (name of mineral) in ... hectares of land situated in ... Village ... Taluka.
Enclosure :1….
To. Date
I. I/We submit an application for a quarrying permit for .... (Mineral) from the area described below:
2. A sum of Rs ........ towards application fees for the permit has been paid in the Government Treasury at .... and the receipted challan
is enclosed.
(v) Details of the area from which the minerals are to be removed
(1.) A copy of cadastral survey plan showing the location of the area proposed for quarrying permit.
(2) Record of Rights in Form I and XIV or Index of Lands in Form III, as the case may be.
(3) An affidavit that the applicant has obtained the consent- of the occupant for the purpose of quarrying.
I/We declare that the above particulars are correct and request that a quarrying permit may kindly be granted.]
. 9[ FORM “I”
(See Rule 74)
(Register/Returns for Stone Crusher/Lime kiln/Brick-kiln)
Sr. Date Name and Transit Quantity Min Stock Transit pass Name & Quantit Stock of Remark
No. address of the pass (M3) eral of raw No./invoice address of y(M3) finished s
Lease Holder No./Permit materi No. for the buyer product(
who has No. & al(M3) despatch/sale M3)
supplied the Date of finished size
Mineral product wise
(See Rule 75)
(Register/Returns for polishing/storage of ornamental/Decorative natural stones)
Sr Date Name Name of Quanti Authori Name & Quantity Date Inv Stock Remarks
N and the State ty(Sq. sation Address of (sq.mts.) of oice stone
o addres from mts.) No.(Per the buyer stone wise sale No. wise
s of where the stone mit (sq.mts.)
the material wise No./Pas
suppli received s No.)
(Rates of Royalty)
(see rule 22)
Mineral Rates
iii) When used as building stone ballast, metal Rs. 5/- per cubic metre
grit, etc.
III) Boulder, shingle, gravel, kankar all used for Rs. 5/- per cubic metre.
constructional purpose either by excavation or
IV a) Ordinary sand used for construction purpose,
either by extraction or collection. Rs. 6.25 per cubic metre.
b) Pebbles and modules of chalcedony, quartzite Rs. 10/- per cubic metre.
stone or flint.
V Ordinary clay when used for manufacture of tiles. Rs. 3/- per cubic metre.
VI. Murrum, Matti and other coloured mattis Rs. 3/- per cubic metre
(not amounting to ochres)
................................... ....................................................................................................................................
Crusher Owner Name of Issuing Officer"]
Crusher Owner
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development)
Act, 1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957), and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Lieutenant Governor
of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby makes the following rules so as to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral
Concession Rules, 1985, namely:
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor
Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules, 1986.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Insertion of Schedule II- After Schedule I to the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession
Rules. 1985, the following Schedule shall be inserted namely:
All minor minerals ... ... ... ... ... Rs. 250-00
By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa.,Daman and Diu.
Subhash V Elekar Under Secretary (Industries and Labour). Panaji, 4th November, 1986.
Department of Mines
2. [Notification
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957
(Central Act 67 of 1957), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Goa hereby makes the following
rules so as to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules,1985, na mel y: -
1. Short title and commencement,-- (1) These rules may be called the Goa Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment)
Rules, 1991.
2. Insertion of Schedules.- After Schedule II of the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules,
1985, the following Schedules shall be inserted namely:-
Transit Pass
No………………….No……………………Date……………………..Time of Issue………………….
Date………………. From……………………to…………………………..Route……………………
Vehicle No………. Vehicle/Vessel No…………………………..Name of Driver…………………………..
Pass No…….dated……………
By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa Daman and Diu.
Subhash V. Elekar , Joint Secretary (Mines ).
3. [Notification
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act.
(957 (Central Act 67 of 1957), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf., the Government of Goa hereby makes the
following rules so as to amend the Goa. Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules. 1985. namely:
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Goa Minor Mineral Concession
(Amendment) Rules, 1992.
2. Amendment of rule 2. - In rule 2 of the Goa. Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985. for
clause (e). the following clause shall be substituted. namely:
"(e) 'Inspecting Officer' means the Senior Technical Assistant or the Assistant Geologist or the Technical
Assistant in the Directorate of Industries and Mines".
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development)
Act. 1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957). and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Government of Goa hereby makes
the following rules so as to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules. 1985. namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Goa Minor Mineral Concession
(Amendment) Rules. 1993.
2. Amendment of rule 5.- In clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of rule 5 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor
Mineral Concession Rules. 1985 (hereinafter referred to as the `principal Rules'), after the words "Rupees one
hundred". the words "and fifty" shall be inserted.
3. Amendment of rule 19.-After sub-rule (4) of rule 19 of the principal Rules. the following shall be
inserted. namely:
"(5) The date of commencement of the period for which a quarrying lease is granted shall be the date
of execution of the lease deed under sub-rule (2) of rule 7.".
(i) in sub-rule (1). for the words "one thousand", the words "five thousand" shall be substituted;
(iii) in sub-rule (8), for the words "one thousand rupees". the words "five thousand rupees" shall be
5. Amendment of rule 63.- In sub-rule (1) of rule 63 of the principal Rules, for the words "rupees one
thousand", the words "rupees five thousand" shall be substituted.
6. Insertion of new Chapter.- After Chapter XI of the principal Rules the following Chapter shall be inserted,
(b) Certified copies of the relevant extracts of record of rights, revenue register or property register or any
other legal document as the case may be pertaining to the persons or the Government:
(c) A copy of the cadastral survey plan or the survey number delineating the area required for
(d) A No Objection Certificate from such authority as may he required by the Competent Officer.
69. Grant of quarrying permit.- On receipt of an application under rule 68. the Competent Officer may,
after making such enquiries as he deems fit, grant a quarrying permit to the applicant for the whole or part of the area
applied for or refuse to grant it.
70. Conditions of quarrying permit.- A quarrying permit shall be granted subject to such conditions as may
be imposed by the Competent Officer.
71. Restrictions on quarrying permits. - (I) The period of quarrying permit shalI not exceed one year from the
date of grant and the same maybe renewed for one or more period each period not exceeding the duration of the
original permit.
(2) The total area under quarrying permit shall not exceed 1000 sq. mts.
(3) The total quantity under the quarrying permit shall not exceed 1000 cubic metres.
72. Monthly returns and statement.-Every person holding a quarrying permit shall furnish monthly returns to
the Competent Officer before the 10th of every following month, giving the monthly production, despatch, stock, pit
head value and the number of employees.".
7. Insertion of new Form.- In the principal Rules, after Form G, the following Form shall be inserted. namely:
I. I/We submit an application for a quarrying permit for... (mineral) from the area described below.
2. A sum of Rs.... towards application fees for the permit has been paid in the Government treasury at ... and
the receipted challan is enclosed.
( 1) A copy of cadastral survey plan showing the location of the area proposed for quarrying permit.
(2) Record of Right in Form I & XIV or Index of Lands in Form III. as the case may be.
(3) An affidavit that the applicant has obtained the consent of the occupant for the purpose of
I/We declare that the above particulars are correct and request that a quarrying permit may kindly be
By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.
1n exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act. 1957
(Central Act 67 of 1957). and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Government of Goa hereby makes the following
rules so as to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules. 1985, namely:
1Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Goa Minor Minerals
2. Amendment of Schedule I. - For Schedule I appended to the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral
Concession Rules, 1985, the following shall be substituted, namely : -
Rates of Royalty
Mineral Rate
I. a) Lime stones and its varieties When used for lime burning either Rs. 2.00 per cubic metre of
stone utilised
b) Kankar when used for lime burning. Rs. 2.00 per cubic metre of stone utilised
II Building stones
c)Basalt. masonry stones other than laterite Rs. 8/- per cubic metre.
chiras and rubbles. metal grit. basalt blocks
III. Boulder shingle, gravel, kankar, all used for Rs. 1.50 per cubic metre.
constructional purpose either by excavation
or collection
IV a)Ordinary sand used for construction purpose Rs.5.00 per cubic metre.
either by extraction or collection.
c) Ordinary sand when used as core moulding Rs. 5.00 per cubic metre.
or bend sand.
V Ordinary clay when used for manufacture of tiles Rs. 2.00 per cubic metre.
VI Matti and other coloured matti (not amounting to Rs. 2.0) per cubic metre.
VII. Slate and shales when used for building purpose. Rs. 2.00 per cubic metre.
6. [Notification
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act.
1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957). and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Government of Goa hereby makes the
following rules so as to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985,namely:
1, Short title and commencement.-(1) These rules maybe called the Goa Minor Mineral Concession
(Amendment) Rules. 1994.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development)
Act. 1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Goa hereby
makes the following rules so as to amend the Goa. Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985, namely:
I. Short title and commencement.- (I) These rules may he called the Goa Minor Mineral Concession
(Amendment) Rules, 1994.
(2) They shall come into force' at once.
2. Amendment of rule 2.- In rule 2 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1985. for
clause (e), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:
"(e) `Inspecting Officer' means the Senior Technical Assistant or the Assistant Geologist or the Technical
Assistant in the Directorate of Industries and Mines or any other Officer authorised by the Government to exercise
ail or such of the powers of the Inspecting Officer as the Government may specify".
By order and in the name . of the
Governor of. Goa. B. N. Bhat, Under Secretary
(Mines). Panaji. 24th January 1995.
8. [Notification
8. [Notification
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development)
Act. 1957 (Central Act 67 of .1957) and all other powers enabling-it this behalf. the Government of Goa hereby makes
the following rules, namely:
1. Short title and commencement.- (I) These rules may be called the Goa Minor Mineral Concession
(Amendment) Rules, 1996.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Amendment of Rule 11.- In rule 1 I of the Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules. 1985 and
herein after referred to as the "principal Rules"), sub-rules (1). (2) and (3) shall be omitted.
(i) in sub-rule (1'), for the words "exceed two years in case of sand and ten years in case of other minor
minerals", the words "exceed ten years" shall be substituted;
(ii) after sub-rule (2). the following proviso shall be inserted. namely:
"Provided that the Competent Officer may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, condone the delay, if any.
in an application for renewal of quarrying lease";
4. Amendment of Rule 22.- After sub-rule (4) of rule 22 of the principal Rules, the following proviso shall be added,
"Provided that the Competent Officer may, in lieu, of giving a notice to lessee requiring him to remedy .the breach
impose upon the lessee after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard, a penalty not exceeding Rs. 5000/-
for every such breach of condition.
6. Amendment of Rule 40.- In rule 40 of the principal Rules, the words "consisting of 100 passes each" and
"on every 500 cubic metres" shall be omitted.
7. Amendment of Rule 59.- In sub-rule (2) of rule 59 of principal Rules, for the f i gur e " l 0% " , the figure
"24%". shall be substituted.
8. Amendment of Rule 63.- In rule 63 of the principal Rules,
(i) for sub-rule (1), the following shall be substituted, namely:
"The Competent Officer or the Inspecting Officer may either before or
after the institution of the prosecution, compound any offence
committed under these rules on payment of such sum to be specified
by him and which shall be credited to the Government".
(ii) After sub-rule (2), the following shall be inserted, namely:
. [ FORM “I”]
(3) Whenever any person raises without any(See lawful
74) any minor mineral from any land. the
Competent Officer or the Officer (Register/Returns
authorised by theforCompetent Officer may
Stone Crusher/Lime recover from such person the minor
minerals so raised or where such minor mineral has already been despatched or consumed, the
Date Officer
Name and or theTransit
Officer authorised
Quantity byMinCompetent
Stock of Officer may recover
Transit Name &the cost o f the Stock
Quantit minorof Remark
No.mineral which
may beof the pass as ten times
computed (M3)the royalty
eral payable
raw at thepassprevailing address
rate. of y(M3) finished s
Lease Holder No./Permit material No./invoic the buyer product(
who has No. & M3) e No. for M3)
9. Amendment Date66.- in clause (a) of sub-rule (l) of rule
supplied theof Rule 66 of the principal rules. after
despatch/s the
words ,.quarrying lease",
Mineral the words "where surface rights are vested in Government"
ale of shall be added. wise
10. Amendment of Schedule 11.- For the Schedule II appended to the principal rules. the following shall
be substituted, namely:-.
Type of minor mineral Rate of dead rent per year for area up to 5 ha.
9. [Notification
In exercise of powers conferred by section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act,
1957(Central Act 67 of 1957) and all other powers enabling it in this behalf the Government of Goa hereby
makes the following rules, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement :- (1) These rules may be called the Goa Minor Mineral Concession
(Amendment) Rules, 2002.
2. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Amendment of rule 5- In rule 5 of the Goa Daman and Diu Minor Mineral Concession Rules,
1985(hereinafter referred as the “Principal Rules”) in sub-rule (2) in clause (a), for the words “one hundred and
fifty”, the words “three hundred” shall be substituted.
3. Amendment of Rule 15- In rule 15 of the Principal Rules, for the letter and figures “Rs.2/-“ the words
“rupees ten” shall be substituted.
4. Amendment of Rule 20- In rule 20 of the Principal Rules, for the letter and figures “Rs.250/-“, the words
“rupees seven hundred and fifty” shall be substituted.
5. Omission of Chapter III- Chapter III of the Principal Rules, shall be omitted.
6. Amendment of Rule 50- In rule 50 of the Principal Rules, for the words “Rupees twenty five” the words
“rupees fifty” shall be substituted.
7. Insertion of new rule:- After rule 60 of the Principal Rules, the following rule shall be inserted,
“60A. Amalgamation of quarrying leases”:-
The Competent Officer may, in the interest of mineral development and for reasons to be recorded in
writing, permit amalgamation of two or adjoining leases held by a lessee:
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 56 of the said Rules, the Government of Goa being of the
opinion that the public interest so requires, hereby authorises the consideration of the application for renewal of the said
leases even if they are submitted within a period to ninety days prior to the expiry of the said lease.
(b) Notification
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 26 of the Mines and-Minerals (Regulation and
Development) Act, 1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957), the Government of Goa hereby directs that the powers exercisable by it under
(d) Notification
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) of rule 2 of the Goa. Daman and Diu Minor Mineral
Concession Rules, 1985 (hereinafter referred to as the "said Rules"), the Government of Goa hereby
authorises the Industries Officers/Extension Officers (Industries) of the Directorate of Industries &
Mines to exercise the powers of the Inspecting Officer under rules 46,48,62(3),(4),(5),(6),(7), and (8), 63
and 64 of the said Rules, with immediate effect: