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2014-02-11 - Gen Meeting Minutes

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Potrero Dogpatch Merchants Association General Membership Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 14, 2014 Businesses in attendance:

Alter Images, The Good Life Grocery, The Potrero View, ProLocal, Recology, Goat Hill Pizza, Potrero Chiropractors & Acupuncture, Rickshaw Bagworks, SF Natural Medicine, Zephyr, Paul Terry & Associates, Potrero Boosters, St. Teresa of Avila, Everest Waterproofing, Tree Ring Productions, Jerry Meyer, Recchiuti Confections, Walden Development, Joe Boss, Mackenzie Warehouse, Skool, Live Oak School, Triple Voodoo Brewery, Metronome, PG&E, Fluid Flooring, and ACTCM.

Guest businesses in attendance:

SFPD, Brickhouse Cafe, and Andrea Bruss from Supervisor Cohens office.

Police Update SFPD

There were a lot of auto burglaries around Skool Restaurant (Showplace Square). The individual was apprehended. He had a history in and out of the system. After his most recent hearing he was followed by plain-clothes officers. Within a half an hour he had broken into 2 cars. The Assistant DA is sticking with the case and is facing 5 years behind bars. The MTA now has proposed restrictions for oversized vehicles. View more details here: https://docsend.com/view/w4fv5d5 Ask a question of any suspicious person you see hanging around your place of business that you do not know. One question makes them know that you are aware of their presence. Tomorrow night the supervisor is attending a fundraiser for?? Feel free to contact Officer Michael Chantal if you witness anything suspicious. Or if you have any safety concerns regarding your business. He is one of the new beat officers for Dogpatch and Potrero Hill. Please email him at Michael.r.chantal@sfgov.org, or call him at 415-696-0501. Officer Chantal reminded us to not leave anything in our vehicles at any time. Please communicate with the police department whenever you need to, have the opportunity to, or see anything suspicious. There are over 155 officers in the district. Three newsletters are sent per week to over 4500 recipients, please contact Sergeant Hart to get on the mailing list; you can reach him at jack.hart@sfgov.org. Sue Lavin is still out on disability. Contact Officer Thornton at 415-720-5250 until she returns. Sue is normally in charge of homeless / garbage / illegal camper issues. When Sue gets back you can reach her at 415-850-9740 and if she does not answer leave a message.

Gross Receipts Ordinance Presentation The Gross Receipts Tax and Business Registration Fees Ordinance (2012 Proposition E) was approved by San Francisco voters on November 6, 2012. It does not apply to the 2013 tax year or prior years. The first taxpayer filings affected will be the installment payments due April 30, 2014 and the Business Registration Fees due May 31, 2014. The changes to the Gross Receipts Tax and Payroll Expense Tax commenced January 1, 2014. View entire presentation here: http://sftreasurer.org/sites/sftreasurer.org/files/Gross-ReceiptsTax-Presentation-Feb-2014.pdf Poquito Mixer Join us at Poquito on February 12th for drinks, complimentary snacks, an extended menu created just for us, and of course, the special feeling we get from being members of the PDMA family.

Many thanks to Everest Waterproofing, Mackenzie Warehouse, and Recology for sponsoring the events. RSVP To: pdma@prolocal-sf.com Government Affairs Update
We ask that all members keep themselves informed by reading the monthly member newsletter that is sent out once a month on the Monday before the general membership meeting. It is a valuable resource for information concerning all out businesses. To get involved with these issues, attend the next Government Affairs Committee Meeting at MacKenzie Warehouse. Contact Keith keith@everestsf.com for more info.

Membership / Marketing Updates:

Locals First is a FREE marketing tool available to all members. Every month we direct our 1000+ mailing list to our new website. So far a whopping 42% of recipients have followed the link and viewed the new deals on our homepage. A monumental number by even the most stringent of marketing standards and expectations. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity and get your business noticed for doing what it does best Our new website is up and running. With just one click all member updates are posted to our homepage, our Facebook page, and to the East Bay Express. Email pdma@prolocal-sf.com for information on how to post events, announcements, and coupons on our new website. We also advertise monthly in the Potrero View. We currently have over 1200 likes on Facebook. Tell all your friends, employees, and customers about how they can spread the love for local, independent businesses in Potrero Hill and Dogpatch. Take advantage of the increased exposure by using our new website to post all your events, coupons, and announcements. All posts flow through to our Facebook Page. Email any publicity links to Kieron at pdma@prolocal-sf.com. We are always looking for more members to join marketing and membership committees. Contact Collette to get involved. Email: collette@eventsbycollette.com

Community Events / Member Announcements:

Email pdma@prolocal-sf.com to have your events included in the monthly member newsletters. See website www.pdma-sf.org for additional community announcements and upcoming events.

Next General Membership Meeting: Tuesday, March 11, 9:45-11am at Goat Hill Pizza.

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