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MBA's Class of 2014: Amity University

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NOTICE MBA's Class of 2014 CAMPUS RECRUITMENT TIRUN Travel Marketing is the i!neer in the "r#ise va"ati!n $#siness in In%ia, and has represented several brands nder the R!"al Car#bbean Cr #ses $#%#ted %brella. Ea&h brand has #ts !'n n#( e )#nd !* sh#p + R!&al Cari$$ean Internati!nal *!r the lar,est and %!st #nn!vat#ve &r #se sh#ps a*l!at, Cele$rit& Cr#ises *!r lar,e l - r" sh#ps, and A'a(ara Cl#$ Cr#ises *!r #nt#%ate sh#ps '#th ver" n#( e #t#nerar#es. As a res lt, 'e n!t !nl" !**er the best there #s #n &r #s#n, '!rld'#de, b t &an als! help *#nd the per*e&t &r #se *!r "! . /The Cr #se 0nd str" #s ,r!'#n, at an en!r%! s rate and the !pp!rt n#t" #s '#th R!&al Cari$$ean Internati!nal Cr#ise Line 'h#&h has been a'arded the Best Cr#ise Line at the )!rl% Travel A*ar%s !n 11.11.1011. 2e 'ere als! a'arded CONDE NAST Traveller 0nd#a Reader3s Travel A'ard 1011, *!r the 4est Cr #se $#ne.5

TIRUN Travel Marketing+ In%ia re resentative + R!&al Cari$$ean Cr#ises+ in the area !, Cr#ise Sales an% ! erati!ns/ 0nd#a Representat#ve6

The "!( an& has invite% CVs ,!r the ,!ll!*ing !siti!n-

C!%pan"3s Pr!*#le P!s#t#!n 8!b Des&r#pt#!n

6 6 6

'''.t#r n.&!% 7ar)et#n, E-e& t#ve.

Strategy, brand positioning and channel management with the aim to increase awareness, sales and o er all brand al!e" Strate," and brand %ana,e%ent Ca%pa#,n &!n&ept al#sat#!n and e-e& t#!n PR 9 Strate," and &!ntent devel!p%ent and relat#!nsh#p %ana,e%ent '#th PR a,en&#es Devel!p %ed#a relat#!ns a&r!ss %ed# %s #n&l d#n, d#,#tal, T:, pr#nt and %!re

S!&#al 7ed#a 7ana,e%ent 9 Strate," and a&&! nt %ana,e%ent a&r!ss var#! s s!&#al %ed#a &hannels. 0deat#!n, &!%% n#&at#!n and anal"t#&al anal"s#s !* s!&#al %ed#a a&t#v#t" #n&l d#n, %ed# %s s &h as ;! t be, <a&eb!!), T'#tter, P#nterest, $#n)ed#n and var#! s !thers E%a#l 7ar)et#n, 9 Des#,n, #%ple%entat#!n and anal"s#s !* e%a#l &a%pa#,ns 0nternal &!%% n#&at#!ns $#a#se '#th bran&h !**#&es *!r e-e& t#!n and *eedba&) 7ar)et and & st!%er se,%entat#!n C!%peten&#es6 Salar" 2h! &an appl" $!&at#!n 6 6 E-&ellent &!%% n#&at#!n s)#lls Creat#ve C!llab!rat#ve E-&ellent net'!r)#n, s)#lls C st!%er !r#ented Enth s#ast#& Hard+'!r)#n, = al#t" and deta#l Or#ented Sel*+%!t#vated Str!n, resear&h s)#lls Anal"t#&al = ant#tat#ve > ( al#tat#ve s)#lls t! deter%#ne resear&h ! t&!%es Str!n, sense !* %ar)et and %ed#a trends, '#th &apa&#t" t! *eed re, lar pdates !n T? > 0nd str" 6 @ la&sAa CTC 74AB?C, 74A B7>SC, 74ABEC, 74ABReta#lC. St#%ents *ith ./ &ears )!rk e0 erien"e nee% !nl& a l&7 %ba#, 4an,al!re CV ,!r Tir#n Travel Marketing3 an% sh!#l%

St#%ents *hile a l&ing ls (ark !n the s#$1e"t line 2 a l& !nl& in the ,!ll!*ing 4!r(atSt dent C!!rd#nat!r
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CGPA Mo"ile No # Email $% Mum" ai# Banga lore & 'or( E) *i+ an,. $+ -es* num"er o+ ,ears. Co.s Name # Pro+ile


Studen t Name

Progra mme

10th Class %

12th Class %

Graduation Stream & %

0nterested st dents %a" s b%#t ab!ve %ent#!ned deta#ls #n e-&el sheet al!n, '#th s!*t &!p" !* C: stri"tl& in A(it& 4!r(at t! the st dent &!!rd#nat!r b" @p% !n Th rsda" 13.3.14 and he '#ll s b%#t the sa%e t! 7r. RaHeev 7#ttal, Tea% CRC RaHeev 7#ttal

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