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Angelina Jolie

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The Reading / Tapescript S!non!m "atch and #hrase "atch %istening &ap 'ill Choose the Correct )ord Spelling #ut the Te,t -ac. Together Scram0led Sentences 2iscussion Student Sur4e! )riting 7omewor. 8nswers $ ( * + / 1 3 56 55 5 5$

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E

T7E RE829N& / T8#ESCR9#T

Angelina was born in LA in 1976. She loved movies and started acting classes to follow her dream of movie stardom. She was rebellious and became a punk with dyed purple hair and tattoos. er movie career took off in 1997 and er within a few years she had won an !scar.

"##1 role as Lara $roft in the blockbuster %&omb 'aider( shot her to international fame. Angelina hasn)t limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian work while filming in $ambodia. She is now a *+ ,oodwill Ambassador- visiting refugee camps in poor countries. She donates large sums of money to help the plight of underprivileged people. She has effectively used her stardom to highlight world problems. *nfortunately- .olie)s personal life has come to overshadow her other pursuits. &he tabloids are obsessed with her relationships- especially the current one with /rad 0itt. &he couple is now referred to not as /rad and Angelina but as %/rangelina(. &he media seem more caught up with what they eat and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do. elping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. 1n "##1- she said2 %3e cannot close ourselves off4and ignore the fact that millions of people are out there suffering.( 1n addition to acting awards- she has received wide recognition for her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the *+)s $iti5en of the 3orld Award. 1t seems likely more accolades will follow.

"67 words 8lesch 9inkaid 9.1

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com


8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
S;NON;" "8TC7: "atch the words from the article on the left with their s!non!ms on the right. 8re !our answers the same as other students<= Paragraphs 1 and 2 1. " 7. 6. ;. 6. rebellious took off shot limited donates plight a. b. c. d. e. f. became successful gives restricted wayward difficulty rocketed

Paragraphs 3 and 4 7. <. 9. 1#. 11 1" overshadow obsessed caught up motivates ignore accolades g. h. i. j. k l awards inspires pay no attention to eclipse gripped involved

#7R8SE "8TC7: "atch the following phrases from the article. 1. " 7. 6. ;. 6. 7. <. 9. 1#. started acting classes to follow her %&omb 'aider( shot her Angelina hasn)t limited help the plight of She has effectively used her stardom &he tabloids are obsessed &he media seem more caught elping other people is what millions of people are 1t seems likely a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. her career to acting more accolades will follow with her relationships to international fame up with what they eat dream of movie stardom to highlight world problems underprivileged people truly motivates Angelina out there suffering

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
%9STEN9N& &8# '9%%: Angelina was born in LA in 1976. She loved movies and started acting classes ====================== movie stardom. She was rebellious and became a punk with ======================. er movie career took off in 1997 and er "##1 role as Lara $roft in the

within a few years she had won an !scar.

blockbuster %&omb 'aider( ====================== fame. Angelina ====================== to acting. She became involved in

humanitarian work while filming in $ambodia. She is now a *+ ,oodwill Ambassador- visiting refugee ======================. She donates large sums of money to help the plight of underprivileged people. She has ========================= to highlight world problems. *nfortunately- .olie)s personal life ====================== her other pursuits. &he tabloids ====================== relationships- especially the current one with /rad 0itt. &he couple ====================== /rad and Angelina but as %/rangelina(. &he ====================== with what they eat and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do. elping other people ====================== Angelina. 1n "##1- she said2 %3e cannot close ourselves off4and ignore the fact that millions of people ======================.( 1n addition to acting awardsshe has

======================== her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the *+)s $iti5en of the 3orld Award. 1t ====================== accolades will follow.

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
C7OOSE T7E CORRECT )OR2: 2elete the wrong word in each of the pairs of italics. Angelina was born in LA in 1976. She loved movies and starred / started acting classes to follow her dream of movie starred / stardom. She was rebellious and became a punk / pink with dyed purple hair and tattoos. off in 1997 and within a few years she had won an !scar. er movie career took er "##1 role as Lara

$roft in the blockbuster %&omb 'aider( shot / shoot her to international fame. Angelina hasn)t limiting / limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian work while filming in $ambodia. She is now a / an *+ ,oodwill Ambassador- visiting refugee camps in poor countries. She donations / donates large sums of money to help the plight of underprivileged people. She has effectively used to / used her stardom to highlight world problems. *nfortunately- .olie)s personal life has come to overshadow her other / another pursuits. &he tabloids are obsessed with her relationships- especially the current / currant one with /rad 0itt. &he couple is now referred to didnt / not as /rad and Angelina but as %/rangelina(. &he media seem more caught up / on with what they eat and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do. elping other people is what truly / truth motivates Angelina. 1n "##1- she said2 %3e cannot close ourselves off / on4and ignore the fact that millions of people are in / out there suffering.( 1n addition to acting awards- she has received wide recognition for her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the *+)s $iti5en of the 3orld Award. 1t seems likeable / likely more accolades will follow.

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
S#E%%9N&: These jum0led words are from the te,t. Spell them correctl!. Paragraph 1 1. ". 7. 6. started cingta classes She was sluoeeblir and became a punk hintwi a few years she had won an !scar %&omb 'aider( shot her to international aefm

Paragraph 2 ;. 6. 7. <. Angelina hasn)t ilidtem her career to acting She became ldeoivvn in humanitarian work visiting efeugre camps in poor countries used her mdoastr to highlight world problems

Paragraph 3 9. 1#. 11. 1". .olie)s npseaolr life &he aosbidtl are obsessed with her relationships &he eamdi seem more caught up with what they eat and drink the important humanitarian work Angelina tsincunoe to do

Paragraph 4 17. 16. 1;. 16. elping other people is what truly totmevisa Angelina irngeo the fact that millions of people are out there suffering she has rcieeedv wide recognition for her humanitarian work 1t seems iklyle more accolades will follow

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
#>T T7E TE?T -8C@ TO&ET7ER Num0er these lines in the correct order. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? obsessed with her relationships- especially the current one with /rad 0itt. &he couple is now referred to not as /rad and Angelina elping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. 1n "##1- she said2 %3e cannot close ourselves off4and ignore the blockbuster %&omb 'aider( shot her to international fame. tattoos. er movie career took off in 1997 and within a few years she had won an !scar. er "##1 role as Lara $roft in the plight of underprivileged people. She has effectively used her stardom to highlight world problems. humanitarian work Angelina continues to do. filming in $ambodia. She is now a *+ ,oodwill Ambassador- visiting refugee fact that millions of people are out there suffering.( 1n addition to acting awards- she has received wide recognition for camps in poor countries. She donates large sums of money to help the but as %/rangelina(. &he media seem more caught up with what they eat and drink than the important her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the *+)s $iti5en of the 3orld Award. 1t seems likely more accolades will follow. *nfortunately- .olie)s personal life has come to overshadow her other pursuits. &he tabloids are dream of movie stardom. She was rebellious and became a punk with dyed purple hair and Angelina hasn)t limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian work while Angelina was born in LA in 1976. She loved movies and started acting classes to follow her

> 1 ?

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
SCR8"-%E2 SENTENCES )ith !our partnerA put the words 0ac. into the correct order.





































































people are



suffering ignore the

fact that










$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com


8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
29SC>SS9ON B)rite !our CuestionsD: ST>2ENT 8<s E>EST9ONS B2o not show these to student -D 1. ". 7. 6. ;. 6. 7. <. 3hat do you know about Angelina .olie@ 3ould you like to meet Angelina .olie@ 3hat would you like to know about Angelina .olie and why@ =================================================== =================================================== =================================================== =================================================== ===================================================

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------8N&E%9N8 :O%9E 29SC>SS9ON B)rite !our CuestionsD: ST>2ENT -<s E>EST9ONS B2o not show these to student 8D 1. ". 7. 6. ;. 6. 7. <. 3hat did you learn from this teAt about Angelina .olie@ 3hat Buestions would you like to ask Angelina .olie@ 3hat would her answers be to those Buestions@ =================================================== =================================================== =================================================== =================================================== ===================================================

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
T7E 8N&E%9N8 :O%9E S>RFE;: )rite fi4e Cuestions a0out 8ngelina :olie in the ta0le. 2o this in pairs/groups. Each student must write the Cuestions on his / her own paper. )ithout !our partnerA inter4iew other students. )rite down their answers.

S&*CD+& 1 ============= E.1.

S&*CD+& " =============

S&*CD+& 7 =============





Return to !our original partnerBsD and share and tal. a0out what !ou found out. "a.e miniGpresentations to other groups on !our findings.
$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com 1#

8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
)R9T9N&: )rite a0out 8ngelina :olie for 56 minutes. Show !our partner !our paper. Correct each other<s wor.. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com


8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
7O"E)OR@ 5. FOC8->%8R; E?TENS9ON: $hoose several of the words from the teAt. *se a dictionary or ,oogle)s search field >or another search engine? to build up more associations F collocations of each word. . 9NTERNET: Search the 1nternet and find more information about Angelina .olie. &alk about what you discover with your partner>s? in the neAt lesson. $. 8N&E%9N8 :O%9E #OSTER: Gake a poster showing the different stages of the life of Angelina .olie. Show your poster to your classmates in the neAt lesson. Cid you all find out similar things@ (. "8&8H9NE 8RT9C%E: 3rite a maga5ine article about Angelina .olie. 1nclude an imaginary interview with her. 3rite about what she does every day and what she thinks about. 'ead what you wrote to your classmates in the neAt lesson. ,ive each other feedback on your articles. *. %ETTER: 3rite a letter to Angelina .olie. Ask her three Buestions about her life. ,ive her three suggestions on what she should do in her future. 'ead your letter to your partner>s? in your neAt lesson. Hour %Angelina .olie eApert( partner>s? will try and answer your Buestions.

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com


8N&E%9N8 :O%9E
8NS)ERS S;NON;" "8TC7: Paragraphs 1 and 2 1. " 7. 6. ;. 6. 7. <. 9. 1#. 11 1" rebellious took off shot limited donates plight overshadow obsessed caught up motivates ignore accolades a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k l wayward became successful rocketed restricted gives difficulty eclipse gripped involved inspires pay no attention to awards

Paragraphs 3 and 4

#7R8SE "8TC7: 1. " 7. 6. ;. 6. 7. <. 9. 1#. started acting classes to follow her %&omb 'aider( shot her Angelina hasn)t limited help the plight of She has effectively used her stardom &he tabloids are obsessed &he media seem more caught elping other people is what millions of people are 1t seems likely a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. dream of movie stardom to international fame her career to acting underprivileged people to highlight world problems with her relationships up with what they eat truly motivates Angelina out there suffering more accolades will follow

8%% OT7ER E?ERC9SES Look at the teAt on page ".

$opyright : www.8amous0eopleLessons.com


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