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Necromunda FAQ

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Necromunda FAQ (Official) Q: Do you have to test for falling if you are already pinned within 1" of an edge

and get hit again? A: No, you only test when you are pinned, not hit. Q: The weapons list for heavies doesn't say they can have basic weapons, but some heavy models have them, what's going on? A: Oops, it's an oversight on our part I'm afraid. The models are right, heavies can have basic weapons. Q: The Delaque skills list summary is different to the one in the main section of the book. Which one is the correct version? A: The one in the main section of the book is correct (I hate summaries, they always do this!). Q: Do hired guns count towards the number of members in a gang when working out income? A: As is clearly stated in the rules they do not, they pay for their own supply of rat-burgers and ammo out of their hire fee. Q: What happens to a model that is on fire from a flamer weapon at the end of the game? A: Treat him as being down, so he will suffer a serious injury on a D6 roll of 4+. Q: Can you roll to see if fighters with Inventor invent something as soon as they get the skill? A: Yes, that's how the gang finds out! Q: Can seriously injured models use skills between games (ie Inventor)? A: No, they're lying around going "Oww!" a lot... Q: Can a model with the Infiltrate skill set up in hiding? A: Yes, as long as the scenario specifies that your gang can set up hidden. Q: Do you have to use the Medic skill to reroll serious injuries as soon as they are rolled, or can you wait until you have rolled all of your injuries and then decide which ones to reroll? A: You must use the Medic skill to reroll as soon as the injury is rolled. Q: A fighter with the Armourer Techno skill gives everyone in the gang +1 on their ammo rolls. What happens if you get several models with the Armourer skill, do you add the bonuses together? A: Hmmm, having multiple Armourers would simply mean that weapons were more fully checked before the game. So, yes, I'd say the bonuses add together, bearing in mind that an ammo roll of 1 is always a failure. Q: In a Necromunda campaign, if you fail an ammo roll or the weapon explodes, is it lost forever? A: No, the weapon is supplied with extra ammo or repaired after the game. Q: In Necromunda, can I climb up and down ladders at the same rate? A: Yes, as stated in the terrain section of the rules, ladders are treated as clear terrain, so each 1" you move up or down a ladder costs 1" of your move (it's assumed that gangers, having spent all their lives in the Underhive, can scamper up or down ladders with equal speed). As most ladders are 3" long this generally means it cost 3" of movement to go up or down. At the Studio we have a house rule that a model that can't get to the top or bottom of ladder in one go isn't allowed to use it, but this isn't official and is just the way we play. Alternatively, you can note down where-abouts on the ladder a model is on a piece of paper, or show its position with a lump of blu-tac. Q: Can you climb up or down levels without using a ladder? A: Yes, providing there are plenty of handholds (ie it's obviously climbable). Climbing up or down a level without a ladder is done at half movement rate.

Q: Do you deduct the value of any models missing a game (either because of the particular scenario rules or because they are suffering with an Old Battle Wound) from the gang's rating? A: No, the gang's rating is based on its total value, not just who turns up on the day. Q: Should plasma pistols have a sustained fire dice on maximum power, as in Warhammer 40,000 (second edition)? A: Yes, they should have one sustained fire dice. Q: If I have a model with Rapid Fire Skill (2 shots if you remain stationary), Fast Shot skill (one shot per attack the model has, let's assume 3) and Gunfighter skill (can fire one pistol with each hand), that's a potential 4 to 12 shots per turn depending on how you count it! Is this allowed, and if so how do you add up the shots? A: OK, (takes deep breath) Rapid Fire and Fast Shot cannot be combined as they each modify the same thing (ie how many shots you can fire with your gun). In other words, you can either choose to have two shots for the Rapid Fire skill or one shot per attack for the Fast Shot skill, not both! The Gunfighter skill allows you to fire this number of shots with each pistol, so it would mean you multiply the number of shots you can fire by two (but remember that the two separate pistols' stat lines are used for the respective shots). You should roll each shot one at a time because of the chance that failed ammo rolls will stop you firing. Also note that a plasma weapon on full power can only get a maximum of one shot per turn. Finally, if you hit with more than one of your shots, you do not have to fire them all at the closest target (since things get confusing if you take a model out with your first shot). You can allocate second and subsequent shots that hit to nearby targets, just as if the model were firing a sustained fire weapon and managed to score multiple hits. If you think this can make a rather gross character, you're right! But A) You would have to be exceedingly lucky to roll all of these skills, and B) Have you seen any John Woo movies? Q: The Van Saar skills list summary is different to the one in the main section of the book, which is correct? A: The one in the main section of the book is correct (I really, really hate summaries, they always do this!). Q: When a Juve becomes a Ganger do you increase his cost from 25 to 50 in the gang roster, hence increasing the gang rating? A: No, his increased number of experience points does that already (because they count towards the gang rating too). Q: In Necromunda, when a model with the Inventor skill invents something do you roll for what it is on the Rare Trade Chart or the normal Trading Post chart? A: The Rare Trade chart, otherwise the Inventor could come up with something really dull like a stub gun or a knife... Q: If a Necromunda model is hit and goes down does it still count as pinned in its next turn (and hence unable to crawl 2")? A: Yes. If it is hard to remember which models are down and pinned, either place a counter beside them as a reminder or make a note on a piece of scrap paper. Q: Does a Necromunda fighter gain any experience for wounding a model who has already been taken down? A: Absolutely not! Q: In Necromunda, are models hit by a weapon with an area of effect still pinned? A: Definitely! Q: Can you use Rapid Fire or Fast Shot during the Fast Draw in the Necromunda Shoot Out scenario? A: Yes.

Q: If a model is carrying a pistol and a basic weapon in a Shoot Out scenario can it use the pistol to gain an Initiative bonus in the Fast Draw? A: Yes. Q: In Necromunda, can you use the benefits of Vents and Tunnels in every scenario? A: Both players can use them in scenarios 1 (Gang Fight), 2 (Scavengers), and 4 (Ambush). However, in an Ambush scenario, the defender can only use Vents and Tunnels for groups which he rolls a 6 for during deployment. Only the attacker can use Tunnels and Vents in scenarios 3 (Hit and Run), 5 (The Raid) and 6 (Rescue Mission). Neither side may use them in scenario 7 (Shoot-out). In the scenarios from Outlanders, the attacker may use Vents and Tunnels in Outlaw scenarios 1 (The Hit), and 2 (Loot & Pillage). Neither player may use them in Outlaw Scarios 3 (The Hunters) or 4 (Caravan). It is up to the Arbitrator to decide if they can be used in Arbitrator scenarios. Q: When playing a Necromunda scenario that limits the number of fighters that a side may deploy on the first turn (eg Hit and Run), do the Tunnels and Vents territories enable that side to deploy three fighters at the end of the first turn in addition to the amount rolled? Or do they merely allow the gang to deploy the number of fighters rolled, but using the rules for Tunnels and Vents? A: Just the number rolled (but see the answer to the other Vents/Tunnels question above). Q: Do Vents let you only on the top level of your buildings, or any floor above ground level? A: Any floor above ground level. Q: Do the models using Vents of Tunnels have to emerge together, or can they be separated across the battleground? A: They can be separated. Q: Can a Jakara mirror shield save even if the Jakara is hit but not wounded? A: Yes, make the saving throw even if a shot fails to wound, as it may still be blasted back at the firer. Q: Can a Jakara use the mirror shield if pinned? A: Most definitely, she's probably hiding behind it! Q: If a model has an unmodified save (energy field/shield), is it pinned if it makes the unmodified save? A: No. Q: Spyrers weapons, ie. Orrus, Yeld and Malcadon - do they gain an extra dice for close combat or is it taken into account already in their stats? A: It's already taken into account.

************************************************************************************ Necromunda FAQ (UN-Official) This page contains questions and answers about Necromunda. All Answers are By Jervis Johnson/Andy Chambers. However, NONE of this is official. (although it is as close as you can get sense its by the authors of the game). 1. If a player has infiltration skill and his opponent has vents and/or tunnels, when does the infiltrating ganger infiltrate? a) after iniatial deployment or b)after the gangers come out of the vents? After initial deployment. Using the same scenario from above...where can the infiltrating ganger infiltrate to? How far does he have to be away from enemy gangers? [this came up when a ganger with the skill tried to set up his ganger 1" behind my own ganger] Not within initiative distance.



Why can't a standard ganger be promoted to Heavy status if the gang does not have its maximum Heavies? [It seems to make sense that they could as juves become gangers] This isn't really a rules question, is it? But since you asked, its to represent the fact that Heavies are rare and skilled chaps. 4. If a ganger is armed with a bolter, a laspistol, and a sword...why does the rule exist that he is unable to sling his weapon(bolter) to use both of his CC weapons in the ensuing CC? [just doesn't make much sense to me, but the rule exists in the close combat rules...shrug] This isn't really a rules question, either. But our answer is that you would obviously be at a disadvantage in combat if you were encumbered with a slung weapon, and this is represented simply and easily by this rule. 5. When a leader is slain in battle and the gang has no money left which of the following is true, a)the gang is disbanded to be rebuilt using the campaign rules for purchasing existing gangers? b)if there is a ganger with sufficient exp. he can be promoted to leader? c)the gang continues leaderless until it can afford to buy a new leader? None of the above. The ganger with the highest Ld takes over, with all the benefits and disadvantages this may entail. 6. Are shooting skills that allow multiple shots to be fired cumulative? I.e. can you actually have a ganger with Hipshooting, Gunslinger, and Rapid fire usimg all three skills during one turn, firing many shots? This question doesn't actually make all that much sense. Assuming you mean can skills like Fast Shot and Rapid Fire be combined, we'd say no. 7. If you have a weapon with different types of ammo (like a shotgun), and fire a certain type, then fail the ammo roll associated with that type - is the whole wpn down (jammed, etc), or do you only lose that type? Similar situation with the grenade launcher. The whole weapon (this is in the rules, so SQ). 8. A leader starts with 61-80 Exp. Does he start with any advances due to his previous experience? I. e., do you assume he started as a green juve and roll 8 advances for him (8 advancement steps from green juves to Gang champion)? If not, then a gang leader is at a disadvantage because if a green juve worked his way up to a gang champion during play (61 xp) he would be FAR more powerful than a standard gang leader (who starts with no advances). Another non-question. Actually a Leader has the same number of advances as a Juve (we count being a 'leader' as one advance in and of itself). 9. There is an Orlock ganger that is carrying a pistol and a hand weapon that also has a lasgun slung over his shoulder. Our question is, how does this guy fight? The rules clearly state ,"Bear in mind that a fighter with a basic, special, or heavy weapon needs at least one hand just to carry it."(p. 28). We've heavily this question, which includes lots of other examples and stuff. The answer to the question is rather long, but bear with us and we're sure all will be made clear. When we were playtesting Necromunda we used our own converted models for the games - we had to as the models coming out now hadn't been designed at that time. The rules for losing the bonus attack dice if you've got a basic, special or heavy weapon, and the rule refered to above were introduced at that time. They serve to balance the game and discourage players from arming their models with as many different weapons as they can lay their hands on. Unfortunately when it came to making the fiugures our miniature designers got a bit, erm, carried away, with the result that some models have weapons that they are not technically allowed to use under the rules. This leaves players with two choices: a) Simply ignore the weapons, or remove them from the model. or b) Ignore the rule that says a model has to keep a hand free to carry basic, special and heavy weapons, and assume that these weapons can be slung. Note that if you go for this option then the rule about losing the extra attack dice does still apply (although the weapon is slung the extra bulk and weight cancels out the advantage of using and extra hand weapon), but you will be able to take advantage of any special rules that applies to the extra weapons you are using (parries, strength bonus's, etc.,). 10. Are models hit by area of effect weapons pinned ? Yes. 11. Can you use Rapid Fire skill during the Draw phase in a shootout ? Yes. 12. If carrying a pistol and basic weapon, can you gain an initiative bonus by drawing the pistol in the draw phase of the shootout ? Yes.

13. A downed fighter is charged by an opponent. I assume the downed fighter goes out, but are any dice rolled, is there any risk for the attacker, and does the attacker gain credit for a wounding hit ? No to all. 14. Do Van Saar gangers have access to a third skill category ? Do Delaque gangers have access to a third skill category ? Yes (one is missing on the table in the reference, but is included on the table in the main body of the rules). 15. Looking through the Necromunda Sourcebook I noticed a discrepency between the kill table on page 45 and on page 84. Specifically the table on page 45 lists Delaque Gangers as capable of agility skill and Van Saar gangers as capable of combat skills. On the table on page 84 these capabilities are not listed. Which is right?? See answer to the question above. 16. One of the skills available to scum is the marksman skill. This skill can't be used with pistols, yet pistols are the only guns that scum have. Should scum have access to basic weapons or should another skill be substituted? Ooops. Didn't spot that one. We suggrest you either say 'tough luck' if the skill is rolled, or allow a re-roll (we'd go for the tough luck option ourselves!) 17. Assuming a gang leader dies, (A) Can the ganger with the highest experience be upgraded to leader even if funds exist to buy a new ganger? In other words, is there a choice to buy new or upgrade? The ganger with the highest leadership takes over (not most experience). You can't buy a new leader, the gang must be taken over by an exisiting ganger. (B) Are gangers upgraded to leaders allowed to pick skills from the "leaders" category of their house? How about use special weapons? Are they always considered to have a man nearby for recovering from pinning like normal leaders? No, No, Yes. (C) For purposes of cost and gang rating, is this ganger turned leader now worth 120 instead of 50? I imagine the answer for the question is the same for the cost of juve turned gangers being worth 50 instead of 25 points (and juve turned gangers turned leaders worth 120 instead of 25). No, the new leader keep his existing rating. 18. The territory workshop says that you ignore the first ammo roll for the battle, does this mean that all of your gang members ignore there first ammo roll or just the first members ammo roll? First roll. 19. Does a model that gets hit by fire and goes down (but not out) to a wound still remain pinned by for a turn? The pinning rules state that you miss your entire next turn if you are hit by weapon fire, but a buddy claims the 'down' rules should override the pinned rule, allowing his wounded, downed character to crawl away without missing a turn (and the merciless skill of my ganger's shots). After some discusion and debate (we appear to play both ways in Studio games depending on who is taking part!), we've decided that a model that is hit is always pinned - in other words the 'down' result does not overide the effect of being pinned. The only problem with this is that you can forget if a 'down' model is also 'pinned'. If this becomes a big problem in the games you play you'd better make up some pinned counters to plonk next to the model, or record which down models are also pinned on scrap paper. 20. If a model has 2 wounds and jumps down one level (3") and takes one wound from the S3 hit, can he still continue his movement (he did survive, didn't he?). This way, a W2 guy can pretty much jump down a level without fear once per game, at least . . . If the model takes any wounds it is pinned. 21. The Inventor Techno skill says, "Randomly select an item from the price chart in the Trading Post section. Whatever is selected is the item that has been invented." Did you mean we were to create a random table for the price chart or were we to use the Rare Trade Chart. The Rare Trade Chart seems to make more since, otherwise you could have some Juvy come up to your leader saying, "Hey boss, look! I just invented a knife!" Use the rare trade chart. 22. If a gang has more than one gang member with the Armourer skill, does this mean that the gang will get a +2 instead of +1? Yes, but a roll of 1 always fails. 23. Can you sell your own gang members into slavery? No.

24. Do you have to charge the closest model, even if this means climbing or leaping ? Yes to climbing, no to leaping. 25. Do you count the value of captured gang members and/or their gear on your roster and gang rating ? No. 26. Are there any recommendations for multi-gang fights ? Our three way games are drastically different from our two-way fights, particularly when trying to hold out till BOTH opponents bottle out. Yes. (Ed -- I think AC and JJ meant "No" here..). 27. If you invent a Mung Vase, can you sell it immediately ? Rudi's Orlock Rockers have bought two worthless vases, but got 6 creds for a cheap knockoff they created. Yes. 28. (Lots of questions about what will be in Outlanders and what future models will be available.) (Ed -- AC and JJ have indicated that they are really unable to answer such questions for numerous reasons, most important of which is that they simply don't know what new stuff their fevered imaginations can think up. For products that will be released shortly (such as Outlanders) its a real waste of time for AC and JJ to answer questions about them since you guys & gals will have the games in your hands soon anyway. If they do come up with some ideas about future stuff and want to share them with us you will see it either here, at the Gates of Fenris, or in the White Dwarf magazine.) 29. What do you do if you roll an attribute increase, when that attribute is maxed out already? Do you re-roll the d6 to determine which of the 2 adds you get, or do you re-roll the 2d6 which determine if you get a skill or attribute raise? This is answered in the second paragraph under the 'Characteristic Increase' header on page 44 of the Necromunda Sourcebook. 30. If during a rescue mission the captive is freed then taken out of action does the mission end immediately? And if so, what happens to the captive? No. Freed captives that are taken out roll on the Serious Injuries Chart as normal. 31. On the Bushwack Hit and Run Mission does the leader have to start on the battlefield or can the defending player choose to bring him on last? (thus pitting d6 of an attackers gang vs the entire defenders gang). GQ. In this case the defending Gang Leader must be one of the D6 models deployed at the start of the scenario. 32. Can you use vents and tunnels on every mission? GQ. Both players can use them in scenarios 1, 2 and 4. Only the attacker can use them in scenarios 3, 5 and 6. Also, please note that having multiple vents, or multiple tunnels, does _not_ increase the number of models that can use them to more than 3 (i.e. if you have two sets of vents you can still only infiltrate up to 3 models, _not_ up to 6 models). 33. When playing a scenario that limits the number of fighters that a side may deploy on the first turn (e.g. Hit and Run), do the Tunnels and Vents territories enable that side to deploy three fighters at the end of the first turn IN ADDITION to the amount rolled, or do they merely allow the gang to deploy the number of fighters rolled according to the rules for Tunnels and Vents? The number rolled (but see the answer to the question above). 34. On the hit & run + raid missions should the attacking player allocate his gang into groups before or after the defender sets up? Before. 35. If a gang member voluntarily jumps/drops downward 3" (as opposed to using a ladder), assuming he isn't wounded, does this count as 3" of movement? No, but the model is pinned even if no wound is suffered. 36. When playing a scenario that limits the number of fighters that a side may deploy on the first turn (e.g. Hit and Run), do the Tunnels and Vents territories enable that side to deploy three fighters at the end of the first turn IN ADDITION to the amount rolled, or do they merely allow the gang to deploy the number of fighters rolled according to the rules for Tunnels and Vents? The number rolled (but see the answer to the question above). 37. Must a fighter charge the closest enemy even if he has the "leap" skill? Yes. 38. The text for the shootout scenario seems to be somewhat open to interpretation. Are the build-up die rolls made after both sides finish moving all their fighters, or after each side moves one fighter? After both sides finish moving all fighters.

39. I just wish to enquire as to the limits (if any) imposed on a model with regard to the number of weapons a model may possess. I have playing companions who load up with several special weapons and several basic weapons to boot. Any ruling? All weapons need to be shown on a model to be used. Also note the restrictions on weapon use on pages 27-28 of the rules. Also note that you can never fire more than one weapon at a time, unless special skill rules apply. 40. When several gangers have the medic skill, can an injured model be allowed more than one reroll? Yes. 41. How many heavies gan a gang have? I ask this because I saw an experienced gamer in a GW store using three heavy models. Two, unless special house rules were being used. Note that it is fine to change any rule you like as long as both players agree to it before the battle! 42. Am I misreading the rule on page 54 of the rule book which allows heavies to move and go on overwatch. It seems like this completely ignores the fact that they are move or fire weapons since you could move your heavy, go on overwatch and then shoot in your opponents turn before any of his pieces has moved(basically the same as if you had shot in your turn). Yes, you are misreading the rule. Models that go into overwatch do so instead of moving (page 25), and therefore cannot move at all no matter what they are carrying. 43. How does a One In A Million shotgun (or grenade launcher etc) work? I.e, how much does it cost? Say you buy a One In a Million shotgun with bolt shell, is the overall cost doubled and all three ammo types (solid, scatter, bolt) automatically pass their ammo rolls? Or a grenade launcher? The rule applies to all ammo types, and all the costs are doubled. 44. How do you define the weapons that cause multiple wounds. You say in the Source Book that you get 5 XP per wound caused. How does this work? You get 5 experience per 'wounding hit', not per wound caused. Carefully reread the entry on, for example, the Gang Fight experience table for a full explanation of how this works. 45. How do multiple head wounds affect gang members? Only roll once, no matter how many head wounds the model has. 46. This may seem like a silly question but I don't think it was covered adequately in the rulings or the rulebook. When you start a new gang, after rolling for XP, do you then roll for special abilities/advances up to the amount of XP? If not, why? :) No. All skills and bonuses are included in the starting profile of the model. 47. When rolling for Serious Injuries,what happens when you roll up the same injury that your ganger already has? Do you re-roll the result? or are the effects cumulative? This plainly does not make sense in the case of Head Wound or after your ganger has lost all his fingers on BOTH hands. Ignore duplicate effects unless the table says otherwise. 48. Do 'Vents' let you out only on the first floor (or) top floor, or any floor above the ground floor? Any floor. 49. Do the models using vents have to emerge together, or can they be separated across the playing field? They can be seperated. 50. Can a model emerging from 'Vents' emerge in the center of a LONG bridge? Yes. 51. What are the effects of a Meltabomb hit on a bulkhead? Whats the toughness, and wounds of bulkheads, floors, and bridges? What will cause a building to collapse out from a model? And how much damage would it take? You can't damage bulkheads, floors or bridges, or make them collapse. 52. In a previous Q&A you mentioned that when a leader dies a ganger may take over with "all the advantages and disadvantages that may entail." Can you clarify a few things? a) Does "ganger" means "Ganger", not just any gang member? b) When a ganger is declared leader, is he only allowed to take the skills he normally is allowed as a ganger or he may choose skills from the same categories as a (normal) leader is permitted to choose from. c) How about equipment, can he take special weapons or not? d) And: is the gang still offered D3 rare Items when trading? Here is the 'official' rules for Slain Leaders from Outlander: "If the leader of a gang is slain, the gang fighter with the next highest leadership takes over the gang, and gains the *Leadership* skill along with any other special rules and Equipment lists available to the old



55. 56.





leader. This means that fighters within 6" can use his Leadership characteristic for Leadership tests and the leader can try to escape from pinning even while alone. If there is more than one gang fighter eligable to assume command, the gang fighter with the most experience points assummes leadership of the gang." Based on this version of the rule, the answers to your questions are: a) any ganger; b) he can only choose the skills he is normally allowed; c) he can take special weapons; d) yes (as this was a secial rule available to the old leader). If a model is hidden, what prevents me from lobbing a grenade (at -1 to hit) just in front of the cover he is hiding behind. Is this legal? I am not throwing at him, but am targetting the ground. Grenades still have to be thrown at an eligible targets. The only exception are smoke or blind grenades (i.e. grenades that can't harm anyone) which may be thrown at a spot on the ground. If I throw a grenade right in front of a model who stands behind heavy cover (assume I can do this, ie he is not hidden). I only get -1 to hit, rather than -2 if I should throw directly at him. But, as there is a big fat wall (or corner) in front of him, shouldn`t he get some benefit from cover. I know flamers ignore cover, but the flames can envelope and spread round a wall, for instance. Should grenades (and other blast weapons) be treated like this as well? You could only throw the grenade like this if it were a smoke or blind grenade (see above). Otherwise you'd have to target the model, and the -2 to hit modifier for the cover would apply. Can I throw a grenade on overwatch? Yes. Can a leader, heavy, or ganger with a Grenade Launcher throw the frag grenades as well? What if he fails an ammo roll, can he still throw the frag grenades now that he can't fire them? No to both questions. Is it possible for a model armed with a grappling hook to swing on it from one platform to another? If so how for can they swing? No, unless you want to invent your own house rules to allow them to do so. Web pistol questions: a) In using a web pistol, does the ganger who is hit go down, or are they just pinned? b) If the player does not attempt to escape from the web and just lies there - is there any damage to the player? c) Can a fellow ganger attempt to cut his buddy out or will this make the web constrict? d) At the end of the game is the trapped player freed or captured? (this sort of relates to the previous question). e) Does a 'webbed' player who has loot in the 'scavanger' scenario get to keep the loot? a) he is pinned, but note the special rules for webbed targets; b) no; c) you may not help a webbed model escape; d) freed (the webs naturally dissolve after a short while) e) yes. What if you succeed in the Rescue scenario and free your Ganger, does his equipment and weapons come along or are they kept by the defender? His weapons and equipment 'come along'. Can all the creatures in the Outlanders bestiary double their movement by running or charging? (This may sound like a SQ but some of the movements are quite high and, since they do not use weapons, the creatures might as well run all the time) Yes.

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