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Qolie 10-p

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The document provides a quality of life questionnaire for patients with epilepsy called QOLIE-10-P.

The questionnaire assesses a patient's health-related quality of life over the past 4 weeks in different aspects like energy levels, mood, daily activities, medication side effects, etc.

The questionnaire has sections on energy/mood over past 4 weeks, impact on daily activities, bothersomeness of problems, fear of seizures, overall quality of life rating and importance of issues.

Patient Weighted Quality Of Life In Epilepsy: QOLIE-10-P

Todays Date _______ /______ / ______

mm dd yy

Your Name_________________________ Your Age: ___ ___ years

The QOLIE-10-P is a brief survey of health-related quality of life for adults with epilepsy. [Adolescents (ages 1117 years) should complete the QOLIE-AD-48, designed for that age group.] There are 10 questions about health and daily activities, one question about how much distress you feel about problems and worries related to epilepsy, and a review of what bothers you most. This questionnaire should be completed only by the person who has epilepsy (not a relative or friend) because no one else knows how YOU feel. Answer every question by circling the appropriate number (1, 2, 3...). If you are unsure about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can and write a comment or explanation on the side of the page. These notes may be useful if you discuss the QOLIE-10-P with your doctor. Completing the QOLIE-10-P before and after treatment changes may help you and your doctor understand how the changes have affected your life. This copy of the QOLIE-10-P is provided by www.epilepsy.com, your source for epilepsy information, and the QOLIE Development Group. We wish you success in living your life with epilepsy! These questions are about how you have been FEELING and the types of problems you have been having during the past 4 weeks. For each question, please give the one answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling. How much of the time during the past 4 weeks
All of the time

(Circle one number on each line)

Most of the time A good bit of the time Some of the time A little of the time None of the time

1. Did you have a lot of energy?

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

2. Have you felt downhearted and low?

3. How much of the time during the past 4 weeks your epilepsy or antiepileptic drugs have caused trouble with driving (or other transportation)

A great deal

A lot


Only a little

Not at all

1 During the past 4 weeks 4. How much do your work limitations bother you?
Not at all bothersome

Extremely bothersome

5. How much do your social limitations bother you?

All versions of the Patient Weighted QOLIE-10-P copyright by the Epilepsy Therapy Project; All rights reserved. Adapted from the QOLIE-10, copyright 1993, PPS and the QOLIE Development Group (Cramer et al., Epilepsia. 1996). Supporting information about quality of life is available on www.epilepsy.com.

During the past 4 weeks 6. How much do your memory difficulties bother you?

Not at all bothersome

Extremely bothersome

7. How much do physical effects of antiepileptic drugs bother you?

8. How much do psychological effects of antiepileptic drugs bother you?

Very afraid

Somewhat afraid

Not very afraid

Not afraid at all

9. How afraid are you of having a seizure during the next 4 weeks?

10. How has your QUALITY OF LIFE been during the past 4 weeks (that is, how have things been going for you)? (Circle one number on the ladder) Very good: could hardly have been better

Pretty good

Good & bad about equal

Pretty bad

Very bad: could hardly have been worse

Copyright Trustees of Dartmouth College

All versions of the Patient Weighted QOLIE-10-P copyright by the Epilepsy Therapy Project; All rights reserved. Adapted from the QOLIE-10, copyright 1993, PPS and the QOLIE Development Group (Cramer et al., Epilepsia. 1996). Supporting information about quality of life is available on www.epilepsy.com.

Reviewing all the questions you have answered above, consider the overall impact of these problems on your quality of life in the past 4 weeks. (Circle one number)
Not at all Somewhat Moderately A lot Very much

11. How much does the state of your epilepsy-related quality of life distress you overall?

Considering ALL the questions you have answered, please indicate the areas related to your epilepsy that are most IMPORTANT to you NOW. 12. Number the following topics from 1 to 7 with 1 corresponding to the most important topic and 7 to the least important one. Please use each number only once. A. Energy (tiredness) B. Emotions (mood) C. Daily activities (work, driving, social & other activities) D. Mental function (thinking, concentrating, memory) E. Medication effects (physical, mental) F. Worry about seizures (impact of seizures) G. Overall quality of life

This copy of the QOLIE-10-P is provided by www.epilepsy.com, your source for epilepsy information, and the Epilepsy Therapy Project, a non-profit organization advancing new therapies for people living with epilepsy. We wish you success in living your life with epilepsy!

All versions of the Patient Weighted QOLIE-10-P copyright by the Epilepsy Therapy Project; All rights reserved. Adapted from the QOLIE-10, copyright 1993, PPS and the QOLIE Development Group (Cramer et al., Epilepsia. 1996). Supporting information about quality of life is available on www.epilepsy.com.

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