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Bridgeside Bulletin: Sunday 16th March, 2014 Second Sunday of Lent, Year A

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Bridgeside Bulletin

The weekly bulletin of the Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry

Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church 33 Lake Street, Forster St Mary, Star of the Sea Church
Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry

Proclaiming Christ to the communities of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts

Sunday 16th March, 2014 Second Sunday of Lent, Year A

Fr Andrew Doohan (Parish Priest) Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate) Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administration Associate) Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

Celebrating the Sacraments

Reconciliation is available on Saturday mornings at Tuncurry from 8am until the beginning of the 9am Mass, on Saturday afternoons at Forster from 4:15pm until 5:15pm, or other times by contacting Fr Andrew. Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays, either during any of our Sunday Masses or after the 9am Mass. The next Baptismal Preparation meeting will take place in the Parish Halls meeting rooms on Monday 14th April commencing at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office for more details, or visit the Parish website. Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at least three (and preferably more) months notice. Please contact Fr Andrew for more details, or visit the Parish website. A Sacramental Preparation process runs each year in the Parish for children wishing to complete the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation as part of the Parish community. Please contact the Parish Office for more details, or visit the Parish website. The Parish hosts the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process for those adults wishing to be baptised or be received into the communion of the Catholic Church. Please contact the Parish Office for more details, or visit the Parish website. The Parish can also be found online: Search for us on Facebook as Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry

The Parish Office is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is staffed on Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 4pm. Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bulletin should be received by midday on Thursday. 33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428 PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428 P: F: E: W: (02) 6554 6304 (02) 6554 6425 forstertuncurryparish@gmail.com www.forstertuncurrycatholic.org.au

Fr Andrew can be emailed directly using the address: fr.andrew.doohan@bigpond.com

Holy Name Parish School (K-6)

Ms Brooke Schumann (Acting Principal) 41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428 PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428 P: F: E: W: (02) 6554 6504 (02) 6554 8895 admin@forster.catholic.edu.au www.forster.catholic.edu.au

The Parish is also served by

St Clares High School, Taree (7-12)

Mr Peter Nicholls (Principal) Davis Street, Taree NSW 2430 P: F: E: W: (02) 6552 3300 (02) 6652 3656 admin@tareesc.catholic.edu.au www.tareesc.catholic.edu.au

Follow us on Twitter: @ftcatholic

From The Pastors Desk...

In light of my homily last weekend it was wonderful to be able to spend some time with the Yr 3 to Yr 6 students of Holy Name School during the week, exploring parts of the Word of God with them. This opportunity, as part of Camp Forster, was connected with Catholic Schools Week that has just concluded, but was a wonderful (if tiring) experience all the same. I was delightfully surprised by the way in which the students engaged with the process, listening quietly as the Word was proclaimed, and then engaging so vibrantly as together we sought to explore what the passages meant for us here and now. I hope that there might be more opportunities for the students to do more of the same in the future. The local Ministers Association met during the week to look at, among many other things, the Combined Churches Easter Sunday Sunrise Service. For better or worse, Ive volunteered to offer the address at that Service. The final arrangements are still being put in place, including making the necessary application to Great Lakes Council for permission, and these will be communicated in due course. As always, attempting to promote the Service in the broader community is one of the tasks that has to be completed. Last year there was sufficient funds made available by the generosity of local Christians that we were able to promote and advertise the service locally on both television and radio. This is, as you might imagine, not inexpensive, and were hoping to do the same this year, but can only do so if the money is available. If you would like to make a contribution towards the advertising and promotion budget for the Easter Sunday Sunrise Service, please contact the Parish Office which has some donation envelopes available. If more of these become available Ill place them in our churches. The most important contribution to the advertising and promotion of the Sunrise Service, however, is your word of mouth. Why not consider inviting your friends and family to join us in the wee hours of Easter Sunday morning to publicly celebrate the Resurrection along with our Christian brothers and sisters from other local churches. Its worth a thought surely... Until next week Fr Andrew

Secondary School Enrolments

St Clares High School, Taree is now accepting enrolments for Year 7, 2015. Forms for enrolment may be collected from the School Office, or an information pack can be posted to you by contacting the School on 6552 3300. Families with students enrolled in a Catholic primary school will receive an enrolment form via their school. An Open Afternoon will be held at St Clares on Monday 24th March from 4pm to 5:30pm for anyone wishing to view the facilities and speak with staff. For more information, contact the School.

Maintenance & Gardening Group

Please note that the date for the next gardening day has been changed from Thursday 20th March to Thursday 27th March.

Prayer at The Tanks

In the lead up the Easter Sunday Sunrise Service, you are invited to join with our Christian brothers and sisters to pray for the ongoing preparations for the Service and for its success each Thursday morning at 8am at The Tanks. In the case of inclement weather, the prayer will take place in the Forster Baptist Church.

Car Parking at Forster Church

Recent editions of Bridgeside Bulletin have carried a reminder about the use of the new car park layout at the Forster church. What it didnt mention was the expectation that use of the off-street parking should be prioritised along a case of need (i.e. for the less mobile members of our worshipping community) rather than arrival. Please be mindful of the less mobile members of our Parish community when using the car park at Forster so that they can continue to join us for Mass without unnecessary difficulty of having to park at great distances from the church building.

Journey Scripture Study Group

Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be the critical mass required for a group to be formed to undertake the Journey Scripture Study program. Anyone who would like to work their way through the program on their own is invited to make contact with Fr Andrew who will assist in making the resource available to them.

This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.

The Parish Diary(for the week ahead)

Second Week of Lent Monday17th March Solemnity of St Patrick Tuesday18th March 9am Christian Meditation (Bob 6555 5914) 3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry 4:30pm Mass @ Tuncurry 5:30pm Christian Meditation (Bob 6555 5914) 7pm Singing Practice @ Tuncurry Wednesday19th March Solemnity of St Joseph, Husband of Mary 9am Mass @ Forster 11:15am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help @ Forster 5:30pm Parish Pastoral Council @ Forster Thursday20th March Fr Andrew to St Clares to celebrate Mass with a class of studentsno Mass today. 9am Morning Prayer @ Forster Friday21st March 9:30am Mass @ Forster Saturday22nd March 8am Reconciliation @ Tuncurry 9am Mass @ Tuncurry 4:15pm Reconciliation @ Forster (until 5:15 pm) 6pm Mass @ Tuncurry Sunday23rd March 7am Mass @ Tuncurry 9am Mass @ Forster

Regular Activities in the Parish

Secular Franciscan Fraternity The Secular Franciscans Fraternity will next meet on Wednesday 2nd April, coming together for Mass at 9am, followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then the meeting 10am to 12pm. The menALIVE Groups Our Parish currently hosts two menALIVE groups. The morning group will next meet on Wednesday 12th March after the 9am Mass, while the evening group will next meet on Thursday 27th March at 7:30pm. Maintenance & Gardening Group The Parish is lucky to be served by a very dedicated band of volunteers who tend to the upkeep of the grounds and gardens of our two church sites. They do a fabulous job, and are always ready to welcome new members to the group. The next date is Thursday 27th March starting at Tuncurry at 8am and then on to Forster. Contact Howard 6557 6826 for more information. Singing Practice The Singing Group will next gather in the Tuncurry church on Tuesday 18th March for a 7pm start. All are welcome as we gather to practice hymns for our Sunday Masses. Collection of Foodstuffs for Homebase On the first Sunday of each month we undertake a collection in order to support Homebase. The next collection will next take place on Sunday 6th April. Holy Hour The Parish community observes a Holy Hour each Tuesday afternoon in the Tuncurry Church from 3:30pm until the beginning of Mass at 4:30pm. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help The Novena is prayed every Wednesday in the Forster church commencing at 11:15am and is followed by a cuppa in the Parish Hall. Contact Shioney (6554 9468) for more information. Evening Prayer & Benediction The Parish community celebrates on the first Sunday of each month at 5:30pm in the Tuncurry church. It will next be celebrated on Sunday 6th April. All welcome.

Rosters for April and May are now available from the rear of the Church.

Chrism Mass 2014

The Diocesan Chrism Mass will be held on Tuesday 15th April at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hunter Street, Newcastle West commencing at 7pm. It will be followed by light refreshments. All members of the Diocesan community are invited to join with Bishop Bill, the clergy and laity of the Diocese in this annual celebration.

Parish Hall Kitchen

The Kitchen in the Parish Hall is currently being renovated (with some new stainless steel benches) and will not be accessible until this is completed. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Project Compassion 2014

Project Compassion 2013 raised over $11 million, and our Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle contributed $224, 160.00 (thank you!). The theme for Project Compassion 2014 is Have life and have it to the full (John 10:10). This idea was affirmed when Pope Francis said, Men and women of all times and all places desire a full and beautiful life a life that is not threatened by death but that can mature and grow to its fullness. Dont we all wish for a life filled with certainty; a life free from the burden of poverty with equal access to food, water, education, healthcare and shelter; a life of dignity and a life of peace within our hearts and minds? Your support for Caritas Australia is invaluable. Please give generously. Project Compassion resources are still available in the churches.

Parish Social Functions for 2014

The Parish Pastoral Team organizes four social functions for the Parish each year. The dates for the remaining for 2014 are:

PARISH DINNER to be held on Friday 16th May. INTERNATIONAL LUNCH to be held on Saturday 2nd August. BLESSING OF THE FLEET/PARISH BBQ will be held this year on Sunday 5th October.

Please note these dates in your calendars now. Further details will be published closer to each event.

Copies of the latest issue of Inform, entitled The Mission of the Laity are available from the rear of the Church.

Vocation View
Rise, and do not be afraid. So many experience fear or trepidation when called to the ordained and/or religious life. God strengthens those who are called if they but respond with a generous heart (Matthew 5:38-48). For more information regarding Vocations contact Fr Brian Mascord on 4979 1112 or by email to vocations@mn.catholic.org.au.

Holy Week & Easter Triduum Schedule

The following is the schedule of liturgies to be celebrated in the Parish from Passion (Palm) Sunday through to Easter Sunday. Please note that some event are yet to be confirmed. Sat (12/4) Sun (13/4) 6pm 7am 9am 3pm 4:30pm 9am 7pm 9am 6pm 7pm 10pm Fri (18/4) 10am 3pm 10am 6:30pm MassTuncurry MassTuncurry MassForster Ecumenical Stations of the CrossKilaben Bay MassTuncurry MassForster Chrism MassCathedral MassForster Stations of the Cross Tuncurry Evening Mass of the Lords SupperForster Night PrayerParish Hall Morning PrayerForster Celebration of the Lords PassionTuncurry Morning PrayerForster Easter VigilTuncurry

Autumn Fashion Parade

The Uniting Church in Forster will be hosting an Autumn Fashion Parade, courtesy of Margos Fashions, on Saturday 12th April at 1:30pm for 2pm. Entry is $10 and includes afternoon tea and lucky door prizes. Mon (14/4) Tue (15/4) Wed (16/4)

Celebrating the Sacrament Reconciliation During Lent

Thu (17/4)

During the Season of Lent, that time each year when we are called to examine our lives, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available for extended periods each Saturday:

On Saturday mornings at Tuncurry from 8am until the beginning of the 9am Mass; and On Saturday afternoons at Forster from 4:15pm until 5:15pm. A Second Rite of Reconciliation will be organised for later during the Season of Lent, and you can also contact Fr Andrew directly outside the scheduled times to approach the Sacrament (subject to his availability).

Sat (19/4) Sun (20/4)

6am (tbc) Ecumenical ServiceThe Tanks, Forster 8am MassTuncurry 10am MassForster 5pm Evening PrayerForster

Kids Corner

Our Parish Collections

a) The Parish Collection, providing for the needs of the parish and its ministry, is taken up during the presentation and preparation of the gifts (the offertory). This is the envelope collection. This money stays within the Parish. b) The Diocesan Clergy Collection, providing for the remuneration and support of the clergy of the diocese, will be taken up after communion (during the Thanksgiving Hymn or a similar time). This money is pooled across the diocese to ensure all clergy have access to a suitable remuneration.

High School Chaplain

Great Lakes Education Christian Care Association Inc (GLECCA) is seeking to appoint a motivated Christian youth worker to a part-time position to run High School programs in association with the local Christian Church groups in Forster/Tuncurry. Commencing in Term 2, 2014, the successful candidate would desirably have experience in delivering programs with girls. To obtain the Position Information Package, contact Jan Long on 0403 070 311 or bimjan@bigpond.com. Applications close 29th March 2014.

Catholic Newspapers Available

Both The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) and The Catholic Weekly (Sydney) newspapers are available at a cost of $2 each from our churches.

Parish Intercessory Prayer Group

Our Parish is blessed to have an Intercessory Prayer Apostolate. This group is comprised of a loose knit group of parishioners who simply pray during their normal daily prayers for people on a list updated and distributed each month. There are no meetings and no cost whatsoever and each member may remain anonymous if desired. Because there are no meetings this group is very suitable for all parishioners, especially some of our housebound or incapacitated folk to enable them to play an important role within the parish community, so allowing them to play an important and active role within the life of the parish community. If you are interested in joining this group, just ring Bob Cashman on 6555 5914 or leave your name and phone number with the Parish Office. To request prayers for someone in need of prayer please contact Bob on 6555 5914 leaving your name and contact details.

Opportunities Outside The Parish

Social Justice Council Dinner The Diocesan Social Justice Council will be holding a Dinner on Friday 21st March at 6pm at the Victor Peters Suite, 841 Hunter St, Newcastle West. The cost is $20 (Fish & Chips, vegetarian option available). The topic is Violence, Social Justice, The Police, The Community, and the guest speak is NSW Police Force Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas. RSVP is essential by 7th March to Sharon Murphy on 4979 1111 or by email to sharon.murphy@mn.catholic.org.au. Catholic Social Justice Reflection Day A reflection on Catholic Social Justice Teaching will be held on Saturday 29th March beginning at 9:30am and will be held at Tenison Woods Education Centre, New England Highway, Lochinvar. The day will be presented by Sr Suzette Clark rsc and will consider important matters. The cost is $20; morning tea will be provided, but please BYO lunch. Please RSVP to TWEC on 4930 9601 or twec@ssjl.org.au. Holy Week Reflection Day The Tenison Woods Education Centre will host a Holy Week Reflection Day on Saturday 5th April beginning at 9:30am at the Centre, New England Highway, Lochinvar. Join Virginia Bourke rsj as she leads a day of exploring and reflecting on the prayers and readings of the liturgies of Holy Week. The cost is $20, morning tea is provided. Please BYO lunch. Please RSVP to the TWEC Secretary by phone 4930 9601 or email twec@ssjl.org.au. Ecumenical Way of the Cross The Ecumenical Way of the Cross will be held on Sunday 6th April beginning at 3pm at Kilaben Bay. All are welcome to join Bishop Bill as he leads the Ecumenical Way of the Cross in the grounds of St Josephs Conference Centre, 140 Wangi Road, Kilaben Bay. CatholicCare Masquerade Ball The 2014 CatholicCare Masquerade Ball will be hold on Saturday 17th May beginning at 7pm at Wests Leagues Club, New Lambton. The event is a fundraiser for CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Mannings Child & Family Services, and coincides with National Families Week (15th-21st May). The Ball is a great way to celebrate the vital role families play in our community. Tickets are $140ea (plus booking fee) and are available from www.stickytickets. com.au/14972 or by phoning 4979 1120. 2014 TWEC Dinner The 2014 TWEC Dinner will be held on Friday 13th June 2014 at The Therry Centre, East Maitland,

6:30pm for 7pm. The special guest speaker will be Mr Tim Fischer, former Deputy Prime Minister and more recently the first resident Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, well known train enthusiast, writer and much more! The cost for hors doeuvres, drinks, main meal and dessert is $60 per person For more information call 4930 9601 or email twec@ssjl.org.au. 2014 Diocesan Youth Retreat Be, Grow, Show is the title of the 2014 Diocesan Youth Retreat which will be held from Friday 27th June to Sunday 29th June at Camp Elim, The Lakes Way, Forster. Save the date! For more information email youth.ministry@mn.catholic.org.au. Chisholm Region RCIA Anniversary On Pentecost Sunday 2014 the Chisholm Region will celebrate 21 years of RCIA ministry. If you have had any experience of RCIA in the parishes of the Chisholm Region, especially in the parishes of East Maitland, Morpeth, Maitland, Rutherford or Lochinvar, we hope you will bring a picnic lunch on Sunday 8th June 2014 to the Corcoran Centre, George St, Morpeth and celebrate with us. For more information please contact Loretto Lynch on 4933 7425 or loretto.lynch@ exemail.com.au.

Poppies for ANZAC Day 2015

The craft group at St Albans Anglican Church invite all handcrafters (knitting, crochet, felting, etc) from local churches to join in making as many poppies in preparation for ANZAC Day 2015, and also for the rededication of the War Memorial in Tuncurry in February 2015. The official launch and first poppy making workshop will be held on ANZAC Day 2104 from 1pm to 3pm at the St Albans Anglican Church Hall in Forster. This will be followed by more poppy making workshops on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (commencing in May) from 10am until 12 noontea and coffee will be provided. For more information, contact Julie Davies on 0429 433 330 or by email to 5000poppiesgreatlakes@gmail. Com.

Dio Update E-Newsletter

Each Tuesday, the Diocese publishes an e-newsletter, titled Dio Update, featuring stories from across the Diocese, updating subscribers on events coming up, photos and feedback from events already held, press releases, topics of interest and dates to remember. You can subscribe to this weekly e-newsletter by visiting the Diocesan website www.mn.catholic.org. au/news-events/diocesan-events.

Words and music: Paul Geraghty. All rights reserved. Used by gracious permission of the composer.

It is not the task of the Pope to offer a detailed and complete analysis of contemporary reality, but I do exhort all the communities to an ever watchful scrutiny of the signs of the times. This is in fact a grace responsibility, since certain past realities, unless effectively dealt with, are capable of setting off processes of dehumanization which would then be hard to reverse. We need to distinguish clearly what might be a fruit of the kingdom from runs counter to Gods plan. This involves not only recognizing and discerning spirits, but alsoand this is decisive choosing movements of the spirit of Good and rejecting those of the spirit of evil. I take for granted

the different analyses which other documents of the universal magisterium have offered, as well as those proposed by the regional and national conferences of bishops. In this Exhortation I claim only to consider briefly, and from a pastoral perspective, certain factors which can restrain or weaken the impulse of missionary renewal in the Church, either because they threaten the life and dignity of Gods people or because they affect those who are directly involved in the Churchs institutions and her work of evangelization. Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 51.

Ministers this Weekend... 6pm Tuncurry 7am Tuncurry 9am Forster Ministers next Weekend... 6pm Tuncurry 7am Tuncurry 9am Forster

...of the Word A: Valarie Ross B: Neil Pye A: Cecile Malone B: Bronwyn Morse

...of Communion Kathryn McCabe, Maureen Pye, Michael Amato, Owen Carroll, Pat Hooker Cecile Malone, Graham Griffiths, Kay Griffiths, Mark Mowbray, Tony Knight

A: Genevieve Williamson Barbara Kermode, Robert Moran, Robyn Ryan, Sharon B: Marion ONeill Fowle, Trevor Turner ...of the Word A: Colleen Cashman B: Bob Cashman A: Edna Tucker B: Tony Knight A: Trevor Tucker B: Judith Shand ...of Communion Carolyn Olliffe, Frank Hayman, Jeanette Goodacre, Maureen Pye, Neil Pye Alex Matuszny, Cecile Malone, Edna Tucker, Maria Armitage, Mark Mowbray Barbara Dolahenty, Coral McCarthy, Williamson, Greg Byrne, Lauranne Byrne Genevieve

Please note: The above information reflects the rosters as originally published, and doesnt take account of any swaps that may have been organised between individuals.

Text: Excerpts from the English Translation of the Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL); Music: From the Mass of St Francis 2010, Paul Taylor. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Australian AgentWord of Life International Licence no 195E.

Scripture Readings This Week

Today Genesis 12:1-4 2 Timothy 1:8-10 Matthew 17:1-9 Jeremiah 1:4-9; Acts 13:46-49 Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 Isaiah 1:10, 16-20 Matthew 23:1-12 2 Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14, 16; Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22: Luke 2:41-51 Jeremiah 17:5-10 Luke 16:19-31 Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28 Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 Micah 7:14-15, 18-20 Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Exodus 17:3-7 Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 John 4:5-42

Todays Liturgy of the Word

Responsorial Psalm Response: Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. Gospel Acclamation Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! From the shining cloud the Fathers voice is heard: this is my beloved Son, hear him. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Next Sunday

In your charity, please pray for:

Those recently deceased. Sr Catherine Gleeson, rsj Those whose anniversaries occur about now. Don Hughes All those in our community who are sick.

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