Holy Thur Adoration
Holy Thur Adoration
Holy Thur Adoration
Dear friends, Jesus our saviour, Lord and Master invites each one of us to be with him
during these few moments.
It was 2000 years ago when Jesus looked for someone to be near him to watch and pray
with him for just one hour to stay awake by his side to be one with his agony pain and
suffering in the garden of Gethsemane.
Today, this same Jesus asks us his close followers “Can you not watch one hour with me,
can you not share in the blood of suffering, in the sweat of pain and in my tear of sorrow
and anguish. We have heard his call and have come generously and most willing leaving
aside our work, problems tension to spend this time with Jesus our Lord and saviour.
So welcome then dear friends to this hour of meeting Jesus, knowing Jesus and
accompany him in BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS of agony and suffering.
Let us spend these few moments in silent reflection on the person of Jesus and his agony
of Blood, Sweat and Tears in the present world situation.
Let us place all our intentions, desires problems difficulties in the family, place of work at
the sacred feet of our Lord.
Let us pause to consider what all you want to surrender to Jesus and tell Him those things
Jesus, we see in your agony, caused by our sins, the sad and pained faces of all people.
You come out victorious through obedience and we want to share your triumph in our own
lives. As we agonize over our failings and the sins of the world let us examine our lives
A. BLOOD: It makes us think of war and violence, of the killings around, of the brutality in
Punjab, Assam and in various parts of the world, of man’s inhumanity to man. Jesus is
the victim of such violence, not only at Gethsemane but till the end of time. Have I
been the cause of agony to others through my loose tongue or the improper word?
BLOOD also stands for life. To shed one’s blood for others is noble because it is life
giving. Those who give their blood as martyrs, as donors, as mother with child, partake
in the redemptive love of Jesus by whose precious blood we are saved.