675 Ways To Develop Yourself and Your People
675 Ways To Develop Yourself and Your People
675 Ways To Develop Yourself and Your People
Strategies, ideas, and activities for
self-development and learning
in the workplace
Laurel Alexander
ISBN: 978-1-59996-053-1
Introduction .................................................................................................. v
11 Critical Thinking.................................................................................. 47
12 Delegating ............................................................................................ 52
19 Increasing Self-Esteem........................................................................ 89
Self-development is an organic process: you can start from any point and
your journey unfolds from there. Defining self-development is a little like
defining a painting; it can mean anything to anyone. Self-development is
essentially a state of awareness. Imagine yourself as an onion, a cabbage, or
a rose—self-development is about peeling back the layers of the self and
bringing the real you into light and consciousness. As a rule, we muddle
through life, reacting and responding: self-development is about purpose-
fully traveling through life with a sense of will and awareness about
our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and changing whatever we can
through action.
Self-development is a rippling-out process. Awareness and changes ripple
out from the center of the individual and affect their behavior that in
turn affects those closest to them, out into the community and into the
workplace. If we are each catalysts of rippling change, consider how much
we must affect each other. Although self-development is a personal process,
its organic unfolding impacts on others who, in turn, affect us.
The self-development of individuals affects the organization they work
for, because their behavior impacts on organizational culture and delivery.
The organization has a developmental process and growth plan of its own
origin, which gives rise to developmental opportunities for individuals who
in turn are developing themselves, which has an input into the organ-
izational growth, and so on . . .
This resource is designed as a dip-in, dip-out aid to the self-development of
yourself and your people. It can be used in a number of flexible ways. Each
module starts with an overview of the subject and moves on to exercises
categorized as follows:
N Individual Tasks and Reflections
N Working with Others (a peer, colleague, or partner)
N Working with a Mentor
N Developing Others (these exercises are for facilitators to use in groups)
N Useful Web Sites (live at the time of writing this resource)
INTRODUCTION Goal setting is a very powerful technique that can yield strong returns in
all areas of your life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you
know what you have to concentrate on and improve, and what is merely a
distraction. By setting goals, you can:
N Achieve more
N Improve performance
N Increase your motivation to achieve
N Increase your pride and satisfaction in your achievements
N Improve your self-confidence
N Plan to eliminate attitudes that hold you back
Research has shown that people who use goal setting effectively:
N Suffer less from stress and anxiety
N Concentrate better
N Show more self-confidence
N Perform better
N Are happier and more satisfied
The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to
achieve in your lifetime. Setting lifetime goals gives you the overall perspec-
tive that shapes all other aspects of your decision making. Try to set goals in
all of the following categories:
Career Learning
Creativity Attitude
Physical fitness Hobbies
Family Finance
Community work Social life
The way in which you set goals strongly influences their effectiveness. The
following broad guidelines apply to setting effective goals:
N Express your goals positively.
N Set a precise goal, putting in dates, times, and amounts so that achieve-
ment can be measured.
N Where you have several goals, give each a priority. This not only helps
you avoid feeling overwhelmed by too many goals, it also helps direct
your attention to the most important ones.
N Write goals down to avoid confusion and give them more force.
N Keep the immediate goals you are working toward small and achiev-
able. If a goal is too large, you may feel that you are not making pro-
gress toward it.
You should take care to set goals over which you have as much control
as possible. Goals based on outcomes are vulnerable to failure because of
circumstances and factors beyond your control. If you base your goals on
personal performance, skills, or knowledge to be acquired, then you can
keep control over the achievement of your goals and draw satisfaction from
them. Another flawed approach is to have outcome goals based on the
rewards of achieving something—for example, increased income or recog-
nition by others.
If you achieve all the conditions of a measurable goal, then you can be
confident and comfortable in its achievement. If you consistently fail to meet
a measurable goal, then you can adjust it or analyze the reason for failure
and take appropriate action to improve your skills. Goals may be set
unrealistically high for the following reasons:
N Other people (parents, media, society) can set unrealistic goals for you,
based on what they want.
N If you do not have a clear, realistic understanding of what you are
trying to achieve and of the skills and knowledge to be mastered, it is
difficult to set effective and realistic goals.
N Many people base their goals on their best performance, however long
ago that took place. This ignores the inevitable backsliding that can
occur for good reasons and the factors that led to that best performance.
It is better to set goals that raise your average performance and make
it more consistent.
Alternatively, goals can be set too low for the following reasons:
N Fear of failure. If you are frightened of failure, you will not take the
risks needed for optimum performance. As you apply goal setting and
achieve goals, your self- confidence should increase, helping you take
bigger risks. Consider failure as positive, because it shows you areas in
which you can improve your skills and performance.
N Taking it too easy. It is easy to use the reasons for not setting goals
unrealistically high as an excuse to set them too low. If you’re not
prepared to stretch yourself and work hard, then you are extremely
unlikely to achieve anything of any real worth.
Setting goals at the correct level is a skill that is acquired by practice. You
should set goals so that they are slightly out of your immediate grasp, but
not so far distant that there is no hope of achieving them.
When you are thinking about how to achieve goals, asking the following
questions can help you focus on the sub-goals that lead to their achievement:
N What skills do I need to achieve this?
N What information and knowledge do I need?
N What help, assistance, or collaboration do I need?
N What resources do I need?
N What can block progress?
When you have achieved a goal, take time to enjoy the resulting satis-
faction. Absorb the implications of the achievement and observe the progress
you have made toward other goals.
If you have failed to reach a goal, ensure that you learn the lessons of the
failure. These may be that:
N You didn’t try hard enough
N Your technique, skills, or knowledge were faulty and need to be enhanced
N The goal you set was unrealistic
If you have achieved a goal, this should feed back into your next goals:
N If the goal was easily achieved, make your next goals harder.
N If the goal took a discouraging length of time to achieve, make your next
goals a little easier.
N If, while achieving the goal you noticed a deficit in your skills, set goals
to put this right.
Remember, too, that goals change as you mature; adjust them regularly to
reflect this growth in your personality. If goals no longer hold any attraction,
let them go. Goal setting is your servant, not your master; it should bring
you real pleasure, satisfaction, and a sense of achievement.
N Decide your goals in these categories and assign a priority to them from
A to D.
N Review the goals and reprioritize until you are satisfied that the goals
and priorities you have set reflect the shape of the life that you want to
lead. (Make sure that the goals you have set are those that you—not
your parents, spouse, family, or people around you—want them to be.)
N Once you have set your lifetime goals, set a 25-year plan of smaller
goals that should be achieved if you are to fulfill your lifetime plan.
N Then set a five-year plan, one-year plan, six-month plan, and one-
month plan of progressively smaller goals that should be attained in
order to achieve your lifetime goals.
N Set a daily “to do” list of things that you should do today to achieve your
lifetime goals.
N Finally, review your plans, and make sure that they suit the way in
which you want to live your life.
N Once you have decided your first goal plans, keep the process going by
reviewing and updating your “to do” list daily. Periodically review your
other plans, and modify them to reflect your changing priorities.
Is your life out of balance? Do you spend more time at work than you would
like? Do you concentrate too much on meeting everyone else’s needs? How do
your own needs get met?
Finding and maintaining a comfortable balance in life is a challenge. Most
probably, you direct so much time and attention on work that you sacrifice
other areas of your life. Think of balance as paying attention to every aspect
of your life on a regular basis. It’s about attending to your multidimensional
self so that you can make conscious choices about how you spend your time
and energy at work and in life.
There are four aspects of living that need your attention: the physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Paying too little attention to
any one of them will create the feeling of being out of sync with yourself.
Appropriate attention to each dimension will give you the power to find the
right mix of priorities and actions for creating a balance between life and
work. When you’re in balance, you are more creative and more productive.
Listed below are some actions you can take in each of the dimensions that
will assist you in creating more balance between work and life:
How you live your life is much more important than what you do. Creating
and maintaining balance in life is worth the effort because you’ll enjoy the
process of living while being true to your essential self.
Physical Rating
I eat balanced and regular meals including fresh foods and healthy snacks.
I give and receive in terms of warm touch, hugs, and/or sexual expression.
I express my emotions—I frequently laugh, cry when I’m sad, and so on.
I ask for, and accept, nurturing from others when I need it.
I have friends with whom I can celebrate in good times and call when I
am down.
Intellectual Rating
Spiritual Rating
INTRODUCTION Eric Berne, founder of transactional analysis (TA), made complex inter-
personal transactions understandable. TA offers a concept explaining how
our present life patterns originated in childhood and develops explanations
of how we may continue to replay childhood strategies in adult life, even
when these produce results that are self-defeating or painful.
TA is used in educational settings to help teachers and learners stay in
clear communication and avoid setting up unproductive confrontation, in
management and communications training, in organizational analysis, and
by social workers, police, and religious clergy. In fact, TA can be used in any
field in which there is a need for understanding individuals, relationships,
and communication.
Powerless Innocent
Helpless Fun-loving
Demanding Curious
Abandoned Imaginative
Victim Spontaneous
Lonely Magical
Easily hurt Energetic
Vulnerable Open
Rejected Loved
Dependent Young
Manipulative Warm
Compliant Playful
“Good” Fresh
Depressed Sensitive
Withdrawn Gregarious
Negative Relaxed
Cynical Into holidays, sports, jokes, travel
Avoids intimacy Into nature, art, writing
Bears grudges Into magic, acting, the spiritual
Doesn’t know how to protect self
An “adopted” or needy child can, as an adult, show the behavior and charac-
teristics of a victim. Or they may ignore their own needs (as their needs were
ignored in the past) and become a rescuer of others.
The Adult is . . .
an objective gatherer of information,
adaptable, organized, intelligent, a
tester of reality, thoughtful, a straight
talker, objective.
Function: to solve problems, to
process data
N If you come from your Adult only, you are boring, robotic, and without
compassion, and have relationship problems.
N If you come from your Child only, you can’t think for yourself, and you
need much support.
N If you come from your Parent only, you are not in touch with reality.
3.2 Father
How did you experience your father’s parenting style in terms of “controlling
parent” and “nurturing parent”?
INTRODUCTION Guidelines for building positive work relationships include the following:
N Be tolerant of others’ weaknesses.
N Be tolerant of your own weaknesses. Don’t be self-critical in front of
another person, because, after a while, both of you will believe it.
N Be a good listener.
N Remember that physical warmth bonds people together. Try touching,
a wink, eye-to-eye contact, a smile.
N Don’t expect closeness through inappropriate behavior. Pouting, with-
drawing, or being curt, negative, and whiney seldom draw people closer.
Own up to your emotions and feelings and express them in an open,
honest, clear, and direct way.
N Learn to give and accept praise. Compliment people on their character,
not on their appearance. If you don’t accept praise, people will event-
ually stop giving it.
N If you need to scream at someone, do it at the right person. Don’t take
it out on your spouse, children, or yourself.
N Learn to say “no” to yourself and others when, after objective self-
assessment, it seems the appropriate thing to do. Rescuers and do-gooders
are often resentful because they expect, but receive, little in return.
N When confronted, listen to what the other person has to say without
expressing the typical defensive, reactive self that resides in each of us.
No one likes to be criticized, but change cannot occur without self-
awareness, which in turn cannot develop without feedback. Learn to
ask for feedback. Be honest with your feelings to yourself and others.
N Learn to be direct, open, and clear in giving messages. Don’t be afraid
to express your negative emotions. The key to self-expression is how you
state your feelings. Most relationships are strengthened through the
creative use of conflict.
N Make time for yourself. Learn to look after yourself without always
feeling selfish or guilty.
N Make time for others. Time is a matter of priorities. If you want to do
something badly enough for yourself or another, you will make the time.
N Remember that 70 percent of your communication is nonverbal. Be
in touch with the messages conveyed by your body language, voice
inflection, posture, and facial expressions.
N Avoid “winning” situations. If you “win” a discussion, it is at the
expense of someone else, and you have to deal with that person’s
feelings. No one is right all the time. Nor can you be all things to all
people at all times.
N Tackle life’s problems systematically. People who are stressed try to
undo their “mistakes” in a hurry. Set realistic personal and other-
directed goals. If you don’t succeed, don’t give up. You might need to
adjust your goals or simply keep trying.
N Come to accept the fact that not all life’s conflicts, including your own,
may be resolvable, now or in the future. Some people and situations
simply can’t or don’t want to change. Don’t expect yourself or another to
alter behavior without proper know-how and motivation.
N Learn to set limits with yourself and others. Avoid being the rescuer or
doormat. Failing to set limits leads to resentment.
N You don’t have to justify your every move in life. An honest response is
appropriate, but avoid feeling the need to make excuses for your
actions. Also, don’t cop out of any responsibility when someone else is
depending on you. If the world becomes angry with you, it might be
because you have become undependable.
N Finish unfinished business. Whenever you suppress a feeling, it will
eventually manifest itself magnified many times over. Beware of depres-
sion, illness, or emotional outbursts as expressions of suppression.
N Offer your point of view when it is asked for.
If you can say “no” in a relationship, you don’t have to say “no” to the
1 Understanding yourself
N Identifying your feelings accurately
N Understanding the influence of your background
Self Colleague
WITH A MENTOR Identify your strong and weak relationship skills. Note whether there are
any differences in relationship styles between your personal and pro-
fessional life. Discuss with your mentor. How does your mentor see your
relationship skills? Create an action plan to improve your weak relationship
OTHERS Introduce the subject of building positive relationships and talking about
yourself, as detailed above. Brainstorm the necessary skills. Put the learners
into pairs to discuss their skills and give each other feedback. Reconvene the
larger group to discuss the outcomes and experience.
INTRODUCTION Nowadays, each one of us has the opportunity to be in charge of our own
working life. It is up to each person to plan their career and reskill when
appropriate. Are you aware of the following facts?
N The skills most commonly thought to be lacking are IT skills, communi-
cation skills, and personal skills.
N According to the Department for Education and Employment, growth in
demand in the higher skilled occupations is predicted to the year 2005
and beyond and there is a growing emphasis on multiskilling and
N Core workers are expected to have a wide range of skills including leader-
ship, managerial, development, professional, and technical abilities.
N If you want to get the maximum return from your networking, you need
to give a high profile to your transferable skills.
N You need to be able to work without a clear job description and to
prepare yourself for short-term employment.
N To stay in work you will need to constantly demonstrate your value to
the organization in each new situation.
N Your place within a new company is as the supplier, fulfilling a need to
the customer (the employer).
Pulling up roots 18–22 Leaving the nest, flexing the wings to express individuality.
Early adulthood 22–28 First commitments to adult responsibilities, trying out parental
rules in the world.
Transition 28–32 Re-examination of parental rules, reassessment of current
relationships and career, challenges to our old ways of
thinking, more long-term planning beginning to occur.
Consolidation 32–39 Seeking to become established, the beginning of feeling
pressured by time, making long-term goals based on our
true individuality and not family expectations.
Metamorphosis 39–45 Facing the chasm between ideals and reality, new career, new
relationships, breaking away.
Stabilization 45–55 Increased stability, following changes.
Mellowing 55– Achievement losing potency in the face of increased self-
satisfaction and inner peace with self.
Having located potential work, you then need to market yourself and
negotiate terms. Once in the job, you will be required to work on many levels,
possibly handling a variety of tasks simultaneously. Learn to see every
potential work situation as a market. Find new ways to exploit your skills,
knowledge, and experience, and learn how to take advantage of opportun-
ities to sell yourself.
Because full-time, permanent work will become harder to obtain, the trend
will be toward having two or three part-time jobs or doing contract work
(being self-employed and contracted to do occasional specialist work, and
likely to work for more than one organization). Rather than the traditional
9 to 5 job, you are likely to have a composite career that has several strands
running at the same time, starting and finishing ad hoc.
Other ways in which you might work include telecommuting (working at
home for an employer or freelancing using computers, fax machine, modem,
and telephone) or interim management (a temporary manager for only the
duration of a project). Alternatively, you might be a core worker. A core
worker is someone who is probably between 25 and 45 years old. They
are likely to be career-minded and will work in the central part of an
organization, probably in management or project development. A core
worker is full-time and will have an intense and heavy workload. Their
career progression is likely to be a series of high-powered jobs, not
necessarily with the same organization.
5.7 Values
Go through the list below, checking those values that are important to you:
5.13 Self-Discovery
Discuss with your mentor how you might begin taking steps toward dis-
covering and doing work that would be personally meaningful, including
asking yourself:
N What are my career goals for the next 6 months?
N What are my career goals for the next 12 months?
N Why are these goals important to me?
N Who can I get to help myself achieve these goals?
N How can they help me achieve these goals?
N How will I know when I have achieved them?
INTRODUCTION Are you happy with how you relate to other people? Would you like to be
more outgoing or less dominant in a group? Would you like to be able to start
up a conversation with anyone or do you need to take a step back?
Let’s take a typical interpersonal behavioral problem: for example, you’re
unhappy with your tendency to dominate conversations at social gatherings
or meetings. You end up crowding other people out and, as a result, you often
alienate them. To rectify the problem, you could take the following steps:
N Set a goal (for example, “I’ll stop talking so much when in groups”).
N Identify an action you take to alert yourself in typical situations (for
example, decide to keep your mouth shut for a while, instead of always
jumping into the conversation). However, also consider whether there is
a positive action you might be able to take to achieve your goal more
fully, such as focusing on listening more to the other person.
N Devise a reminder for when you feel yourself slipping into the behavior
you want to avoid. For example, if listening is not your natural response
when you’re socially stimulated, you need to be reminded of exactly
what you should do. However, this reminder will have to be
motivational. Because you typically become so stimulated when you’re
in the company of others, you conclude that, unless a reminder makes
you want to listen, you’ll have trouble doing it. So you decide on a
combination reminder. In trying to identify an important reason for
taking the trouble to listen when you’d rather talk, it occurs to you that
the word friends helps convey what you really want to accomplish—and
what you’ve been losing. Therefore, you decide that the reminder
“Listen to your friends” will give you both the instruction and the
inspiration to carry out your action. You then mentally attach the
reminder to the stimulus. Subsequently, in social situations, you
monitor and adjust by thinking “Listen to your friends” whenever you
feel the urge to jump into the conversation.
Changing interpersonal behavior can be daunting, but your ability to
change your behavior is not a matter of willpower. Your willpower will be
there when you admit your fears and identify whether other people or your
organization is complicating matters with its own fears. The following
situations can cause interpersonal difficulties in the work environment:
N Communication. Fears that “it won’t come out right” are often mis-
identified and are, more accurately, fears of embarrassment, rejection,
or failure.
N Rejection. These are fears of not getting something we already
don’t have.
N Embarrassment. Most of us have had fears of looking foolish, of seem-
ing incompetent, of being taken for granted, of needing help. When our
solution to these anxieties is to avoid the problem, we often find
ourselves in a victim role.
N Conflict. The fear of conflict, or of strong emotional reaction, is wide-
spread and particularly insidious.
N Failure. Most fears of failure are actually about being exposed. Are you
assuming that a failure in outcome means you are a failure as a person?
INDIVIDUAL TASKS 6.1 Improving Your Body Language Through Postural Exercise
Practicing T’ai Chi, the Alexander Technique, yoga, and other forms of
AND REFLECTIONS postural exercise and meditation can give you an upright, relaxed, and
balanced posture, which will then give you internal confidence with your
body language when relating to others. You might want to explore the
6.4 Self-Assessment
Use the following checklist to assess your interpersonal behaviors.
Using questions
Using touch
Problem solving
Thinking skills
Awareness of feelings
Giving criticism
Listening skills
Body stance
Eye contact
Facial expressions
Voice pace
Voice tone
Voice volume
WITH A MENTOR Give the assessment in task 6.4 to your mentor to complete on your own
interpersonal skills. Discuss.
and to devise two strategies to change it. Divide them into groups of three
to discuss. Reconvene the whole group to share their ideas on behavior and
INTRODUCTION A good coach encourages others to think for themselves. In other words, good
coaches teach others to fish for themselves, rather than feeding them fish.
Coaching is a form of leading—you lead people to think differently. Coaching
means asking questions that lead others to new insights, and helping people
solve their own problems. One of the challenges in coaching is to resist
offering people your own answers and thereby metaphorically feeding them
fish; it is an accepted fact that people commit themselves most fully to their
own solutions.
Coaches help people carry out any occupational task more effectively and
aim to help high performers reach greater heights.
Managers who use coaches are committed to self-improvement, and it is
becoming increasingly evident that managers develop more effectively with
the help of a coach rather than just relying on ad hoc experience or courses.
Coaching is not complete until the other person has a concrete action
plan to do something different.
I provide education so that team members understand the theory behind what
they’re doing.
As a mentor, I help my team members develop their skills and the confidence to use
those skills.
INTRODUCTION Interviews are particularly useful for discovering the story behind a res-
pondent’s experiences and to pursue in-depth information around a topic.
Before you start to design your interview questions and process, clearly
identify the purpose of each interview. This helps you keep a clear focus on
the intent of each question.
Types of Interviews
N Informal, conversational, general interview. Here, predetermined
questions are asked. This approach is intended to ensure that the same
general areas of information are collected from each interviewee.
N Standardized, open-ended interview. Here, the same open-ended
questions are put to all interviewees. This approach facilitates faster
interviews that can be more easily analyzed and compared.
N Closed, fixed-response interview. Here, all interviewees are asked
the same questions and are asked to choose answers from the same set
of alternatives.
1. Observe contact reaction as the candidate walks into your office or the
interviewing space. Remember that 70 percent of all communication is
2. Do not hasten to put the candidate at ease. The mental and emotional
state of candidates as they enter into the interviewing process is
important information. It can tell you a great deal about how they
relate to new people and what their self-concept is. If the candidate
continues to be nervous, then you can use some techniques to put the
person at ease.
3. Develop a set of questions and ask the same questions of each
candidate. If you want to distinguish one person from another, you
have to get a range of responses. The way to do this is to ask the exact
same questions of each candidate, and then compare their answers.
4. Start with stereotypical interview questions, but be aware that your
purpose in doing so is to make the subject comfortable. Then take off
from there and go deeper. Your objective is to get the subject talking,
in as much of a discursive, narrative fashion as possible.
5. Sample all relevant areas of the candidate’s life, such as work,
education, competencies, and personality. In each category, however,
start the candidate talking about something they are totally familiar
with. Proceed from the impersonal to the personal, from the familiar
to the unfamiliar, and from the intellect to the emotions.
6. Take notes on, or tape record (with their permission), the interview.
7. Maintain a steady presence from one interview to the next. Do not
behave one way toward one candidate, and in an entirely different
way toward another. If you unduly influence one candidate toward a
negative, or defensive, reaction and another candidate toward a
positive reaction you, again, compromise your interview data.
8. Consider the interview as a real-life or on-the-job process. In effect,
the ideal way to look upon an interview is as a laboratory to sample
projected workplace behavior by the candidates. Within the bounds of
necessary time limits, you as the interviewer should set up
interactions and experiments that will represent possible scenarios on
the job.
9. Note the emotional flavor of the interview. If you keep yourself steady
as a measuring instrument, you will observe that different candidates
will bring into the interview a type of emotional atmosphere. Some
interviews will feel warm and open to you; others might feel cold and
closed. This should be an indication of the kind of atmosphere a
subject will help generate in the workplace.
10. Do not err on the side of being afraid to ask penetrating questions. Be
professional, be courteous, and demonstrate a genuine interest in the
person you are interviewing. This is the way to build trust, and trust
is critical to success in gaining insight into each candidate.
11. Be aware that the toughest challenge in the interview process is
interpreting the data. Many interviewers see the discussion process as
the most important aspect of interviewing. In reality, the true
meaning of the interview will only emerge with skillful interpretation
of the data you have gathered. Proper interpretation of data involves
matching a given candidate with a given job in such a way that the
organization is assured that the tasks assigned to that job will be
carried out well, and that the person will mesh well with others in the
organizational culture.
group will offer feedback on both performances. The performers are to assess
themselves and each other as well. Ask for another two volunteers and
repeat the exercise.
RECOMMENDED The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Interviewing and Hiring Top Performers,
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HRD PRESS TITLES The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Recruiting the Workforce of the Future,
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25 Role Plays for Interview Training, 280 pp.
Counseling in
the Workplace
INTRODUCTION There are basically four types of strategy for helping others in the
N Giving advice: making suggestions about courses of action another
person can, and possibly should, take, looking at the situation from your
N Direct action: taking action yourself to provide for someone else’s
needs—for example, stopping a fight.
N Counseling: helping someone explore a problem so that they can
decide what to do about it.
N Teaching: helping someone acquire knowledge and skills you think
they will need.
After the session, and throughout a sufficient time period, evaluate the
employee’s progress to ensure that the problem has been solved.
There are also two types of counseling—directive and non-directive. In
directive counseling, the counselor identifies the problem and tells the
person being counseled what to do about it. In non-directive counseling, the
person being counseled identifies the problem and determines the solution
with the help of the counselor. The counselor has to determine which of the
two types, or some appropriate combination, to apply to each situation.
Whichever approach is chosen, a workplace counseling session will be most
effective if you keep in mind the following guidelines:
N Move the individual being counseled toward an action outcome.
N Know when to refer the person to someone else—for example, the
Human Resource Department.
N Avoid becoming personally involved.
N Avoid being judgmental.
N Keep asking questions.
N Make sure that you use active listening techniques.
AND REFLECTIONS What, in your opinion, is the difference between counseling and helping?
When were you last counseled in a work situation? What did it feel like for
you? Were the outcomes satisfactory for you? What made the session work
or not work?
WITH OTHERS If it is within your role to counsel others at work, select two examples of
recent counseling and reflect on:
N Your attitude toward counseling (for example, does it vary from person
to person?)
N Your body language (for example, is it open and positive or closed and
N Your verbal style (for example, does it encourage the other person
to talk?)
N Outcomes of when you counsel others (for example, does the other
person change positively as a result?)
WITH A MENTOR What counseling skills does your mentor use? Discuss.
Ask your mentor to set up a role-play situation for you with someone who
has a work-related problem and provide feedback on your performance. Ask
the person being counseled for feedback as well. Assess your own
OTHERS Organize the learners into groups of three. Each group of learners will rotate
the following roles:
N The supervisor performing the counseling session
N An employee with a behavioral problem
N A facilitator to provide feedback and coaching to the supervisor
Ask each learner within a group to practice each role in every exercise. For
example, in exercise 1, the first learner will be the supervisor, the second
learner will be the employee, and the third learner will be the facilitator or
coach. After completing the exercise, they will then rotate roles and repeat
exercise 1. This process will be repeated a third time so that they all get to
role play the supervisor, employee, and facilitator in exercise 1. Once each
learner has played all three roles in exercise 1, the group will then move on
to exercise 2, and repeat the process. They will then continue on to exercises
3 and 4 using the same procedure.
N Exercise 1. The employee is persistently late for work and takes
longer-than-normal breaks.
N Exercise 2. The employee occasionally goes to a bar during their lunch
break. They aren’t exactly drunk, but their behavior suggests that
drinking alcohol has affected their efficiency.
N Exercise 3. The employee is a good worker, but can get irritable and
snappy when under pressure. Because their work involves dealing with
the public in person and on the telephone, their customer service skills
sometimes suffer as a result of stress.
N Exercise 4. The employee is a good worker and is ready to handle more
responsibility, which will involve participation in meetings and giving
presentations. Their problem is that they tend to clam up in meetings
and are scared of giving presentations due to a lack of confidence.
Allowing each learner to perform all three roles has several advantages.
Each learner gets to:
N Practice it
N Coach it
N Be on the receiving end of it
Set up a role play with a colleague. One of you is the counselor, the other is
the counselee with a work-related issue to work through. The counselee
should be reasonably difficult and the counselor should make several
errors—some more subtle than others. Video the sessions. During the
training session, ask the learners to comment on the behavior and
performance of the counselor. Using the same script plus the learners’
modifications, ask for two volunteers to role play the new version. Follow
this up with group feedback and discussion.
INTRODUCTION Why create a wellness program? For the good of the company or the good of
the individual? We can see company health and individual health here as
two sides of the same coin. The company can only be a healthy working
entity when the parts are working well, both individually and together. The
physical and psychological well-being of employees contributes to their
effectiveness and motivation both in and out of the workplace. That is not
say that a healthy person will necessarily be a good worker, but if a company
can encourage a good health program, this will be a positive investment in
the employees who are any company’s most valuable asset.
When life becomes busy, it’s tempting to forget about a balanced diet by
skipping meals or eating while on the run. However, when your body doesn’t
get the balance of nutrients it needs, you may end up trying to do more with
less energy. Even healthy low-fat foods don’t constitute a high-energy diet on
their own. Below are some hints to remedy this.
N Eat quickly prepared foods if you need to, but aim for a combination of
grain products (like bread and pasta) and vegetables or fruit, along with
a modest amount of protein (dairy, meat, or bean) at least three times
a day. It can be as easy as choosing a turkey sandwich with some fresh
fruit or having vegetable chili and whole-grain bread for dinner.
N Set aside time to eat meals at a pace that allows you to taste and enjoy
them. The 15 or 20 minutes it takes to put aside work and other dis-
tractions will be more than compensated by a noticeable energy boost.
N Stress can also increase desire for extra snacks and high-fat comfort
foods. Snacks can be an important part of good eating, so don’t force
yourself to starve if you’re hungry. But snacking when you’re not really
hungry doesn’t give you more energy.
N Sweets and caffeine-containing products may be enjoyed occasionally if
you like, but avoid using them throughout the day, or you may experi-
ence huge dips and surges in your energy levels.
N A 15-minute catnap, a walk around the block, or a stretching session
will most probably give you renewed energy.
N Review your priorities and set aside enough time to get adequate sleep
for the most dramatic effect on your energy levels.
N Set priorities to make the most of your time and let go of the rest. And
when pressures in your life increase, simplify eating routines to save
time if need be, but don’t give up on the good nutrition that can help you
through stressful times.
N Walk as much as possible by parking the car a few blocks away from
where you’re headed or walk to an appointment instead of driving.
Whenever you’re walking, try to focus on long strides and a quicker than
normal pace. This gets the heart rate going a bit faster than if you were
just strolling along.
N Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk up the stairs as quickly as you
can. For variation, try slowing down and taking two stairs at a time to
further strengthen your legs.
N During breaks at work, walk up and down the stairs or around the
building. Find any type of activity that keeps you moving during your
break (you can sit at your desk and relax afterward).
N Whenever you’re walking somewhere, take the long way around.
N At the supermarket, carry your groceries back to the car without using
the shopping cart. And park the car in a spot farthest from the store
N Whenever possible, stand instead of sit. Even standing will burn more
calories than sitting down.
N Lose the remote control. When was the last time you actually got up from
your seat, engaged all your leg muscles, and walked over to change the
channel on the TV?
N Unless it’s urgent, always opt for the restroom that’s farthest from you.
Better yet, use the restroom upstairs!
N When cleaning your house, exaggerate your movements and make them
big. Wash windows with a rag and make big arm circles and up and down
movements. When vacuuming, switch hands every so often to give your
arms and torso equal time on each side. Make long, rhythmic movements
with the vacuum cleaner to increase your heart rate and deep clean the
carpet at the same time!
N Plant a garden and work in it during the spring and summer. Gardening
will take your body through a whole range of movements.
N Get rid of the riding lawn mower. Get back to basics with a push mower.
N Whenever possible, do your own home improvements or repairs.
N If you use a fireplace to help heat your home in the winter, chop and/or
stack the wood yourself. Feeling more aggressive? Load and haul the
wood home yourself instead of having it delivered to your doorstep.
N If you have children, or grandchildren, spend some quality time playing
with them. Few things can jump-start your heart as quickly as trying to
keep up with a child!
N Make a date with your partner to go out dancing once or twice a month.
The longer and harder you dance, the better!
N Take lessons to learn how to play tennis, ski, golf, or any other activity
you think you might enjoy.
N When spending the day at the beach, don’t just sunbathe. Swim, rent a
row boat, or go water skiing, and get active in the water.
N Join the local hiking, walking, or cycling club.
Whether you have tried to lose weight on your own or with the help of an
organized program, the focus is too often on restrictive diets and unrealistic
goals. Not being able to reach these goals can set you up for an endless cycle
of failure and discouragement. Also, limited food choices may trigger binge
To make sure that your weight management plan is safe and effective, ask
yourself a few questions before you begin. Does your plan:
If you can answer “yes” to all these questions, chances are your weight-loss
program will yield long-term success.
AND REFLECTIONS Do you know whether you are eating a balanced and nutritious diet (high-
fiber, low-fat, moderate carbohydrate, and a limited amount of animal
protein)? Do you know whether you suffer from food allergies? (Food can
be linked to physical symptoms and mood swings.) Are you eating at the
right times for your metabolism—for example, do you suffer from dips in
blood sugar?
Are you happy with your weight management? There is no ideal weight—
only the weight that suits your particular shape, size, age, and lifestyle. Do
you want to lose or gain weight?
10.3 Exercise
When was the last time you formally exercised—for example visited the
gym? When was the last time you informally exercised—for example, walked
to work or did some gardening?
Do you want to stop smoking? Have you tried to stop smoking and failed?
What possibilities have you explored for stopping smoking?
WITH OTHERS Consider starting up a lunchtime Employee Good Health Program with your
colleagues, holding weekly or monthly meetings with guest speakers.
Why not get together with your colleagues to see if there is an unused area
in your building that could be turned into a mini-gym?
WITH A MENTOR Discuss with your mentor ways in which you might create a personal well-
ness program.
INTRODUCTION Critical thinking is the art of thinking about your thinking while you are
thinking in order to make your thinking better.
Sounds like quite a juggling act? The key to understanding critical
thinking involves recognizing and working with the basic building blocks
that construct and color our thought processes. These are:
N Point of view (our perception)
N Purpose (the reason for the thought process)
N Information (the raw material for the process)
N Assumption (any pre-established criteria we might be using)
N Implications (the consequences of the process)
N Interpretation (the meaning of the process)
N Concepts (any ideas buried within the information)
If you are aware of these building blocks and can reflect on their relevance,
accuracy, and logic, you can then judge what influence they are having on
any decisions or conclusions you reach.
Critical thinking—and the self-awareness that accompanies it—is a skill
that you can master with time and practice. The starting point involves
developing a series of reflective questions that you can use to question your
ideas. These questions can be categorized into four basic types:
N Summary/definition questions: getting your head around the shape
of the idea
N Analysis questions: breaking down the idea and looking at it from a
number of angles
N Hypothesis questions: exploring “what ifs” to understand how the
idea might work
N Evaluation questions: making a judgment about the idea
Listed below are some example question frames from each of the four
question categories:
N Summary and definition questions:
— What is . . .?
— When . . .?
— Who . . .?
— What is an example of . . .?
N Analysis questions:
— How . . .?
— What are the reasons for . . .?
— What other examples of . . .?
— What is the relationship between . . . and . . .?
— What is (are) the problem(s) /conflict(s)/issue(s) . . .?
— What are possible solutions/resolutions to these problems/conflicts/
issues . . .?
— Why . . .?
— What are the functions of . . .?
— What are the causes/results of . . .?
N Hypothesis questions:
— If . . . occurs, then what happens . . .?
— If . . . had happened, then what would be different . . .?
— What does theory x predict will happen . . .?
N Evaluation questions:
— Is your idea/thought process/conclusion . . .
• Good or bad?
• Effective or ineffective?
• Applicable or not applicable?
• Correct or incorrect?
• Relevant or irrelevant?
• Proven or not proven?
— What are the advantages/disadvantages of . . .?
— What is the best solution to . . .?
— What should or should not happen . . .?
— What is my opinion of . . .?
— What is my support for my opinion of . . .?
Additional skills that are useful for developing critical thinking include:
N Creativity. The ability to generate lots of ideas and think in new
directions can help give you a totally fresh perspective on an idea.
N Decision making. The skills involved in gathering data, evaluating
them, and then acting on them offer a useful way of structuring your
thought processes.
N Mindpower (for example, memorizing). Using techniques such
as memorizing help expand your capacity to hold a number of ideas
in your mind at any one time and consequently allow you to think in
more depth.
N Planning. The skills of goal setting, making and testing assumptions,
and establishing parameters are a useful aid to managing your initial
approach to a problem.
N Problem solving. The ability to analyze different alternatives without
leaping on the first solution that presents itself will give your thought
processes a degree of objectivity and rigor.
N Understanding how we learn. If you are conscious of the environ-
ment and conditions under which your mind is most receptive to new
ideas and learning, you can recreate those environments in which to do
your thinking.
Take the time to sit and focus on your thoughts right at this moment. What
are the feelings underlying your thoughts?
Identify an issue that requires a decision from you. How are you going to
develop the criteria in order to evaluate the outcome? By what values and
standards are you developing that criteria?
Consider a recent assumption you have made. Examine the reasons why you
made it. Evaluate your process and any consequences.
WITH OTHERS Consider a situation where a group decision was necessary and analyze your
thought processes and contribution.
Identify a situation, of which you are part, involving a source (or several
sources) of information from others. How are you going to evaluate the
credibility of the source(s) of information?
WITH A MENTOR Using the assessment below, evaluate your own performance in the follow-
ing critical-thinking criteria. Ask your mentor to comment on your rating
and discuss together. Move on to a discussion of the process you went
through in this self-evaluation.
Critical-TThinking Criteria Good Improving
()) ())
Thinking independently
Exercising fairmindedness
Critical-TThinking Criteria Good Improving
()) ())
Questioning deeply
Reading critically
Listening critically
Consider a fundamental issue in your life that, although not presenting any
major problems at the moment, is of ongoing concern to you. Discuss with
your mentor, with your mentor constantly questioning you.
Ask your mentor to suggest for you a challenging piece of reading related to
one of your areas of interest. Write a critique. Discuss.
OTHERS Introduce the subject of critical thinking. Taking the seven points below,
either divide the learners into small discussion groups and ask them to come
up with key bullet point summaries or discuss the points within the larger
group. The points are as follows:
1. Exploring thoughts underlying feelings and feelings underlying
2. Developing intellectual humility and suspending judgment
3. Comparing analogous situations: transferring insights to new contexts
4. Developing one’s perspective: creating or exploring beliefs, arguments,
or theories
5. Questioning deeply: raising and pursuing root or significant questions
6. Analyzing or evaluating arguments, interpretations, beliefs, or theories
7. Thinking precisely about thinking: using critical vocabulary
Some signs that you might need help with delegation skills include:
N Constantly taking work home with you and/or working overtime
N Not receiving work you assign on time
N Finding a pile of work waiting for you when you return from an absence
N Making decisions without staff input, thus causing resentment
So how do you delegate? First decide which tasks to delegate using the
following guidelines.
N Identify tasks with sensitive implications and keep them for yourself.
N Identify tasks that might impact outside of your department—across
the organization—and keep them for yourself.
N Identify tasks that others might be more skillful at completing and give
them to others.
N Identify tasks that others might enjoy more than yourself and give
them to others.
AND REFLECTIONS Try out the following questionnaire to reflect on your skills:
Yes No
Delegation Skills ()) ())
Yes No
Delegation Skills ()) ())
Do you spend more time working on details than you do on planning and
Do your people feel that they have sufficient authority over Human Resources,
finances, facilities, and other resources?
Do you bypass your subordinates by making decisions that are part of their jobs?
Do you do several things that your subordinates could, and should, be doing?
If you were incapacitated for six months, is there someone who could take
your place?
Do your subordinates take the initiative in expanding their authority with delegated
projects without waiting for you to initiate all assignments?
N All of these?
Yes No
Self-AAssessment ()) ())
N A perfectionist?
N Concerned that others could take the credit for your work?
Yes No
Attitude Toward Delegation (✔)) (✔))
N Disorganized?
N Under pressure?
N Lacking confidence?
Do you tend to see tasks as unsuitable for delegation because they are:
N Too important?
N Urgent?
WITH OTHERS Create a delegation checklist for yourself. Identify three tasks that could be
delegated to others and work through the checklist to complete.
I apply for the job and give it my best effort
Imagine that someone you know says to you, “Wow. You’re a star!” What
would you think? How would you feel? What would you do? See the differ-
ence that positive thoughts make on your thoughts, feelings, and behavior!
Many of us have difficulty admitting we have feelings, let alone expressing
them. If as children our feelings were met with disapproval or anger, we
learn to hide them. As adults, we carry stored feelings of shame, rage, or
guilt deep within ourselves—we only allow ourselves to experience
“acceptable” feelings. This means that the way in which we respond to life is
distorted in order to protect ourselves from what we are actually feeling.
When we repress our feelings, we might be unaware of them, distort them,
experience depression, have only superficial relationships, or develop a
physical illness. As we get in touch with our feelings and learn to express
them honestly, our stress levels decrease. As we learn to share our feelings
with others, so we will find others sharing theirs with us. As we allow our
feelings to surface, the pain diminishes and we find ourselves less over-
whelmed by them. As we experience and express our feelings, we begin to
identify the feelings, openly express them, and increase our intimacy levels.
We may avoid taking responsibility for our feelings in the following ways:
N Denial (I’m fine)
N Projection (taking it out on the cat when you’ve had a bad day at the
N Collusion (controlling the behavior of others through manipulation)
N Rationalization (thinking your way out of feelings)
N Avoidance (excessive drinking or becoming a workaholic rather than
facing, say, a marriage break-up)
Ultimately, you must create your own kind and supportive thoughts. Use
positive self-talk and affirmations regularly to reinforce your self-image and
sense of worth. Affirmations are positive self-talk statements that:
N Start with I
N Are clear and brief
N Are set in the present
N Become more effective with repetition
More often than not, we tend to use the “you” message—for example, “You
stop that!” or “You shouldn’t do that!” Other words that we use to disown our
thoughts and feelings include people, we, that, there, and it. By using I, as in
“I don’t feel like going for a drink” or “I feel frustrated when people keep
interrupting me,” we own our thoughts and feelings. Use I:
N When disclosing feelings and thoughts
N To show responsibility for owning your feelings, thoughts, and actions
N To acknowledge your separateness to others
N To engender less defensiveness in another
Examples of Affirmations
I am willing to take risks to grow and change. When something goes wrong, I handle it.
I must be upset by other people’s problems. I’m not helping others in trouble by making myself
miserable over them.
I must be competent, never make mistakes, and I want to do things well, but it’s OK to make
achieve all the time. the occasional mistake.
I need to depend on someone stronger than myself. The only person I really need to rely on is myself.
My bad feelings are caused by things outside Problems may be influenced by factors outside
my control. my control, but my reaction to them is under my
It’s easier to put off difficult things than face up Putting off problems doesn’t make them easier to
to them. face up to.
13.5 Feelings
Generally, how aware are you of your feelings? Can you normally identify
and express them appropriately?
13.11 Sabotage
Introduce the subject of developing emotional intelligence. Develop the
theme into ways in which we sabotage our processes. Organize the learners
into groups of four to discuss. Reconvene the larger group to share further
Effective leadership is a balancing act. The pivot is the task that needs to
be completed, while the balancing act lies in the facilitation of personnel
needed for completion. A leader may need to balance one individual, several
apparently unconnected individuals, or a specific team of individuals while
focusing throughout on the task.
The critical leadership key skills and qualities have been defined as follows:
Developmental skills Enthusiasm
Empathy Stability
Creativity Effective thinking skills
Innovation Ability to lead by example
Responsibility Integrity
Inspires trust Drive
Interpersonal skills Confidence
People focus Self-awareness
Commitment Courage
Experience and knowledge of the job Emotional intelligence
Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt (1973) have identified the fol-
lowing six leadership styles:
1. Tell. The leader tells the team what to do, and they have no say in the
2. Sell. The leader tells the team what to do and gives reasons for the
action, and they have no say in the matter.
3. Test. The leader puts forward their solution or decision and asks for the
team’s agreement.
4. Consult. The leader explains the situation, suggests a solution, and
asks the team for their solutions.
5. Join. The leader explains the situation and then joins the team to
explore and discuss possible solutions.
6. Delegate. The leader explains the situation and asks the team to come
up with possible solutions, but takes no part in the discussion, agreeing
only to accept the team’s conclusions.
A leader is best when people rarely know he exists; not so good
when people serve and acclaim him; worst when they despise him.
Fail to honor people, and they fail to honor you. But of a good
leader, who talks little, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled,
they will all say, “We did this ourselves.”
—Lao Tzu
Meredith Belbin (1996) has produced some excellent research on team
leadership (and team roles). Examples of leadership styles are given below:
Enthusiastic Likeable
Influential Predictable
Charismatic Deliberate
Social Loyal
Dramatic Patient
Generous Easy-going
Fatal flaw: Talks too much Fatal flaw: Agrees too much
Conscientious Ambitious
Orderly Risk-taker
Self-disciplined Forceful
Mature Powerful
Fretful Energizing
Accurate Organizer
Systematic Self-confident
Fatal flaw: Questions too much Fatal flaw: Directs too much
AND REFLECTIONS Go through the following checklist and assess your leadership skills and
Leadership Skills Good improving
(✔)) (✔))
Motivating others
Team building
Leadership Skills Good improving
(✔)) (✔))
Balancing priorities
Making decisions
Demonstrating fairness
Demonstrating tenacity
Demonstrating self-belief
Showing enthusiasm
Monitoring progress
Promoting understanding
Being approachable
Leadership Skills improving
(✔) (✔)
Showing commitment
Being positive
Taking risks
Being proactive
Managing change
Managing resources
Taking responsibility
Communicating empathy
Communicating respect
OTHERS Introduce the subject of developing leadership and brainstorm ideal skills
and strengths. Organize the learners into small groups and ask them to
consider examples of leadership—for example, Microsoft founder Bill Gates,
former New York Mayor Rudolf Giuliani, and so forth. Reconvene the larger
group and draw out the advantages and disadvantages of good and bad
Guidelines to Empowerment
Yes No
Do you . . . (✔)) (✔))
N Insist on approving actions that your people could take on their own?
N Criticize your people for not consulting you on decisions they could make?
N Jump on your people for mistakes but forget to praise their successes?
If you answered “yes” to more than half of these questions, the chances are
that you disempower at least some of the people who work for you.
Within any small-group activity, there are six stress areas that can enhance
or destroy its effectiveness. These revolve around:
N Structure. How is the session structured? How is each activity struc-
tured? A session needs to have a beginning, middle, and end that makes
sense and moves forward so that participants feel that there is
a constructive reason for being there. Furthermore, each activity needs
to have the same structure, but also needs to address individual
motivation and achievement. It’s a bit like the microcosm and macro-
cosm philosophy. The world (session) is a larger representation of
the individual (activity)—both having the same structure on different
N Timing and pace. This refers to the timing of the session and the pace
of activities. When pacing activities, do you take account of what has
happened in the previous one? You may want to proceed rapidly, but
the participants may want to go slower—and rushing them could lead
to fragmentation of discovery and learning. Usually, groups like to
know how much time they have for a task.
N Interaction. Here we look at interaction between participants and
interaction between facilitator and participants. Competition and
cooperation are both beneficial. What you don’t want is for the partici-
pants to develop a sense of competition with you, as the facilitator. They
need to know you have the authority, but not the control.
N Focus (individual and group). By this, we mean how well (or badly)
the participants are focusing on the sessions and the activities. Some
activities can press personal buttons that can lead to a shift in
individual and group focus. If appropriate, you can use the change in
dynamics to make a more in-depth explanation. Some individuals,
although they may be interested in the subject, feel uncomfortable in a
group work situation, leading to difficulties in productivity.
The number and type of participants, and the structure and purpose of the
activity, influence how these stresses manifest themselves. The secret of
effective facilitation is to maintain a balance between any two extremes of
stresses. Beyond that, you may use a variety of tactics to increase or
decrease the elements in each stress area:
N Structure
To increase the stress element, start with a detailed explanation of the
activity rules and emphasize the importance of sticking to the rules.
Every so often, refer to the objectives of the session or activity.
To decrease the stress element, reassure the participants that it is not
absolutely necessary to stick to the rules. Reaffirm the rules when and
if required. As the session develops, add impromptu activities.
N Interaction
To increase participation interaction, compare the results of individuals/
teams. Ask provocative questions and use the names of participants to
help facilitator-learner and learner-facilitator familiarity.
To reduce participant interaction, increase the conflict between partici-
pants and external constraints—for example, outcomes. Make sure that
you move around the participants or groups.
N Focus
To increase focus on the process, introduce game elements, regularly
check on progress, or let the participants suggest changes to the
activity. Keep referring to the individual outcomes for the activity.
To increase focus on the outcomes, use a performance reward system for
individuals/teams. Instigate a subtle air of competition.
N Needs
To increase focus on individual needs, organize the participants into
groups of equal strength. You can encourage shy people to participate
by giving them achievable responsibilities.
N Control
To increase control between you and the participants, work with “user-
friendly” participants to ensure external control.
To increase participant control, explain that your role is that of
facilitator as opposed to leader or trainer. When the participants ask
you a procedural question—for example, “What do we do next?”—
reframe it to the group as “What would you like to do next?”
N Authority
To increase your authority, scatter your wisdom periodically while
encouraging participants to develop your thoughts and ideas.
To decrease your authority (and encourage participant development),
set the task and boundaries and then withdraw physically (to the back
of the room or outside it).
INTRODUCTION If you can develop your creative abilities, you are better placed to find
solutions to problems. Also, the more you can blend creativity with your
logical planning and evaluation skills, the more effective you will be and the
more you can produce. Channeling creativity in productivity involves going
through a number of processes, such as:
N Gathering data: concerned with analyzing tasks, gathering data, and
trying out ideas
N Frustration: when we doubt our ability and become bored or irritated
N Gestation: when we put the issue on hold and it sinks into the
N Birth: the moment of inspiration from the unconscious as promoted by
the right side of the brain
N Reality testing: living and testing out the reality
N Uses verbal ideas and words to describe things N Uses gestures or pictures to describe things
N Logical N Intuitive
Inner Creativity
To understand and develop inner creativity, we first need to understand the
psyche. Beneath the conscious ego is the essential Self that guides and
directs the body through the subconscious mind. We all know that
something keeps our heart pumping, lungs breathing, and so on, all without
conscious intent. This has been called the subconscious. Our subconscious
also houses the fullest potential of the psyche. When we can tap this inner
realm—raise the subconscious intent to conscious awareness—we get in
touch with and use our inner creativity. There are many ways to reach this
inner creative potential. First, we need to put the ego to rest temporarily.
The chattering personality needs to be set aside for a time so that the
fullness of the entire psyche can see the light of the mind. Some good
methods of quietening our thoughts in order to access inner creativity are
meditation, soft focus, and self-awareness.
N Meditation. There are many forms of meditation. Fruitful meditation
involves closing the eyes, stilling the mind, and focusing on a specific
thought or sound (mantra). Meditation puts your brain into an alpha or,
when you become proficient, a wakeful theta state. In this altered state,
the gap will open and the creative mind will emerge.
N Soft focus. This is an excellent way to stop the thinking process in a
busy environment. Just allow the eyes to maintain a soft focus on a
neutral surface—for example, a wall or ceiling—and be aware of
everything around you without focusing on any one thing. You will
notice that your peripheral vision is increased and your sensitivity to
your entire environment is enhanced, while your mind is calmed. When
you create a soft focus, the ego is temporarily set aside and the subcon-
scious mind, where inner creativity abounds, can come to the surface.
N Self-awareness. The practice of self-awareness runs through all the
great religious and philosophical disciplines. Buddhists, Zen Buddhists,
Sufi mystics, Christian mystics, Hindu yogis, and Taoists all practice
the art of mindful self-awareness. This is a non-judgmental form
of watching one’s daily actions and thoughts in the present moment in
a detached frame of mind. When learned and applied, this can create
the necessary gap between the ego and the Self, and great clarity of
mind unfolds.
Creative Triggers
One valuable way to access the creative mind is to use state-dependent
memory. This form of memory offers the recall of a vivid past event during
which you had a great insight. In the recall, you revisit the same feelings
and mood that were present in the original event. The easiest way to
Henceforth, when you use the specific physical trigger, the AHA experi-
ence will be immediately recalled. The trigger will take you out of associated
memory and circular thought patterns and into the ideal mental state for
creativity. This works particularly well in the workplace when creative
solutions are needed immediately.
Intuitive Insight
Intuition, if practiced daily, will accelerate your creativity. Intuition taps
into that source of knowledge and wisdom that lies just below the surface
of conscious awareness. This level of mind has been given various names.
Jung called it the collective unconscious. Formal science has yet to give it
a specific name, except to refer to it as the subconscious or unconscious
mind. This is the same level of mind that, without our conscious thought,
keeps our heart beating and our lungs breathing, and generates our bodily
How do you access this wisdom on demand? Whenever you are completely
at a loss about something, just stop and go into a “mindless, non-thinking”
state for as long as you’re comfortable with it. Looking at anything neutral,
such as a white wall or the ceiling, will do. You will return to conscious
“thinking” within a few minutes and will have a fresh thought or approach
to whatever you were working on.
Creative Breath
Controlling your breathing greatly aids clarity of mind, and creativity is a
product of a clear unobstructed mind. One effective way to achieve a creative
solution quickly is by controlled breathing. When we need a creative solution
to a problem, we need as much inspiration as we can acquire. The word
inspire is derived from the Latin roots in and spirare or, literally, to breathe
in. To be inspired is to be full of the breath of life. Yogic disciplines teach that
the air we breathe is full of prana or the spirit of life. The Chinese call this
energy chi.
From a scientific standpoint, oxygen levels in the brain are tied to levels of
the neurotransmitter serotonin, the hormone that controls states of con-
sciousness and mood. You can regulate your levels of serotonin by controll-
ing your breathing. Too much serotonin in the brain causes irritation and
stress. When you need to produce a more heightened state of awareness for
immediate problem solving, you can control your breathing and decrease the
levels of serotonin that can result in greater relaxation and allow the brain’s
intuitive, non-linear activities to flow more smoothly. Here are two methods
for increasing brain hormonal and hemispherical balance:
N The first method is slow deep breathing, holding the breath moment-
arily between breaths. Holding the breath oxygenates the brain and
facilitates clarity. Deep breathing promotes alpha brain waves and
relaxes the body and mind.
N Another method is to breathe through alternating nostrils. The Chinese
believe that the nostrils are an indication of hemispherical dominance.
Whichever nostril you habitually breathe through can tell you which
side of the brain you favor. Pinch your nostrils together across the
bridge of your nose and release the right nostril. Inhale through your
right nostril for a count of four. Pinch both nostrils again for a count of
four. Release the left nostril and exhale for a count of four. Inhale
through your left nostril for a count of four. Pinch for a count of four.
Release the right nostril and exhale for a count of four. Repeat the cycle
four times. If you practice this for about ten minutes you will improve
your mental clarity. You will also slow down your brain waves from beta
to alpha, thus facilitating intuitive thought.
Creative Qualities
Independence Inquisitiveness
Intuitiveness Openmindedness
N Specific N Vague
N Positive N Negative
you try to avoid discussing it, it will loom larger in everyone’s minds as
you attempt to move on. Do not disagree or counterattack. Avoid
blaming or bad labeling language such as “You don’t know what you are
talking about.”
2. Ask for more information so that you both can cool off and stay focused
on the issue, rather than the feelings or personalities.
3. If you believe the comments are accurate, then say so. If an apology is
appropriate, give it sooner rather than later. Then say what you plan to
do differently to respond to the negative feedback. Ask for their
response to your comments. The sooner you verbally agree, if you find
truth in the negative feedback, the more likely you are to engender
respect from the other person and any others who witness the
interaction. If, on the other hand, you disagree with the comments, say
“May I tell you my perspective?” This maneuvers the other person to
giving you permission to state your view, as you have been willing to
listen to theirs.
N Especially in the beginning, listen more and talk less, keep your
motions and voice lower and slower. These behaviors increase the
chances that others will feel more safe and comfortable around you.
N Highlight commonalties more frequently than differences. Whatever
you refer to most and most intensely will be the center of your relation-
ship. Keep referring to the aspects of them and their points that you can
support and want to expand upon.
N If the other person does not initially accept your response, consider
making the same suggestion later on and in a different way. Try
rearranging the same elements of a suggestion or offer to find a more
mutually attractive compromise.
N You can acknowledge that there may be some truth in what is being
said—for example, your response to “You never make the coffee” could
be “I often make the coffee, but this week I haven’t.”
N Check out what you heard by reframing it in your own words.
learners into groups of three. One learner shares how they might improve
their skills while another partner provides feedback. The third person
observes and provides feedback to both learners. Each group member takes
a turn at each role. Reconvene the whole group for group feedback.
INTRODUCTION Self-esteem is the value you place on yourself. Healthy self-esteem gives you
energy to cope with the many challenges you face day-to-day. Sometimes,
identity and sense of worth are totally dependent on having a job or being
in a relationship. If these end, self-esteem might take a nose dive. When
we experience low self-esteem, it doesn’t mean we are failures—many
successful people experience self-doubt from time to time. Whatever the
reasons for self-esteem being low, people tell us that when they learn to give
themselves approval from within, and develop new coping skills, their stress
levels go down and their energy goes up—leading to greater self-esteem.
Self-esteem is about understanding yourself, believing in yourself,
becoming your own power source, and taking responsibility—making your
own choices. The following guidelines are keys to improving self-esteem:
N Accept yourself. Accepting yourself as you are now makes it possible
for you to grow and develop. When you feel OK about yourself now, you
are able to risk change.
N Stop comparing. You can’t win in a comparison: usually you will
evaluate yourself lower than the person you compare yourself to. If you
do win in the comparison, you will tend to devalue the winning trait—
for example, “I’m a better manager than Bob is, but so what! It takes
computer skills to get ahead here.” Instead of comparing yourself to
others, celebrate the differences.
N Make learning mistakes. A mistake does not make you a failure. It’s
a sign that you’re alive and developing. Treat a mistake as an opportun-
ity to learn. Don’t fall into the low self-esteem traps of blaming others,
denying your mistakes, defending your behavior, or criticizing yourself
for not being perfect.
N Prune relationships. Surround yourself with people who are positive
and affirming. Sometimes this means that you need to let go of a
relationship—or at least limit the amount of time you spend with that
N Stop improving, start developing. When you try to improve your-
self, you start from a belief that there is something wrong with you that
needs to be fixed. Instead, start with your strengths and talents and
develop these. In this way, you can grow from a foundation of strength
instead of a foundation of weakness.
N Stop value judging. Most people spend a great deal of time on
“shoulds”—“I should do this. I shouldn’t do that.” All these “shoulds” are
value judgments that lower your self-esteem. Try accepting yourself
and others. Replace your “shoulds” with non-judgmental words such as
want, choose or prefer.
N Affirm yourself. Each night before you go to bed, jot down five things
you feel good about from the day. They don’t need to be big things.
They could be kindnesses you showed, feelings you expressed, or
commitments you honored.
Life experiences
So what are the causes of low self-esteem? Some of these are listed below:
N Parental overprotectiveness. The child didn’t learn to trust outside
the family, leading to an insecure adult fearful to venture far.
N Parental neglect. The child fails to receive adequate attention and
nurturing, leading to an adult who neglects their own needs.
N Overcritical parents. The child left home with the feeling of never
being good enough, leading to an adult with a longstanding sense of
inferiority and a tendency to self-criticism.
N Significant childhood loss. Either divorce or death has made the
child insecure, leading to adult overdependency on actions or people.
N Parental rejection. The child received an overt or covert message that
they were unwanted, leading to an adult with tendencies toward self-
N Parental overindulgence. The child was given insufficient exposure
to appropriate limits, leading to an adult lacking in persistence.
9. Make friends with you. Stop criticizing yourself and learn to like
who you are—warts and all.
10. Put less emphasis on perfection. A photographer put together the
perfect features from the faces of several well-known beautiful women
and handsome men. The result was utterly bland and lacking in
character. So when you strive toward perfection—and just whose
idea of perfection is it anyway?—remember it is the oddity or the
imperfection that adds interest and character.
11. Find your sense of humor. Laugh at yourself a little more.
If you’ve said “yes” to some or all of these ten questions, it’s time to
recharge or strengthen your self-esteem. It’s normal for self-esteem to fluc-
tuate depending on the challenges you are facing at the time, but if you’re
down more than up, there are solutions.
Not all meetings are successful. Indeed, they often have a reputation for
being a waste of time, a forum for a just one person’s point of view, unclear
in terms of their objectives or outcomes, and so on. Listed below are some
reasons why meetings fail and what might be done about them.
The meeting is poorly planned. Plan and distribute the agenda before the meeting.
The meeting is disrupted. Check for likely disruptions and delegate urgent
The wrong people are present and the right people Identify and invite the key decision makers.
are absent.
The chairperson isn’t adequate. The chairperson needs to improve their skills.
Control Control
position position
Chairperson Ally
Troublemaker Troublemaker
Ally Ally
Participating in Meetings
If you are invited to a meeting, when you have found what the objectives of
the meeting are, prepare to be supportive and encouraging. Aim to earn
authority as a leader among equals. Be resourceful and collaborate on
objectives. Participate and become involved. Good participation involves:
N Learning about issues
N Thinking before you speak
N Being reasonable
N Listening to others
N Speaking clearly and to the point
N Having confidence in yourself
To gain recognition, sit within good eye contact of the decision makers. If
presenting, arrive early and select your vantage point. If it is a long table,
choose the middle of one side; if it is an oval table, choose one of the narrow
curved ends. To mitigate a confrontation, sit next to the challenger. To avoid
attention, sit in a blind spot for the chairperson and wear a neutral outfit
with no accessories.
Good communication isn’t only about what you say, but also about your
nonverbal signals. Undermining signals include:
N Slouching in your chair
N Looking down at your notes or out of the window
N Looking up at the ceiling
N Turning away
N Folding your arms across the body
N Using closed, threatening gestures
N A deadpan or cynical expression
motivate involve
14. If you anticipate conflict, sit on that person’s dominant side (indicated
by whether they are right- or left-handed) so that they will feel less
15. Don’t allow an argument to turn into a battle.
16. If you want to exert an influence, speak early in a discussion.
17. Maintain eye contact.
18. Use your hands to express your point.
Chairing a Meeting
The agenda should contain:
N The organization’s name
N Committee/group name
N Date, time, and place of meeting
N Finishing time
N Apologies
N Welcome
N Minutes of last meeting
N Matters arising
N Specifics
N Any other business
N Future meeting details
Minutes are used to record what is being decided, why it was decided, what
action is to be taken, when and by whom, and what else was discussed. They
should include:
N The organization’s name
N The date, time, and place of the meeting
N Meeting description
N People present
N Apologies for absence
N Who chaired
N Corrections to the previous minutes
N Matters arising from the previous meeting
N Minutes for topics for this meeting (making specific reference to any
decisions made and action to be taken, by whom and by when)
N The date, time, and place of the next meeting
N The time this meeting finished
When chairing a meeting, you also need to be able to deal with difficult
people—those who want to argue, won’t listen, talk too much, or hold fixed
views. In such situations, you need to move the issue away from them and
back into the wider group. Sometimes you can do this by simply restating
the issue; alternatively, the best way of moving the meeting forward might
be to allow controlled discussion. Other techniques you could use include
Yes No
Meeting Criteria (✔)) (✔))
What are the foundations of NLP, and how do they relate to business?
There are four principles:
1. Rapport. This is the relationship of trust and mutual influence that
is at the heart of successful management. It is a comfortable, non-
judgmental, mutually accepting relationship between people. Rapport
develops when the person you are relating to believes that you are
really listening to them and responding to their words and signals.
2. Knowing your outcome. NLP gives the skills not only to clarify busi-
ness goals, but also to relate individual goals to organizational ones.
3. Openness to feedback. This refers to an individual’s sensory open-
ness to what they see, hear, and feel from others, in order to achieve
greater understanding and appropriate responsiveness.
4. Flexibility. This refers to the ability to change what you are doing
based on the feedback you are getting.
and values that support those behaviors. Suppose that one belief is that
“I am great at motivating my people.” Now, imagine that another manager
had all the skills and seemed to have the right behaviors, but held a different
belief that “I am terrible at motivating my people.” It is likely that, however
good the second manager’s skills are, they will not be used properly. With
NLP, it is possible to change the second manager’s belief to a more empower-
ing one. This offers the possibility that all your managers can be the best.
At the heart of NLP is understanding how people do what they do well.
This is called competency modeling. When a person does something
exceptionally well, they will be conscious of some of the thoughts and moves
they make, and can pass on tips to others. However, some aspects of
excellence will typically be unconscious. NLP modeling identifies and
defines the thought processes and mind patterns used by top performers.
It enables us to discover the difference between competence and excellence
in any given area of human activity and is used in training, business,
management, sales, coaching, and counseling.
NLP identifies and defines how our minds work. Put simply, the world we
perceive is not the real world. We each construct a unique model of the world
in our heads at an unconscious level and then live in the model as though it
was real. Most human problems derive from the models in our heads rather
than from the world as it really is. As you develop your practical
understanding of how these inner models work, so you can learn to replace
unhelpful habits, thoughts, feelings and beliefs with more useful ones. NLP
skills offer specific and practical ways of making desired changes in your
own and others’ behavior. So now you can ask yourself, “How would I
like to redesign my life?” and “What would I want to achieve in both my
personal and professional life if I knew how?” and actually go ahead and
do these things.
NLP provides the tools and techniques for developing individuals, teams,
and organizations to achieve success. It relates employees’ skills and values
to the business goals and structure. In fact, it brings much to this particular
area—communication skills, leadership skills, and ways to clarify your
beliefs and values so that you can appreciate yourself and bring more of
yourself to your work. Success is about achieving results. The results you get
are a reflection of your ability to motivate yourself and others and to work
with, or creatively around, the business structure. In any organization, the
environment, procedures, organizational values, and identity are as much
part of the system as the skills, actions, beliefs, and values of the people
within it. One of the great strengths of NLP is the ability to clarify and relate
tangible, everyday business procedures with the intangible ideas and values
that drive them. NLP is about your unique experience and how you create it.
NLP exercises involve different visual and language exercises to help
people change the structure of their experience. For example, people who
have problems speaking in public often go through a sequence of mental
activity such as:
1. See the audience.
2. Imagine them staring at me.
3. Hear them criticizing me.
4. Feel tense and have butterflies in my stomach.
5. Call this sensation “fear.”
NLP has many exercises to help the individual rewrite this script so that
it might then read:
1. See the audience.
2. Imagine them smiling at me.
3. Hear them giving me words of encouragement.
4. Feel tense and have butterflies in the stomach.
5. Call this sensation “excitement.”
Other NLP exercises can help change limiting beliefs (from “I can’t” to “I
can”), change the meaning of past events (from “They ruined my life” to
“They may have caused me pain in the past, but my future is great”), change
future expectations (from “This interview is going to be horrible” to “This
interview might be challenging”), and so on.
If you communicate with someone who thinks in the same way as your-
self, understanding will be easily achieved and your relationship will be
enhanced. If you are relating to another person, and each of you thinks in a
different way, your communication is likely to be more difficult.
21.2 Match/Mismatch
Look at the following boxes. You can approach the business of relating from
one of two directions: the match (identifying similar people to yourself or
similar situations to your own) or the mismatch (identifying what is
dissimilar about people or situations).
What did you notice? The similarities? Or did you notice that two are on
their sides and one is upright? Do you look for what was the same (match)
or for what was different (mismatch)?
Internally influenced people use internal senses (and are more independ-
ent) as proof of fulfillment. Conversely, externally influenced people rely on
external sources and other people for the proof. Discuss, with your mentor,
your response and more-in-depth definitions of internal and external
(managers are usually internally referenced).
There can be many sources of interference for you as a listener, such as:
N Hearing difficulties
N Sight difficulties
N Physical distractions
N Fatigue or illness
N Low attention span
N Time pressure
N Doubts about the trustworthiness of the speaker
N Daydreaming
N Perceived lack of relevance
N Memory difficulties
N Limited vocabulary
N Sensitive topic area
N Feeling threatened
N Anxiety and tension
N Selective listening due to a pressing personal need
N Areas of prejudice
N Dislike of the other person
N Persistent thoughts
N The needs of another demand your involvement
N The appearance of the speaker is extreme
N The values you support are under attack
N You don’t feel accepted by the speaker
N An apology from you should be forthcoming
N You have to admit an error
N You have heard the discourse before
N You can’t wait to say something
N The person speaks with a dialect or accent
N Anger and other extreme emotions
Active listening skills help you concentrate and become more involved in
the conversation. They can be summarized as follows:
N Let the other person finish speaking without interruption.
N Show interest by inviting the person to share their feelings, beliefs, and
N Show appreciation for the other person’s feelings.
N Clarify the meaning of a message by restating and reflecting back what
is said.
N Be aware of nonverbal and verbal (in terms of tone and pitch) messages.
N Avoid judgmental statements.
N Create a comfortable place for communicating by eliminating distractions.
1. Diagnostic Listening
Questions are asked to encourage the speaker to give more
information. Used when a person has something important to
say or a problem to work out.
2. Empathetic Listening
The listener shares the speaker’s feelings. The speaker needs
little response, just indications that you are listening.
3. Attentive Listening
The listener gives the speaker full attention and provides
feedback on important points made.
4. Emotional Listening
The speaker arouses a powerful emotion in you and blinds you
to what is being said.
5. Dismissive Listening
The listener decides that what the speaker has to say is not
worth listening to.
6. Destructive Listening
Similar to dismissive listening, but the listener is only intent on
putting down the speaker.
7. Distracted Listening
This results from trying to do something at the same time as
listening and not giving either activity full attention.
8. Anxious Listening
This occurs when the listener is so awestruck that they submit
completely and hear little of what is being said.
9. Impulsive Listening
This happens when the listener is too eager to get going and
doesn’t listen properly to instructions.
When the exercise has been completed, give the answers and discuss.
INTRODUCTION Most people’s fear of decision making is based on the possibility of one of
three outcomes:
1. They make a decision and then are forced to stick to it despite the fact
that it is seen to be not working.
2. They make no decision at all and leave things up in the air.
3. They make a group decision that has involved so many compromises
that the final results fall well short of the original aim.
Problem Solving
Problem solving usually precedes decision making. Its aim is to discover
what caused a particular situation so that you can use the knowledge to
decide how to handle it. Use the following as guidelines for effective problem
N Step 1. Once you have identified your problem, gather your data.
Decide why you want the facts and the type of data to be collected.
Decide on the timescale of the data collection and identify the most
appropriate person for the task. Then design an easy-to-use check
sheet. Alternatively, you could gather your data in display forms, such
as bar charts, spider diagrams, pie charts, or flowcharts.
N Step 2. Now move on to problem analysis. Two techniques you could
use are a relations diagram or a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppor-
tunities, and Threats) analysis. A relations diagram is used to relate
cause and effects. Define the effect to be analyzed and write this in the
middle of a sheet of paper. Keep asking yourself “why?” in order to
identify the key factors that caused this effect. Write these as the main
spokes radiating from the center. Then consider each cause as an effect
in its own right and identify further causes by again asking “why?” Look
for cross-links between causes and effects and link them with lines of a
different color.
Decision Making
The following are the key steps involved in decision making:
1. Specify the aims.
— What are you trying to achieve?
— What is the purpose of the decision?
— What is the expected outcome likely to be?
You need to have motivation to clarify your aims and, in turn, identify-
ing your aims will fuel your motivation. It is useful to externalize your
aims by means of a list or chart.
2. Review the factors.
— List the factors that are important in the decision.
— Determine the impact of each one and rate them in importance.
3. Determine possible courses.
Produce as broad a range as possible through brainstorming.
4. Make the decision.
You now have a broad range of possible courses of action that needs to
be analyzed and evaluated against the factors you listed earlier. Part of
the decision-making process is that of balancing risk. Consider the risks
involved in each possible course of action and then choose an acceptable
level of risk. At this stage, you need to use critical thinking: question all
the assumptions you have made, evaluate the arguments of others, and
appraise the data to make sure of the facts. Then either reject or retain
the possible courses of action. A decision is reached when only one
course of action remains.
5. Implement and evaluate the decision.
After the decision has been made and action taken, evaluate whether
the decision was the most appropriate or whether you need to make
adjustments or consider another possibility.
23.7 Benchmarking
Use the benchmarking technique to generate solutions to a current problem.
Discuss with your mentor.
RECOMMENDED The Problem Solving and Decision Making Toolkit, 150 pp.
Problem Solving and Decision Making Profile, 16 pp.
INTRODUCTION When we are proactive in initiating change, we feel in control. But some-
times things happen to us that are outside our control, and this can produce
difficult feelings that prevent us from moving toward success. In today’s
world, the speed of change can seem alarming. In order to be able to work
with change, we need to be adaptable. Flexibility is a bonus to the art of
managing change: the more rigid your attitude, the more you will experience
change as a threat. However, there’s nothing wrong with feeling anxious
when faced by change, and acknowledging your fear is the quickest way
through it.
We might have a disproportionate anxiety about change as adults if we
have a childhood background of enforced change. We might fear being
overwhelmed by change that is externally imposed. We might believe that
we don’t have the skills to deal with it. We might feel angry at having change
forced upon us. Of course, change can bring uncertainty, but it can also bring
new opportunities. If you find the word change daunting, try using the words
grow, evolve, or transform instead.
With enforced change, such as being laid off or changing work roles, use
the opportunity to change work direction or learn new skills.
You may tend to feel worse about change when you keep your thoughts and
feelings to yourself. Expressing these to another person will dilute the
negativity, giving you more room for constructive action. Anxieties take up
vital energy that could be used to deal with change. Notice how fatigued you
became when facing a period of uncertainty. You don’t have to like change,
but if you can understand it and embrace it, rather than fight it, the quicker
the difficult feelings will fade away.
It could be that, as part of your coping strategy with change, you need to
allow yourself a period of adjustment. Change takes time to assimilate. If we
give ourselves time to consolidate our feelings, we will find ourselves on
firmer ground quicker.
It helps to balance the acceptance of change with the security of esta-
blished safety zones. These are areas of your life that you can rely on—for
example, walking the dog, visiting the pub, working out at the gym, or
having a meal out. Accepting change becomes easier when there are other
points of reference in your life that are under your control.
Someone who has a strong self-image is better able to cope with change
than someone who has not. When you have a good self-image, you know that
you can stand as a rock in the midst of change.
When you go through a period of change, you can feel out of control because
you do not understand why things have to change, how they might change,
and what might happen as a result. So rather than letting the fear of change
overwhelm you, gather information to help you feel more in control.
In times of change, you need to remain centered on yourself and your own
approval. It helps to gather information from others, but not to rely on them
to make you feel better in the face of change. It is best to focus internally for
your sense of security rather than externally. Self-knowledge, confidence,
and self-esteem are the components of this inner security.
Often when change is enforced, people tend to look back with rose-tinted
glasses to “the way things were.” Maybe things were different then, for
better or worse. However, now is the time you need to be concerned with. Do
not become trapped between past glorification and future fear. The past
is safe and can be seen as a happy fantasy. The future is unpredictable
and therefore unsafe. But that perception is only a reflection of your state
of mind.
Taking calculated risks—for example, applying for a promotion—will help
you become more receptive to change. In that way, you can get used to being
proactive with change and thereby increase your sense of control. Remem-
ber, it is the effects of change we fear rather than the actual change itself.
Feel in control of change by:
N Adapting yourself
N Allowing a period of adjustment
N Accepting the change (you don’t always have to like it)
N Having regular stable reference points in your life—for example, work-
ing out at the gym or having a meal in your favorite restaurant
N Becoming informed
N Managing your time
N Setting new goals and working toward them
N Managing your stress
N Thinking positively
N Being proactive
N Taking time out to explore and make plans
N Developing a core of security within yourself, as opposed to relying on
finding it from outside sources
N Living in the present
N Establishing new routines
RECOMMENDED The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Corporate Culture Change, 190 pp.
50 Activities for Achieving Change, 420 pp.
HRD PRESS TITLES Change Management Effectiveness Profile, 16 pp.
Your Anger
INTRODUCTION Anger is part of our emotional spectrum of self-expression, but is all too often
either inappropriately expressed—for example, via aggression, manipula-
tion or blame—or denied altogether and repressed inside ourselves, never to
see the light of day.
Repressed anger can make us defensive, resentful, anxious, depressed,
sad, shallow, and judgmental. In the long term, it can affect the immune
system and make you ill. As with many of our feelings, the way in which we
deal with anger derives from our early conditioning. Our childhood
observation of our role models, such as our parents, dealing with anger will
affect how we deal with anger as adults. Gender also has an effect. For
example, it is traditionally acceptable for men to demonstrate anger, and we
may expect men to be more aggressive than women. Indeed, many women
have a problem with anger, because, traditionally, it hasn’t been “proper” for
a woman to express this emotion.
Anger can also be a cover-up for fear. A man might believe it is more
appropriate to show anger than the fear that he really feels. Anger can also
cover up hurt—better to attack or defend than to show vulnerability. Getting
angry helps us:
N Set limits where appropriate
N Grieve hurts and losses
N Get our needs met
N Get things off our chest
N Be assertive
N Influence or change others
N Discover what lies beneath our anger—for example, hurt
N Understand and accept other people’s anger
Until now, you may only have been aware of E and F. However, what
happens at T can be critical, not only for how angry you are because of E,
but also in regard to how rationally you handle the situation. You can
influence F by learning to think more realistically at T.
Task-oriented inner dialogue can be used before, during, and after an
event. For example, suppose a work colleague keeps using your work area as
a dumping ground for their work even after repeated requests for them not
to do so. You are going to raise the issue yet again with the added statement
that you will be dumping their work on the floor the next time they put it on
your desk. Your inner dialogue might run along the following lines:
N Before: “Keep calm, remember what I am going to achieve.”
N During: “I am in control. I will stick to what I am going to do.”
N After: “Even though the situation is not completely resolved, I’m glad
I’m learning to cope without getting aggressive.”
N What kinds of thoughts do you have about yourself when you are angry?
N How do you behave when you are angry?
N How you feel, think, and react when others get angry with you?
INTRODUCTION The concept of mentoring comes from Greek mythology. In Homer’s Odyssey,
Mentor was the teacher of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. But Mentor was
more than a teacher. Mentor was half-god and half-man, half-male and half-
female, believable and yet unreachable. Mentor was the union of both goal
and path—wisdom personified (Daloz, 1999). Today, some 3,500 years later,
mentoring relationships are still valued. Increasingly, mid-career profes-
sionals seek mentors when they wish to develop new levels of expertise and
to advance in the profession.
The most effective mentors:
N Are confidants, advisors, teachers, guides, coaches, and role models
N Want to share their knowledge, skill, and experience with those they
mentor in a noncompetitive way
N Offer support, challenge, patience, and enthusiasm while they guide
others to new levels of competence
N Expose the recipients of their mentoring to new ideas, perspectives, and
standards, and to the values and norms of the profession
N Are more expert in terms of knowledge, but view themselves as equal to
those they mentor
N Are considered by peers to be experts in the field and demonstrate
superior achievement through their work
N Are enthusiastic about their field and continue to update their back-
ground in the field
N Listen to, and communicate effectively with, others
N Recognize excellence in others and encourage it
N Are able to empathize with others and understand their views
N Enjoy intellectual engagement and like to help others
N Are sensitive to the needs of others and generally recognize when others
require support, direct assistance, or independence
N Exercise good judgment in decisions concerning themselves and the
welfare of others
N Stage 1. The mentor and recipient become acquainted and clarify their
common interests, shared values, and professional goals.
N Stage 2. The mentor and recipient communicate initial expectations
and agree on some common procedures and expectations as a starting
N Stage 3. Gradually, needs are fulfilled. Objectives are met. Professional
growth takes place. New challenges are presented and achieved. This
stage might last for months or years.
N Stage 4. The mentor and recipient redefine their relationship as col-
leagues, peers, partners, and/or friends.
N How well do I understand the recipient’s overall expectations for our mentoring relationship?
Communications Checklist for Mentors
N Does my communication method (face-to-face, telephone, written) fit specific mentoring situations?
N Have I given them enough time to respond, to ask questions, or to ask for clarification?
N Am I willing to set aside my own communication agenda to listen to theirs at any time?
INTRODUCTION What motivates you? Money? Doing a job well? Recognition? Winning?
Advancement? Acceptance? Or would you be happy if only you could work in
a more pleasant environment? You will work harder only if it gets you what
you want. A motivational factor is something you obtain only through your
own efforts. Listed below are some thoughts on motivation:
N Motivation stems either from satisfaction in doing a good job or from
others’ recognition of our efforts.
N Money can be a motivator, but only if you value more money and
perceive a strong relationship between your effort and reward.
N The strongest motivators are achieving results; being valued and made
to feel important; being included and accepted by an admired group;
competing—getting ahead of others; gaining influence and status; earn-
ing more money; and gaining opportunities to do things you like doing.
N Something can motivate behavior only if that behavior leads to it.
N Your power to motivate others will depend, in part, on how much others
value recognition from, or inclusion by, you.
Desire to become
whatever you are
capable of becoming,
creativity, determining
your own life patterns
Aesthetic Needs
Symmetry, order, and beauty
Cognitive Needs
To know, understand, and explore
Status, recognition, and respect
Protection from danger
Food, water, shelter
If you are in a position of motivating others, you can’t just plough in there,
cheerfully exhorting people to “let’s get on with it.” If others are demoti-
vated, they won’t be receptive to your motivational efforts and are likely to
resent you for what they might perceive as a patronizing form of leadership.
In order to solve the problem, you need to know the origins and symptoms of
the problem—for example, why the lack of motivation is there and what
exactly reveals a lack of motivation. Once you have this information, you can
create ways to motivate others and overcome behavioral issues.
The following tips will help you motivate others:
N Get to know people’s individual motivators by asking them—and con-
tinuing to ask them.
N Help people understand the task, the reason for it, and its value.
N Encourage flexibility of roles and responsibilities.
N Set clear and achievable targets.
N Involve people.
N Always look for a positive angle and give praise and acknowledgment
where appropriate.
INTRODUCTION Networking brings people together. It builds bridges between what we each
know and can share with each other. It is about making contact in order
to exchange information. In order to network, we need to feel confident in
our skills and our methods of communication. If we don’t think positively of
ourselves, how can we project a confident self-image? Developing assertive-
ness can help self-doubt. It doesn’t come easily to many people to think well
of themselves and to market their skills and strengths in a positive way. But
it isn’t arrogant to believe in yourself. Arrogance is believing that you
possess skills and strengths that you don’t have, especially if you put down
other people in order to make yourself feel stronger. Putting yourself down
doesn’t serve any purpose—it helps no one.
Key networking principles include:
N Being seen as a specialist. To have a single skill, especially a manual
one, is no longer enough. You need to be multiskilled and able to trans-
fer your skills across occupations.
N Improving your people skills. Career networking exists through
effective communication. Not only do you need to build interpersonal
skills to obtain work, but you also need similar skills to stay in work. You
have to refine your communication skills to include informing, listening,
supporting, guiding, making requests, and showing appreciation.
N Gathering information. In order to gain the maximum from career
networking, you need to establish objectives, and identify sources of
information and ways to gather that information.
N Getting yourself noticed. Using technology, such as the Internet and
fax, is another facet of networking. Other methods such as writing,
holding a seminar, issuing a press release, or creating a pressure group
might help you become known and gain visibility as an expert.
28.3 Webworking
Identify ways in which you could use the Internet to network.
N Visualization. Close your eyes and create a relaxing scene (the beach,
the countryside, in a woods, by a lake, and so on) in your mind’s
eye. Create the scene with colors, sounds, aromas, tastes, textures,
and emotion—and escape.
N Stretching. This helps reduce tension in the body’s muscles. You can
use the stretches you normally use before and after your aerobic or
weight workout; however, you need to do them twice as slowly. Breathe
deeply during the stretching. Inhale to begin the stretch and slowly
exhale as you complete it.
N Physical exercise. This can help to burn off any excessive negative
N Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies that could help
stress include Aconite for panic and Argentum Nit for overwork.
N Herbal remedies. Kalms is a natural herbal tranquilizer, while fever-
few is good for migraines.
N Music. Listening to music is a great way to relax at any time. Research
studies have found that listening to classical music also enhances
N Nature. Going out and getting in touch with nature is both enjoyable
and refreshing, and the fresh air invigorates the body’s cells.
N Yoga. There are many types of yoga—Hatha, Ivengar, Kundalini, and
so on. Hatha is perhaps the most relaxing of them all since the postures
are stretches that are held for an extended time and are coordinated
with the breathing. Yoga is taught in adult education classes, health
clubs, and yoga centers.
N Massage. This is an excellent way of releasing tension in the muscles
and toxins in the body. There are various massage techniques, includ-
ing sports, deep tissue, and neuromuscular.
Eating Habits
When you are stressed, you will eat on the run or perhaps not at all. Make
sure that you make time for food and eat slowly. We are not talking about diet
here, but an all-round healthy eating regime which, without you even trying,
will be low in fat and high in fiber. Ultimately, a little of what you like does
you good. There is no point in eating and drinking all the right things if you
die of boredom along the way! A general guide could be as follows:
N Limit your intake of salt.
N Eat bananas, kiwi fruit, celery, grapes, lettuce, cinnamon, barley, brew-
er’s yeast, oats, and basil, all of which help lower stress levels.
N Increase your intake of low-fat foods such as pasta, bread, white meat,
vegetables, fruit, and salad.
N Minimize your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates.
N If you have low blood sugar, follow a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet
with small, frequent meals.
N Avoid, where possible, alcohol, antibiotics, coffee, tea, and sleeping pills,
all of which destroy Vitamin B which is vital to the nervous system.
N Try garlic, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds for an energy boost.
N Eat avocados, lentils, raspberries, and spinach to counteract fatigue.
N Take ginseng. Siberian helps focus the mind and Korean boosts physi-
cal energy.
N Take calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B and C to help the ner-
vous system.
Yes No Sometimes
Physical Well-BBeing
()) ()) ())
I practice meditation.
Of Not of
Symptoms of Stress Concern Concern
()) ())
Constipation or diarrhea
Loss of appetite
Of Not of
Symptoms of Stress Concern Concern
()) ())
Frequent infections
Bad driving
Voice tremor
Tight jaw
Excessive sweating
Increase in smoking
Muscular twitches
Skin irritations
Disturbed sleep
Would Like
Relaxation Techniques Enjoy Don’t Enjoy to Do More
()) ()) ())
Deep breathing
Muscular relaxation
Would Like
Relaxation Techniques Enjoy Don’t Enjoy to Do More
()) ()) ())
Listening to music
Healthy eating
WITH OTHERS Get together with a few colleagues and start up a weekly/lunchtime stress-
buster group.
your thumbs. Glide both thumbs at once in both directions outward along
the top-most strip. Continue toward the temples and end there by moving
your thumbs in a circle about half an inch wide. Then without taking your
hands off the forehead, return to the center of the forehead and begin
again—the next strip down. Work progressively downward, ending with a
strip just above your partner’s eyebrows and a final circle on the temples.”
INTRODUCTION Planning is the start of the process by which you turn dreams into achieve-
ments. It helps you avoid the trap of working extremely hard, but achieving
little. The process helps you to:
N Take stock of your current position and identify precisely what is to be
N Work out the process of getting there in the most effective, efficient way
N Detail precisely and price the who, what, when, where, why, and how of
achieving your target
N Assess the impact of your plan on your organization (or your life)
N Evaluate whether the effort, costs, and implications of achieving your
plan are worth the achievement
N Consider the control mechanisms that are needed to achieve your plan
and keep it on course
You may have heard of one interpretation of the Pareto principle: that
80 percent of a job is completed in 20 percent of the effort. By thinking and
planning, we can reverse this to 20 percent of the effort achieving 80 percent
of the results. When you are about to plan a project, you face problems and
risks. These might be:
N Risks to status, reputation, your bank balance, career, or a signifi-
cant other
N Problems of lack of resources, with added risks of wasting limited
resources, whether money, time, or power
N The risk to your self-esteem if you fail
N Experience. As people amass experience, they may find that they rely
increasingly less on formalized planning—and this may be appropriate.
It is easy, however, to overestimate experience.
N Opposition to expense. Time spent on planning is an investment.
Some organizations are culturally opposed to spending resources.
Sometimes this may be appropriate, but often it is shortsighted.
N The “get stuck in” culture. An organization may oppose planning as
a waste of time. This may be the case where either the organization is
doing a very simple job, or where managers are so experienced in their
jobs that they do not recognize that they are planning. This approach
cripples inexperienced staff by denying them the benefits of planning,
and puts more work on experienced managers.
N Lack of commitment and resistance to change. People might
not see the benefits of the planning process, might believe that there
is no need to plan, or might perceive the situation to be satisfactory as
it stands.
N Bad planning experience. People might have had previous bad
experiences of plans that have been long, cumbersome, impractical, or
N Fear of failure. Not taking action carries little risk of failure unless
a problem is urgent and pressing. Nevertheless, whenever something
worthwhile is attempted, there is some risk of failure.
Identify aim
Explore options
Detailed planning
Plan evaluation
Plan implementation
Closure of plan
Finally, there are several pertinent questions to ask when setting a goal
for planning:
N Is it measurable and verifiable?
N Can those who must implement it easily understand it?
N Is the goal a realistic and attainable one that still represents a challenge?
N Will the result, when achieved, justify the time and resources required
to achieve it?
N Is it consistent with the organization’s policies and practices?
N Can accountability for final results be clearly established?
Flipcharts are the perfect size for presentations delivered before small
groups of 35 people or less. Listed below are some guidelines for using flip-
charts to their best advantage:
N The best flipchart stands have clamps at the top and will hold most
types of flipchart pads. Most allow you to hang your flipcharts, although
some stands will only allow you to prop them up. Make sure that the
flipcharts you use will fit the flipchart stand you will be using.
N Flipchart pads are available either as plain sheets or with preprinted
grid lines. Pads with grid lines make it easier to draw straight lines and
keep your text aligned. Also, make sure that the pad has perforations
at the top to allow for easy removal of sheets.
N It is best to initially design your charts on paper before drawing them
on the actual flipchart pad. Lightly write out your text in pencil before
using flipchart marker pens. This will allow you to make any adjust-
ments to text spacing and to any figures you will be drawing. The chart
will be easier to read if you use upper and lower case letters. Have
no more than seven words on each line and no more than seven lines
to a sheet.
N Use flipchart marker pens, rather than regular magic markers, as these
will not bleed through the paper. Avoid using yellow, pink, or orange
because these are difficult for the audience to see. Also, avoid using
too many colors—one dark color and one accent color works best. You
can lightly pencil in any notes you need next to key points and perhaps
also a note as to what is on the next sheet—the audience won’t be able
to see them.
Feedback is the process through which the speaker receives information
about how their message has been received by the listeners and, in turn,
responds to those cues. You can ask your audience questions and even ask
them what their understanding is of the point you have just made. Watch for
nonverbal clues from your audience and be prepared to respond to your
audience’s reactions throughout your presentation. It is your responsibility
to provide the information that your audience needs to hear.
For any size groups, you could use either the theater-style . . .
A stressed out person is usually trying hard to be in control, but does not
always succeed. Life will always contain a certain amount of stress. Indeed,
a certain amount of stress is healthy because it stimulates adrenaline.
However, the trick is to know when stress is taking control of you as opposed
to you being in control of stress.
Nowadays, we hear a great deal about burnout—but what exactly is it?
In the current working climate, employees either seem to have too much
work or not enough. Burnout is a symptom of too much—too much work, too
much pressure—resulting in overload. If you feel that you are in a burnout
situation, you need to stop and consider what is happening to you and why.
Then you need to do something to change the situation—or remove yourself
from the situation if it doesn’t seem likely to change. We often knee-jerk our
way through life, reacting rather than acting. If you are to prevent burnout,
make conscious choices and be proactive in managing your life.
N Irritability N Depression
N Apprehension N Alienation
N Apathy N Worrying
N Nightmares N Indecision
Do you recognize the character called Inner Driver from your subconscious
self? Your Inner Driver tells you to “get on; get somewhere; do things; be
there; do this; do that; come on.”
You have an active Inner Driver if you are:
N Ambitious
N Very busy
N Self-assertive
N A workaholic
N An insomniac
N Exhausted
The Inner Driver can fuel unhealthy stress levels by telling us to do more,
be more, and have more. The Inner Driver is an inner voice that provides
drive, but can also drive us over the edge.
Examples of Lines How the Line Works Comebacks You Might Use
“You’re acting like a scared kid!” Tries to get you to change “I’m an adult, thank you. I can
your mind by insulting or make up my own mind, and this
belittling you. just doesn’t work!”
“What are you so worried about? Appeals to your pride, sense “That’s great. Then you won’t have
Everyone else is doing it.” of adventure, and desire to any problem finding someone else
avoid embarrassment. to do it.”
“That color suit makes you look Makes you feel embarrassed “I like this color and I think it
like an over-ripe banana.” and self-conscious. suits me. I agree it’s not my best
color but I think it’s OK on me.”
If you find yourself without a ready comeback, it’s OK to say “no” without
I am emotionally secure.
Yes No
Symptoms Experienced in the Past Three Months
(✔)) (✔))
Feelings of dissatisfaction
Hasty decisions
Reduced self-esteem
Failing memory
Impaired judgment
Yes No
Symptoms Experienced in the Past Three Months
(✔)) (✔))
Loss of concentration
Loss of confidence
Negative thoughts
Bad dreams
Feeling drained
Feeling alienated
Muddled thinking
Feeling of pointlessness
INTRODUCTION Your feelings tell you, and others, what you really care about, and there’s no
right or wrong in how you feel. Events and situations trigger feelings, and it
seems that the brain has little control over when a feeling will develop or
what it will be. You do, however, have control over what your feelings are
telling you. Putting names to your feelings and taking time to reflect on
what they mean help you make good decisions. Once you have decided how
important a situation is to you, you may have a different feeling about it the
next time it occurs.
We need to understand that other people are not responsible for our
feelings. Others can say things to us or behave toward us in a particular way
that causes us to experience a feeling. But only we are responsible for that
feeling. Equally, you’re not responsible for other people’s feelings either,
even though people might try to tell you otherwise—for example, “You make
me so angry!” No one can make you feel anything.
Denying feelings leads to confusion, resentment, and physical stress. Even
intense and uncomfortable feelings are softened when they are acknowl-
edged without self-criticism or self-blame. Allowing yourself to experience
uncomfortable emotions means that you are also freer to experience joy and
peace. Feelings range from mild to very strong. Consider anger. What
irritates you a little? What really makes you mad? It’s healthy to feel the
whole range of emotions. Each person’s emotional responses are unique. And
the more you understand, accept, and express your emotions, the easier it is
to accept strong emotions in other people, even when you disagree.
Moderate emotion might not call for any action. It might be enough to:
N Be aware of the emotion and the circumstances in which it occurred
N Label it for yourself
N Express your feelings to someone else
If the same emotion recurs increasingly powerfully with the same situa-
tion, it’s a stronger signal that something needs your attention. You know
when a feeling is really strong because there is usually some kind of physical
reaction. When feelings are intense, you need to find a way to step back
so that you can work out what your feelings mean and decide what to do.
For example:
N If you feel sad, what is it that you have lost that means so much to
you? How can you comfort yourself through this time? Do you need
to ask for help?
N If you feel angry, what is it that’s bugging you? Is it something you can
change or fix? If not, do you need to rethink your view of the situation
and how you will respond to it in future?
N When you’re happy, enjoy it! You deserve good times. Then ask yourself
“What is it about this situation that makes me feel so good? How can I
recreate that kind of situation?”
N If you feel afraid, what do you need to do to feel safe? Could you
decrease your worry by planning ahead a little better next time? Do
you need to talk positively to yourself to get through a stressful time?
N And when you feel guilty, have you done something that you know
is wrong? Do you need to apologize or take steps to make amends? If
you don’t believe what you’ve done is wrong, what reason have you to
feel guilty?
Express the feeling. Tears and laughter are great releases. Music, art,
talking things over with a friend, or writing in a journal are other possibili-
ties. Find your own personal ways of working through feelings.
Many people are uncomfortable with, or haven’t had the opportunity to
learn, positive ways to recognize and manage their emotions. Sometimes
they cope by denying their feelings or shutting them down. They might block
them with their intellect, with eating disorders, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or
work. Sometimes they act on their emotions without thinking of the con-
sequences, saying and doing things they later regret. You cannot always
control what happens to you, but you can learn to interpret and manage your
Although psychologists and philosophers still debate which emotions are
primary, Paul Ekman (1999) has identified four core emotions recognized in
people of many cultures:
N Sadness helps you reflect on the significance of something you have
lost, or something that has disappointed you; when you feel sad, it’s
natural to need to be alone. Solitude helps you work out the significance
of the loss and learn from the experience. Withdrawing when you are
sad protects you from further hurt until you feel stronger.
N Anger motivates you to change a situation or put something right.
It may also be a cover for hurt and sadness; if issues are not addressed,
unresolved anger may lead to long-term feelings of resentment, hostil-
ity, and even depression.
N Joy represents all the positive feelings that tell you what is working.
Pay special attention to these feelings and recreate the circum-
stances where feelings of contentment, satisfaction, happiness, peace,
and joy occur.
N Fear protects you from unsafe risks and tells you to be cautious or to
prepare—it is a normal emotion in unfamiliar situations. However, it
doesn’t mean that you do not have the ability to do something. Fear may
be realistic and appropriate to the risk of the situation at hand or it may
get out of hand when a situation poses little or no real risk.
a card in turn and, using the word written on it, express the statement “I felt
[emotion] when [occurrence].” The objective of the exercise is to share feel-
ings and to create a sense of group acceptance.
INTRODUCTION The art of resolving conflict is to help both parties win something. The basics
of conflict management include:
N Acceptance that conflict is inevitable
N Knowing that conflict can be a catalyst for better ideas
N Digging out hidden agendas
N Ensuring that both sides see what they can gain from a compromise
N Helping parties in conflict maintain self-esteem
Don’t try to deduce other people’s intentions from your own fears.
The first person to experience a rising conflict usually has the greatest
opportunity to influence whether or not the conflict will escalate. Much
happens in those first few moments when that one person realizes the
possibility of loss (and every conflict represents a perceived potential loss of
some kind). They can lower their guard in an attempt to foster a positive
response to the other person. They can act in an open manner in an effort to
find a compromise as events unfold. On the other hand, they can close up
and look for more signs of disagreement. The second person in the situation
can also use that pivotal point to stay open, even if the first person has
already acted, but the second person’s actions will have less influence over
the situation.
Suppose you are that first person to experience a rising conflict. You feel
vulnerable and instinctively put your guard up. Because you are signaling
that your position is weak, you are unwittingly guiding the energy of the
ensuing disagreement to your most vulnerable areas. That is why, in that
pivotal moment, making a choice to remain open serves not only to move
you toward eventual resolution, but also to protect you. Instead of following
your natural instinct to look for more adverse signals and prepare to defend
yourself or retaliate, stay aware and open. You will then gain more infor-
mation about the situation and more insight into the motivation and real
meaning of the other person’s actions.
In conflict, we usually become more intense about what we don’t want,
rather than what we do want. We simply react; we don’t choose how we want
to act. By so doing, we give our power away because we let others determine
our behavior. It’s always more productive to be proactive—to see how you
can clear the air. If you steady yourself and decide to be proactive rather
than reactive, you will be satisfied with the results and the ensuing
relationship. The following is a brief summary of four key steps in resolving
N Step 1. In a moment of real or imagined confrontation, we can move
into a negative reaction. At such moments, you need to slow down the
process and seek clarity by asking yourself what you want. By thinking
about your own needs, you blank out the resentment of the other party.
N Step 2. Ask yourself, “What is the other party’s greatest need?” By
taking the time for this step, you slow down the pace of the discussion.
N Step 3. Listen to the other party and demonstrate to them that you
have heard their concerns. This is often the most crucial time in a
conflict, when your actions can either spark escalation or initiate a
cooling-off period.
N Step 4. When you propose a solution, prove that you are fair by
addressing the other person’s interests first. Describe, in their
language, how they can benefit. Then you can discuss the benefits of
such a resolution to yourself as well.
So far, you have come up with a proposal that you think is fair to all
parties. Before speaking about your own needs, you have addressed their
needs first and worked through whatever obstacles have surfaced. Now it’s
time to make a firm offer.
Don’t talk before you are prepared to reach agreement. If you start talking
with the other person before you are ready to reach an agreement, you could
end up with less than you want. Make sure that you have obtained what you
want out of the situation and that the other person has felt heard. The more
opportunities you provide for others to participate in a situation along the
way, the more likely they will stay with you to ultimately find a solution.
When presenting your proposal, make sure your initial tone, gestures, and
language show that you have good intentions. Don’t raise your important
points at the beginning of the discussion, nor at the end of the discussion.
Waiting until the end can close off some of the best options for trade-offs.
Reach agreement on your key items before you make any gesture toward
finalizing agreement.
Ask another mutually respected person to mediate if necessary. A fair and
neutral witness can make everyone involved in a conflict feel safer and more
heard, especially when it’s necessary to review items over which you have
become deadlocked.
Be flexible in order to maintain the momentum toward a resolution.
Observe how the others are reacting to you and your proposal. Stay flexible
so that you can correct yourself and shift gears if necessary to make the
situation feel safer and more fair. If feelings seem to be escalating or the
other person appears to be shutting down, ask for suggestions and express
your willingness to look at other options.
It’s important to acknowledge the participation of others. Listen and
thoroughly consider other people’s opinions at the moment they are
expressed. If you disagree immediately or counter with another suggestion,
reactions will remain hardened long after this particular discussion.
Mention that you respect the people who are important to the other side.
Praise specific contributions the others have made and let them know you
appreciate their efforts.
N Faking attention
For example: “That is interesting.”
Alternative: Don’t fake it, mean it—or don’t say anything at all.
N Directing
For example: “I would like you to talk about your relationship with your
line manager.”
Alternative: “Is there anything bothering you at the moment?”
N Blaming
For example: “It’s all your fault.”
Alternative: “From my perspective, it seems as if both you and Tony
may have contributed to what has happened. Maybe we
can all have a chat about it.”
N Overinterpreting
For example: “I think you’re afraid of having authority and that’s why
you’re not going for that job.”
Alternative: “Tell me more about your fears about the new job.”
N Labeling
For example: “You are just being neurotic.”
Alternative: “Why do you think you feel like that?”
N Nagging
For example: “Haven’t you done the work I gave you yet?”
Alternative: “When will you complete the work?”
N Preaching
For example: “Promotion isn’t everything in life.”
Alternative: “How do you feel about not getting the promotion?”
N Lecturing
For example: “We should cooperate and then there would be less tension.”
Alternative: “What can we do to solve this problem?”
N Aggression
For example: “Fool!”
Alternative: “I’m angry with what you’ve done/said. Can we talk?”
N Judging
For example: “You’re not very good at expressing yourself.”
Alternative: “How might you be able to improve relations between you
and Joan?”
N Interrogating
For example: “Tell me about your weaknesses.”
Alternative: “How do you see yourself?”
N Unwanted advice
For example: “If I were you . . .”
Alternative: “Would you like to talk about this? Maybe I can help.”
Ask yourself the following questions when coping with negative behavior:
N What is my contribution to creating the negative situation?
N How defensive am I being?
N Is it worth being assertive?
N Do I have the requisite skills to cope with another’s negative behavior?
N Do I need to overcome my mental barrier to other people’s negative
N Am I managing my anxiety through task-oriented inner dialogue?
N Am I clear on what I need to say?
N Am I backing up my words with the appropriate verbal and nonverbal
Do you:
N Fake attention?
N Direct others?
N Blame others?
N Label others?
N Nag others?
N Preach at others?
N Lecture others?
N Judge others?
N Interrogate others?
Faking attention
Directing you
Blaming you
Labeling you
Nagging you
Preaching at you
Lecturing you
Judging you
Interrogating you
INTRODUCTION A value is the worth that you place on something you believe in or consider
to be important. Rethinking your values is important to strengthening self-
esteem because the process helps you decide what is right for you. Your
values help influence your decisions and the goals you set. Values initially
develop in response to basic needs—for example, children naturally adopt
the values of the people they rely on for love and approval. However,
throughout life’s stages, and as a result of experiences, values evolve and are
modified in response to changing circumstances. A good example of this is
the case of someone who is promoted to management and, in order to carry
out the job effectively, takes on the values of their new peer group.
If self-esteem is the value you place on yourself, what makes you
a worthwhile person? Using criteria such as the size of your social circle,
your level of education, or your income to evaluate worthiness means
that you have self-esteem only if you earn it. While this perspective of
conditional self-esteem may be a powerful motivator to work hard and do
your best, what happens when you apply your best effort and still do not
reach your goal?
Unconditional self-esteem (as opposed to conditional self-esteem—for
example, “I’m OK if I earn over $80,000 a year”) is choosing to love and res-
pect yourself simply because you are a human being. This viewpoint reflects
an internal value of self that might include such qualities as tolerance
and honesty and is supported by the values that you place on areas of your
life such as relationships, education, career, self-respect, spirituality, self-
expression, self-care and health, community, and financial security.
The emphasis you place on a particular value will depend on what you
decide is right for you. Are you spending enough time and energy in the
areas you value? Or is your emphasis out of balance? Are you spending too
much time on career and too little on family or health? Or too little attention
to spirituality and too much to leisure? Consider the following:
N When you know what you care deeply about, you are more able to disci-
pline yourself and work hard to apply your strengths and talents in that
N Achieving goals that are firmly connected to your personal or professional
values strengthens your self-esteem and nourishes your spiritual self.
Beware of values that start out as admirable, but become rigid and life-
restricting—for example:
N Valuing education so highly that you push yourself (or your children) to
pursue areas not suited to personal interests
N Buying into the media ideal of the thin, toned body to the extent that
your body doesn’t get the nourishment it needs
N Are your own and are not just handed down to you by family, society, or
culture, and never questioned
N Allow you to make mistakes, take responsibility for your mistakes, and
learn from them
N Enhance your life with expectations that are realistic and achievable
37.9 Priorities
Consider the following questions and discuss with your mentor:
N What’s important to you?
N What makes your life meaningful?
N What are your priorities in the next 2, 5, 10, or 25 years?
Sources of Education
Adult Education
N Colleges and universities. These are likely to have an adult educa-
tion department. Community colleges often run adult education classes
as well. Courses are run on a weekly basis and may include Satur-
day classes. Subjects range from leisure interests through to computer
and word-processing skills and go on to give the opportunity to gain
N Centers for continuing education. These centers (often linked to a
university) run part-time courses that may or may not be award-bear-
ing. These types of courses provide a good entry point to degree courses.
Further Education
N Public colleges. Colleges may offer a variety of the following:
— Courses in English as a foreign language
— Adult education courses
— Library and learning resources
— Full and part-time courses geared toward the workplace
— Flexible (open/distance) learning
— Staff development programs catering for business and industry
N Private colleges. The fees for private schools and colleges are usually
quite a bit higher than those of public colleges. If you are considering
this option, check the validity of any qualifications.
University Education
Universities offer courses leading to degrees. Mature students are specifically
encouraged. Courses might include accounting, chemistry, computing, elec-
tronics, and management.
Private Training
There are many commercial training organizations that can help companies
get a vocational qualification or learn new job skills. Costs vary enormously,
and not all will offer qualifications. Training is usually offered directly to a
company or may be offered as “open courses.” That means that anyone can
join them.
Distance/Open Learning
Open learning is a term used to define methods of learning that allow the
learner to take charge of their program of study. The student works at a
time, place, and pace suited to them. In order to do this, learners are given
a wide variety of material comprising specially prepared information and
exercises, and designed to take the tutor’s place. In order to support this
learning, students should have access to a tutor (via e-mail, online, mail,
telephone, or tutorial meetings) and to the option of meeting with other
students (for example, through summer schools or drop-in study centers).
Training at Work
Workplace training is on the increase since companies are tending to invest
in training programs for their staff more and more. Companies will either
have their own trainers situated within their Human Resources department,
have a flexible learning center, send employees out to public courses, or buy
in specialist training from outside.
Often there is an opportunity for free training when volunteering. Many
training courses provide stepping stones toward accredited qualifications.
INTRODUCTION Self-directed learning involves the learner initiating the learning process,
making the decisions about what training and development experiences will
occur, and how. The learner selects and pursues their own learning goals,
objectives, methods, and means to check that the goals have been achieved.
Self-directed learning is ideally suited to the workplace and has numerous
advantages over traditional forms of classroom instruction for employees.
Self-directed learning programs:
N Are more effective in development because learning accommodates
employees’ learning styles and objectives
N Save substantial training costs because learners learn to help
themselves and each other with practical and timely materials
N Achieve increased employee job effectiveness as they learn to learn from
their own work experiences and actually apply their learning in their
places of work.
Over the years, it has become increasingly clear that traditional
approaches to program design and delivery in the workplace and
in associative organizations present some important weak-
nesses. Problem areas include: coping with the short life span of
useful knowledge; passing down acquired competencies to
succeeding cohorts; accommodating the demands of productivity
while providing for a continuity of learning; [and] enabling
learners to pursue activities that correspond to their learning
styles and needs. (Bouchard)
After many years of reflection about learning, psychologist Carl Rogers,
founder of self-directed therapy, asserted that “anything that can be taught
to another is relatively inconsequential, and has little or no significant influ-
ence on behavior.” He adds, “The only learning which significantly influences
behavior is self-discovered, self-appropriated learning” (1995, 276).
Listed below are some suggestions for ways in which managers and learners
can turn the workplace into a classroom:
N Help learners identify the starting point for a learning project and dis-
cern relevant ways of assessing.
N Encourage adult learners to view knowledge and truth as contextual—
and that they can act on their world individually or collectively to
transform it.
N Create a partnership with learners by negotiating a learning contract
for goals, strategies, and evaluation criteria.
N Be a manager of the learning experience rather than an information
N Teach inquiry skills, decision making, personal development, and self-
evaluation of work.
N Help learners develop positive attitudes and feelings of independence
relative to learning.
N Recognize learners’ personality types and learning styles.
N Use techniques such as field experience and problem solving that take
advantage of adults’ rich experience base.
N Obtain the necessary tools to assess learners’ current performance and
to evaluate their expected performance.
N Provide opportunities for self-directed learners to reflect on what they
are learning.
N Promote learning networks and study circles.
N Provide staff training on self-directed learning and broaden the oppor-
tunities for its implementation.
Employees must take responsibility for their own learning. In the past,
many companies could promise a new employee lifelong employment and a
predictable career path. Today, very few companies can make that promise.
You must take responsibility for your own career path, whether with your
current employer or through a series of employers. And the way to build
your career is to keep learning throughout your working life. You must be
in a continuous learning mode—learning every month, every week, every
day. That way you are in control of your working life, because you are contin-
uously reskilling and gaining new knowledge, thereby making yourself a
valuable commodity on the job market.
You can plan for your own learning needs by using the “learning contract.”
The learning contract is negotiated by the employee and their manager (or
the employee can create their own mobile learning contract).
It starts with the part of the company’s business goals that are affected by
the employee’s work. Once these goals are understood, ask yourself “How do
I need to change my work or my skills and knowledge to help the company
achieve these goals?” When you understand the changes you must make to
help achieve the goals, then you need to consider what you need to learn in
order to make those changes.
The next part of the learning contract deals with how the learning will
take place—for example, through a company-sponsored training program,
through books, or by getting a mentor. In planning your learning, you need
to specify in the learning contract the methods you will use, where you will
find the learning resources you need, and a schedule for completion of the
specified learning activities. If you cannot find someone to act as a coach,
then find someone else who is learning the same skill or studying the same
material to be your learning partner. By having a learning partner, you
will have support and be able to discuss your experiences as you later try
to apply your learning to your jobs. If you cannot find a learning partner
in your group or your company, look on the Internet for groups who are
interested in the subject.
You also need to specify in the contract how you will demonstrate that
the learning has taken place. Will you submit a report on what you have
learned? Will you demonstrate the skills for your manager? Next, the learn-
ing contract must include a section on how you will apply your learning to
your job. The manager must provide the opportunity to make errors and
must reinforce the employee’s learning with coaching until the new skills are
Finally, you must specify in the contract what difference in business
results are expected once you have applied your learning to your work. This
ties back to the first step in the learning contract, where you specified
the company business goals to which you contribute. By beginning with
the end in mind, all learning activities will be focused on specific, meas-
urable, achievable business results, for the individual, the group/function/
department, and the company as a whole.
INTRODUCTION We develop our skills and knowledge through a variety of channels, including
paid and unpaid work. Raising a family, volunteer work, interests, and hob-
bies add to our skills base. Skills refer to what we can do and what we know.
Strengths refer to our positive qualities gained through life experience and
through paid and unpaid work. These skills and strengths form a toolbox to
which we can add and from which we can use at will. They can increase our
confidence as well as provide tools for career and life management.
The following list details the types of skills and strengths that we can all
draw upon:
N Core skills. Core skills are formed by our general education and basic
character and include basic literacy, basic numeracy, relationship skills,
self-motivation, organization of time, organization of work, and self-
N Skills gained via unpaid work. These might be gained through vol-
unteer or community work or from our home life.
N Vocational skills. These normally arise from your paid work.
N Transferable skills. These are the skills that you can take with you
between occupations.
N Abstract skills and strengths. These refer to our attitude toward
work, how we conduct ourselves at work, and the personal qualities
necessary to deal with today’s workplace.
N Leadership skills and strengths. These are gained through paid or
unpaid work.
N Achievements. Potential employers like to know what you have done
in the past (through paid or unpaid work) as it indicates what you
might do for them in the future.
You may use the checklists at the end of this section to help you.
N Transferable skills
N Abstract skills and strengths
N Leadership skills and strengths
N Achievements
Skills of a Bartender
Cleaning up Organized
Now organize the learners into two or three small groups, give each group
a job title and a sheet of flipchart paper and marker pens, and ask them
to produce their own job analyses. When finished, have each group hang
their work on the wall. Reconvene the whole group and discuss each group’s
analysis. Alternatively, you could ask each group to suggest their own job
titles—for example, marketing executive, chef de cuisine, or supermarket
You may use the checklists at the end of this section to help you.
Form filling
Reading skills
Basic mathematics
Keeping goal-oriented
Core Skills Good Improving
()) ())
Organizing time
In the following checklist, check all your unpaid skills. Include all the
skills you use at home, in your community, your hobbies, and interests:
Unpaid Skills
Unpaid Skills
Transferable Skills
Transferable Skills
In the following checklist, check those qualities that you feel best des-
cribe you:
For the checklist below, check the skills and strengths that apply to you:
INTRODUCTION When speaking to groups of people, the rule of thumb is, if you don’t have
their attention in the first 30 seconds, you never will. Listed below are some
guidelines for effective public speaking:
N Let your uniqueness and individuality come through when you speak.
N Make yourself interesting to others.
N Create your own interesting soundbites of wisdom so that your audi-
ence quote you.
N Mention your own name in your stories to help your audience remember
who you are.
N Make sure that you know exactly who is going to be in the audience,
why they are there, and why they invited you to speak.
N Check the setting. Check the microphone, lighting, audiovisual equip-
ment, and any other factors that might affect your performance.
N Meet the audience members as they arrive; this is an excellent way to
build rapport with a captive audience.
N Start with a bang. The first 30 seconds have the most impact. Don’t
waste these precious seconds; begin with a startling statement, quote,
or story.
N Use humor with caution. Don’t start with a joke unless you are totally
confident of your joke, its reception, and your delivery. If the joke fails,
you will lose any credibility you have. And if your only humorous
material is at the beginning, the audience will be disappointed when
you become serious.
N Limit your topics. If you’re giving a half-hour speech, don’t expect to tell
the audience everything you know. Pick two or three important points.
Embellish your points with story and examples.
N Structure your information. You and your audience will remember your
points better if you have a clear outline. For example, start by saying,
“Here are the five questions I’m asked most frequently.”
N Use handouts. If your presentation involves statistics and analytical
data, put them in a handout that the audience can refer to. Don’t bore
them by reciting reams of numbers.
N Don’t read your speech. Look your audience in the eye. Write down key
points or statements so that you can refer to them, but deliver the rest
of it spontaneously, making eye contact.
N End with a bang. Write a strong and memorable closing statement or
vivid example. Then memorize it so that, no matter what distractions
may occur, you can always “bring it home.” When the time comes,
deliver your closing line directly to the audience and then accept their
If you are interested in your subject, truly believe what you are saying, and
want to share your message with others, your physical movements will come
from within you and will be appropriate to what you are saying. By involving
yourself in your message, you’ll be natural and spontaneous without having
to consciously think about what you are doing or saying.
Your Appearance
When your actions are wedded to your words, the impact of your speech will
be strengthened. If your platform behavior includes mannerisms unrelated
to your spoken message, those actions will call attention to themselves and
away from your speech. Some common faults of inexperienced or ineffective
speakers are:
N Gripping or leaning on the lectern
N Tapping fingers
N Biting or licking lips
N Toying with coins or jewelry
N Frowning
When it is time to begin your talk, walk confidently from your seat to the
lectern. Pause there for a few seconds, and then move out from behind the
lectern. Smile before you say your first words. If you are on the same level
as your audience, be careful not to stand too close to, nor move beyond, the
people in the front row. Walking can be an effective way to stress an
important idea, but your walk must be purposeful and intentional, not just
a random shift of position. Also, take care not to walk around too much,
because continuous pacing is distracting.
When you speak, your face—more clearly than any other part of your
body—communicates to others your attitudes and emotions. Make a con-
scious effort to avoid inappropriate facial expressions, including distracting
mannerisms or unconscious expressions not rooted in your feelings, atti-
tudes, and emotions. In much the same way that some speakers perform
random, distracting gestures and body movements, nervous speakers often
release excess energy and tension by unconsciously moving their facial
muscles (for example, licking lips or tightening the jaw). If you relax
and allow yourself to respond naturally to your thoughts, attitudes, and
emotions, your facial expressions will be appropriate and will project sincer-
ity, conviction, and credibility.
Nothing can position you ahead of the crowd like the ability to stand
up and speak eloquently, or at least stagger to your feet and say
anything at all.
them up. So perhaps we need to treat ourselves as our own best friend.
Emotional support from our families, partners, and friends is vital for us to
feel valued and accepted. Don’t be afraid to ask for that support.
Checkpoints for the First Few Weeks after Being Laid Off
42.4 Finances
Do you need to reorganize your finances? Who could help?
42.5 Networking
How are you going to organize a networking strategy?
42.7 Résumés
Do you need to update your résumé?
INTRODUCTION Negotiation is the process of identifying, arranging, and setting the terms
and conditions of an agreement. The basics of effective negotiation are:
N Clear communication
N Persuasive communication
N Give and take
N Understanding other people’s needs
N Decision-making skills
N Anticipating responses
N Keeping focused
N Projecting yourself
N Empathy
Variables are the raw material used in negotiation. They are the “must
haves,” the ideals, and the loss leaders (a non-profit way of attracting
the buyer in). Use them as concessions.
Main Body
N Use specific variables.
N Keep looking for additional variables.
N Use a promise of reward.
N Use a threat of punishment—for example, not giving something.
N Use hooks—for example, “My chairman says. . . .”
N Build a bridge of rapport through:
— Discussing a neutral subject, obtaining initial agreement, and get-
ting the other person to talk
— Presenting options for the other person in your offering (even if you
plan to negotiate them out later)
— Referring back to a past agreement to reinforce persuasion
— Stating clear objectives
N Show confidence.
N Ask questions and listen to the answers.
N Get the other parties’ position firmly in your mind.
N Start trading early:
— Be seen as driving a hard bargain, since the implied value of your
concession will bring a relatively more valuable concession from the
other party.
— Optimize your concessions.
— Minimize their concessions.
— Play down your gratitude for concessions gained.
— Build up the value of concessions you make.
— If you can’t optimize or minimize, stay silent.
N Put your major issue cards on the table.
N Summarize frequently.
N Avoid confrontation.
N Treat disagreements carefully.
N Bide your time.
N Make notes.
N Leave people feeling that each move forward is a positive one for them.
N Read between the lines.
N Don’t allow yourself to become overemotional.
N Maintain neutrality.
N Keep your concentration focused.
N Don’t act precipitately.
N Remain professional.
N Resolve to lead, albeit in a subtle way.
N Use verbal and nonverbal language to your advantage.
N Adopt a calm and considered approach.
N Don’t underestimate the other party.
N Don’t exaggerate facts.
N Don’t push too hard.
N Don’t overreact if responses are negative.
N Don’t let yourself be affected by psychological warfare—for example,
pretended misunderstanding.
N Don’t push the other party; give them time to react favorably.
N Avoid deadlock—always search for variables.
N Don’t agree to something you don’t want.
N Aim to end on a pleasant note.
N Decide on whether a formal or an informal contract is required.
N Set the policy and content of any contractual arrangements.
Being able to influence others, in covert or overt ways, is a key factor in
negotiating skills. Common influencing tactics include:
N Raw emotion (getting angry, making them cringe)
N Rational persuasion (presenting facts and logic)
N Manipulation (pretending to involve them)
N Mental torture (pestering until they give in)
N Personal appeal (drawing on loyalty or friendship)
N Ingratiation (flattery)
N Exchange (doing something for them in return)
N Pressure (demanding action, using threats)
N Using legitimacy (claiming rights, using authority)
N Coalitions (ganging up on them)
N Sulking (pretending to be hurt or offended)
N Pushing people to settle for short-term gains and long-term losses
N Pressurizing to get immediate action
N Making people fearful of you
You should be aware of these tactics in case people try to use them on
you, but using them is manipulative and unlikely to secure a good long-
term relationship once the negotiation is concluded. Also, beware of using
“reason” in order to get your way:
N Reason can be seen as aggressive—you are trying to change someone
else’s views.
N Reason implies just one way, amounting to “telling” or “selling.”
N Asking someone to “be reasonable” means asking them to see it
your way.
group a card. After a few minutes deciding on the specific details of the
situation, the groups then perform the role play using some of the skills
brainstormed at the beginning, with at least one observer for feedback.
INTRODUCTION Power. We’ve all got it. What is it? How do we use it?
The concept of personal power is based on how we feel about ourselves and
is demonstrated by how we communicate and interact with others. When we
have a positive understanding of ourselves, we relate to others in a positive
way because we have respect for others and ourselves.
We all have personal power because most of us have the ability to understand
how we think, feel, react, and act. How we interpret this understanding
and how we actively use it vary. A knife may be used to create a delicious
casserole or to kill someone. Like using a knife, how personal power is used
depends on the individual.
Even when you are affected by circumstances outside your control, you can
still use your personal power to make a choice in the way you react. Even not
making a choice is making a choice!
Being a “people pleaser” is a key way in which we can give away our per-
sonal power. Do you:
N Feel guilty when saying “no”?
N Avoid asking for what you need?
N Tend to have a fixed smile when someone is angry?
N Let yourself be manipulated?
N Act as a doormat?
N Meet other people’s expectations most of the time?
N Avoid making waves?
N Allow other people’s needs to be more important than your own?
N Keep seeking people’s approval?
N Persistently think things are your fault?
N Feel guilty receiving?
N Smile and say “everything’s fine” when it isn’t?
N Identify yourself through the eyes of others?
N Avoid voicing your own opinions?
If you answer “yes” to more than 50 percent of the above questions, you are
a people pleaser and give away your personal power in order to please
others. The beliefs behind being a people pleaser, and the questionable
assumptions underlying them, are as follows:
N “I’ll fulfill an ‘obligation.’” To whom?
N “People will like me.” It’s impossible for everyone to like you just as you
can’t like everyone.
N “They’ll value me.” Therefore I must be OK.
N “I’ll never be alone.” We’re all alone—it’s how we make use of our
contact with another that makes it meaningful.
N “They’ll notice me.” Why do you want to be noticed?
3. Determine what you want in life and act on it. Stop waiting for someone
to give it to you.
4. Be aware of where and when you are playing the victim role—when you
are not being responsible for what you are being, having, doing or
5. Be aware of the pay-offs that keep you bemoaning your fate and not
claiming your personal power.
Personal power is also about defining yourself to others and not allowing
them to define you to suit their cause. It’s about developing a clear and
accurate self-image rather than permitting others to label you inaccurately.
44.4 Self-Image
Think of characteristics to describe yourself (as honestly as possible) in each
of these four categories:
N Personality
N Relationships with others
N Day-to-day functioning
N Appearance
Now rework your own self-image, using the same categories, but celebrat-
ing specific strengths.
INTRODUCTION The purpose of a team is the creation of synergy. This is where the sum of
the whole is larger than the sum of each part (individual). Teams are needed
N There is a need for people to work together
N You are experiencing rapid changes
N There is uncertainty about a project and you need to share the problems
and solutions
N You are dealing with a problem where nobody knows the answer
Team Roles
N Supporter: team player, concerned with team unit, helpful and sup-
portive to others, mild, diplomatic, dislikes confrontation, adapter rather
than changer
N Thinker: creative, critical, needs acknowledgment
N Organizer: can turn ideas into workable plans, disciplined, efficient,
methodical, slow to adapt
N Implementer: dutiful, organizer, hard-working, disciplined, resistant
to change
N Plant: unorthodox, serious, imaginative, knowledgeable, problem sol-
ver, not too practical
N Specialist: self-starting, provides key knowledge and skills, can be too
N Chair: calm, self-confident, extrovert, dominant, strong sense of objec-
tives, organizer, non-aggressive, can clarify aims of team, not particularly
N Charismatic player: a salesperson, emotional, insecure, tends to see
themselves through the eyes of others
N Shaper: highly strung, outgoing, dynamic, dominant, lots of drive,
prone to irritation and impatience, impulsive, competitive, domineering,
concerned with getting things done, intolerant, outgoing, challenging
N Entertainer: a performer, a clown, someone who is humorous and who
always has something to say
N Rescuer: the person who mediates and balances, caring, nurturing
N Ideas person: serious-minded, unorthodox, imaginative, inclined to
disregard practical details
Team Development
Teams go through five natural stages of development in their lifetime:
1. Forming: Members explore through the facilitator or leader what bene-
fits and problems are entailed in emotional investment in the team.
2. Storming: Members begin to form allegiances and to explore issues of
control and power.
3. Norming: As the group resolves control and power issues, a sense of
equality develops. Members may become involved in emotional attach-
ments to others in the team.
4. Performing: The group creates a network of functional roles whereby
individuals can use their capabilities and explore their potential.
5. Mourning: Endings may be marked by feelings of ambivalence. There
may be issues of dependency or flight to avoid the loss of the group.
Team-building Problems
Problem Solution
Your people feel that they are not being led in the Different team members may require different
manner they need and have become demotivated, leadership styles from you. Although you have your
leading to internal conflict. own unique interpretation, you need to adapt your
style, as appropriate, to different people.
Team discontent due to: You may need to delegate tasks, rather than leaving
N an individual constantly taking the best jobs the team to organize this themselves. You should
N an individual antagonizing other team members objectively observe any discontent between team
with their attitude members before you take action. If you do decide
N an individual not pulling their weight to take action, involve the whole team in discussion
N an individual promoting their own interests first.
at the expense of the team
Problem Solution
Team members perceive that there are insufficient It is your responsibility to ensure that there are
or inappropriate resources to do the job. enough resources. Use team contacts to obtain them.
Team members are over- or underworked. When the team reaches overload, organize a social
event to relieve the tension. If the issue is
underwork, review the purpose of forming the team
in the first place and/or set the team new projects
and/or provide them with some training or learning
The team lacks the skills or knowledge to complete Train team members in the required skills or buy
the job. them in.
The team is always complaining and grumbling, Tolerate the occasional complaining session, but if
and lacks a common motivation. complaints become disruptive, call a team meeting
to establish causes and solutions.
Changes in the team, in objectives, and in working Find and make use of stability zones and rituals.
practices are destabilizing the team and affecting Maintain open communication with all team
morale. members in terms of updates, reviews, and
A team member lacks team spirit, causing friction. If someone really does not want to work as part
of a team, don’t force them to.
The team seems to be out of control. Make sure that team members know what is
expected of them in terms of behavior. Be seen
to deal with discipline problems fairly and equally.
The team is stagnating, there are few new ideas, It is your responsibility to encourage creativity and
and there is no enthusiasm for new ways of innovation. Try some of the exercises in the sections
working. Critical Thinking or Generating Creative Solutions.
The team leader accepts poor levels of performance Set standards of quality and behavior, and help
and does not encourage and support good those falling below those standards to achieve them
performance. through coaching and training.
Leading a Team
There are many facets to team leadership. An effective team leader will use
a mixture of the following typical roles:
N Figurehead: provides a focus for team identity
N Communicator: provides direction and information and serves as a
N Representative: serves as the interface between the team and the
outside world
N Executive: sets standards and determines objectives
N Controller: organizes team output using individual strengths
N Coach: develops individual skills
N Supporter: provides support and guidance to individuals
N Planner: decides how the team should reach its goal
N Exemplar: stands as a model for the team and leads by example
N Recruiter: selects suitable members for the team
N Involver: empowers the team to become involved in its processes
N Visionary: communicates a vision of the future to the team
N Resource manager: uses all available resources to achieve the team’s
Interruptions Crises
Fatigue Forgetting
Activity Log
Now go back through the list again and eliminate all the Bs by considering
them as either really important (A) or unimportant (C). Now prioritize your
As in terms of their importance. Start by identifying the most important and
numbering it A1, then work your way through the list until you have
numbered each one. You will make best use of your time by concentrating
your energy on the A list jobs.
INTRODUCTION If you couldn’t ask a question, how would you know an answer when you see
it? We ask ourselves questions. We ask questions of others. It’s how we find
things out. Questioning helps clarify and focus our thoughts and actions.
There are several types of questioning techniques:
N Personal responsibility questions. These imply that others have
the responsibility for owning a problem and for making choices that
contribute to solving it. A typical question of this type might be “What
skills might you develop in order to help you with this problem?”
N Leading questions. These are questions that put the answer in the
other person’s mouth, such as “She really bothers you, doesn’t she?”
N Feeling questions. These questions elicit feelings generated by a
problem and might include “How do you feel about that?”
N Closed questions. Closed questions restrict the response of the other
person. For example, “Did you think the report was useful?” is a closed
question since it elicits only a “yes” or “no” response.
N Open questions. These questions invite a detailed or broad response.
“What did you think of the report?” is an open question since it invites
a wide response.
N Specification questions. These types of question focus on the details
of the problem. An example might be “When you say he keeps badgering
you, what exactly do you mean?”
N Elaboration questions. These give the other person the chance to
expand on what they’re talking about—for example, “What else would
you like to tell me?”
In order to coordinate our life and work with those of other people, we all
need to know more of what other people are feeling and thinking, wanting,
and planning. But our usual closed questions actually tend to shut people up
rather than open them up. You can encourage your conversation partners to
share more of their thoughts and feelings by substituting closed questions
that encourage only a “yes/no” response, with open-ended questions that
allow for a wide range of responses. For example, asking “What did you
think of the conference?” will evoke a more detailed response than “Did you
like the conference?”
Consider the difference between two versions of the same question,
which might be asked during a conversation between two people in a close
N “Do you want to go ahead and buy that house we saw yesterday?”
N “How do you feel about us buying that house we saw yesterday?”
The first version suggests a “yes” or “no” answer, favors “yes,” and does not
invite much discussion. A person hearing such a question might feel pres-
sured to reach a decision, and may consequently not make the best one. The
second question invites a much wider range of responses.
47.2 Yes/No
Translate each of the following “yes/no” questions into an open-ended one.
What problems can you imagine arising from each of these closed versions?
N Talking with a person who looks disappointed: “So you didn’t like
that, huh?”
N A pilot to a new co-pilot: “Do you know how to fly this thing?”
N A nurse to a patient: “Have you been taking your medication?”
N A parent to a teenager: “Don’t you think it would be better if you did
your homework first?”
Diversity is not only black and white, female and male, homosexual and
heterosexual, Jew and Christian, young and old, and so on, but the diversity
of every individual—slow learner and fast learner, introvert and extrovert,
scholar and sportsperson, liberal and conservative.
Organizations need diverse groups of people on each and every team. For
example, having a group of team builders will get you nowhere, because
everyone will be out trying to create a team. Likewise, having a group of
doers will get you nowhere, because everyone will be trying to accomplish
something without a clear goal to guide them.
We all have a natural tendency to categorize people, and perhaps to judge
them by the descriptions we assign to them. Below are some of the indicators
we sometimes use to “fit” people into categories:
Work Characteristics
Qualification level
Personal Characteristics
If you fit any one of the above criteria, you cannot automatically assume
that society’s view of you is unobstructed or based solely on your individual
character, qualifications, or accomplishments. You will encounter obstacles,
prejudices, and stereotyping.
The management of diversity can be considered as a response to the
need to recognize, respect, and capitalize on the differences in our society
in terms of race, ethnicity, and gender. Different cultural groups have differ-
ent values, styles, and personalities, each of which may have a substantial
effect on the way they do business. Valuing diversity happens from the
inside out. When we can embrace our own inner diversities—for example, we
like to eat meat but can’t bear the thought of blood sports—we are better
placed to accept the diversities of those around us. When we can each accept
ourselves and the diversities within others, we will find it easier to work
together with our differences.
AND REFLECTIONS What labels can you recall from your childhood? Other than the name on
your birth certificate, what else were you called?
48.4 Prejudices
Being really honest with yourself, what are your prejudices?
48.9 My Prejudice
Introduce the subject of valuing diversity. Ask each learner to identify one
prejudice they have. Organize the group into small groups of four to six to
discuss. Reconvene the whole group for feedback.
INTRODUCTION Actions speak louder than words—in other words, the language com-
municated by our bodies is often in conflict with what we actually say. We
give away nonverbal signals through our gestures, facial expression, eyes,
body movements, and verbal language. Verbal language, in this context,
doesn’t so much mean what you say as how you say it and the key phrases
you use, such as “You must . . .” as opposed to “I would appreciate it if you
could . . .” Which one would you respond to?
Do you give away clues about your feelings via verbal and nonverbal lan-
guage despite your attempts to control them? These clues may include:
N Fiddling—conveying nervousness
N Tapping—indicating impatience or anger
N Changes in voice pitch and tone—signaling timidness
N A clenched jaw—indicating tension or aggression
N An automatic or false smile—saying, “Please don’t be angry”
Get to know your own personal space and be sensitive to that of others.
Ideally stand or sit directly in front of the other person.
The first person you need to affect with positive body language is not the
other person, but yourself. If you cannot affect your own emotional state,
how can you influence that of others? Start by controlling your breath.
Experiment with taking deep breaths from the diaphragm. The quickest way
to change your mental state and body language is to change your breathing.
Your mind will follow the lead you dictate for your body and your life. Start
by deciding to control your body language in order to feel better about your-
self. Over time, others will begin to feel better about themselves while they
are around you, because they are unconsciously mirroring or emulating you.
Encouraging Discouraging
()) ())
Raising an eyebrow
Looking anxious
Bouncing a leg
Tugging at an ear
Staring at you
Waving an arm
Warmth in voice
High-pitched voice
Encouraging Discouraging
()) ())
Vacant look
Shutting eyes
Looking alert
Shuffling about
Verbal and
Aggressive Passive Assertive
Nonverbal Language
Speech pattern
Facial expression
Eye contact
Body movements
Verbal styles
Problem Solving
And problem solving? Women like to discuss problems as a way of building
intimacy and connection. Men like to solve problems. Remember, men have
conversations to obtain the upper hand; therefore, giving advice comes
naturally. Women, on the other hand, have conversations to build closeness;
therefore, giving empathy comes naturally. Men need to achieve results and
like to work out the details of solving a problem alone. To offer a man
unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn’t know what to do or that he
can’t do it on his own. When a woman is asking a man for support, she needs
to be direct and brief. She needs to avoid using blame language. She will find
that a man wants to make improvements when he feels he is being
approached as the solution to a problem rather than as the problem itself.
Men are motivated and empowered when they feel needed and are more
willing to say “yes” if they have the freedom to say “no.” Men may act out a
particular feeling as a cover-up for the real feeling underneath. For example,
a man’s deepest fear is that he is not good enough, or that he is incompetent,
and he may use anger as a way of avoiding sadness, hurt, guilt, and fear, or
he may use indifference as a way of avoiding anger.
A woman’s sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of
her relationships. To feel better, women get together and openly talk about
Male/Female Psychology
According to popular psychology, male and female personalities can be
further explained by reference to the Anima and Animus.
The Anima represents the female qualities within a man as learned through
the mother. The positive of the Anima is that it keeps the man attuned to
inner values; acts as a guide to his inner self; is intuitive, nurturing, creative;
and has feeling. Its negative aspects are irritability, depression, uncertainty,
insecurity, or touchiness. If the man’s relationship with the mother was too
strong, it might make him weak-willed or prone to be victimized by women.
The Anima is responsible for a man’s image of women.
The Animus represents the male qualities within a woman as learned
through the father. The positive aspects of the Animus are action, assertive-
ness, logic, and orientation to goals. The negative aspects are a love of
power, coldness, obstinacy, and forcefulness. The Animus is responsible
for a woman’s image of men.
The Anima and Animus are the underdeveloped sides of the personality
attempting to assert themselves for good or bad.
Woman Man
Animus Anima
(sense of (sense of
maleness) femaleness)
Females learn from the women in Males learn from the men in their
their childhood how to be female childhood how to be male and how
and how women use their sense of men use their sense of female-
maleness. Females learn from the ness. Males learn from the women
men in their childhood how to use in their childhood how to use
maleness. femaleness.
Male Female
Competitive Nurturing
Logical Emotional
Aggressive Yielding
Thrusting Understanding
Protective Tender
Disciplined Sympathetic
Rigid Compassionate
Judgmental Affectionate
Unemotional Gentle
Reasoning Gullible
Dominant Shy
Forceful Vulnerable
Independent Wise
Decisive Intuitive
Strong Spontaneous
Self-sufficient Receptive
Risk taker Creative
Ambitious Introverted
Leader Spatial
Organized Soft