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Quality Tools - by - Dr. Doaa Hussein - 4-3-2014

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Dr . Doaa Hussein Quality Management Consultant.


Using Quality Improvement tools throughout

the Quality improvement process

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Effective Outcome
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Effective outcome
Unique Well-crafted Items Solve Problem Situations.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Effective outcome
provide care to individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Effective outcome
Solve problems Improve quality

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Quality Improvement Process

Using tools to improve quality and increase effectiveness

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Define preferred state, problems, and improvement opportunities.

Identify barriers and root causes.

Develop improvement solutions, strategies, tactics, and plans

Implement plans.

Monitor results.

Standardize and generalize

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

How To Write A Problem Statement

Should be SMART:

specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timeframe

And should not:

include any causes or solutions or blame anybody

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

How To Identify the Problem or opportunity for improvement ?

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Flow Charts
A pictorial representation displaying the actual sequence of steps and their inter-relationships in a specific process
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Identify : Hand-off (Appropriate And Inappropriate), Inefficiencies, Redundancies, Waiting Steps;

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Decide whether to : Correct Steps Within The Current Process, Design A New Process Do corrections first, then redesign in the future.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Questioning whether actual process meets

current policy/procedure Analyzing problems to determine causes Redesigning the process as part of the action Designing a new process

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Symbols Used in Flowcharts

Start / End Process Step Decision



Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Linear Flowchart Example

Producing the Plan of the Day
Start Collect inputs Draft POD

Type smooth

Sign POD

Type rough Retype POD Submit to XO Distribute


Make copies

OK ?

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Levels of Flowcharts
Start Start

Turn on computer


Draft POD

Get rough draft of POD

Start word proc. apply.

Type POD

Is it approved ? Yes Type smooth


Get approval

Is rough in word proc. apply. ?


Type rough POD

Edit POD

Distribute POD

End End

Are there any corrections ? No Print POD


Make corrections

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Interpreting a Flowchart

Step 1 - Examine each process step Bottlenecks? Poorly defined steps? Ineffective sequence? Delays? Weak links? Step 2 - Examine each decision symbol Can this step be eliminated? Step 3 - Examine each rework loop Can it be shortened or eliminated? Step 4 - Examine each activity symbol Does the step add value for the end-user?
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Draw Flowchart ?
Getting to Work From: Waking Up to Entering Building.
Level ? Steps? Decisions? Interpretation?

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

What is the scope of the problem?

Who are the Stakeholders?

Create as many ideas as possible in as short a time as possible

What is the impact of this problem on Patient Care?

What are the possible solutions ?

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Structured Brainstorming:
Everyone in the group

Unstructured Brainstorming:
Everyone in the group

gives an idea in rotation or passes until the next round.

gives ideas as they come to mind.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Five Steps of Brainstorming

Establish a time limit for the entire session; Define the subject and direction of the session; Allow time for initial, individual thought; Request ideas according to the predetermined structure; keep circling the issue until all ideas are recorded Clarify all ideas generated to assure accuracy and understanding.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

What can be done to improve employee morale?

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Affinity Diagram
Organize large volumes

of ideas or issues into major categories

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Affinity Diagram

Affinity" means close relationship or

connection, or similarity of structure; When developing an Affinity Diagram, it is most important to determine the primary issue and major related subgroups in order to grasp the appropriate relationships, links, or connections.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Affinity Diagram

Define the primary issue, using neutral, broad language; Brainstorm - use cards or adhesive notes which can be moved and sorted; Display in random fashion all ideas for the team (on a wall or table);

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Display the Generated Ideas

Issues in Implementing Continuous Process Improvement
Data collection process needs Pressure for success Lack of followup by management Which comes first, composing the team or stating the problem?

Everybody needs to change but me

Want to solve problem before clearly defined

Lack of training at all levels

What are the rewards for using tools

Unrealistic allotment of time

Need new data collection system Too busy to learn

Lack of management understanding of need for it

Developing product without developing process

Not using collected data

Dont know what customer wants

Some people will never change

Lack of trust in the process

Behavior modifications may take longer than time available

Short-term planning mentality

Need to be creative Competition versus cooperation

Too many projects at once

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Sort Ideas into Related Groups

Issues in Implementing Continuous Process Improvement
Some people will never change

Developing product without developing process

Lack of follow-up by management

Competition versus cooperation Pressure for success

Data collection process needs

Everybody needs to change but me

Which comes first, composing the team or stating the problem?

Lack of training at all levels

Need new data collection system

Need to be creative Behavior modifications may take longer than time available

Dont know what customer wants Too busy to learn Want to solve problem before clearly defined

What are the rewards for using tools

Unrealistic allotment of time Not using collected data

Short-term planning mentality

Lack of trust in the process

Lack of management understanding of need for it

Too many projects at once

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Create Header Cards

Issues in Implementing Continuous Process Improvement

(Header Cards)
Breaking through old way Dinosaur thinking Old management culture Lack of TQL knowledge

Lack of planning

Organizational issues

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Finished Affinity Diagram

Issues in Implementing Continuous Process Improvement
Breaking through old way "Dinosaur thinking
Some people will never change

Lack of planning

Organizational issues

Old management culture

Lack of TQL knowledge

Developing product without developing process

Lack of follow-up by management

Competition versus cooperation

Data collection process needs

Everybody needs to change but me

Which comes first, composing the team or stating the problem?

Lack of training at all levels

Pressure for success

Need new data collection system

Need to be creative Dont know what customer wants Want to solve problem before clearly defined

Too busy to learn

What are the rewards for using tools

Unrealistic allotment of time

Behavior modifications may take longer than time available

Short-term planning mentality

Not using collected data

Lack of trust in the process

Lack of Too many management projects at once understanding of need for it Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Affinity Diagram

Each team member participates in sorting the ideas into major groupings -- in silence and quickly, without discussion and without time for contemplation -- until team consensus is reached; Discuss the major groupings and create a concise title for each grouping; Draw the affinity diagram, based on major groupings, linking all ideas related to each grouping.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Use the list generated during the Brainstorming Exercise

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Prioritization Matrix
Select one option from a

group of alternatives
It promotes objective

decision making.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Prioritization Matrix
Limit the list of options (of problems or

solutions) to no more than eight (8);

Select the criteria against which each option

will be rated, stated in either positive or negative terms, but not both;

Determine the weight (relative

value) of each criterion; perhaps some are more important Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant to meet than others;


Prioritization Matrix
Select a scoring
Point system:
From 5 = Very important

method, e.g.:
to 0 = Unimportant


system: Criteria Met? Y=Yes; N=No Check mark: Box checked if criteria met + or - system:

= Important/criteria met - = Unimportant/criteria not met

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Prioritization Matrix
Determine the desired score, what number of

criteria must be met.

Prepare the matrix with options down the left

side and criteria/total score column across the top.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Causeand Effect Fish-Bone

Ishikawa Diagram Gather all possible causes as an overview.
The ultimate goal

being to uncover the root cause of a problem.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Basic Layout of Cause and Effect Diagrams

Manpower (People) Methods (Procedures) EFFECT Materials (Policies) Machines (Plant)
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant


Cause-and-effect Diagram
Determine and define the major categories

which describe the system or process under review, e.g.,

(or) 5ms:


Provisions Policies Procedures Place

Materials Machines Methods Measurements
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Cause-and-effect Diagram
Brainstorm to identify possible main causes of

the negative outcome

Link each to one of the major categories Using horizontal lines (parallel to the main

outcome line) touching the appropriate

diagonal line;
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Cause-and-effect Diagram
Identify any possible sub causes of main

causes by using the "Five-Why" technique, linking these to the main cause lines;
Evaluate the draft diagram as a team to

determine the accuracy of the placement of issues and lines;

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Cause-and-effect Diagram
It is very important to study the relative

frequencies of the different causes before acting to change the process.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Agree on the problem statement Process Classification

Use Dispersion Analysis or Process Classification Format?

Dispersion Analysis

Define major process steps

Define major cause categories

Steps at a Glance: Cause & Effect


Draw in the bones of the fish

Brainstorm causes or use data from Check Sheet

Reached the appropriate level of detail? Yes Interpret fishbone


Agreement on root causes?


Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Act to correct the causes

Cause & Effect Example

Nursing shortage Unit clerk staffing

Bed Assignment Delay

Wait for MD


Machine (PCIS)
System incorrect Not entered Functions not useful Not used Need more training No trust Not used pending discharge

Patient arrives too early Unit clerk training

Transfer too early from another hospital

Call housekeeping when clean

Discharged patient did not leave Wait for ride Wait for lunch Wait for results Call housekeeping too late Call housekeeping too early Think it will take more time

Patient waits for bed

Double rooms Physician did not write order Medicine admit quota Many transfers Specialty beds Cardiac monitors Admitting unaware bed is clean Delayed entry Too busy Sandbag Physician misuse inpatient Inappropriate ER admittance Unit switch bed Reservation unaware Not entered Unit clerk unaware of discharge or transfer Shift change Not told On break

MD procedures

Hospital procedures


Information provided courtesy of Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center

Identify the vital few

and useful many

Pareto principle

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Pareto Chart
Bar chart arranged in

descending order of height from left to right

Budget Allocation
100 80 60 40 20 0
Code 20 Code 10 Code 50



Bars on left relatively more

important than those on right from the "useful many" (Pareto Principle)

38 27 14 11
Code 30 Code 40

Separates the "vital few"

Code 60

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Select problem to study Is data Yes available? No Barnstorm possible categories Choose categories Select unit of measure

Steps at a Glance: Pareto

Choose time period

Check Yes Sheet available?

Review data from Check Sheet

Gather new data Create Check Sheet

Construct data table

Record scale on y axis (vertical)

Construct vertical bars on x axis (horizontal)

Indicate Yes cumulative percent? No

Plot percent line

Interpret results

Use in problem-solving process

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Example #1 - Pareto Chart

2225 2007 1784 1561 1338 1115 892 669 446 223 0 Break point

100 % 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of Complaints

Temp Storage TV Towels Roaches Lighting Stereo Water Furn

Type of Complaint
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant LEGEND: COMPLAINTS RECORDED IN BEQ / BOQ, 1 FEB - 30 APR 95.

Find Solution
Ensure support from formal and

informal leaders management.

Make the Remedy part of day to day

Issue policies, procedures, or guidelines

to facilitate the implementation process.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Find Solution
Implement on a Pilot basis Collect Data to check Effectiveness and

Efficiency of the solution.

Monitor the impact of the solution on

performance over time

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Find Solution
Get ready for a wider scale of Implementation. Educate Staff and prepare them for the

upcoming change
Get ready to replicate your experience in other

areas or other projects

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Monitoring the Impact

Collect data using data collection tools. Analyze data, transform data into information

Present your data using line, Bar and Pie Charts

Study Common/Special Cause Variations Use Control Charts

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Force Field Analysis

Driving Forces Restraining Forces

Force field analysis is used by the team

when a proposed solution to a problem will require significant change.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Force Field Analysis

And it is important to analyze the potential impact and chances of success.

If no change occurs, it is because the opposing

forces are equal, or the restraining forces are too strong.

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Force Field Analysis

Steps: List in two groups all the driving and restraining forces affecting a desired change; Discuss the overall value of the proposed change; Come to team consensus about priorities for effecting change; Include in the planned solution, actions to diminish or eliminate the restraining forces. Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Gantt Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



3Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Is a graphic displaya type of bar

chartof the individual parts of a quality improvement process as bars on a horizontal time scale.
Is a project-planning tool for developing

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Action Planning

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Action Planning
Once the team selects a solution, an

action plan need to be developed.

The team leader is responsible of

monitoring the implementation process using a mean of verification that a certain task
has been done (target , KPI).

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant


Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Storyboards are valuable displays:

Promote the teams commitment to quality and the positive

impact on the organization;

Communicate quality improvement progress and outcome

to the entire organization;

Summarize the

effort for leader, Quality Council, governing

body approval;
Provide visual description of QI/PI activity for training.
Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

Dr.Doaa Hussein QM consultant

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