Overview of The J2EE Specification: Dave Landers BEA Systems, Inc. Accelerated Development Center
Overview of The J2EE Specification: Dave Landers BEA Systems, Inc. Accelerated Development Center
Overview of The J2EE Specification: Dave Landers BEA Systems, Inc. Accelerated Development Center
What is J2EE? J2EE Architecture Application Programming Model Roles Contracts (the APIs) Naming, Security, Deployment
What is J2EE?
A Standard platform for Enterprise Applications
Distributed Multi-Tier Thin Client
Use standard services Know what to expect from any J2EE platform
What is J2EE?
Components Services Protocols Architecture Application Model
What is J2EE?
Infrastructure for Enterprise Applications
Transaction management Object life-cycle Resource pooling
What is J2EE?
Application Programming Model
Something to start with when you architect complex, multi-tier systems Encapsulate layers of functionality in specific component types
Client, Servlet, EJB, Database, etc.
What is J2EE?
J2SE EJB JDBC Servlets JavaMail etc.
Application Model
Components APIs
Hides complexity, enhances portability Runtime support for Application Components
Transparantly inject services around components
Transactions Life Cycle and State management Security etc.
Access to J2EE Services
via the APIs
Applet Container
Provided by Browser or Plugin
Web Container
For Servlets and JSP
EJB Container
Middle Tier
CORBA Security etc.
An individual developer may perform many (or all) roles for a project
J2EE Roles
J2EE Product Provider
Application Server Vendor
J2EE Roles
Application Assembler
Takes multiple components and assembles them into an application
Installs application Generate server-specific classes Configures application for server Starts application
J2EE Roles
System Administrator
Networking and computing infrastructure Oversees runtime well-being of application
Tool Provider
Vendor for Tools used in deployment and packaging of application components
Roles - Advantages
Encourages and Enables J2EE products and services
Breakpoints in the process delimited by boundaries between the Roles Gives vendors a clear statement of Responsibility for what they should deliver
Component and Application vendors ServiceProviders (deployment and Hosting)
Example: ejip.net, LoudCloud doing hosting
Roles - Advantages
Helps spec authors ensure proper compartmentalization of functionality
Example: EJB Deployment Process
Defined by Role Each Role delivers a jar file to the next Role
J2EE Contracts
The APIs
Services Protocols
EJB 1.1
Enterprise Java Beans Business Components Multi-tier architecture Session Beans
For behaviors Stateless or Stateful
Entity Beans
Data Model Persistent to database
Servlet 2.2
Active web components Provide Dynamic Content HTTP front to application components
JSP 1.1
Java Server Pages Extension of Servlets Like HTML with embedded Java code View (of MVC pattern) Tag Extensions allow HTML Authors to drop in dynamic content without touching code Discipline required to stick to OO and Design principals
Remote Method Invocation JRMP is the Default RMI protocol Distributed objects and methods Access to services and components
Access for clients The J2EE platform can be distributed across several JVMs and/or machines
Example: Web Server & Servlet Engine separate from EJB server
IIOP is CORBAs protocol All application components (except applets) can be clients of RMI-IIOP Only Application Clients can export RMI-IIOP objects EJB access via IIOP encouraged but not required
JMS 1.0
Java Messaging Service
Asynchronous communication among distributed components Publish / Subscribe queues Point-to-point communication Messages can be durable (backed by database) Can specify guaranteed message delivery
The JMS API is required by J2EE However, the implementation of (or access to) the principal interfaces is not required
ConnectionFactory and Destination
JNDI 1.2
Java Naming and Directory Interface Lookup of objects mapped to a name J2EE only requires lookup of things in the java: namespace
EJBHome objects JTS UserTransaction objects
JTA 1.0
Java Transaction API Declarative and Programmatic demarcation
Deployment Descriptors UserTransaction object
Available to Application Components Not required for Application Clients or Applets
Not Required:
Nested Transactions Multiple Databases, Multiple J2EE Servers XAResource support
X/Open standard XA interface for resources in a distributed transaction environment
JNDI used to access resources
UserTransaction EJBHome EJB Components access to Environment Properties Resource Factories
JMS factories JDBC DataSource JavaMail
Declarative and Programmatic
Deployment Descriptors EJB: isCallerInRole and isCallerPrincipal methods Servlet: isUserInRole and isUserPrincipal methods
Future of J2EE
J2EE 1.3 preliminary
Community Process
JMS Required Connector Architecture EJB 2.0 JSP 1.2, Servlets 2.3 XML & XML Data Binding SQLJ
J2EE Specification