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Founded 1967 $1.50


Site of London International UFO Congress

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103 Oldtowne Rd. We present in this issue still another interpretation of abduction
Seguin, Texas 78155 reports, this time as psychological imagery. The ferment of thought
on abduction cases is a healthy sign. The author's idea is interesting
RICHARD HALL and deserves to be studied, though its application to some cases (e.g.,
Travis Walton, with independent witnesses to a UFO, and others with
ANN DRUFFEL physical evidence effects) would seem to be strained. Still, it may have
Associate Editor application • to some of the cases and therefore warrants discussion
rather than outrof-hand rejection. As with- some other recent
LEN STRINGFIELD "theories," the author may be stretching it too far. However, the im-
Associate Editor
agery phenomena described do bear sufficient resemblance to some
MILDRED BIESELE aspects of close encounter cases to suggest that the notion deserves
Contributing Editor critical review.

Director of MUFON

TED BLOECHER In this issue

Humanoid Study Group
By Keith Basterfield
LUCIUS PARISH By Luis S'ehoenherr
Books/Periodicals/History BOOK REVIEW ("The Roswell Incident") 11
MARK HERBSTRITT By Bruce S. Maccabee
By Ann Druffel
Promotion/Publicity CARL SAGAN: A COMMUNICATION 15
By William H.'Spaulding
Landing Trace Cases BOOK REVIEW
("Casebook of a UFO Investigator") 16
UFO Propulsion
By John F. Schuessler
Staff Writer
By Lucius Parish
Editor/Publishers Emeritus
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Seguin, Texas" is included.
By Keith Basterfield

The great majority of reported which will be the subject of this travelling along at 100 kph again with
observations of UFOs are explainable paper. all systems working and no feeling of
in conventional terms once common The following examples of acceleration. His watch was later
sense investigation has taken place. reported encounters will illustrate the reportedly found to be 5 minutes
Aircraft, weather balloons, clouds, typical event under consideration. slow.
the moon, the sun, stars, planets, and Gum Creek, South Australia (1964) Prospect, III., USA (1977)
meteors have all been the cause of A farmer's wife lying awake at At 0100 hrs. (local) while driving
reports from people caught either by 0200 hrs. (CST)1 noticed a "figure" alone a 19-year-old man claimed he
something which they haven't pre- suddenly appear outside the bedroom was abducted from his car and taken
viously observed or by an unex- window, as if a "movie screen had into an object where weird entities
pected or unusual aspect of viewing. been unrolled." The scene seemed were observed. He was then returned
Ground markings reportedly asso- very bright as if daylight and the en- to his vehicle and found himself still
ciated with UFOs have been caused tity was revealed in great detail travelling at speed.
by fungus, slime mould, leaf smut, because of the unusual lighting. The An inspection of a large (300) sam-
animals, whirlwinds, helicopters and male figure appeared to be taking ple of such close encounters within
hoaxes. "photographs," then advanced Australia lead to the conclusion that
Even photographs have fallen to towards the window. The lady most are reported to occur in rural or
the use of sophisticated computer wanted to speak to the figure but isolated localities, at night, mainly
technology which has now eliminated found she couldn't. She slipped down with only one person present, fre-
all but a few of the more than 1,000 into bed and fell asleep. It was con- quently when they are driving a vehi-
photographs known to have been in- jectured by her that the lighting came cle. There are peaks in the times of
vestigated since 1947. from an object above the house. No reports, namely 2000-2200 hrs. and
Radar "evidence" has been con- traces were found. 0200-0400 hrs. (see diagram l). The
fused by the lack of understanding Sandford, Tasmania (1978) type of object reported varies tremen-
that even in this medium the human Awakening due to a dog barking, a dously, and in some cases a humanoid
element of interpretation still comes woman rose at 2350 hrs. (EST)2 and "figure" is described in association
into play and that other cases can be looked out of the window. She no- with the UFO. There are physically
eliminated by the words "anomalous ticed a "doorway" of white light out inexplicable events described such as
propagation." The January 1979 New on the rough, front driveway. It was "materialization," cars being "taken
Zealand radar reports in association dark everywhere else surrounding over" from the drivers' control, and
with two movie films represents the the "door." However through and abduction stories of medical examina-
point in question. The New Zealand only through the "door" she could see tion.
government declared the radar targets the drive as if it were lit up by In attempting to determine if there
to be due to faulty equipment and daylight. Then a golden glow spread was a real event without resort to the
anomalous propagation effects. The from the door and both went out in- extraterrestrial hypothesis or other
second film was said to be Venus and stantly. No traces found. more fanciful theories, two cases
doubt was cast on the initial film as Boyup Brook, West Australia (196 7) caught my attention. Details follow.
being of little scientific value. (This in- A man was driving alone at 2130 Ivy Tanks, South Australia (1973)
terpretation, of course, is strongly hrs. (WST),3 doing a steady 100 kph. A lady was travelling as a passen-
disputed by Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee. Suddenly he became aware of the ap- ger in a semi-trailer and decided to go
-Ed.) proach of a lighted object from the to sleep at 0200 hrs.1 About 0300 hrs.
The residue left after the above ex- air. The car was immediately she heard a warm male voice calling
planations have been taken into ac- "stopped dead" and all electrical her name and telling her to look out
count are a few photographs which of the window. By the side of the
systems ceased to function. There was
have passed computer analysis, a road she saw an egg-shaped object
no feeling of deceleration at all. Look-
small group of physical trace cases, surrounded by a "force field." The en-
ing up he reported seeing an irrides-
and a larger number of close en- tire thing was alight with a white
cent blue oval over the car with a
counters where verbal testimony is glow which seemed to come from all
tube of light extending down into the
the only evidence available. car. After an estimated five minutes
It is this latter group of reports the object left and he found himself (continued on next page)
or at most multiple over a period of 6 by some as some deny having
Imagery, Continued months in an entire lifetime, not con- dreams. The incidence of imagery
over and inside it. She feels the oval stantly repeated unlike so-called "con- amongst the population has been
may have been semi-transparent. This tactee" claims. A court would have no found to range from 50-70% with
illumination was so good that she was doubt about the status of these people events occurring to a number either
at a loss to compare the color and as reliable witnesses. nightly or regularly experienced on at
glow to anything she could think of. A literature search revealed that least half the nights.
Although the viewing time was short there are known psychological As an example of just how "real"
(5 seconds) much detail was noted. phenomena which are still not fully these images can be, an instance
The "force field" glow died down in understood (as far as a mechanism quoted by McKellar (1968) is of note.
an inexplicable manner. She woke up goes) which seem to provide a possi- A young couple had a routine of the
feeling fresh and upon questioning ble examination for these events. wife getting breakfast ready for her
the driver found he had said and seen These are hypnopompic and hyp- husband and then seeing him off to
nothing. nagogic imagery.4 work. One morning she recalled get-
Frankston, Victoria (1972) Hypnopompic imagery was so ting out of bed, washing, dressing,
While driving home, a 37-year-old named by Alfred Maury in 1848. getting breakfast, and then kissing her
housewife encountered a large silver- Maury perceived "faces" in the dark. husband goodby. At this point she
blue irridescent object hovering over Both types of imagery most often oc- "woke" to find her husband kissing
her car. Twenty-two days later a cur with the eyes closed, but may also her goodby. She had been asleep in
similar or the'same object appeared occur in a darkened environment bed all the time until that point.
over her car at the same location. Sud- with the eyes open. McKellar (1972) Green and McCreery (1975) re-
denly the car's engine cut off and reports encountering individuals who lated what they called type two
couldn't be restarted. She tried the reported remarkably similar imagery awakenings where we find people
steering wheel, pumped the brake which occurred when they were fully awakening normally to find them-
and changed gear, all to no avail. The awake. selves in bed. The surroundings at
car "controlled itself" to the side of The imagery content is visual, or first appear normal but then become
the road and stopped. All sound was auditory, in the main but also include unusual or uncanny. Alternatively
drained out of the air and she was told sensation of heat/cold, smell, or they may awake immediately to a
three things. The engine then started touch. They may be reproductions of stressed or stormy feeling. In either
itself and she drove to a police station the events of the day or strange, case they may experience fear, panic,
and reported the incident. Later a bizarre images of pleasing or frighten- or an hallucination or apparitional ef-
mental message told her to return to ing proportions. There seems to be lit- fect. This may also be accompanied
the spot. On the way a man "material- tle control over their appearance, and by a seeming paralysis of the body or
ized" then later "dematerialized" in- thus a person could certainly be an "out of body" state.
side her car. Meeting two other peo- frightened by their sudden onset. To an outside observer the person
ple at the spot she again saw this Reality and images of this kind can be would appear asleep, lying with eyes
"man" then lapsed into unconscious- readily confused. One of the most closed. Occasionally type two false
ness and while physically in the basic auditory images is that of hear- awakenings are simply the sensation
presence of two people who saw ing one's name called. You may recall of awakening, then really awakening.
none of this, she described being instances where sleeping or dozing ' Table 1 compares characteristics of
taken inside a "room." There was no waiting for a morning call to break- UFO events and imagery.
visible sign of illumination yet the fast, you hear your name called and I would suggest that events such as
room was well lit. She then recovered obediently trot into the kitchen only Ivy Tanks (1973), Gum Creek (1964),
in the car. Other odd psychic events to find a half-cooked breakfast and a and Sandford (1978) are imagery
occurred at around this time (e.g., puzzled chef. caused as they occurred on the
voices in her head). She was regarded Visual images range from simple awake/asleep interface where we
as an average, normal healthy person (patches of color) to integrated and know imagery occurs.
by those who knew her. complex scenes. Objects can be The accounts of the Boyup Brook
As will be noted from these two "strange" or noticed from an unusual (1967), Prospect (1977) and Frankston
reports there are items which we angle with sometimes an unusual (1972) cases contain the same basic
would consider impossible. Cars do clarity of detail. Durations range from elements and occurred to persons
not take over control of themselves seconds to minutes. Persons exper- travelling alone in an environment of
and materialization is not an everyday iencing these images comment on the unrelieved nature, driving along a
practice. Remember, though, we are unusual intensity of color and lights relatively isolated road where one
not talking of cranks or crackpots using such phrases as "strange would have the probability of being
here, we are speaking of credible, luminosity" and "glow of the Sun." in relaxed wakefulness on the sleep/-
reliable, healthy, average persons Surveys which have been done awake interface.
who stood up to rigorous cross- have led to speculation that such im-
examination. These events are single agery is experienced by all but denied (continued on next page)
Imagery, Continued in schizophrenics and psycho- agery from the supernatural to UFOs.
There are hundreds of such events neurotics. Victims of the former can
described in the UFO literature which withdraw into fantasies and hallucina- NOTES
the "image" hypothesis appears to be tions. Much more investigation needs 1. Central Standard Time — GMT plus
able to satisfactorily explain. to be performed and it would be 9Vi hours.
About 100 cases exist on record premature to speculate on the possi- 2. Eastern Standard Time — GMT plus 10
where people claim to have been "ab- ble mechanism here beyond reporting hours.
ducted" by aliens and subjected to a that Ferguson (1973) describes how 3. Western Standard Time — GMT plus 8
medical examination on board a William Dent and associates of Stan- hours.
UFO. An in-depth examination of 25 ford University looked at neural 4. The intermediate period between wake
cases indicated strong correlation discharges — PGO (pont ine- and sleep is termed "hypnagogic' and be-
with the types of event already geniculo-occipital) spikes — which oc- tween sleep and awake "hypnopompic."
discussed. There are the same basic cur most heavily (but not exclusively)
details present, except these abduc- during paradoxical sleep. These bursts REFERENCES
tion events result in a more convinced are thought possibly to bring on the Ferguson, M. The Brain Revolution
reporter with seeming physiological intense visual imagery associated with (New York: Taplinger Publishing Co.,
and physical traces, (e.g., glazed eyes, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. 1973)
needle puncture marks). However, If abnormal discharges of this kind Green, C. and McCreery, C. Appari-
many cases occur where the witnesses occur to normal, healthy people at tions (London: Hamish Hamilton,
claim to have been awakened from other than REM sleep periods, this 1975)
sleep or travelling in a vehicle where might prove to be a possible Horowitz, M. J. Image Formation and
image conditions are optimum. mechanism. Cognition (New York: Appleton-
One abduction case (Calgary, If these encounters are in fact im- Century-Croft, 1970)
Canada 1967) presents a further ages, we would need to address McKellar, P. Experience and Behavior
pointer to this hypothesis being cred- ourselves to the question of why the (Penguin Books, 1968)
ible. A boy on a 3-minute walk be- form of imagery is metallic spaceships McKellar, P. "Imagery from the
tween two houses along a paddock and entities. Surely imagery has been Standpoint of Introspection" (Chapter
arrived home in a daze. Under hyp- with us through the years7 2 of The function and Nature of Imagery,
nosis he revealed he heard a high- Looking back through time we do ed. P. Sheenhan, Academic Press,
pitched noise, looked up and saw an in fact find support. People exper- New York and London, 1972)
object. He was taken up into it and ienced "visions" and "apparitions" Magoun, H. The Waking Brain (C. C.
medically examined. However, the which were reported in a religious Thomas, 1958)
hypnotist believed that the incident context; perhaps they became the Reed, G. The Psychology of Anomalous
was actually a subconscious memory village oracle or were held to be Experience (London: Hutchinson Uni-
recall of an earlier appendectomy witches. In the middle ages we versity Library, 1972)
operation. became afraid of elves, hobgoblins, Richardson, A. Mental Imagery (Lon-
Physiological and physical occur- and fairies. A percentage of the don: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.,
rences in people might have a parallel population could be found who ac- 1969)
with the medically recognized tually reported seeing such creatures Schreiber, F. R. Sybil (Penguin Books,
"hysterical conversion." Hysteria is in isolated spots, notably during the 1973)
recognized as an illness resulting from hours of darkness. Materialization Sheehan, P. W. The Function and Nature
emotional conflict and is classically and dematerialization of entities was of Imagery (New York and London:
manifested by dramatic physical reported. A general belief in all this Academic Press, 1972)
symptoms involving the voluntary pervaded all classes of people, with Stevens, L. A. Explorers of the Brain
muscles or the organ of special senses. the grass roots of society firmly con- (UK: Angus and Robertson Ltd, 1973)
During the process of conversion un- vinced. University of Colorado Scientific Study
conscious impulses are transmitted in- The 20th Century brought us a of Unidentified Flying Objects (New
to bodily symptoms. The emotional disbelief in such happenings; belief in York: Bantam Books, 1969)
conflict is expressed physically (e.g., them was seen as childish. Along Vallee, J. Anatomy of a Phenomenon
facial swelling, tunnel vision, or came aircraft, rockets, missiles, and (London: Neville Spearman, 1966)
shock). talk of extraterrestrial life. Many
Mechanism people today believe life exists out- (Table and Diagram on page 6)
Although we accept imagery as oc- side of the Earth. The jump from ex-
curring we are still not certain of its istence to visitation has been strongly
mechanism. EEC experiments reveal reinforced by science fiction films,
that creative imagery is connected books, and open discussion on the
with the Theta brain wave pattern subject. I would suggest that we have
and that excess theta may be evident merely moved the content of our im-
Imagery, Continued


Imagery dose Encounter Reports

Occurs on the sleep/awake Mainly occur at night, often when driving alone or when
interface — can occur during day. awoken from sleep during night, few occur during daylight.

Eyes closed, or in a darkened Mainly occur in a darkened environment.

environment usually.

Little control over the appearance Occur suddenly and unexpectedly and most objects move
or disappearance. away at incredible speed.

Vary from simple to complex. Momentary encounters to longer duration abductions.

Little control over the content. All sorts of descriptions of objects and aliens. This has been said to be
a good reason to disbelieve the ETH.

Unusual quality of lighting/color. Main point brought out by people reporting encounters is the intense
lighting and vivid color of LJFOs.

Healthy normal people and percipients. Normal healthy people report.

Contents may be bizzare/unusual. Car stops, car paces, engine failures, weird electrical effects which do
not last, etc. Seemingly impossible.




2 2 4 b 0 1 0 1 ? B To T?

Diagram 1. — Statistical Breakdown of Time at Beginning of Event — 225 Cases

(Local Time)
Second London International UFO Congress
By Dennis Stacy
(Staff Writer)

The Second London International

UFO Congress convened the week-
end of May 24-25, 1981, at the
Mount Royal Hotel, near Hyde Park.
At least two Lords were in attendance
and so were some 350 mainly Euro-
pean and American urologists. The
Congress was sponsored by the
British UFO Research Association
(BUFORA). Featured speakers in-
cluded Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Chair-
man of the Fund for UFO Research;
Charles Bowen, editor of England's
prestigious "Flying Saucer Review";
Bertil Kuhlemann, of Project URD
(UFO Research Data), Sweden; Hilary
Evans, of the Society for Psychical
Research; and Nigel Henbest, radio
astronomy, Cambridge, and consul-
tant in astronomy for "New
Scientist." Lord Glencarty, left, with Staff Writer Dennis Stacy
Lord Kings-Norton, former Head
of Britain's Air Defense, and current have happened yet," he added. Still, it Were your questions leading or other-
BUFORA President, convened the was in the interest of perhaps resolv- wise designed to support a personal
Congress on a Sunday morning. He ing just such a question that he was theory? Did you ask the witness what
was joined in the audience by Lord calling the Second Congress to order. he or she saw, and not what you hoped
Glencarty, Brinsley le Poer Trench, And it was this dual tone of faith he saw, for example?
who initiated the 1978 House of and skepticism that colored most of Bertil Kuhlemann of Sweden
Lords Debate on Unidentified Flying the subsequent proceedings. Robert followed Digby to the podium and
Objects, in which both participated. Digby, BUFORA, delivered the open- addressed the Congress on "The Link
Le Poer Trench is himself the author ing address and asked ufologists, Between Investigator and Scientist."
of several books about UFOs and a "Have You Got Your Facts Right7" Kuhlemann is Head of Computer Ser-
former "FSR" editor. Digby compared the ufologist's task vices for his government's IVA Ad-
In his opening remarks. Lord Kings- with that of the police trying to ministrative Department and is also a
Norton noted that as a child he was reconstruct the events leading up to member of the Swedish Royal Acad-
often asked if he believed in Santa an automobile crash: both parties, he emy of Engineering Sciences. The
Claus and similar ephemera and that said, begin with what is essentially a link Kuhlemann proposed was the in-
invariably the answer was no. But cold trail. Thus, the witness becomes ternational adoption of Project UFO
now that he has participated in the the main instrument of the investiga- Research Data, or URD, a two-fold
House of Lords Debate and accepted tion and it is imperative that we begin program designed to coordinate in-
the Presidency of BUFORA, report- to recognize this inescapable facet of the-field data gathering with com-
ers ask him in the same tones if he the UFO investigation. This is also the puter analysis of that data.
believes in UFOs. "And I'm afraid this reason why separate and individual Kuhlemann's proposal was also
time I have to say yes," Lord Kings- witnesses are so imperative, if a submitted to the Provisional Interna-
Norton said. "I do believe that life ex- contamination factor of personal or tional Committee on UFO Research
ists elsewhere. I do believe that it will familial origins is not to creep into the (PICUR) which met the day before
one day make itself known, and I do report. the Congress in a closed-door
believe that man will one day com- Finally, Digby said, the investigator meeting. The working party session
municate with this life. But I do not himself must beware of introducing (continued on next page)
believe that it has been proved to his own contaminations into the case.
London, Continued
was attended by delegates from
England, Scotland (Chairman Peter
Hill), Holland, Denmark, Sweden,
Italy, the United States, and Canada.
David Haisell, of UFOCAN, repre-
senting the Canadian UFO organiza-
tions, proposed that Michael Sinclair,
MUFON International Coordinator,
be accepted as MUFON's permanent
delegate to the committee, a motion
that was duly ratified. This reporter
represented MUFON in Sinclair's
temporary absense. Dr. Bruce Mac-
cabee, MUFON State Director for
Maryland, a board member of
CUFOS, and Chairman of the Fund
for UFO Research, was the other U.S.
PICUR was originally established
during the First International Con-
gress in London in 1979 with the in- Stuart Campbell (BUFORA, Scotland), left, with Hilary Evans (British
tent of coordinating the international Soc. of Psychical Research)
investigation of the UFO phenomena.
Anyone who has followed the some- with the use of the Project's Form A pressure upwards in the social heirar-
times chaotic history of UFO and B punch cards. Form A is in- chy, ufology has defeated its own
organizations around the world tended to gather general information purpose.
realizes that the Committee has its about the UFO sighting, including "If we really want to see more of
work cut out for it. Too often, the geographical coordinates, duration, society's resources applied to a study
civilian effort has been characterized and applicable meteorological condi- of the UFO phenomenon, we must
by jealousy and a proprietary regard tions. Form B collects specific data start at the top with the scientists and
for collected data which has worked about the UFO stimulus itself, such as the politicians in control of those
against the best interest of ufology as size, shape, and characteristics of resources. It is up to ufologists to
an objective and legitimate scientific hehavior, such as changes in luminos- adopt the methodological approaches
discipline. Whether PICUR can ity, movement, and audible sounds. acceptable to science as a whole. And
reverse this sad state of affairs re- As currently outlined, Project URD that means we need a body of reli-
mains to be seen. In the meantime, would employ an IBM 360/175 com- able, computer-processed data which
the Committee has taken the first puter, a system already widely indicates that there is indeed some-
steps toward credibility and should be deployed around the world, including thing new and unknown up there."
applauded accordingly. MUFON has the communist bloc countries, which Project URD, of course, could pro-
long led the way in international would greatly facilitate any future in- vide just such an indication and once
cooperation and looks forward to ternational interface. that is done, Kuhlemann urged, there
working with others of a similar in- Kuhlemann also told the Congress would be no reason why PICUR, or a
terest and intent. audience that as ufologists they similar federation of international
would have to ask themselves some UFO organizations should not be
very hard questions. "Why do we not formed with the goal of seeking af-
Project URD
enjoy a wider acceptance among filiation with the International Coun-
Project URD itself, developed by society and science at large, for exam- cil of Scientific Unions.
Kuhlemann's fellow countryman and ple? Part of the problem is un- Almost all of the Congress
. computer programmer, Bjame Hikansson, doubtedly because most politicians, speeches were provocative, but
of Stockholm, is designed to standard- bureaucrats, and scientists are still get- Kuhlemann's may well prove to have
ize international investigative tech- ting their information from media the most reverberating consequences
niques and to insure the compilation which tend to sensationalize UFO for the future of ufology. Time, as it
of a minimum UFO data base accept- reports and thereby mitigate against has so often been said, will tell.
able to scientific analysis by com- personal involvement." Other highlights of the London
puter. A field investigator's manual But all too often, Kuhlemann Congress included Hilary Evans' com-
has already been prepared in English warned, UFO organizations them-
which would familiarize individuals selves are to blame. By trying to exert (continued on next page)
London, Continued
parison of traditional psychic phe-
nomena with some aspects of contem-
porary UFO reports. In particular,
Evans pointed to the similarities in-
herent in many UFO contact stories
with the historical accounts of out-of-
the-body experiences, so-called
"bedroom v i s i t a t i o n s , " and
"orthodox" poltergeist phenomena,
including possession and instances of
Charles Bowen's "Reflections of an
Editor" and Nigel Henbest's discourse
on "Implications of Black Holes for
Space Travel" were also well re-
ceived. For the past 17 years Bowen
has been responsible for putting out
one of the world's most highly
regarded UFO journals, Flying Saucer
Review. First published in the spring of
1955, the quarterly celebrated its
Charles Lockwood (BUFORA); Peter Hill (Chairman, Provisional
Silver Jubilee Anniversary last year.
"Like the world's economy," International Comm.); David Haisell (UFO Canada)
Bowen said, "we are currently in a
state of recession which greatly following dialogue: UFO in one space-time continuum
restricts our activities, and I cannot "Are there more like you living enters a black hole in one universe
help but wonder why this is so." If, as among us?" and emerges from a white hole in
sociologists tell us, UFO reports are a "Yes," came the immediate reply, another. The known facts, as Henbest
consequence of the stress modern life, "Two million, four hundred seven- persuasively argued, do not support
Bowen wondered, then where are to- teen thousand, eight hundred and such a supposition.
day's flaps, or periods of peak activ- five." As far as we know, black holes can
ity, for surely the world has seen "Have you any p o w e r f u l only be formed as the result of a star
enough stress recently7 Bowen went weapons?" collapsing, or going supernova, or at
on to cite the assassination of John "Yes, we have a compressor which the center of galaxies where the
Lennon, the attempt on the Pope's can destroy the moon with only one necessary conditions may also be
life, and the continuing strife in discharge." created. When a star such as our sun
Northern Ireland, the Middle East, "Did you bring it with you?" explodes, the forces of implosion may
and other troubled parts of the world. "No." well compress the star's inner core to
"Never before have there been more In another instance Bowen cited, the degree that a black hole is formed,
articles and books and movies about not even the percipient himself could Henbest noted. Unfortunately, the
UFOs than there are now and still, we believe what happened. A Frenchman black hole itself is not a thing to be
have yet to see the surge of modern had encountered a disc-shaped object treated lightly. Long before an
reports that might be anticipated." in a field. Standing between him and astronaut (or ufonaut) could make use
But recessions have their oppor- the disc was a dwarf-like being who of a black hole's supraphysical proper-
tunities, too, Bowen noted, and work kept repeating in a mechanical voice: ties, he would be stretched asunder
of lasting importance would be done, "Truth is refused to the constipated," by what is called "spaghettification."
if investigators were to go back and and then, "Cancer comes from the As an astronaut approached a black
explore in detail some of the earlier teeth (or: what is eaten)." hole, say, feet first, contorted forces
cases, particularly those from the Nigel Henbest considered the of gravity initiate what might be
early sixties. physical improbability of at least one called a cosmic "taffy-pull," stretching
Bowen recalled several cases which UFO theory in his talk entitled,'"Im- his limbs out in a long line while the
were characterized by a high degree plications of Black Holes for Space upper part of his body remained for
of absurdity. In Venezuela, a perci- Travel." It has been proposed that the time being unaffected.
pient saw two eight-foot tall beings UFOs may be interdimensional, i.e., Paradoxically, however, the larger
emerge from an apparent craft in a capable of flitting between universes the mass of the black hole, the less the
beam of light. He was soon engaged by a quantum mechanics process
in a conversation which contained the known as "tunneling," in which a (continued on next page)
London, Continued
tidal stretch effect. And where might By Luis Schoenherr
the more massive black holes be
found? At the center of galaxies, of
(Innsbruck, Austria)
course. But now a new problem
arises; instead of the deadly conse-
quences of gravity, a potential
ufonaut must now consider the conse- Hilary Evans' article "Abducted by vicious circles. If the most notable
quences of overexposure to radiation. an Archetype" in the April issue (No. astronomers and cosmologists assure
A black hole at the center of a galaxy 158) reflects a ufological trend which us that, according to their probability
would inevitably begin to attract vast will gain increasing importance in the calculations, there must be an incredi-
clouds of interstellar dust and gas, future. It is good scientific method- ble number of inhabited planets in the
forming a tremendous spiral plane of ology (and economy as well!) to ex- universe, does this help us to prove in
cosmic debris. But as this matter amine UFO reports from a psycholog- the specific, actual UFO case that the
moves closer and closer, faster and ical and even a psychoanalytical view- extraterrestrial visitors could or could
faster, towards ultimate absorption, point before the men of the "hard" not have had bald heads, luminous
friction creates tremendous heat and sciences move in. Which would be bodies, and bulging eyes?
the resulting free electrons are worse: trying to interpret true phys- On the other hand we know a lot
thrown off vertically as X-rays. ical data in psychological terms or to about man (albeit not enough) and
Again, any form of life or matter as search for physical explanations there exists a large and well-tried
we know it, could not possibly hope where only psychological ones could body of theory and experience in the
to survive such a close approach. In be found? For me this question has social sciences, which can serve as a
short, while not ruling out the been answered by the unproductive basis of reference in the psychological
possibility that some UFOs may have confusion of the last three decades approach. Moreover, the dominant
their origins in another solar system, surrounding the close encounter and instrument of ufology is necessarily
the chances of their tunneling from abduction cases. the human being and it is this instru-
one alternative universe to another There is no science which could ment that must be calibrated. This is
via black holes is extremely remote if supply us a reliable frame of ref- simply a question of methodology
not physically impossible. erence for the evaluation of the and has nothing to do with mysticism
But what about the Extra- presumed extraterrestrial components or debunking. For these reasons the
Terrestrial Hypothesis itself, which in UFO reports. Therefore the most psychological approach should be
has enjoyed somewhat of a roller subtle arguments (and how many assigned increased priority. There is
coaster career since its inception more have 1 thought out myself) can only of course no room in ufology for a
than three decades ago? This was the lead into inconclusive ambiguities and psychology that. is misused for dis-
subject of Dr. Bruce Maccabee's talk criminating against UFO witnesses or
to the Congress. ETH's fall from grace 1978, near Kaikoura, New Zealand; even the whole field (similar things
began in the mid and late 1960s as (2) the Lonnie Zamora landing report, have in other fields led to the angry
more of the patently absurd contactee outside Socorro, New Mexico; (3) the catchphrase of the "terror of psychi-
cases were becoming more widely McMinnville, Oregon, photographs atry").
known. Not only were the aliens taken in 1950, which were closely It cannot be overlooked, however,
given to spouting juvenile theology replicated by another picture taken in that the indiscriminate attempts to in-
.and ludicrous physics, but their own Rouen, France, four years later; and terpret all phenomenal characteristics
behavior was suspect, as well; not at (4) the Roswell, New Mexico, inci- of UFO experiences in terms of
all the sort of thing one would expect dent of July 1947, alleging the crash realities existing independently of the
from a truly intelligent and advanced and retrieval of an apparent flying witness, can only lead into confusion.
race of extraterrestrials. disc and its alien crew. But it is not sufficient to use
More recently, the ETH has come "The Roswell Incident, of course, is psychological methods solely for the
under fire because it was said to be potentially the whole jackpot," Mac- elimination of fraudulent and patho-
ultimately unverifiable and therefore cabee said. "I say potentially because logical cases. The implications of the
"unscientific." But according to Dr. it is not yet a completely investigated psychological approach are far more
Maccabee, the theory's burial may case." important and I won't be astonished if
have been a bit premature. He of- In conclusion. Dr. Maccabee urged those supposedly "soft" methods
fered the Congress at least four ex- that the theory of extraterrestrial would some day yield more durable
amples of cases which might not be visitation be maintained because "it results than the premature application
explainable by any alternative theory: makes us look at things in new ways,
(1) the radar and multiple witness and who knows? — ultimately, it
sightings of December 21 and 31, may prove to be right." (continued on next page)

background of "mainstream Ufology," about their experiences. The avail-
BOOK REVIEW largely as a result of the efforts of ability of this new information is
The Roswell Incident UFO buffs themselves. What, then, the reason why the CDS is being re-
By Charles Berlitz and William Moore is this CDS which was rejected years surrected.
(N.Y.: Grossett and Dunlap), 1980; ago as a possible solution to the fly- As an example of FOIA informa-
168p. ing saucer mystery? And, more im- tion, consider the following verbatim
portantly, why has it been resur- transcription from an FBI document
The Roswell Incident is probably rected in this more modern, doubt- dated March 22, 1950, sent from
the first of several books to come from less (?) more enlightened decade of Special Agent in Charge (abbrev. SAC)
authors who will try to convey to the the 1980's? The answers to these in the state of Washington to FBI
general public the reasons why the questions are quite straightforward, Headquarters in Washington, D.C.:
UFO "community" is presently be- as will be seen.
coming more involved with the Crash- The CDS could be defined as the The following information was furnished
ed Disc Syndrome (CDS). The first feelings a person gets and the actions to SA (i.e., to the Special Agent) xxxxxxx
occurred in the early 1950's with the a person takes upon learning that the (name crossed out) by xxxxxxx (name
publication of a book by Frank Scully government has in its possession one crossed out).
or more crashed discs with one or An investigator for the Air Forces stated
entitled Behind the Flying Saucers.
that three so-called flying saucers had
Scully's book was thoroughly dis- more occupants. More and more peo- been recovered in New Mexico. They
credited when investigators deter- ple are "suffering" from the CDS were described as being circular in shape
mined that his sources were unscrupu- these days because of recent revela- with raised centers, approximately 50 feet
lous men, and that his book was filled tions under the Freedom of Informa- in diameter. Each one was occupied by
tion Act, and, more importantly, be- three bodies of human shape but only 3
with errors of fact because of poor re-
search on his part. By the middle cause many reputed witnesses of such
(continued on page 1 7)
1950's the CDS had faded ir^to the crashed discs are now speaking out

Percipient, Continued
of the (not necessarily always "hard") understand this. single UFO event (and not only the
natural sciences. Ufology, however, should not whole population of all reports) as an
There are, for example, indications make the mistake of going from one intricately interwoven complex of
that the tunnel-images, the large extreme to another. Now as before physical and psychic components.
rooms perceived during (or perhaps we should be aware of the possibility Any progress in UFO research will
only remembered) abduction experi- that the phenomenon includes impor- depend on whether we can find out
ences, may be related to the birth tant physical components. One of the how those two components interact
trauma. It will be possible to test this goals in the field should be the and how they are mutually depen-
hypothesis by comparing the experi- verification of the hypothesis that in dent. In a 50-page paper* I have dealt
ences of abductees born by Caesarean physical trace cases the reports them- with this problem and some related
section with those of a control group. selves are generated independently of topics. The paper demonstrates that,
The experience of diffusely lighted in- the physical traces. This would settle notwithstanding effective filtering
teriors with no visible light source as the controversy about the percentage factors, thought-provoking psychic
well as the experience of being of explanatory myths (whose in- material appears in published UFO
blinded, as it is reported again and fluence is, for example, detectable in reports and that even a case once
again, may also turn out to be a the development of folk lore) giving unanimously regarded as an outright
memory of birth. Some psychologists the remaining physical trace events a fraud is not that simple.
tend to regard this "light screen" as better level on the evidence scale. To paraphrase Evans: could it be
the proto-hallucination of the dream In my opinion the critical as well as that some people possess inside
and it seems that even prenatal psy- the promising point lies in the fact themselves the do-it-yourself kit
chology will have something to say that the UFO phenomenon is (if com- necessary for transforming collective
about those matters. pared with any other conventional or individual memory images into
Jung regarded the discoid shape of event) to a hitherto unheard of degree reality and is the modus operandi an
UFOs as archetypical images and it is dualistic by its very nature. We can- interaction of the observer/percipient
not impossible that they are in fact not say at present that the physical or with an as yet unknown transient
related to memories of embryonic the psychic component is dominant. force or cgndition in his physical en-
structures. It seems to be a pre- But the fact that there is such a vironment?
posterous thing that a not yet existing discouraging diversity in the phenom-
individual brain should "remember" enal profile of UFO reports should be *Luis Schoenherr, "Percipient Depen-
the embryonic shape of its later body. sufficient to indicate that the psychic dent Components in UFO Ex-
But concepts like Jung's Collective component is probably far more im- periences," UFO Phenomena, 1980, Vol
Unconscious or even Persinger's portant than has been thought. IV (Editecs Publishing House, P. O.
Geopsyche may help us some day to In any case it is safe to regard every Box 190, 1-40100 Bologna, Italy).

By Ann Druffel

The "Pitiful Pockets" of UFO Research

Some areas of the United States from view. Most of the cases which ously, making forays inland. The
(and other countries) are well cov- are long-lived enough to warrant giant shapes have remained station-
ered as far as the gathering, filtering, activating the system involve objects ary for as long as 3 hours.
and correlating of UFO sightings is which are identifiable. Recently, however, a flap of in-
concerned. In these localities, dedi- We have over the past 15 years, land sightings continued for weeks
cated investigators and researchers however, collected valuable, cor- after the manifestation of a giant,
have banded together to collect re- relative material which gives rather maroon-colored, hazy UFO over the
ports, diligently weed out IFOs, and substantive evidence of UFO "win- channel. (See Fig. 1.) The witnesses
disseminate and publish meaningful dow areas" in Southern California, to this object, Mrs. D. G. and her
cases. such as the communities of Yorba daughter,6 viewed it at 1:30 a.m. on
These well-watched areas, how- Linda, Temple City,2 and certain December 10,1980, from their home
ever, are very few, and even in those parts of the Tujunga Canyons.3 in Hollywood, 20 air miles inland. It
places where public UFO reports are Another suspected "window was the apparent size of three full
consistently collected, there are piti- area" is over the offshore waters of moons and seemed almost trans-
ful pockets where no technically- the Pacific Ocean between the coast- parent. It "had a great deal of move-
trained observers are available to act line of Long Beach and the island of ment going on within its shape," but
immediately on a puzzling report. Santa Catalina, which lies 20 miles because of its great distance from the
A flurry of sighting reports in the farther out. Evidence collected by witnesses, they could not determine
Los Angeles Basin, beginning on this writer from 1962 through 1980 what the "movement" was. Its posi-
December 10, 1980 emphatically points to the possibility that this tion in the sky seemed to be some-
demonstrated this pathetic lack. But particular ocean area either attracts or where around or past Long Beach.
first — a brief review of the present permits the formation of huge, cigar- As it moved farther away over the
situation of UFO research in this shaped UFOs.4 At times these shapes Pacific, it became brighter and
sprawling metropolis (approximate- are shrouded in clouds and are simi- pinker. Its traveling motions were
ly 1,500 miles square) will point up lar to the giant UFOs which the jerky and erratic, with abrupt shifts
the urgency which exists at times French researcher, Aime Michel, and extended periods of hovering. It
when researchers stumble against termed "cloud cigars."5 Other times shrank in size as it moved away.
the "pitiful pockets." they seem to be unadorned "shells" The entire sighting lasted about
Since 1965 I have been Project or almost transparent. Cloud- 5 minutes, but there is no way of
Co-ordinator of a filter center and shrouded or not, these huge UFOs knowing how long the strange ob-
tracking system in the Los Angeles invariably seem to be aggregations ject was in the sky before being
Basin. Known as SKYNET, it has of smaller UFOs which depart from, noticed by the G's. No correlating
knowledgeable observers living in return to, and maneuver around the sightings have surfaced up to the
various places around the area, who main object. present time.
are available to be called if an object "Cloud cigars" are reported Following this report, a virtual
— a potential UFO — is reported in worldwide. They are relatively long stream of UFO reports came from
their line-of-sight. SKYNET is small lasting. The smaller glowing and/or various inland cities in the Basin.
in size in relation to the area it metallic-like objects associated with They numbered on the average two
presumes to cover.1 Even though them are sometimes called "surveil- or three per week and, except for a
our present group of about 60 mem- lance craft." few, they were too numerous to
bers does an excellent job, you can In the Los Angeles area, the giant even investigate thoroughly.7 None
see how impossible it is to ade- cigar-shaped objects hover or move of these 1980-81 reports, however,
quately cover such a large territory. slowly and seem generally confined occurred simultaneously with the
One of our biggest problems, of above the channel waters. During sighting of the December 10th ob-
course, is that the majority of public four known appearances of these ject. It was almost as if, I speculated
reports occur "after the fact," that is, gigantic cigar-shapes since 1962,
after the UFO has already vanished smaller UFOs were seen simultane- (continued on next page)

Pockets, Continued
idly, that the giant cigar-shaped
UFOs had "learned" not to stay
around while the smaller craft were
surveying inland! All of these cases,
including the initial December 10th •\t
sighting, were received by SKYNET
and other Basin sources "after the
JL i
Then, on April 18, 1981, a call
was received from SKYNET #1 in
Hollywood. A Mr. J. R., who lived 3
miles southeast of SKYNET #l's
location, had been watching a lumi-
nous, white object with "a red light
on its tail," circling above his apart-
ment building, darting in and out of
thick rain clouds. Since SKYNET # 1
Figure 1. — The G. sighting of Dec. 10,1980 sketched by Mrs. D.G. Dotted lines
was unable, because of pressing
indicate erratic movement among star field background
family responsibilities, to handle the
call, I phoned five other SKYNET mile from the Wilshire police sta-
locations within five miles of Mr. R's tion, she couldn't be sure. She also
home to try to get an experienced could not Jell me whether the Air
observer to help determine what he Support Division had sent heli-
was watching. As can be seen in copters to that location.
Figure 2, these five locations formed In desperation I considered
a half-oval around Mr. R's site. jumping into my car and driving 15
Unfortunately, SKYNET mem- miles to Mr. R's home, but the prob-
bers, like most UFO investigators, ability that the object was merely a
work on a strictly voluntary basis. searchlight on clouds dissuaded me.
They have no obligation to be home Figure 2. - SKYNET observers' Mr. R had first seen the object at 8:15
when they are needed to check out a locations p.m. and it was now about 10:00 p.m.
SKYNET call — and they weren't. The possibility that he was seeing an
The urgency of this particular call maneuvers of Mr. R's object were actual UFO manifestation continued
came from the fact that a "cloud familiar, too. In the past several to nag me. Talking with him again by
cigar" had been reported on Decem- years, at least three separate times, phone, he continued to insist that
ber 10th and numerous inland UFO long-lived "circling lights" have the object had "a red light on its tail."
sightings had occurred after that been excitedly reported as UFOs.8 I tried to interpret how searchlights
date. Suppose the disk-shaped light I talked at length with Mr. R by appeared without beams after rain,
that Mr. R was reporting was asso- phone. He described a "very solid, and tried suggesting that the "red
ciated with a "cloud cigar" hidden white light, sometimes round, some- light" was an afterimage. He insisted
among the thick cloud cover which times oval," circling over his apart- that he was watching something
lay over the Basin? I had to know, ment. Two police helicopters were truly unusual. Then, as we talked,
but the pitiful pocket on the SKY- nearby, he said, seemingly inter- the "object suddenly went up into
NET map where no members were ested in the object. He described the clouds and disappeared."
available frustrated my efforts. how the light occasionally "dove up About one-half hour later the
It was suspected, of course, that into the clouds, pushing the clouds object was back. This time it periodi-
Mr. R wa^ viewing searchlights on around as it moved through them." cally "split in two," according to Mr.
clouds. Numerous times after a rain, Checking out his story with the R's excited description, so that two
commercial searchlights playing on police, I learned that no patrol car lights were circling and maneuver-
clouds appear as cohesive spots of was available to go out on the call. ing in the clouds. Both objects had
bright, white light and are dutifully The courteous woman officer on "red lights on their tails." A patrol
reported as UFOs. The light beams duty obligingly looked in the direc- car came finally, Mr. R reported, but
usually associated with searchlights tion of Mr. R's home and saw what the officers were busy trying to il-
are not visible from many viewing seemed to be searchlights on clouds. luminate the objects with their own
angles when the atmosphere is rain- However, she could see no beam powerful spotlight and could not
washed and clear. The tight circles reaching up from the earth, and
and other intricate, long-lasting because Mr. R's home was about a (continued on next page)

Pockets, Continued
come up to his apartment to speak
with me on the phone.
The Wilshire police station
would not give me the names of the
policemen who had answered the
call. The pleasant woman officer was
no longer on duty. At the switch-
board was an abrupt male who was
handling a police emergency. By this
time it was 11:00 p.m., and I gave up
for the night.
The next morning I learned that
another witness, Mrs. B, a neighbor Figure 3. - Apr. 19, 1981 UFO; West Los Angeles
of Mr. R, had seen the lights and
identified them as searchlights on bright lights. considered one huge, "pitiful poc-
clouds. She had not seen any red That same evening, Mr. D. W.12 ket." Such is the state of the art
lights on their tails! Checking again of Huntington Beach independently today!
with the Wilshire station, I learned viewed a rectangle of bright white NOTES AJVD REFERENCES
that no police report had been filed lights moving erratically among the 1. SKYNET is not the only source which
regarding the incident. gathers public reports in the Los Angeles
star field, traveling in a northerly Basin. At least three other MUFON investi-
So another IFO entered SKY- direction. The configuration of four gators receive reports on a more or less
NET files, but at what cost! The lights moved as one unit, in a pecul- consistent basis, and an unknown number of
pitiful pocket in that area of Los iar manner of stops and starts. The researchers from other organizations also
Angeles, caused by the unavailabil- time was 11:05 p.m. Mr. W could not pursue these tasks.
ity of experienced observers, plus 2. For information on these two localities, see
say whether or not the interior was MUFON UFO JOURNAL, May and June
lack of cooperation by overworked transparent, but he saw what seem- 1980, Issues #147 and #148, article entitled
police, was the cause. When will UFO ed to be "dull stars" within the "Magnetic Anomalies and UFO Flight," Parts
research attain a funded methodology rectangle. Its apparent position was I and II, by Druffel.
which will permit prompt, adequate fol- somewhere over Long Beach when 3. See THE TUJUNGA CANYON CON-
lowup on all potential UFO reports? TACTS, by Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rogo,
first seen, Mr. W judged. Moving published July 1980 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Twenty-four hours after J.R.'s inland, it traveled about 45 degrees Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
sighting of the "maneuvering lights," of sky in 15 minutes, then "took a 4. See PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1976
what seems to be a genuine UFO 180 degree turn" and went back on CUFOS CONFERENCE, published by The
was reported in the same area. From its original course. It disappeared Center for UFO Studies, Evanston, III., article
"Santa Catalina Island Recurring 'Cloud-
West Los Angeles, Barry Taff, a local over the channel waters, moving Cigars'," by Druffel, pp. 62-74.
psychic researcher and writer,9 upward into the sky. 5. FLYING SAUCERS AND THE STRAIGHT
sighted a large, brilliantly lighted Both these sightings, unfortu- LINE MYSTERY, by Aime Michel, published
object about 11:30 p.m. on April 19, nately, were received by SKYNET by Criterion Books, New York, gives num-
1981. During the 45-second sight- the next day, after the fact. It is erous references for these phenomena.
6. Complete report, including identifying in:
ing, Taff noted rectangular "win- possible, however, that D. W. was formation, in MUFON and CUFOS files.
dows" along one side of its gray, actually seeing the same object as 7. Complete notes on cases, including identify-
opaque body, and the perimeter of Taff, or a larger object associated in some ing information, in SKYNET files.
the low-flying craft was outlined way with Taff's smaller UFO. The two 8. MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Nov. 1976, art-
with alternating bright white and objects were not identical, but they icle 'The SKYNET Log: Circling Ships," by
green-blue lights. (See Fig. 3.)10 It Ann Druffel and Morrey Allen, describes one
traveled the same path in the sky at
of these events.
was traveling from southeast to the same time. What was needed 9. For example, "Ghostly Apparitions and
northwest at an estimated altitude of here was immediate reaction capa- Aerial Phenomena: Is There a Connection?,"
500-600 feet above the ground. It bility to receive both reports as they from PROBE, Fall 1979 (Collectors' Edition),
was the apparent diameter of six were happening, or at least imme- article by Barry Taff and Kerry Gaynor.
moons. As it approached within 10. Complete report in MUFON and CUFOS
diately afterwards, and enough avail-
about 2,500 feet of Mr. Taff's loca- able, experienced observers in the 11. For those readers who note apparent
tion, it made a 180 degree turn and line-of-sight to document these val- discrepancies in stated directions, it should
traveled back toward the southeast, uable events. be pointed out that most coastal cities in
in the direction of the Long Beach- In a sense, then, in spite of the Southern California face west toward the
channel area.11 As it turned, the Pacific ocean, but Long Beach, being a shelter-
best efforts of Los Angeles re- ed cove, has the ocean to its south.
"windows" were no longer visible, searchers during the past two dec- 12. Full report, including identifying infor-
but Taff could still see the outline of ades, the whole Basin area might be mation, in SKYNET files.

When the recent classic California carry-over from the military/intelli-
A COMMUNICATION case was presented to the state's gence community. GSW has dozens
By W.H. Spaulding Supreme Court regarding "equal of government documents which
(Director, Ground Saucer time" for religion in the classroom use the term buff. We are, once
Watch, Inc.) commensurate with evolution teach- again, relating to semantics.
ings, the media used Dr. Sagan as the ERROR/FACT Five and Six re-
I have recently read the March "expert" in religion to represent the lates to the controversial Hill "star-
1981 edition of MUFON UFO Jour- evolution forces. map" drawn after a detailed study by
nal and as usual found it interesting, Now, by no stretch of the imagi- Marjorie Fish. I believe Sagan was < i
especially the article "California Re- nation is Dr. Sagan an expert on re- attempting to demonstrate the lack
port" by Ann Druffel. Regarding her ligion, but he was given that title of significance regarding the star-
article titled "An Open Letter to Dr. because of his pro-evolution stand. map in much the same manner that
Carl Sagan" I personally found it Why does anyone consider Dr. Sagan pro-saucer researchers have attempt-
loaded with assumptions regarding an expert in ufology? Is it because of ed to show the validity of the map.
the recent highly acclaimed TV series his national exposure on COSMOS The basic questions still must be
COSMOS. and previous media appearances in answered: (1) how can others draw
Dr. Sagan, like numerous others which he took the anti-UFO stand? I similar maps by simply connecting
in the scientific community has an personally think, with the broad the dots to other star systems and (2)
extreme propensity against the UFO scope of COSMOS, that Dr. Sagan how was the Hill data (original map)
phenomenon. All of us must agree covered the subjects as well as he generated? Did some of this informa-
that much of the UFO material; docu- possibly could, especially when you tion come from the regressive hyp-
ments, reports, photos, etc., are at consider his previous proclamations nosis? (Reference article by writer
best, pure subjective nonsense. The on the UFO subject, the amount of entitled, Abductions/Contacts - Who's
numerous sensationalized hoaxes, time allotted, the script, etc. One Kidding You?, to be released June 1,
continuing misinterpretations, even thing Dr. Sagan did attempt, was the 1981.)
by reputable observers, create an separation of science fact from blind ERROR/FACT Seven relates to
aura that strongly suggests the en- faith. navigational lines of the map which
tire subject is one that belongs in the Let's examine some of the Betty Hill allegedly saw aboard the
paranormal category. It's no wonder ERRORS/FACTS presented in the UFO. The point here is, simply stated,
that Dr. Sagan or any other person, MUFON article. were the Hills actually aboard a
not involved with UFO research, ERROR/FACT One, Two, and UFO, or what they thought was a
would have a biased judgment to- Three concern 'indicated" state- UFO? Until conclusive evidence
wards the subject. It is probably un- ments by Dr. Sagan regarding the outside of hypnosis can be presented,
fortunate that Dr. Sagan and others Hill abduction. Is it not fact that the how can the UFO field accept this
within the "community" have not Hill's indicated certain events during case without question. Are the "essen-
taken the time to investigate/evaluate their regressive hypnosis sessions tial facts" presented by Betty Hill the
the unknown 5 to 10 percent of the upon which many researchers tend final, absolute word on this bizarre
sightings. Then, possibly, all of us to place great credence. Regressive incident?
would obtain a better perspective on hypnosis is very subjective and close ERROR/FACT Eight involves
the subject. to 22 states in this country are creat- the deliberate "picking and choos-
I am not defending Carl Sagan or ing laws to prohibit this type of test- ing" of the stars for the Hill star map.
his views on the UFO phenomenon, ing due to its subjectiveness. I think This hints that the stars were a de-
but I do wish to impart some of we are arguing semantics regarding liberate selection to make the map
GSW's opinions on Ann Druffel's specific incidents about this "en- work. This is a good point. How-
extremely prejudiced letter. We know counter" rather than addressing the ever, the UFO researchers who
for a fact that the religious funda- validity of hypnosis as a viable test- worked on the map only worked
mentalists of this country that view- ing tool for close encounter cases. with data supplied by Betty Hill and
ed COSMOS have the same bitter ERROR/FACT Four relates to it is an assumption to deduce that
opinions that Ann Druffel is project- the term "UFO enthusiasts" and/or her information is science fact.
ing. When Dr. Sagan literally tore at buffs. The term is not only used by I believe that the UFO segment
their religious foundations with his anti-ufologists but by everyone out- on the COSMOS series should have
excellent scientific segment on side of the UFO researcher com- had additional time to present other
evolution, he created the same "stir" munity. The term buff/enthusiasts is cases and facts concerning the UFO
with the fundamentalists as he has similar to comparing the UFO organ- question. However, that was not the
done to the ufologists. In retrospect, izations as UFO clubs. Clubs tend to case. I believe it is preposterous to
Sagan has become the voice of anti- remove the professionalism when think that Dr. Sagan can make or
religious science, because of his used to describe UFO researchers'
factual presentation and exposure. affiliations. Yet, the term buff is a (continued on next page)

The chapter on experienced wit- real UFOs brings the whole mystery
BOOK REVIEW nesses dispels the old theory that into focus. It begins by admitting to
Casebook of a UFO Investigator, only unreliable individuals observe the reality of the mystery. Then the
by Raymond E. Fowler. Prentice- UFOs. Ray provides the details of an details of hundreds of cases are
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. analysis of local cases he personally drawn together to provide a shop-
246 pages. $10.95 investigated. His statistics cover the ping list of important characteristics.
age, educational level, and profes- It all starts with a classification accord-
This book provides a rare oppor- sion of the witnesses. The results ing to physical configurations, and
tunity to view the work of a veteran were comparable to the national then proceeds to cover maneuvers,
investigator, covering the complete samples in that the young to middle- strange effects such as radiation,
modern era of ufology from 1947 to age groups, with better than average electromagnetic, sound, light, smell,
the present. It is Raymond Fowler's education, and responsible jobs were etc., and concludes with coverage of
personal memoir. The reader can the prime witnesses of UFO inci- humanoid and landing cases. After
feel the emotions that consumed dents. The chapter goes on to de- reviewing these details it is easy to
Ray at the age of 14, locking him into scribe how the honest, childlike understand why Ray remains a dedi-
a lifetime of detailed investigations, descriptions shared by children can cated investigator.
sorting fact from fiction during a be valuable to the investigator and Casebook of a UFO Investigator is
time in which the United States was important to the parents of small unique in that it doesn't waste time
joining the jet-age. children that have a UFO experience. alluding to the serious nature of the
The novice as well as the sea- The careful questioning of a six- UFO situation. It provides the names,
soned UFO investigator can gain year-old Bingham, Maine girl re- dates, and places. Anyone can go
from the personalized discussions vealed details of a humanoid close back over the material and check the
about the growth of the "cover-up," encounter case, a case not unlike facts. The result is a fine book for the
the exemplary application of the dozens of others in the archives. casual reader, as well as the sea-
scientific method to the evaluation The book has it's sections on soned investigator. "Where do we
of UFO data by Dr. James McDonald, wild goose chases and identifiable go from here?" is the title of the last
and Ray's own growth as an investi- flying objects, with situations that chapter in the book. The answer is
gator. His details of the incident at most investigators will encounter supplied and for my money it is
Exeter, N.H., point out the need for sooner or later. However, the chap- worth the price of the book.
the investigator to question all data ter on consistent characteristics of —John F. Schuessler
and not accept "answers," even from
supposedly accurate sources. For wide is that there seems to be some
example, Project Bluebook pro-
Letters element(s) of objective or altered
vided a story about the Strategic Air Bailey Case reality in abduction recall, and that
Command exercises over New Editor, the UFO phenomenon possibly in-
Hampshire, a story accepted by some My colleagues' letter (No. 158, dicates actual interaction of unknown
people as the true explanation of the April 1981) needs clarification. intelligences with members of the
Exeter sightings. However, some Semantical ploys therein throw false human race. Lawson and McCall
critical checking of the facts showed light on the Bailey case. favor the hypothesis that the "UFO
that the alleged Air Force aircraft No time spent on the Bailey hyp- phenomenon" is produced by the
were not even airborne at the time of nosis was unproductive. The case human mind. That, in itself, is enough
the incident. was an early, heretofore unexplored to explain their opinion that Bailey's
CE-III. Lawson was not an investi- abduction memories were unreli-
Sagan, Continued gator on the case. He only witnessed able.
break the UFO movement, regard- the hypnosis. He cannot consider The "will to believe" mentioned
less of his beliefs, anymore than any- his 5 hours' time "unproductive." in the letter seems to indicate that
one in the UFO field can bring the Recently, R. Leo Sprinkle and most UFO researchers are victims of
subject to number one prominence. Berthold E. Schwarz added input blind, mindless faith. This semanti-
With public apathy the highest it has into the Bailey hypnosis contro- cal ploy gives no credit to serious
ever been towards this subject, all of versy. In their broad views, Bill researchers who accumulate corre-
us are going to have to make the McCall's hypnosis techniques were lated evidence through objective,
effort to place UFO research out of proper, resulting in recall compar- laborious study.
the stagnant position it is in today, able to any other acceptable "abduc- I was advised recently by Bill
with strong, absolute data. Only then tion" case. Their comments will be McCall not to bother answering the
will science ever consider it worthy published shortly. letter, since it was like a tiger chasing
of additional study. I am sure, that McCall's opinion that Rev. Bailey's its tail. His comment, "We're all in
even Dr. Sagan, when given irrefut- recall was unreliable was expressed this together" bespeaks of much
able facts will objectively look at the as an individual opinion. The con-
evidence. certed opinions of researchers world- (continued on next page)

of professional-intellectual altitude. Kentucky, ladies; the burns on their
Letters, Continued The yarn spun by Hilary Evans necks; the malfunctioning of their
needed cooperation and camaraderie. (No. 158, Apr. 1981), however, deck- timepieces; the damage to the paint
With researchers working together ed me! In his "Abducted by an on their car? In what cloistered cell is
without rancor or resentment, the Archetype," Mr. Evans drove me Mr. Evans sequestered that he knows
puzzle of UFOs might eventually be around Robin Hood's barn of logic naught of the numerous abductions
solved.— Ann Druffel just to zap me with this zinger of a in which physical proof was de-
Pasadena, Calif. UFO beam: "For whether or not posited?
there is any reality underlying the Is Hilary Evans metaphysical?
Archetypal "Yarn" abductees' stories, their characteris- No, he is pulling our leg. He spun his
Editor, tic features derive from some widely yarn with tongue in cheek, as do the
Your success in procuring intel- if not universally diffused scenario, jokers on this side of the Atlantic.—
lectual articles on the various aspects which in its turn is made up of ele- William D. Leet
of ufology is to be commended. I ments deeply imbedded in all our MUFON Arkansas State Director
have read with interest the thought- subconsciouses."
provoking contributions of Ann For cat's sake! Hasn't Mr. Evans
Druffel, Mark Moravec, Wayne read of the many abductions sub- MUFON
LaPorte, Barry Downing, Bill Chalker, stantiated by real, material, physical
et al. including yourself, Richard evidence? Surely he has been in- 1030LDTOWNE RD.
Hall. May I congratulate you for ele- formed of the kidnapping and mul- SEGUIN.TX 78155
vating the Journal another echelon tiple injuries to the three Liberty,

Roswell, from page 11

existed. Moreover, the public state- importance of the book by Berlitz and
ments by the Air Force, also echoed in Moore: the major witnesses of a "re-
feet talJ, dressed in metallic cloth of a the FBI documents, implied that the trieval" of unusual material have been
very fine texture. Each body was ban- Air Force considered the UFO prob- willing to speak up after more than 30
daged in a manner similar to the blackout lem to be quite unimportant. And years and to allow their names to be
suits used by speed flyers and test pilots. yet, the Air Force circulated several used along with the information they
According to Mr. xxxxxxx, informant, have provided.
the saucers were found in New Mexico
top level memos requesting informa-
due to the fact that the Government has a tion about flying disc reports. One The most important parts of the
very high-powered radar set-up in that such memo entitled "Unconventional Roswell book are based upon informa-
area and it is believed the radar interferes Aircraft" was sent out from the Head- tion obtained through extensive inter-
with the controlling mechanism of the quarters of the USAF, Directorate of views of the original witnesses by
saucers. William Moore and Stan ton Friedman.
No further evaluation was attempted by
Intelligence, and dated 15 February,
SA xxxxxxx concerning the above. 1949. That memo specified reporting These are the parts of the book which
procedures and was sufficiently de- relate to the recovery of a mysterious
tailed as to be, in effect, a sighting foil-like material from a farm in New
The above document was duly report form. Mexico near Roswell. Other parts of
recorded and filed away with hundreds Documents released by the CIA the book tend more to speculation
of other documents related to flying and other government intelligence and even provide incorrect informa-
saucer sightings. The FBI has released agencies indicate a considerable in- tion related to other aspects of ufo-
well over 1,000 pages from its file on terest in the early 1950's. . . .an in- logy. For example, there is a list of
"flying discs," and some of the pages terest which was not made public. highly questionable "UFO reports"
provide very interesting information Therefore the newly released docu- by astronauts in orbit. To this writer's
on the flying saucer "situation" in the ments provide information which knowledge only one astronaut case
late forties and early fifties. However, was only known to intelligence agen- remains unresolved (Gemini 11
to this author's knowledge, the above cies at the time... .information which, photos) out of the eleven sightings
document is the most bizarre. Could although old, is "new" in the sense listed.
an Air Force investigator really have that it is in the public domain for the One section of the book discusses
told the FBI about a crashed disc. . . first time. But what about the other the possibility (presented as "fact")
or three such discs? types of "new" information. . . .that that President Eisenhower was, in
Other documents in the FBI file which comes from the witnesses them- 1954, "spirited" to Muroc Air Force
refer to FBI attempts to find out from selves? Leonard Stringfield has recent- base to view one or more crashed
the Air Force just what the official ly published short monographs on his discs. Of somewhat more factual in-
position was on the reality of flying collection of CDS stories. But the big terest, however, is the transcript of
saucers. The response to such queries problem with his research is that no an official Canadian document by
was almost always that the Air Force one has been willing to allow his name Wilbert B. Smith who ascertained in
had no evidence that flying saucers to be publicized. And herein lies the (continued on next page)

foil, with thicker "structural mem- (the rancher is now dead), witnesses
Roswell, Continued bers" and strange markings. The who actually handled the material,
1950 through the Canadian Embassy material was found covering a rather the book provides convincing evidence
that the matter of UFOs "is the most large area of pastureland several days that strange material did not come
highly classified subject in the U. S. after an unusual explosion was heard from a balloon/radar target combina-
government, rating higher than the H- during a thunderstorm, and during tion. There is also evidence that the
bomb." a period of time when flying saucers material, whatever it was, was sent to
Since the heart of the book is the were first being seen around the Wright Field for further study. . . .
collection of eyewitness accounts of United States (1947 flap). The ma- strange if the material simply came
the retrieval of a strange material and terial was collected and loaded on a from a common weather device.
the subsequent Air Force reaction, I plane bound for Wright Field (Wright- The direct intervention of Bri-
suggest the following "reader's guide" Patterson Air Force Base) by Major gadier General Roger Ramey in trying
to the Roswell Incident: skip immedi- Marcel and members of the 509th to arrange the cover-up, apparently on
ately to Chapter 3 and read straight Bomb Group of the Eighth Army orders from the Deputy Chief of the
through Chapter 4. Then read Chapter Air Force at Roswell. The news of Air Force, Lieutenant General Hoyt
8 and note that the FBI file contains the retrieval made immediate head- Vandenburg, also points to an event
a teletype message about the Roswell lines when the public information that is more important than the re-
retrieval. (Also note: the statement officer at Roswell Army Air Base re- trieval of a weather balloon. Apparent-
that a copy of the teletype was sent leased an unqualified statement to the ly the orders to fly the material to
to the Strategic Air Command is press that "the many rumors regard- Wright Field came from Vandenburg
wrong: SAC stands for Special Agent ing the flying disc became a reality via Ramey. The astute student of
in Charge, not Strategic Air Command. yesterday when the intelligence office UFOlogical History will remember
Mr. Berlitz take note. The Air Force of the 509th Bomb Group of the that General Vandenburg was the man
officer whose name was crossed off Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air who, as Chief of Staff of the Air Force
the partially transcribed FBI docu- Field, was fortunate enough to gain in 1948, refused to "buy" the inter-
ment was Major Curtan.) Having read possession of a disc through the co- planetary theory expressed in the
this much, jump back to Chapter 2 operation of one of the local ranchers famous Estimate of the Situation
and read through 2, 3, and 4 again. and the sheriffs office of Chaves written by ATIC (Air Technical In-
By this time you should have the, County." The book provides copies telligence Center) investigators in the
definite impression that an Air Force of the original news stories and pic- summer of 1948 (according to Rup-
cover-up actually did occur, and that tures of the principals involved. pelt, The Report on Flying Saucers,
without the forthright attitude of Immediately after the press re- Chapter 3).
(then) Major Jesse Marcel the public lease the Air Force tried to cover its A less well researched incident
at large would still be in the dark tracks by claiming that what was ac- related to the Roswell retrieval is the
about what happened in Roswell tually retrieved was a weather balloon retrieval of the main body of a crashed
in July 1947. with an attached radar target device. disc with occupants. Unfortunately,
Major (now Colonel, retired) However, by presenting the well- only "second-hand" witnesses to this
Marcel supervised the retrieval of a researched statements by Marcel and more spectacular event were still alive
material that was like thin metallic by the son and daughter of the rancher (continued on next page)

Director's Message, Continued and services are being utilized and ap-
UFO sighting reports received via preciated.
the "National UFO Reporting Center" We all must recognize that at least
24-hour telephone hotline number of eight out of ten of these reports will
member of MUFON as a condition of 1-206-722-3000, through the coopera- be classified as an IFO (identified fly-
membership. tion of Robert J. Gribble, Director of ing object) after a thorough investiga-
4. Many people are very interested Phenomena Research and MUFON tion has been completed. The same
in Ufology and desire to read the State Director for Washington, and amount of time could be devoted to
Journal, however, due to age or his associates in Seattle, Washington, an IFO as compared to an acutal UFO
physical limitations, they prefer not have been instrumental in revitalizing sighting before the distinction is
to be involved in active UFO in- MUFON's field investigative net- made. This fact should not discourage
vestigations or research. These people work. Cases are assigned to State Sec- an investigator, since he or she has
may become members of MUFON as tion Directors and Field Investigators been sharpening his or her investiga-
"Contributing Subscribers." living nearby and reported sighting tive procedures in either case. It is
5. All members should publicize for interviews and investigations. only in this manner that we will be
the Journal in their radio, TV and This not only provides the inves- able to obtain the raw facts associated
news media appearances as recom- tigator an opportunity to exercise his with the remaining 10 to 20 percent
mended reading and how subscrip- or her interviewing techniques, but of the sighting reports that constitute
tions may be obtained. gives them a feeling that their talent the authentic UFOs.

Lucius Parish

in Others' words
The July 7 issue of National Enquirer It is Rutledge's conclusion that an
contains the first of a series of articles advanced technology is involved in
by Henry Gris on UFO activity in the the UFO performances and, in some UFO NEWSCLIPPING
Soviet Union. This initial report tells of the more bizarre reports, he finds it SERVICE
of.a large "mothership" and smaller difficult "to .accept the objects as a
"probes" seen over Moscow in June creation of man." Further, he believes
1980. the intelligences behind the UFOs are will keep you informed of all the latest
James Oberg's "UFO Update" col- capable of mimicking man and his United States and World-Wide UFO
umn in the July issue of Omni deals technology for their own subtle pur- activity, as it happens! Our service was
with UFO hoaxes. Oberg recounts pose^. To my way of thinking, there started in 1969, at, which time we
some of the better-known hoax cases are relatively few books (probably c o n t r a c t e d w i t h , a reputable
from 1897 to the present. For what less than 30) which make substantial international newspaper-clipping
bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
it's worth, he describes MUFON as "a and needed contributions to our
find UFO reports (i.e., little known
well-organized private research group knowledge of the UFO subject. Project photographic cases, close encounter
with a good reputation." Identification is definitely one of those and landing reports, occupant cases)
Dr. Harley D. Rutledge has learned books. and all other UFO reports, many of
a lot about UFOs since 1973. When Rutledge has conducted the type of which are carried only in small town or
the town of Piedmont, Missouri scientific study which should have foreign newspapers.
became a focal point for UFO activity been done 20 or more years earlier by "Our UFO Newsclipping Service
issues are 20-page monthly reports,
in early 1973, Dr. Rutledge's im- some of those scientists whose names
r e p r o d u c e d by p h o t o - o f f s e t ,
mediate reaction was that he and faces figure so prominently in the containing the latest United States and
"wouldn't touch the subject with a UFO literature today. Had they done Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
ten-foot pole!" However, in a short so, they might have established some our foreign section carrying the latest
period of time, his scientific curiosity genuine credibility, not to mention British, Australian, New Zealand and
overcame his skepticism. As the head adding immeasurably to public other foreign press reports. Also
awareness of the UFO mystery. Project included is a 3-5 page section of
of the Physics Department at South-
"Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfoot and
east Missouri State University in Identification carries my highest recom-
other "monster" reports). Let us keep
Cape Girardeau, he felt that UFOs mendation. It is available from you informed of the latest happenings
could — and should — be studied Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, in the UFO and Fortean fields."
with scientific recording instruments NJ 07632. The price is $10.95 for the For subscription information and
by a well-qualified team of observers. hardcover; $6.95 for the softcover. sample pages from our service, write
Thus, Project Identification was born. today to:
During the seven-year period, Roswell, Continued
1973-80, Project members had a total to be interviewed. However, they re- Route 1 — Box 220
of 157 sightings of 178 UFOs. called that they were told by the main Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
Numerous photographs were taken, witness to the second event, that a
with other data being obtained via in- large disc-shaped object had crashed
strumentation. In his book, Project Iden- in the desert. There were dead bodies
tification, Dr. Rutledge presents his ac- in the machine. The witness did not
count of the investigations, as well as have a good look at the device, how- The Roswell Incident is easy to
his conclusions about the nature of ever, because a military patrol escorted read and reasonably straightforward
the UFO phenomenon. The book him away from the area. The authors in its presentation of the evidence. Al-
contains a wealth of information on have conjectured that a flying disc though it will require some effort on
the various types of UFOs observed, had passed over the ranch near Ros- the part of the reader to connect
their colors, speeds, maneuvers, evi- well during a thunderstorm and had threads and to ignore some useless
dent interactions with the observers, exploded, dropping a considerable padding of the book, it is well worth
amount of material (outer skin?) on reading. And, if you read it, don't be
etc. The photo section gives examples
surprised if you come down with a
of the many anomalous lights seen in the pastureland. It had then continued
southeastern Missouri while Project sudden "case" of the CDS.
its flight for several more miles before
members were on watch. finally crashing. —Bruce S. Maccabee
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, keynote personal confirmations. Elimination distance" prevailing at the scheduled
speaker at the recent MUFON UFO of petty jealousies is essential if the net time. Citizen Band radio has been
Symposium at the Massachusetts In- UFO community in the U.S.A. is to utilized effectively for local or field
stitute of Technology, set the stage present a united front in resolving the investigative work. We need volun-
for future goals and objectives in UFO phenomenon and combating teers to organize and act as net con-
Ufology in his paper titled "Ufology the vocal negative minority. trol stations for each MUFON net
as a Profession: A Manifesto." This The Third Edition of the MUFON under the direction of Joe Santangelo, -I
challenge is being met by the Interna- Field Investigator's Manual edited by NlJS. If you are interested, please
tional Committee on UFO Research, Raymond E. Fowler, Director of In- write to the International Director in 1
an independent organization dedi- vestigations, is now in the formation Seguin, Texas, and we will forward
cated to establishing the study of the stage. New investigative techniques this information to Mr. Santangelo.
UFO phenomenon on a professional and processes in scientific research are Due to the deterioration in quality
level worldwide. MUFON was repre- being actively solicited from Con- of the UFO magazines on the news-
sented at their meeting, held in con- sultants and members at this time so stands and the sensationalist approach
junction with the Second London In- that the new manual may be pub- used by the weekly tabloids, the only
ternational UFO Congress on May 24 lished early in 1982. creditable, authentic, and authorita-
and 25, 1981 in London, England, by The 1981 MUFON UFO Sym- tive UFO publications are published
Dennis W. Stacy, Director of Publica- posium Proceedings titled "UFOs: by selected reputable UFO organiza-
tions. MUFON, as a respected UFO The Hidden Evidence" (153 pages) is tions. In the United States and
organization on the international now available from MUFON for Canada, the MUFON UFO Journal is
scene, has pledged its support to the $10.00 in U.S. funds plus $1.50 for the only monthly publication of this
positive endeavors of this prestigious postage and handling. The book will stature. Since the MUFON UFO Jour-
committee. be mailed Fourth Class Special Book nal is a subscription/membership
Michael Sinclair, International Rate unless otherwise requested by publication, it is obviously not
Coordinator, and your Director are the inclusion of additional postage available on the newsstands. For peo-
delighted to announce the appoint- costs. Philatelists are reminded that ple interested in keeping abreast of
ment of Dr. Nachman Ben-Yehuda as MUFON still has fourteen sets of four the UFO'Situation and status world-
our Representative for Israel. Dr. Ben- of the Grenada UFO postage stamps wide, the Journal is the only current
Yehuda is a lecturer in sociology at issued by the former prime minster of m o n t h l y scientific p u b l i c a t i o n
the Hebrew University. His mailing Grenada, Sir Eric Gairy, to com- available. In order that this informa-
address is Dept. of Sociology, memorate "Research Into U.F.O.s." tion may be shared with everyone in-
Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91905, The four mint stamps have a face terested in Ufology, a program has
Israel. He has been very active in the value-of $5.40 and are being sold by been launched to expand the subscrip-
UFO field in his country and. is plan- MUFON for $4.00 postpaid until the tion distribution of the Journal and
ning a symposium for 1982. small supply is depleted. MUFON membership' in the follow-
Speaking for MUFON, your Direc- The MUFON Amateur Radio Nets ing manner:
tor has invited the expanded Board of have met with various degrees of suc- 1. Give an annual Journal subscrip-
Directors of APRO to drop their cess throughout their existence tion to a friend or relative as a Birth-
isolationist policy and to cooperate depending upon the leadership and day or Christmas gift. (MUFON will
with the other major UFO organiza- the frequencies involved. The 75 acknowledge your gift to the reci-
tions in the United States, MUFON meter net is recommended for state pient with a card.)
and CUFOS. This proposal in recent groups or groups of adjoining states. 2. Local UFO groups could pur-
.issues of the Journal has struck a The 2 meter, 6 meter, or 10 meter chase annual subscriptions to the Jour-
responsive note with new members nets are very effective for State Sec- nal for their public, school, or univer-
on the APRO Board and many tion communications, where a limited sity libraries in their name as a con-
APRO members, who have replied range is adequate. The 40 meter net tribution to the library.
by letter and telephone calls. has been very successful for daytime 3. Participation in a State, State Sec-
However, it must be pointed out that communications from the east coast tion, or local UFO group affiliated
MUFON has not received any official to the Mississippi River. The 10, 15, with MUFON should require that
reaction or statement from the APRO 20 meter bands are ideal for interna- each member also be a current
Board of Directors to our invitation, tional communications and should be
only from individuals expressing their selected to conform to the "skip (continued on page 18)

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