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Reminders - No PE On Tuesday-Will Send Rescheduled Reminder On Monday! Recorders For Music On Wednesday!

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TeamLuby Update Week of March 17, 2014

Spring Street School

Mrs. Lubys class

As you know, Grade 4 MCAS Long
Composition is Tuesday. The children will
be working hard for most of the day
planning, drafting, and finalizing their
thoughtful and descriptive essays! It is
important for your child to come to school
well rested and with a snack he/she can eat
before we begin in the morning. There will
be no AM recess. Sugar-free gum/candy
(braces) is permitted. All children should
have a chapter book in class in case they
finish early. Water bottles are encouraged.
If a few parents can send in small water
bottles that would be awesome! I will
supply a cooler and ice!
Hoot is still across the hall from us!

Front Door Greeters this week!

Reminders No PE on Tuesday-will send
rescheduled reminder on Monday!;
recorders for Music on Wednesday!

Math Club WEDNESDAY due to MCAS on
Tuesday; 8-8:30 AM percents of wholes
review; multiplication with decimals

This is a busy birthday week!

MCAS-Long Composition Tues., 3/18
Lowell Mills Field Study - Fri., 3/21
(Check out the videos on TeamLuby)
Resources Social Studies)
MCAS-Reading Comp, Tues/Wed.
3/25 & 26
Mon., 3/31 Tri 2 report cards
Tuesday, 4/15 Early Release Day
Monday, 5/12 Early Release Day
Friday, 6/6 Professional Development
Day no school

Date Assigned Due Date
Read 20 minutes each night! Choose a
different genre expand your horizons!
Lowell Mills Videos on TeamLuby Resources
3-17 3-20
*Respond to Kidblog with your thoughts
and questions! this is homework!
Myth final copy 3-17 3-21
(written or typed)
Midwest Region Map 3-19 3-21
Math TBA
Reading Comprehension- TBA
Language Arts
This week we will continue with
guided reading texts and look at different
types of texts for open responses. MCAS
reading comprehension will be Tues/Wed
March 25 -26

We will continue with our penny
discussion, pillar, and finals as well as our
Greek myths. Grammar possessives and
ownership using that infamous

Decimals, fractions, percents are
everywhere! The children have been
diligently finding percents of wholes,
reducing fractions and using decimals
turning them into percents! This week we
will continue as well as work with
complimentary angles, and multiplication of
FAMILY LETTERS can be found on-line
this year! As in past years, they contain unit
vocabulary, activities, and selected homework
answers. You can find these newsletters at:
grade/famlly-leLLers/ If you cannot access them,
please let me know.

Social Studies
The children will complete their
South Region postcards. Next region the
Midwest where manufacturing, farming,
Great Plains, and the Great Lakes take
center stage! We will watch a video early
this week and begin mapping!

Science - from the desk of Mrs. Liporto
Due to testing and field trips, we will
only meet once for science this week. We
will begin our last unit of the year on
magnets and electricity. Well begin with
magnets, focusing on attraction, repulsion
and induced magnetism. Look for more
information about this unit coming home in
the Monday folders.

Class Tidbits!

Happy Birthday!

Isaac 3-9
Rebecca 3-17
Julia 3-19
Catherine 3-21

Art: Monday, 9:15-9:55 AM
Physical Education: Tues., 10:45 11:25 AM
Music, Wed, 11:25 12:05 PM
Health: Thursday, 10:45 11:25 AM
Chorus: Friday 10:00-10:40 AM
Media: Every other Wed. 9:10-9:30 AM
As always, your comments are welcome.
Please drop me an e-mail at school or at
Barbara Luby

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