Gum Arabic Policy Note Final PDF
Gum Arabic Policy Note Final PDF
Gum Arabic Policy Note Final PDF
Support From:
Multi Donor Trust Fund-National Technical Secretariat The World Bank Khartoum
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................................................3 ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................................6 PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................7 I. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................10 Importance of Gum Arabic ............................................................................................ 11 World Trade in Gum Arabic.......................................................................................... 12 World Demand for Gum Arabic .................................................................................... 13 II. GUM ARABIC MARKETING IN SUDAN ......................................................................14 The Gum Arabic Company (GAC)................................................................................ 14 The GAC Exclusive Concession.................................................................................... 15 III. DEVELOPEMENT OF THE SUDANESE PROCESSING INDUSTRY ........................19 IV. RECENT GOVERNMENT DECISIONS CONCERNING GUM ARABIC ...................20 V. IMPACT OF THE MARKETING ARRANGMENTS .....................................................23 VI. PROPOSED GUM ARABIC MARKETING REFORMS................................................24 ANNEX 1 : GUM ARABIC: BASIC FACTS..................................................................... 29 ANNEX 2A : GUM ARABIC VALUE CHAIN KORDOFAN.......................................... 32 ANNEX 2B : GUM ARABIC VALUE CHAIN BLUE NILE........................................... 33 ANNEX 3A : COUNCIL OF MINISTERS' DECREE No. 118 FOR YEAR 2003...34 ANNEX 3B : MINISTERIAL ORDER No. 22. LIFTING OF RESTRICTION ON GUM EXPORT ........................................................................................................ 40
List of Boxes
Box 1: The Six Grades of Gum Arabic Exported from Sudan...7 Box 2: Impact of Higher Gum Arabic Farm Gate Price on the Household..11 Box 3: An Exercise: Estimating Potential Exports of Gum Arabic from Sudan under an Improved Policy Environment..15
List of Figures
Figure 1: Gum Arabic Exports from Sudan (1970 to 2005) ....................................................11 Figure 2: World Trade in Raw Gum Arabic .............................................................................13 Figure 3: Floor Price as a Percentage of Export Price-Hashab Gum from Sudan (19772006). ........................................................................................................................................16 Figure 4: Export Price of Gum Arabic (clean grade f.o.b. Port Sudan; $US/MT) ...................17
Sudan is the worlds largest producer of gum arabic, which is one of the four important agricultural export commodities from Sudan, along with livestock, cotton and sesame. Over the last 20 years, gum arabic export value amounted on average to US$ 40 million annually. While there has been government intervention in the marketing of all agricultural exports in the past, gum arabic is the only one for which government controls remain. Gum arabic is mostly produced by small-scale farmers in traditional rain-fed farming areas. They represent up to 20 percent of Sudans population and are among the poorest. The impact of the current gum arabic marketing policy has not been beneficial to this group. This has led to reduced production and consequently exports, declining for the past forty years at an average rate of 2.2 percent per annum. The objective of this policy note1 is two fold: To assess the impact of the Government policy for the export marketing of gum arabic, and To identify options for changing the current marketing arrangements in order to increase and stabilize gum exports, capture more value added in Sudan and provide producers with a larger share of export prices.
One of the key commitments made by the Government of National Unity under the Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) framework was to abolish the export monopoly over raw gum arabic. This commitment has not been implemented. The development of the processing industry over the last four years has resulted in increased domestic competition for raw gum, and in turn better prices paid to farmers as well as more value added captured in Sudan. This positive development comes at a propitious time as increased consumption of soft drinks and confectionary products, as well as rapid development of health and dietetic products is boosting the world demand for gum arabic. This paper concludes that decontrol of the gum arabic export market could increase export revenues for Sudan and raise significantly the income of small scale farmers.
An earlier version of this policy note was submitted to the Oversight Committee meeting of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund National (MDTF N) in April 2007. It was presented in July 2007 at the national workshop on the future of gum arabic organized by FNC with the support of the MDTF N. This final version integrates comments received from the workshop participants.
The livelihoods of a large number of rural Sudanese - among the poorest and most vulnerable to adverse shocks - depend on gum arabic, an agricultural export commodity produced in central Sudan. In addition to inadequate marketing arrangements, the note highlights two issues that will have to be addressed by future policies and reform actions: the limited participation of gum producers in the development of the sector and a non-conducive business environment which does not favor private sector expansion. Recent developments in the domestic gum sector indicate the way forward: government support to producers associations has reaped good results and could be scaled up throughout the gum belt; the expansion of domestic processing, which resulted in better prices paid to farmers, also offers good prospects for reviving the sector. The implementation of appropriate policies and investments to support improved gum processing and marketing will generate additional income for small-scale producers, thus contributing significantly to reaching some of the Millennium Development Goal that calls for halving the share of population suffering from extreme poverty and hunger. Such measures would also help increase the level of domestic value-added; which would have a positive effect on the countrys overall economic growth. The future of gum arabic is also tied to better management of natural resources, as reflected in the Joint Assessment Mission report. Innovations in carbon finance offer an exciting opportunity to use forestry as a means to promote rural and national development. But seizing this opportunity will require the political will to move forward with reforms that improve the governance of natural resources. Ultimately, success in reforming the gum arabic sector will depend on concerted action with the international development community. Together we must level the domestic and international trade fields, provide improved public goods, empower smallscale producers and address climate change. At stake are the livelihoods of millions of rural poor.
This policy note is a product of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund - National. This is one of the two trust funds established under the authority of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which was signed in January 2005. The trust funds which assist the Government of National Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan are both administered by the World Bank. One of the key design features of the Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTFs) is that investment programs and projects would be grounded in the analysis of the Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) which was published in March, 2005. The JAM, started well ahead of the signing of the CPA, was managed jointly by the United Nations and the World Bank with the full endorsement, guidance and participation of the Government of Sudan (GOS) and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM). The report of the JAM was a Framework for Sustained Peace, Development and Poverty Reduction which was endorsed by both the GOS and the SPLM. A core element of the JAM report was a Monitoring Framework which included a reference to gum arabic, namely that the export monopoly would be abolished by 2005. In the event, nothing was done to abolish the export monopoly on gum arabic. This report takes up the story of a number of unsuccessful efforts to change export policy. At the beginning of 2005 the MDTF-National decided to prepare a policy note on export marketing to assess the impact of past and current Government export marketing policies for gum arabic, and to explore options for changing current marketing arrangements. This policy note was prepared by Thomas Couteaudier (consultant, WB Technical Secretariat, MDTF-National) in close association with Jack van Holst Pellekaan (consultant, World Bank), and Mohamed O. Hussein who also provided the decrees included as annexes and translated them into English. Youssif El Fadil, (consultant, World Bank) collected and processed gum arabic export data and other information. Considerable assistance was received from a range of Government and non-Government experts in gum arabic production and marketing. The policy note benefited substantially from a series of discussions with the General Manager of the Forest National Corporation (FNC), Dr Abdelazim Mirghani, and the Deputy General Manager, Dr Abdel Hamied as well as other FNC technical staff. FNC Headquarters and state offices in South Kordofan, Blue Nile and White Nile organized field trips as well as meetings with key informants, including gum producers, representatives of producers associations, and commercial traders. Meetings with Gum Arabic Corporation staff and Sudanese processors also contributed to an understanding of important issues in gum arabic export marketing.
Drafts of this policy note were reviewed by a number of World Bank staff, namely Steve Jaffee, Jeni Klugman, Philip Schuler, Stephen Mink and Karen Mc. Connell Brooks (Sector Manager). The policy note was prepared under the overall supervision of Jeeva Perumalpillai-Essex, Lead Operations Officer in the World Bank, in collaboration with Asif Faiz, Country Manager for the World Bank in Sudan and Manager of the Technical Secretariat for the MDTF-National. The report was processed by Selma Siddig and Azza Imam under the supervision of Yousra Abdel Rahman.
Sudan is the worlds largest producer of gum arabic, which is one of the four important agricultural export commodities from Sudan, along with livestock, cotton and sesame. Over the last 20 years, gum arabic export value amounted on average to $US 40 million annually. Gum arabic is mostly produced by small-scale farmers in traditional rain-fed farming areas (central and western Sudan); they represent up to 20 percent of Sudans population, or around 6 million people2, and are among the poorest and most vulnerable to food insecurity. Small-scale farmers who give priority to food crop production (usually sorghum or millet) to secure family nutritional needs but seek other sources of income to meet the households basic needs other than grains. In addition to the direct financial returns, they cultivate gum arabic because this activity constitutes a crop diversification strategy to mitigate crop failure, has substantial beneficial environmental impact, and is an important source of on-farm supply of fuel wood and livestock fodder. In 1969, the Government of Sudan granted an exclusive concession to export raw gum arabic to the Gum Arabic Company (GAC). This policy had three main objectives: a) to exercise market power, as Sudan at this time was producing 80 percent of the global gum traded, b) to guarantee production and protect producers through implementation of a floor price, and c) to preserve the environment (it was expected that maintaining demand for gum high would help expand acacia cover). Sudans effort to manage exports through GAC has led to the appropriation of gains by actors other than small-scale producers. Close to 40 years after the exclusive concession was granted, the situation can be summarized as follows: Sudans share of the world market is below 50 %; Producers price is around 15 percent of the f.o.b. price; Production and consequently exports have been declining for the past forty years at an average rate of 2.2 percent per annum; Low prices received by farmers for gum arabic pushed them to favor crop cultivation over acacia trees; the reduced tree cover has left large areas prone to wind and water erosion; Marketing arrangements have led to the creation of a cartel of international buyers of gum, as well as to the entry of less regulated competitors (Chad and Nigeria);
Delivery of public goods is insufficient: research, improved technology transfer; reforestation activities are under-funded; this has led to decline in productivity.
55 50 45 40
35 30
-2.2 % pa
25 20 15 10 5 0
19 70 19 71 19 72 19 73 19 74 19 75 19 76 19 77 19 78 19 79 19 80 19 81 19 82 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 86 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05
Talha is more brittle than hashab. From Acacia senegal var. Senegal.
Gum arabic is produced across sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal, Mali and Nigeria to Ethiopia, and North of Uganda and Kenya. 3. The supplementary revenues generated by gum arabic are crucial to the livelihoods of up to 6 million people in Sudan who live in traditional rainfed farming areas, where the incidence of rural poverty is in the range of 65 to 90 percent. 4. Gum arabic is primarily produced by small-scale farmers5 who give priority to food crop production (usually sorghum or millet) to secure family nutritional needs but seek other sources of income to meet the households basic needs other than grains. They harvest gum arabic because this activity constitutes a crop diversification strategy to mitigate crop failure. In addition, the acacia trees long lateral root system reduces soil and wind erosion. It has a regenerating impact on the land6. However, gum arabic production does compete with food and cash crops for labor resources and land allocation (see Annex 1). 5. Agricultural operations, including gum arabic harvesting, are primarily financed by village traders using the sheil system. Typically, the traders provide cash, seeds, tools but also basic commodities (water, sugar, tea) for the households to get by during the hunger gap. Farmers pay back in kind at prices determined early in the season and usually integrating important credit charges.
Large gum plantations represent less than 5 percent of the total production. As a leguminous tree, acacia fixes nitrogen which improves soil fertility. 7 From 50,000 tons per annum in the 50s and 60s, Sudans gum exports declined to around 25,000 tons in the late 80s. Since then, Sudanese exports have been at an average of 25,000 tons. World exports of gum gradually fell from over 60,000 MT in the mid 60s/early 70s to around 30,000 MT in the 80s to mid 90s. They then rose from 30,000 MT in the mid-90s to 50,000 MT in 2000 and have remained fairly stable since then. 8 It is believed that a non-negligible portion of Chad exports is gum smuggled from Darfur. It seems it concerns mostly hashab gum as Chad has a large production base for talha, which is said to be of better quality than talha from Sudan. Some gum is also smuggled form Gedaref and Blue Nile to Ethiopia and Eritrea - the latter is not known as a producing country - to be later exported as raw gum.
exports sudan
10. In the 70s and 80s, because of reduced supply from Sudan, end-users started to integrate substitutes (principally starches). However, since the 90s, with the emergence of Chad and Nigeria as gum talha producers, use of substitutes has reduced sharply10. 11. Talha has become hashabs main competitor11. Talha gum is substantially cheaper than hashab because it has inferior technical properties for some of gum arabics important uses such as in the soft drinks industry but has the same chemical composition (see Annex 1).
In confectionery, for example, starches - the main substitute for gum arabic - do not retain the flavour as well as gum arabic; in cola-type of soft drinks, use of substitutes can adversely affect shelf life (FAO Coppen, 1999). 10 Reverting to gum arabic was also encouraged by the sharp decline in raw gum arabic export prices that started in the mid-90s. Though demand for gum is quite price inelastic, it would be relevant to study price substitutability by assessing some evidence on starch prices (or other substitutes) relative to processed gum arabic prices. This is quite a complex task as substitutes do not have the same technical properties as gum, so volumes required are different and can vary strongly according to applications and products. 11 In 1998, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) specification for gum arabic for food use, which hitherto only included hashab, was modified to also include talha.
12. Demand for gum arabic is driven up by the increasing world consumption of soft drinks and sweets. It is reinforced by the attention given by consumers to food products quality and naturalness. Because of its high fiber content, gum arabic has recently found a new range of applications in the dietetic food and health sub-sectors12. 13. Four processors account for about 70 percent of the world trade of raw gum. Based in Europe and the USA, they buy raw gum for further transformation and re-sale as additive for the industry. The USA is the largest single market for gum arabic, accounting for approximately 30 percent of the total trade. Europe is around 20 percent of the world trade. Confectionary represents the major use for gum in Europe while soft drinks production is the largest in the USA. Japan accounts for a little less than 10 percent of world trade. India, South Korea and China are emerging markets; it is believed that the demand from these countries is mainly for talha.
This application would concern primarily talha, which has a nutritional value similar to hashab. According to the investment law of 1992 promulgated by MoFNE, investors and/or land owners with more than 50000 feddans (around 20000 hectares) planted with Acacia trees also have the right to export raw gum arabic. Currently, there is only one company (Gandeel) exporting raw gum from its plantation. It is also possible for companies to export processed gum providing they obtain a license.
of a minimum price policy (floor price) and the implementation of gum production development programs through provision of water, seedlings, and research services14, and (b) to protect the environment because of the expectation that the policy would encourage the maintenance of gum arabic trees. 17. The involvement of the Government in the companys management is strong. The board of the GAC is chaired by the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Trade; other board members include: the General Manager of the Forest National Corporation (FNC), the Governor of the Central Bank of Sudan, four representatives of the Farmers Union from the main producing regions (North Kordofan, South Darfur, Blue Nile/Sinnar, and South Kordofan/Upper Nile) and three representatives of individual shareholders who are elected at the yearly GAC General Meeting. Government owns 30 percent of GACs shares, producers through the Farmers Union and individual shareholders respectively keep 20 and 50 percent of the shares.
Responsibility for technical support to producers was later transferred to the National Forestry Corporation of the Ministry of Agriculture while research is now the responsibility of the Agricultural Research Center. 15 Estimated costs for cleaning, handling and preparing the gum for export, transport to Port Sudan as well as domestic and export fees and taxes, and other financial charges, and GAC profits are deducted from the export price to set the floor price. 16 El Obeid is by far the largest auction markets in Sudan, other important markets are in Damazine and Kosti. Auction yards are managed by local authorities, i.e. states or localities. 17 Until 2002, GAC had its own network of domestic agents. 18 In 2001, the Government of Sudan abolished the State agricultural commodity tax. A federal fund was established to compensate losses to States. 19 Most stakeholders claim that illegal taxes represent a major barrier to the development of the sector. There is a need to conduct a study on gum-related taxation to assess the validity of these claims.
21. According to specifications set by the Sudan Standards & Metrology Organization (SSMO), there are two main categories of gum arabic for export - raw and processed and six different gum grades: HPS, Cleaned, Dust and Kibbled, Spray Dried, Mechanical Powder. Their specifications are described in Box 1. 22. Until the recent development of processing in Sudan, all the gum arabic from Sudan was exported by GAC in raw form. A few facts concerning GAC export volumes and marketing strategy can be presented as follows: The cleaned grade raw gum, which constitutes the bulk of GACs exports, is exported mostly via the GAC international agents 20: international companies which are GAC marketing agents with exclusive rights. Four of these international agents buy an estimated 70 to 80 percent of the GACs exports21; they have their own processing capacity, and sell processed gum (mostly spray dried gum) to large confectionary and soft drinks manufacturers in Europe and the USA; Two major European confectionary manufacturers buy up to 5,000 metric ton per year of cleaned grade raw gum directly from GAC; All HPS from Sudan is sold by GAC; it is purchased mainly by Japanese traders who account for about 10 percent of total gum arabic exports from Sudan.
Raw Hand Picked Selected (HPS): raw globules of clean gum arabic specially sorted and graded. Cleaned grade gum: gum lumps broken manually, with no limit on the granule size; it constitutes GACs main export. Dust: gum arabic by-product from screening/grading or cleaning process. Processed Kibbled gum: mechanically broken granules of gum with a maximum size of 14 mm and a minimum size of 3mm and a maximum range of 8mm. Spray dried: white powder of mesh size inferior to 100 microns, which results of a process by which raw gum is dissolved in water, centrifuged to remove impurities, pasteurized and sprayed in hot air to evaporate water. This process - similar to milk powdering - produces free-flowing powder with high solubility. Mechanical powder: white powder of mesh size inferior to 200 microns, which results from mechanically crushing raw gum until free-flowing powder is obtained. Source: Sudan Standards and Metrology Office
Figure 3: Floor Price as a Percentage of Export Price -Hashab Gum from Sudan (1977 to 2006)
It is understood that there are 8 companies registered as GAC international agents. It seems there are no transparent criteria to select and appoint GAC agents. 21 One of these four companies has 50 percent share of the world market for processed gum arabic and is said to buy around 40 percent of GACs exports.
100 90 80 70 60 % age 50 40 30 20 10 0 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Source: GAC
23. The gum marketing arrangements have provided producers with only a small share of export prices; from 1993 to 2005, the average floor price/export price was 21 percent (Figure 3). It has to be made clear that producers usually get substantially less than the floor price because they rarely access auction markets directly: the gum is handled by the village merchant and sometimes an additional intermediary before it reaches the auction market22. From 1998 until 2003, GAC export prices and therefore floor prices were exceptionally low. (Figure 4). This had a depressing impact on production.23 Because the export price is determined by GAC in close consultation with its international agents, disclosure of financial statements of the four main GAC international agents who process raw gum and sell it to end users would be desirable to provide transparent information on profits24.
Figure 4: Export Price of Gum Arabic (clean grade f.o.b. Port Sudan; $US/MT)
22 According to field interviews with producers, traders and processors, producers obtain between 60 to 80 percent of the price paid at the auction yards. 23 In 2000, hashab production in Sudan reached an all time low level of 3,500 tons. With very low floor price, producers did not have incentives to tap acacia trees, an activity competing with harvesting of food and cash crops. In some areas, farmers even resorted to fell acacia trees to plant more crops. Exports were constituted of GAC stocks accumulated since the mid 90s. 24 The GAC export price from 1998 to 2003 was around 10 percent of the estimated price for processed hashab, and even lower than raw talha gum (of inferior quality) exported by Chad and Nigeria.
US Dollars per M T
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Source: GAC
89 / 19 90 90 / 19 91 91 / 19 92 92 / 19 93 93 / 19 94 94 / 19 95 95 / 19 96 96 / 19 97 97 / 19 98 98 / 19 99 99 / 20 00 00 / 20 01 01 / 20 02 02 / 20 03 03 / 20 04 04 / 20 05 05 /0 6
25. Current estimates for GAC stocks are between 25,000 to 30,000 MT. Accrued in two years, these stocks represent a real threat to the companys financial stability29. This underlines GAC weak marketing capacity. Because of its poor financial situation, GAC
Processing licenses are granted by Ministry of Investment following recommendations by Ministry of Industry. Export licenses are granted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, which also chairs the GAC board. 26 The Investment Law promulgated by MoFNE was passed in 1992. In 1994, a first license was granted to Gum Arabic Processing Company (GAPC). It was sold to GAC in 1998. 27 There are also two active independent processors (one produces spray dried gum, the other mechanical powder and kibbled gum 28 In 2004, while floor price was set at SD 3000/ kintar prices at auction markets went from around SD8,000/kintar (first tapping) to SD16,000 / kintar (second tapping). In 2005, with a floor price around SD7,500 SD, price paid at auction markets was around SD20,000 at the opening of the season; and rose to an unprecedented SD 40,000 at the second tapping. In 2006, prices were a bit above the high floor price set at SD12,000/kintar. Export prices (fob Port Sudan) for 2004 and 2005 were at an unprecedented high price of $ 5,000 / MT (f.o.b. Port Sudan). In 2006, export price was around $3,300 /MT. 29 GAC stocks are primarily made of gum arabic bought in 2004 and 2005, when prices paid at auction markets were at least $1000 higher than the 2006 or 2007 export prices.
has not procured gum from producers over the past 4 years; it has been unable to implement the floor price policy. It is believed that traders and banks also keep significant stocks of gum arabic. Total estimate for domestic gum stock is around 50.000 MT (including GAC stocks), which is equivalent to two years of production. 26. Another consequence of the development of the processing industry and increased domestic demand that followed is that farmers have received better prices, which had a positive impact on gum production. Prices they obtained were 4 of 5 times the 1998-2002 average producer price30. In 2006, it is estimated that gum arabic sales represented close to 20 percent of the household total annual income in some areas of North Kordofan and Blue Nile (see Box 2). 27. Though development of domestic processing offers good prospects, kibbling constitute a low degree of processing31, it is remotely more expensive than clean grade raw gum32. Development of processed gum arabic with high added value, i.e. spray dried, is limited currently by low marketing capacity of domestic processors.
Though farmers obtained less than auction prices (because of intermediaries), they received up to SD 13.000 /kintar in 2006, against SD 2000/kintar in 2000 and SD 3000 in 2003 (based on interviews in North Kordofan). 31 Kibbled gum is either processed further into spray dried gum or dissolved in water by confectionary manufacturers. 32 2007 export prices for gum are: $3400 / MT of HPS, $2800 / MT of clean grade raw gum, $ 3000 / MT of kibbled gum, $3200 / MT of mechanical powder and between $ 4500 to 5500 / MT of spray dried.
31. In September 2006, the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers recommended to the Council that a decree be passed to cancel the order promulgated by the Ministry of Trade to suspend export licenses granted to gum processors. The Council of Ministers did not endorse this recommendation. In December 2006, the Minister of Trade annulled the order issued five months earlier and allowed 14 licensed processors33 to restart exports of processed gum arabic (see Annex 3B).
Two newly established processors were about to start their activities when the order No 7/2006 was passed by the Minister of Trade.
Box 1: Impact of Higher Gum Arabic Farm Gate Price on the Household.
In Western and Central Sudan, staple food is sorghum (millet in certain areas of Darfur). Sorghum harvested is usually not enough to cover the households food requirements until the next harvest. Cash crops and livestock are crucial to ensure the familys food security, as well as to finance water and basic social service costs, like schooling and health. Revenue estimates are calculated for a household of 6 in Kordofan, cultivating 10 feddans of sorghum, 8.5 feddans of cash crops, tending a 10-feddan acacia garden and owning 10 head of sheep.
Area cultivated (feddan) 3 4 1.5 10 10 NA NA Labor required (hours) 410 690 175 530 530 Yield (kilos per feddan) 290 585 260 60 60 NA NA Farm gate price (Sd / kilo) 150 95 220 70 250 NA NA Total value (Sd)
Sesame Groundnuts Roselle (Hibiscus) Gum arabic (2002) Gum Arabic (2006) Sheep Casual labor Total income (with 2002 gum price) Total income(with 2006 gum price) % income from gum arabic (2002) % income from gum arabic (2006)
130,500 222,300 171,600 42,000 150,000 12,000 (2 head sold per year) 60.000 638,400 (*) 746,400 (**) 6,5 20
*US$ 3114, per household per year, around $519 per capita ($1.42/day) **US$ 3645, per household per year, around $ 607 per capita Prices for sesame, groundnuts and roselle are 2002 average farm gate prices for 20 Kordofan villages. The price for roselle is subject to a great year-to-year variation, Gum arabic revenue estimates calculated on a base of 150 trees per feddan, with 400 grams per tree, Two producer prices for gum arabic were used: a/estimate for 2002 farm gate price in Kordofan (around US$ 280/MT, or 20 percent of the export price, at $1400/MT); b/ estimate for 2006 farmer price in Kordofan (at $1250/MT, or 37 percent of the export price, at $3400/MT).
Under 2002 conditions, with a very low price paid to farmers, the contribution of gum arabic to the total household income is small (around 6.5 percent), which in views of the labor required does not make gum arabic cultivation profitable. If producer price is higher, like in 2006, gum sales can represent a substantial 20 percent of the household total income. Providing farmers with a better share of the export price would increase cash revenues and in turn the food security level of up 6 million individuals, who are among the poorest groups in Sudan.
Data from Economic Analysis of Deforestation: the Case of the Gum Arabic Belt in Sudan PhD-thesis Wageningen University (2006) Rahim A.H
33. It is evident that despite many years of operations, the GAC has not been able to provide the benefits anticipated when its concession as the sole exporter of raw gum arabic was assigned. Instead, Sudans effort to manage exports through GAC led to results observed in other such efforts: the entry of new less regulated international competitors and erosion of global share, lack of transparency in accounting for impact of export regulation, appropriation of gains by actors other than small-scale producers, and in turn erosion in incentives for primary producers34. This paper concludes that therefore the exclusive concession should be removed. 34. There is a vast gum production base in Sudan which could be easily revived. The very recent expansion of domestic processing has resulted in increased domestic competition for raw gum, and better prices paid to farmers. This positive development comes at a propitious time, since increased consumption of soft drinks and confectionary products, as well as development of health and dietetic products are expected to keep the demand for gum high. Changes in the industry within Sudan could position the country to benefit from these favorable circumstances.
In April 2006 Sudan agreed with Nigeria and Chad to set up a joint task force to monitor, supervise and report on the activities leading to the establishment of a gum arabic security (buffer) stock in the three countries. One of the purposes of such a buffer stock would be to stabilize supplies on world markets. It is interesting to see that the GACs current stock is apparently incapable of providing supply stability because the stock was purchased at high prices and international traders are not buying the stock but instead presumably waiting for the price of the stock to be discounted.
To support the processing industry: Provide a transparent business environment, i.e. removal of barriers to entry by granting gum processing and export licenses based on transparent requirements applying to all investors, avoid policy decisions that would reintroduce restrictions on the processors ability to operate. Support research into global market opportunities, understand changing structure on the demand side, monitoring breakthroughs in substitute development. Bring taxation on gum at the same level as other agricultural commodities and enforce legislation against illegal taxation.
In order to oversee the implementation of the measures listed above, a gum arabic marketing governance structure - bringing together the government, private sector and producers - could be created. It would oversee the tendering of raw gum export concessions, and sponsor market research. It could also act as the liquidating institution responsible for auctioning GAC stocks. To increase incomes of small-scale producers: Support voluntary producers organizations. Forming producers organizations or cooperatives35 and helping them access new technologies to increase yields and tapping, and credit would enable producers to fetch higher
The National Forest Corporation (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) has supported the development of such cooperatives but absence of credit to finance production and marketing operations impedes their development.
38. In addition to providing up to 6 million individuals with substantially increased incomes, setting a transparent and enabling business environment for private processors could result in gum arabic export value amounting to around $US 150 million annually (see box 3). 39. In July 2007, with the support of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund National, the Forest National Corporation (FNC) organized a national workshop to discuss the future of gum arabic. In his opening speech, the GNU Minister of Finance and National Economy stressed the inadequacies of the current marketing arrangements, called for decontrol and suggested that an independent entity be set up to oversee the decontrol process. 40. In order to support the decontrol, senior spokesmen in GNU have reaffirmed their commitment to implement the following activities: to allocate additional temporary concessions for export of raw gum arabic (through a transparent competitive bidding process); to establish an independent regulatory body to monitor the decontrol process; to revitalize the gum arabic production base through support to producers associations. Proper implementation of the above mentioned activities would require that additional analytical activities be conducted to understand better the characteristics of the subsector, especially the current structure of the domestic market and gum-related taxes.
Box 2: An Exercise: Estimating Potential Exports of Gum Arabic from Sudan under an Improved Policy Environment. Assumptions made: Additional raw gum export concessions are granted, Government provides a transparent and enabling business environment for domestic processors to develop, Producers voluntary organizations are formed and have access to improved technology, and credit World market for gum arabic is around 60.000 MT (*) per annum, distributed equally between hashab - produced by Sudan - and talha, As a result: Sudan exports primarily HPS/kibbled to major confectionary manufacturers and Japan (traditional importing country), and spray dried gum; the cleaned grade raw gum is not exported anymore, Market perspectives for Sudan can then be estimated as follows: export of HPS/kibbled from Sudan =11,000 MT, at US$ 3000 / MT, or US$ 33 Million annually, export of spray dried gum from Sudan = 19000 MT at US $ 6000 / MT (), or US$ 114 Million annually Gum arabic export value could amount on average to around US$ 150 million annually. This does not take into consideration the possibility for Sudan to manufacture and sell gum-based dietetic and health products.
(*)() these are rather conservative assumptions. World demand is growing fast. In 2006, market value of spray dried gum Arabic was between $6,600 to $13,200 per MT .
Abdel Nour, gum arabic in Sudan : production and socio-economic aspects, FAO, Internet reference Abul Gasim Seif el Din and Manar Zarroug, Production and commercialisation of gum arabic in Sudan, FAO, Internet reference Alstad, G. 1991. The Influence of Acacia on Soil in Arid North-eastern Sudan. Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen. 79 pp. COMTRADE [United Nations Statistics Division]. COMTRADE Database via the homepage Coppen, J.W. 1999. Gum arabic: its production and marketing opportunities and constraints to their improvement in Sudan. FAO document TC:TCP/SUD/7821, Rome. El Hag Makki Awouda, Development of Gum Arabic Production and Marketing, Sudan, Part 1 : The National Picture and Recommendations, FAO, 1999 Exudate gums , Gum Arabic, Gum Talha and other Acacia Gums, Non-Wood forest products for rural income and sustainable forestry, FAO, (Internet reference GAC [Gum Arabic Company]. Annual reports for the years 1970-2004. GAC research unit, Khartoum, Sudan. Institutional Institute for Environment and Development. Spet, 1898. Gum Arabic Belt Rehabilitation in the Republic of the Sudan (2 volumes) - financed by Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. JECFA [FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives]. 1999. Compendium of Food Additive Specifications. Appendum 7, Joint JECFA 53rd session, Rome. 1-10 June 1999. Rome, Italy. Macrae, J. and Merlin, G., 2002. The prospects and constraints of development of gum arabic in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, D.C., World Bank. Rahim A.H, 2006. Economic Analysis of Deforestation: the Case of the Gum Arabic Belt in Sudan - PhD thesis, Wageningen University Task Force of Raw Materials Research and Development Council of Nigeria, Oct, 2004. Report On Survey Of Gum Arabic In Nigeria
Articles consulted and internet references: Gum Acacia Market Reports by Agriproducts UK Dispersed raw material sources cushion CNI gum arabic supplies Corn fibre gum could be effective alternative to gum arabic. French colloids firm recognised for export expertise
Annex 1
above 400 in acacia plantations. According to the Agricultural Research Corporation, gum yields could be increased by 47% - 60%, with good management, quality could also be enhanced through improved tapping methods.
Annex 2A
Price received by producers from village trader Price received by village trader at Um Ruwaba market Costs at Um Rawaba market (flat taxes per kantar) Locality tax Zakat Natl. Forest Corporation levy Wounded soldiers levy Sub-total Cleaning and Grading by Um Ruwaba trader Labor Management etc Buildings etc Jute bags Sub-total Cost ex trader store per Kantar purchased Cost ex trader store (compensated for 25% weight loss) Cost ex trader store assuming 15 percent profit Transport from Um Ruwaba to GAC in Khartoum Total cost for trader (including profit) in Khartoum
19 126 58 5 208
19 126 58 5 208
Annex 2B
$/ MT 2020 2071
Price received by producers from village trader Price received by village trader at Damazin Costs at Damazin market (flat taxes per kantar) Locality tax Zakat NFC levy (50% NFC / 50% State) Wounded soldiers levy Gum Arabic Union levy General Tax (GNU 60% and State 40%) Crop Marketing tax (state) Sub-total Cleaning and Grading by Damazin trader Labor Management etc Buildings etc Jute bags Sub-total Cost ex trader store (without profit) per Kantar purchased Cost ex trader store (compensated for 25% weight loss) Cost ex trader store assuming 15 percent profit Transport from Damazin to GAC in Khartoum Total cost for trader (including profit) in Khartoum
51 1 10 10 72
48 1 10 10 69
Annex 3A
Council of Ministers Decrees Decree No. 118 for year 2003 Endorsement of the recommendation of the study on Gum Arabic Production and Marketing Council of Ministers Reviewing the Article No. 47 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan, and after thorough discussion of the report on Gum Arabic Production and Marketing, and based on the recommendations of the Economic Sector Ministerial Council at session 8 of 09 March 2003, decided the following:
Report Endorsement
1. The recommendations of the committee led by Expert Prof. Abdalla Ahmed Abdalla and the recommendations of the Economic Sector Ministerial Council concerning the development of production and marketing of Gum Arabic value chain added and to keep the comparative advantages of Sudan for this commodity are hereby endorsed according to the following directives: (a) Maintain the concession given to the Gum Arabic Company temporarily, and coordinates with Ministry of Foreign Trade and other concerned ministries and institutions to set specific programmes in a fixed timeframe for decontrol according to the following directives: i. Establishment of Specialized Gum Arabic Export Council; ii. Establishment of Scientific Council for Gum Arabic Research under the supervision of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in coordination with line ministries and concerned institutions; iii. Reduction of taxes and fees to the lowest level possible to meet the requirements of the gum arabic scientific research and generalized that for all gum arabic export companies; (b) Review the conduct of the Gum Arabic Company with regard to composition, objectives, marketing organizational structures, approaches and work methods and associated legislations to develop its performance and increase its capital seeking its upgrading and expansion in production and open gum arabic markets; (c) Coordination between Ministry of Foreign Trade and Gum Exporters to consolidate vision and consensus on gum arabic export policies, marketing and establish world fares to reduce buyers exploitations;
Support to policies concerned with increase in production and gum arabic areas, improve extension and tapping techniques;
Annex 3A (e) Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry should prepare scientific plan to upgrade the approach for gum arabic marketing and open external markets; (f) Ensure the government role for technical supervision and monitoring for the export sector to avoid harmful competition; (g) Ensure the appropriate policies for local finance and credit for gum arabic and ensure producers access to such credit venue; (h) Attention should given for gum arabic processing (spray drying) to cover local and regional demands; (i) Continuation of production of gum arabic granules and ensure processors follow the export policies, pay taxes and export fees similar to that paid by Gum Arabic Company; (j) Implementation of policies to stop gum arabic smuggling and concerned institutions should set administrative orders to counter smuggling to neighbouring countries; (k) Work to establish African consultation group for Gum Arabic Research lead by Sudan; (l) The National Council for Export Development should be established in coordination with Ministry of Foreign Trade to prepare for a national workshop that involves all stakeholders to draw a future vision for gum arabic production and marketing in Sudan; (m) The development of gum arabic export, development of gum arabic belt, give more attention to producers, and provision of basic social services in production areas and support researches; (n) The National Council for Export Development should coordinate with Ministry of Foreign Trade and Ministry of Industry to: i. review the details for implementation of fees and timeframe schedules for the decontrol process; ii. prepare a detailed action plan for the implementation of this decree.
2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Finance and National Economy, and National Council for Export Development should take necessary actions for implementation of this decree.
Issued by Council of Ministers Decree No. 118 for year 2003 at Session No. 8, dated 6 Muharam 1424 Hijeri, equivalent to 09 March 2003
Signed by:
Annex 3B
Ministerial Order No. 22 Lifting of restriction on Gum Export Minister of Foreign Trade: Reference to the Ministerial Order No. 7/2006 concerning the organization of gum arabic export, and after reviewing the letter of State Minister of Ministry of Industry dated 05 December 2006 concerning endorsement of some gum arabic factories that met the required standards and conditions, and activating the authorities and responsibilities assigned to me as per Article 73 of Sudan Transitional Constitution, I issue the following stated order: 1. Order Name and start of its effectiveness: This order is named as Order of Minister of Foreign Trade for lifting restriction on gum arabic export and should be effective from the date of its signature. 2. Lifting of restriction: The lifting of restriction on processed gums from the factories listed in the table attached to this ministerial order and their number are fourteen factories are allowed to export their products immediately. 3. For the Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization to ensure that exported products are fulfilling the set standards.
Multi Donor Trust Fund-National Technical Secretariat The World Bank Khartoum