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No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Title Executive Summary Introduction Company Background Mission Statement Strategic Vision Marketing Segmentation Target Segments Positioning in Target Market Marketing Mix Product Price Place Promotion Source of Information Page No. 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 10 14 16 20 22


Executive Summary
BS M Steels ltd! is a part of BS M group! T"e o#ner of BS M group $Mr! %k&erali %! %frica#ala' introduced BS M Steels ltd! BSEM Steels is a plant( #"ere producing plain &ars! Plain &ar is a most important ra# material construction! %s #e kno# t"at "ome is an essential need for every "uman and rod is essential for every "uman and rod is essential for &uilding "ome! BS M steels #ant to ac"ieve a lucrative market! )e t"ink t"ey can fulfill t"eir target! T"ey can take market &y overcome all &arriers! T"eir main &arrier is t"eir competitors! T"ey can overcome tier #eakness and "andle t"eir t"reat! T"e purpose of t"is researc" is to find out t"e * p+s $product( place( price and promotion' #"ic" make it totally exceptional from ot"ers! ,or t"is analysis( #e "ad to find target market( market segmentation( positioning and marketing mix( t"eir ma-or competitors and so far! In product t"ey give so many services #"ic" give t"e satisfaction to t"eir customer and t"ey "ave so many verities and don+t compromise in .uality! T"ey take so many steps to set up rig"t price for t"eir product #"ic" don+t distur& t"eir customer and so many steps in promotion and place! T"e &asic finding from t"e analysis #"at #e "ave got is( BS M steels is t"e market leader( t"ey are very concern a&out t"eir .uality #"ic" #e "ad said and t"ey "ave o#n &rands and t"ey are trying to make more ne# &rands! T"ey "ave already covered most or segment of market! %t last t"ey al#ays tried to keep t"eir &rand in top of t"e mind or customers!


BS M Steels ltd! provides a valua&le ingredient for construction! BS M $Banglades" Steel for construction! In 1134 an automatic &illet &ased rolling mill #as installed #it" continuous up gradation! It "as a portfolio of &usiness! 5o# t"ey "ave an o#n &illet making plat( Meg"na Engineering )orks! T"e t#o "ig"#ay &ridges over t"e fivers Meg"na and gomuti( t"e C"ittagong airport( t"e kafco fertili6er factory and so many "ig" prestigious pro-ects #ere t"en &uilt #it" BS M &ars! BS M Steels ltd! is a part of BS M group! It is t"e first company of producing &rand product and TMT $T"ermo Mec"anical Tim' &ar! It #as certified &y IS7! It manufacturing factory is in ,ou6der"at! T"e e.uipment of t"e mill is from a&road! It "as a good &rand image! ,or t"at t"ey are controlling leaders"ip of market! BS M Steels ltd! is also a pu&lic company registered #it" &ot" t"e 8"aka and C"ittagong Stock Exc"anges! Billet #"ic" converts from scrap in t"eir sisters concern Meg"na Engineering )orks is t"e main ra# materials! T"ey "ave so many products &ut t"e product #"ic" t"ey "ave only is grade 299#! T"is is t"eir &rand product! T"ey are e0rolling Mills' group( t"e first company #"ic" set up four manual rolling mills in 112/ in t"e country! T"ey are t"e first of making plain &ars


trying to produce more ne# &rands for construction and t"ey try to produce t"eir product keep t"e future environment position in mind!

Company Background
BS M Steel ltd! is a company of BS M groups! BS M group #as started its #ork in 112/! %t t"at time it #as kno#n &y East Bengal Steels ltd! Mr! %k&erali %! %frica#ala #as t"e founder and c"airman of it and Mr! %li"ussain %k&erali is t"e present c"airman of it! T"ey "ave portfolio of &usiness! T"ey "ave t"e &usiness of producing re0&ars! T"ere is some selected company+s name BSRM Wires ltd. BSRM Rec cli!g ltd. Meg"!a #!gi!eeri!g Wor$s ltd. %M#W& 'ar!a(")l #!gi!eeri!g Wor$s ltd. %'#W& *"ittago!g (o+er co,(a! ltd. %*P*-& T"eir target market is individual "ome &uilders( engineer and arc"itecture! )"en t"ey come to t"e market t"ey "ave no competitors &ut no# t"ey "ave so many competitors &ut t"ey are in top position in market fro t"eir &est .uality! T"ey al#ays try to fulfill t"eir customers demand! %t last t"ere is .uestion can rise to everyone+s mind and t"at is ;8o t"ey export t"eir product;! T"e ans#er is <5o( t"ey don+t export t"eir product to a&road=!


Mission Statement
T"ey don+t define t"eir mission statement to give it in market &ut t"ey are #orking on it! T"ey use a slogan for t"eir product <T"e next generation steel=!

Strategic Vision
BS M steels "ave some strategic vision! T"ey try to fill up t"eir follo#ing vision! Be t"e most accepta&le &rand all over t"e country! >eep t"e market leaders"ip and raise t"eir image to t"eir customers! Produce 199? "aving .uality product! %#are to innovate ne# product( #"ic" "as a strong demand in market!


Market Segmentation
It means dividing t"e market &ased on different c"aracteristics! Market segmentation is very necessary for a company to start a &usiness! )it"out market segment most of t"e companies cannot adopt a profita&le &usiness! T"ey divide t"e market &ased on geograp"ic and psyc"ograp"ic segment!

@eograp"ic Segments
T"ey deliver t"eir product inside of Banglades" suc" as 8"aka( a-s"a"i etc!

Psyc"ograp"ic Segments
In t"is segment t"ey maintain t"e social class suc" as Engineer( %rc"itect( individual "ome&uilders!

Target Marketing
%ll segments are not e.ually profita&le! % company "as to select one or t#o profita&le segments and BS M steels segment all t"e individual &uilders!


Market positioning means "o# a company #ants to see t"eir &rand in t"e mind of consumer! Because customer look t"e performance and results of a company! T"ere is positioning grap" of BS M Steels #it" t"eir competitors!

Position Based on Price and Buality

,rom a&ove t"e grap" #e can see t"at BS M steel is fist in t"e position of t"eir consumer mind and same position is "aving in .uality! >S M is medium in t"ose t#o!
Page 4

Position Based on Production Capacity and Time

%ccording to t"is grap"( BS M steels factories production capacity is in medium level and t"eir time of producing product is in lo# side! T"at+s mean t"ey don+t need so muc" time to produce! T"eir production capacity is :9(999m! ton per mont"!

Positioning of Price
)e are sorry to say #e couldn+t price positioning grap" &ecause t"e price depends on international market!


Developing Marketing Mix

*+ps is t"e important part of any company to go in a perfect position! )e "ave done our #ork on t"ese *+ ps of BS M Steel ltd!

Product 1! Varity /! Buality :! 8esign *! Si6e 2! ,eatures A! Brand 5ame 4! Service 3! )arranty

Price 1! /! :! *!

Cist Price 8iscount %llo#ance Payment Period 2! Credit Term

Marketing Mix
Promotion 1! %dvertising /! Personal Selling :! Sales Promotion *! Pu&lic elation Place 1! /! :! *! 2! A! C"annel Coverage %ssortment Cocation Inventory Transportation


Product means t"e good and services com&ination t"e company offered to target market attention( ac.uisition( use or consumption t"at mig"t satisfy a consumer #ant or need! Product is tangi&le t"ing!

Product Variety
BS M Steel ltd! "as different types of grade! T"ese types of grade are varieties &y its used and strengt"! Because different types of grade and strengt" are need for different construction! Product @rade 299# @rade 0 A9 @rade F *9 Dse Eeavy Construction Medium Construction 5ormal Construction Strengt" 4/(299 psi A9(999 psi *9(999 psi Gpsi $pound per s.uare inc"es'

Buality is t"e main key to t"eir success! BS M Steel produce 199? .uality produce! In different grade 199? .uality is maintain &y adding <Car&on=! %dding more <Car&on= t"e strengt" of Steel is increase! T"ey maintain t"e international Standard! ,or &etter .uality t"ey test t"eir product on BDET! T"eir product is certified &y IS7 A1:2 and BDET!

Page 19

%s #e kno# t"ere is no suc" design in steel! %lt"oug" t"eir finis"ed good is ra# material for contraction #ork! So it is not necessary for design! To identify BS M &ar logo is em&ossed on t"e rod surface #it" <8I% 7, B% S 7CCCE8=!

7n international standard and Banglades" Building code t"e lengt" of steel is 11 F 1: meter! But BS M Steel also supplies perfect 1/ meter and different si6e on consumer demand!

T"e &ars "ave superior &end a&ility and can &e safely &ent #it"out cracking! %ll &ar si6es are rolled to a very close tolerance $possi&le on a 8%5IEC computeri6ed rolling mill' so t"at customers get more meters of steel per ton F more value for money #it"out "aving to sacrifice structural integrity! estimate savingsH 9!2? 8e0scaled &ars "ave &etter &onding #it" concrete and less #astage at site! estimated savingsH 9!2? Itreme &ars are safely #ielda&le under field conditions! %not"er 9!2? to 1!2? of steel is saved &y avoiding large splices! T"e &ars are needle0straig"t( t"anks to t"e 8anieli BTB process0 no need for straig"tening on t"e construction site!

Page 11

Brand 5ame
BS M Steel ltd! "as t"e most dominated name <Itreme=! )"en people t"ink t"ey need steel for construction t"ey t"ink a&out <BS M Itreme= for t"eir Brand 5ame! Because BS M Itreme is t"e first and only "ig" strengt" &ar in Banglades"!
@rade 299# @rade A9 @rade *9

BS M steel "as an engineer group #"o give consumer opinion! T"ey go t"ey construction site and provide consumer t"at #"ic" grade and "o# many steel are need for construction! To availa&le t"eir product t"ey "ave A depots out of C"ittagong division! T"ey "ave more t"an 39 dealers all over t"e Banglades" and t"ey going to set up * o#n testing la&oratory of any product for t"eir consumer! %nd t"ere are some dealer names in next page!

Page 1/

.ddress M/s 0a"a!gir 1 Brot"ers 27482 P* Road. West Nasira3ad2 Pa"artali. *"ittago!g M/s2 *o45s Ba6ar B)ilders Stores P)r3a Ba6arg"ata2 Mai! Road2 *o45s Ba6ar. .l7 .,ir 1 So!s '"a72142 Pragati S"ra!i2 Mer)l Badda %.la, 3ag&2 8"a$a.12122 M/s. Ro3i!7M)!!a 9ro! Store 'ado,toli2 #ast side o: *"o+rasta2 P)r3o3o!d 8a$(ara Road2'era!igo!;28"a$a71310 M/s. Mir,a! P)ra! t"a!a. 'is"orgo!; M/s. .sad)lla" 1 Brot"ers .l7Ra",a! *o,(le4 .Malo Para2 <"ora,ara2 Ra;s"a"i. M/s. R. S Traders Boira2 Beside to 'ar,o;i3i Mo"ila =ostel2 '")l!a. M/s. =a+ladar 9ro! Store =at$"ola Road. Barisal M/s. Moo! Traders Beside to 'ris"i Ba!d2 <ola(3ag2 <o3i!dogo!;. M/s. .ta)r Traders2 =os(tial Road2 >(as"a"ar2 8i!a;()r M/s. 'i3ria Steel *or(oratio! S)3id 3a6ar2 S l"et =. #!ter(rise Mort)6a Mar$et 0o$igo!; Road2 <ola(go!; S l"et

P"o!e P"04/9A2A! Cell 0913110 :311/1 P"09:*1 0A:112( Cell0 9141101313:* P"01314*A2( Cell0914/90 24A1:2 P"0444941A Cell0914190 332*4A* Cell0914110A34:23( 9141102*::1 P"094/1044***4( 44/94*( Cell0914110:91A/2 P"09*103A1A41!Cell0 9141/01AA121 9*:10A:1*1 Cell0914110 ::*191( 914110:*22:A P"092*/:0421/1( Cell0 9141:049441/ P"0 92:102142*( Cell0 9141/0/1*:1/( 9141A0 /A4142 P"093/1031:/91( Cell0 914110::231/( 914120 193*93( 91411 P"0 9:411203311/ Cell0 914110*A1A1/

BS M Steel give consumer #arranty t"at t"ere product is tested and proved &y BDET engineer and certified &y IS7 A1:2! To satisfy consumer t"at t"eir product is good for construction( consumer in future can test t"is of ot"er company product in BS M o#n test la&oratory free of cost!

Page 1:

T"e second ma-or marketing tool is pricing! Price is t"e amount of money c"arged for product or service! )"en any one set a mission for esta&lis" a &usiness t"en first of all "e "as to t"ing a&out price! Because price is t"e ma-or factor for affecting &uyer c"oice! T"roug" price s"ould &e given &ased on product .uality! If t"e product .uality is "ig" t"en price #ill &e "ig" and if t"e .uality is lo# t"en price #ill &e lo#!

Cist Price
If a company "as selected its markets and positioning carefully t"en price #ill &e ease set! BS M Steel decide t"at t"ey #ant to ac"ieve product .uality leaders"ip in t"e market so far t"eir &est .uality t"eir price is "ig" t"en t"eir competitor &ut at first t"ey lo# price for entering t"e market and #"en t"ey get response from customers t"en gradually t"ey increase t"eir price! %s all #e kno# t"at price is one of t"e most flexi&le elements of marketing mix( it can &e c"ange .uickly! BS M Steel "as standard price list &ut t"eir price are vary according to international market! Eere some prices areH0 Price (er Metric To! i!cl)di!g ?.T 1 -oadi!g *"arges
SL# Product Name Product Size Ex-Factory Chittagong



8 mm 28 mm to 32 mm 8 mm 8 mm ! mm 5.! mm 4.5 mm

TK.43,000 TK.43,500 TK 43,000 TK. 42,000 TK.4!,000 TK. 4",000 TK.4",000

Last updated: August 2 ! 2""





Page 1*

Transport C"arges
$1' 8"akaJSavarJC"andpurJMouluviBa6arJ Syl"etJB!BariaJteknaf add Tk! 499JK PMT $/' ComillaJ,eniJ5oak"aliJCoxLs Ba6arJC"akaria add Tk! *99JK PMT $:' BograJSera-gon- add Tk! 1(199JK PMT $*' >"ulnaJMessoreJ,aridpurJ>us"tia add Tk! 1(999JK PMT $2' angpur J a-s"a"i J 5aogaon J Pa&na add Tk! 1(/99JK PMT $A' TangailJMymensingJ>is"orgon- add Tk! 199JK PMT $4' Barisal add Tk!1(:99JK PMT $3' Baraiyar"atJMirsaraiJ anguniaJPatiyaJ,atickc"ari 5a6ir"atJSat"kania add Tk!/99JK PMT

8iscount means straig"t reduction from price! T"ere are many forms of discount like cas" discount( a price reduction to &uyers #"o pay t"eir &ills promptly! BS M Steel does not give any discount to consumers! But t"ey give commission a specific figure of per ton to dealer!

BS M Steel is selling directly to t"eir customers or dealer! T"e agreement of dealer #it" BS M is t"at if "e increases sell t"en "e #ill get allo#ance! T"e percentage of allo#ance is not fixedN it depends on t"e salsas amount!

Payment Period
Payment is an option give &y company for t"eir customer advantage! But no company gives long time payment period as it "ig"ly risky to t"em! T"ey collect t"eir money &y cas" or c"eck &efore delivery t"e product( and t"ey give preferences to receive cas"!

Credit Terms
BS M Steel &elieves non credit terms!
Page 12

Place is one of t"e parts of marketing mix #"ic" includes company activities t"at make t"e product availa&le to target consumers! Company needs to "ave some steps to do t"ese activities perfectly! T"e steps areH c"annels coverage assortments locations inventory transportation

Every company "as c"annels to sell products and stay connected #it" consumers! BS M Steels "ave t#o kinds of c"annels! %l#ays In t"is c"art factory sell t"eir product to t"eir selective dealers and t"ose dealers sell it to consumers! Most of t"e time t"ey follo# t"is line! Sometimes T"ey "ave six o#n depots to sell t"eir product #"ic" #e can say as anot"er c"annel of t"em!

)e are s"o#ing t"eir coverage in t"ree #ays! 7ne is t"e coverage of t"eir dealers( second is depots and t"ird one is market s"are coverage!

Page 1A

.ddress M/s 0a"a!gir 1 Brot"ers 27482 P* Road. West Nasira3ad2 Pa"artali. *"ittago!g M/s2 *o45s Ba6ar B)ilders Stores P)r3a Ba6arg"ata2 Mai! Road2 *o45s Ba6ar. .l7 .,ir 1 So!s '"a72142 Pragati S"ra!i2 Mer)l Badda %.la, 3ag&2 8"a$a.12122 M/s. Ro3i!7M)!!a 9ro! Store 'ado,toli2 #ast side o: *"o+rasta2 P)r3o3o!d 8a$(ara Road2'era!igo!;28"a$a71310 M/s. Mir,a! P)ra! t"a!a. 'is"orgo!; M/s. .sad)lla" 1 Brot"ers .l7Ra",a! *o,(le4 .Malo Para2 <"ora,ara2 Ra;s"a"i. M/s. R. S Traders Boira2 Beside to 'ar,o;i3i Mo"ila =ostel2 '")l!a. M/s. =a+ladar 9ro! Store =at$"ola Road. Barisal M/s. Moo! Traders Beside to 'ris"i Ba!d2 <ola(3ag2 <o3i!dogo!;. M/s. .ta)r Traders2 =os(tial Road2 >(as"a"ar2 8i!a;()r M/s. 'i3ria Steel *or(oratio! S)3id 3a6ar2 S l"et =. #!ter(rise Mort)6a Mar$et 0o$igo!; Road2 <ola(go!; S l"et P"o!e P"04/9A2A! Cell 0913110 :311/1 P"09:*1 0A:112( Cell0 9141101313:* P"01314*A2( Cell0914/90 24A1:2 P"0444941A Cell0914190 332*4A* Cell0914110A34:23( 9141102*::1 P"094/1044***4( 44/94*( Cell0914110:91A/2 P"09*103A1A41!Cell0 9141/01AA121 9*:10A:1*1 Cell0914110 ::*191( 914110:*22:A P"092*/:0421/1( Cell0 9141:049441/ P"0 92:102142*( Cell0 9141/0/1*:1/( 9141A0 /A4142 P"093/1031:/91( Cell0 914110::231/( 914120 193*93( 91411 P"0 9:411203311/ Cell0 914110*A1A1/

T"ey "ave six depots! T"ose are in and 8"aka! a-s"a"i( >"ulna( Bogra( Molovi&a6ar

Market S"are
T"e t"ird one is a&out market s"are! T"ey are not sure a&out t"eir market s"are! T"ey are #orking on it( &ut t"eir guess amount is a&ove /2?!

Page 14

BS M Steels produce t"eir product keep all t"e sectors of Banglades" in mind! T"ey divide t"eir products &ased on grades and strengt" like grade 299#( A9 grades and *9 grades! T"ese "ave different strengt"! Cike for t"ree stored &uilding grade 299# needs 299 tons #"ere A9 grades need 499 tons and *9 grade needs 1999 tons!

Eead 7ffice T"eir "ead office is in 114:J1/94( %li Mansion( Sadarg"at( C"ittagong! ,actory T"ere manufacturing factory is in ,ou6der"at industrial area( C"ittagong!

BS M Steels is running t"eir production around t"e year! So t"ey need to "ave some stock! T"ey "ave t"ree types of inventory and t"ey areH 1! a#0materials /! ,inis"ed products :! Mac"inery

,or t"eir production t"ey need so many ra#0materials! T"e important one #it"out #"ic" t"e production can+t run is scarp of s"ips! T"ey import t"eir ra# materials from %ustralia( Canada( ussia( Sout" %frica and some time from Banglades" S"ip Braking Oard! T"en t"ey convert t"em into <Billet= in t"eir sister concern ME) t"at is Meg"na Engineering )orks ltd!

Page 13

T"ey import t"eir mac"inery from Italy!

,inis"ed Products
,inis"ed product means( product t"at comes finally form mac"ine! %fter finis"ing finis"ed product t"ey keep it for 1 or / days( &ecause sometimes in case of emergency customer #ants a lot #it" in fe# days! Most of t"e time t"ey don+t need to keep finis"ed product!

Transportation is an important part of a company &ecause good transportation service raises company+s reputation! BS M Steels "ave only one #ay transportation and t"at is land! T"ey use truck or lorry in land transportation &ut t"ey "ave no o#n transportation!

Page 11

Promotion is one of t"e parts of marketing mix! )it"out promotion no company can gro# up! So promotion is one of t"e important parts t"at "elp to increase t"e sell! %s a promotion t"ey are follo#ing some steps( suc" as F

Every company needs to advertise t"eir product to increase t"eir sales! BS M Steel advertise t"eir product in different #ay like F Bill&oardH t"ey use &ill&oard in different location like rural or city areas to kno# t"eir product! TV s"o#H t"ey also use T!V s"o# to people! SeminarsH seminars can &e anot"er part to create a#areness to consumers a&out t"eir product advertisement! 5e#spaperH BS M Steel keep touc" t"eir consumer #it" t"eir product &y using ne#spaper!
)e&siteH t"ey "ave #e&site t"at "elps to kno# a&out t"eir product! %nd t"e

#e&site address is ###!&srm!com

Personal selling
To kno# a&out t"eir product t"ey use a group of people #"o provides information to different company or customers! By personal selling t"ey can kno# a&out t"eir customer+s needs and #ants! ,or doing it( t"ey can tell t"em a&out different variety of rods! It "elps to develop t"eir production!

Page /9

Sales Promotion
%t present BS M Steel o&-ective is to increase t"eir sales! Sales promotion increases t"e volume of product! ,or t"eir sales promotion t"ey are using advertising( seminar and giving different pri6es to dealer!

Pu&lic elation
To make strong relations company arrange seminars of campaigns #it" customers! T"ey entertain t"em also! It "elps t"em to keep and increase t"eir customers! It can make a good relations"ip #it" t"em! T"ey usually "elp some mos.ue( c"arita&le organi6ation( orp"anage etc for social purpose! Sometimes t"ey "elp some organi6ation #"ose are like to arrange social or cultural function! Besides( a good relations"ip it also "elps t"em for a good identity!

Page /1

T"e information is get from epon Barua Sales Engineer Marketing P Sales Promotion E0mailH redQcivil/994Rya"oo!com 914:909/44*2 ###!&srm!com

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T"e T"e End End

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