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Sri Sankaracharya - Shiva Manasa Pooja

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Shiva Manasa Pooja

The mental worship of Shiva By Sankaracharya Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Aaradhayami mani sannibham athma lingam, Maayapuri hrudaya pankaja sannivishtam, Sradha nadhi vimala chitha jalabishegai, Nithyam samadhi kusmaira punarbhavai. I worship that Linga, Which is in me as my soul, Residing in the illusory lotus of my heart, Getting bathed by the clear water, Of the river of my devotion, And worshipped daily by the Lotus, Of my meditation for avoiding another birth. Rathnai alpitham asanam, !imajalai snanam cha divyambaram, Naana rathna vibh""shitham mruga madha m"dhanvitham #handanam, $athi champaka bil%a pathra rachitham, pushpam cha deepam Thada, &eepam deva dayanithe pasupathe, hrud kalpyatham gruhyatham. I offer you an imaginary throne made of precious ewels, I offer you bath in the water of melted snow from the !imalayas, I offer you holy sil"en cloth to wear, I adorn you with very many precious ewels, I offer you mus" and sandal, I offer you #ilwa and $hampa"a flowers, And I offer you the holy lamp, #ut all these I offer in the portal of my mind, %lease God who is merciful and who is the Lord of all beings, Accept my offerings and bless me. S"uvarne nava rathna 'anda Rachithe, pathre 'rutham Payasam, Bakshyam pancha vidam Pay" dadhiyutham, rambha phalam panakam, Saaka namayutham jalam ruchikaram, karp""ra gand"j%alam, Thamb""lam manasa maya virachitham Bhakthy" prabh" s%eekuru I offer you Ghee and the sweet payasam in golden vessel , &ecorated with nine type of precious gems, I offer you five different dishes made of curd and mil", I offer you pana"am made of sweet fruits, I offer you tasty sweet scented water to drin", I offer you the lamp made of camphor along with tin"ling bells, And I offer you betel leaf and nut, #ut these are offered by my mind with utter devotion to you, 'o Lord (indly accept and bless. #hathram #hamaray"ryugam vyajanagam, chaa darshakam nirmalam, (eena bheri mrudanga kahala kala geetha nruthyam thada, Sasthangam pranthi sthuthir bahu vidha, hyethat samastham maya,

Sankalpena samapitham thava vibh" , p""jam gruhana prabh". I offer you a pretty stage, I offer you couple of decorative fans, I also offer you shining mirror, I offer you )eena, "ettledrums, *rudanga and a very big drum, I offer you song and dance, I offer you full prostration, I offer you several types of prayers, #ut all these I offer you my Lord, in my mind 'o Lord "indly accept this my worship. Aathma th%am 'irija Mathi sahacharaa, prana sarreram gruham, P""ja theey vishay"pa bh"ga rachana, nidhra samadhi sthithi, Sanchara paday" pradakshina vidhi, , sth"thrani sarva giraa, )adyath karma kar"mi thathad akhilam, shambh" thavaradhanam. *y soul is your temple my lord, *y activities are thine attendants, *y body is thine home, *y acts to please my senses are thine worship, *y act of sleep is the deep meditation on thee, All my wal"s with my feet are thine perambulations, What ever falls from my mouth are thine prayers, Oh Lord, everything I say and do are thine forms of worship. ara charana krutham vaak kayajam karmajam vaa, Sravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa aparadham, (ihithamavihitham vaa sarva methath shamas%a, $aya $aya katunabdhe sri Mahadeva Shambh". %lease pardon Oh lord All those acts committed by me, #y hands, by action, by body or #y hearing, by my sight, or by my mind, Whether they are proper or improper.. )ictory oh victory, Oh, ocean of mercy, Oh, +he greatest of Gods and Oh benevolent one. Matha cha Parvathy &evi, Pitha dev" Mahes%ara, Bandhava Shiva Bakthamscha, S%ades" Bhuvana thrayam *y mother is the goddess %arvathy, *y father is the Lord 'hiva, *y friends are the devotees of 'hiva And my native place is all the three worlds.

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