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Total Quality Managemen1

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Total Quality Management - in brief

Total Quality Management (TQM) What is it? The term TQM was coined by a US Navy Officer in the early 80s. owever! the "hiloso"hy of Total Q#ality Mana$ement $oes bac% to the &0s when 'r. 'emin$ started his (#ality endeavors in )a"an. TQM is an a""roach for contin#o#sly im"rovin$ the (#ality of $oods and services delivered thro#$h the "artici"ation of all levels and f#nctions of the or$ani*ation. Why is it important? TQM is abo#t b#ildin$ (#ality in from the be$innin$ and ma%in$ (#ality everyone+s concern and res"onsibility. ,ons#mers are willin$ to "ay a "remi#m for hi$her-(#ality $oods and services. Or$ani*ations that em"loy TQM (or a similar "hiloso"hy) wor% on the "remise that any "rod#ct or service can be im"roved #"on and this im"rovement e(#als red#ced cost! better "erformance and hi$her reliability. When to use it? .hen there is a chance of yo#r "rod#ct or service becomin$ a commodity. How to use it? /ach or$ani*ation m#st tailor its a""roach to e0"loit stren$ths and concentrate on wea%nesses. 1ctivities that are necessary incl#de2 1 reali*ation that in a $lobal mar%et"lace! c#stomer satisfaction is the %ey to s#rvival and s#ccess. Understandin$ that (#ality im"rovement is %ey to increased c#stomer satisfaction! increased "rod#ctivity and red#ced cost. The commitment of a leader to the "hiloso"hy of TQM. 1 chan$e in the or$ani*ation+s c#lt#re to acce"t the tenets of TQM. Trainin$ from to" to bottom. The immediate be$innin$ of im"rovement activities. Try not to do too m#ch too soon. 'on+t ta%e a coo%ie-c#tter a""roach. 3imit the n#mber of cons#ltants and train yo#r em"loyees internally. 4oc#s on the low-han$in$ fr#it - foc#s on the cons#mer irritants. 4or e0am"le! when some 5orean a#toma%ers reali*ed that cons#mers have a very low confidence in their "rod#cts+ reliability! they started off by offerin$ lon$er warranties (ima$ine how many other meas#res they need to have in "lace internally so that they can meet these tar$ets).

Why TQM can fail? Uncorrected 6ision 6ision statement is li%e a tome. 6isions m#st be short and to the "oint. 7oor Ob8ectives

/nco#ra$es f#nctional $ro#"s to battle for reso#rces. 3oose ,annons 9eware of "eo"le who #se (#ality to establish fiefdoms and "eo"le who remain in "owerf#l "ositions b#t don+t $et with the "ro$ram and finally! mana$ers who dra$ their feet. .anderin$ Teams and 3ost S#"ervisors 1void creatin$ cross f#nctional teams with no clear charter. Statistical : Non-statistical Thin%in$ Use the ;five-why+s;. Use statistics wisely and where a""ro"riate. <f there is a ma8or cons#mer "roblem statistics alone mi$ht not alert yo# to the "roblem #ntil it is too late. New 7ro$ram Syndrome Many motivation scams. New initiatives are eyed with s#s"icion. Need to (#it callin$ it a "ro$ram - ma%e it an inte$ral "art of em"loyees activities. ,han$e Mana$ement 'on+t e0"ect behaviors to chan$e over-ni$ht. 7rovide the or$ani*ational s#""ort and enco#ra$ement to develo" "ositive behaviors.

Available on the web: 9asics of TQM 7hiloso"hy =on 7olloc%+s TQM 3in%s and =eso#rces TQM Ma$a*ine >lenn Ma*#r+s TQM (M4> &0?) TQM 7a"ers TQM Tools .hat TQM is NOT 1re There 3imits to Total Q#ality Mana$ement@ by 1rth#r M. Schneiderman AStrate$y-9#siness Ma$a*ineB

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