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IMPROVING THE STUDENTS SPEAKING SKILL BY ROLE PLAY ( A Classroom Action Research on the Eleventh Grade Students of Immersion

Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan Academic Year 2009/2010)

Presented to Fulfill One of the Requirements to Achieve the Magister Degree in Language Teaching Study By Sumpana NIM S.200070078


SUMPANA. IMPROVING STUDENTS SPEAKING SKILL BY ROLEPLAY : A Classroom Action Research On The Eleventh Grade Students of Immersion Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan Academic Year 2009/2010. A Thesis. Surakarta. English Department of Post Graduate Program of Language Study, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The research is an action research. The objectives of this research are to improve the students speaking skill, to check whether role play is effective learning technique, to know the strengths and weaknesses of role play. The problem of this research is the poor speaking competence of the eleventh grade students of Immersion Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan in the Academic Year 2009/2010. This action research was conducted in grade XI of Immresion Program 1. The procedure of the research consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In collecting the data, the writer used non-observational technique and observational technique supported with a test. The non-observational technique consists of questionnaires and interviews. The observational technique consists of observation and field notes. In this research, the writer acted as the practitioner. The tests were in the form of pre-test conducted in the pre-research and post-tests conducted at the end of every cycle. These tests were conducted to know how well students speak English using role playing. The result of the reearch shows that the use role play improve the students speaking competence, role play is an effective technique of learning, and there some strengths besides there are weaknesses. From the observation and supported with the writers field notes, it can be seen that the students could speak well and improve their vocabularies and grammatical structure. Using role play in speaking class could increase the students motivation in learning speaking. There is also an improvement of students speaking competence. The improvement is reflected from the progress of the students scores from pre-test to post-test. The students average score was 59 in the pre-test conducted in the preresearch and it became 71 in the post-test conducted at the end of Cycle 3. Based on the research finding above, at the end of this research , the writer wants to propose some suggestion to English teachers. First, before conducting the instructional process especially in speaking class, choosing the most suitable way of improving the students motivation in learning speaking is important because this is the key of the success in teaching-learning process. Besides, it is necessary to create an interesting and enjoyable atmosphere in the teachinglearning process in order to make the students easier in improving their speaking competence.


A. The Background of the Researh

The ending of learning English is the learners are able to use it as a means of communication either by speech or written, so the use of English for the students is compulsory, because mastering English is a priority for many second or foreign language learners. Jack Ricard (1990) says that The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second or foreign language learners. Learners consequently often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of English course on the basis of how well they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency As an English teacher, the writer was faced by two choices in teaching English whether for achieving good national examination grade (in written test) or for training the students to speak English as a means of communication well. It seems achieving good national examination grade (in written test) is the main target, for the success measurement of English

learning is determined by how good the result of national exam grade in written test is. The learning and teaching process in the classroom today is just how to do the test in written. The fact that many students in the State Senior High School of Karangpandan got difficulties in speaking English. Even some of them got a very low speaking competence. It was unfortunate that many students still got

very low speaking competence. Therefore, it is the teachers duty to teach speaking in a such way, so that the students can participate the lesson eagerly. In this research, the writer, classified the difficulties into qualitative and quantitative. Based on quantitative data, the writer found based on speaking assesment as a pre-test, who got mark more than 81 were only 3 students. Those who got between 71 and 80 were 5 students, and the other students got less than 7.0 from totally 22 students in that class. Shortly, they did not have fluency expressions as well. Their fluency can be described that they spoke very slowly, and they often stopped for few minutes before speaking. They did not have fluency expressions as well. In short, the students who fulfill the minimum passing grade (KKM: Kriteria Ketuntasan Belajar Minimal) of speaking are only 36.4% .The result, of course, cant be said as satisfying result. Pertaining to the students problems, there are many factors; First, in teaching speaking, the teacher tended to teach text Second, he asked the students to look at the structured dialogues which had been stated in the text book to read together after him. Third, he asked some of them to practice the dialogues in front of the class in pairs. The last, he asked them to answer the comprehensive questions dealing with the written topics. The weaknesses of what the teacher did above were as follows;

Firstly, the students didnt have enough rehearsal time to practice or to express their English so that they could not interact with one another in English simultaneously. Secondly, the teacher oriented his teaching at the written test held in the mid or end semester, even in the final exam. Thirdly, there was no specific time allocated to evaluate the students speaking skills at the end of semester or final exam. Fourthly, the teacher still teaches the students with routine activities without realizing that it would make the students bored and lost their attention to the teaching and learning process. This is stated by Douglas, Routine activities in learning can make the students bored. As the result, their motivation and participation in learning will decrease (1987:p. 48). In teaching English, the teacher has to be able to make the students participate in discussing the materials actively, so that they will be able to understand what they are learning in the class and also express their own ideas orally. The most important thing to carry out the English teaching is that the teacher has to able to use the appropriate approach, design, and procedures. One of the ways in improving students speaking skill is by giving Role Play as a form of English learning activity in the classroom, Elizabeth F.Barkley (2004: p. 150) says that Role Play is a created situation in which students deliberatley act out or assume characters or identities they would not normally asume in order to accomplish learning goal.

Role play is very important in communication language teaching because it gives students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social context and in different social roles. Therefore, communicative language teaching (CLT) approach is very appropriate to support the above problem because this approach is learner-centered and emphasizes communication in real life situation (Fauziati, 2009:p.143) To solve the problem in teaching speaking , the writer would like to conduct a research about Improving Student Speaking Skill by Role Play (An Action Research, in Eleventh Grade of Immersion Program 1 of The State Senior High School of Karangpandan Academic Year 2009/2010) B. Problem Formulation The problem statement of the research are as follows: 1. Does the use of Role-Play improve the speaking competence of the students speaking skill in Senior High School of Karangpandan eleventh grade of Immersion Program 1? 2. How effective does Role Play improve the speaking competence at eleventh grade students of Immersion Program 1 of Senior High School of Karangpandan? 3. What are the strengths and weaknesses during the application of Role-Play strategy at eleventh grade of Immersion Program 1 State Senior High School of Karangpandan? C. The Objectives of the Research Based on the background of the research, there are three objectives which the writer wants to get, they are:

1. General Objective. To find out whether the use of Role-Play in teaching English improves the students English speaking competence at the eleventh grade students of Immersion Program in the State Senior High School of Karangpandan. 2. Specific Objectives. a. To find out whether Role-Play improves the speaking competence of the students speaking skill in Senior High School of Karangpandan eleventh grade of Immersion Program 1. b. To find out the effectiveness of Role-Play in teaching speaking English at the eleventh grade of the Immersion Program 1 of Senior High School of Karangpandan. c. To find out the strengths and weaknesses during the application of Role-Play strategy in Senior High School of Karangpandan eleventh grade of Immersion Program 1. D. The Benefits of the Research The research result is expected to be able to give some benefits for;
1. The teacher. He can get a description about how to use the teaching technique to senior high school students effectively in line with their characteristics 2. The students They can provide a more comforting and interesting situation in the classroom so that they are more interested in joining the class. 3. The readers The research can be used as additional reference for those who want to conduct a research an English teaching process, especially in improving students English speaking ability.


This chapter consists of some theories that support the reserach. A. Theoritical Description 1. Speaking Competence a. The meaning of speaking competence Speaking competence plays a necessary role in learning and understanding any language. The term of speaking has several meanings. Widdowson (1978) says that speaking has two meanings. First, it refers to the manner in which language is manifested. Second, it refers to the manner in which language is realized as communication (p. 58). The meaning of competence according to Chomsky in Brumfit and Johnson (1998: p. 13) is the speaker hearers knowledge of his language. It is seen as overall underlying linguistic knowledge and ability thus includes concepts of appropriateness and acceptability. While in Curriculum 2004 competence is defined as knowledge, skill, behaviour, and values which accustom to be applied in the habitual thought and action. Then according to Oxford Advance Dictionary by Hornby, competence is (of person) having ability, power, authority, skill, knowledge, etc. ( to do what is needed).

The target or the goal of language teaching is that the students become communivatively competence in target language as capability of using language well. Richard and Roger (1986: p. 66) state that Communivative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach that aims to create communicative competence and develop procedure for the teaching of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communicative activities. To develop communicative competence, the teacher is suggested to use CTL (Chomsky, 1965: p. 3). While Douglas (19997; p. 247) says that CLT is used to create communicative competence as the object to use and to develop some procedures for teaching four basic skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) function as the foundation to master English. The students are engaged to use the language they learnt through communicative activities One of the four language skills being existed in an English language teaching is speaking. Therefore, speaking component has the same importance as the other language skills such as listening, reading and writing. 2. Role Play a. The Meaning of Role-Play According to Ladousse in Allan Makey (1987: p. 7) role-play is one of a whole gamut of communication techniques which develops

fluency in language, which promotes interaction in the classroom, and which increases motivation. Not only in peer learning encouraged by it, but also the sharing between teacher and students responsbility for the learning process. Role play is a speaking activity where learners participate either as themselves or as somebody else in a specific situation. In this way they can act in various interaction patterns. According to Ladousse (1989) the situation can correspond to: 1) a real need in the learners lives (at the doctor, at the station), the learners may or may not have the direct experience; 2) the events that few learners will ever experience but which are easy to play such as being a journalist; 3) fantasy roles which are imaginary, absurd and have nothing to do with reality. Role play is one of communicative techniques which develops fluency in language students, which promotes interaction in the classoom, and which increases motivation. Haycraft mentioned the three elements in role playing: what the characters want, who they are, and their moods or attitudes at the time. These elements are ten affected by how the situation develops (Haycraft, 1978: 88). Role play includes all sorts of activities where learners imagine themselves in a situation outside the classroom, sometimes


playing the role of someone other than themselves, and using language appropriate to this new context. (Ur, 2000: 131). Role Play is an example of learning by doing The word role indicates that the students must actively apply knowledge, skill, and understanding to successfully speak and act from different, assigned perspective. The term play indicates that the students use their imaginations and have fun, acting out their parts in nonthreatening environment. Thus Role Play engages students in a participatory activity that requires them to apply course concepts as they assume factional identities or envision themselves in unfamiliar situation (Barkley, 2005: 150). b. The Ways to Do Role-Play Ladousse in Allan Makey (1996: p. 9) says that there are two kind of ways of looking at language work in role play. Either students manage with the language they know, or they practice structures and functions that have been presented to them at an earlier stage of the lesson or the course, in a free and uncontroled way. In the first situation, when the students just cope as best they can, the teachers aim is to bring them to the point of awareness which the necessity of acquiring certain structures evidence, as these structures are immediate relevant. Students can see how they could have put them to good use. They will retain them all the more easily because they are rooted in a meaningful context.


In the second situation, role play is the active phase of learning and offers an opportunity for students to make personal use of language that has been presented them formally. Role play can be used in this way right from the start in elementary classes. As for the kind of language work to be done, role play lends itself to almost every type: structures, lexis, functions, intonation pattern and so on. Based on the opinion above, the writer then takes the second situatiuon in which the students have to do the dialogue using role play because the research is done in the grade XI-Immersion of Natural Science Program of SMA Karangpandan. Ultimately, he wants the students to be both fluent and accurate in the way they speak.


The Reasons for Choosing Role-Play Role-play is chosen as one of the tasks in the teaching learning for the following reasons; The main reasons stated by Ladousse (1997: p. 6-7) namely: first, a very wide variety of experience can be brought into the classroom through role-play. Then role-play puts students in situations in which they are required to use and develop those phatic forms of language which are so necessary in oiling the works of social relationship, but which are so often neglected by our language teaching syllabuses.


Next some people are learning English to prepare specific roles in their lives: environment of a classroom. For these students, role-play is a very useful dress rehearsal for real life. It enables them not just to acquire set phrases, but also to learn how inter action take place in a variety of situation. Lastly, perhaps the most important reason for using role play is that it is fun. Once students understand what is expected of them, they thoroughly enjoy letting their imaginative trip. Jeremy Harmer (Http://www.Teaching English.org.uk.think/speak/role-play. Shtml) advocates the use of role play for following reasons: 1. It is fun and motivating. 2. Quiter students get the chance to express themselves in a more forthright way. 3. The world of the classroom is broadened to include the outside world- thus offering a much wider range of language opportunities. 4. Real situations can be created and students can get benefit from the practice , mistakes can be made with no drastic consequence. B. Rationale In general, the students will be sucessful in their learning if they are involved to participate into the teaching learning process in classroom actively. As suggested by Lewis (2005: p. 28) that how classroom learning can be more effectively managed to produce the desired outcomes of language learning, that is, for learners ought to use the new language for a variety of


communicative purpose and contexts, so that, the objective of teaching learning process can be reached optimally and successfully. Based on the theories underlying the research and the problem which is being faced by the students, that role play teaching technique has many contributions to encourage the students interest and motivation in learning English especially speaking.

C. Action Hypothesis The hypothesis of the research are as follows: 1. The use of role-play improve the students speaking competence in learning English in Senior high school because it enables the students to enhance the speaking competence easily. 2. The use of role-play can motivate the students to practice speaking by using English and also they are able to create comforting atmosphere in speaking class .
3. Since role-play has a lot of advantages and contributions to English teaching

learning process, there is significant advance in the students achievement.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Setting Description This research is carried out at the State Senior High School of Karangpandan, Karanganyar, Central Java. It is located on Jalan Blora,


Karangpandan. It is exactly in the east of Karanganyar Regency city. The phone number is (0271) 662880. B. Subject of the Research This study is emphasized on the eleventh grade students of Immersion Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan Academic Year of 2009/2010.

C. Data and Data Source The data of this research can be divided into two: primary and secondary data. The primary data are the answers to the interview, document, and field notes. The secondary data taken from the teachers and the surroundings where the writer may get additional information. The source of data is the information about teaching and learning process including: a. Events, that is vocabulary learning at the second year students of class grade XI-Immersion of Natural Science Program of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan Academic Year 2009/2010. b. Respondents related with the study as : The teacher as the subject of teaching learning process. The students as the object of teaching learning process.

c. Documents : the students data, evaluation result and any related documents. D. Technique of Data Collection


This research uses three kinds of methods to collect the data. They are interview, observation, and documentation.


Observation The writer conducted a direct observation for a month which was done when the students did the activities in learning English in the classroom and then made such field note. Wenden (1992:80) states that some limited information on students learning processes may be gained by observation.



The last method is documentation. The writer collected the notes of the lesson written by the students. The documentation of their notes will help the writer got additional data because it is possible to know the strategies that may be unconsciously used. In this research, the writer documented the exercises done by the students, the questionnaire result, the interview and the students checking list to follow the students improvement of being competence. E. Data Validity The data collected by the researcher must be validated. The data validity is checked by triangulation technique. Triangulation is the technique of checking the validity of data by using thingsoutside the data as comparing things to the data (Moleong, 2007:331). In this case, after


the teacher held vocabulary assessment (pre-test) toward the students, he compared the pre-test results with the results of their daily exercises (Ulangan Harian), mid-test and semester test.

F. Technique of Data Analysis The technique of data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis. Using this technique, the writer collects, arranges and presents the data. The qualitative method is a kind of research without using any calculation or statistic procedures. Miles and Huberman model the data analysis (Sugiyono, 2007:338) Data Collection Data Presentation

Data Reduction

Verification / Conclusion

Table 3.1. Model of Data Analysis

The scheme above is the techniques in analyzing data by : a. Data Collection Collecting data from observation, interviewed and

documents to be presented in field notes including 1) field notes identify: observation, interview or document analysis, 2)


description : the result of observation or interview from the data gained in the field, 3) reflection : analysis and concluding the data. b. Data Reduction During the field notes processes, the data gained grow much and complex. The data need to be reduced. Data reduction means to summarize, to choose the points, to focus on the important matters, in order to find the theme and the pattern. c. Presentation The data are organized and managed for they are able to be understood. Data presentation enables the writer to understand the problem and the whole situation and to plan the next steps.

d. Conclusion / Verification The conclusion needs to be verified for its credibility. Verification is some activities to check the writers carefulness and to the accurate data.

G. Indicator Research indicator is expectedly recognized after doing each cycle, which shows positive result. Consequently, it will improve the final result (KKM). After Classroom Action Research is applied, it is expected that: 1. 80% students are active in teaching learning at English subject. 2. 80% students improve their vocabulary.


3. 80% students fulfill KKM. The indicator of successful teaching learning process can be drawn in the table below.

Table 3.2. Succesful Teaching Learning Indicators No 1 2 3 4 Category Very Good Good Average Low Notes Class Mean Score 90 100 Class Mean Score 75 89 Class Mean Score 60 74 Class Mean Score 59

H. The Procedure of Action Research Technique As explained in the previous chapter, action research was employed in this research. followings were the procedures or steps employed in this research. 1. Planning Planning includes: a. Problem Identification This step achieved by using three techniques. They are: 1) Conducting an informal interview with the students of grade XI-Immersion Natural Science Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan Academic Year 2009/2010, to know how speaking was taught and the problems encountered


and their expectations of the teaching and learning process of speaking in the future. 2) Observing the students behavior in the teaching-learning process. 3) Conducting a pre-test to know the students speaking competence. b. Preparation This step deal with the plan of action for overcoming the students problems in speaking. Based on the result of the informal interview, the writer decides to apply role play in English class. Before implementing the plan, the writer arranged the necessary preparations, such as: 1) Finding the available time for the implementation 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Asking official permission Preparing the learning materials using role playing. Preparing sheets for classroom observation Preparing a test Preparing the questionnaire and interview question

2. Implementation In the implementation, the students were introduced to role playing in the English class for four meetings through 3 cycles of actions.


3. Observation Observation was carried out by asking the students to do exercises in each meeting, to do pre-test and post-test, and to answer questions either in a questionnaire or an interview to get the feedback in the form of ideas or opinions about applying role play in speaking class and its learning materials.

4. Reflection After carrying out the teaching learning using role play, the writer recites the occurrences in the classroom as the effect of the action. He evaluates the process and the result of the implementation of role play in teaching speaking. The teacher makes reflection to decide the next intervention step based on the best, evaluation and observation.


A. Introduction


As it has been stated before in chapter 1, the students problem was they were not active during the speaking class. Most of them were not actively involved in oral communication it was due to the fact that the lack chance to use English during the teaching learning process. To solve the problem the writer offered a technique to promote the students speaking skill. The technique is role play. Role play was held regularly during speaking class as technique to practice speaking skill. . The following is the description of initial reflection dealing with above problem and fact finding analysis as the continuity of the initial problem. 1. Initial Reflection The students of XI Immersion 1 of Natural Science Program in SMA Negeri Karangpandan faced serious problem dealing with their oral English. 2. Fact Finding Analysis After the writer realized that the students of SMA Negeri Karangpandan grade XI- Immersion l of Natural Sceince Program got difficulties dealing with their English speaking competence, he wanted to prove whether what had been stated before was true or not. The implementation. B. Cycle 1 1. General Planning following is the description of the research


The writer prepared two action steps in general planning. The first was socialization. The second step was socialization of how role play carried out in the class. 2. Action Based on general planning above, the writer carried out two actions related to the role playing in the class. The first action was socialization of the technique and the second was the implementing of role play. a. Socialization In this activity the writer informed the students about the objectives of how of Role-Play applied in teaching in the classroom.

b. Role Playing After socializing the objective of teaching learning English in class and the technique of role play, the writer started to apply role play in the class. There were four meetings in implementing role play.

C. Cycle 2 In this part, the teacher did some activities as what he had done in Cycle 1 among others, planning the action, implementing the action which


included four meetings and each meeting consisted of opening the class, main activities, and closing the class. The followings are the detail information about the above parts; 1. Revised Planning Based on the result of reflection of cycle 1 and the result of discussion with the collaborator.

2. Action a. Introducing new language and new strategy In this scenario the writer introduced the students a new knowledge. b. Modeling The second step to solve the students problem in role playing was modeling. The teacher was as a model. c. Role Playing 1) The Students Speaking Practice After introducing the students with the new language and providing the model, it was the time for the students to do role playing.

a. First Meeting The first meeting of the second cycle was carried out on 5 April 2010. The topic was Expressing Embarrassment. 1) Opening the Class


2) Main Activities 3) Closing the Class

b. Second Meeting The second meeting was conducted on Thursday, 8 April 2010. The topic of this meeting was Interesting Person. 1) Opening the Class 2) Main Activities 3) Closing the Class c. Third Meeting In this activity, the students only repeated the previous activity to practice again using role play. 1) Opening the Class 2) Main Activities 3) Closing the Class d. Fourth Meeting The fourth meeting was the last meeting of Cycle 2 and it was conducted on the 15 April 2010.

1) Opening the Class 2) Main Activities 3) Closing the Class .


3. Observing and Monitoring the Action By observing and monitoring the teaching and learning process in the second cycle, the writer knows how far the effectiveness of teaching related to the approach and technique the teacher is being used.

4. Reflection and Evaluation Reflecting the result of implementation in the second cycle will answer the question as; What have been succeeded already?; What have not been succeeded yet?; Why have they been happened?; and then How should it be? a. The Improvements Implementing the action in the second cycle has succeeded in enhancing the students speaking competence of what they had learned before which was held in the fourth meeting. D. Cycle 3 In this part, the teacher prepared some steps to do the activities. Those were planning the action, implementing the action consisted of four meetings in which each meeting included opening the class, main activities, and closure.



A. Conclusion After conducting the research of teaching speaking at senior high school students through the use of Role -Play strategy, the result shows that it can improve the students speaking competence at the students of eleventh grade of Immersion Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan Based on the result of research above, the writer concludes these following important points: 1. The use of role play as teaching technique improved the students speaking competence at the eleventh grade students of Immersion Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan in Academic Year 2009 / 2010. 2. The improvement in their speaking competence is quite significant. It was reflected from the students attitude inside the class during the English teaching learning process. 3. The strengths of the application of Role-at the eleventh grade students of Immersion Program 1 of the State Senior High School of Karangpandan are that; a) the students become more active, excited, and responsive to the presented materials, 2) the atmosphere of English class became relax, fun, and enjoyable, and c) the students English score fulfilled the KKM. 4. Based on the result of reflection, evaluation and observation, the teacher then made some descriptions of the weaknesses of the research are as follows:


Table 8 : The Students Problem and its Solution. Students Problem A little passive Solution Give a high motivation, create the class to be enjoyable atmosphere. Mispronouncing the words Lead the students to pronounce the difficulty words many time in presentation phase and giving some more exercises in production phase. Difficulty in grasping the meaning Lead the students to translate the difficult words into Indonesian repeatly in presentation phase and giving some more exercises in production phase. Misuse the structure of the words or Explain the right structure and give sentences more explanation and exercise. Speaking in low voice. Support them to express louder, remind them not to be afraid to make mistakes. Feel shy or inferior to practice. Support them to behave commonly.

5. The class should be an environment that promotes speaking. Thus, the teacher provides opportunities for the students to work together or individually in doing their tasks or answering question. B. Recommendation Having concluded the result of students activities in every cycle, the writer would like to propose some suggestion for English teacher, students, and other researcher. The suggestions are as follows: 1. For English Teachers The teacher should learn the characteristics of the students, including the psychological condition before conducting the teaching learning process.


2. For the students The students can study English not only in the classroom but also everywhere, such as watching English Cartoon film, playing computer, and etcetera at home as long as they have motivation to do it. 3. For the Other Researchers The writer is aware that this research is not the end of the problems being studied. The result of the study doesnt prove yet that the output of this research is absolutely good for all time.



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