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Fredie Rick U. Luce: Career Objective

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Nickname: Fred Address: Sitio Milagrosa,Palayan, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro Mobile number: 093089 00 ! "#mail Address: luce$%redierick&ya'oo(com

Career Objective
)o *ractice and s'are my kno+ledge, skills and caring attitude as a *ro%essional nurse by rendering care +it' ,uality to di%%erent ty*es o% clientele( And to contribute my %ullest *otential in t'e im*ro-ement o% t'e institution by means o% com*lying +it' t'e goals, and ob.ecti-es(

/ecember 0010 2oard *asser 3Nursing 4icensure "5am6 )ertiary "ducation 2ac'elor o% Science in Nursing 4yceum o% t'e P'ili**ines 7ni-ersity 8 2atangas 9a*itol Site, 2atangas 9ity S: 0009#0010 Secondary "ducation ;mmaculate <eart O% Mary Academy 3;<MA6 Madrid 2l-d(, Pinamalayan,Oriental Mindoro S:000=# 000! "lementary "ducation Nabuslot 9entral Sc'ool 3N9S6 Nabuslot, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro S: 0001#0000

Personal Data
>ender: Age: 2irt' date: 2irt'*lace: 9i-il Status: 9iti@ens'i*: Aeligion: <eig't: Ceig't: /ialect: Male 0? Se*tember 1?, 1989 Sitio Milagrosa Palayan, Pinamalayaan, Oriental Mindoro Single Fili*ino Aoman 9at'olic =B8BB !0 kg "nglis' and Fili*ino

Hospital Experience
Ne+ Oriental Mindoro Pro-incial <os*ital Sta( ;sabel,9ala*an 9ity,Oriental, Mindoro Dolunteer Nurse 3Eune 1=#Se*tember 13, 00116 Pinamalayan /octorBs <os*ital Francisco St(,Mar%rancisco,Pinamalayan,Oriental ,Mindoro Sta%% Nurse 3October 0010 u* to *resent6

rainin! Experience "#reas o$ #$$iliation

2atangas <ealt' 9are <os*ital 3Eesus o% Na@aret'6 2atangas Pro-incial <os*ital 32P<6 2atangas Aegional <os*ital 32A<6 2auan /octors >eneral <os*ital 32/><6 2auan >eneral <os*ital 32><6 9a-ite 9enter %or Mental <ealt' 399M<6 4i*a 9ity /istrict <os*ital 349/<6 4yceum 9ommunity <ealt' 9are 9enter 3For Ae*roducti-e <ealt' Ser-ices6 Metro 4emery Medical 9enter 3M4M96 P'ili**ine Ort'o*edic 9enter 3PO96 P'ili**ine National Aed 9ross 32atangas 9'a*ter6 Aesearc' ;nstitute %or )ro*ical Medicine 3A;)M6 San 4a@aro <os*ital 3S4<6 )aal Polymedic <os*ital

%e&inars #ttended
"n'ancing NurseBs 9om*etencies t'roug' As*iration and ;ns*iration /ecember 18, 0009 4P7 Freedom <all S<4 2ldg( 9a*itol Site 2atangas 9ity Fundamentals O% Nursing:Aelating Old 9once*ts )o Ne+ ;deas ;n <os*ital Practice August 0, 0009 SMF 9on-ention 9enter Pasay 9ity Nursing Pro%ession: "5*loring >lobal 9om*etence in t'e Field o% <ealt' 9are and "ntre*reneurs'i* February 1=, 0010 4P7 Freedom <all S<4 2ldg( )'e Making O% >lobal Fili*ino:2reaking 2arriers )'roug' Academe#;ndustry 4inkage February 0?,0010 4P7 Freedom <all S<4 2ldg( 9a*itol Site 2atangas 9ity 2asic ;(D( )'era*y )raining 9ourse A*ril 1=#1 , 0011 2atangas Aegional <os*ital Old 9on%errence Aoom 9a*itol Site 2atangas 9ity 2asic 4i%e Su**ort )raining#<ealt'care Pro-ider Euly =#!, 0011 Ne+ Oriental Mindoro Pro-incial <os*ital Sta( ;sabel, 9ala*an 9ity /iabetes Corks'o* 2asic and 7*dates 0010 Euly 10,0010 Fili*iniana <otel 9ala*an 9ity Oriental Mindoro P'ysical Assessment and Ad-ance /ocumentation October 10,0010 Ne+ Oriental Mindoro Pro-incial <os*ital Sta( ;sabel, 9ala*an 9ity

C'aracter Re$erences Annie S( /imaano AN, MAN

Ne+ Oriental Mindoro Pro-incial <os*ital Nurse Su*er-isor Pay+ard and ;97 9ecilia 9( Pring,AN,MAN, P'/ 4yceum o% t'e P'ili**ines 7ni-ersity#2atangas 9ity /ean 9ollege o% Nursing 099930=00 9

30?36 030 0!

; declare t'at t'e abo-e in%ormation 'as been accom*lis'ed by me, and is a true and com*lete statement( ; also aut'ori@e t'e agency 'ead G aut'ori@ed re*resentati-e to -alidate t'e contents stated 'erein( ; trust t'at t'is in%ormation s'all remain con%idential( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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