Web site
Actuates web site provides updates to information about Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6. The URL is: The web site contains important information about Actuate products: Frequently asked questions Access to the discussion forum Updates to the Sample Application documentation
Information about items addressed in previous releases is also posted on this site. Contact Customer Support to get a user name and password for any web site areas that are protected. To view updates to the Release Notes, go to: The document Actuate Supported Products and Obsolescence Policy Release 6 contains information about supported operating systems, browsers, and web servers. To view this document, go to: To view updates to Web Reporting with Actuate, go to:
Installation documents are supplied both in hard copy form in the product box and in Adobe Acrobat PDF format in the Manuals directory on the product CD.
Microsoft Internet Explorer must be closed before installing the Actuate LRX You need to close Microsoft Internet Explorer before installing the Actuate LRX for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
ReportCast running with the Apache web server You cannot view third-party files that use the web server file system if you run ReportCast with the Apache web server.
Windows NT e.Reporting Server installation problem when system does not have mail installed After installing the e.Reporting Server on Windows NT, the installation program attempts to register the e.Reporting Server to use email for report notifications. If the system does not have email installed and you choose Browse in the Actuate e.Reporting Server Email Registration dialog, the report server email registration routine hangs. If the e.Reporting Server email registration routine hangs, bring up the Windows NT Task Manager, choose the Applications tab, and end the task Actuate e.Reporting Server Email Registration. The e.Reporting Server email notification feature for Windows NT requires the Windows email service. Without email, the report server functions but does not have the capability to send email notifications when report requests are completed.
Installing Actuate products If Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 is installed and you want to re-install it or to install earlier versions of Actuate products, you need to uninstall Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 first.
Oracle 8i libraries for AIX 4.3.3 or higher On AIX, Oracle 8i (8.1.x) supports JRE 1.1.x. Actuate now provides two versions of Oracle 8i libraries: libacorcl81_share.a and libacorcl81_jre12_share.a. If you are using Oracle 8i, specify that you will be using JRE 1.2 when prompted during installation.
Users need only the read privilege to see a channel in the Management Console A user only needs the read privilege on a channel to see it in the Management Console, the user does not need to be subscribed to the channel. A user needs to be subscribed to a channel to see it in Active Portal.
Incorrect image in Administering Actuate e.Reporting System In Chapter 4 "Performing System Administration Tasks, in the section titled "Displaying and adding system license information" in Administering Actuate e.Reporting System, the image is incorrect. The page also displays the license key near the bottom of the page.
Replacing information using AcImport If you do not want the job and object information imported to the original Encyclopedia volume (not a blank Encyclopedia volume) using ACIMPORT, you must specify the -replace option.
Initiating an auto archive sweep A user with the Operator role can initiate an auto archive sweep either through Management Console or through the RSAPI
Defining font information in a master font file If your report design sets fonts dynamically at run time, you can specify the font information in a master font file instead of embedding the fonts in the report executable. The advantage of using a master font file is that you can specify all the fonts used in all your report designs in one place. A disadvantage is that the master file might be very large, and might take longer to process. For example, CJK fonts and Arial Unicode MS expand into large memory images. You should include in the master font file only fonts that your reports use. Actuate supplies a sample master font file, master_fonts.rod, that you can edit to specify your fonts. For more information about defining font information and using a master font file, see Designing e.Reports or Developing Advanced e.Reports.
When running Actuate on UNIX systems, $AC_SERVER_HOME/lib must be in the user's library path environment variable On SunOS the environment variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH. On AIX the environment variable is LIBPATH. On HP-UX the environment variable is SHLIB_PATH.
Specifying date ranges in search expressions using Information Delivery API When specifying date ranges in search expressions using Information Delivery API, you must enclose the date range in double quotes ().
AcToc utility outputs the name of report items to the standard output in UTF-8 encoding To display these items correctly, your system must support UTF-8 encoding. You can also redirect the standard output to a file and view the file with the editor that supports UTF-8 encoding.
Actuate Server Integration Technology contains an implementation of e.Reporting Server performance monitoring extension using the Actuate API The source code is in the Server Integration Technology directory Performance Monitoring Extension. The compiled software ships with the e.Reporting Server.
Mounting CDs Instructions for mounting CDs on UNIX systems vary. For example, to mount the ReportCast CD on an HP-UX 11 system: As root, start the pfd_mountd and pfsd daemons: pfs_mountd & pfsd & Mount the CD: pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c?t?d? <cdrom path>
Thousands separator must not be used in parameter values You cannot use the thousand separator when specifying the numeric parameter values in the Parameter Editor and Requester for all applicable products. The format of numeric expression must follow the format specified by that locale. For example, in case of Albanian, which uses a period (.) as a thousand separator and a comma (,) for a decimal symbol, the numeric expression specified as a parameter value must be 123456,78, not 123.456,78.
Report servers in a cluster on UNIX systems On UNIX systems, all report servers in the cluster must be run from the same user account.
Launching Excel reports in a separate browser window causes links in the report to fail To avoid this problem, change the setting for the XLS file type to browse in the same window. To do this In Windows NT and Windows 2000: 1. Open Windows Explorer. 2. Choose Tools->Folder Options. 3. Choose File Types. 4. In the list of file types, select XLS. 5. Choose Advanced. 6. Select Browse in same window. 7. Choose OK. 8. Restart your browser. This procedure causes the report to launch within the browser so that the hyperlinks are created correctly.
Known issues and limitations for usage logging Due to performance reasons, the following information cannot be passed to the reference implementation of usage logging. These issues will be addressed in the future releases: Report parameters for synchronous report execution will be empty. Report size for print and view transactions will be passed as zero. The version number of the generated synchronous persistent report will be empty. However, if the user creates a named version, the named version will be logged instead. When a page range is specified while downloading the report in PDF or Excel, the number of pages downloaded will be zero. The number of pages printed will not be passed to the reference implementation.
Notes for usage and error logging For usage logging, MS Excel interprets the page range for viewing transactions in a date format. For example, a page range of 1-5 can be interpreted by Excel as 5 Jan. Make sure the columns format is set to text. For usage logging, the print time can be obtained as a delta of finishTime and startTime. This is derived information and the reference implementation does not log it. For both usage and error logging, the server name and cluster name is not logged by the reference implementation but is available within the reference implementation. For both usage and error logging, the reference implementation limits the log size to 100K.
Configuring HP-UX 11 systems to support files larger than 2 GB You need to manually configure HP-UX 11 systems to support files larger than 2 GB. If you do not configure the system, large files are generated but are not stored.
Dynamic text controls and text with right to left orientation In a report that displays text with right to left orientation in a dynamic text control, text in each line of the dynamic text control will be displayed correctly only if there are no format changes or tabs within that line. For example, if one word appears in bold in the middle of a line, the other words in that line might not appear in the correct order in some environments.
Properties not available for dynamic text controls The following properties do not apply to dynamic text controls: TextPlacement.Clip<>ClipTrailing TextPlacement.FillPattern<> TextPlacement.Ellipsis = True TextPlacement.WordWrap = TextTruncateLines
TIFF format is supported on Windows only Actuate does not support the TIFF format on UNIX.
Printing reports with charts on HP-UX platforms Printing reports with charts requires Classic JVM 1.3.0 on HP-UX platform.
e.Report Designer Professional might crash if CLASSPATH is not set correctly To avoid this problem, make sure that CLASSPATH is set correctly when accessing Java objects and applications.
Changing the location of Java classes in the CLASSPATH variable When you modify the CLASSPATH variable on Windows NT, the changes are reflected only after you restart Windows NT. If you change the location of the Java classes in the CLASSPATH variable, the Report Server reflects your changes only after Windows NT is restarted.
Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.3 for Solaris is not supported Sun's Java Runtime Environment 1.3 for Solaris has known defects when used by multithreaded applications. You must use Solaris - Sun Java 2 Runtime Environment Version 1.2.2 production release.
Half-width Katakana and Hebrew characters in a database column names do not appear in the Design Editor When a database column name contains Half-width Katakana or Hebrew characters, those characters do not appear in the component name, which is associated with the column, in the Structure pane of the Design Editor. This limitation does not effect report generation.
Support for table/column names in native languages Actuate supports table/column name in native languages only if the database supports table/column name in native languages.
Reports are not displayed in LRX on some versions of MS Internet Explorer 5.0 using ReportCast on Apache (HP-11) This problem occurs when using the 5.00.2314.1003 or 5.00.2919.6307 versions of Internet Explorer 5.0 on Windows NT and the nph-actuate.cgi or ph-actuate.cgi scripts. To resolve this problem, use MS Internet Explorer version 5.5. Converting date expressions with a day of week specified To convert date expressions containing a day of week and/or a word, use the ParseDate() function with the format character 'w'. You can also use the optional field indicator format character '?'. The following examples show the ParseDate() return values with a day of week specified: Format character w?mdy w?mdy wmdy wmdy wmdy mdy Date Expression Friday, September 28, 2001 September 28, 2001 Friday, September 28, 2001 September 28, 2001 on September 28, 2001 September 28, 2001 Return value 2001-9-28 2001-9-28 2001-9-28 NULL 2001-9-28 2001-9-28
The locale settings control default date parsing. The locale settings generally do not include the w or w? field. Therefore, if a date expression contains a day of week and the locale setting is not specified properly for the day of week, Actuate date/time functions such as DateAdd(), DateDiff(), DatePart(), DateValue(), and IsDate() return a null date. Search might fail when searching multiple controls On UNIX, if you are using nph-actuate.cgi or ph-actuate.cgi scripts as ReportCast agents and iPlanet or Apache Web servers, DHTML search might fail with various error messages when the number of selected controls exceeds a certain limit. This depends on the total length of the names of controls you are searching and hence will be different for each report. As a workaround, make the control names shorter or search fewer controls. ReportCast supports only one language (code page) ReportCast supports only one language (code page) in a Report Encyclopedia. Report Cast must be configured for that language.
ReportCast 5 Patch1 is not backward compatible with ReportCast 5 Search templates When using ReportCast Server 5.0 templates and JavaScript files with later versions of ReportCast and eReporting Server, you must change the following line in the file converter.js: function mouseOver( id, alias, balloonHelp, className, link, linkType, linkTarget ) to: function mouseOver( id, alias, balloonHelp, classId, className, link, linkType, linkTarget )
Error when compiling data row variables with non-ASCII characters A compiler error occurs when a data row variable contains non-ASCII characters. To resolve this problem, use the AcDataRow::SetValue() and AcDataRow::GetValue() methods instead. For example, the following statements produce the error: localeVar = row.classVarName row.classVarName = "any value"
The following statements do not produce the error: localeVar = row.GetValue("classVarName") row.SetValue("classVarName", "any value") Memory requirements for optimal performance For optimal performance, the size of physical memory on your machine should be at least the same as the size of all .roi files users are concurrently searching.
Executing Java e.Reports The .jod file type became a native type in Actuate 5 Service Pack 1, therefore you can no longer edit the driver property. As a result, you cannot use any custom drivers that you developed to execute Java e.Reports.
Viewing a report in PDF format in the MS Internet Explorer web browser while using Acrobat reader might result in a blank page Depending upon your system environment, refreshing the browser page might resolve this problem. If the problem persists, take one of the following alternative actions: Upgrade your Internet Explorer browser View PDF reports in a separate browser window Save the PDF report to disk and view it in a separate browser window To view PDF reports in a separate web browser window: 1. Go to File->Preferences->General. 2. Uncheck Web Browser Integration.
Viewing long ReportCast pages using MS Internet Explorer 5 A long Report Encyclopedia page viewed in MS Internet Explorer 5 through ReportCast running on a Netscape Enterprise web server might be truncated. To fix this problem: 1. Disable HTTP 1.1 in Internet Explorer. 2. From the Internet Explorer View menu, select Internet options to display the Internet Options dialog. 3. Choose the Advanced tab and disable Use HTTP 1.1. Use HTTP 1.1 is part of the HTTP 1.1 Settings group.
Cannot view a PDF file within the MS Internet Explorer browser using a plug in Actuate does not support viewing PDF files within the MS Internet Explorer browser. Actuate supports viewing PDF files from within the Netscape browser. For the Netscape browser, you can configure the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 to display PDF files in a separate window in a manner similar to Internet Explorer. From Adobe Acrobat Reader, use File->Preferences->General and disable Web Browsing Integration to disable viewing PDF files from within the Netscape browser.
Cannot view non-ASCII characters in MS Internet Explorer 5 with UTF-8 option turned on By default, the MS Internet Explorer 5 browser uses UTF-8 encoding to send URLs. If you use MS Internet Explorer 5 and you cannot access reports that contain non-ASCII characters in the name of the report or in the name of the report folders, do the following: 1. In the browser, choose Tools-->Internet Options. 2. In Internet Options, choose Advanced. 3. In Advanced, in Browsing, deselect Always send URLs as UTF-8.
Problems with ODBC data sources and file types after uninstalling Actuate products Both the Actuate e.Report Designer and Actuate e.Report Designer Professional create file types and set up ODBC data sources as part of the installation process. The examples shipped with Actuate products use the data sources. The e.Report Designer and e.Report Designer Professional uninstall processes remove the file types and data sources. As a result, you will not be able to double-click on Actuate files in the Explorer and have them open in the Actuate application. In addition, you will not be able to generate the example reports. You can resolve these problems either by reinstalling the remaining products so that the file types and data sources are correctly recreated, or by manually configuring the file types and data sources. See your Windows documentation for information about setting file types manually. To set up the ODBC data sources, do one of the following: Run the Actuate e.Report Designer or e.Report Designer Professional setup program and specify install only the ODBC drivers during the installation process. Set up the ODBC data sources manually. See the e.Report Designer manual Designing e.Reports or the e.Report Designer Professional manual Developing Advanced e.Reports for information about setting up ODBC data sources.
Using example report Detail.rox with Discount.xls requires a default installation The Actuate example report Detail.rox uses a customized function that accesses the file Discount.xls. This function assumes a specific directory structure. The function looks for the Discount.xls file in the default install directory. If the .xls file is not found in the default install directory, the example informs the user that the file could not be found. As a workaround, modify the path string in the function OnEvaluateDiscount to look for the .xls file in the installed path and recompile the report.
ACEXPORT and ACIMPORT use the default minimum and maximum number of View processes When you use ACEXPORT and ACIMPORT to export and then import an Actuate 4 Report Encyclopedia, the minimum and maximum number of view processes are set to the default. All other view process group settings are retained. If you change the minimum or maximum number of View processes and export an Actuate 4 Report Encyclopedia, you have to reset the number after you import the Report Encyclopedia. To do this, as administrator use the View Process Group Properties dialog.
Running a report in Netscape Communicator with the Wait for results option selected If the e.Reporting Server and the browser are on the same machine and you choose the Wait for results option in ReportCast, the report will not run. To run the report in this situation, either click Stop or reduce the priority of the Netscape process in the Task Manager.
Searching a report in Netscape Communicator If the e.Reporting Server and the browser are running on the same machine, searching a report with many entries might take a long time. To speed up the search operation, reduce the priority of the Netscape process in the Task Manager.
Resizing Netscape browser window while viewing a report in DHTML When viewing a large Actuate report in DHTML format, the report might not display correctly if you resize the Netscape browser window while it is being downloaded. To resolve this problem, click Reload to redisplay the report.
Netscape Japanese browsers ignore font names that contain multibyte characters Netscape Japanese browsers substitute fonts having names that contain multibyte characters with the default font set for the browser. As a result, the font attributes you specify for DHTML output are ignored and the default font settings for the browser are used.
Balloon help, popup help, and tooltips using the Netscape browser on Macintosh platform are not supported Actuate uses the ALT TEXT or TITLE property to display balloon help for controls, popups, and tooltips for toolbar buttons. This property is not supported in the Netscape browser on the Macintosh platform.
Double line borders using the Netscape browser on Macintosh platform Double line borders are not displayed for border widths of less than three points.
Using the Netscape browser to run reports on an e.Reporting Server that is on the same machine If you are using the Netscape browser to run reports on an e.Reporting Server that is on the same machine as the browser, the report takes a long time to finish. To avoid this behavior, do the following: Use the MS Internet Explorer browser. On the Request page, deselect Wait for results.
Using fonts in the design to generate the correct PDF for Asian languages The PDF converter is not aware of the correct character set of English font names such as Arial or Times New Roman for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean languages. For this reason, the Acrobat Reader cannot display the correct text. As a result, text in the report design using these English fonts is mapped into the Latin character set. To avoid this problem, use Japanese, Chinese, and Korean font names such as MS Gothic, MS Song, or Gulim to generate the PDF file. The actual font names for MS Gothic, MS Song, and Gulim are in the native language. Using the English fonts might work on DHTML on Windows 2000.
Color for visited link in an Actuate report viewed as DHTML does not change When viewing an Actuate report in DHTML format, you cannot set or change the color of a visited link in the search page and Table of Contents.
Problems embedding Actuate DHTML Report page within another frame The URL used to generate Actuate reports in DHTML format such as: http://webserver/acweb/reportserver/test.roi?ViewPage&format=DHTML&page=1 is intended for use only within the Actuate DHTML report frameset. The DHTML page that is produced references JavaScript code to implement hyperlinks. If the page generated from the URL is embedded within a user-created frame or frameset that is from a web server on a domain other than the one web server used in the URL, then MS Internet Explorer 4.0+ generates errors on the page. In addition, hyperlinks from within that page in both MS Internet Explorer 4.0+ and Netscape Navigator 4.08+ do not work. The errors are generated because the DHTML page generated using the directive format=DHTML references JavaScript code to implement hyperlinks and other features. The code requires access to the location of the parent frame and also references JavaScript that accesses variables stored in the Actuate Table of Contents. The JavaScript cannot run when embedded in another frame. For example, the following frameset is on a machine called <FRAMESET ROWS="50,50"> <FRAME SRC=""> <FRAME SRC=" =1" </FRAMESET>
Since the HTML page on embeds a page and JavaScript produced from, no scripts referenced in the DHTML page produced from can access any variables or parent window or frame properties (upon which the hyperlink implementation depends). Actuate recommends one of the following when embedding a single page within a custom frame or frameset: 1. 2. Embed the DHTML client frameset within the user-built frameset but collapse the toolbar, so that it looks like a single page of DHTML is embedded within the user's frameset. Use the Actuate format directive DHTMLRaw in the ViewPage URL to produce DHTML that does not access any JavaScript.
Problems using Oracle OCI calls with RSSE DLL on Windows NT On Windows NT, the global variable _fmode is used to set the default mode of file operation. Actuate software uses the default binary mode (_O_BINARY) for all files. Oracle libraries require that _fmode be set to the text mode (_O_TEXT). To solve this problem, set _fmode to _O_TEXT before making the OCI call olog and set it back to O_BINARY immediately after the call returns.
Controls that have the BalloonHelp attribute set do not work properly when any other event-driven attribute, such as LinkExp, is set When set, the BalloonHelp attribute allows a tooltip to be displayed when the mouse hovers over a control both in the client application and in DHTML format. The tooltip disappears when the user moves the cursor away from the current component. In DHTML, BalloonHelp is implemented by covering the control with a blank image that has its alternate text attribute set to be the same as the BalloonHelp text. When the user moves the cursor over the control, the blank image is drawn on top of the control and the BalloonHelp text is displayed. This newly added blank image blocks all mouse events that the control itself should get. For instance, a control that has both BalloonHelp and LinkExp set will not work properly when a user attempts to click on the link because the mouse click event will be caught by the blank image, not the link.
Cascading Style Sheet for a DHTML report is not cached in the browser The GetStyleSheet URL generates a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) for the DHTML report being viewed in the web browser. The CSS contains only common formatting information such as fonts, attributes, and background color for objects in the report. If the GetStyleSheet URL is based on the DHTML report's object ID, the view process does not apply the Browser Caching property value for caching DHTML pages in the web browser. This setting prevents the view process from generating a style sheet for every page viewed in a report during a browser session. A URL based on a DHTML report's object ID is similar to the following: http://webserver/acweb/reportserver/__objects/V1:_24_f8b808e4_bafd53d7_25c-4011?GetStyleSheet&format=CSS If the GetStyleSheet URL is based on the report name, the Browser Caching property value controls the amount of time that the CSS remains in the browser cache. A URL based on a DHTML report's report name is similar to the following: http://webserver/acweb/reportserver/detail.roi?GetStyleSheet&format=CSS
Java Runtime Environment HotSpot VM is not supported on HP-UX 11 Actuate supports only the Java Runtime Environment Classic VM on HP-UX 11. HotSpot VM is not supported because it cannot be loaded dynamically on HP-UX 11, which Actuate requires.
View server crashes under stress on HP-UX 11 To avoid this problem, you need to apply the following patches for HP-UX 11: PHKL_24753 (superceded by PHKL_24943) PHCO_22076 (superceded by PHCO_24184) PHC0_24148 (64 bit only)
Required patches for Progress 9.1C on AIX and HP-UX11 You need to apply the following patches from Progress on AIX and HP-UX11 for Progress 9.1C: AIX: 91C03 HP-UX: 91C03 (requires an Operating System patch from HP)
SDK example file paths Some SDK examples contain absolute path references to files used by the examples. These references assume that the Actuate products are installed to the default location (C:\Actuate6). If you installed Actuate products in a different location, update file references in the example source code.
Resizing frames In e.Report Designer and e.Report Designer Professional, you cannot resize a frame by dragging the frame's handle when all of the following conditions are met: 1. The frame is a reference to a library component. 2. The frame is displayed in a secondary Design Editor window launched with the Edit Layout command. 3. The frame is the root component in the secondary Design Editor window. As a workaround, resize the frame by doing one of the following: Drag the frame's handle in the layout pane of the primary Design Editor window. Change the frame's Size-Height and Size-Width properties in the Component Editor. Change one of the frame's other properties so that a local subclass is created. Then resize the frame.
Connecting to e.Reporting Server using ReportCast on Internet Explorer for Macintosh Users of Internet Explorer for Macintosh connecting to the e.Reporting Server using ReportCast might be repeatedly prompted to log in as they navigate through the Report Encyclopedia and view reports, even after initial login. This behavior occurs when Basic Authentication is used and the ReportCast Agent is running on the Microsoft IIS web server, regardless of the location of the ReportCast Server. To avoid this behavior, the administrator can change the configuration of the ReportCast Server to use login form-based authentication rather than Basic Authentication, using the following procedure: 1. If the ReportCast Server is running on Windows NT or 2000, add a string value AC_REPORTCAST_USE_LOGIN_FORM to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Actuate\Actuate ReportCast Server\6 registry key and set the data in this value to TRUE. If the ReportCast Server is running on UNIX, add the following lines near the beginning of the script: export AC_REPORTCAST_USE_LOGIN_FORM AC_REPORTCAST_USE_LOGIN_FORM=TRUE 2. Restart the ReportCast Server.
To continue using Basic Authentication, use the following workaround: Change the directory security settings for each web server directory containing embedded content (images and JavaScript files) so that Basic Authentication is unchecked and Allow Anonymous is checked.
Languages that require the Input Method Editor are not supported for passwords You cannot use languages that require the Input Method Editor, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, for passwords. When users type the password, it is not displayed in the dialog and the Input Method Editor is not enabled.
Using the browser's back button with Actuate HTML documentation After opening the Actuate HTML documentation Using e.Analysis, Building an e.Reporting Web Site, or e.Reporting Server Guide from another web page, the Back button does not return to the previous page. To go to the previous page, use the browser's Go or History button.
New view server process affinity control logic in the request server A new registry value AC_VS_AFFINITY is used to set view server affinity for Windows 2000/NT. The registry value is interpreted as the number of CPUs to be used by the view servers. Each view server will be assigned to one single CPU starting from CPU 0. When AC_VS_AFFINITY is set, you should set the number of view servers properly so all CPUs in the machine can be utilized. Typically, you set the number of view servers to the number of CPUs of the machine and set the AC_VS_AFFINITY value to the number of CPUs of the machine.
Viewing reports with Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS) in DHTML and PDF formats HKSCS is a supplementary character set that includes Chinese characters used in Hong Kong which are not contained in the Big-5 standard character set. MingLiU_HKSCS font is a supplement to the MingLiU font. If you use the MingLiu_HKSCS font for report controls, on some systems the report in PDF format displays characters belonging to HKSCS only and Big-5 characters are not displayed. In such cases, replace the controls' MingLiU_HKSCS font with the MingLiU font to display both Big-5 characters and HKSCS characters correctly in PDF format. You can download the HKSCS package at: This package will install the MingLiU_HKSCS font into your system's Fonts directory. After installing it, you will be able to enter and view HKSCS characters in your reports. To use HKSCS in PDF, Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or above must be installed on your system. To use HKSCS characters properly, you use the new environment variable AC_USE_HKSCS: On UNIX systems, set the AC_USE_HKSCS variable by running setenv AC_USE_HKSCS 1 On Windows systems, add a registry key AC_USE_HKSCS = 1 to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Actuate/Actuate e.Reporting Server/6
Actuate Navigator displays dates with format different from the system's regional setting You can set the display date and time format in one of two ways: Change the date and time formats manually in Registry by setting the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Actuate/<product name> <version>/Settings/NavigatorDateFormat "MMMM dd, yyyy" HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Actuate/<product name> <version>/Settings/NavigatorTimeFormat "hh:mm:ss tt" <product name> is the name of the Actuate product, such as e.Report Designer Professional. <version> is the Actuate version, such as 5.0. Change the long date and time styles under Regional Settings in Control Panel. For information about changing the Registry Settings, see Using e.Reports.
At runtime, Actuate uses the Registry settings first. If either date or time format is empty in the Registry, the regional setting is used. Changes to date and time formats take effect the next time you restart Actuate Navigator windows.
Merant symbolic link needs to be changed on AIX On AIX, AcServer/lib/ is linking to "odbc37 install location"/lib/libodbc.a. This is not correct for AIX. To solve this problem, set the symbolic link as AcServer/lib/ -> "odbc37 install location"/lib/ For example, if the odbc37 is installed in /actu01/merant/odbc37, link AcServer/lib/ to /actu01/merant/odbc37/lib/
Using Actuate pie chart graphs with multiple series data When generating data for graphs, an Actuate report can generate multiple series data. An Actuate pie chart graph has no mechanism to display more than one series at a time. For pie chart graphs that generate multiple series data, only the first series is displayed. The other series of data are ignored.
X Windows requirements for Actuate e.Reporting Server and Actuate ReportCast for UNIX The Actuate e.Reporting Server for supported UNIX platforms requires the X Windows runtime libraries (X11.base.lib) to be installed and an X Server to be running. Xvfb is a fully supported and tested virtual X Server but you can use any X11R6.4 Server. The Actuate ReportCast for supported UNIX platforms requires the X Windows runtime libraries (X11.base.lib) to be installed. No X Server is needed.
Configuring Microsoft Proxy Server for use with Actuate ReportCast To support basic authentication with the default Actuate ReportCast configuration, you must configure the Directory Security settings for the Default Web Site on the Microsoft Proxy Server machine. In the Directory Security page of the Web Site Properties dialog, you set the Authentication control to enable Allow Anonymous and disable Basic Authentication and NT Challenge/Response.
New registry settings for TreeViewFontName and TreeViewFontSize You can change the default font and size for TreeView by setting the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SoftWare/Actuate/<product_name>/Settings/TreeViewFontName HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SoftWare/Actuate/<product_name>/Settings/TreeViewFontSize If you do not set these registry keys, the following font and size are used by default: Locale Japanese Korean Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) Other languages Font name MS Gothic Gulim MingLuU MS Song MS Sans Serif Font size 12 12 12 12 8
e.Report Designer Java Edition uses only the base font when exporting to PDF using fonts in a TrueType Collection (TTC) file e.Report Designer Java Edition can only access the first font in a TrueType Collection (TTC) file. The bold, italic, and bold and italic styles of a font are not accessible. Exporting a report that uses fonts from a TTC file to PDF displays only the base font, not bold or italic. Underline and strike-out appear as expected. To display values with bold and italic attributes in PDF output, use a font with individual TrueType Font (TTF) files for each style.
Hyperlinks containing double-byte characters with the value 0x5C in the second byte do not export correctly to PDF A value of 0x5c in the second byte of a double-character in a hyperlink causes mistranslation of the character when an e.Report Designer Java Edition report document is exported to PDF. Clicking the hyperlink fails to access the address because of the incorrect character.
The Preference setting of Windows appears on platforms where it is unavailable This problem occurs because JVM returns Windows as a valid look and feel even when it is not.
Cannot run reports with application data source on the Actuate report server You cannot use application data sources in Java reports that are deployed on the Actuate e.Reporting Server. This also includes data sources derived from the application data source such as text data source and EJB data source.
Cannot run reports with UDF on the Actuate report server You cannot use user defined functions in Java reports that are deployed on the Actuate e.Reporting Server.
Inserting a page number control causes exception under certain conditions This exception might occur with some versions of JDK if you click the Insert/Page Number menu item rather than move the mouse over to invoke any submenu item.
setCacheOption is available for JDBC data sources only The cache file does not store large data sets from application data sources such as ASCII data sources and EJB data sources.
When a rectangle control overlaps a text control, the text in the text control is not visible when the report is exported to Excel To resolve this problem, set the fill color of the rectangle control to transparent. To set the background of the text in the text control, set the text background color of the control.
This section contains information about Actuate e.Spreadsheet.
Recommended Platform
We recommend that developers use version 1.2.2 or higher of the Java(TM) 2 platform. For optimal performance, developers should use version 1.3.1. These and other versions of the Java(TM) 2 platform can be obtained from Sun Microsystems' website at
General Issues
In Data Manager, if you receive an "Unable to establish connection" message when attempting to add a data source, verify the user name and password. If the user information is correct, make sure e.Spreadsheet can locate the driver by adding the path to the database driver to the BASECLASS variable in the F1j9.ini file. To provide the path: 1. Open the F1j9.ini file located in your installation directory. 2. Assign the database driver path to BASECLASS (for example, BASECLASS=C:\jdbc\databasedriver.jar). 3. Save the file. When you launch the e.Spreadsheet Designer, e.Spreadsheet searches the BASECLASS path to find the database driver.
After you minimize and then restore the e.Spreadsheet Designer, the window focus is lost and you cannot select any of the rows. To reset the focus, choose a menu item or type in the current cell. When you use the Data Manager Wizard to create a stylesheet for the query, the stylesheet is customized based on the fields returned from the query. If you change these fields in a subsequent pass through the Data Manager and do not re-create the stylesheet, the output might not appear as desired. To correct this, re-run the Data Manager Wizard and re-create the stylesheet. The Actuate e.Spreadsheet Server does not support page level security. Due to a Sun Microsystems bug number 4252108, some printed output gets cut off. This is an issue where Java does not handle the unprintable area for a printer. The data is shifted over by the unprintable area, and is cut off. As a workaround, decrease the margin width. The Preference setting of Windows appears on platforms where it is unavailable. This problem occurs because JVM returns Windows as a valid look and feel even when it is not. Due to a problem with the JVM on the Solaris platform, the Save dialog cuts off the Save and Cancel buttons. Due to a limitation of Java(TM) 2, printing might produce extremely large spool files that exhausts the memory of the printer. At this time, there is no work-around except to increase RAM on the printer. Running e.Spreadsheet reports on versions of the Netscape 6 browser that ship with recent interim versions of the Java plug-in (1.3.0_01 and 1.3.0_02) might cause unexpected results. Upgrade to the latest plug-in (currently 1.3.1) to eliminate this issue. Lookup functions (HLOOKUP, LOOKUP, MATCH, and VLOOKUP) can return different results than in previous versions of e.Spreadsheet. This issue occurs if the lookup range is not sorted and the function implements an option that requires the lookup range to be sorted. In Excel, you can create a hyperlink that opens a specific worksheet to a specific cell within a workbook. In e.Spreadsheet, creating the same link opens the workbook in its last saved state, regardless of the worksheet or cell reference provided in the hyperlink.
If more than one workbook is open when your preferences are set to Windows look and feel, you cannot minimize a maximized workbook window. Instead, when you press the minimize button, e.Spreadsheet Designer displays the other open workbooks. In e.Spreadsheet Online Help, scrolling sometimes causes null pointer exceptions. Sun Microsystems bug number 4283923 covers this issue.
Support for UNC (Universal Naming Convention) on Windows In a cluster environment, if the Encyclopedia Engine and Viewing/Generation Service are installed on different machines, you must specify the partition path to the Encyclopedia in order to read the shared data .Do not map a network path to a drive letter. Since the mapped drive does not reconnect until the user logs on at the machine console, sharing, reading, and writing the remote Encyclopedia does not work if the machine is just rebooted. Actuate only supports UNC, e.g. \\machine\volume\encyc.
Features not supported for the CJK languages The following features are not supported for CJK languages: Printing Save As Microsoft Word Save As Adobe PDF
Possible problem reading data exported to Adobe Acrobat 5.0 from e.Analysis It might be difficult to read data exported to Adobe Acrobat 5.0 from e.Analysis. This occurs when the data cannot fit into a cell in e.Analysis. The problem can be fixed by expanding the width of the cell before exporting the data into Adobe Acrobat 5.0.
Username and password in a URL prevents using e.Analysis You cannot access the webserver/ReportCast for e.Analysis with any version of MS Internet Explorer and Netscape versions earlier than Netscape 6 when using the following syntax: http://username:password@webserver/
If the username and password are used in the URL when you choose Analyze Results, the JVM cannot understand the syntax when loading the applet. The e.Analysis window opens but the window remains gray. To use e.Analysis, remove the username and password from the URL before choosing Analyze Results then login normally.
Blinking pointer appears in view using Netscape browser In some views, the pointer blinks repeatedly. This behavior is reported with the use of the S3Vision video card or the ATI Tech-Enhanced Version 4.0 display adapter. Limitations in the accuracy of small slices in pie charts Small slices of the pie chart that represent numbers that are nearly equivalent in value can appear as different sizes in the view.
Line graph displays an invalid value for a data point When two identical values are added to the line graph, the most recent value added overwrites the previous value. The behavior makes it appear that one value was not graphed.
Alt+F4 keys shortcut does not close the browser window Choosing the maximize button on a window opens a new window on top of the present window. Multiple windows can appear on top of previous windows. Choosing File Close or pressing Alt+F4 closes one e.Analysis browser window only. Press Alt+F4 multiple times to close all open browser windows.
MS Internet Explorer blank page appears after analyzing results This behavior occurs when no Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is installed with the MS Internet Explorer browser. To avoid this behavior, reinstall MS Internet Explorer with the JVM update.
Pie chart does not display data in percent and category labels after combining If you hover the cursor over a pie chart section, the balloon help always displays the numeric value of the section, not the percent represented by the section.
In Netscape browser on iMac, attempting to apply the sum function on rows or columns axes crashes the browser If you select multiple rows or columns and apply the sum function, the Netscape browser crashes.
The Sample Application installs the English version of Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7 If the you are using a different locale, you might need to install a different version of Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7.
The Sample Application does not install when the web server document root directory is aliased The Sample Application does not install if the web server document root directory is aliased to another directory.
Manager.jod report does not run with the Microsoft Access 97 ODBC driver 3.50 or 3.51 When running the Manager.jod report using Microsoft Access 97, you must use the Microsoft Access 97 ODBC driver 4.00.x or above.
Logging in to the Report Encyclopedia through a channel page If the user starts a web browser and navigates directly to a channel in the Sample Application web site, the login dialog appears for authentication. After the user logs in, submits the request for a report to be executed, and is waiting to view it, the user is asked to authenticate again. This behavior does not occur if the user first logs in to the Report Encyclopedia through a folder list page.
Reducing time required for running Portfolio.rox The report Portfolio.roi is more than 10 MB in size, and takes about 15 minutes to generate. To reduce the report generation time by limiting the report result set, you can modify the MS Access database file Securities.mdb. Open query qryPortfolioSummary in design mode, go to the Criteria field of column ClientID, and enter an expression such as < 15.
Using the Account Summary tab in the sample application The only parameters available on the Account Summary tab are those listed in Web Reporting with Actuate. If you choose other parameters, they are not reflected in the Trade History report.
Attempting to view a report in DHTML error message Attempting to view a report in DHTML produces the following error message: HTTP error code : 500 Description : Unable to assign view request to server This error occurs when the maximum number of view processes is set to 0. To resolve this problem, as administrator, use the View Process Group Properties dialog to reset the Maximum number of view processes to a number higher than 0.
Downloading search results using a web browser Web Reporting with Actuate describes how to download search results for transfer to an external application. These steps vary depending on your web browser.
Uninstalling the Sample Application does not clean up the sample Report Encyclopedia After uninstalling the Sample Application using the Add/Remove Program, items previously installed in the Report Encyclopedia are not cleaned up. There are two ways to remove those items. The first method removes the entire Report Encyclopedia. Shut down the report server services and ReportCast, remove the Report Encyclopedia completely by deleting the report server directories \Admin, \Object, and \Request, and restart the report server services. The second method is using the Administrator Desktop to individually delete the Report Encyclopedia items the Sample Application installs. In addition to removing items installed by the Sample Application, remove items created by running reports. The following is a list of Report Encyclopedia items the Sample Application installs: These items are added in the Report Encyclopedia system folders: Groups folder Sales Users folder BillAbner Dellcomputer DianeMoore MaryQuinn PaulLevanti
Roles folder Customer Employee Sales Sales VP Vendor File Types folder Cpx Requests folder Completed subfolder Scheduled subfolder Forecast By Account Executive Portfolio National Sales Forecast These folders and items are added to the Report Encyclopedia: Customers folder BillAbner subfolder 401K Statement.roi 03/31/99 04/15/99 04/30/99 Checking Account.roi 04/12/99 04/22/99 05/12/99 05/10/99 Money Market Account.roi 02/01/99 03/01/99 04/01/99 05/01/99 Portfolio Statement.roi 05/03/99 04/29/99 04/26/99 04/21/99 PaulLevanti subfolder 401K Statement.rox Checking Account.rox Money Market Account.rox Portfolio Statement.rox Employees folder DianeMoore subfolder MaryQuinn subfolder Customer Profile.roi Job Listing.roi 06/01/99 07/01/99 08/01/99 09/01/99 Manager_IE.row Manager_NS.row
Phone List.HTML 12/01/99 09/01/99 Transaction Details.roi Customer Profile.rox Job Listing.rox Manager.jod Phone List.cpx Transaction Details.rox Portfolio folder Portfolio.roi Portfolio.rov Portfolio.rox Trade History.rox Quinn folder Quote.html Quote.gif Vendors folder DellComputer subfolder Purchase Order 112.roi Purchase Order 212.roi Purchase Order 312.roi Purchase Order 512.roi Reimbursement Status.ROI August 29, 1999 July 31, 1999 June 30, 1999 September 30, 1999 Utilities subfolder Purchase Order.rox Reimbursement Status.rox
Viewing stock quotes applet JVM 1.1.5 or higher is required to view the scrolling stock quotes Java applet.
Sybase 11.x does not support VARCHAR and NVARCHAR columns greater than 255 bytes For this reason, VARCHAR and NVARCHAR columns greater than 255 bytes are truncated to 255 bytes.
Windows 98 does not provide native Unicode support Microsoft Layer of Unicode (MSLU) does not provide additional Unicode functionalities beyond the operating system capabilities. Hence, Actuate client products only show data in the operating systems
single code page. All other data characters are converted to '?'. Multi-language report viewing is not possible.
Java does not support the NCHAR, NVARCHAR, and NVARCHAR2 data types The user interface for the stored object descriptor cannot display these data types in the selection lists. Parameters or columns of these data types display as data type OTHER.
Printing reports using HP LaserJet PCL 6 printer driver on Windows 2000 Due to an HP printer driver limitation, using HP LaserJet PCL 6 printer driver on Windows 2000 produces the following error in the printed output: PCL XL Error Subsystem: TEXT Error: InternalError 0x50 Operator: ReadChar Position: 199 To resolve this problem, HP recommends using the LaserJet PCL 5e or PostScript drivers.
Displaying CJK languages in reports that use UCS-2 encoding Older versions of Acrobat Reader do not support CJK languages such as Chinese and Japanese. To resolve this problem, upgrade your Acrobat Reader to version 5.05.
Arabic and Hebrew characters do not display correctly in Excel 2000 format in some cases On Windows NT, reports downloaded in Excel 2000 format display Arabic and Hebrew characters correctly only if Windows NT is running on an Arabic locale. Arabic and Hebrew characters always display correctly on Windows 2000 or using Excel XP.
Opening too many file streams can interfere with RPC on Solaris On Solaris, the number of opened file streams is limited to 256 and file streams can only use file descriptors of value 0-255. Developers should not to exceed this limit. Otherwise, fopen might fail or RPC communication with Report Server might be interfered.
A search URL must not exceed 2,048 characters when using MS Internet Explorer MS Internet Explorer limits the URL length to 2,048 characters. This limit applies to both POST and GET request URLs. For this reason, if a search URL is longer than 2,048 characters, Internet Explorer does not display correct search results.
The mouse pointer might disappear when positioned over a hyperlink or searchable control If Version 5.20 (build 2411) or 5.21 (build 2420) of the ATI Enhanced display driver is installed on Windows 98 or Windows 95, the mouse pointer might disappear when it approaches the edge of a hyperlink. To resolve this problem, disable the hardware cursor by enabling mouse trails. To do this: 1. Click Start and select Control Panel from the settings menu. 2. Click the Mouse icon and select the Motion tab to open Mouse Properties. 3. In the Pointer Trail area, check Show Pointer Trails and set the slider to Short. 4. Click OK to accept your changes.
Windows NT does not support Unicode with single code page For this reason, some characters in languages other than the ones the current OS supports do not display correctly in Actuate Client products dialogs.
Some fields do not display on the Administration page when using ReportCast with Apache web server Fields such as Web Server version, Remote Address, and Remote Host do not display on the Administrator page when using ReportCast with Apache web server on Windows. This limitation is due to the fact that the Apache web server only functions as a proxy and does not have a ReportCast Agent that communicates with ReportCast.
Compressed and self-extracting files are not downloaded correctly using Apache web server and Netscape 4.x browser When using Apache web server and Netscape 4.x browser, compressed and self-extracting files are not downloaded correctly. This is due to the fact that Apache does not set the content-type header for nonActuate file types. As a workaround, do not use the Netscape 4.x browser or modify the Apache module mod_mime.c so it sends the mime type through a content-type or cgi-content-type header.
Actuate cgi scripts do not work with iPlanet 4.1 SP6 web server This is due to the iPlanet limitation which distorts the SCRIPT_NAME variable for certain requests when using cgi scripts.
Path length limitation when using Oracle 8.i.x on AIX When using an Oracle client 8.i.x on AIX, the path of the executable running the Oracle client cannot exceed 50 characters due to an Oracle limitation (Oracle Bug Number 973496). For the Actuate report server, the executable is the Actuate report server factory executable that is started by the request server. The full path to the Actuate factory including the factory name cannot be longer than 50 characters. For example, the length of /<full-path-to-AcServer>/operation/fctsrvr5 cannot be longer than 50 characters. If the path name is longer than 50 characters, as a workaround is to create symbolic links so that the full path name to the factory executable does not exceed 50 characters. Then update the environment variable AC_SERVER_HOME and report server startup scripts to use the symbolic link. For example, if the following is the path to the report server factory executable: /dir1/dir2/<lots-of-dirs>/lastdir/AcServer/operation/fctsrvr5 Create a symbolic link Ac_short that is shorter than the original path: /Ac_short -> /dir1/dir2/<lots-of-dirs>/lastdir Update the AC_SERVER_HOME environment variable in the appropriate startup scripts to: AC_SERVER_HOME=/Ac_short/AcServer
In some cases, Brio Client 6.0 fails to display data exported by Actuate Search Extension Due to a Brio limitation, the data exported by the Actuate Search Extension is not displayed correctly if all of the following conditions apply: The system uses the Chinese locale You export search results to Brio format file You use Brio Chinese version to open the exported data file To resolve this problem, use the Brio English version.
Problems printing reports from Actuate e.Report Designer Java Edition running under JDK 1.2.x Due to a JDK 1.2.x limitation, Actuate e.Report Designer Java Edition might stop responding when you try to print the report from the preview screen. To avoid this problem, use JDK 1.3.
Oracle7 Client is not supported on HP-UX 11 Oracle7 Client is not supported on HP-UX 11. If you are using Oracle, you need to upgrade the Oracle Client to Oracle8.
Connecting to a Progress 9.1C database with a Progress SQL92 connection and SQL->Auto Joins enabled Actuate recommends disabling SQL->Auto Joins if you are connecting to a Progress 9.1C database with a Progress SQL92 or SQL89 connection, as there is no guarantee that Joins will be made automatically. AutoJoin feature is not supported in Progress 9.1C.
A long URL does not work in some circumstances When using MS Internet Explorer 4.x or 5.0 with ReportCast or Active Portal, a long URL does not work. This is due to a JavaScript limitation. As a workaround, create a shorter URL or upgrade your web browser.
Using ReportCast with Web Logic 6.1 on Solaris 2.7 might result in problems with displaying nonASCII characters and binary files Images, European characters in DHTML reports, and graphs in DHTML reports might not be displayed correctly. Contact BEA for information about change request CR046879 to address these problems. BEA will provide a jar file with CR046859 that you must add to the front of your java.class.path. You must also add the following initialization parameter entries for the CGI servlet to your web.xml file: <init-param> <param-name>useByteStream</param-name> <param-value> true </param-value> </init-param> For more information, contact BEA.
Users cannot log into report server via ReportCast using MS Internet Explorer Due to a Microsoft limitation, users cannot log into report server via ReportCast with MS Internet Explorer version 5.01 Service Pack 2 using basic authentication. To resolve this problem, apply the Microsoft Security Hotfix (Q295106) for Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2.
Email notifications remain in Outlook 2002 email client outbox Due to an MS Outlook 2002 limitation (Microsoft case Id SRX010910602052), if you are using MS Outlook 2002 email client, email notifications remain in the outbox until you exit the email client or click the Send/Receive button. As a workaround: 1. Right click outlookXP icon. 2. Click properties. 3. Click Email accounts. 4. View change existing email accounts. 5. Make sure deliver new email is set to Mailbox.
Saving PDF in MS Internet Explorer 5.5 results in saving HTML source When you try to save PDF reports from the Internet Explorer 5.5 browser, the browser saves the HTML source file instead. This is an MS Internet Explorer limitation. To fix the problem, download a Microsoft patch file and install the DLL on your machine. Actuate does not support the patch file, it is a Microsoft file and is supported by Microsoft. The Microsoft Knowledge Base article number is Q281119. You can also obtain the patch file by contacting Actuate Customer Support, at
Part of text in a label control might be clipped when using Japanese fonts When viewing a report in Microsoft Internet Explorer, the lower part of the text in a label control might be clipped if the size of the control is adjusted to fit the text exactly. This is a MS Internet Explorer limitation. To resolve this problem, increase the size of the control by a few points when using Japanese fonts.
When Netscape 6.1 and Netscape 4.x are installed on the same machine, DHTML reports might not display To avoid this problem, it is recommended you do not install Netscape 4.x and Netscape 6.1 on the same machine.
The HTML <STYLE> tag used within a browser scripting control or GlobalDHTMLCode in a report viewed in Netscape may cause the report to fail to display properly This is a Netscape limitation. To resolve this problem, use the <STYLE> tag in the CustomDHTMLHeader property of the frame containing the component to which the style attributes should be applied or apply the style attributes with another method.
Hyperlinks are not supported for rectangle, line, and ellipse controls in DHTML reports Due to DHTML limitations with drawing and hyperlinking various shapes, hyperlinks for rectangle, line, and ellipse controls are not supported.
Problem using Netscape 4.x for Windows NT 4.0 with ATI RAGE Video Card and certain drivers When using Netscape 4.x for Windows NT 4.0 with ATI RAGE Video Card and certain drivers, resizing and/or reloading a frameset causes GIF images to be displayed incorrectly. To resolve this problem: 1. If you are using ATI RAGE 128 line of products, visit the URL If you are using ATI RAGE PRO, RAGE LT-PRO and RAGE XL family of chips (Video Cards), visit the URL: 2. Download the following: RAGE PRO/RAGE LT-PRO/RAGE XL Windows NT4.0 Display Driver OpenGL Special Purpose Driver Version: 5.32.2B08 Size: 642KB Posted: 02/17/00
Netscape browser might not display small fonts correctly at 120dpi font resolution On the OS/2 operating system, the Netscape browser may not display small fonts correctly at a font resolution of 120dpi. As a workaround, change the font resolution. To do this: 1. Choose System Setup -->MGA Settings. 2. Choose Fonts. 3. Change the font resolution to 96dpi.
Problem using JRE 1.3 and HotSpot When using JRE 1.3 and HotSpot there is a problem related to the GetStringUTFChars function or the JNI call to get the variable. This problem prevents HotSpot from returning the Detailed error on the Java Report Failure. In the Classic JVM, the entire error message is returned. Actuate has a workaround that catches this condition and returns an error message. Actuate recommends using the classic jvm.dll instead of HotSpot.
Crash with PeopleSoft ODBC driver Due to a PeopleSoft Tools limitation, Actuate products crash when a report has several open connections. The crash happens in the PeopleSoft DLL Pssys.dll.
Cannot invoke constructor String(String value) of class java.lang.String on IBM AIX When accessing Java objects from Actuate Basic, you cannot invoke the constructor String(String value) of class java.lang.String on AIX due to an IBM JRE defect. The following Actuate Basic code does not work: Dim jObj As Object Set jObj = CreateJavaClassHandle("java.lang.String") Set jObj = jObj.String("something") As a workaround, use the following code: Dim jObj As Object Set jObj = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String") jObj = "something"
Databeacon applet does not display localized characters on an English locale machine When analyzing localized data such as Chinese and Korean, the applet launched on an English locale machine does not show data properly in the applet. This is a Databeacon limitation. Localized characters can be displayed only on localized machines.
Possible problem opening a PDF file in a browser window using MS Internet Explorer 5.5 MS Internet Explorer 5.5 might have a problem opening and displaying a very small PDF file (less than 8K) in a browser window. To display the file, refresh the browser window.
Netscape LDAP user ID and password must be ASCII characters Due to a Netscape LDAP limitation, the user ID and password must be ACSII characters.
Problems when manipulating Actuate report Table of Contents with many entries in DHTML format using Netscape Navigator In an Actuate report in DHTML format where the Table of Contents contains a large number of entries, a crash occurs in Netscape browsers when you repeatedly expand and collapse items that do not redisplay the Table of Contents. This crash occurs after expanding and collapsing approximately 150 nodes. Expanding items that cause the browser to redisplay the Table of Contents reduces the possibility of the crash. The browser can be restarted after a crash occurs.
43464 43238 43146 43074 42904 42621 42105 41900 41630 41568 41408 41400 41318 41172 41158 40835 40640 40596 40572 32179 31793 31774 31572 31494 31122 30782 30644 30609 30586 30532 30468 30429 30159 30010 29976 29939 29927 29898 29768 29615 29496 29247 29240 29147 29043 28872 28863 28654 28559 28462 28413 28311 28307 28218 28147 28138 28063 28015 28003 27984 27967 27885
Blank report when using JSP ReportCast 6.0 LP on Windows 2000 with Norwegian setting Using Arial or other ""us"" fonts in Chinese language reports has bad spacing AcExport to allow a single file for output AcExport -ref does not work if folder name contains a space Acimport does not work at all Right Justification does not work in PDFs using MS Sans Serif Egclient cannot check and delete orphaned completed notices Unable to shut down report server gracefully on AIX 5.1 Misalignment when trying to print a labeled report from the server Chinese fonts do not show up correctly when converted to PDF Request server does not register when report server is configured for firewall Image of height 1 pixel or width 1 pixel crashes Viewserver on zooming Request schedule information in the Summary tab shows ""NONE"" Extensible Performance Counter List utility in Actuate Unable to print reports which have graphs/""Request Execution Aborted"" Parameter box does not work when migrating from 3.x to 5.x URL directives are lost when using 5.0SP2 ReportCast Cannot generate bursting reports on server Actoc fails when acf is created from an externalize encyclopedia Request Server 5 crashes Xrt Graph: Single category bar chart is displayed with single color MaxVersCount does not generate the roi when set to 1 on the report server Scribe reports cannot be viewed properly on the web Overlapping Chinese Characters in PDF Graph label fonts are fuzzy on PDF and when placed on Unix TempROVs do not get deleted for large number of reports generated Actuate report aborts if shared library has the statement ""cout"" Detail line graph is rendered incorrectly on Unix: x-axis origin not from 0 Angle of view is different for 3d bar graph in 4.x-5.x compared to 3.x Time taken to enable PLS apply to every page Crystal report parameters are not used by the open server driver ReportCast errantly creates CSV files with commas for some European locales Scheduled reports failed to limit number of versions when bundled 2d Area Graph does not correctly display from a Unix Report Server Bundled Bursted Reports get Vistor.bas error when upgrading reports to 5.0 SP1 User can login with any password when the password length is 16, 32, 48, 64 Request server stops if MAPI.DLL is not on the system AcExtern with -RSSE option failed to delete obsolete privileges Enhancement of axdefrag -- detect and fix duplicated object privileges in data Graph X Labels are at different position on Unix depending on the scale in DHTML Failed completed notices not generated for new user created via RSAPI Request server hangs when ShowFactoryStatus is used 3d bar graph with small neg values do not show up correctly in DHTML Open security privilege on object not working correctly Executing reports while the server is in Backup Mode should not be possible Customized Italic Font does not show up correctly in PDF Typo in Administrator Desktop, word ""notification"" Searching a report is significantly slower on HP than on NT Search behavior different in DHTML and Client Viewer HTML image controls do not show up in PDFs, only in LRX, DHTML, Administrator Desktop, and e.Report Designer Professional View server does not display graph in DHTML format Images are not displayed in report when using AC_IMAGE_SEARCH_PATH Two PDF files are created when printing to Adobe writer Auto disk space checking does not take symbolically linked dir into account Incorrect display of line graph on Solaris Report Server Option to preserve version numbers in AcExport/AcImport ReportCast: Linefeed character in the control value causes error during search Modifications made XML config file does not refresh until restart Report Server AcDefrag deletes data whose Key ID is longer than 128 characters Ability to access the ""User Options..."" from Viewer and EUDT Certify iPlanet Web Server 6.0 for ReportCast AcHtmlVisitor functions cannot convert graph on report server
27759 27638 27432 27400 27356 27342 27324 27306 27258 27231 27084 27068 27056 27045 27001 26994 26986 26925 26805 26794 26792 26791 26699 26587 26569 26566 26550 26543 26478 26459 26350 26169 26081 25668 25209 23251 21445 20232 19609 18939 18697 17043 16093 14794 10824 9736
Unable to view reports in Netscape when username has non-alphanumerical chars Unexpected ""User is externally registered"" message when print with LDAP TOC for previous versions does not expand properly in 5.0 Spaces in the .jod file name gives errors on Report Server 5.0 AcSchedule::SetPeriod() has too many bugs AcGetUserCompletedRequests returns some incorrect request IDs Support for Sybase Adaptive Server IQ (ASIQ Version 12.x) Report Server 5.0 Cannot use ACPIMPRT/ACIMPORT if encyclopedia is externalized Certify iPlanet Directory Server 5.0 on Windows and UNIX Performance issue with large bundled ROI 2500+ pages DHTML rendering of Japanese characters is Incorrect Next start time for a schedule shows wrong date from the schedule AcExport performance related enhancement request Background color does not print on Unix servers Performance problem when expanding large folder AcMalloc deadlocks when low on memory Crash in Object Server Gacs.exe failed to terminate PDF produced on UNIX RS larger (4-6+) than NT RS with roi that has embedded JPG Exploding Pie Chart does not match its legend ViewNavigation page parameter does not work in Actuate 5.0 ViewNavigation does not work as stated in the manual Frame positioned with negative x-value when printed negative position ignored Scheduling doesn't work when the time zone is set to NZ Unable to generate graph in PDF when LANG variable is set to ""fr"" Solaris Server install references a JRE directory that does not exist Confusing Handling of DB2 libraries during report server installation on Unix Changing process ports causes connection time out on HP_UX RS Gacs.exe file missing from bin directory Oracle connection disconnects with error ORA 03114 Scheduled report ""Next Start Time"" incorrect for Every nth Monday of a month __wait=wait can not be turned off from a link expression on the web Labels in a time series graph are being cut off in DHTML on UNIX Purge tempROV operation in report server is not efficient AcImport does not subscribe ""Administrator"" to channels AcImport should check password in the beginning of process Administrator gets a blank email when disk space falls below the warning limit Show first page as soon as available in DHTML Viewer Graph color changes when report is viewed as HTML or DHTML Support DHTML reports on UNIX and MAC versions of IE/NN browsers Allow embedding Actuate (D)HTML in web pages Silent install of the Report Server on NT NT Cluster Support Support context menus and other active viewing methods using JavaScript Connecting to RS-->IP address without HOSTS file entry does not work AcImport and AcExport do not return good status values after run
RSAPI defects
43930 43455 39979 39509 38942 31565 30740 30670 30251 29366 28555 27664 27520 26374 RSSE loses admin role subscription Support Sun Forte 6 C++ Update 2 Requests submitted by users through RSAPI run at priority 0 AC_USER_EMAIL_FORM property definitions are missing Duplex Printing does not work Egclient reportObject 19 and 20 do not work 30% performance hit in AcPersistentObject -> GetAllUserNamePrivilegeType Call to AcVSPage's send() method causes hang in the report server SendRequest Fails, but AcMessageSendError reports ""No Error"" Administrator Desktop displays wrong RSSE values RSSE function AcRSSEAuthenticate return 107 AC_RSSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN Memory leaks detected in the egclient.exe application AcAddPrivilegeToUser fails in RSAPI code as user number grows ACRS4060.dll Entry Point Error : Incompatibility between 4.1 version
40831 40729 40680 40679 40633 40502 40479 40175 40168 40148 40137 40136 40135 40111 39920 39864 39849 39744 39502 39499 39405 39110 39109 39090 38978 38958 38883 38654 38374 32297 32181 32158 32006 31955 31790 31765 31733 31675 31645 31568 31559 31528 31523 31522 31520 31509 31495 31447 31415 31381 31367 31309 31277 31256 31241 31237 31224 31144 31108 31095 31068 31028
The Designer does not reflect the PrependSchema set in the ACJDesigner.propertie Data in AcTextControl sometimes does not appear in DHTML and PDF DEVJavaScript errors while clicking on tabs Add a function in AFC to get the name of a Superclass for a subclassed control Microsoft security patch q316059 breaks the LRX for Internet Explorer 6 Connection properties resets to previous one when being moved Conditional script gives a ""Null Pointer Exception"" Error: Missing custom.ini when installing from self-extracting executable Installs of JSP products should install Tomcat as a Windows Service Servlet Exception Errors while using System Admin Declare Statement does not work in e.Report Designer Professional Unable to execute a report Create parameter values file error Unable to access stored procedures with input parameters in DB2 database When importing the ASCII data, the column names are displayed as field0, field1 ""Suppress rows"" hides rows even when all values in the row are not zeros/NULL Performance improvement for File I/O in Actuate Basic Total column for cross tab shows when summarize on row and column is unchecked Offending command errors when printing a report on HPUX e.Report Designer Professional allows up to 255 columns against Oracle Export in CSV format Problem with master-Detail Query Wizard Unable to delete a section using Edit->Delete Certify Netscape 6.2 on Solaris for ReportCast and Active Portal Java Exception when reopen a empty template Error saving as comma delimited file or tab delimited in Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 Excel output does not look exactly the same as preview Print section if resultset is empty creates 2 pages (Page 1 (a/b) and (b/b)) TOC does not behave correctly under Internet Explorer 5.0 running on Mac 10.1 Inaccurate results when searching on Page Header controls Security hole: PDFs are cached by browsers setDefaultLookAndFeel method does not set the Look and Feel for all new reports Request to modify privilege template to multiple existing report objects at once Problem with passing input parameters to Sybase stored procedure java.lang.RuntimeException: Erroneous request for frameset; no TOC generated Ability to specify the root directory for ReportCast Agent during installation Column labels and row labels displayed as f0, f1 when using searchalias Text is truncated on the browser for a multi-line control when using Verdana Default values for date report input parameters are not picked up in 5.0SP2 A section has to be selected twice to be inserted in a template in e.Report Designer Java Edition Static parameter gives database error in Textual Query Source ReportCast Agent for IIS: Changes to ISAPI filter Can not version rov through AcReqWriteFile Problem with the formula control with the expression (now()-1dd) Submitting reports via the web without __wait=wait causes multiple submits Problem with the generatePDF() method Automation error with Designer Activex Control in Windows 98 Strange read-only behavior in rol Problem with restoring a Component Editor window PDF Document opens up blank when using ReportCast and IE HTML report does not display TOC Rectangle gets cut of and items are shifted during printing Problem with specifying the report parameters in the import query Printing Haettenschweiler fails on AIX report server (insufficient memory) Problem with combining PDFs using the combinePDF demo When using the external fonts, the text gets truncated in the PDF output Faulty printing of rounded rectangles on Unix Certify IBM DB2 UDB 7.2 client and server for Actuate Basic products Certify Netscape 6.2 for ReportCast Graph's axis color is set to blue does not turn blue on Unix ReportCast crashes when logging is turned on and the log file grows large Designer ActiveX control hangs including libraries that include libraries
31024 e.Report Designer Professional: ""Same width"" feature for the line controls does not work as expected 30864 e.Report Designer Java Edition allows modifying and saving Read-Only template files 30817 AcHTMLImage controls are not clickable in the HTML report 30738 e.Report Designer Professional crashes when a Formula is entered in the Query Editor 30716 Text scrolls over the column headings in ExtendedQueryOperator demo 30701 Point Labels displayed incorrectly when PointLabelStyle --> GraphNumericLabels 30638 e.Analysis window gets error when it is called using hyperlink 30606 OLE Automation: Passing of string variable in the OLE method causes crash 30595 Blank reports on web with Norwegian locales 30550 [D]HTML report sent as an email from Preview does not show the image 30548 Search fails when using CGI after number of selected controls exceeds a limit 30534 Calling a COM function crashes e.Report Designer Professional 30517 When adding/removing a control the relationship is not updated 30516 e.Report Designer Professional: Left outer join not working correctly 30459 Sorting users does not work on Windows 2000 30427 Date parameters in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm format always results in the year as ""1899 30395 Drop support for Windows 95 30366 Inconsistent behavior when changing the Palette's FullClassName 30353 Problem with passing the runtime parameters to the stored procedure 30349 Set up recurring schedule for the nth day of the month returns error message 30340 Creating new username does not check for special characters (only rename) 30288 Add ability to specify the Main Title using registry key/environment variable-e.Analysis 30277 Parameters change order after design 30250 Change default paper size to new default paper size in the Registry file 32067 PDF output not properly rendered using IBM WebSphere 3.5.3 on AIX 32007 ActiveX: OpenReportInstance fails against report with modified PageList 30927 Error expression #10.10.1999# is incorrect running report Portfolio 30914 ""FontGenerator: Invalid"" RuntimeException" 30843 Problem with resize to fit option 30183 In scheduled Summary tab, the ending date (for the year) shows incorrectly 30153 Line chart with single value on x-axis is not displayed in the PDF output 30125 Problem with alignment of controls when resize to fit option is on 30097 Combo box errors - cannot enter correct data in fields 30074 setdisplaygridlines causes Excel toolbar to freeze 30071 NullPointerException when generating reports with ""Print section if RS empty"" 30053 Duplex printing on Unix systems 30039 NullPointerException when generating reports with ""Print section if RS empty"" 30023 Support Oracle 9i Client on Windows and UNIX 30004 ROI generated by Requester API does not inherit folder's archive policy 29943 Control's hyperlink with ""%20n"" causes error that shuts down viewer 29941 MS SQL 2000 stored procedures do not retrieve the right results with JDBC-ODBC b 29857 No columns in the ResultSet tab are shown when selecting data from temp tables 29832 GraphExpressionLabels displayed incorrectly when the very first value is a Blank 29819 java.lang.NullPointerException when reading template 29791 Format function does not convert Special Characters to uppercase or lowercase 29739 Contents of the frame showing when printed when me.Size.Height = 0 29542 Authentication prompt appears when report fails in DHTML 29527 Classpath not reflected when the Report Server is recycled and rod is run 29434 Controls are referred with wrong table name when declaring aliases in the query 29432 GetHitPoint and GetHitSet does not return correct results for a Line graph 29373 Sample design MultiSetTimeSeries.rod fails with an AB runtime error 29308 Problem with chart control when there is no data 29255 Cannot submit a request through the ReportCast on AIX (iPlanet) 29250 Automatic notification deletion always deletes all notifications 29166 Excel API: SetNumberFormat may not work well for Date or Currency format 29161 Grant Exp value not shown in TOC when viewing a report with Pagelevel security 29160 e.Report Designer Professional: DateValue functions returns null for the 1st hour of a day" 29159 e.Report Designer Professional: TimeValue functions returns null for the 1st hour of a day 29110 Problem with Import Query 29072 ActiveX crashes when connecting a second time 28999 Setting the Browser side cache property in the Administrator Desktop 28970 LRX displays gray screen in Internet Explorer 5.5 when loaded in frameset
28946 28932 28909 28841 28770 28761 28757 28743 28702 28686 28660 28587 28553 28473 28419 28394 28305 28274 28241 28032 28020 27995 27991 27884 27882 27812 27778 27764 27630 27392 27198 27105 26867 26832 26822 26797 26788 26637 26506 26471 26408 26284 26246 26241 26223 26154 26121 26115 26073 26037 26015 26014 25970 25954 24242 22335 22151 21010 20186 19853 14445
Report parameters already defined in the report template disappear Cannot navigate to a folder with a corrupt Excel file Use of Null Instance Handle Error when ValueExp contains group by clause Actuate Installation Shield should prompt for Actuate home folder e.Analysis with French regional settings prevents viewing of Quinn reports Default values of Report Runtime Params used always with Sybase stored procedure Viewing report currently generating over the web produces inaccurate error message Netscape 4.x PDF problem Difference when saved as roi and html Selecting Italic from Format --> Font dialog generates warning HTML converter generates duplicate frames format=XMLStyle in GetStyleSheet directive does not work Order in which the Params appear in the Tools->Parameters is not consistent GetAFCRoxVersion() does not work correctly No more than one channel can be subscribed using URL e.Report Designer Java Edition: ACJDesigner creator fails if showDesigner is FALSE Date (Spanish format; dd/mm/yy) is switched back to US date format (mm/dd/yy) Shell() function in returns invalid process ID Page Security is case sensitive User with admin role cannot see another user's Active Requests through web Control that has long url in the linkexp does not work on Internet Explorer 4.x and Internet Explorer 5.0 User privilege template does not sort alphabetically A specific Japanese Kanji is not displayed correctly in the PDF file Masking the report location using cgi scripts does not work with Login Forms Include documentation to specify sequence in which API needs to used in ACJ5.0 Webagent changes for WebLogic CGI setup Multiple Search Results in CSV Runtime Parameters when included in a formula do not work in ACJ 5.0 Egclient failed to print bundled report Login form not shown Chinese Support: Chinese System font does not show correctly in DHTML format VTune shows that Administrator Desktop spends a lot of time calling AcNavListView::ClearItemData Chinese Support: PDF does not display Chinese characters AC_REQ_REPLACE option in Requester API does not work Date format is in English when printed (server side) with Locale set to FR If you have a username and password in the URL, you cannot use e.Analysis Server side printing to Adobe distiller only produces PDF in letter size WMG hyperlink of not working in LRX AcReqGetStatus under certain conditions never returns a 1 when report is done Unable to local subclass a component a referenced component from a Library Computed Column crashes e.Report Designer Professional 5.0" Support Actuate Client Products on Windows XP Installation of ERD 4.1 corrupts MS Access '97 on the machine Colon in the value of a query parameter results in No data to display message GraphCustomLabels does not work as expected with Line graphs RemoteHost variable doesn't seem to work as documented RSET and LSET are broken The default tab settings in the Method Editor for e.Report Designer Professional Auto-join feature not working in QE for SQLServer with native connection Problems downloading compressed files using Apache Server Document Server Products are supported on NT Workstation/Windows 2000 Pro for employee Printer Dialog remembers the page range Format Property of AcTextControl in 4.1 behaves differently Successful notices get changed to failed when auto-archive is set up Allow page size to change depending on number of rows (Dynamic Page Sizing) Need ability to stop PDF download from prompting users Case sensitive problem in Group Parameter Name Report section disappears from Layout view when it is renamed Requester API: AC_REQ_HIDE option in the AcReqGenerateReport API does not work Provide support for Oracle 8.1.6 Client User login does not stay consistent after anonymous login
14118 13656 12185 11859 10461 10439 10133 9795 7950 7102
Increase or remove the ROI file size limit of 2 gigabytes Command line support in setup Support ""cancel button"" in custom requester application Multiline Text Control is not printed properly Wrong Result Column got created for Sybase stored procedure Installed names of ActiveX controls are not correct After doing acexport/acimport, versioning does not come up correctly Focus lost after changing order of OrderBy columns in query builder Provide a User Specified Name for Requests Visible in all Request folders Actuate does not print WYSIWYG
Documentation defects
44825 44588 44462 43600 42039 41126 38379 39016 38981 38954 38813 38365 31892 31588 31205 31204 30698 30603 30136 29818 29780 29771 27271 26632 26143 The "S" of "SOAP" stands for "Simple", not "Standard" Extra question mark (?) in the link Unable to start a freshly installed 6.0LP report server on SunOS 5.7 AC_SEARCH_PATH works at ImageFactoryTime, not only at View Time Location of RCASE variable is incorrect Controls subclassed from the AcDataControl break the XML converter Problem generating Excel output on WebSphere, WebLogic 5.1 AcSetUserPreferencs::SetUserPref does not have AC_USER_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NONE All LeadTools dlls to be included as part of ActiveX Control install not listed Requester API - Temp directory needs to be accessible" Search extension dlls should be included as part of the ActiveX Control install AcGetUserPreferences wrt AC_USER_MAX_PRIORITY misleading Using the SDK, AC_RSSE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW is not defined Provide resource/tuning recommendations Clarification for mounting the ReportCast CD on HP-UX11 or standardize case Actuate cgi scripts do not work with iPlanet 4.1 SP6 USER_OBJECT should not be in LDAP_Authentication_Example\readme.txt and .doc What types of TIFF images do we not support in an Image Control in e.Report Designer Professional? Documentation bug in the explanation of AC_HIGH_QUALITY_GRAPH in the manual Documentation Bug: Specify DHTML Limitations Doc: Upgrading to 5.0 : Updating Reports: Modify Registry? Source for Report Cast Variables SaveTarget As Feature for 4.1 should be documented List of all URL directives and their parameters Merant ODBC setup documentation
High Scalability
Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 can scale to handle millions of users and reports. Actuate 6 e.Reporting Server can run across a cluster of low-cost machines. Automatic load balancing and transaction partitioning spread the work evenly across the machines; requests are routed to the machine that can process them most quickly. To increase the number of transactions the e.Reporting Server can handle, the customer can simply add additional machines to the cluster. To provide storage scalability, the Actuate 6 Report Encyclopedia can consist of multiple volumes, each of which can use multiple physical disk partitions. Thus, the storage capacity of an e.Reporting Server can be expanded by adding Report Encyclopedia volumes and physical disk partitions to the system.
High Availability
Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 enables high availability in three ways. First, with the Actuate 6 clustering capabilities, the e.Reporting Server can be easily configured for automatic failover and recovery so there is no single point of failure. Second, Actuate 6 makes high-availability more affordable by supporting an active-active failover configuration. Third, the e.Reporting Server cluster can stay online and remain responsive to user requests, even during maintenance, configuration, and backups.
The Actuate e.Reporting Server provides powerful integration capabilities that enable smooth operation with complex, best-of-breed application architectures, with data coming from disparate sources inside and outside the organization, and output being redirected to other applications.
Web Services
Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 includes Web Services support. Other systems can access Actuate e.Reporting Server functionality via SOAP calls to the new Actuate Information Delivery API. Other systems can also discover the e.Reporting Servers accessible functionality using the WDSL descriptions that Actuate publishes for each function in the Actuate Information Delivery API.
Active Portal
Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 provides Active Portal, a more powerful and more easily customized version of ReportCast that is implemented using industry-standard Java Server Pages (JSPs). The Active Portal product is available as a set of JSPs that directly access the e.Reporting Server using the Actuate Information Delivery API.
In addition to the existing output formats of DHTML, PDF, and XML, Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 introduces a new format that returns report content as a Reportlet , or partial DHTML pages, that can be integrated into existing web pages. Reportlets allow you to extract only the Actuate content you need and place it exactly where wanted, to achieve a precise web page look-and-feel.
Unicode Support
Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 has been enhanced to use Unicode as its internal data representation. In addition to providing the ability to display text in any language, Unicode data processing allows Actuate to: Accept data from any Unicode or non-Unicode database. (Actuate automatically performs the conversion for non-Unicode data.) Ability to seamlessly integrate with standards that support Unicode, such as J2EE, XML, HTML, Java and COM.
e.Analysis Enhancements
Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 includes a number of enhancements to e.Analysis that improve usability and provide more powerful analysis capabilities: To help users learn to use e.Analysis, Actuate 6 allows customers to expose functionality based on the users level of experience with the product: Novice, Standard or Advanced. The more advanced the user, the more functionality is exposed. This allows users to discover new features as they become more comfortable with e.Analysis, enhancing overall usability and shortening the learning curve for new users. Actuate 6 e.Analysis users can perform more powerful analyses with new features: MAX and MIN functions, which give the user the ability to aggregate values grouped by dimensions. Search and Filter on Dimensions, which allows users to search and filter on dimensions.
e.Analysis is now available in English, German, and French versions out of the box. Customers can also localize e.Analysis to any other language that uses the Latin 1 character set and most languages that use the Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS). Customers can now customize e.Analysis to display their own branding. Actuate 6 also gives customers the ability to perform some customization of the e.Analysis user interface. Administrators can better control what users see and how they interact with e.Analysis by selectively disabling buttons and setting preferences for rows, columns, charts, and so on.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
New J2EE-Based Sample Application The Quinn Capital sample application that ships with the e.Reporting Server has been completely revised to demonstrate the new capabilities of Actuate 6. The new sample application is J2EEbased. You can use it to learn how to use integrate Actuate into your J2EE application serverbased architectures. The Actuate 6 Sample Application can be installed alongside an existing Report Encyclopedia Volume. Installation Enhancements Customers can now completely customize the installation process of Actuate 6 products. The install programs can be executed in silent mode with input parameters provided in a configuration file, avoiding the need for any user interaction. The overall installation user interface has also been improved. Enhancements include a streamlined installation option and the ability to specify folder locations for all product components. Increased Maximum Size for Report Documents Actuate e.Reporting Suite 6 has increased the maximum size of unbundled ROI files from 2 GB to 8 GB. Updated HTML Help System Online Help in Actuate Desktop products (e.Report Designer, e.Report Designer Professional, End User Desktop, and Viewer) has been updated to use the most recent version of Microsoft's HTML Help, the de facto standard for application help.
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Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group.