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Module 1 (Introduction To Science)

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MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE SECTION A 1. The information given below shows the steps in a scientific investigation. P . /a#ing a conclusion Q . /a#ing a smart guess R . arr%ing out an investigation S . !etermining 0what , want to fin' out1 T . ,nterpreting the 'ata The correct sequence of these steps is A B ! Q, S, R, T, P S, Q, R, T, P Q, S, P, R, T S, Q, T, P, R

". Before a scientist ma#es an observation in an investigation, he$she must thin# of how to A anal%&e the observation B ma#e an inference on the observation present the observation ! recor' the observation (. )igure 1 shows the oscillation of a pen'ulum. The pen'ulum swings from R to T an' bac# to R through S.


)igure 1 *hich of the following shows a complete oscillation+ , ,, ,,, ,A B ! R S R T S T S S T S T R R R S S S S R R

, onl% , an' ,, onl% ,, an' ,,, onl% ,, ,,, ,,, an' ,-

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2. *hen 34 ml of oil is poure' into an empt% bea#er of mass 1(3 g, the total mass increases to 153 g. *hat is the mass of 1 ml of oil+ A B ! 4.1 g 4." g 4.6 g 4.7 g

3. The mass of an astronaut on the earth is 63 #g. *hat is his mass on the moon+ A B ! 73 #g 63 #g 33 #g 4 #g

6. *hich of the following represents the prefi8 value of #ilo+ A B ! 14 144 1444 14 444

5. )igure " shows the time ta#en to complete one oscillation against the length of a pen'ulum. Time ta#en to complete 9ne oscillation:s;

<ength of pen'ulum :cm; )igure " Base' on the graph, what inference can %ou ma#e+ A The longer the length of the pen'ulum, the shorter the perio' of oscillation. B Time ta#en for one oscillation increases as the length of the pen'ulum ,ncreases. The shorter the length of the pen'ulum, the longer the perio' of oscillation. ! Time ta#en to complete one oscillation 'oes not 'epen' on the length of the pen'ulum.

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7. )igure ( shows a moving pen'ulum.

= ?
)igure (


*hich of the following statements are true about the pen'ulum+ , The potential energ% of the pen'ulum is the highest at position =. ,, The potential energ% of the pen'ulum is the same at position = an' >. ,,, The #inetic energ% of the pen'ulum is the highest at position ?. A B ! , an' ,, onl% , an' ,,, onl% ,, an' ,,, onl% ,, ,, an' ,,,

@. An e8periment is carrie' out to 'etermine whether the weight of a pen'ulum affects its swing. *hich of the following variables are correctl% use'+ , ,, ,,, A B ! constant variableA length of pen'ulum manipulate' variableA weight of pen'ulum respon'ing variableA time of swing of pen'ulum ,, ,, an' ,,, , an' ,, ,, an' ,,, , onl%

14. 344 m are equivalent toB , ,, ,,, A B ! 4.3 #m 34 444 cm 344 444 mm ,, ,, an' ,,, , an' ,, ,, an' ,,, , onl%

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SECTION B 1. !iagram 1 shows the apparatus of an e8periment to stu'% the length of a pen'ulum an' how it affects the number of swings in a given time.

string retort stand pendulum

!iagram 1 The result of this e8periment is shown in Table 1. Length of pendulum (cm 34 (4 "4 :a; State the following variablesA )i8e' variableACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC /anipulate' variable ACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Respon'ing variableACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC D1 mar#E :b; State a h%pothesis for this e8periment. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC D1 mar#E :c; Pre'ict the number of swings if the length of the pen'ulum is "3 cm. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC D1 mar#E :'; S#etch a graph to show the relationship between the length of the pen'ulum an' the number of swings.
Fumber of swings

Num!e" of #$%ng# %n 1 m%nute 2" 32 65 Table 1

:i; :ii; :iii;

<ength of pen'ulum

STF Enrichment Module (PMR)

:1 mar#;

!iagram 1.1

(e) !iagram 1.1 above shows a pen'ulum swing.

!efine the meaning of one oscillation. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ED1 mar#E :f; *hat is the conclusion for this e8periment+ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC D mar#E ". !iagram " shows the arrangement of apparatus use' to measure the volume of 34 'rops of water .

!iagram " :a; Fame the apparatus = an' ? in the spaces provi'e' in !iagram ". D " mar#sE :b; /ar# using arrow, apparatus ?. , to show the correct e%e level when ta#ing a rea'ing from D1 mar#E

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:c; !iagram ".1 shows the changes in the level of water in apparatus ? when 34 'rops of water flow out of it.

!iagram ".1 Base' on !iagram ".1, complete the table belowA ,nitial rea'ing :cm(; )inal rea'ing :cm(; -olume of 34 'rops of water :cm(; D( mar#sE :'; alculate the volume of one 'rop of water.

D" mar#sE

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