Shiva 108 Names
Shiva 108 Names
Shiva 108 Names
of devotion. 108 is considered an auspicious number. Hence Siva is extolled through these 108 names during the puja rituals either by the priests or by the worshippers themselves. 1. OM SHIVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Auspicious One 2. OM MAHESHVARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Great God Shiva 3. OM SHAMBHAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who exists for our happiness alone 4. OM PINAKINE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva, who guards the path of dharma 5. OM SHASHISHEKHARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who wears the crescent moon in his hair 6. OM VAMADEVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is pleasing and auspicious in every way 7. OM VIRUPAKSHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God of spotless form 8. OM KAPARDINE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord with thickly matted hair
9. OM NILALOHITAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God splendid as the red sun at daybreak 10. OM SHANKARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
Shiva, who is dear to Lord Vishnu 14. OM SHIPIVISHTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
Lord whose form emits great rays of light 15. OM AMBIKANATHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to
the Lord who loves His devotees like new born calves 18. OM BHAVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God
who is the Lord of all the three worlds 21. OM SHITAKANTHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
primal soul whose throat is deep blue 22. OM SHIVAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
god who is dear to Shakti 23. OM UGRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva whose
presence is awesome and overwhelming 24. OM KAPALINE NAMAHA Salutations to the God
whose begging bowl is a human skull 25. OM KAMARAYE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who
Salutations to the Lord who killed the asura Andhaka 27. OM GANGADHARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
God who holds the Ganges River in his hair 28. OM LALATAKSHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
God who is the treasure of compassion 31. OM BHIMAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva
the God who wields an axe in his hands 33. OM MRIGAPANAYAE NAMAHA Salutations to the
Lord who looks after the soul in the wilderness 34. OM JATADHARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva
who bears a mass of matted hair 35. OM KAILASAVASINE NAMAHA Salutations to the
God who abides on Mount Kailas 36. OM KAVACHINE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord
Salutations to the Lord covered with holy ash 42. OM SAMAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
God exceedingly fond of hymns from the Sama Veda 43. OM SVARAMAYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva
Lord who is worshiped in three forms 45. OM ANISHVARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
architect of all sacrificial rites 51. OM SOMAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Moon-
the God of the five activities 53. OM SADASHIVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
monarch of the holy mountain Kailas 61. OM GIRISHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord
to the Lord adorned with golden snakes 64. OM BHARGAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
God who wears clothes of hide 68. OM PURARATAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the
the God who is served by goblins 71. OM MRITUNJAYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the
who fills the whole world 74. OM JAGADGURAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the
God whose hair is the spreading sky above 76. OM MAHASENAJANAKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to
Shiva, the guardian of wandering pilgrims 78. OM RUDRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord
source of living creatures, including the Bhutas, or ghostly creatures 80. OM STHANAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the firm
Lord who waits for the sleeping kundalini 82. OM DIGAMBARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva
Lord who has eight forms 84. OM ANEKATMANE NAMAHA Salutations to the
God who is the one soul 85. OM SATVIKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord
to him who is free of all doubt and dissension 87. OM SHASHVATAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva,
the Lord who releases all fetters 91. OM MRIDAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord
ruler of all evolving souls, the animals 93. OM DEVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the foremost
the one who punished Pushan 98. OM AVYAGRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord
Salutations to the destroyer of Daksha's conceited sacrifice 100. OM HARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who
Shiva who taught Bhaga to see more clearly 102. OM AVYAKTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva
God who is standing and walking everywhere 105. OM APAVARGAPRADAYA NAMAHA Salutations to
the Lord who gives and takes all things 106. OM ANANTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God