O&M Manual For FCU
O&M Manual For FCU
O&M Manual For FCU
: : : :
MVAC Contractor :
Dated :
Project Title Project No. Client Contractor Contract Person Telephone Fax No.
: : : :
: :
1. S STEM DESC!"PT"#N $.$ Scope o% &or's
$.( S)ste* Description 2. #PE!AT"N+ AND MA"NTENANCE "NST!,CT"#N (.$ Manual #peration (.( Maintenance Schedule (.(.$ Monthl) &or's (.(.( -al% earl) &or's (.(.. Annual &or's 3. E/,"PMENT SC-ED,0E ..$ Fan Coil ,nits 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. S,PP0"E! 0"ST EME!+ENC CA00 AS1F"TTED D!A&"N+ 0"ST SPA!E PA!TS 0"ST E/,"PMENT CATA0#+,E 2.$ Fan Coil ,nits 9. TEST AND C#MM"SS"#N"N+ !EP#!T
a9 Fan Coil ,nits Fan coil units are installed in all area located on 0+ %loor6 ,+ %loor and +round %loor 5hich re:uired indi8idual air1conditionin7 control. Fresh air %or those roo*s has ;een pro8ided ;) pre1treated air supplied ;) pre1treated air handlin7 units. Electrical duct heaters are pro8ided %or so*e roo*s and co**on area.
(. S5itch on %an at 5all *ounted ther*ostat .. FC, starts St ! $. S5itch <o%%= %an at 5all *ounted ther*ostat (. FC, Stops
(.( 2.2.1
MA"NTENANCE SC-ED,0E >MVAC9 M "t#$% & r'( )a* +,",ra$ >i9 To chec' the 7eneral condition o% the plant and e:uip*ent. To ensure that the plant and e:uip*ent are satis%actoril) operatin7
>8i9 >8ii9
5ithin desi7n conditions4 To chec' the lu;ricatin7 s)ste* o% all runnin7 parts4 cleanin76 7reasin7 and oilin7 5here necessar)4 To chec' an) 5ater lea'a7e %ro* the pipe 5or' and to repair i% re:uired4 Visual chec'in7 on all suppl) and return 7rilles and lou8ers6 cleanin7 i% necessar)4 To chec' the corrosion o% *etal sur%ace6 %ra*e5or' and support?*ountin7 ;rac'ets6 etc.6 and to reinstate the sur%ace ;) re*o8in7 rust and repaint i% necessar)4 To chec' the operation conditions o% the 5ater treat*ent s)ste*. To chec' & record the readin7 o% the pressure & te*perature 7au7e at suction and dischar7e 5ater pipe 5hich are on nor*al operatin7 condition.
)-* Fa" C .$ U".t( >i9 To chec' that the %an coil units and its control?sensin7 de8ices are %unctionin7 properl) and inspect drain pipes to ensure no clo77in7 and %loodin7. !ecti%) i% necessar)4 To chec' and clean the condensin7 5ater drain pan6 drain pipes to ensure no clo77in7 and %loodin7. !ecti%) i% necessar)4 and Visual chec'in7 on sur%ace condition o% the suppl) and return air 7rilles and %ilter6 cleanin7 as necessar). To chec' the operation and o8erheat cut1out o% duct heater i% a8aila;le
-al%1)earl) ser8ice and *aintenance shall include the %ollo5in7 ite*s:1 >a9 To inspect the condition o% pipe %ittin7s6 supports6 duct5or's6 han7ers6 etc.6 %or si7n o% corrosion. !e*o8e the rust and repaint 5ith pri*er and %inish coatin7 as necessar)4 >;9 To chec' the per%or*ance o% controls and sa%et) cut1outs and
chec' all control panel indication la*ps6 recti%) as re:uired4 To clean electrical panels includin7 5irin7 ter*inals and connection points as re:uired4 To touch up 5ith %inish1coatin7 5here there is an) rust or si7n o% corrosion o% the e:uip*ent ;) %irst re*o8in7 the rust?corrosion4 To chec' and adjust6 i% necessar)6 the air %lo5 in the air1duct5or' s)ste*4 Visual chec'in7 on air1cooled chiller@s condenser coils6 cleanin7 ;) hi7h1pressure 5ater or stea* jet 5ith appro8ed cleanin7 deter7ent i% necessar)4 Visual chec'in7 on coolin7?heatin7 coils o% all A-,s? PA,s>excludin7 %an coil units96 cleanin7 ;) hi7h1pressure 5ater or stea* jet 5ith appro8ed cleanin7 deter7ent i% necessar)4 To chec' and ser8e all "A/ control and sensin7 e:uip*ent includin7 C#( sensors6 air *o8e*ent sensors6 ther*ostat6 pressure sensors6 te*perature sensors and 8olu*e control da*pers as necessar)4 and To inspect all co*ponents o% 8entilation s)ste* %or cleanliness and *icro;ial 7ro5th and clean the* as necessar) at no cost to +o8ern*ent.
A""1a$ & r'( >a9 To inspect the condition o% pipe %ittin7s6 supports6 duct5or'6 han7ers6 etc.6 %or si7n o% corrosion. !e*o8e the rust and repaint 5ith pri*er and %inish coatin7 as necessar)4 >;9 To chec' the condition o% pipe 5or' and duct5or'. !econdition and i% instructed6 replace the deteriorated portion in accordance 5ith
accepta;le en7ineerin7 practice and standard4 >c9 To re%it the isolatin7 8al8es6 chan7e the 8al8e 7land and 7as'et6 and recondition the 7lo;e 8al8es6 etc. i% necessar)4 >d9 To exa*ine6 chec' and *aintain the proper operation o% associated electrical panels in the plant roo*. !epair and rene5 as appropriate4 >e9 To chec'6 test and recali;rate or replace as necessar)6 all control and sa%et) de8ices4 >%9 To chec'6 test6 adjust6 clean and repair?recti%) de%ects i% re:uired %or all electronic circuit ;oards and control? sensin7? detection de8ices includin7 ;uildin7 auto*ation s)ste* i% a8aila;le in the s)ste*4
>79 To inspect and clean all internal sur%ace o% duct5or' includin7 the suppl) and return air plenu*s i% necessar). The cleanin7 o% the duct5or' shall not a%%ect the nor*al operation o% the ;uildin7. The contractor shall arran7e the cleanin7 a%ter the o%%ice hours o% the ;uildin74 >h9 To inspect alu*inu* %oil6 paints or other concrete sealin7 la)ers and 5all sur%ace 5hich *eant to stop radon 7as e*ission and pro8ide all necessar) touch up 5or'4 and >i9 Chec' operation o% all %ire da*per6 %ire & s*o'e da*per and issue the 8entilation certi%icate
Contractor Contact Person : :
Dra5in7 !e%. No. !e8ision Description
F 2 3
Pressure 7au7es 1 Ther*o*eter Ge) %or DDC Panel6 "nter%acin7 Aox6 Chiller ,nits and C!AC ,nits Spanner $(= Fusi;le 0in' >E2 De7 C9 0u;ricatin7 #il
$D $$ $(
Catalo7ue "ndex $. Fan Coil ,nit
2.$$ V!V
2.$( Filter
2.$. Silencer