The Impact of Green Computing in The Industrial Management
The Impact of Green Computing in The Industrial Management
The Impact of Green Computing in The Industrial Management
ABSTRACT In this age where resources are seemingly becoming scarce, the need to maximize all forms of resources is becoming highly essential and mandatory. For this reason, many experts in the field of computing industry are thinking about how they can make sure that resources never come to a point that they will be extinct or no longer re-usable. The technology that we have these days is such a complicated and intricate and one. This people same technology learning basically is dependent on a group of diverse dynamic whose experience, knowledge, and skill set bring about more issues in the utility of the hardware and software technologies that they currently have. For this reason, the need for an effective implementation of green computing should be properly any Keywords& !reen computing, 'omputing resources, Technology, 'omputer industry, biodegradable products. addressed or given enough priority. computing resources is now under the attention of not only environmental organizations, but also businesses from other industries. In recent years, companies in the computer industry have come to realize that going green is in their best interest, both in terms of public relations and reduced costs. The term "green computing# is one that is coming out in many different markets and areas all over the world in today$s global technology. %et, many computer users out there aren$t sure what it means. !reen computing is basically learning to use computer resources more efficiently to help the environment as well as energy savings. !reen computing helps to promote the usage of biodegradable products and recycle computer components whenever possible.
government institutions are strictly imposing the use of the green computing practice and realize the importance of saving the resources for future generations to come. !reen computing is the study and practice of efficient and eco-friendly
original resource into its original state. &. Power Ma%a'e(e%! . The life of the physical devices relies on how effective and efficient it is managed. ,ne of the classic examples is the efficient use of the portable system battery. -y using the power management feature of the system, some features of the system can actually be disabled that consumes too much battery usage. .ot only will this save electric charging fee but also saving the battery from easily being worn out. -eyond the above /!reen 'omputing/ user initiatives, there are a number of more fundamental steps that can be taken to significantly decrease the environmental impact of computing. These mainly involve measures for reducing energy consumption, and may be grouped under the following six headings&
The industry is the ma(or consumer of the computing devices. The industry relies too heavily with computing devices in their industrial activities. )hen the computing industry becomes incapable in sustaining the industrial needs in computers and other computing devices, the global market and industry shall surely suffer. *ince the resources in computing industry is losing control in the use of the computing resources, the experts in the field have thought about how they can combat the continuing the battle of scarcity in computing resources. This movement led to the development of the !reen 'omputing practice. This !reen 'omputing study reveals that there is a way that can suppress the worsening problem about misuse and abuse in the use of the computing resources .*ome of the methods that can help a company save resources include the following green computing tips& a. V r!"a# $a! o% +irtualization is a technology that can help to save both hardware and software resources peripheral by device creating using a the "similar environment# like an operating system or a present resources. )hen the need for that virtualized application is over, then it can put back the
0ower power hardware 'loud computing 1nergy efficient coding Improved repair, re-use, recycling and disposal
the business world today is the use of computers. 2s more computers are
responsible for preserving the planet for their grandchildren and their grandchildren4s grandchildren. ,rganization implementation of green depends on what the organization believes in, what it wants to do and how things are to be done. -e eco-responsible, reduce the IT costs and provide efficient performance on operations.
consumption is increased. In most cases, desktop computers are left continuously running even when not in use. This adds to the increasing energy burden and organization should do something about how to conserve this energy. It should also be noted that computers generate heat and re3uire additional cooling which adds to energy costs. Thus, the overall energy costs become greater for and companies. 2n organization that is committed to energy conservation environmental stewardship, must address the issue of computer use responsibility. ,rganizations should adopt conserving practices that will provide guides annual on savings in the end. ,rganization should have implementation energy saving strategies. ,rganizations implement green in their business for fame. They want to create a favorable publicity that they care and this in return promotes goodwill. !oodwill means drawing more customers and increasing revenues. ,ther organizations implement ongoing green, as they fear that if they do not, competitors will beat them. Today, part of government regulations conservation. re3uires *ome environmental
*ome companies associate green computing with additional overhead investments and costly reengineering of products. This is partially true but the longterm business impact of going green could outweigh the costs associated with it. )ith the increasing environmental awareness of end-users and consumers, providing green computing solutions offers a lot of potential. The green market is a growing sector. !oing green therefore could significantly improve the market position of companies. -y offering products geared towards to this market revenues. sector, To their competitiveness will improve thus resulting increased influence environmental business impact, companies need to recreate their marketing strategies. 'ompanies should understand that consumers are increasingly looking for
organizations implement green for altruistic and moral reasons. They feel they are
technology products that are more energy efficient. arketing strategies should capitalize on this demand by launching more product information campaigns focusing on this concern. 2dopting scalable technologies is also being implemented today by leading IT solutions providers. ,ther technology providers could also adopt this model. In essence, companies must create solutions that will allow end-users to fully utilize computing hardware for multiple purposes. This is the reason why some of the biggest solutions providers are aggressively pushing IT virtualization schemes. Through virtualization, users can effectively lower their hardware overhead costs through the use of virtual computing machines. It will also significantly lower their energy re3uirements thus transforming this savings into net corporate income. The progressive business impact of this scheme would be significant both for the providers and endusers. There is money to be made on green computing. )ith proper marketing strategies and product innovations, it could definitely improve sales and competitiveness.
products that are more responsive to environment protection. This is especially pronounced across IT industries in terms of creating energy efficient technology solutions. The role of the management is to make technology more sustainable and environment friendly. 2n example of a technology ,rganization. organization oriented It is a to development development popularizing organization is the !reen 'omputing Impact dedicated
environmental awareness among end-users. It also helps consumers choose greener technology solutions through educational activities and information drives. There are also development organizations that provide environmental designed for impact assessment tools information technology
products. *pecifically, the level of carbon emission and the energy efficiency of products are being measured through their environmental assessment tools. These tools are re3uired test mechanisms for some public and private organizations procurement programs. In this way, end users will be able to determine if their technology solutions comply with existing environmental regulations and standards. IT corporations and systems developers are also creating their own selfregulatory development organization. The
goal of such industry-initiated development organization is to standardize computing practices to enhance efficiency especially in energy and power consumption of devices and large-scale data centers. 'ollaborations have been initiated also through this type of organization in creating eco-friendly product standards. The role played by development organizations is vital in recreating the information technology industry. Through these organizations, of and companies technology efficiency of and and new consumers would be more sensitive to the relationship sustainability environmental issues. In this way, the technologies can be assured. *ome of the fields with the greatest potential for growth to determine what niche to get into, include&
5eveloping methods for disposal of computers and technology that no longer serve a function
!reen 'omputing is not only a new trend7 it is a technology of itself. The move to become more environmentally friendly is more than (ust a means to a better corporate image7 it is also a means to cost reduction in an ever inflating IT budget. .ew and improved ways of using this technology seem to appear everyday. The important key to remember is that while all of these technologies are beneficial in some way, the most beneficial to existing corporations are those that directly affect their processes and IT infrastructures. 6educing the number of servers using virtualization is a great way to consolidate but in order to get the maximum benefit the corporation must reorganize its datacenter infrastructure and in addition, rethink processes and procedures that utilize these resources from the user4s stand point. In order to utilize the new IT technology, an individual needs to be aware of the products they are buying. 8aying attention to things like the energy star rating along with the general components of a computer can help to greatly reduce the amount of electricity used
5eveloping alternative energy sources 6educing the carbon footprint created by computers 5eveloping solutions solar computing
'reating alternatives to lead usage in computers 5eveloping more energy efficient machines
on a day to day basis. 6eplacing old e3uipment with new and more efficient e3uipment is only effective if the efficiency difference is high and the old e3uipment can be recycled or reused instead of simply ending up in a landfill. *witching over to green technology doesn$t have to be a sudden and unnerving step for authorities. 9-eing !reen4 should be understood as a long-term commitment that solves the purpose of creating a greener and sustainable organizations infrastructure. have already any started
displaying figures of the amount of money they have saved in a calendar year by adopting practical, greener methods. ,rganizations which are new to 9-eing !reen4 should seek the help of such successful models to establish a list of measures that are most appropriate for their respective. REFERENCES)