Paediatric Empyema: A Case Report and Literature Review
Paediatric Empyema: A Case Report and Literature Review
Paediatric Empyema: A Case Report and Literature Review
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Paediatric Empyema: A Case Report and
Literature Review
Department of Paediatrics, Roval Hobart Hospital, Hobart, TASMANIA
Objective: To present a case of bilateral parapneumonic effusions in a child with Pneumococcal
pneumonia and bacteraemia managed aggressivelv with earlv thoracotomies. The literature from peer
reviewed fournals is summari:ed and the different management strategies are discussed.
Methods: Articles and reviews from peer reviewed fournals on the management of empvema in
children and adults.
Results: Staging of parapneumonic pleural effusions is difficult to assess clinicallv and radiologicallv.
Most cases can be successfullv managed with simple chest tube drainage, plus appropriate antibiotic
therapv. However, based on the available evidence for children, thoracotomv with decortication and direct
drainage mav provide the most effective treatment in terms of length of hospital stav and duration of chest
tube insertion, when compared with video assisted thoracoscopic surgerv (JATS) or chest tube drainage,
with or without intrapleural fibrinolvtic therapv.
Conclusions: More conservative approaches to treatment of empvema mav be appropriate initiallv to
avoid the cosmetic and other disadvantages of thoracotomv. However, delaved surgical drainage increases
morbiditv and mav potentiallv increase mortalitv. (Critical Care and Resuscitation 2005; 7: 102-106)
Key words: Empyema, thoracotomy, chest tube, review, management
On day 3, blood Streptococcus pneumoniae, Iully
sensitive to penicillin, was isolated Irom blood cultures.
By then his Iever had settled and treatment was
continued with high dose penicillin only. On day 5, his
Iever recurred. A chest X-ray demonstrated a small
right-sided loculated eIIusion, but an ultrasound
revealed only a 1 cm rim oI Iluid that was deemed not
drainable`. CeIotaxime was restarted.
A case is presented oI bilateral parapneumonic
eIIusions in a boy with Pneumococcal pneumonia and
bacteraemia managed aggressively with early thoracot-
omies. The literature is reviewed and diIIerent manage-
ment strategies are discussed.
A 3 year-old Caucasian boy, with a past history oI
croup, presented with a three-day history oI vomiting
and diarrhoea. He was admitted to hospital because oI
right middle lobe and lower lobe consolidation, neutr-
openia and a markedly elevated C-reactive protein oI
216 mg/L consistent with a diagnosis oI pneumonia.
Treatment was started with intravenous penicillin and
By day 10, an ultrasound revealed that the pleural
Iluid collection on the right side was 3 cm deep and
contained particulate matter and septa. Intravenous
Ilucloxacillin was substituted Ior penicillin. Because the
child had clinically deteriorated with worsening Iever,
tachypnoea and an increasing oxygen requirement, an
urgent right thoracotomy, decortication and chest tube
Correspondence to: Dr S. J. Parsons, Department oI Paediatrics, Royal Hobart Hospital, Liverpool St, Tasmania (e-mail:
Critical Care and Resuscitation 2005; 7: 102-106 S. J. PARSONS, ET AL
insertion under general anaesthesia was perIormed. A
leIt internal jugular central line was inserted at the same
time due to problems with peripheral venous access.
The pleural Iluid drained was seropurulent with many
leukocytes, but no organisms were Iound on culture.
On day 12, the patient again deteriorated and a chest
X-ray revealed leIt sided collapse/consolidation with
pleural eIIusion. An ultrasound revealed a leIt sided 4
cm loculated pleural Iluid collection. A leIt
thoracotomy, decortication and chest tube insertion was
perIormed under general anaesthesia. AIter consultation
with the hospital`s inIectious diseases service, oral
riIampicin was added to the Ilucloxacillin and
ceIotaxime antibiotic regimen. Culture oI the pleural
Iluid did not reveal any organisms. Abdominal, cardiac
and major vessel ultrasounds did not reveal any other
inIective sites, thrombosis, or Iluid collections. Serum
immunoglobulin levels were normal.
Subsequently the child`s condition slowly improved.
He was discharged home well on day 26.
Empyema in children is usually the result oI under-
lying lung inIection with Staphvlococcus aureus or
Streptococcus pneumoniae. Several studies report an
increase in the incidence oI empyema in children, even
in developed countries.
Staphvlococcal inIections now
outnumber streptococcal inIections as the leading cause
in countries where widespread pneumococcal
vaccination occurs.
Haemophilus influen:ae inIection
is now a rare cause oI empyema, again due to an
eIIective vaccination strategy. Mvcoplasma pneumoniae
commonly causes a parapneumonic eIIusion, and is a
recognised cause oI empyema in children.
inIections, including anaerobes, can also occur, especi-
ally in adults with underlying illnesses.
In developed
countries it is now most common Ior the purulent Iluid
drained Irom the pleural cavity to be sterile, due to
prolonged and broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment prior
to drainage. In the United States oI America, initial
treatment with vancomycin or clindamycin has been
recommended due to the prevalence oI resistant
staphvlococcal and streptococcal organisms.
Australia severe paediatric pneumonia with eIIusion is
usually treated initially with Ilucloxacillin and a third
generation cephalosporin, with or without a macrolide
antibiotic, as resistant pneumococcal disease is rare.
Vancomycin is used initially only iI meningitis is
Staging of parapneumonic effusions
An exudative parapneumonic eIIusion without
loculations or septa (Stage 1) has minimal leukocytes in
the Iluid. The Iluid is characterized by an elevated
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), a low pH and low
glucose concentration. In the Iibrinopurulent stage
(Stage 2) these biochemical abnormalities worsen, the
leukocyte count remains low, although there still may
be extensive Iibrinous coating oI the pleura and
loculations. In Stage 3 disease Irank pus develops.
Stage 4 disease is characterised by loculated pus. The
ideal management strategy Ior empyema has not been
elucidated due to a paucity oI properly conducted
randomised controlled trails. This situation is
compounded by the Iact that parapneumonic eIIusions
(Stage 1 and 2 disease) are much more common that
true empyema (Stage 3 and 4 disease). Earlier stage
disease could be over- or under-represented in the
various case series. Staging is also unreliable when
based on clinical criteria, e.g. the age oI the Iluid
collection. It is known that Stage 4 disease can occur
within 7 days oI the initial Iluid collection, but the Iluid
can remain relatively serous Ior much longer than this.
Accurate staging oI an empyema can only be done by a
combination oI computerised tomography and Iluid
In adults, empyema increases the mortality related to
community-acquired pneumonia, usually Irom over-
whelming sepsis, by seven times iI bilateral and by
more than three times iI unilateral.
The overall
mortality in several series ranges Irom 1 - 61.
comes are almost certainly inIluenced by management
Daily thoracentesis
In a case series Irom Denmark,
adults with
empyema had markedly reduced hospital stays (2.3 vs 5
weeks), Iewer complications (bronchopleural or
pleurocutaneous Iistulae) and less need Ior thoracotomy
or rib resection (6 vs 79), iI their empyema was
managed by daily needle thoracentesis and lavage with
or without intrapleural antibiotic administration versus
chest tube drainage. Mortality was equal between the
two groups at 8.5. The two groups oI patients were
managed by diIIerent units (medical and surgical) and
may have had diIIerent illness severities or other
compounding Iactors. Daily thoracentesis, even iI
eIIective, may be impractical in children due to the
daily requirement Ior deep sedation or general
Initial chest tube drainage
In a series oI complex adult patients Irom Taiwan,
with mostly Gram-negative bacterial inIections,
unsuccessIul initial chest tube drainage (deIined as
incomplete drainage with ongoing signs oI sepsis or
death) resulted in a signiIicantly higher mortality (47)
and longer hospital stays (28 days vs 16 days) than
S. J. PARSONS, ET AL Critical Care and Resuscitation 2005; 7: 102-106
immediate thoracotomy and decortication or successIul
chest tube drainage (6 and 11 mortality respect-
ively). Similar Iindings have been reported previously.
It appears that incomplete drainage with ongoing signs
oI sepsis heralds a poor prognosis. It is important to
note that inIlammatory markers such as CRP and ESR
can remain elevated Ior up to 4 weeks despite adequate
antibiotic treatment and drainage, although blood
leukocyte count and Iever Ialls by one week post
This delayed resolution oI inIlammatory
markers makes assessment oI recovery aIter drainage
diIIicult. The eIIicacy oI pleural Iluid drainage thus
remains the key to the clinical decision- making
A large survey oI practice in Britain indicates that
only 11 oI all paediatric empyemas are managed
surgically. Long-term outcome is excellent.
Most cases
are adequately treated with simple chest tube drainage.
In a recent series Irom Great Ormond Street, later chest
drain insertion (8.1 vs 6.3 days aIter eIIusion detected)
was associated with a trend towards requirement Ior
surgical drainage.
Those children requiring surgery had
a longer hospital stay (18.6 vs 13.4 days), but surgery
was only undertaken iI chest tube drainage Iailed to
result in complete drainage and clinical symptoms
persisted. The authors Ielt that inadequate chest tube
size contributed to some Iailures. Chest tube size need
not be routinely large, but should be determined by the
degree oI viscosity oI the Iluid.
The adult literature reveals a key point, which is that
successIul complete drainage by chest tube alone can
occur even when loculations are evident on ultrasound
or computerized tomography scan. However, the
presence oI loculations makes complete chest tube
drainage less likely, with only 40 oI loculated
eIIusions drained completely versus 76 oI simple
A non-dependent chest tube position does
not aIIect drainage in non-loculated eIIusions. Truly
loculated eIIusions require ultrasound guidance to
achieve the correct tube location. Surprisingly a lower
pleural Iluid leukocyte count is associated with Iailure
oI conservative management.
Fibrinolytic therapy
In adults the addition oI Iibrinolytic agents to the
pleural cavity can improve chest tube drainage impeded
by loculations and Iibrin debris,
and may reduce the
need Ior thoracotomy or video assisted thoracoscopic
surgery (VATS).
In a series oI 501 children with
multiloculated empyema intrapleural Iibrinolytic ther-
apy (IPFT) was successIul in avoiding surgery in 81
oI cases.
In a series oI 22 children with complicated
parapneumonic eIIusions Irom Taiwan, streptokinase
resulted in a reduction in requirement Ior surgery and
shorter duration oI Iever when compared with 20
historical controls.
There is one randomised controlled
trial Irom India oI routine administration oI
streptokinase intrapleurally 24 hours aIter chest tube
insertion. No beneIit was detected in terms oI chest tube
drainage rates, duration oI illness or development oI
Intrapleural streptokinase may rarely lead
to local bleeding complications. This was seen in one
child administered 250,000 units oI streptokinase.
Streptokinase can cause Iever, pleural pain, arthralgia,
anaphylaxis and the acute respiratory distress syndrome
Urokinase may be the saIest choice, with no
recorded complications at a dose oI 100,000 Units
intrapleurally used in the Oscelik series
and in another
series Irom Israel.
Pigtailed catheters and tissue plasminogen activator
Literature regarding the use oI intrapleural tissue
plasminogen (tPA) activator is limited, with only one
report oI its use in 12 children
until Hawkins et al,
published a recent report oI tPA combined with small
bore pigtail catheter drainage oI empyema in children.
They reported successIul management oI empyema in
54 oI 58 cases with a mean time to catheter removal oI
6 days and a mean hospital stay oI 9.1 days, using this
minimally invasive technique.
Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)
Surgical options include a choice between VATS
and Iormal thoracotomy. A study in 1997 oI 20 adults
compared VATS with chest tube drainage plus IPFT
with streptokinase in loculated eIIusions unresponsive
to isolated chest tube drainage only.
Ninety one
percent oI patients undergoing VATS avoided Iurther
surgery. However, 44 oI the chest tube plus IPFT
treated group required Iurther thoracotomy. In another
study comparing immediate VATS with VATS aIter
Iailed chest tube drainage and IPFT in late stage
shorter hospital stays (4.5 versus 7.5 days)
were demonstrated in the early VATS group. At least
two adult studies report VATS debridement to be better
than thoracotomy in terms oI hospital stay and
VATS is reported to be rapidly successIul in the
majority oI paediatric empyema cases with Iailed chest
tube drainage when perIormed within 7 days oI the
initial attempt at chest tube drainage.
VATS also
resulted in shorter hospital stays (9 - 13 days) when
compared with previous series oI children managed
with chest tube drainage and delayed thoracotomy. In
the recent series oI 230 children Irom the United States
oI America,
children that received very early VATS
(within 48 hours oI admission), had a shorter hospital
Critical Care and Resuscitation 2005; 7: 102-106 S. J. PARSONS, ET AL
stay (11.5 versus 15.2 days, P 0.008) than those who
had VATS perIormed later. However, VATS is not
widely available, especially Ior children.
Early thoracotomy
Thoracotomy is traditionally resorted to only aIter
the more conservative management strategies, discussed
above, have Iailed. This surgery is associated with
potential anaesthesia diIIiculties, complications such as
pneumothorax, postoperative pain and cosmetic
scarring. Some authors have challenged this traditional
notion oI deIerring thoracotomy. HoII et al,
in a series
oI 61 children, reported that resolution oI the disease
process was more prolonged in patients managed by
chest tube alone (16.8 days in hospital) than resolution
aIter thoracotomy (6.7 days, P 0.001). Carey et al,
reported a series oI 22 children with empyema reIerred
to a paediatric cardiothoracic unit. Those children who
had immediate thoracotomy (18 cases) were aIebrile
and had their chest tubes removed by 2 days. Their
mean hospital stay was 4 days. The authors suggested
that early thoracotomy remains the benchmark
treatment. A similar case series oI 44 children
undergoing thoracotomy
also revealed very short
duration oI Iever (mean 1 day) and an average oI 3 days
until chest tube removal. Both series authors point out
that their mean hospital stays were shorter than series oI
children managed with VATS.
In summary, the available evidence indicates early
and complete drainage oI an empyema remains the
cornerstone oI treatment, however it is achieved.
Morbidity and mortality increases with increasing delay
in achieving this goal. Most patients can be managed
with antibiotics and chest tube drainage only, especially
early in the disease process. It is harder to treat late
stage disease conservatively. Conservative treatment
results in prolonged hospital stays. Intrapleural
Iibrinolytics, ideally urokinase, may help to avoid
surgery. Surgery in the Iorm oI VATS or thoracotomy,
when done early, appears to result in the most rapid
disease resolution, Irom the limited paediatric evidence
available. Thoracotomy may be superior to VATS in
terms oI length oI stay, contrary to the adult literature.
The Iormer has signiIicant cosmetic disadvantages; the
latter is not as widely available.
Empyema in children occurs inIrequently in
Western societies. The underlying causative organism is
usually Staphvlococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneum-
oniae. Optimal management strategies have not been
developed due to a paucity oI randomised controlled
trials. Staging is diIIicult to assess clinically and
radiologically. Most cases can be successIully managed
with simple chest tube drainage, plus appro-riate
antibiotic therapy. Based on available evidence,
thoracotomy with decortication, in children, may
provide the most eIIective treatment when compared
with VATS and chest tube drainage with or without
intrapleural Iibrinolytic therapy. The more conservative
approaches to treatment may be appropriate initially to
avoid the cosmetic disadvantages oI thoracotomy.
However, delayed complete drainage increases morbid-
ity and potentially mortality.
The case presented might have been managed
diIIerently. Under general anaesthesia, a pleural tap
would have revealed the relatively serous nature oI the
Iluid and chest tube drainage only may well have been
successIul. However, the loculated nature oI the
collection and the illness oI the child prompted initial
thoracotomy. VATS is not available Ior children in our
institution. Our treatment decision is diIIicult to criticise
in light oI the available evidence that early thoracotomy
leads to the most rapid resolution oI the disease process,
earlier discharge, and reduced mortality. The major
drawback oI thoracotomy is the liIe-long surgical scar.
This drawback is not insigniIicant, but has to be
weighed against the potential morbidity and mortality
Irom ongoing inIection. In retrospect, it is the authors`
view that a less aggressive approach in our case could
also have been justiIied and may have resulted in a
better cosmetic result. This approach would be initial
chest tube drainage only, under ultrasound guidance,
instillation oI urokinase on the second day iI required,
then proceeding to thoracotomy within 48 - 72 hours oI
initial chest tube insertion iI pleural Iluid drainage were
Received 30 March 05
Accepted 26 April 05
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