IcarosDesktop Manual
IcarosDesktop Manual
IcarosDesktop Manual
1. Introduction
The AROS Research Operating System is a lightweight, efficient and flexible desktop operating system, designed to help you make the most of your computer. It's an independent, portable and free project, aiming at being compatible with AmigaOS .! at the A"I le#el $like %ine, unlike &A'(, while impro#ing on it in many areas. These lines, taken from the official Aros.org homepage, e plain in a few words one of the most interesting open source pro!ects available. Being distant from both "inu and #indows e periences, A$%& is growing as a true alternative for people bored by the comple and resources'hungry competition. A niche OS, whose strongest features are speed, compactness, responsiveness, ama(ingly fast boot time and tiny application dimensions, far different from the )** megs word processors we use today. +owever, like many other young or niche pro!ects, A$%& relies on few active developers. The team has already done a great !ob, re'implementing most of the functions of the original Amiga%& while improving them with modern features, such as an hardware abstraction layer, an original driver model, ,&B and T-P/.P stack, which allow A$%& to be used for virtually everything today. The main issue, anyway, is the lack of drivers and applications, two holes that might be easily filled with more developers. /ost of A$%& applications have been placed on a repository called 0The Archives0, located at http1//archives.aros' e ec.org and a tool called AA23T has been developed to help downloading software. These applications, however, are often difficult to install and configure for a novice user. 2ven A$%& itself, relying on the old' age Amiga lifestyle, it4s enough user'friendly for the middle/skilled user, but slightly difficult to manage for newbies. And here Icaros Desktop comes in. .caros 3esktop started in 5ovember )**6 as 7mwA$%& 8729, a pre' configured A$%& environment for the popular 7/ware virtual machines. .t came with a collection of applications and games already installed and configured, often with some hand'made scripts, that let the user run them as easily as clicking twice on a icon. &ince then, .caros 3esktop turned into a real distribution which can easily run on real hardware. .t is now available in two different flavours1
Icaros Desktop LIVE! is is a pre'configured environment on a bootable live'373 that runs on top of your real hardware, and can be installed onto the hard drive. .t can also run in a pre'configured Q2/, virtual machine, provided in the same archive. Icaros Desktop LIGHT is a reduced version of the ".72: 373, which provides the most important features of .caros 3esktop, but can be stored on a single -3 instead of a 373. %nly the -3 .&% is provided, there4s no pre'configured Q2/, virtual machine for it.
%ther efforts had been made in order to let the user share files between the A$%& virtual machine and the host operating system, being it Linux, in!o"s or #acOS. .caros 3esktop comes with ;A<&, pre'installed and launched at boot time, which allows user to transfer files with any <TP client. 2ven the network is already configured to do this, and it is possible to surf the web, chat by .$- and so on. .n order to make all these tasks even easier, newer versions of .caros 3esktop come with 3+-P support.
This reference guide is targeted to both .caros 3esktop "ight and .caros 3esktop "ive: +owever, some of the procedure may vary depending on the version you4re using. /ost of the options can be accessed only after installing on a virtual machine or on a real hard drive. $%ease remem&er AROS is sti%% in a%pha stage an! might not 'it your !ai%y nee!s. There are sti%% much more things you could do for AROS( than the ones AROS can !o 'or you: <or any further information, visit www.Icaros)esktop.org and www.aros*exec.org.
.caros 3esktop 72 was a pre'configured virtual machine for 7/ware products and then for 7irtualBo . But due to compatibility problems between different virtuali(ation technologies and repeated issues with newer version, we decided to stop publishing the 72 version of .caros 3esktop. .ndeed, the "ive: one already provides a whole virtual machine and installing .caros on 7mware, 7irtualBo or any other similar product is as simple as on real computers. 2ven simplier, thanks to the reduced risks of emulation.
IcarosDesktop.pc.i/01*iso1 the .caros 3esktop "ive: .&% image you can burn into a physical 373. IcarosDesktop2manua%*p!'1 the manual you4re reading Emu%ator1 a drawer that contains the free virtual machine Q2/, in/,.START*&at1 a launch script for =) bit #indows )***, >P and 7ista. in13.START*&at1 a launch script for ?@ bit #indows >P and 7ista.
;ou can either run .caros 3esktop "ive: as a normal operating system for a real P- or simply Alook atB it by running it into the included virtual machine. There are advantages and drawbacks in both cases.
5ewer revisions of Q2/, 8including the one provided with .caros 3esktop "ive:9 include a .ntel A-E6 audio card emulator, which is loaded when starting .caros under #indows using either the =) or the ?@ bit batch files. .n order to hear sound from A$%&, though, you4ll have to set the AA-E6B audio drivers in prefs/A+. for music, unit* and unitD.
5etworking in Q2/, is possible, and network should be configured automatically.
A'ter Insta%%ation
%nce you4ll have installed .caros 3esktop on your virtual machine 8follow chapter = like it was on a real computer9, you will need to edit your #in>>'&TA$T.bat with the notepad, in order to switch the boot peripheral from the virtual 373 drive to the virtual hard drive. .n a nutshell, you must change the 'd option from A'boot dB to A'boot cB and allow Q2/, access to your real 373 drive, turning A'cdrom ..F.caros 3esktop'pc'i=G?.isoB to A'cdrom HdriveIletterJB 8where HdriveIletterJ could be 3, 2, < or whatever one your #indows is using for the 373 drive9. Please do a safe copy of the original bat file.
This version of Q2/, includes the KLemu driver for acceleration under =) bit versions of #indows 8)*** and later versions9. Please run the insk7emu*exe file in the FemulatorFkLemu drawer. KLemu doesn4t support ?@ bit operating systems, hence it4s not used in the ?@ bit launch script for .caros 3esktop.
D. the RA# Dri-e 8$A/19 is a volume mounted directly in your system memory. .t can be used as a fast place to unpack files or a temporary buffer for your operations. $emember that its contents will be lost when you reset or power off the machineM ). har! !ri-es and other volumes can have labels. ;ou can use the $2"AB2" command to change them. .n a shell, you can use both labels and volume identifiersM =. these are an!erer windows, with icons inside. Icons in AROS are meant to i!enti'y important 'i%es on%y, and can be used to open the described file with a different tool, to set file properties and so on.
They are mostly P5C files with the .info e tensionM @. this is the AROS she%%. A$%& is not "inu so you won4t use it all the time, however you4ll find that using the shell can be far easier than clicking thousands times on the left mouse buttonM N. this nice bar is not part of A$%& itself, but is a program called AmiStart. .t will help you launching programs and previewing images. 9ust remem&er it &eha-es !i''erent%y 'rom in!o"s start menu. ;ou can delete icons by throwing them outside. ;ou can add new ones by dragging them from #anderer. To close a menu, !ust select an option in a parent menu. To close all, click on the .caros 3esktop button on the left side.
A$%&4 #orkbench is called #anderer. ;ou can copy programs and files simply dragging their icons from their location to another. ;ou can open #indows and launch program by clicking twice on their icons. 5ow let4s talk about windows. This is a window1
.t has some tools you should understand to get handy with A$%&1 D. The close gadget 8 ). The iconify button 8 e pand it again. 9 is on the left side of the title bar, and closes the window. 9 on the right allows either to reduce the window to the minimum si(e, or
=. The depth gadget 8 9 on the top right corner places the window before or after the others. A$%& behaves Luite differently from most operating systems1 clicking on a window won4t give it the focus immediately. ;ou can hide a window under the others either if you4re using them or not. @. The scroll bars 8 contents. 9 allow you to show hidden parts of the window
N. The dimension gadget 8 9 on the right bottom corner resi(es the window as you like. This is the only active part of the boundaries which allow you to do so. ?. The parent button 8 9 goes up in the directory tree, opening the parent one. 9 shows the current path of the window. ;ou can edit it
G. The title bar 8 9 shows the window name. ;ou can move windows wherever you want, handling them by their title bar, keeping the left mouse button pressed.
.n this manual we4ll often talk about directories calling them drawers instead of folders. That4s an heritage from the Amiga age that A$%& had proudly taken.
Please assume this convention1 whenever you read about %Aros and rAros keys on this manual, we mean the left and right Aros keys respectively. &ince no keyboard manufacturer has decided yet to sell an A$%& specific one, %Aros corresponds to %e't in!o"s 8command on /ac, Amiga on Amiga9 key and rAros to the right one8s9. &ome keyboards, mainly compact, notebook and really old ones, may lack of them. &ince they are really mandatory for A$%& programs, they have been mapped also to <DD and <D) respectively. The scheme above shows the .talian layout, some character will change depending on the language you4re using. The rAros key 8r#in or <D)9 is really important for A$%&. .t allows some speedy shortcuts you4ll surely love. &tarting from .caros 3esktop D.).@, some new lAros and Alt shortcuts had been added to the system1 ;eys rAros < 5 rAros < rAros < E rAros < R rAros < I rAros < O rAros < A rAros < ; rAros < = rAros < > rAros < V rAros < ? rAros < 6 %Aros < ES> %Aros < @) %Aros < @, %Aros < @/ %Aros < TA8 or %Aros < # A%t < TA8 A%t < Home Action Quit wanderer 8you don4t want to do that9 %pen a shell 8you4ll do that Luite often9 %pen a command window $ename the selected icon 3isplay icon information %pen the selected icon &elect all icons in the active window Kill the active window 3e'select all -opy to clipboard Paste from clipboard -ut to clipboard -reate a new drawer -all the &cout task and system manager %pen the manual drawer for help %pen the preferences drawer 8A$%&4 control panel9 $un +finder to locale files on mounted volumes -ycle screens -ycle windows Toggle selected window si(e
)*0 AmiStart
AmiStart is .caros 3esktop4 toolbar and docking application 8well, every serious operating system has one9.
#enu C
!ock section
C c%ock
Ami&tart behaves somehow like #indows4 task bar. There is a starting menu placed on the left, a dock section to /uick launch your favorite applications, a task list on the right and a digital clock on the right. The dock section is really easy to customi(e. To delete a icon, !ust grab it with the left mouse button and drag it out of the bar. .f you want to add a new application, !ust open its drawer, grab it with the left mouse button and drop it in the dock section of the bar 8to get rid of the label, right click on the icon and set the Ahide stringB option active9. That4s all.
)*G #y orkspace
&tarting from .caros 3esktop D.).N, a new special drawer appears on the workbench screen, /y#orkspace. 2ven if we don4t like operating systems suggesting people where they should keep all their documents O pardon, pro!ects: M'9 ' it4s now common use for any mainstream %& to provide such a place, so we did it as
well. /y#orkspace is created during installation of .caros onto the hard drive, in the same partition where the user has decided to put 4e tras4 and eventually the 43evelopment4 dirs. .f you4ve installed e tras in A$%&1, you4ll find /y#orkspace in A$%&1. .f you did it in #ork1, then you4ll spot /y#orkspace in #ork1, and so on. <or your convenience, an alias of the same drawer has been put on the desktop.
P&/) ports for &oth keyboard and mouse at least D 2.32 port or &ATA preferably working in A.32 modeB by B.%& setting at least ) traditional P-. e pansion slots if embedded sound and network aren4t supported D ACP or P-. 2 press D? video card slot
P&/) ports are no more mandatory, since ,&B mice and keyboards can work. The included Poseidon ,&B stack supports both %+-. and ,+-. controllers for D.D connections and 2+-. ones 8for ).*9 as well, but there is still the far and unlucky possibility that your ,&B controller isn4t supported or only partially supported 8for instance1 ,&B ).* peripherals work, D.D not. And so on9. &ATA support is progressing and many new controllers are supported over time. /ost modern B.%&es allow user to set the &ATA controller to be detected as a .32 one1 you can try this, but please try native A+-. mode before. .32 connectors are always supported, though. 8e care'u% i' youI-e a%rea!y insta%%e! another operating system on a SATA !ri-eH changing the SATA operation mo!e in 8IOS might stop that OS to &oot correct%y.
To run correctly, A$%& must be installed on master *, this means that you have to mount its hard drive as master to the first 8or the only9 2.32 connector. .f you4re planning to install other operating systems on the same drive, please install A$%& as the last one.
,*: Soun!
/any A-E6 and +3Audio integrated codecs already work with A$%&, but there are much many others that won4t. The best thing you can do about this is checking in A+. prefs1 if your A-E6 or +3 Audio sound controller is not listed under the available peripherals, well, you have to use a P-. e pansion slot to add a discrete sound card. The &est option is a Soun!8%aster Li-e! :*) or Au!igy soun! car! 'rom >reati-e La&s( using the E#4)J;) soun! chip. There are some models, like the A7alueB ones, that don4t use it but a cheaper solution. They don4t work. &omeone suggest to place the &B card in the first P-. slot under the video one.
,*1 6et"ork
Any P-. network card based on $T" G*)E, 2therlink =, A/3 Pcnet =), 5vidia 5force, intel Pro'D**, $T" G*D=E, $T" GD?G/E 8also GDD* and others9, &i& E**, 7ia $hine will work. ,sing one of those is the only way to get networking run on A$%&. 5o modems supported yet. 6ote1 if you have a T$"GD?G or compatible network card, and issues with the T$T"GD?G driver, please choose the $T"GD?E instead:
3. Installation
.nstallation on the hard drive is recommended in order to use A$%& programs and save their files. +owever, A$%& is still alpha code and can be dangerous for any operating system already installed on your hard drive. Keep in mind that Icaros Desktop hea-i%y !iscourages insta%%ation on pro!uction machines "ith important !ata on them1 please, use only an old drive, possibly clean and with no other partitions.
D. %pen .caros 3esktop "ive -3'$%/ by double clicking on its workbench icon, then open your Too%s drawer ). "aunch Insta%%AROS and read carefully what4s written in the first page. Keep it in mind and don4t shout at us if something goes wrong1 you were warned. -lick on procee!.
=. The first time you install .caros 3esktop, please kill anything already present on your hard drive by selecting the "ipe !isk option. .f you can4t, or you4re installing .caros 3esktop using the remaining free space of your hard drive, !ust select On%y use 'ree space. @. -heck the Speci'y SiKe option on the right. N. &elect an amount of mega&ytes for your A$%& system partition. .t will be formatted with &<& filesystem. This is mandatory in order to boot this version of A$%& and to run all applications. &ome of them have problems using other filesystems. Civing a si(e limit will activate the other options.
D). .f you selected to choose language options at step D*, please select your keyboard layout in the left side of this window. This can be made later, by launching the Input panel in $re's. D=. .f you selected to choose language options at step D*, please select your default language. The first one appearing in the right side will be used by an!erer and other applications. The second one will be used only if catalogs for the default language aren4t available. "anguage will fall back to 2nglish if no other language is available.This can be selected also later, by opening the Loca%e panel of the $re's drawer.
D@. <iles will be copied. Please wait until the installation program has completed its task. .t may take from few minutes to ) hours, depending on your hardware. #hen finished, !ust remove .caros 3esktop cd' rom and reset your P-, to boot A$%& from the hard drive.
.caros 3esktop includes many many little files that will slowdown installation. ,nluckily, packing them would mean the inability to run 4em live straight from 373. Please, be patient, it4s a kwnown issue and we can4t do anything.
-hoose )isk 0anagement. ;ou will find this option in the &torage folder or somewhere in the neighborhood, depending on your #indows version. "ocate your pendrive and write down the drive number, as shown in the following picture1
This time our pendrive is listed as A3isk DB. ADB is the information we absolutely need in the ne t step. DonLt c%ose the !isk management "in!o", but open the command prompt. ;ou need a shell with administrative rights, so if you arenPt logged as administrator, please log off your #indows session and log in with an administrator account, then go further. %n 7ista and #indows 6, you also need either to turn temporarily off ,A- 8,ser Account -ontrol9 or run an elevated shell by entering cm! in the search field of your start menu, and press >tr%<Shi't<Enter instead of 2nter only. 5ow enter the !iskpart command. ;ou will get a prompt like this1 C:\Users\Administrator>diskpart Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.76 Cop!ri"#t $C% 1&&&'( ) Microsoft Corporation. *n comp+ter: ,-.'/1/01/23&U4 enter the %ist !isk command to look at drives again1 D-56PA78> 9ist disk Disk ::: '''''''' Disk Disk 1 5tat+s ''''''''''''' *n9ine *n9ine 5i;e ''''''' 4 <1 1&1= M1 0ree ''''''' 1 1 D!n ''' <pt '''
as you may notice, you wonPt get the usual drive letters here. ThatPs why we suggest to look at disk management first. 5ow that we are sure our pendrive is Adisk DB, enter the se%ect !isk ) command1 D-56PA78> se9ect disk 1 Disk 1 is now t#e se9ected disk. ..and delete any partition8s9 on it with the clean command. D-56PA78> c9ean DiskPart s+cceeded in c9eanin" t#e disk.
This "i%% !estroy any !ata on the pen!ri-e( an! you "onIt ha-e them &ack*
The 6e" simp%e -o%ume "iKar! will appear. %ther versions of #indows might ask to initiali(e the drive1 in this case, do that. Qust remember to create a <AT partition enough large to keep your data, but also enough small to leave at least D.D or D.) CB of free space for A$%&.
Assign any drive letter you like, it doesnPt absolutely matters, and click 52>T. 5ow we have to choose the right filesystem. #indows allow formatting partitions with three options1 5T&-, <AT and <AT=). 5T<& is only for big drives, and A$%& canPt access it yet. &o please donPt use it. <AT and <AT=) are both %K, but in or!er to get the maximum !egree o' compati&i%ity "ith AROS( an! &eing sure your @AT partition "i%% &e correct%y !etecte!( p%ease choose @AT* <ormat the partition but, to be sure, please untick the perform /uick format option.
After a few seconds, you will notice your pendrive will look like this in the 3isk /anagement window1
This means you are now ready to install A$%& on the A,nallocatedB space on the right. ;ou can now turn off #indows and boot your computer using the .caros D.).) update 373 8or any ne t point release of .caros 3esktop, obviously9.
;ou can also use a virtual machine like Vm"are or Virtua%8ox to perform these actions. This will come in handy if your computer canPt boot from the A$%& 373 for any reason. Qust mount the .&% and the pendrive as they were both physical devices on a real computer, and youPll be %K as well 8this manual has been written using a real pendrive connected to a Vm"are Ser-er virtual machine, for instance9.
$un .nstallA$%& using the icon on the desktop. Please notice your <AT partition should be visible on the desktop too. .nstallation on the pendrive wonPt be so different from the usual one. ;ou !ust need to correctly follow these steps1
D. #hen partitioning, choose the 4S8 option instead of .32/&ATA at the type voice1
!o 6OT create the "ork partition( Must use a SI6GLE S@S $ARTITIO6 O6LN: .f you have problem, try changing * to D in the A,nitB option on the middle'right of this window. ). reboot when prompted to do so. Plug the pendrive again if needed. $un .nstallA$%& again and choose to use the e tisting A$%& partitions. .f you have also a .32 drive connected to your computer, you might like to be sure youPre targeting the right drive. To do so, click temporarily on the only use free space or wipe disk option, choose ,&B in the -ype gadget and choose &se existing A1OS partitions again. Proceed. =. when asked for what to install, add the 3evelopment stuff as well. ;es, itPs important to do it:
@. AGAI6H DO 6OT >REATE THE OR; $ARTITIO6: ,sing a second partition on the pendrive might not work and, anyway, it will prevent you from installing A$%& on a hard drive using your ,&B pendrive as boot'live'drive.
N. Proceed. -hoose either the graphic or the te t'only C$,B menu for your pendrive. #ait for all the files to be copied. ?. .f you4d like to use the ,&B drive like a installation -3, copy also the 4adstuff4 drawer from the 373 to the pendrive.
will increase over time. .caros D.).= provides )3 acceleration via this driver for Ce<orce cards from the old Ce<orce ) family to the latest Ce<orce CT> )** series 8no tests have been made on the newest <ermi series, but maybe they can work as well9, while =3 acceleration for %penC" games and applications is supported on Ce<orce <> through Ce<orce E series cards 8and maybe more9. 6OTE1 this driver provides also screen'dragging feature.
Ra!eon ,D Graphics
-hoose this one if you have a supported AT. $adeon card. A$%& driver supports all ACP $adeon cards from the first one to the EG** series. P-. 2 press support is limited to >=**, >NN* and >?** models. .f you notices glitches or dirt while moving windows contents, please replace the official radeon.hidd file you4ll find in Dri-ersH with the one in the Storage drawer.
!ust look at the resolution si(e parts, like AD)G* G** =)B. These are actually the screen si(es you can use, providing that your monitor supports them. To return to the main menu list, press ES>.
...and press E. ;ou will enter edit mode for this grub line.
/ove the cursor using the right arrow key in the position above, immediately after AvesaR=)bitB, and delete A=)bitB using the backspace button N times. 5ow enter only the screen si(e, without any reference to the palette. ;ou can4t choose colour depth, so, for now, !ust enter ),0Jx0JJ, this way1
and !onIt press Enter, !ust press >tr%<? instead, and A$%& will start booting to the desired resolution. +ere is a list of some interesting values you can give to the vesa setting1
1%bit 32bit 1,24-.%/-32 1,24-.%/-1% 0000-MMMM &se the highest !'( resolution )ith %**3% colours (high colour$ &se the highest !'( resolution )ith 1% +illions colours (true colour$ &se the legac# 1,24-.%/-32 +ode D)F &se the legac# 1,24-.%/-1% +ode D)F &se the 0000 pi-els large and MMMM pi-els high resolution D,F at the best palette a1ailable
0otes2 D)F can be also 13Jx30J, 0JJx1JJ and ),0Jx)J,3. Palette depth can be e plicitly chosen only for these ones. D,F must be supported by your B.%& 7CA e tensions. Please refer to chapter @.*.@ to get a list of supported one.
3*J*: Icaros Desktop Dsa'e !e&ug mo!e "ith 4S8 kerne% supportF
&afe mode allow booting A$%& with enhanced compatibility settings. They might be slower, and they will slowdown A$%& access to files, but at least they will run. Please notice that in &afe /ode there is also a debugger enables1 A$%& developers are trying to spot all the issues and fi them, but to do so they need your help and your bug reports. 3ebugger messages are automatically sent to memory, and you will be able to read them with a tool called Bifteck. ;ou can run it from a shell and drive the debug log to a file, and then send it to the A$%& bug tracker.
here is it+
&tarting from release D.), .caros 3esktop tried to help people with netbooks and nettops, who might have problems using graphics at the native resolution of the screen. .t was a hack that has been hidden in .caros D.).?1 to have it back, please edit the boot/grub/gurb.cfg file and remove all the T characters at the beginning of the corresponding lines.
3*J*A Setting up a !i''erent VESA reso%ution 'or Inte% GxJ graphic chips
.f you own a i/ica or another computer with .ntel graphic chips, and your resolution is not supported yet by the .ntel native driver, !ust try this1 re'enable the grub option as e plained in chpater @.*.?, move the selection line at the grub menu on the 5etbook/i/ica option at the ne t startup, and press 2. This will allow users to modify the associated booting options line. "ook at the second line1 &1>reso9+tion = 1 (4 6
EDNresolution is a module that get installed by the first line 8insmod EDNresolution9 and its duty is !ust changing in $A/ some settings of .ntel4s 7CA bios. .n this case, we are instructing the 7CA bios that mode =* 8first number9 has si(e D*)@ ?**. But if we4d like, for instance, to have D)G* G** or DE)* D)**, we should !ust change the lines to &1>reso9+tion = 1() )
&1>reso9+tion =
and so on. Please notice that the hack might not work alone. #e might need to set the resolution also in the multiboot line as e plained before, changing vesaR=)bit to vesaRD)G* G** or so. .n some cases, the first value =* might not be good. That4s not a problem at all. Qust enter Crub)4s interactive mode by pressing - at the boot menu, and enter these commands > insmod 915resolution > 915resolution -l ;ou4ll get a list of supported modes. Qust find the nearest one to the desired resolution, and change that one. <ollow chapter @.D and afterwards to learn how to keep these settings fi ed every time.
from now on, best'fit 72&A modes will automatically choose the D=?? 6?G resolution.
command. The most simple way to do this is right'clicking on the 7irtualBo icon on the desktop or the Start 0enu, selecting "roperties and then 3ind -arget. %nce you have reached the installation path in 'xplorer, go up to parent, press shi't < right c%ick on the 7irtualBo drawer and choose Open command prompt here. The command to go straight to default 7irtualBo installation path, anyway, is1 cd ?C:\pro"ram fi9es\orac9e\2irt+a91o@? =. in the command prompt, run this command1 21o@Mana"e sete@tradata ?vm name? ?C+stom2ideoMode1? ?XXXX@YYYY@ZZ? where 0#m name0 is the name you got at point D, 4444 and 5555 are the hori(ontal and vertical si(es of your custom resolution, then 66 is the depth of your palette 8D? or =) for thousands and millions of colors9. 3or instance, our case*notebook has a ! 77x879 panel, so we'd like to ha#e a custom widescreen resolution of ! 77x879x . running on :irtual;ox. Icaros is running in a #irtual machine called < .caros 3esktop<. Our command would be= VBoxManage setextradata "Icaros Desktop" "CustomVideoMode1" "1366x 6!x3"" @. %nce done, launch 7irtualBo and, at C$,B menu, move the selection bar to the standard :'SA best*fit resolution 8the default selection if you haven4t changed it9 and press E Dsee chapter 3*J*3F N. modify 0:'SA2 .bit0 to the same resolution you4ve set at point T=. .n our case, for instance, we have to change it to 0:'SA2! 77x879x .0. 6OTE1 the resolution you choose there must match the one you4ve set at pointT=. ?. press >tr%<? to continue booting, and en!oy .caros in whatever resolution you4d prefer to watch it: 6. To make this change permament, edit the >boot>grub>grub.cfg file according to your needs, following instructions at the ne t chapter.
3*) #o!i'ying the initia% menu Dyou nee! to insta%% Icaros Desktop to har! !ri-eF 8e'ore starting
The grub.cfg file in ?boot?grub may be write'protected. &o you4ll have to un*protect it first, or you won4t be able to save your modifications. ,nluckily, the editor won4t advice you loudly about this. To un' protect the file, !ust open a new shell 8rAros< 9 and type in these commands1 sys:boot/grub protect grub.cfg RWED ADD
&crolling that long list of resolutions every time is boring, rightU #ell, there4s a speedy way to get rid of it. Qust open the editor
and load the grub.cfg file located in the /boot/grub directory. ;ou4ll find something like this1 : 8imeo+t for men+ set timeo+tA> : 5et defa+9t boot entr! as 2B5A <f@ C 1 (4@76)'16bpp set defa+9tA= followed by groups of lines like these1 men+entr! ?A7*5 wit# 2B5A <f@ C 1 (4@76)'=(bpp? D seria9 ''speedA&6 m+9tiboot EbootEaros'pc'i=)6."; vesaA1 (4@76)@=( A8AA=(bit F well, every one of these will manage an entry of the early startup menu. Qust delete all the lines you don4t need, and you4re almost done. Qust notice the first four lines, that you must keep1 the timeout value indicates the number of seconds to show the startup menu, while the default one select the option which will be chosen automatically. Please notice that the count begins with *, not with D, so to choose the second entry, you have to insert D here and not ). And so on. <or e ample, a script like this1 : 8imeo+t for men+ set timeo+tA)
: 5et defa+9t boot entr! as 2B5A <f@ C 1 (4@76)'16bpp set defa+9tA1 if font EbootE"r+bE+nifont.pff G t#en insmod EbootE"r+bEvbe.mod ..........etc............ back"ro+ndHima"e EbootE"r+bEsp9as#.pn" fi men+entr! ?A7*5 wit# .2-D-A <f@? D seria9 ''speedA&6 m+9tiboot EbootEaros'pc'i=)6."; "f@A#idd."f@.nv 9ibAD7-2B75:nvidia.#idd A8AA=(bit F men+entr! ?A7*5 wit# A8- <f@? D seria9 ''speedA&6 m+9tiboot EbootEaros'pc'i=)6."; "f@A7adeonDriver 9ibAD7-2B75:radeon.#idd A8AA=(bit F men+entr! ?A7*5 wit# 2M,are52<A <f@? D seria9 ''speedA&6 m+9tiboot EbootEaros'pc'i=)6."; "f@A#idd."f@.vmwaresv"a 9ibAvmwaresv"a.#idd A8AA=(bit F will keep only = choices, the hardware accelerated ones. "et4s assume we wish to boot A$%& using always the 5vidia Ce<orce driver. #e should !ust set the default value to D.
Ena&%ing 4S8
&tarting from .caros 3esktop D.), ,&B support has been automatically turned on.
All A$%& settings can be accessed and changed from the Prefs drawer in A$%&1. /ost of options are self' e planatory, so we won4t talk about them. &ome other allow deep system customi(ation, and would need too space for a Luick guide like this. .caros 3esktop comes with QoVo $alha4s A$%& manuals1 please read them for any further information. #e will cover here only the common operations.
The Ceneral tab allow switching between the 'nhanced 8default9 #anderer behaviour and the @lassic one. The former opens new drawers in the same window, the latter in a new one, e actly as Amiga%& =. . Please notice the an!erer Screen Tit%e option in the bottom of the page1 it changes the default message on the top title bar of the screen 8normally %anderer Apc graphics mem Apf other mem9.
The Too%&ar Ena&%e! selector decides whether showing the path bar in every window or not. 2liminating it, you get more 0old Amiga feeling0. ;ou will prefer enabling it again.
The Appearance tab is maybe the most interesting one. -lick on the #orkbench and 3rawer buttons 8the right cyan and orange sLuares in the upper shot9 to change wallpaper. ;ou can select either any datatype' supported image or a colour effect. ;ou4ll find some nice wallpapers starting from the &;&1Prefs/Presets/Patterns directory. 5ow, let4s click on Advanced. A more comple options window will appear1 H The 3raw /ode option will select how the background image will fit in the screen
H The following options will decide how icons appear and font/dimensions of labels under them. -hange the /a "abel line length if you see truncated file names on your volumes.
Please select your hardware in the left top window and associate it to your 0usic unit and &nit B, !, . and devices. .f your hardware is supported, you4ll be allowed to change options in the right side of the window. Play a test sound to check whether your card is working or not. &ome Luite old A-E6 chipsets are working, but the best option for hearing sound in A$%& is using a cheap and easy'to'spot >reati-e Soun!8%aster Li-e! card. A$%& fully supports the 2/,D*KD audio processor. -lick on &A72 to make your choice permanent.
6OTEH p%ease &e sure to ha-e ena&%e! your car! 'or ALL the units a-ai%a&%e in AHI( &y cic%ing on the top.%e't cyc%e ga!get in the #o!e settings pane%( or you may sti%% encounter mute app%ications( "hen they shou%! correct%y p%ay soun!*
Soun! in V#"are
&ound in 7/ware is now available. Please choose a &oundBlaster P-.D)G sound card in A+. prefs for units *'= and /usic, and save. Dri-ers inc%u!e! in Icaros Desktop )*/*, may ha-e issues p%aying soun! in HI.@I mo!es( so p%ease choose the norma% ones.
DH>$ is s%o"!
#e have noticed some network slowdowns when using 3+-P 8automatic configuration9. #hile we are addressing the origin of the issue, you have better using a fi ed .P address and enter a fi ed domain name server 835&9 using the /anual .P /ode. Please ask your provider for a reliable 35& address. .n order to configure the network, you need to have .caros 3esktop "ive: already installed on your hard drive 8configuration files must be saved and system rebooted9. #hen ready, !ust launch 6et"ork from the $re's drawer.
-onfiguring the network by hand might be useful for people that ofter transfer files from other machines using ;A<&. This will give A$%& a fi ed .P address that won4t change every time it starts, depending on other machines4 ones. I$1 Qust edit as you wish, using addresses according to your local network. <or instance, if your router is DE).D?G.*.D**, and your computers are DE).D?G.*.D* and DE).D?G.*.DD, you should give A$%& another .P address starting with the first three numbers 8DE).D?G.*.9 and another number, different from D**, D* and DD1 )* might be a good choice. &o correct it to DE).D?G.*.)*. 6etmask1 a good value for netmask is )NN.)NN.)NN.*, which practically means only the last group of digits will change, between computers, in your "A5. .f you need something different, please look at any networking how'to over the .nternet. Place also your router/server address 8DE).D?G.*.D**9 in the Gate line 8remove DE).D?G.).D and place DE).D?G.*.D**9. ;ou need to know this information. D6S) an! D6S,1 you have two fields available for domain server address. 3omain server allow you to use human'readable ,$"s like 4www.icarosdesktop.org4 and they will transform them in their real .P address transparently. /any routers provide 35& service as well, so you can place your gate4s address also in the 435&D4 field, while the second 35& server should be the one provided by your .&P. .f you don4t know its address, you can use the ones provided by the %pen35&.com site, which are ,J0*1A*,,,*,,, and ,J0*1A*,,J*,,J* Please look at www.opendns.com for any update about them. 3*3*, 4sing DH>$ 3+-P makes network configuration easier. .t will look the local network for a 3+-P server and will assign a .P address to A$%&. "aunch 6et"ork and select Get a!!ress &y DH>$. ;ou4re ready to surf the web, chat with .$-, read your emails and so on.
hat is my a!!ress+ .n order to show your current .P address, you need to use the i'con'ig .a command. 2ither press rAros< or rAros<E and enter i'con'ig .a. An output like this will be shown1
!ust look at the last line, after inet1 this is your current .P address. .f you don4t see any ethJH entry, it means your network is not completely up and running.
&tarting from .caros 3esktop D.=, the old &ervices script has been replaced by a proper tool. ;ou can recall a bubble hint by placing the pointer over the Luestion marks, and wait for a few seconds.
disable it. Please notice that this option also enables some advanced shortcuts for calling &cout, the file finder and so on 8see the first chapters of this guide for a better e planation9.
Qanus',A2 has improved a lot in the latest months, but please notice it is not perfect yet. &ome times it may crash, and can make the whole system unstable. #e suggest to keep this option disabled unless you are practically using .caros as an AmigaX replacement system.
1. click on the 6E button 2. select pcius&*!e-ice 3. ensure the new controller is highlighted and enter A)B 8without commas9 in the 4nit field 1
and you will start mounting the connected peripherals. 5ow click the SAVE button in the right bottom of
Trident, and repeat a%% these operations unti% you 'in! contro%%ers that can be activated. %ther controllers must be added like A)B, A=B and so on, in the 4nit field.
As you can see, a multifunction printer from C" has been correctly detected and bound to the proper class. #hen you4re done adding peripherals, your 3evice list in Tri!ent might look like this1
-licking on the Settings button you can access any deeper option. Please notice that $osei!on allow a very advanced management of ,&B devices, maybe much more detailed than the one you are accustomed to in your Aevery dayB operating system. Touching these options, though, might be dangerous and only e pert people should do that.
#hen you remove a peripheral for the first time, you4ll get a Poseidon pop up too.
hat is my a!!ress+ .n order to show your current .P address, you need to use the i'con'ig .a command. 2ither press rAros< or rAros<E and enter i'con'ig .a. .f you don4t see any ethJH entry, it means your network is not completely up and running.
:*/ >ontro% your Icaros $> using another computer o-er the net"ork
.caros 3esktop now provides a 75- server that can run on the background, enabling remote administration of your workbench over the local area network. 75- server can start automatically, and can be enabled using the Ser-ices script in the $re's drawer. ;ou need a 75- client running to reach .caros4 desktop. Please notice that not everything can be remotely displayed. ;ou can4t run /2&A applications over the network, for instance, and in order to gain decent speeds over the internet might be necessary to reduce video Luality to the minimum available.
Li-e4p!ater window will appear. -hoose your source for new files or press -ancel to abort. Be aware that your e isting A$%& files will be overwritten. &o, if you aren4t sure, before updating make a backup of your important data or, if you4re using a virtual machine, create a snapshot of your current state1 it will help you reverting to the old situation if something goes wrong.
1*J*) @i%e
3ownload a .caros ,pdate file and place it wherever you like on your system, then choose this option and locate it with the following file reLuester. .t will be installed and your .caros version will change accordingly.
1*J*, Internet
"ive,pdater can download the latest .caros update pack, check for its compatibility and then update your files. ;ou need ArosT-P running and a reliable .nternet connection. 6o more >D.RO#s+ %lder updating system based on .&%s and burned -3'$%/s is now officially deprecated. <rom now on, only update packs and patches will be compatible with "ive,pdater. This decision has been taken to prevent wrong installations by users. 5ightly Builds are not compatible anymore, because many applications and files have been moved from their original locations to O in our opinion O better places. .nstalling file for a nightly over a .caros installation would duplicate files and make the system behave unpredictably.
AmigaOS system 'i%es must &e copie! in the System !ra"er 8which has a disk icon with a boing ball over it9 App%ication 'i%es must &e copie! in the ork !ra"er 8with a similar icon9 Amiga RO# images must &e p%ace! in the RromS !ra"er.
.f you4re using Amiga <orever )**?, )**G or )**E, everything is far easier, since all needed files will be automatically copied from the A< -3'$%/ in the right position. .t is possible that older/newer releases of Amiga <orever behave differently. .n this case, you only need to copy the right files in the right drawers manually. 3on4t forget to keep the A7iewB option in #anderer set to AAll filesB. "ook in the AmigaApp drawer and launch the Setup.Ami&ri!ge icon. .f you have Amiga <orever, mount its -3 and press Amiga@ore-er.
This will copy all needed rom, system and application files automatically. .t will also add to Amiga%&4 user startup files the necessary lines to run seamless integration of Amiga applications.
-lick on %K, the Amiga ork&ench and the Screen#o!e preference panel will load automatically. Nou must choose the exact same reso%ution you are using 'or your AROS !esktop .
;ou may notice a double pointer here. 3on4t worry, it4s not a problem1 !ust remember the right one is the biggest, and scroll down the )isplay 0ode option list to match your current A$%& resolution. ,se a uaeg'x voice. Then click on &A72. 9anus.4AE window si(e will change accordingly. /ove 9anus.4AE window until it full fits the screen, right click on the %orkbench screen and choose ;ackdrop to disable it1
5ow click on the right reduction gadget for Amiga %orkbench window...
5ow please Luit Qanus and wait for a couple of seconds. .f you look into the 'xtras=Ami;ridge?AmigaApps directory 8or in the relative AmiStart menu9, you4ll notice two new icons, ork&ench and Screen#o!e1
ork&ench will launch che Amiga virtual machine, while Screen#o!e will allow you running the Amiga%& screen mode preference panel whenever you change the A$%& screen resolution. .n fact, if you4ll try running 9anus.4AE in coherency mode with a different resolution, Qanus will refuse to run in coherency mode. To fi this, !ust launch the Screen#o!e program from this .caros link. 5ow launch the ork&ench icon. Qust forget the %orkbench window and start launching applications straight from an!erer. They will run in their own windows1
#hen Qanus is running, your Amiga%& applications will be barely distinguishable from the native ones, you can even add your Amiga applications to Ami&tart4s dock section. Ami8ri!ge at startup 5ormally, you are supposed to run the AmigaX environment only when needed. +owever, if you heavily use /?GK applications, you can run the whole AmiBridge thing at startup. Please see chapter @.N of this guide to learn about the 4&ervices4 preference program. .f the AAmiBridge Amiga 7/B option is ticked, .caros will run Amiga #orkbench at startup 8and it will hide the #orkbench window a few seconds after9, making /?GK applications immediately available after boot has completed.
AmigaOS1 is the Amiga%& operating system volume ork1 is the Amiga%& applications volume ArosSNS1 is the A$%& operating system volume, read'only Aros@S1 is the A$%& extras= path #y orkspace1 a shared place for your documents, videos, music and downloads
2 cept for the A$%& one, you4ll get read and write access to all other drives. &o you can load your A$%&
documents inside Amiga%& applications, and save your pro!ects in any A$%& drawer, allowing easy e change of data. <or security reasons, A$%& system volume has been set read only 8this can be changed by the user, however9. -lipboard is now shared, so you can cut/copy/paste te t between A$%& and Amiga%& applications.
-hoose the A;uggy ;oy $!D99($elite(.adfB file. 2nter the clean name of the game this way1
And now choose the right Amiga model to run it. .t seems Buggy Boy ran best on an Amiga :JJ<.
The ne t reLuester will warn you that many Amiga games and demos were distributed on more than a single floppy disk. Buggy Boy, however, came only on a single disk. <or this reason, click on STO$.
%nce you have done this, a final reLuester will ask you what to do, either running game or manually editing configuration file for 2',A2.
&ince we haven4t any particular need now, !ust click on R46 and 2n!oy:
-lick on >ontinue instead. ;ou will be prompted for the second 8third and fourth9 drive until you click on -ancel. But for now, enter the second disk4s A3<. Then press >ance% ne t time. Ami8ri!ge supports up to 3 !isks. Cames coming on more than @ disks should be installed somehow on a hard drive file to load. ;ou may also use Qanus',A2 C,. to switch disks.
Qust double click on any .urc file 8they all have the te t icon9 and they will be opened with Qano 2ditor. ;ou can also use Qanus',A2 C,. to do so. Qust load the configuration file you need to edit, change the options as you wish, and save it again. Please refer to the Qanus',A2 documentation in the Ami;ridge?emulator directory to learn how to use ,A2 settings. .f you don4t want to change every .urc file, and you4d like to add the same default personal setting to any new .urc file created, !ust open the Ami;ridge?emulator directory and edit the A:JJ*urc( A:JJp%us*urc and A),JJ*urc files. But please create a backup copy of them before.
e& 8ro"ser
%rigin #eb Browser 8%#B9 is a powerful and modern web browser based on webkit, already available on many other platforms. Although this is the really first release, this browser is already reliable and provides support for many .nternet sites such as Coogle 3ocs, Coogle 2arth, Cmail, <acebook and every Amiga community portal, like amigaworld.net, amiga.org and many others. A$%& %#B supports also tab' browsing1 to open a new tab, !ust right click on the tab title and select tabs J open new tab. This release of %#B uses a conte t menu driven C,., slightly different from other Amiga/A$%& applications. %n .caros 3esktop, you can open offline +T/" files by double clicking on their icons. But with a limitation1 you can open only one per time. To open another, please close %#B first. &orry for this issue, we4re working on this...
.caros 3esktop provides two .$- client. #ookie-hat is the most powerful one, with many customi(ation options, colorful output window and support for most of m.$- and Am.$- features. There is a channel dedicated to A$%& use and development on the freedone network. #ookie-hat is already configured to !oin this channel, all you have to do is choose a username.
;A/ is .caros 3esktop4 default mail client 8and it is the most advanced one for A$%&, too9. .t allows multiple accounts and offers most of the more up'to'date features of any mail client on other operating systems.
&imple/ail is still beta software, so please don4t use it for your most important correspondence. <or your safety, please use the option to keep a copy of messages on the server for some days.
ArosP3< is .caros 3esktop4 embedded P3< reader. P3< files can be opened both by double clicking on their icons, and by formerly runnung ArosP3< from Ami&tart or #anderer.
.f you have problems running games and emulators with the AT. or 5vidia driver, please boot .caros 3esktop in 72&A mode, with a =) bit palette.
0*G $%ay your 'a-ourite music( DVD an! -i!eos "ith #p%ayer
#p%ayer is a full'feature multimedia player allowing an ama(ing media e perience even in un'accelerated 72&A modes. .t plays the most popular audio and video file formats, including /P=, 3iv>, >vi3 and many, many, many others. .t can play 373s as well.
0*)) #ake your o"n music "ith Hi-e%yTracker( #i%kyTracker an! $roTrekkr
Trackers were Amiga4s best known music tools, allowing people to use sampled instruments in a easy and reliable way. Hi-e%yTracker( $rotrekkr an! #i%kyTracker are available on many platforms, and on A$%& as well.