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15-6 - IO - Guide

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The key takeaways are that AR 15-6 investigations are used to collect information for a command to make an informed decision, informal investigations usually involve a single investigating officer collecting evidence and conducting interviews, while formal investigations involve due process hearings.

The purpose of an AR 15-6 investigation is to gather detailed facts and make recommendations to help the command make an informed decision.

The two main types are informal investigations, which usually involve a single investigating officer, and formal investigations, which normally involve due process hearings for individuals involved.







Congratulations! You're a 15-6 Investigating Officer!

This guide is intended to assist investigating officers
(IOs) appointed under the provisions of Army Regulation
(AR) 15-6, in conducting timely, thorough, and legally
sufficient investigations. Although it is designed
specifically for informal investigations, some provisions are
applicable to formal investigations as well. Legal advisors
may also use it to advise investigating officers. A brief
checklist is included at the end of the guide as an
enclosure. The checklist is designed as a quick reference
for use during each stage of the investigation. The
questions in the checklist will ensure that the investigating
officer has covered all the basic elements necessary for a
sound investigation.
If this is your first time as an IO, or if it's been a while, don't worry! 15-6
investigations don't have to be difficult or frustrating. Take time to read through this
"how-to" manual, and remember that you can always seek clarification from the
Administrative Law Division at the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate. Here's an outline
of what's covered in this guide:

What do I need to know about 15-6 investigations? Page 3
What is a 15-6 Investigation?
What rules do I follow?
Who's Who?
What's my job as the Investigating Officer for a 15-6? Page 4
Getting Started: What do I do first?
Getting to Work: How do I conduct my investigation? Page 5
Putting Together a Plan
Obtaining Documents and Physical Evidence
Talking to People: Interviews, Rights Warnings, and More
Looking at the evidence Page 10
Rules of Evidence
Standard of Proof
Putting it all together... Page 11
Findings and Recommendations
Preparing the Report
Getting a Legal Review
Making it easier...
Checklist for Investigating Officers Page 14
Sample Privacy Act Statement Page 15
Sample Findings and Recommendations Memo Page 16

Check it out in AR 15-6:
Paragraph 1-1

What do I need to know about 15-6 investigations?

This section will tell you:
What a 15-6 Investigation
What rules to follow
Who's Who

What is a 15-6 Investigation?
AR 15-6 procedures generally govern investigations requiring detailed fact gathering
and analysis and recommendations based on those facts. An "investigation" is simply
the process of collecting information for the command, so that the command can make
an informed decision. AR 15-6 sets forth procedures for both informal and formal
investigations. Only informal investigations are discussed here. Informal investigations
usually have a single investigating officer who conducts interviews and collects
evidence. In contrast, formal investigations normally involve due process hearings for a
designated respondent before a board of several officers. Formal procedures are
required whenever a respondent is designated.

What rules do I follow?
Informal procedures are not intended to
provide a hearing for persons who may
have an interest in the subject of the
investigation. Since no respondents are
designated in informal procedures, no one
is entitled to the rights of a respondent, such as notice of the proceedings, an
opportunity to participate, representation by counsel, or the right to call and cross-
examine witnesses. The investigating officer may, however, make any relevant findings
or recommendations concerning individuals, even where those findings or
recommendations are adverse to the individual or individuals concerned.
AR 15-6 procedures may be used independent of other regulations, such as in an
investigation to determine facts and circumstances, or the procedures may be
incorporated by reference into directives governing specific types of investigations, such
as reports of survey and line of duty investigations. If such directives contain guidance
that is more specific than that set forth in AR 15-6 or conflicts with 15-6 procedures,
the more specific guidance will control. For example, AR 15-6 does not contain time
limits for completing investigations; however, if another directive incorporating AR 15-6
procedures contains time limits, those requirements will apply.
Finally, your appointment orders (which are discussed in more detail below) will
usually ask for specific things in your findings and recommendations. It will help to read
through this list of things when trying to plan how to conduct your investigation.

Who's Who?
Here are a few key players in the 15-6 process you should know about.

Appointing Authority. The individual with
the authority to "start" an investigation
under AR 15-6 is called the Appointing
Authority. The requirements for who can
be an appointing authority differ for formal
and informal investigations. For an informal investigation or board, the appointing
authority could be a commander at any level, a principal staff officer or supervisor in the
grade of major or above, or any officer with the authority to appoint a formal board.
However, only a general courtmartial convening authority may appoint an informal
investigation or board for incidents resulting in property damage of $1,000,000 or more,
the loss or destruction of an Army aircraft or
missile, an injury and/or illness resulting in, or likely to result in, permanent total
disability, or the death of one or more persons.

Respondent. In formal investigations the appointing authority may designate one or
more persons as respondents in the investigation. Such a designation has significant
procedural implications. Respondents may not be designated in informal investigations,
so you won't have to worry about them. Remember this: just because someone is the
main focus or most important "player" in your informal 15-6 investigation, it doesn't
make that person a respondent.

Survey Officer. That's you! Only commissioned officers, warrant officers, or DA
civilian employees paid under the General Schedule, Level 13 (GS 13) or above may be
investigating officers. The investigating officer must also be senior to any person that is
part of the investigation, if the investigation may require the investigating officer to make
adverse findings or recommendations against that person. Since the results of any
investigation may have a significant impact on policies, procedures, or careers of
government personnel, the appointing authority should select the best-qualified person
for the duty based on their education, training, experience, length of service, and

What's my job as the Investigating Officer for a 15-6?

The primary duties of an investigating officer are:

To fully establish and consider all the relevant evidence on an
To be thorough and impartial;
To make findings and recommendations warranted by the facts
and that comply with the instructions of the appointing
authority; and

Check it out in AR 15-6:
Paragraph 1-3

To report the findings and recommendations to the appointing authority.
Getting Started: What do I do first?

Now that you're familiar with the 15-6 process, you need to take care of a few
preliminary matters. This section will tell you:
About the appointment process other preliminary matters
Getting your initial assistance from JAG

Appointment and Administrative Concerns
Informal investigation appointments may be made orally or in writing. If written,
the appointment orders are usually issued as a memorandum signed by the appointing
authority or by a subordinate with the appropriate authority line. Whether oral or written,
the appointment should specify clearly the purpose and scope of the investigation and
the nature of the findings and recommendations required. If the orders are unclear, you
should seek clarification. The primary purpose of an investigation is to report on
matters that the appointing authority has designated for inquiry. The appointment
orders may also contain specific guidance from the appointing authority, which, even
though not required by AR 15-6, nevertheless must be followed. For example, AR 15-6
does not require that witness statements be sworn for informal investigations; however,
if the appointing authority requires this, all
witness statements must be sworn.
As soon as you receive appointing
orders, you should begin a chronology
showing the date, time, and a short
description of everything done in
connection with the investigation. The chronology should begin with the date orders are
received, whether verbal or written. You should also record the reason for any unusual
delays in processing the case, such as the absence of witnesses due to a field training
exercise. The chronology should be part of the final case file.

Getting help from JAG...
The servicing Office of the Staff Judge Advocate ("OSJA")
can provide assistance to you at the beginning of and at any
time during the investigation. Before beginning an informal
investigation, you must review all written materials provided
by the appointing authority and consult with a legal advisor
from the administrative and civil law division of the OSJA to
obtain appropriate legal advice. This requirement should be
included in the appointment letter. Early coordination with the legal advisor will allow
problems to be resolved before they are identified during the mandatory legal review.
The legal advisor can assist an investigating officer in framing the issues, identifying the
information required, planning the investigation, and interpreting and analyzing the
information obtained. The attorney's role, however, is to provide legal advice and
assistance, not to conduct the investigation or substitute his or her judgment for that of
the investigating officer. NOTE: Complex and sensitive cases include those involving a
death or serious bodily injury, those in which findings and recommendations may result
Check it out in AR 15-6:
Chapter 2


in adverse administrative action, and those that will be relied upon in actions by higher
Getting to Work: How do I conduct my investigation?

You've got your orders, you've
talked to a Judge Advocate, and you're
ready to get started. This section deals
tells you about conducting the
investigation. In this section, you'll read about:
Putting together a plan
Obtaining documents and physical evidence
Interviewing Witnesses

Putting Together a Plan
The investigating officer's primary duty is to gather evidence, and make findings
of fact and appropriate recommendations to the appointing authority. Before obtaining
information, however, the investigating officer
should develop an investigative plan that
consists of (1) an understanding of the-facts
required to reach a conclusion, and (2) a
strategy for obtaining evidence. This should
include a list of potential witnesses and a plan for
when each witness will be interviewed. The order
in which witnesses are interviewed may be
important. An effective, efficient method is to
interview principal witnesses last. This best
prepares the investigating officer to ask all
relevant questions and minimizes the need to re-
interview these critical witnesses. As the
investigation proceeds, it may be necessary to
review and modify the investigative plan.

Obtaining Documents and Physical Evidence
You may need to collect documentary and physical evidence such as applicable
regulations, existing witness statements, accident or police reports, and photographs.
Obtaining this information early in the investigation can save valuable time and effort. In
some cases, the information will not be readily available, so you should request it early
so you can continue to work on other aspects of the
investigation while the request is being processed. You should
consider personally inspecting relevant incident locations and
take photographs if they will assist the appointing authority.

You should avoid a recurring problem of gathering
insufficient evidence to document a finding of no fault, no loss,
or no wrongdoing. It is just as important to support these
findings with documentary evidence, as it is to document

Check it out in AR 15-6:
Chapter 4

adverse findings. All too frequently an IO who makes a finding of no fault, no loss, or no
wrongdoing, closes the investigation with little or no documentation. The report of
investigation must include sufficient documentation to convince the appointing authority
and others who may review the investigation that the finding of no fault, no loss, or no
wrongdoing is supported by the evidence.

Talking to People: Interviews, Rights Warnings, and More
In most cases, witness testimony will be required. Clearly, the best interviews
occur face-to-face; but, if necessary, interviews may be conducted by telephone or mail.
Because of the preference for face-to-face interviews, telephone and mail interviews
should be used only in unusual circumstances (i.e., where witnesses have PCSed or
are otherwise not readily available). Information obtained telephonically should be
documented in a memorandum for record.

Sworn Statements. Witness statements should be taken on DA Form 2823. Legible
handwritten statements and/or questions-and-answers are ordinarily sufficient. If the
witness testimony involves technical terms that are not generally known outside the
witness's field of expertise, the witness should define each term the first time it is used.
Although AR 15-6 does not require that statements be
sworn for informal investigations, the appointing authority,
or other applicable regulation, may require sworn
statements, or you may, at your own discretion, ask for
sworn statements, even where not specifically required.
Under Article 136, UCMJ, IOs are authorized to administer
the oath required for sworn statements; 5 U.S.C. 303
provides this authority for civilian employees. (Statements
taken out of the presence of the investigating officer may
be sworn before an official authorized to administer oaths
at the witness's location.)

Subpoenas. Investigating officers do not have the authority to subpoena witnesses,
and their authority to interview civilian employees may be subject to certain limitations
(i.e., union contract provisions). Prior to interviewing civilians, you should discuss this
matter with the local Labor Counselor. Commanders and supervisors have the authority
to order military personnel and to direct Federal employees to appear and testify.
Civilian witnesses who are not Federal employees may agree to appear, and, if their
presence is necessary, they may be issued invitational travel orders. This authority
should be used only if the information cannot be otherwise obtained and only after
coordinating with the legal advisor or appointing authority.

Rights Warnings. All soldiers suspected of criminal misconduct must be advised of
their rights under Article 31 before questioning. DA Form 3881 should be used to
record the witnesss understanding of his or her rights and election to waive those rights
by making a statement. It may be necessary to provide the rights warning at the outset
of the interview. In some-cases; you will become aware of the witness's involvement in

criminal activity only after the interview has started and incriminating evidence is
uncovered. In such case, rights warnings must be provided as soon as you suspect
that a witness may have been involved in criminal activity.
If a witness elects to assert his right to remain silent or requests an
attorney, all questioning must cease immediately. If the suspect has
requested an attorney, questioning may only resume in the presence
of the witnesss attorney, if the witness consents to being interviewed.
Note that these rights apply only to information that might be used to
incriminate the witness. They cannot be invoked to avoid questioning
on matters that do not involve violations of criminal law. Finally, only
the individual who would be accused of the crime may assert these
rights. They cannot be asserted to avoid incriminating other individuals. The following
example highlights this distinction.

Example: A witness who is suspected of stealing government property must be
advised of his or her rights prior to being interviewed. However, if a witness is only
being interviewed about lost or destroyed government property in connection with a
Report of Survey, a rights warning would not be necessary unless evidence is
developed that leads the investigating officer to believe the individual has committed a
criminal offense. If it is clear that the witness did not steal the property but has
information about who did, the witness may not assert rights on behalf of the other
individual and may be compelled to make the statement. Failure to do so would
constitute an Article 90, UCMJ violation.

Scheduling witness interviews. You will need to determine which
witnesses should be interviewed and in what order. Often, information
provided by one witness can raise issues that should be discussed with
another. Organizing the witness interviews will save time and effort that
would otherwise be spent "backtracking" to re-interview prior witnesses.
While re-interviewing may be unavoidable in some circumstances, it should be kept to a
minimum. The following is a suggested approach to organizing witness interviews; it is
not mandatory.

When planning who to interview, identify the people who are likely to provide the
best information. Start with the witnesses that will provide all relevant
background information and frame the issues. The intent is to have a general
understanding of the issue before confronting the key witnesses with specific
questions. This will often avoid the "backtracking" described above.
Concentrate on those witnesses who would have the most direct knowledge
about the events in question. Without unnecessarily disclosing the evidence
obtained, attempt to seek information that would support or refute information
already obtained from others. In closing an interview, it is appropriate to ask if
the witness knows of any other persons who might have useful information or
any other information the witness believes may be relevant to the inquiry.

Any information that is relevant should be collected regardless of the source;
however, investigating officers should collect the best information available from
the most direct source. All relevant evidence is admissible unless protected by a
It may be necessary or advisable to interview experts having specialized
knowledge of the subject matter.
It is not necessary to interview every member of a unit if only a few people have
information relevant to the inquiry. Also, all relevant witnesses do not need to be
interviewed if the facts are clearly established and not in dispute. However, you
must be careful not to prematurely terminate an investigation because a few
witnesses give consistent testimony.

Conducting witness interviews. You may find it
useful to consult with Inspector General officials or
law enforcement agents such as Military Police
investigators or CID agents for assistance in
interviewing techniques. The following suggestions
may also be helpful:

Prepare for the interview. While there is no
need to develop a script for the witness
interviews, IOs may wish to review the
information required and prepare a list of
questions or key issues to be covered. This
will prevent the investigating officer from missing issues and will maximize the
use of the officer and witness's time. Generally, it is helpful to begin with open-
ended questions such as "Can you tell me what happened?" After a general
outline of events is developed, follow up with narrow, probing questions, such as
"Did you see SGT X leave the bar before or after SGT Y?" Weaknesses or
inconsistencies in testimony can generally be better explored once the general
sequence of events has been established.
Ensure the witness's privacy. Investigating officers should conduct the interview
in a place that will be free from interruptions and will permit the witness to speak
candidly without fear of being overheard. Witnesses should not be subjected to
improper questions, unnecessarily harsh and insulting treatment, or unnecessary
inquiry into private affairs. -
Focus on relevant information. Unless precluded for some reason, the
investigating officer should begin the interview by telling the witness about the
subject matter of the investigation. Generally, any evidence that is relevant and
useful to the investigation is permissible. Relevancy depends on the
circumstances in each case. The investigating officer should not permit the
witness to get off track on other issues, no matter how important the subject may
be to the witness. Compare the following examples:

Example 1: In an investigation of a loss of government property, the witness's
opinions concerning the company commander's leadership style normally
would not be relevant.
Example 2: In an investigation of alleged sexual harassment in the unit,
information on the commander's leadership style might be relevant.
Example 3: In an investigation of allegations that a. commander has abused
command authority, the witness's observation of the commander's leadership
style would be highly relevant.

Letting the witness testify in his or her own words. You must avoid coaching the
witness or suggesting the existence or non-existence of material facts. After the
testimony is completed, the investigating officer should assist the witness in preparing a
written statement that includes all relevant information, and presents the testimony in a
clear and logical fashion. Written testimony also should reflect the witness's own words
and be natural. Stilted "police blotter" language is not helpful and detracts from the
substance of the testimony. You may use a tape recorder, but must advise the witness
that you are going to do so. Additionally, the tape should be safeguarded, even after
the investigation is completed.

Protecting the interview process. In appropriate cases, you may direct witnesses
not to discuss their statement or testimony with other witnesses or with persons who
have no official interest in the proceedings until the investigation is complete. This
precaution is recommended to eliminate possible influence on testimony of witnesses
still to be heard. Witnesses, however, are not precluded from discussing matters with

Looking at the evidence

Now that you've gathered all this information, you might have a few questions
about how you are supposed to use it. This section will explain...

How you are to consider the evidence you have gathered
What level of proof you should use when adding it all up

Rules of Evidence
Because an AR 15-6 investigation is an
administrative and not a judicial action, the
rules of evidence normally used in court
proceedings do not apply. Therefore, the
evidence that may be used is limited by only a few rules:

The information must be relevant and material to the matter or matters under
Check it out in AR 15-6:
Paragraph 3-6

Information obtained in violation of an individual's Article 31, UCMJ, or 5th
Amendment rights may be used in administrative proceedings unless obtained by
unlawful coercion or inducement likely to affect the truthfulness of the statement.
The result of polygraph examinations may be used only with the subject's
permission. Civilian polygraph reports should not be accepted.
-Privileged communications between husband and wife, priest and penitent,
attorney and client may not be considered, and present or former inspector
general personnel will not be required to disclose the contents of inspector
general reports, investigations, inspections, action requests, or other memoranda
without appropriate approval.
"Off-the-record" statements are not acceptable.
-An involuntary statement by a member of the Armed Forces regarding the origin,
incurrence, or aggravation of a disease or injury may not be admitted.

Remember, you should consult the legal advisor if you have any questions concerning
the applicability of any of these rules.

Standard of Proof
Since an investigation is not a
criminal proceeding, there is no
requirement that facts and findings be
proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus,
unless another specific directive states otherwise, AR 15-6 provides that findings must
be supported by a greater weight of evidence than supports a contrary conclusion."
That is, findings should be based on evidence that, after considering all evidence
presented, points to a particular conclusion as being more credible and probable than
any other conclusion.

Putting it all together...

Okay. You've gathered documents,
interviewed witnesses, and taken time to
consider what you've learned from the
evidence. You still need to prepare your
report. This section tells you how to...

Prepare Findings and
Complete the paperwork

Findings and Recommendations
After all the evidence is collected, the
investigating officer must review it and make
findings. You should start by re-reading your appointment orders to help you focus on
what the appointing authority needs to learn from your investigation. Next, you should

Check it out in AR 15-6:
Paragraph 3-6

consider the evidence thoroughly and impartially, and make findings of fact and
recommendations that are both supported by the facts and comply with the appointing
authoritys instructions. To the extent possible, you should fix dates, places, persons,
and events, definitely and accurately. You should be able to answer questions such as:
What occurred? When did it occur? How did it occur? Who was involved, and to what
extent? Exact descriptions and values of any property at issue in the investigation
should be provided.

Findings. A finding is a clear and concise
statement that can be deduced from the
evidence in the record. In developing
findings, you are permitted to rely on the
facts and any reasonable inferences that may be drawn from those facts. In stating
findings, you should refer to the exhibit or exhibits relied upon in making each finding.
The documented evidence must support the findings (including findings of no fault, no
loss, or no wrongdoing) and must be included in the report. Exhibits should be
numbered in the order they are discussed in the findings.

Recommendations. Recommendations
should take the form of proposed courses
of action consistent with the findings; such
as disciplinary action, imposition of
financial liability, or other corrective action. Recommendations must be supported by
the facts and consistent with the findings. Each recommendation should cite the specific
findings that support the recommendation.

Preparing the Report
After developing the findings and recommendations, you should complete DA Form
1574 and assemble the packet in the following order:

1. Appointing order,
2. Initial information collected,
3. Chronology, and
4. Exhibits (with an index)

Getting a Legal Review
Although AR 15-6 does not require that all informal investigations receive legal
review, the appointing authority, must get a legal review of all cases involving serious or
"complex matters, such as where the incident being investigated has resulted in death
or serious bodily injury, or where the findings and recommendations may result in
adverse administrative action, or will be relied on in actions by higher headquarters.
Appointing authorities are encouraged to obtain legal review for all investigations. Other
specific directives may require a legal review. Generally, the legal review will

Check it out in AR 15-6:
Chapter 3, Section III

Check it out in AR 15-6:
Paragraph 3-9

Check it out in AR 15-6:
Paragraph 3-10

Whether the investigation complies with requirements in the appointing order and
other legal requirements,
The effect of any errors in the investigation (harmless or materially prejudices a
Whether the findings (including findings of no fault, no loss, or no wrongdoing)
and recommendations are supported by sufficient evidence, and
Whether the recommendations are consistent with the findings

If a legal review is required, the review must be completed before the appointing
authority approves the findings and recommendations. After receiving a completed AR
15-6 investigation, the appointing authority may approve, disapprove, or modify the
findings and recommendations, or may direct further action, such as additional evidence
gathering or making additional findings.

Making it easier...

In the next few pages, you will find a few useful tools to help you get your AR 15-6
informal investigation done right. They are:
A checklist for investigating officers
A Sample Privacy Act Statement
A Sample Findings and Recommendations Memo

Checklist for Investigating Officers

Preliminary Matters:
Has the appointing authority appointed an appropriate investigating officer
based on seniority, availability, experience, and expertise?
Does the appointment memorandum clearly state the purpose and scope of
the investigation, the points of contact for assistance (if appropriate), and the
nature of the findings and recommendations required?
Has the IO received an initial briefing and received appropriate resources?
Investigative Plan.
Does the investigative plan outline the background information the IO must
gather, identify the witnesses who must be interviewed, and organize the
interview order in the most effective manner?
Does the plan identify witnesses who are no longer in the command and
address methods of interviewing them?
Does the plan identify information that will not be immediately available and
outline steps to quickly obtain it?
Conducting the Investigation.

Is the IO maintaining a chronology in sufficient detail to identify causes for
unusual delays?
Is the IO retaining and organizing the information collected (witness
statements, MFR's of phone conversations, photographs, etc.)?
Does the IO make routine coordination with the legal advisor, appointing
authority, and subject matter experts as necessary?
Preparing Findings and Recommendations.
Is the evidence assembled in a logical and coherent fashion?
Does the evidence support the findings (including findings of no fault, no loss,
or no wrongdoing)? Does each finding cite the specific evidence, by exhibit,
which supports it?
Are the recommendations supported by the findings? Does each
recommendation cite the findings that support it?
Are the findings and recommendations responsive to the tasking in the
appointment memorandum?
Did the investigation address all the issues (including systemic breakdowns;
failures in supervision, oversight, or leadership; program weaknesses;
accountability for errors; and other relevant areas of inquiry) raised directly or
indirectly by the appointment?
Final Action.
Was a legal review conducted by the OSJA, Administrative Law Division?
Did the appointing authority approve the findings and recommendations? If
not, have appropriate amendments been made and approved?
Has the IO conducted necessary coordination to implement the

Sample Privacy Act Statement


AUTHORITY: The solicitation of personal information in conjunction with this
investigation is authorized under Title 10 USC 30l2.

PURPOSE: The purpose for collecting this information is to obtain facts and
make recommendations to assist the Commander in determining what action to
take with regard to: ________________________________________

ROUTINE USES: Information obtained during the conduct of this investigation
will be used to document relevant facts regarding the incident concerned. It
will be used to determine the cause(s) leading to the incident, establish
individual responsibilities, negligence, and make recommendations for
corrective actions and/or appropriate administrative actions. Any information
you provide may be disclosed to members of the Department of Defense who have
a need for it in the performance of their duties.


The private information you furnish is voluntary. There will be no adverse
effect on you for not furnishing private information other than that certain
facts or information might not be otherwise available .to the Commander for
his decision in this matter.

The other information you furnish is mandatory. Failure to provide the
requested information could result in disciplinary or other adverse action
against you under Article 134, UCMJ.

I, __________________________, having been advised of the above provisions of
the Privacy Act agree to provide information concerning the above-cited

Sample Findings and Recommendations Memo
FORT POLK, LA 714595

AFXX xx xxx 02

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, xxxxxx, Fort Benning, Georgia, 31905

SUBJECT: AR 15-6 Investigation Findings and Recommendations

1. FINDINGS: [This is the BLUF findings (i.e. your conclusion). You will get into the
analysis supporting your findings in paragraphs 3 and 4. For example:] After investigating
the allegations of xxx against XXXXXX it is my belief, based on a preponderance of the
evidence, that XXXXX did/did not commit xxx with YYYYYY.

2. RECOMMENDATIONS: [Recommendations can run the gamut from nothing (no
change), attending special training, introducing systemic or doctrine changes, relieving
soldiers from leadership positions, negative counseling, separation from service, bars to re-
enlistment, flags, letters of reprimand (both local or OMPF), suspended
punishment/probationary periods, and UCMJ actions [Article 15s, preferral of charges for
court martial. For example:] I recommend that a letter of reprimand be issued to XXXXXX, to
be filed in his OMPF.

3. BACKGROUND: [Outline the Facts presented. Cite to specific witness statements
and specific exhibits that support your version of the story. Note contradictory evidence and
why you believe one version of events over other versions. For example:] On xx 02, the SSG
ZZZZZZZ, and his wife held a party at their house. Both SSG XXXXXX and YYYYY
attended this party, although not together. During the party a physical fight between ZZZZZZZ
and YYYYYY occurred. The Military Police were called to the scene and investigated the
matter. ZZZZZZZ was arrested for assault and taken to the MP station and YYYYY, having left
the party, was also apprehended and taken to the MP station. The next morning, SFC
XXXXXX, who is deployed to Kuwait, called his wife, who told him of the fight, but would not
tell him why the fight occurred. After not getting a satisfactory response from his wife, SFC
XXXXXX called the ZZZZZZZ residence and spoke with ZZZZZZZ. ZZZZZZZ told SFC
XXXXXX that the fight occurred because she told YYYYY and SSG XXXXXX to leave the
party because they were having a disruptive argument. YYYYY would not leave the house and
the argument/fight between ZZZZZZZ and YYYYY began. ZZZZZZZ told SFC XXXXXX that
YYYYYY and SSG XXXXXX were arguing about their relationship because they had been
having a sexual affair for almost one year. Upon receiving this information SFC XXXXXX
confronted his wife and SSG XXXXXX about the affair. During the next few days, SFC
XXXXXX made a battery of telephone calls to all parties involved, during which he stated that


he received a confession from both his wife and SSG XXXXXX. It was during this time that he
called his commanding officer, MAJ vvv to register his complaint.

a. In Annex B1, SFC XXXXXX testifies that both SSG XXXXXX and YYYYY
confessed to having a sexual affair to him.

b. In Annex C, ZZZZZZZ testifies that both SSG XXXXXX and YYYYYY confess to
having a sexual affair to her. YYYYY also confided in ZZZZZZZ several times that she was
having a sexual affair with SSG XXXXXX.

c. In Annex A1 A3, emails that YYYYYY sent to her husband SFC XXXXXX
definitely substantiate the affair. In A1, YYYYYY states, I would love to be able to stand up
for myself and let everyone know the truth. But I would also be telling everyone I am guilty.
In A2, she again states that she wishes she could tell everyone the truth (about the affair) but will
not. The email alludes to the notion that SSG XXXXXX tells people that YYYYYY
blackmailed him into the affair, but she responds, I did not hold a gun to his head, nor anything
else against him. In A3, she further implies that she had the affair in stating, I did do the
wrong thing to try to make myself happy.

d. SSG XXXXXX invoked his rights and refused to answer questions regarding this
investigation (Annex D).

e. XXXXXX, wife of SSG XXXXXX, would not answer any questions regarding this

f. YYYYY would not answer any questions regarding this matter.

g. BBBBB, former neighbor and close friend of YYYYYY, refused to answer questions
regarding this matter.

h. The following individuals were interviewed and indicated that they never saw anything
inappropriate or suspicious between SSG Jason XXXXXX and YYYY:

(1) Mr. BBBB: SFC XXXXXX and SSG XXXXXXs supervisor.

(2) Mrs. CCCC: SFC XXXXXX and SSG XXXXXXs supervisor.

(3) CPT DDDD: SSG XXXXXXs rater from approximately April 2001 April 2002.

(4) CPT EK: SFC XXXXXX and SSG XXXXXXs former rater from June 2000
November 2001.

4. ISSUES and ANALYSIS: [Lay out the rules that govern the conduct at issue. This
can be SOPs, UCMJ, other Army doctrine such as ARs, FMs, TMs, etc. Once you have
established the standard that should govern in the case, articulate why the facts do or do not
SUBJECT: AR 15-6 Investigation Findings and


meet the standard. For Example:] Did SSG XXXXXX commit adultery as defined by article
134 of the UCMJ? There are three elements of adultery under article 134:

(1) That the accused wrongfully had sexual intercourse with a certain person;

(2) That, at the time, the accused or the other person was married to someone else; and

(3) The, under the circumstances, the conduct of the accused was to the prejudice of
good order and discipline in the armed forces or was of a nature to bring discredit upon the
armed forces.

Based on the testimony and evidence gathered, I believe that all elements are satisfied, and SSG
XXXXXX did commit adultery with XXXXXX XXXXXX. Evidence shows that the accused
wrongfully had sexual intercourse with XXXXXX XXXXXX. Evidence also shows that the
accused and the other person were married at the time. Finally, evidence shows that, under the
circumstances, the conduct was to the prejudice of good order and discipline of the armed forces.
The emails of XXXXXX XXXXXX to her husband CCCC substantiate the allegation. The
testimony of AAA and BBB also substantiate the allegation. The fact that two spouses were
arrested and that CCCC is deployed to Kuwait show that the conduct is prejudicial to good order
and discipline within this unit.

5. POC is the undersigned at xxx-xxxx.

1. Annex A (Emails) CPT, IN
2. Annex B (Sworn Statements) Investigating Officer
3. Annex C (cccc Interview)
4. Annex D (SSG XXXXXX Information)
5. Annex E (Appointment Orders)

SUBJECT: AR 15-6 Investigation Findings and

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