Specification of Molecular Chirality - Cahn - Angew Chem Internat. Edit 5 (1966)
Specification of Molecular Chirality - Cahn - Angew Chem Internat. Edit 5 (1966)
Specification of Molecular Chirality - Cahn - Angew Chem Internat. Edit 5 (1966)
The topological analysis of chiral molecular models has provided the framework of a general system for the specification of their chirality. The application, made in and bejore 19S6, of this system to organic-chemical configurations is generally retained, but is redefined with respect to certain types of structure, largely in the light of experience gained since 1956 in the Beilstein Institute and elsewhere. The system is now extended to deal, on the one hand, with organic-chemical conformations, and, on the other, with inorganicchemical configurations to ligancy six. Matters arising in connexion with the transference of chiral specijications from model to name are considered, notably that of the symbiosis in nomenclature of expressions of the general system and of systems of confined scope.
1. Scope, divisions, and definitions 1 . 1 . Scope of this paper 1.2. Asymmetry and chirality 1.3. Centre, axis, and plane of chirality 1.4. Configuration and conformation 1.5. Conformation and axial chirality 1.6. Conformation and planar chirality 1.7. Chirality and the helical model: helicity 2. Chirality to ligancy four: modifications and additions 2.1. The sequence rule procedure to ligancy four: Ligancy complementation; Factorisation rule; Sequence rule; Standard sub-rules; Chirality rule; Helicity rule 2.2. Valence-bond conventions: multiple-bond unsaturation and aromaticity; Convention for x-complexes 2.3. Precedence of sub-rules: ordering by mass-number 2.4. Ordering by stereochemical differences; seqcis and seqtrans 2.5. Central chirality: symmetry and its procedural consequences; Rule for equivalent centres 2.6. Axial chirality: scope, procedure, and symmetry; Selection rule 2.7. Planar chirality: procedure and symmetry; Selection rule 2.8. Secondary structures
3. Chirality to ligancy four: nomenclature problems 3.1. Specification of chirality in names 3.2. Mixtures of stereoisomers 3.3. Broken numbering 3.4. Chirality symbols in trivial names that specify configurations 3.5. Molecules of uncertain structure 3.6. Specification of axial, planar, and secondary structural chirality 4. Conformational chirality to ligancy four 4.1. Basis of treatment: Conformational selection rules; Conformational helix 4.2. Conformations involving three torsional energy hollows 4.3. Conformations involving two torsional energy hollows 4.4. Conformational secondary structures 5. Central chirality to ligancy six 5.1. Outline of the sequence-rule procedure for ligancies five and six 5.2. The octahedral sequence rule and its sub-rules 5.3. The octahedral numbering rule and its sub-rules 5.4. The octahedral chirality rule 5.5. Symmetry in central chirality with ligancy six 5.6. Secondary structures involving ligancies six
Two papers, published in 1951 and 1956, hereinafter called Papers 1[41 and IIr51, describe a method, the sequence-rule method, for specifying the absolute configuration of enantiomers on the self-contained basis of a few general rules. This condition precludes dependence on genetic assumptions, and on conventions of nomenclature and formulation, all matters that cannot be comprised within a few rules. The method achieves its
independence, and hence its relative simplicity, by working directly with the space model. The model is built only from atoms and bonds. However, the specifying labels, which the sequence-rule method attaches primarily to the model, are made succinct enough to be taken therefrom into the name of the substance.
An important general aspect of Papers I and I1 is that they, along with the present continuation paper, represent a contribution to the still unformed subject of chemical topology. That is why, although the applications are chemical, the basic concepts are topological. It is, of course, because they are topological that they can be defined sharply, and also permanently, despite the ever-changing face of chemistry. Paper I was limited to optical isomers dependent on asymmetric carbon atoms or other octet-forming asymmetric atoms. Paper I1 took as its more extended scope optical isomers, whether involving asymmetric atoms or not, but still limited to structures of atoms with no more than four directed bonds. The present paper has two purposes. The first is to consolidate the method throughout the field covered in Paper 11, in the light of the experience which has been accumulated
(England). [ 2 ] University College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1 (England). [ 3 ] EidgenossischeTechnische Hochschule, Zurich (Switzerland). [4] R. S. Cnhn and C. K. Ingold, J. chem. SOC.(London) 1951, 612. [ 5 ] R. S. Cnhn, C. K . Ingold, and V. Prelog, Experientia 12, 81
since that paper appeared. A number of investigators have called our attention to special difficulties, which they have most helpfully discussed with us. By far the most searching of all the tests to which the method has been subjected is that which has arisen in the Beilstein Institute from its adoption for the description of configuration in the 4th Edition of Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie. The letters of the late Prof. F. Richter, and, since his death on 22nd Weissbach, analysing the results November 1961, of Dr. 0. of their joint study of the method, have been an important source of inspiration to us in the writing of the relevant sections of the present paper. There are two sections concerned essentially with consolidating the already occupied area. In Section 2, we deal with the analysis of configuration in structures of atoms with up to four directed bonds, and with its specification on the space model. A few applications of the procedure are modified, and some others are more closely prescribed than before, with improvement, as we think, both to the conceptual unity of the method, and to the ease of its use in some of the more difficult types of application. A number of examples are given, including some due to Prof. Richter and Dr. Weissbach, most of which have been constructed ad hoc in order to illustrate difficulties of various kinds. In Section 3, we take up certain special, essentially practical, problems concerned with the transfer of stereochemical specifications from the molecular model to within the framework of nomenclature. The second purpose of this paper is to extend, as was foreshadowed in Paper 11, the application of the sequence rule, beyond the basal area covered in Paper I1 and Sections 2 and 3 of this paper. We move out from it in two directions, which were, in fact, considered for exploration at the time of writing Paper 11, though the final conclusion then was that Chemistry was not experimentally advanced enough to require either development. But since then, the situation has changed sufficiently, we think, to justify reversing that conclusion.
Chemists habitually use the word asymmetry (and its grammatical congeners) in two different senses, sometimes without appreciating the difference. One sense is correct, and the other is so loose that it must be considered incorrect. Yet many authors must have felt, as we have, the embarrassment of having, either to avoid the word, or to complicate statements containing it with some periphrase contrived to indicate in which of its two senses it is to be understood. It will be convenient now to end this difficulty. The symmetry of any molecular model consists in the totality of independent symmetry operations of (a) rotation (by sub-multiples of 2 4 round the axes of symmetry, (b) reflexion in planes of symmetry, and (c) combinations of such a rotation and a reflexion, which will bring the molecule into coincidence with itself. Only when no symmetry operation can so convert the molecule, has the molecule no symmetry. Only then may it be called asymmetric in the correct usage of that term. Thus Cabcd has no symmetry whatever, and therefore the term asymmetric carbon atom is entirely correct, if the atoms surroundings are taken into account, as is always intended. Asymmetry is a sufficient condition for the existence of optical enantiomers. But it is not, though it is sometimes referred to as if it were, the necessary and sufficient condition. We need a separate word for that. The necessary and sufficient condition is that reflexion in a plane converts the model into a non-identical one, that is, one which cannot be superposed on the original by translations and rotations only. The model then has two non-identical forms, inter-related by a reflexion, that is, two enantiomeric forms: it has the topological property of handedness. Its possibilities of symmetry are much restricted; but they are not eliminated. Obviously, it cannot have any symmetry of types (b) and (c) above, which require superposability after a reflexion. But there is no such ban on symmetry of type (a). A model which has no element of symmetry except at most axes of rotation may be called c h i d Thus chirality expresses the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of enantiomers. Chirality means handedness, and, in our context, topological handedness [*].
[*] This useful word was brought to our attention by Professor K . Mislow, who referred us to Websters Dictionary (2nd Edi-
In the first of the extensions now proposed, which is described in Section 4 , a starting-point, already given by Klyne and one of us[7], is made the basis of a use of the sequence rule to specify enantiomeric conformations in structures of atoms having up to four directed bonds, chiefly, of course, carbon conformations. In the second extension, described in Section 5, we take the first step in raising the covalency limit, or, more properly expressed, the ligancy limit above four, by proposing an application of the sequence rule in the specification of group-arrangements about a n atom of maximum ligancy six. We prefer the terms ligancy, quadriligant, etc., because they refer to the number of bonds formed but are non-committal as to bond-type, whereas the terms covalency, quadricovalent, etc., imply theories as to the type of bond. Moreover the term ligating atom carries no implication as to how the atom becomes bound, whether by co-ordinating as an electron donor or acceptor, or by colligating[*l as a radical; and this, as a genetic implication, is of a type that we like to avoid.
This is as far as we go. But one can foresee that in the future these extensions themselves will require filling-out, and that further extensions, for example, to higher than primary protein structures, to ligancies higher than six, and to polyatomic elemental clusters, will be wanted. However, it would seem premature to map these areas before they are better explored.
[6] Professors S. J. Angyal, H . Dahn, E. L . Eliel, K . Mislow, and 0.Th. Schmidt and Drs. K . R . Hanson, S. J . Tauber, and R . S . Tipson, as well as (the late) Professor F. Richter and Dr. 0. Weissbach, to all of whom we are deeply grateful. [7] W. Klyne and V . Prelog, Experientia 16, 521 (1960). [*] This term (cf. C. K . Zngold: Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1953, pp. 5, 205) suits our general preference for ligating and its congeners. The syllable co signifies like participation by the involved atoms, as in covalency.
tion), where chiral is defined as Of, or pertaining to the hand, specifically turning the plane of polarisation of light to either hand, and to two articles by Whyte [8] on the history of the word. It has occurred in the literature of physics since 1904, when it appeared in a publication [9] by Lord Kelvin of lectures delivered at earlier dates, in particular one of 1884 rewritten in 1903, and one of 1893 in which it is defined to mean topological handedness. Today its meaning is broadened to include the spin-handedness of elementary particles. However, we shall be concerned only with its original meaning of space-handedness. [8] L.L.Whyte, Nature (London) 180, 513 (1957); 182, 198 (1958). [9] Lord Kelvin: Baltimore Lectures. C. J. Clay and Sons, London 1904, pp. 436, 619.
Angew. Chem. internat. Edit.
1 Vol. 5
(1966) I No. 4
An unambiguous division of the overall field of topological chirality must itselfbe topological. For the problem is to describe a space relation, and the primary classification should therefore be concerned with the types of geometrical relation requiring to be described, not with where the forces come from which make them what they are. Thus, the main framework for the classification of chirality has to be geometrical. To introduce theories of chemical bonding, or structural energetics, at this fundamental level would create great difficulties. It was in this understanding that, in Paper 11, we introduced a primary division of chirality (there called asymmetry, or sometimes, dissymmetry) into central, axial, and planar chirality, a classification which is based only on the three-dimensional nature of space. The chiral centre is an abstraction of the asymmetric atom: the space about it, when unoccupied, is undifferentiated in its three dimensions, and certain differences in its occupation have to be established in order to produce chirality. A chiral centre that is not the seat of an atom can be contemplated (Sub-section 2.8). A chiral axis does distinguish one dimension from the other two, and hence lesser differences in the occupation of the surrounding space are sufficient for the development of chirality. A chiral plane distinguishes two dimensions from the remaining one, and again reduced differences in the occupation of the ambient space suffice to create chirality. A given chiral structure may contain one or more of some or all of these elements of chirality. The first step in the procedure for specifying chirality is to factorise the overall chirality into as many chiral centres as are present, and, if their specification leaves that of the overall chirality incomplete, into chiral axes, or chiral planes, or both, as far as necessary. This procedure of factorisation was implied in Paper 11, but was not formally stated as a rule. It is well known that, whilst the chiral sense of different elements of chirality can commonly be varied independently, some elements in some structures may be so stereospecifically linked that that cannot be done. However, this does not interfere with the assigning of specific designations of chirality to such elements. The above broad geometrical lay-out is unequivocal and universal, as long as it is not upset by non-geometrical considerations, for example, by theories of bonding, or of structural energetics, or by chemical classifications. Nevertheless, the practical problem does sometimes arise of arranging a convenient symbiosis between these geometrical concepts, which are sharply definable, and chemical concepts, which it may be impossible satisfactorily to define, but which d o convey distinctive general ideas. The difficulty is not so much that the geometrical and chemical concepts are not co-extensive, but that the margins of the latter carry a penumbra. We meet this type of problem unavoidably, as a result of our decision to apply the sequence rule to conformations.
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These terms have come down, the one through a long history, and the other through a short one, each carrying a generally distinctive set of ideas. Yet history has never produced satisfactorily distinguishing definitions. It results from this that the newer concept of conformation has an agreed area of application, an agreed area of non-application, and a penumbra. We shall take it that conformations arise from pure rotations around the internuclear lines of formally single bonds. However, the concept of conformation became important as a result of the discovery that rotation around the C-C bond of ethane is resisted, and that therefore some of the arising conformations are stable with respect to all small relative displacements of the atoms, and thus are molecular states, now commonly called conformational isomers, rotational isomers, conformers, or rotamers. Such molecular states will have a first claim on our attention in applying the sequence rule, but conformations which are not molecular states will have a claim, because their relation to conformers has to be considered in many connexions. We now ask what types of resistance to rotation are qualified to produce a conformer. The type present in ethane would universally be considered to be so qualified. However, the restriction on rotation round a single bond, caused by its inclusion in a small ring, might not be considered as so qualified: it could be argued that the incapacity of the bond for rotation is not a situation for which the bond is primarily responsible. But what is to be said, if the inhibition arises because some attached groups are too large to pass one another? Neither is that the primary responsibility of the bond. A range of such intermediate situations can be found which constitute the penumbra. Let us examine another approach. As is emphasised in the different histories of the concepts of configuration and conformation, the energy barriers that protect configurations are usually much larger than those which separate conformers. Thus stable optical activity is widespread throughout the realm of configuration, having created the multitude of practical problems of specifying chirality, to deal with which the sequencerule system was devised, On the other hand, in the domain of conformation, stable optical activity is much less common, and, indeed, is largely associated with the area of the penumbra. For several reasons, no sharp distinction between configurational and conformational molecular states can be based on barrier heights. No delimiting energy figure could be exclusively justified. Most actual barrier heights are unknown. We must explain our concern with this matter of the penumbra. We wish to specify, in particular, the chirality of conformations about the C-C bond. This amounts to specifying the space relations of the maximum of six atoms bound to the C2-unit, given that the configurations of the two sets of three, of which the set of six is composed, are pre-determined. By introducing unsaturation at either end, or at both ends, of the C2-unit,
specialisations can be created, in which the six atoms become reduced to five, composed of sets of three and two, and to four, composed of two pairs. However, in spite of this last specialisation, the problem of conformational specification as a whole is different enough from that of the configurational specification of four groups about an asymmetric atom, or about any of the general elements of chirality, the centre, axis, or plane, to determine that we must in general apply the sequence rule to configuration and to conformation in different ways. We need not now go into the difference; the present point is simply that its existence requires us carefully to examine the margins between configuration and conformation. Conformations which are not molecular states present no procedural dubiety. The penumbra has to do with molecular states. We might try to draw a sharp boundary between the alternative procedures by inventing some particular definition of a conformer, which either includes the penumbral area, or takes some other prescribed course through or around it. Whatever definition we set down, we cannot expect its universal acceptance, either in general or for our particular purpose. Let us consider, for example, the following classification of molecular states, which gives to conformers a scope embracing the whole penumbral area. By configuration is meant the space-arrangement of a model representing a molecular state with neglect of the distinctions between varieties of that state which differ only as after relative rotations of groups directly bonded together, about the internuclear lines of their intervening, formally single bonds; and by a conformational molecular state (conformational isomer, rotational isomer, conformer, rotamer) is meant a space-arrangement which signalises such a distinction, and identifies such a variety-state. This definition includes not only examples of the general nature of those which formed the historic foundations of the subject of conformation. It includes also cases in which rotation round a single bond is prevented by interactions of groups possibly some bonds away from the single bond in question, as in biaryls; or by the locking of the single bonds in rings which in turn create non-bonded group-interactions, as in paracyclophanes. These situations are today accepted by many as configurational, as, indeed, those of stereoisomerism in the biaryl series were for a decade before the fundamental discovery of 1936 by Kemp and Pitzer concerning ethane. For these reasons among others, we do not expect our wide-limit definition of conformations to be unanimously acceptable, and so we have to devise a means by which the necessary definiteness of the sequence-rule system can co-exist with such a penumbral area of allowably diverse opinions. The whole penumbral area falls into two parts, one contained within the broader field of axial chirality, and the other within that of planar chirality. These primary geometrical divisions of chirality refer only to the topological relations requiring to be described, and do not ask the question of whether their chemical origins
are configurational or conformational. Thus, the dubieties which arise are concerned, not with whether some case or class of cases should be treated as configurational or conformational, but with whether it should be treated on a basis indifferent to that question, or by a specifically conformational method, when allowed by the wide-limit definition given above. We discuss the two parts of the penumbral area in the next two sub-sections.
1.5. Conformation and Axial Chirality
The chirality of four groups arranged out-of-plane in pairs about an axis, as diagrammatically illustrated by the elongated tetrahedron ( I ) , was discussed in Paper 11. With no distinction at all between its four groups, a, b, c, d, the tetrahedron has a four-fold alternating axis of symmetry, which becomes the chiral axis when differences of any kind between the groups import chirality. It was noted in Paper I1 that fewer differences in groups are required to produce chirality about an axis than are necessary for chirality about a centre. Thus the four groups, shown as abcd in ( I ) , need not all be different: so long as a and b are different, and c and d are different, ( I ) will be chiral, even if identities arise between the pairs, as in ab, ac, or ab, ab. This form of chirality was illustrated in Paper I1 with examples of four kinds typified by allenes(2),alkylidenecycloalkanes (3), spirans ( 4 ) , and biaryls ( 5 ) . To these, we must now add a fifth type, the adamantoids (6), one of which (7) has already been optically resolved 01. All these illustrations may be taken to represent more general classes, in which some carbon atoms may be replaced by stereochemically similar hetero-atoms, such as nitrogen. The classes typified by (2), (3), (4) and (6) are clearly configurational. The class typified by (5) is conformational by our wide-limit definition. All five classes display stable optical activity. Evidently two views are possible as to how chirality of type ( 5) should be specified. One is that, because, by the definition given above, the enantiomers are conformational isomers, they should be specified by the method
[lo] H . Stetter and 0. E. Bander, Chem. Ber. 88, 1535 (1955). Atigew. Chen?. internat. Edit.
1 Vof. 5
(1966) 1 No. 4
devised to cope with conformations. The other is that, because, in all the five types (2)-(6), all that is being specified is the similar space-relations of the four groups abcd, and not the forces that hold them where they are, it would be suitable, and perhaps convenient, to specify all in the same way, and hence as forms of axial chirality. We think that both points of view must be considered tenable; and rather than presuming exclusively to decide between them, we should prefer that both methods of specifying the chirality of biaryls would be regarded as available. That is to say, biaryls would be treated, either as examples of axial chirality, as illustrated in Paper I1 and additionally in Sub-section 2.6 below, or by the appropriate specialisation of the treatment of conformational chirality, as discussed in Section 4 below. Of course, if the method is to be left to choice, the results must be expressed in forms which disclose the choice. We d o that in the sequel by using contrasting symbolisms in the two methods.
As explained in Paper 11, a plane of chirality is derived by desymmetrisation of a plane of symmetry in such a way that chirality depends on a distinction between one side of the plane and the other, and on a pattern of three groups (of which two or even all three may be equivalent). These are basic conditions, not changed at all by the fact that planar chirality is discussed again in Sub-section 2.7 below, where some modifications of procedure are introduced. Most, though not all, of the examples available at present belong to the chemical class of bridged rings with bridge-heads in aromatic rings. Once again, alternative approaches to the specification of chirality arise in a part of the general field of planar chirality. For some examples fall within the wide-limit definition of conformations given above, and some d o not. Yet those which d o and those which do not may be geometrically very similar. In order to bring out the distinction, two para-cyclophanes, closely resembling two illustrated in Paper 11, are represented at (8) and (9). The dicarboxylic acid (8) is a conformational isomer by the definition. For its enantiomer differs from it as would the result of a conceptual rotation of both benzene rings through 180 about their paru-situated arylmethylene bonds. We may note in passing that the acid which differs from (8) as after a conceptual rotation of one benzene ring only, an acid which would normally
be regarded as a position isomer of (8), is by the same definition a conformational isomer. On the other hand, the anhydride (9) is not a conformational isomer, even by the definition. For the rings cannot now be rotated, not even in imagination, without the introduction of deformations other than rotational. The enantiomeric product of such rotation bears a permanent bending deformation, inasmuch as the valency angle of the single-bonded oxygen atom has been widened from @ to 2 x - 0 . If this is not immediately obvious, it can be made so by imagining the oxygen atom to be replaced by Cab, an ordinary asymmetric carbon atom, in R-form say, which will clearly have to go into S-form in the enantiomer, a conversion which, at best, involves bending the pair of bonds to the carbonyl groups past the pair to the atoms a and b, and reciprocally. Here we have two examples, which are broadly similar geometrically, and closely related chemically, both belonging to the domain of planar chirality. Yet one falls within the scope of the definition of conformers given above, whilst the other does not, and is thus inevitably configurational. The chirality of the anhydride (9) can be specified by only one sequence-rule method, namely, that applicable to planar chirality. However, alternative procedures are possible for specifying the chirality of the dicarboxylic acid (8). Either it can be treated, like its anhydride, as an example of planar chirality; or it can be specified by an application of the procedure devised for conformations (Section 4 ) . Again our view is that both methods should be considered available, and that the one used should be left to choice, which the resulting specification would disclose.
1.7. Chirality and the Helical Model: Helicity
A helix is characterised by a helical sense, a helical axis, and a pitch (ratio of axially linear to angular properties). Thus, helicity is a special case of chirality, because it implies two additional properties. When a natural object or process has all the three properties, the helical model, just because it provides so well-filled-in a portrait, may be the easiest abstract model to recognise and use, even though it summarises more properties than may be relevant to the matter under discussion. Of course, when a chiral object has not all the helical properties, nor by a simple adaptation can be given them, the specialised helical model is inapplicable, and the object belongs to the general case of chirality.
A familiar example of the use of the specialised helical model, when valid, for less specialised purposes, is that of the spinning elementary particle in free space. It has helicity; and, in reference to it, the term helicity, is frequently used in discussions to which only part of its full meaning, only helical sense (i.e. chirality), is relevant.
Our concern is with molecular structures. In some, for example, some secondary protein structures, a welldeveloped helical arrangement contributes to chirality. The chirality of conformations is most conveniently referred to the helical model, so we have reason enough
to follow precedent in using the helical model, when applicable and particularly convenient, even though the only one of its several properties which is relevant to our considerations is its sense. As to this, right- or left-handed helicity associates a right- or left-handed turn, as the case may be, with axial translation away from the observer; and to reverse the helix with respect to the observer makes no difference. We shall propose designations for right- and lefthanded helicity in Sub-section 2.1.
First set: To an asymmetric atom let four atoms, 1,2, 3, and 4 be directly bound. Then the atoms 1 , 2, 3, 4 constitute the first set. Second Set: Let 1 and 2 be any two atoms of identical atomic number in the first set. To 1 let there be directly bound atoms 11, 12, 13, . . . ., here arranged as far as possible in order of decreasing atomic number. To 2 let there be directly bound atoms 21,22,23, . . . ., similarly here arranged. Then the second set contains 11 and 21, unless these have the same atomic number, when it contains instead 12 and 22, unless these also have the same atomic number, when it contains instead 13 and 23. The complete second set is to be composed by applying this procedure to every pair of ligands whose atoms of the first set have the same atomic number.
This method of specifying chirality works directly with the space-model. The models treated are of conventionally approximated valence-bond structures. We defer to Sub-section 2.2 the stating of the conventions, because we want to change one of them. As allowed by the ligancy limit, electron-octet valence-bond structures are employed. Conceptually, all atoms other than hydrogen are complemented to quadriligancy by providing them, as far as necessary, with imaginary bonds and atoms to bind, as follows. First, they are provided, respectively, with one or two duplicate representations of any ligands to which they are doubly or triply bonded; and then their unsaturation, if any, of unshared valency electrons or incomplete valency electron shells is satisfied with phantom atoms of atomic number zero. The chirality of such a formalised valence-bond structure is now factorised into chirality in the occupation of space about the identifiable chiral elements, first the centres, and then, as far as necessary, the axes and planes of chirality. The elements are then stereochemically characterised by the following procedure applied to each in any applicable order. For the purpose of characterising an element of chirality, for example, an asymmetric atom, the ligands associated with it are put into a priority sequence, and the most important of the characters used for this purpose is atomic number. Thus, the ligands about an asymmetric atom are arranged in order of decreasing atomic number of the atoms by which they are bound to it; or, if the relative order of two ligands cannot thus be decided, it is determined by a similar comparison of atomic numbers of the next atoms in the ligands, or, if this fails, of the next: so one works outward, always first towards atoms of higher atomic number, where there is any choice, until a decision is obtained. In this outward exploration along the bonds, we thus follow paths of highest precedence. It is so important to be clear as to what this means that we here repeat the detailed prescription, illustrated by formula (10) and given in Paper I, for the ordering by atomic number of the ligands about an asymmetric atom. The ligands are placed in order of decreasing atomic numbers of selected sets of their atoms, the sets being selected, and so used, successively, as fas as necessary, as follows.
4 X 3 3 2
I 4 '
231 232 233
212 213
222 223
Third Set: Let the atoms 1 and 2 have identical atomic number, and let the atoms 11, 12, . . . ., and 21,22, . . ., be identical in atomic number in pairs, 11 with 21, 12 with 22, and so on throughout. Then the atoms of the third set are selected from the atoms 111, 112, . . . ., directly bound to atom 11 and here arranged in order of decreasing atomic number as far as possible, and from the atoms 21 1,212, . . . .,directly bound to atom 21, and similarly here arranged, as were the atoms of the second set from the atoms, 11 12, . . . ., directly bound to atom 1 , and the atoms 21, 22, . . ., directly bound to atom 2; unless all the atoms from which the atoms of the third set might thus have been selected are identical in atomic number in pairs, each of the series 111, 112, . . . ., with one of the series 211, 212, . . ., when the atoms of the third set are similarly selected from the similarly arranged atoms 121, 122, . . . ., directly bound to atom 12, and likewise the atoms 221,222, . . . ., bound to atom 22; and so on. The complete third set of atoms is to be composed by applying this procedure to every pair of ligands having relationships of identity similarly to those assumed for the ligands to which the atoms 1 and 2 belong. Higher Sets: The method for selection of the (n + 1)th set of atoms is to be developed from that of the nth set as was that of the third set from that of the second set. In case outward exploration by this method does not order the ligands completely, because of the absence of a distinction of atomic number between certain of the ligands, the exploration is repeated with respect to such ligands using characters other than atomic number as basis for comparisons made at each step of exploration.
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In Paper I, it was proposed to order ligands having only isotopic differences by reference to atomic massnumbers, higher mass-numbers taking precedence over lower. In Paper 11, it was proposed to order ligands which had only stereochemical differences by reference to these differences, with a prescribed order for cis and trans differences, and also for enantiomeric features. In Paper 11, the further generalisation was made of using this procedure not only for centres of chirality, but also, with suitable adaptations, for axes and for planes of chirality. The object of the procedure, however applied, is to arrange the ligands associated with an element of chirality in a sequence. The succeeding processes are simple. The sequence is allowed to trace a path on the space-model, and the chiral sense of the path, designated in a prescribed way, then classifies the element of chirality. The procedure was summarised in Paper I1 in a schedule of consecutively applicable rules, the various characters, used for the comparisons made during exploration of the ligands, being covered in a series of consecutively applicable sub-rules. This schedule is reproduced in a revised form below. Two changes of substance are made, which set up a new sub-rule, and renumber and rearrange s3me of the older sub-rules. The reasons for these changes are explained in Sub-sections 2.3 and 2.4. The special nomenclature used in Sub-rule (3) is explained in Sub-section 2.4, and the symbols M and P, which appear in Sub-rules (4) and (5) are defined later in the present Sub-section. Ligancy Complementation. All atoms other than hydrogen are complemented to quadriligancy by providing respectively one or two duplicate representations of any ligands to which are doubly or triply bonded, and then any necessary number of phantom atoms of atomic number zero. Factorisation Rule. Overall chirality is factorised into elements, which are treated in the order, centres jirst, and then axes, and finally planes, as far as necessary. Sequence Rule. The ligands associated with an element of chirality are ordered by comparing them at each step in bond-by-bond explorations of them, frGm the element, along the successive bonds of each ligand, and, where the ligands branch, first along branch-paths providing highest precedence to their respective ligands, the explorations being continued to total ordering by use of the following Standard Sub-rules, each to exhaustion in turn, namely: (0) Nearer end of axis or side ofplane precedes further. ( 1 ) Higher atomic number precedes lower. (2) Higher atomic mass-number precedes lower. (3) Seqcis precedes seqtrans. (4) Like pair R,R or S,S precedes unlike R,S or S,R; and M,M or P,Pprecedes M,P or P,M; and R,M or S,P precedes R,P or S,M; and M,R or P,S precedes M , S or P,R; also p precedes s. ( 5 ) R precedes S ; and M precedes P. Chirality Rule. Among ligands of highest precedence the path of their sequence is followed from the preAngew. Chem. internat. E d i t . / VoI. 5 (1966) / No. 4
ferred side of the model, that is, the side remote from the group of lowest precedence, and, according as the path turns to right or left, the element is assigned the chiral label R or S, or, ifpseudo-asymmetric, r or s.
In planar chirality, the preferred side of the model may be said to be on that side of the chiral plane which contains an atom, called the pilot atom, which we shall define, and show how to identify, in Sub-section 2.7. When the specialised helical model is applicable, and is to be used, a different rule of assignment will be required. The helix may immediately identify itself in the molecular model, as do the helices of secondary structures (Sub-section 2.8). In the area of conformations (Section 4), a limited use of the Sequence Rule is made in order to identify the helix. Supposing the helix to have been identified, it is necessary only to specify its sense. For this purpose, we propose the following rule of assignment: Helicity Rule. According as the identified helix is leftor right-handed, it is designated minus and denoted by M , or designated plus and denoted by P. There are some areas, notably, as explained in Subsections 1.4-1.6, around the margins of the field of conformations, and also, as will be observed in Sub-section 2.8, in the field of secondary structures, where two methods of specifying chirality are left open, one of which would use the Chirality Rule, whilst the other would employ the Helicity Rule. In the most important of these areas, notably in the biaryl series, R and S by the former correspond respectively to M and P by the latter. One result of the choice of symbols for designating helicity is the mnemonic that, in alphabetical order, R and S correspond to M and P, respectively, in the field mentioned. 2.2. Valence-Bond Conventions : Multiple-Bond Unsaturation and Aromaticity The sequence rule has to be applied to valence-bond structures, though structural valency is an approximation concept, indeed, one which seriously loses precision in the presence of any form of unsaturation. For this reason, four conventions, defining the valencebond approximation by which an unsaturated molecule was to be represented for the purpose of applying the sequence rule, were proposed in Paper IL41. They were as follows: (a) Hyperconjugation is neglected. ( b ) Contributions by d orbitals to bonds of quadriligant atoms are neglected. (c) A mesomeric system is represented by its usual valence-bond structure or structures. By is meant selected, first, to have fewest formal charges and radical centres, and then, given this, with preference for multiple bonds and conjugated systems of them, and chief preference for closed-conjugated systems.
(d) (Now discarded). A mesomeric system with several usual valence-bond structures is represented by one of them, selected by a special rule, which was enunciated.
39 1
Convention (b) excludes double-bonded structures of, e.g., sulphoxides and sulphinates. Under convention (c), charges are minimised and double bonds introduced subject t o convention (b), and hence subject t o such exclusions. We do not restate the rule contained in convention (d), because the present proposal is to discard it, and, indeed, to change the whole direction of convention (d). We must first explain the need for a change. By far the most important area to which convention (d) applies is that of the six-membered aromatic rings. These always have several Kekule-type structures,which can all be taken as usual valence-bond structures. Some subsidiary areas are covered by the convention, but they present only minor variations of the same problem of ambiguity in double-bond arrangement. The special rule in the old convention (d) for the selection of a particular arrangement was unequivocal, but it was excrescent to the logic of the sequence rule; and (as Prof. Richter and Dr. Weissbach convinced us) experience has proved that it is undesirably intricate in some of its applications. Now the treatment of systems to which convention (d) applies is a last step, and so is dependent on earlier steps, in the treatment of multiple-bond unsaturation as a whole. Even though it is only in the last step that the difficulties mentioned have arisen, we cannot appropriately change that step in isolation, but must revise the treatment of unsaturation more generally. We have had three aims in mind in designing the revision now to be proposed. One was to retain a maximum of orthodoxy in assignments of configuration to the traditional and didactically basic cases of molecular chirality, such as tartaric and lactic acids, glyceraldehyde, and serine. Another was to improve the logical unity of the sequence-rule procedure. The third aim was the practically important one of simplifying the more involved applications of the sequence rule in the field of polyunsaturated systems. The treatment of unsaturation now proposed, and its relation to the former treatment, may be explained with the aid of a simple example. Let us consider a molecule containing one asymmetric carbon atom, and, as a feature of unsaturation, one carbonyl group. We shall assume that the ordering of ligands about the asymmetric atom is being accomplished on the basis of atomic number, that is, by Sub-rule (1). Following the fundamental sequence-rule method, we conceptually travel from the asymmetric atom along each of its bonds, recording their characters by the atoms found at their further ends, in numerically coded form for ordering, as the atomic numbers of these atoms. Then, having arrived by way of a bond at an atom, we explore similarly all its other bonds. And we repeat this procedural step as far as it is material. When we arrive at carbonyl-carbon, we record its double bond as two single bonds both ending on oxygen: for purposes of accountancy, we refer to one as terminating on the real oxygen atom, and the other on its duplicate representation. The old procedure stopped there; but it is an illogical place to stop; and the new proposal is that the
procedure should be continued through one further and complementary step. This step is that, having arrived by way of a bond at carbonyl-oxygen, we explore its (only) other bond, which ends on carbon. Thus, for numerical coding with a view to ordering, we represent C=O, not, as before by c-0, but by c-o ,
(0) (C) where (0)and (C) are duplicate representations of the double-bonded atoms. Generalising from this illustration, we see that the amended formulation of multiple bonds for application of the sequence rule involves adding, not merely at the first-encountered end, but at each end of each double or triple bond, one or two duplicate representations, as the case may be, of the atom at its other end.
This method has the simplifying effect, particularly helpful in the field of unsaturated ring compounds, that one has not necessarily to keep a strict account of which is the end of a multiple bond that is first encountered in the exploratory process. The same answers would follow if the multiple bonds were conceptually supplied with the duplicate representations of atoms before the exploration was begun. This simplification in turn opens the way to a simpler convention (d), one not involving an excrescent special rule. It may be noted in passing that we could have achieved a similar though not identical result by an instruction to treat double and triple bonds as rings, in particular, as two-membered rings and bridged rings, respectively. This would obviate reference to duplicate representations of atoms ; but we find duplicate representations, like phantom atoms, an aid to accounting, and hence prefer to retain them. As before, all real atoms other than hydrogen, and all duplicate representations, are made up to ligancy four with phantom atoms. The full representation of carbonyl thus becomes C---ooo
where o denotes a phantom atom. This amended formulation of multiple bonds is immediately applicable to non-mesomeric unsaturated systems. They are subject only to the structure-defining conventions (a) and (b). It is immediately applicable also to mesomeric systems with a uniquely usual valence-bond structure. They are governed by conventions (a), (b), and (c), the last being an instruction to employ the unique structure. It was noted in Paper I that a large number of types of mesomeric system fall into this general case, and that one important type which does so is that of the hererocyclic five-membered-ring aromatic molecules. Quite generally, the unique structure is a least polar one; and this is true for the five-ring aromatics, the unique structures of which have two-double-bonded non-dipolar rings, with no uncertainty as to double-bond positions. This applies even to sydnones, for which the overall structure is dipolar, but the ring is not. In some five-ring aromatics, the complication of prototropy arises: this is discussed in Sub-section 3.5. It is in the field of mesomeric systems with several usual valence-bond structures that the amended formulation of multiple bonds is most helpful. The primary
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(0)ooo (C)ooo
area here is that of those even-membered rings whose unsaturation is expressible in fully-closed conjugated systems of double bonds. The field embraces the sixmembered aromatic rings, and some even-rings in molecules not typically aromatic, for instance, that in cyclooctatetraene, and the ten-membered ring (but not the component rings) of azulene. In all these rings, the closed-conjugated double bonds can be inserted in two ways, and our concern is to prevent this Kekule-type ambiguity from producing an ambiguity of sequencerule result. We may interpolate here, as a comment on the two immediately preceding paragraphs, that the application of common treatment to aromatic and non-aromatic systems should occasion no surprise. For we are dealing with valence-bond structures, and have no concern with molecular energetics, and hence none with aromaticity as such. Aromaticity is another chemical concept which conveys a distinctive set of ideas, but is incapable of satisfactory definition, and hence has an area of application, one of non-application, and a penumbra. With the revised formulation of multiple bonds, it is easy to arrange that the ambiguity of double-bond distribution in closed-conjugated even-rings shall lead to no ambiguity of sequence-rule result. Actually, this consequence follows inevitably and without more ado, provided that the rings are homocyclic: if they were the only problem, no convention (d) at all would be required. For in them, the delocalised valency of each ring-carbon binds only carbon, and hence can be supplied with a duplicate representation of carbon. Thus the various usual valence-bond structures give the same representation to which to apply the sequence rule, as illustrated for naphthalene, and thus for a naphthyl residue in a chiral molecule, in (11). The duplicate representation is here denoted by its atomic number 6, instead of by (C), for comparison with the group of cases next to be considered.
next-neighbour atoms, as illustrated at (12)-(14), where the figures denote the atomic numbers of the blended duplicate representations. The importance of distinguishing between systems with unique, and with several, usual valence-bond structures, and, in particular, between odd-rings and closed-conjugated even-rings in aromatic molecules containing both, should be emphasized. Only in the even-ring of a residue of indole, for example, are the usual structures different, and therefore to be blended. To mark the distinction, the duplicate representations of carbon, blended or otherwise, are denoted by two kinds of symbols in formula (15), which, it will be noted, contains no fractional atomic numbers, because the heteroatom belongs to the unique odd-ring part of the structure.
In the homocyclic series, the representation is so automatic that it is immaterial whether we regard it as derived from one selected valence-bond structure, or from a blend. Actually the latter idea is the better for adaptation to closed-conjugated even-rings containing one or more hetero-atoms. In such systems, a ring atom may be concurrently part-binding atoms of more than one kind, and hence, in the blend, may be binding an average atom of fractional atomic number. As any ring-atom must have either two or three next-neighbour ring-atoms, we conventionalise the possible proper fractions to 1/3, 112, or 2/3, by assuming for simplicity equal partitioning of the delocalised valency among the
The primary field of mesomeric systems with several usual valence-bond structures to be blended is that just considered, the field of closed-conjugated even-atomic rings. But a secondary field of such exists, viz. that of the mesomeric odd-atomic ion and radical systems, as we illustrate below. The two types of system may be present together, and may be overlapped. Two odd-atomic systems may be overlapped in a bivalent ion or diradical, which may thus be even-atomic overall. An odd-atomic mesomeric system of the secondary field may be endless or ended. In either case, we shall express the unsaturation with a maximum of formal double-bond conjugation; and we shall have a plurality of usual valence-bond structures. The system will possess a phantom atom. Typically, this will occupy different positions in those valence-bond structures which have to be blended. Thus it will be present, though delocalised, in the blend. As examples, we may consider the cyclopentadienylide ion, the tropylium ion, the phenalenylide ion, the acetylacetonate ion, and the cyanine dyes. In some of these, blending does not fractionate atomic numbers only into halves and thirds. In the cyclopentadienylide ion, each of the five delocalised carbon valences is taken to contribute to the extent of one-fifth to the binding of the phantom atom, and hence to the extent of four-fifths to the binding of carbon, wherefore it is associated with the atomic number (4/5)x6. In the tropylium ion, and likewise in the phenalenylide ion, the phantom atom can have any of seven positions, and thus the delocalised valency at each such position is taken to contribute to the extent of one-seventh to the binding of the phantom atom, and is accordingly associated with the atomic number (6/7)x6. In the acetylacetonate ion, each oxygen atom has a delocalised valency, which in one of our valencebond structures binds carbon and in the other a phantom atom, and hence is associated with the atomic number (1/2)x6. The nitrogen atoms of the cyanine dyes are in the same situation, as is illustrated in formula (16). All these conventionalised structures, here de-
scribed as for parent ions, hold for residues of the ions, as they might be encountered in chiral ions requiring to be treated by the sequence rule.
arithmetic mean of those of these atoms. Delocalised bonds to phantom atoms are taken as equally divided between their several positions.
Just as, when blending in the primary field of closedconjugated even rings, we divide a delocalised bond equally (into halves or thirds), irrespective of the symmetry of the model, so in the secondary field, we blend structures of a mesomeric odd-atomic ion system with an equal division of the delocalised bond to the phantom atom, irrespective of the symmetry of the model. Thus the phantom atom representing the ionic charge in the pyrrolylide ion, the pyrazolylide ion, or the imidazolylide ion, is taken as bound equally by each of the five ring atoms, so that only four-fifths of the delocalised bond of each ring atom is available for equal division between nearest-neighbour atoms in the ring. Again what is here said of the simple ions will apply when they are substituted to give chiral ions. When one or more systems of the primary field in which we blend usual valence-bond structures, and one or more systems of the secondary field, are overlapped, blending is effected with structures which maximally retain primary systems, in accordance with convention (c). The phantom atom in the indenylide ion, or in the indolylide ion, is thus delocalised only between positions 1 and 3; and in the fluorenylide ion or in the carbazolylide ion, it is localised on position 9. Chiral or other substituents in the benzo-rings make no difference to these locations. Triarylmethyl cations, anions, and radicals, are taken with a maximum of primary systems, that is, in fully benzenoid form, with the phantom atom therefore localised on the central atom. Accordingly, a conventionalised structure, thus prepared for application of the sequence rule, is in no way dependent on the actual (not exactly known) electron distribution, and substituents, chiral or otherwise, though they might make a great difference to the actual electron distribution, make no difference to the conventionalised structure. When two ionic systems of the secondary field are overlapped, as in the pentalene-di-ide ion, we distribute the bonds to their respective phantom atoms additively and independently. In this example, two-fifths of the delocalised bond of each ring-junction atom, and onefifth of that of each other ring atom, that is, ten-fifths altogether, are concerned with binding the two phantom atoms. Having explained the reasons for, and the scope, substance, and method of application, of the new convention (d), we may now formally enunciate it: (d) (New) A mesomeric system with several usual valence-bond structures is represented by their blend, in which each delocalised bond is assumed equally to bind the next-neighbour atoms of the system, the atomic number characterising the bond being the
In the treatment of a-bonded metal derivatives of mesomeric ions, the metal atom is given a bond to each ligating atom of each ligand. In a-chelated derivatives, the model may contain one or more systems belonging to the secondary field of blending, wherein, typically, phantom atoms are delocalised. In cupric acetylacetonate (17), each chelate ligand thus has mono-oxonium character, and carries three phantom atoms, one of which is delocalised. Metal porphyrins are chelated acomplexes, and an example of this class is given in Section 5.4.
When a metal is x-bonded to a non-conjugated double or triple bond, then, in the valence-bond structure prepared for application of the sequence rule, the multiplicity of the bond is reduced by unity, and the atoms of the bond are made to bind the metal by single bonds, as illustrated for an olefin-platinum complex in (18). When a metal is n-bonded to a conjugated unsaturated system, whether radical, ion, or molecule, for example, an ally1 radical, a cyclopentadienylide ion, a cyclohexadienylium ion, a 1,3-diene, or benzene or a derivative, all the unsaturated atoms concerned in the binding of the metal are similarly made to bind it with single bonds, with a corresponding reduction in the formal unsaturation of the ligand, as illustrated for an allyl-cobalt complex in (19). The resulting formulae are limiting with respect to the (not exactly known) degree to which the unsaturation electrons are binding the metal, and thus substituents, although they might alter the actual electron distribution, make no difference to the conventionalised x-bonded structures. The need for blending does not now arise. The convention covering this type of situation is therefore as follows: Convention for x-Complexes. Those ligating atoms of an unsaturated Iigand which are x-bonded to a metal atom are taken each to bind that atom with a single bond, their quadriligancy being preserved by reducing by unity the multiplicity of the multiple bonds in which they participate within the ligand.
O( C O ) ,
The use of such structures in the assignment of chiral symbols may be illustrated by reference to the optically resolved ferrocene ketone (20), the represented configuration having been determined by Schlogl and Falk[lll for the enantiomer having [t(ID = +580 in
Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. / Vol. 5 (1966) / No. 4
ethanol. Each of the five carbon atoms of the substituted cyclopentadienyl ring is an asymmetric atom, but the chirality of the whole molecule will be specified if we designate the chirality of any one of these atoms, conveniently C-1, the one most preferred by the Standard Sub-rules. In the sequence required for its designation, the first member, a, which is the iron atom, lies below the plane of the other three members, b, c, and d, as marked on (20). Hence C-1 is S, and the ferrocene might be designated [*I as 1s.
2.3. Precedence of Sub-Rules:
Ordering by Mass-Number The rules scheduled in Sub-section 2.1, the Factorisation Rule, the Sequence Rule, with its Standard Sub-rules, and the Chirality Rule, are the fundamentals of sequence-rule procedure. Furthermore, the order of the rules and sub-rules is an essential part of the procedure, because stated specifications of chirality would be meaningless unless the order of use of the rules were known. We have to have a firm order, one in which opportunistic variations are not allowed. Therefore an order may not be prescribed which renders the sequencerule system inoperable in some part of its legitimate fieldWhen Paper 11 was written, it was felt that, as ordering by isotopic differences would seldom be required, the mass-number sub-rule might conveniently be made the last sub-rule. It has, however, been pointed out to us by Prof. Richter and Dr. Weissbach that this prevents the sequence rule from specifying correctly chiral forms that can be derived by asymmetric isotopic substitution in a parent compound such as (21) or (24). Compounds (22) and (23) are derived thus from the parent compound(21). Had the mass-number sub-rule been allowed to remain last, they could not have been assigned the correct specifications shown: in both, the central atom would have been specified as R by the same earlier sub-rule that specified the central atom of (21) as r ; and this would have been a reductio ad absurdum, inasmuch as (22) and (23) are enantiomers.
Similar arguments can be developed with respect to the internal order of the two former stereochemical subrules, now expanded to three, and numbered (3), (4), and ( 5 ) . But in this case, the same principles of decision require that, as before, differences of geometrical isomerism be treated before chiral differences. The chief reason is that the sub-rules employing the latter are parasitic on the other sub-rules, requiring as intakematerial, not merely the model itself, but also the answers that the other sub-rules give: wherefore, unless Sub-rules (4)and (5) were last, specifications in structures with many chiral centres could depend on the indeterminate order I*] in which the various chiral centres were specified. The finally obtained order of the sub-rules, though reached essentially on pragmatical grounds, has a certain logical tidiness. Material differences are dealt with in sub-rules (1) and ( 2 ) before stereochemical in subrules (3) to ( 5 ) ; and, within each class, the grosser distinction is used before the finer, elemental before isotopic material differences, and differences involving scalar magnitude before those of vector-sense alone among stereochemical distinctions.
2.4. Ordering by Stereochemical Differences
(S) H-C-OH
In order to avoid this difficulty, and reach the correct assignments shown, we prescribe that all ordering by material differences should be done before any ordering by stereochemical distinctions. Therefore, in the schedule of rules in Sub-section 2.1, the mass-number subrule has been re-numbered (2), and brought to a position immediately following the atomic-number sub-rule (1).
[ l l ] K . Schlogl and H. Falk, Angew. Chem. 76, 570 (1964); Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. 3, 512 (1964); H. Falk and K . Schlogl, Mh. Chem. 96, 266 (1965). [*] In Professor Schlogls papers it is called R, and for this we are to blame, having expressed to him our agreement with that designation before our generalised treatment of metal ii-complexes had been developed.
The ordering of two groups, A and A, which are identical except for a stereochemical difference, is based on Sub-rules (3) to ( 5 ) . We must first explain the special nomenclature that has been introduced into Sub-rule (3). This sub-rule was formerly written cis precedes trans, and an explanation was added, of which it is easy to lose sight, unless signalised, as now, in the notation. Applications of the terms cis and trans to group arrangements about an atom-pair XY in a double bond or ring have developed traditionally but irregularly, inasmuch as it has never been generally prescribed which substituent of a pair ab in Xab, and which of a pair cd in Ycd, are fiducial for the assignment of cis and trans labels to the whole arrangement abX= :::=Ycd. It is not our business to revise the nomenclature of geometrical isomerism; but we have to have a regulated method of supplying the geometrical labels that we require in the course of assigning chirality by the sequence rule. Our labels, now distinguished as seqcis and seqtrans, will not always correspond to the traditional ones cis and trans. But ours are mere scaffolding: they disappear in the final assignments of chirality; and hence they do not get embodied in chemical nomenclature. As a definition we may write: Seqcis and seqtrans. An atom-pair is called seqcis or seqtrans according as the sequence-rule-preferred ligand bound to each atom of the pair is cis or trans with respect to the other such ligand. We assign our labels, seqcis and seqtrans, to the atompair XY, with respect to a double bond or ring to which it belongs, by taking as fiducial the sequence-rulepreferred substituent of the pair ab, and the preferred
[ * ] We have no rules, and could not have any general rules, prescribing the order in which different chiral centres are to be assigned : feasibility is the sole condition (cf. Sub-section 2.1).
one of the pair cd. If atoms of the pair XY belong simultaneously to several rings, so that some of its substituents with respect to one ring are parts of other rings, the pair XY should first be assigned by this method a geometrical label with respect to each ring; and then, in case these labels are different, we accept as effective that which depends on the most preferred substituent of all, or the more preferred pair of fiducial substituents. The atoms of the pair XY might belong each to one of two co-planar double bonds in a series of cumulated double bonds, as in a cumulene; but, provided that a conventional label, cis or trans, could describe, the stereochemical relation of the fiducial substituents at X and Y , we shall apply a label seqcis or seqtrans to the atom-pair XY. And we shall use a similar method when double-bonds in such as cumulated system are replaced by rings, as in alkylidenecycloalkanes or spirans. Having thus recognised the seqcis or seqtrans geometrical character of all relevant atom-pairs, we order the groups A and A, as far as Sub-rule (3) allows, by exploring them for geometrical character, comparatively and in steps, from the chiral element outwards. If we number the atoms in A and in A independently from the chiral element, our first comparison is of the 1,2atom-pair in A with the 1,2- in A , the second is of the 1,3-pair in A with the 1,3-in A , and so on, the general order being 1,2 > 1,3 > 2,3 > 1,4 > 2,4 > 3,4 > . . . ., where > means precedes. Sub-rule (3) is applied to the first distinction encountered. The previous sub-rule that R precedes S is replaced by Sub-rules (4) and ( 5 ) , of which Sub-rule (4) is new. These sub-rules employ chirality specifications assigned to other elements of chirality. Such chirality specifications, when spread over two groups A and A that are not differentiated by the previous sub-rules, generate a true element of chirality, if at least one pair of specified elements of chirality in the group A is diastereoisomeric with the corresponding pair in the group A . The new Sub-rule (4), which prescribes that R , R or S,S precedes R,S or S,R: and generally that a pair of specifications of like individual priority (see Sub-rule 5 ) precedes a pair of unlike, deals with this situation. The groups A and A are explored for already assigned pairs of specifications, comparatively, and in outward steps, the order of the comparisons, with the previous numbering, being 1,2 > 1,3 > 2,3 > . . ., as above. Sub-rule (4) is applied to the first difference encountered. Formula (24) is a simple example of its application. Sub-rule (4) also prescribes that r precedes s. These symbols can by themselves distinguish such diastereoisomeric differences as are the subject of this sub-rule. The specification of chirality of an atom X in a structure of the type ((RSr), (RSs), a,b}X would exemplify this application. The earlier sub-rule that R precedes S , now generalised in Sub-rule ( 5 ) , is used to assign chirality symbols to an atom X in combinations such as (R1,S1,R2,S2)X. This sub-rule is also used to specify diastereoisomerism characterised by pseudo-asymmetry of the type (R,S,a,b)Y. We specify pseudo-asymmetry, as before, by the symbols r and s, noting that they are unchanged on reflexion of the model.
( R ) -according to S u b - r u l e (4)
(R) (S)
Turning to illustrations, we must first correct a mistake in Paper 11, pointed out to us by the friends already mentionedI61. This is that, in some of our assignments to cyclitols, we forgot, despite having stated it, that the geometrical characters, now denoted by seqcis and seqtrans, are internal to either group A or A , and do not describe a relation of such a group to some other group of the complete set AAbc. The formulae which were mis-labelled on this account, with their original numbers from Paper 11, are reproduced below, but in association with the correct chiral assignments [*]:
H o Q o HHO
( l S , ZR, 3R, 4R, 5R. 6s)
( l R , 2s. 3s. 4R, 5 s , 6 s )
We refer finally to some of the further examples that have come under discussion[61. In the anhydride ( 2 S ) , C-3 is symmetric, as in the free acid, and hence receives no label. In hydroshikimic acid (26), and its diastereoisomer (27), C-1 and C-4 are asymmetric, and are labelled by Sub-rule (3). In the myoinositol ether,
[*] The convenient local system of cyclitol notation, the so-called fractional system, illustrated in Paper 11, automatically specifies absolute configuration, even within the type (Xab),, if the numbering system, applied within that type, and illustrated in the inositol series (CH-OH)6 is employed. This system is applicable when no unambiguous starting-point for numbering is given by the constitution, apart from any stereospecificity, as, for example, in cyclic systems of the series (Xab),, .. . (Xab-Ycd),, (Xab-Ycd-Ycd),, (Xab-Ycd-Zef-Ycd),, The numbering system involves so placing the ring horizontally that a t least as many fiducial groups (OH in the examples) point upward as downward, and that lowest numbers may mark the former when the ring is numbered clockwise from above. Thus the (-)- and (+)-inositols, (XLVIII) and (XLIX), are specified as to absolute configuration by their local-system prefixes (1,2,4/ 3,5,6)- and ( I ,2,5/3,4,6)-, respectively. Although no additional symbols are required, one could signalise each enantiomer with an additional configurational symbol, such as 4 R or 4s: one need not fall back on symbols that signify optical rotation only. It will be clear that the numbers used in this system satisfy our requirement of suggesting no genetic relations between the atoms of (XLVIII) and those of (XLIX).
bornesitol (28), and its diasteroisomer (29), C-1 and C-4 are labelled by Sub-rule (3), and the difference at C-1 shows in the symbols for its chirality. Example (30) has been contrived as a case of special complexity, inasmuch as the specification of chirality of C-7 depends on a stereochemical difference between the 1,2- and 4,5-atom-pairs, each belonging to two rings with respect to which it has opposite geometrical descriptions. However, the specification is not difficult to follow. With respect to its five-membered ring, the
(271 COzH
HO (28) OH
CH30 O o H ( 2 9 )
'OH (30)
(Is,2 S ,
1,2-atom-pair carries the fiducial substituents 6-CH2 and 2-OH, which are cis. With respect to the sixmembered ring, the fiducial substituents carried by the same atom-pair are 7-CHMe and 2-OH, which are trans. The latter fiducial pair is the more preferred, and hence the 1,Zatom-pair is seqtruns. Similarly, the 4,5atom-pair is seqcis. Hence the chirality of C-7 is described as S, and the specifying prefix for compound (30) is (2R, 5S, 7s) [*I.
[*I In applying the stereochemical Sub-rules as prescribed in the text, we d o not reflect, in the final description, R or S, of the asymmetric atom under specification, all the details of the stereochemistry on which that description depends. Thus, when a specification depends on ordering groups by Sub-rule (3) o r (4), we d o not show in the final symbol by which of their atom-pairs they were ordered, whether by the 1,2-pairs, or 1,3-, or other pairs; and when ordering by Sub-rule (S), we do not finally show by which atoms the groups were ordered. This failure to express part of the provided data must in principle open the possibility of lost distinctions in the resulting descriptions, so that two stereochemically different models would receive the same description. Actually, such cases seem so rare that we think that it would be a mistake to to elaborate descriptions as a routine, though they can easily be elaborated in order to separate them when required. No case has yet been realised experimentally, and the only ones yet thought of, as far a s we know, both by Dr. Weissbach, are two pairs among the 44 diastereoisomers of X(ab)lo, e.g., of cyclodecanedecaols.
As an example, we may take the spiro-hydantoin (31), treated in Paper 11, as we now know, incorrectly, on the basis of axial chirality. Its chiral centre, the spiro-atom, has, as its next neighbours, two equivalent nitrogen atoms, and two equivalent carbon atoms; and the specification of its chirality provides a further application of the general principle, illustrated in Paper 11, that when a choice has to be made between equivalents for the leading place in a sequence, the choice is immaterial, provided that, once made, its consequences are followed through. Here we may take, as first member of the sequence, either of the next-neighbour nitrogen atoms, say, al. The first consequence of this choice is that the other next-neighbour nitrogen atom, a2, must constitute the second member of the sequence. Of the next-neighbour carbon atoms, that which occupies the same ring as the most preferred nitrogen atom will take the third place. It will be bl. The reason is that exploration from it, outwards and round the ring, will lead to the more preferred nitrogen atom, al, whereas the comparison exploration from the other next-neighbour carbon atom, b2, round the other ring will similarly lead to the less preferred atom, a2, of the next-neighbour
The elaboration would consist simply in showing the atom-pairs used in applying Sub-rule (3) or (4), o r the atoms used in applying Sub-rule ( 5 ) , by means of a superscript associated with the final symbol of chirality; but we suggest using Greek letters, rather than numbers, for outward-enumeration of the stereochemically compared groups, in order to avoid confusion with nomenclatural enumeration in the model a s a whole. In one of the pairs mentioned above, of cyclodecanedecaols (30u) and (306), the symbols for the asymmetric atoms, based on Sub-rule (3), are elaborated as described, whilst the symbols for the pseudoasymmetric atoms, based on Sub-rule ( 5 ) , require no elaboration.
nitrogen atoms. The sequence is thus completed, and it shows that the model represented at (31) is an Senantiomer. The third of the symmetry classes into which a chiral centre may fall contains one three-fold axis as its only symmetry (class C3). An illustration can be derived from achiral Caaab by connecting the as in cyclic sequence with three like bridges that have no transverse symmetry-plane. This gives, to each ligand a, identical differences of relationship with other as. It destroys the previous three planes of symmetry, but retains the three-fold axis. The hexahydrophenalene (32) will serve as an example. Its chiral centre, the carbon atom common to its three rings, may be assigned its symbol of chirality by the method just illustrated. Any of its three, equivalent, next-neighbours, say, a], may be placed first in sequence. The second will be that other one, a2, from which outward exploration, along the route of highest precedence, that is, starting with a double bond, leads the more directly to it. The model shown is an S-enantiomer. The fourth symmetry class available to a chiral centre has three two-fold axes of symmetry (class V). The case can be derived from tetrahedral Caaaa be connecting the as cyclicly as in (33), with four bridges of two kinds introduced alternately, each bridge having a transverse plane of symmetry. In the resulting double spiran, the original six planes of symmetry, and the four three-fold axes of symmetry, are destroyed, and only the three two-fold axes remain. The chirality of the central atom is specified as in the preceding examples. Any of its four, equivalent, next-neighbour atoms may be placed first in sequence, and then that which shares the five-ring with it will come second, and that which does not share a ring with it will come third. The model represented is in the R-configuration. We may consider the relation of a tetrahedral atom to higher symmetry classes, in particular, to the class of highest chiral symmetry within the scope of quadriligancy, viz. the class T, which is characterised by four three-fold and three two-fold rotational axes of symmetry. It is possible to build a molecule of symmetry T round a tetrahedral atom by bridging in pairs with six like bridges four like tetrahedral atoms directly bound to it, each bridge containing a plane of chirality which destroys planes of symmetry, but preserves a two-fold rotational axis between the atoms bridged. The bridges might, for example, be trans-olefinic, of the form -(CH& -CR=CR-(CH2),-. The chiralities of the chiral planes being alike, the four three-fold axes of rotation will be preserved, and hence the overall symmetry will be T. But no symbol of chirality can be assigned to the central atom, and the chirality of the structure derives from its outer planes of chirality. We have here described a chiral envelope, and we shall describe and illustrate the simpler case of a chiral girdle in Sub-section 2.7.
equivalent chiral centres[*].It may then happen that outward exploration of two ligands belonging to one centre, along routes of highest precedence, will lead, without producing on the way any distinction useful for ordering, for one ligand, back to the original chiral centre, and, for the other, to its symmetry-equivalent. When that happens, we give precedence to the ligand which has not led back to the original chiral centre. The situation is highly specialised, but it needs, in extension of the Sequence Rule, a Rule for Equivalent Centres, as follows: Rule for Equivalent Centres. Of two ligands at a chiral centre, whose only distinction is that, on exploration under the Sequence Rule, one leads lo the original centre whilst the other leads to an equivalent centre, the latter takes precedence in the sequence of ligands. An example, belonging to the C2 symmetry class, is furnished by structure (34). The stereochemistry of these compounds has been discussed The inner ring consists of two pairs of equivalent chiral centres, and in formula (34) all are in R-form. Specifying the chirality of any of them involves giving that one of its ligands, which starts with C H in the same hetero-ring, lower precedence than that which starts with the other CH. This order follows from our preference, when a distinction depends on it, for a route which, in the comparative exploration, does not return to the original chiral centre.
r .
We mentioned in Sub-section 1.5 the derivation of axial chirality by the giving of one dimension to an original chiral centre. We referred also to the five main areas of application of the concept of axial chirality, namely, to allenes, alkylidenecycloalkanes, spirans, biaryls, and
[*I A similar problem arises in infinite regular polymers, when such equivalence is produced by a translation, without or with rotation. [12] M . Farina and G. Eressan, Makromolekulare Chem. 61, 79 (1963); G. Natta and M . Farina, Tetrahedron Letters 1963, 703; M . Farina, ibid. 1963, 2097.
A further problem in the detailed method of designating the chirality of chiralcentres in the presence of rotational axes of symmetry arises when such axes inter-relate
adamantoids, along with their respective isomorphs. In these areas, the axis of chirality is derived by desymmetrization from a four-fold alternating axis of symmetry: that is its fundamental property. To mention the chemical classes which provide examples of axial chirality is not, of course, to suggest laying aside the Factorisation Rule, in accordance with which the chirality of many alkylidenecycloalkanes and spirans, for example, will be fully specified in terms of chiral atoms, without requiring recourse to an axis of chirality. Discussion has shown 161 that our original statement in Paper 1 1 on the scope of axial chirality needs amplification with respect to certain special types of case. Thus, the alkylidenecycloalkane and piperidone oxime, shown at (36) and (37), do not fall within the scope of axial chirality, though they might, perhaps, have been thought to do so. The reason that they do not is that, when the chiral centres in the rings have been assigned, the remaining matter is purely one of geometrical isomerism, outside the province of the sequence rule. Once the rules for assigning the cis and trans labels have been determined, the stereochemical specifications can be finished. (In the meantime, the exocyclic double bonds might provisionally be labelled seqcis in the forms here represented.) Example (38) also has nothing to do with axial chirality; for C-4 is an asymmetric carbon atom, and the description of the exocyclic double bond, as cis or trans, is out of our hands.
this sub-rule in mind when proposing that the nearest and furthest pairs of groups should be chosen. It now would seem more convenient if, on the contrary, we take the extended tetrahedron ( 1 ) (p. 388) as defined by the pairs nearest together of groups that lie one pair on each of the planes that intersect along the axis. The arguments for doing this, due entirely to Prof. Richter and Dr. Weissbach, are (a) that the fiducial groups are then more often those most intimately concerned in producing the chirality, especially in the biaryl series where choice is most often necessary; and (b) that by giving chiral axes a minimum effective range, we can deal more easily with molecules containing several. These points are shown in the examples (39)-(42), in each of which the chiral descriptions would be changed by allowing the axis or axes more than minimal effective lengths, whilst in two cases an overlapping of axes would result. In example (42), we have, beyond the effective axis, a geometrical configuration requiring to be specified as cis or trans, when the methods for doing so are provided.
The other matter of scope concerns the chiral spirans. It is understood that spirans are a chemical class, and not a chirality class, and that therefore they can extend into more than one chirality class (Sub-section 1.3). They may exhibit either central or axial chirality, and in either case may either be asymmetric or possess rotational axes of symmetry. Examples (31) and (33) illustrate centrally chiral spirans with symmetry C2 and V, respectively. Formula (4) on p. 388 represents an axially chiral spiran without symmetry. But by replacing the end-groups cd by ab, it could be given symmetry C2, without losing its axially chiral character. A change of procedure is now proposed in the choice for ordering of groups about an axis, when more groups are present than are needed for the specification of chirality. The first atom of each such group must be an atom bound directly to the chiral axis; but there are, for instance, four such atoms (the carbon atoms 2,3,5, and 6) in each ring of a biphenyl compound, whereas we need no more than two in each ring. Sub-rule (0) has to be taken into account. It prescribes that groups about the near end of an axis take precedence over groups about the far end. It never matters which end is taken as the near end, provided that the choice, once made, is adhered to. In Paper 1 1 , we had
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It should be noted that, when ordering groups, which necessarily start with first off-axis atoms, for instance, with the 2- and 6-carbon atoms of one ring in a biphenyl, we allow exploration over the whole molecule. It follows that the order of the 2- and 6-atoms is not always determined solely by the 2- and 6-side-chains. Example (39) has been chosen to illustrate the point. Here, the methyl-bearing carbon atom derives precedence over the methylol-bearing one by virtue of an exploration from the former through the carbon atom which bears the phenolic hydroxyl group. The Selection Rule for Axial Chirality, which defines the groups that are to be taken as fiducial, is as follows: Selection Rule for Axial Chirality. The fiducial groups shall be the pairs nearest together of groups, directly bonded to atoms on the axis, that lie one pair in each of the planes of atoms that intersect along the axis. This revised procedure changes one of the axial assignments in Paper 11, that of the formula there numbered (LXXIV), which would now be described as an
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S-enantiomer. The new procedure does not change any of the designations tabulated by Mislow 1131 of known absolute configurations in the biaryl series. The illustrations of axial chirality given in Paper 11, and here up to this point, have been random as to symmetry clussificution, with the result that one symmetry class is not yet illustrated. Within the limit of atomic quadriligancy, axial chirality can be found in three symmetry classes. The first (C1 in Schoenflies symbols), represented in a general form by ( I ) on p. 388, and illustrated by (39), has no symmetry. The second (class C,),represented by (44), and exemplified by (43), has one two-fold axis. The third (class V), which we now want to consider, has three two-fold axes.
A simple molecule having the symmetry of (46) is the bicyclic allene, whose R-enantiomer is shown at (47). The first optically active compound of symmetry V to be prepared is the biaryl bis-sulphide, the R-form of which is shown at (48). Mislow and Glass [I41 obtained this compound, the R-enantiomer of which had [XI: = +415 O.
An axis may be pseudo-asymmetric. If one of the ligand-pairs ab in structure (44) consisted of R and S modifications of the same substituent, we should expect two diastereoisomers, which would both be optically inactive, because each molecule now has a plane of symmetry. We should distinguish them by the lowercase symbols, r and s.
2.7. Planar Chirality: Procedure and Symmetry
A procedure for the specification of planar chirality was proposed in Paper 11. We now wish to modify the method in a way that allows it to be prescribed more closely. The first step is the selection of a plane of chirality, which must be derived by desymmetrisation of a plane of symmetry; but this easily satisfied geometrical condition may leave open various possibilities. In Paper 11 it was considered convenient to choose a plane containing as many atoms as possible; and in the illustrations there presented, atoms were brought on to the chiral plane by deformations giving structures which could be quite unlike the natural ones. The first change we would now make is to disallow such drastic formalism, and to employ only natural planes of atoms (with at most minor idealisation) as in systems of unsaturated, including conjugated unsaturated, and aromatic atoms, and the atoms directly bound to such systems. When a structure contains several chiral planes as thus defined, it is obviously necessary, at least in so far as the planes are non-equivalent, that the chiral description of each should indicate the plane to which it refers. Such non-equivalent planes may be stereospecifically unlinked or linked; but even if they are linked, in the sense that the chirality of one determines that of all, we consider that it would render interpretation easier and less liable to error, to specify them all. The second step, which we do not modify, is to identify a preferred side of the plane, a nearer side under Subrule (0) of the Sequence Rule, that is, the side containing the locus from which observation of the model is made in applying the Chirality Rule, which requires remoteness of the locus from the lower precedences of the further side. This preferred side is identified by
[I41 K . Mislow and M . A . W. Glass, J . Amer. chem. SOC. 83,2780 (1961); Idem, H . B. Hopps, E. Simon, and G. A. Wahl, Jr., ibid. 86, 1710 (1964). Angew. Chern. internat. Edit. J Vol. 5 (I966)
Starting from (44), we can develop the more highly symmetrical form of axial chirality, by connecting like groups with bridges having transverse planes of symmetry as in (45). This only adds a stereochemical distinction to the constitutional one between the members of either a,b-pair, and hence it does not change the symmetry (C?). We can now abolish the constitutional distinction, as in (46), and, because the stereochemical distinction is here preserved, chirality is retained. But the new structure contains three two-fold rotational axes (symmetry V). Naturally, one of these, the axis of chirality (marked), remains unique, as the only four-fold alternating axis when the stereochemical distinction, on which chirality depends, is destroyed by opening the aa-rings into four independent a-groups. The other axes become indistinguishable, as they should, as completely equivalent two-fold rotational axes. It is easy to allot a symbol of chirality to (46), as follows. The ends of the chiral axis are alike, but we know (Paper 11) that it is immaterial which end we select as the near end when applying Sub-rule (0). Again, as illustrated several times in Sub-section 2.5, it is immaterial which of two equivalent atoms, in this case the two a-atoms of the selected near end, we choose as first in sequence. The other a-atom of the near end will be second, and that a-atom of the far end, from which exploration round the ring would lead to the first atom of the sequence, will come third. Structure (46) has the R-configuration.
[I31 K . Mislow, Angew. Chern. 70, 683 (1958)
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finding, among atoms of the set directly bound to the atoms of the plane, that which is most preferred by the Standard Sub-rules (1)-(5). In making the determinative comparisons, each atom is considered in the environment of the whole molecule, not merely in that of the set, or the relevant side of the chiral plane. The most preferred atom of the set directly bound to the plane, the leading atom or pilot atom, as we may call it, marks the preferred side of the plane. We call it the pilot atom, because of its function in the step next to be considered. This third step is to develop the chirality-specifying sequence. And here we propose another departure from our previous procedure: instead of developing the sequence adjacently to the chiral plane, we develop it in the plane. So we pass from the already identified, offplane, pilot atom to the in-plane atom to which it is directly bound, or, if there are several such, to that preferred by the Standard Sub-rules. This atom is now identified as the first atom of the inplane sequence, the atom of highest precedence in the pattern to which the Chirality Rule will be applied. The second atom in the sequence is that one of the in-plane atoms directly bound to it, which is most preferred by the Standard Sub-rules. The third in sequence is that atom (other than the first) directly bound to the second, which is most preferred by the same Sub-rules. As the sequence is to be continued until the Chirality Rule can be applied, a condition that might sometimes necessitate development of the sequence to more than three atoms (for instance, if linear acetylenic systems had to be passed through), we must add to the above the general prescription that the nth atom in sequence is that (other than the ~ 2 n d ) directly bound to the n-lst, which is most preferred by the Sub-rules. In making these comparisons by means of the Standard Sub-rules, we take the whole molecule, and not the plane only, as the relevant environment of each atom considered. We had an off-plane locus from which to observe the chiral plane, and now we have an in-plane sequence of the necessary number, three or more, of atoms to observe from the locus. We are accordingly in a position to apply the Chirality Rule. We summarise this procedure in the following Selection Rule for Planar Chirality, which defines the atoms that are to be taken as fiducial: Selection Rule for Planar Chirality. Of atoms directly bound to atoms in the plane, that most preferred by the Standard Sub-rules, the pilot atom, marks the side of the plane from which, under the Chirality Rule, an in-plane sequence is observed; and the sequence starts with the in-plane atom directly bound to the pilot atom, and continues, to and through other atoms, by way of a succession of bonds along that in-plane path, which at each branch leads to the atom more preferred by the Standard Sub-rules. This change of method does change several assignments of chirality in Paper I1 (but none by other authors). Liittringhaus and Gralheers quinol and naphthalene1,5-dithiol polymethylene ethers, examples (LXXIX), (LXXX), and (LXXXIII) of Paper 11, are shown at
Aiigew. Cliem. iiiteriiat. Edit. , Vol. 5 (1966) No. 4
(49)-(51), in what we must now call R-form. In each, the aromatic plane is taken as the chiral plane, and the in-plane sequence is marked a, b, c. In two of the examples, two equivalent sequences may be found : they give the same chiral specification. Crams cyclophane-type acid and anhydride, examples (LXXXV) and (LXXXVI) of Paper 11, are shown at (52) and (53), in R- and S-form, respectively, when aromatic planes are taken as chiral planes. The in-plane sequences are as marked. The reason for the change of label between the acid and anhydride is that the pilot atom in the former is a methylene-carbon atom, whereas in the latter it is an anhydride-oxygen atom. In the anhydride, two equivalent chiral planes are present.
f 49)
In the acid and anhydride depicted at (8) and (9) on p. 389, the aromatic planes constitute two non-equivalent chiral planes. The acid is in R-form with respect to the plane of the unbrominated benzene ring, and in S-form with respect to that of the brominated ring. In the anhydride these labels become reversed, for the reason just explained in another example. Obviously, the descriptions of chirality must show (for example, by numbering) to which planes they respectively refer. Two further examples (as yet unrealised) will illustrate how two chiral planes may have a common pilot atom, and even a common atom among their in-plane sequences. Structure (54) has an ethylene plane and a naphthalene plane, and the carbon marked p is pilot for both. The marked sequences show that the model is R about the ethylene plane and S about the naphthalene plane. In structure (55) the benzenoid planes A and B are twisted from the plane abb about the lines ab and ab, respectively; and so the carbonyl-oxygen, p, is off both planes, and is pilot to both; whilst the carbonyl-carbon, a, is the common first atom of the two in-plane sequences. The model is thus R about plane A, and S about plane B. Again one sees the need to attach indications of location to these descriptions of chirality.
40 1
The trans-cyclo-olefins offer examples of planar chirality. Some compounds of this type have been optically resolved by Cope and his co-workers, who for trans-cyclo-octene itself have determined the absolute configurations of the enantiomers [Is]. The doublebonded carbon atoms, and the four atoms bound to them, now provide the plane of chirality. There are two equivalent in-plane sequences, one of them marked a, b, c in ( 5 6 ) , and it follows from either that the Renantiomer is being represented. Two of the three atoms in either in-plane sequence are equivalent.
rotational axis between the bonds. We might employ trans-olefin bridges, as in formula (58). The chiralities of their planes being alike, the three-fold axis of rotation of the molecule is preserved, and the molecule has symmetry D3. It is chiral, but its chirality depends on its girdle of chiral planes, which, however, induce no fixed chirality in the plane of the central ring. A plane may be pseudo-asymmetric. If the path in the chiral plane turns in a particular sense only because of the distinction between symmetrically placed R and S varieties of the same group, as in the 2,6-di-sbutylquinol polymethylene ether (59), we should expect two diastereoisomers both optically inactive, because each contains a plane of symmetry.We would distinguish them by the lower-case designations, r and s.
R 4
(R) H3C-Y-H
We conclude this sub-section with some remarks on the symmetry classes allowed in planar chirality. The examples already mentioned fall into two classes. Examples (8) and (9) on p. 389, and (49) and (52) above, have no symmetry (class Cl). Examples (50), (51), ( 5 3 ) , and (56) have one two-fold axis of rotation (C2). The next higher class would have three two-fold axes of rotation (V). No case of such has yet been demonstrated, but a possible case would be furnished by a bis-(trans-polymethylene)ethylene, such as (57). Again, the doublebonded atoms and the atoms bound to them define the chiral plane. There are now four equivalent off-plane atoms, any of which could be chosen as pilot to the corresponding in-plane sequence. Of course, there are four equivalent in-plane sequences. But whichever we work with, the result is the same: our diagram represents the R-form. Once again, two atoms of any of the inplane sequences are equivalent. We may consider the relation of an atomic plane to higher symmetry classes having chirality. An atomic plane of symmetry DZph can be made the centre of a chiral molecule of symmetry D,, characterised by one p-fold and p two-fold rotational axes of symmetry. We could, for example, build such a molecule round a central benzene ring ( p = 3), by bridging its three pairs of ortho-situated bonds with three independent and completely equivalent bridges, each with a centrally situated plane of chirality in some definite, common, chiral form. Each bridge will destroy the plane of symmetry between the ortho-bonds, as well as that containing the bonds, but will preserve the two-fold
[15] A . C. Cope, C . R . Ganellin, and H . W . Johnson, Jr., J. Amer. 84, 3191 (1962); Idem, T. V. Van Auken, and H . J. S. chem. SOC. Winkler, ibid. 85, 3276 (1963); A . C . Cope and A. S . Mehta, ibid. 86, 5626 (1964).
This chemical term of structural classification arose with the growth of our knowledge of protein structure. It has never been adequately defined; but it conveys a distinctive idea, which can be generalised. To what extent it will become generalised as chemistry advances, it is not possible to foresee. The most celebrated example is the hydrogen-bonded %-helicalform of polypeptides, first recognised by Pauling and Corey 1161. It is shown in (60), opened out after making a cut parallel to the helical axis. If this projection is wrapped into a cylinder by joining the points AA, and the points BB, behind the paper, the peptide chain will describe an M-helix, whilst, if the junctions are made in front of the paper, the chain will describe a P-helix. It has been made very probable, both theoretically [I71 and practically [181, that polypeptides derived from L-enantiomers of primary amino-acids favour the P-helix. Any such polypeptide has an optical rotation derived partly from the chirality of the primary structural units, and partly from the chirality of the secondary helical form. It has been estimated 1191 that the partial rotation due to the P-helix of poly-S-alanine in chloroform is [RID = +82".
[16] L. Pauling, R. B. Corey, and H . B. Branson, Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 37, 205 (1951); L. Pauling and R . B. Corey, ibid. 37, 235 (1951); Proc. roy. SOC. (London) B 141,21 (1953). [17] W. Moffitt, J. chem. Physics 25, 467 (1956); Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 42, 736 (1956); W . Moffitt. D . D . Fitts, and J. G. Kirkwood, ibid. 43, 723 (1957); S. F. Mason, Nature (London) 199, 139 (1963). I181 A . Elliott and B. R . Malcolm, Proc. roy. SOC.(London) A 249, 30 (1959); J. C. Kendrew, R . E. Dickerson, B. E. Strandberg, R . G. Hart, D . R . Davies, D . C . Phillips, and V. C . Shore, Nature (London) 185, 422 (1960). [19] A . R . Downie, A . Elliott, W. E. Hanby, and B. R . Malcolm, Proc. Roy. SOC.(London) A 242, 325 (1957).
The helicenes, such as those with which axial chirality was illustrated in Paper 11, might well, on grounds of obviousness, be treated as secondary structures. In the example shown at (61), the benzene rings form an M-helix, and thus the chiral description M , as applied to the whole model, is very easily interpreted.
In either case, the Standard Sub-rules and the Chirality Rule are applied as for axial chirality [*I.
The adamantoid series could provide chiral structures, which might conveniently be treated as secondary, inasmuch as their gross structure is as obviously tetrahedral and amenable directly to the Chirality Rule, as that of the helicenes is obviously helical and directly responsive to the Helicity Rule. Although it has not yet been done, it would certainly be possible to substitute the four tertiary hydrogen atoms of adamantane with four different groups, as in (62). The four carbon atoms thus made quaternary would all be asymmetric, and they could, of course, be specified separately with respect to their chirality as asymmetric atoms. But their chiralities are so interlinked that they can collectively produce only one pair of enantiomers. And so it would seem more convenient to specify their chirality, and hence that of the structure, collectively, by reference to a centre of chirality taken at the unoccupied centroid of the adamantane frame.
A still simpler chirally central, secondary structure would be furnished by the tetrahedral X4 unit, wellknown in inorganic chemistry, though not yet known in chiral form. Catenanes are necessarily handled as secondary structures. The secondary chirality of any pair of interlinked rings may be described by selecting the most preferred and the next most preferred atoms, a and b respectively, of one ring, and the most preferred and next most preferred atoms, c and d, respectively, of the other ring, arranging the atom-pairs ab and cd as remotely from each other as possible, and then fitting them to the tetrahedron ( I ) on p. 388. If the pairs ab and cd are identical, we may use the tetrahedron (44) on p. 400.
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The specification of the chirality of a compound by the sequence-rule procedure is rigidly defined by the spacemodel. No such rigid procedure can be applied for adding symbols of chirality to the name of a compound, since that name may vary according to which of the various permissible systems of nomenclature is used, the purpose which the name serves, or linguistic characteristics. In Paper I1 we recommended that the symbols of chirality be placed in front of the otherwise complete name, in parentheses, accompanied by any necessary indications of location, as, for instance, in (R)-2methylpentan-1-01, (2S,4 R)-4-hydroxyproline, or (S)methyl lactate. Partly owing to experience at the Beilstein Institute, for an account of which again we are indebted to the late Professor F. Richter, it now seems that this simple direction needs expansion or modification in various circumstances. As a simple variant, of complete generality, it is immaterial if, for convenience in an index or for some linguistic reason, the symbols are written after the name, as in 4-hydroxyproline-(2S,4 R). We adhere, however, to our view that these symbols of chirality should not normally be inserted in the interior of a name, for reasons given in Paper I1 (nevertheless see below, especially Sub-section 3.3). In the remainder of this Section, we deal with five types of case, attempting to show by examples where general types of variation may be required; but one set of these cases, that discussed in Sub-section 3.4, needs some further preliminary remark. We shall consider in Sub-section 3.4 how far it is necessary or desirable separately to include in a name the specifications of chirality for all the chiral elements present, in particular, the centres of chirality. Obviously, one must include them all when they could be independently inverted, as, e.g., could those of (2S,4R)4-hydroxyproline. However, structures exist in which such independent inversion is impossible, as, e.g. in camphor, which, despite its two chiral centres, has only two possible configurations, viz. 1 S,4S and 1R,4 R. The routine of specifying all such stereospecifically linked chiral centres (at least if non-equivalent and nonenantiomeric) was established in Paper 11. We favour a similar principle of individual treatment for chiral elements generally, because the resulting descriptions can be checked against one another, so providing more
[*I This is the central point in part of a paper by S. J . Tnuber [20], to which the reader is referred for much interesting
detail and development. [20] S . J.Tuuber, J. Res. nat. Bur. Standards 67 A, 591 (1963).
security against error; and furthermore, because we then have no need of any general rules to determine which of a stereospecifically linked assembly of chiral elements should be treated as titular for the assembly. This is a broad guiding principle, one to be applied reasonably. Cases will arise, for instance, among adamantoids and among ferrocenes, in which the inconvenience of specifying the chirality of every one of a considerable number of linked chiral elements will provide a dominating argument for not doing so. When linked chiral elements are equivalent or enantiomeric, it will usually be easy to decide (and will largely depend on whether other chiral elements are present) what elisions or condensations of chiral symbols can be made without risk of obscurity. Against this general background, we have to recognize the important opportunities for simplifying the notation of chirality, which arise when some part of the name of a compound defines the relative configurations of a number of its chiral centres. How advantage may be taken of these opportunities is discussed in Sub-section 3.4.
3.3. Broken Numbering Collection of R,S symbols in front of a complete name is possible only when each can be unambiguously located. Ambiguity arises when the numbering of the complete name involves independent sets of numerals ; such broken numbering is not infrequent, as many esters, amines, and compounds with side-chains present this feature. It may then become necessary to place each stereochemical symbol next to its appropriate partial name, as in (R)-s-butyl (S)-lactate, or in (R)-v.-methylbenzyl(S)-P-methylphenethylamine. However, it cannot be too strongly emphasised that R,S symbols invariably refer to the whole molecule, not to any component parts per se. It is equally fundamental that R,S symbols do not refer to any actual or supposed chemical precursors; for example, the compound (63) is bis-(S)-3-methoxy-2methylpropyl (S)-malate, even though it is the ester of the (R)-alcohol (64) and (S)-malic acid. Obviously this principle applies equally when the complication of broken numbering is absent: a simple case is (R)glycerol 1,2-diacetate 3-methyl ether (65), which has the label R, whether it be made from (S)-glycerol 1-methyl ether (66) or (R)-glycerol 1,2-diacetate (67). A group can have an R or S, not in its own right, but only in the particular compound to which that symbol is assigned.
The sequence rule has to analyse and specify some definite structure, and hence it must deal with one structure at a time. A racemate is a mixture of two structures - even when they do pack into the same crystal. But such a mixture is handled and described often enough to make it advisable to apply to it a single name, as though it were a compound in the molecular sense, and not only, at most, in the phase-rule sense. When there is only one element of chirality, so that only one racemate can be formed, this may be designated (.t), or, when appropriate, DL, or, in sequence-rule symbolism, (RS). We adopt here this alphabetical order R S as normal for the components of the composite symbol, in order that special significance may attach to its inversion to SR,as noted below. When in a component of a racemate there is more than one element of chirality, the one cited first (normally that which is located by the lowest number) is written RS, and the remainder are written as R S or SR in such a way that the first letter of each pair is associated with R of the first-cited pair and the second with S of the first-cited pair. For example, the racemate composed from (2 R,3 5)- and (2S,3 R)-3-chlorobutan-2-01 would be designated (2 RS,3 SR)-; the other racemate would be designated (2RS,3RS)-. Mixtures, which are racemic with respect to some centres but optically active with respect to others, could, if necessary, be named by simple extension of this method. A not uncommon case is that of the failed resolution, involving, for example, an unseparated mixture of the salts (R)-base (R)-acid and @)-base (S)acid. The obvious course is to name this as (R)-base (RS)-acid.
3.4. Chirality Symbols in Trivial Names that Specify Configurations It was argued, particularly in Paper 11, that a general system such as the present one need not displace a satisfactory local system within its own field. We suggest, however, that the general system may helpfully be mixed with a local system when the field of application of the latter is exceeded. It seems desirable now to illustrate how this mixing may be done, by examples that we shall choose from three of the widest local systems. 3.4.1. C a r b o h y d r a t e s In a name such as methyl a-D-glucopyranoside, the prefix K and the syllable gluc jointly specify the relative configurations at positions 1 , 2, 3, 4, and 5 ; the prefix D denotes a genetic relation at position 5 to
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(+)-glyceraldehyde; and now our later-acquired knowledge of the absolute configuration of (+)-glyceraldehyde allows us also to specify absolute configurations on the basis of a name such as methyl cc-D-glucopyranoside. Thus, unless it is desired to tie this stereochemistry to a general system, by writing, for instance, (1 S,5 R)methyl glucopyranoside, the customary name suffices. When, however, the limits of the local system are exceeded, as they are, for example, in compounds (68) and (69), then to mix-in the sequence-rule system provides simple descriptions : compound (68) becomes (1 R)-l-chloro-D-glucitol hexa-acetate, and compound (69) becomes (R)-l,2-0-benzylidene-~-glucito~.
I t ;
attached, whose planes deviate strongly from the planes of the main system, the limits of the local system of trivial names and simple x and p symbols are exceeded. In these circumstances, to mix-in the sequence-rule system can be of value; and the chirality at positions in such attached rings, including the spiro atom itself, may well be expressed by sequence-rule symbols. Further, similar mixing-in may be appropriate for chirality in an open side-chain. This paper is not the place to discuss the merits of the various proposed systems in detailL221; it will suffice to illustrate the mixing by reference to two compounds (70) and (71) selected from Mueller and Pettits paper. Conipound (70) may be named (25S)-5P-spirostan o r (22 R,25S)-5P-spirostan, according to whether it is decided that the name spirostan by itself does or does not specify the stereochemistry at position 22 (a matter still under debate by specialists) t221; and compound (71) may be termed (22S,24R)-stigmast-5-ene-3~,7~,22triol.
7H(CH3)Z H-C-CHzCH, 24 H-6-H
i 68)
3.4.2. I n o s i t o l s Optically active inositols are commonly distinguished from one another, either by use of prefixes denoting the relative stereochemistry of the ring atoms, or by a numerical device. As long as these practices give satisfaction, it is unnecessary to displace them by sequencerule procedures. Absolute configurations of optically active compounds may be conveniently denoted by mixing-in the R or S symbol, as in the name (4R)inositol for the laevorotatory compound (XI .VIII) (p. 396). Mixing-in has wider scope in the name of an optically active compound derived from a cyclitol that is itself inactive. This was in fact done by Angyal and Gillzarn[211 when they named compound (28) (p. 397) (1 R)-1-0-methylmyoinositol, a name entirely in consonance with the principles here advocated. We accept the general proposals by Angyal and Gilhani for mixing in this field. 3.4.3. S t e r o i d s For steroids, a small number of trivial names, and the symbols cc and p, were originally used to denote relative configuration, and were coupled with an arbitrary method of writing the formulae. Here too, later knowledge showed that the arbitrary choice coincided with absolute configuration; and the trivial names and the prefixes SI and p are commonly used now with a n absolute connotation, and are well understood. Among steroids in particular, the relative stereochemistry of various parts of the molecule is of great importance for the chemical, physical, and pharmacological properties of the substances; so here it is particularly desirable to retain the simple local system in so far as it is unambiguous. It can certainly be retained for groups singly attached to the main tetracyclic ring system A-D. Where, however, spiro or other rings are
[21] S. J . Angyal and P . T. Gilhain, J . chem. Soc. (London) 1957,
3.5. Molecules of Uncertain Structure When there is uncertainty about the structure of a molecular model, a similar uncertainty may attach to the sequence-rule symbol to be applied. For example, prototropic substances present this problem: it may be necessary to specify chirality completely for a prototropic substance in spite of the structural uncertainty. This must be done by choosing one of the possible structures - any convenient one. Often the choice will be self-evident, as for carbazole or fluorene; in other cases it must be indicated in the name chosen, c1.g. 1-phenylazo-2-naphthol or 1,2-naphthoquinone I-(phenylinydrazone), or again in the numbering chosen, e.g. 4-chloroimidazole or 5-chloroimidazole. In practice it will be very rare that the different prototropic structures require different chiral symbols. If, however, such cases do arise, all that is needed is that the chiral symbol fits the name adapted. Thus, if one
369 1.
[22] International Union of Pure a nd Applied Chemistry, Information Bulletin No. 11, 50 (1960); L. F. Fieser and M . Fieser, Tetrahedron 8, 360 (1960); G. P . Mueller and G. R . Pettit, Experientia 18, 404 (1962).
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40 5
were in doubt between structures (72) and (73), one might arbitrarily select (72) and give its name as (482-chloro - 1,3,4,5 - tetrahydroacenaphthylene - 4 - carboxylic acid, or select (73) and give its name as (4R)-2-
acid. 3.6. Specification of Axial, Planar, and Secondary Structural Chirality It will often be desirable, for the sake of clarity, to indicate which type of chiral element, a centre, axis, or plane, is being specified as R or S . As axial and planar elements of chirality are less commonly used than are asymmetric atoms, we suggest that, when the symbols R and S apply to axes or planes of chirality, a signal to that effect should be associated with the symbols. We propose to add italic letters a (for axial) and p (for planar) immediately before the corresponding Rs and Ss, or rs and ss. Whilst this would not be essential in simple cases such as (aR)-6,6-dinitrodiphenicacid (43) (p. 400)it may be that a name such as (aR, K R ,aR)-6,6-dilactoyldiphenic acid would be clearer than without the a ; and it would be clearer still if written as (aR)-6,6-di-(R)-lactoyldiphenic acid. In describing the quinol polymethylene ether (59) (p. 402), the symbol p r would bring out the distinctive character of the form of stereoisomerism being specified. If a structure contains more than one chiral axis or plane, it is necessary when they are not stereospecifically linked, and in our view desirable in general when they are thus linked, separately to specify the chirality of each (cf. Sub-section 3.1). In every case one must identify the chiral element with its description, as by attaching some locating numbers or letters to the symbols a and p , in a form such as x,y-aR, where x and y locate the axis a. The helicene (61) (p. 403) can be treated as a secondary structure; but it contains, and could be specified through, its two, stereospecifically linked, non-equivalent, chiral axes, both duplicated by the symmetry ((22) of the structure. The model shown is R about the more interior, and S about the more exterior, biaryl axes. Formulae (40) and (41) (p. 399) illustrate structures with two chiral axes, which are not stereospecifically linked; this means that stereoisomers are possible in which the chirality of one axis only is reversed. It is obviously necessary in these cases to specify the chirality about each axis, even though in (40) the symmetry (C2) of the structure renders the two equivalent. Formulae (8) and (9) (p. 389) and formulae (54) and (55) (p. 401) illustrate structures with non-equivalent chiral planes. As explained already, we consider it desirable to specify chirality about each plane separately, and to associate plane-identifying numerals with each chiral specification. The assignment to secondary structures of chiralities R and S or M and P is again a circumstance which we think should be signalised in the notation; and so we propose to introduce for this purpose the prefix sec, to
be placed, like a or p , immediately before the chiral symbol, as in secR or secM. The adamantoid enantiomers (62) (p. 403) would be designated secR and secS. The helicene enantiomer shown at (61) (p. 403) would be termed secM. Catenanes are secondary structures with axial chirality, but it would probably be sufficient to describe them as secR or secS.
The description of molecular conformations can be treated, according to a proposal by Klyne and one of us[71, in terms of partial conformations about the individual single bonds. One can thus specify, for a single bond between quadriligant atoms, the spatial relations between the two sets of up to three groups thereto bound. A fiducial group is chosen from each set by means of the following Conformational Selection Rules, and then the smallest torsion angle between the two fiducial groups will specify the conformation: (A) If all the groups of a set are different, the group most preferred by the Standard Sequence Sub-rules (p. 391) is fiducial. (B) If an identity among the groups of a set leaves one group unique, the unique one is fiducial. ( C ) If all the groups of a set are identical, that which provides the smallest torsion angle is fiducial. If the magnitude of the angle is only approximately known, semiquantitative terms (or their abbreviations), namely, synperiplanar (sp), synclinal (sc), anticlinal (ac), and antiperiplanar (up), are used to describe conformations whose torsion angles are within 1 3 0 of 0, &60, &120, and 180, respectively. This system embodies the concept of a Conformational Helix, which may be defined as follows: Conformational Helix. The single bond about which conformation is to be specified is made the axis, and the smallest torsion angle between the jiducial groups f the helix (p.389). is made to define thepitch andsense o Right- and left-handed helices, thus defined, correspond to + and - torsion angles, and are designated by the Helicity Rule (p. 391) as P (plus) and M (minus), respectively. A result of this symbolism is that, if, upon a specification of configuration in terms of R and S, one wishes to superpose a specification of conformational relations, the two types of description remain clearly distinguished. Some generalisation is needed to provide for the specification of conformations in their widest possible connotation within the ligancy limit of four. The concept of phantom atoms is useful. They mark non-bonded electron-sites, and thus have their own individual spatial positions relative to neighbouring real atoms. They must therefore be considered, equally with real atoms, among the sets of groups from which fiducial groups have to be selected, as described above, for the
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purpose of specifying conformation. For example, on account of Conformational Selection Rule (B), the phantom atom is fiducial in the amino-group. The duplicate representations of atoms by the help of which multiple-bond unsaturation is represented are in a different case. They have no space-positions separate from those of their originals. Hence the only effect of introduced double bonds, whether localised, or blended as, for instance, in aromatic systems, is to create special cases by reducing below maximum the number of spatially distinct off-axis groups about a single bond, whose relative positions determine conformation. The two trios of groups flanking the single bond in the general case may, in the presence of unsaturation, degenerate to a trio and a pair, or to two pairs. The fiducial group of a pair, as of a trio, is to be chosen by the Selection Rules given above. The introduction of a triple bond can reduce an original trio of groups to a single group. But, except in special circumstances, the latter is on-axis, and hence without conformational interest. The number of conformational isomers that could be formed by relative rotation about just one single bond cannot be greater than the numbers of those torsional potential-energy hollows that are deep enough to contain total-energy levels. With like off-axis groups on either flank of the bond, the energy hollows will be equivalent. The number of them will be the least common multiple of the numbers of groups in the sets flanking the bond: two sets of three groups each will give three energy hollows, two sets of two will give two, and one set of three and one of two will give six. With inequalities between the groups, the number of energy hollows may rise as far as the product of the numbers of groups in the sets. The energy hollows will, however, tend rapidly to insignificance as their number rises, owing to increasing compensation in the angular variation of individual group-interaction energies. Potential-energy hollows, which are significant for conformational molecular states, very frequently arise because differences among the groups on either flank of the single bond enlarge some energy hollows at the expense of others. Thus, a theoretical maximum of six energy hollows might be represented by either three or two conformationally significant energy hollows, the remainder being reduced out of significance, or even out of existence. A theoretical maximum of three energy hollows may contain only two that are conformationally effective, the third having become either insignificant or non-existent. Of course, the number of significant energy hollows may in some cases be reduced to one; then conformational isomerism disappears. Thus, the most important cases for our considertation are those in which rotation round a single bond produces either three or two conformationally significant energy hollows. Each energy hollow must be deep enough to contain the ground energy-state of a conformational isomer, so protected that it either has been or could conceivably be isolated, or that it either has had or could conceivably have its separate existence proved by physical methods.
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Out of these two important basic situations, one involving three, and the other two suitably stable torsional orientations about a single bond, develop all the compound situations, in which the conformational isomers arise from restricted rotation around several single bonds. In the absence of equivalences between such bonds, and in the absence of mutual interference, the number of conformational isomers will be the product of the numbers produced during rotation about the bonds, one at a time. However, these possibly large numbers are commonly much reduced by symmetryequivalences, and very drastically by mutual interference as in rings. We shall sometimes, either for convenience or lack of better knowledge, write of energy hollows as though they were symmetrically placed between their flanking barriers, even though it is well understood that intramolecular interactions, or intermolecular forces as in crystals, may render that assumption untrue.
We may take the 1,2-dihalogenoethanes as prototype examples. They have three conformationally isomeric forms, namely, the two enantiomeric synclinal forms, and the one antiperiplanar form, shown in (74)-(76), where X denotes halogen. The existence of such isomers[241 is shown, in the first place, by the Raman and infrared spectra of 1,2-dichloro- and 1,2-dibromo-ethane. Each spectrum consists of two superposed spectra, one of which fades as the temperature is reduced, thus indicating isomers of different stabilities in equilibrium. The low-temperature spectra show that the more stable isomers have the
Antiperiplanar (M)-Synclinal
(P)-Synclinal (76)
I 74)
antiperiplanar form. This conclusion is supported by the dipole moments, which fall as the temperature is reduced. The antiperiplanar isomers can be isolated in pure form merely by cooling: the solid substances consist of these pure isomers. From the effects of temperature on the spectra of the gases, it is inferred that the synclinal forms of 1,2-dichloro- and 1,2-dibromo-ethane are less stable by 1.2 and 1.5 kcal/mole, respectively, than their antiperiplanar forms. In the n-propyl halides, whether as gases or as liquids, the balance of stability between the synclinal and antiperiplanar conformers, though somewhat small, is in
[23] D . J. Millen in P. B.D. de la Mare and W. Klyne: Progress in Stereochemistry. Butterworths Scientific Publications, London 1962, Vol. 3, Chapter 4. [24] S.Mizushima: Structure of Molecules and Internal Rotation. Academic Press, New York 1954, Chapters 2 and 3.
the opposite direction [25,261. However, the solid chloride and the solid bromide are both pure antiperiplanar forms 126,271, presumably because these more symmetrical forms, despite their lesser molecular stability, have the larger lattice energies. The synclinal form of ethylene chlorohydrin is more stable by 1.0 kcal/mole than the antiperiplanar, in the gaseous and in the liquid state, and now the solid substance consists entirely of the synclinal racemate [281. For the purpose of showing how several equivalent systems of three energy hollows in torsions about single bonds may yield conformational isomers limited in number by symmetry, we next consider the assemblies of contiguous equivalent bonds, illustrated by a trimethylene dihalide, a methylidynetrimethyl trihalide, and a pentaerythritol tetrahalide, each with like halogen atoms. The energetically favoured conformations about each carbon-carbon bond will be assumed to be M- and P-synclinal and antiperiplanar, that is Msc, Psc, and up in symbols, which we can here with convenience contract to M , P,and a, respectively, since other bond conformations are not in question. In order to locate these partial conformations, it is convenient to number 1-4 the bonds of the non-halogen-bearing carbon atom, and correspondingly number 1, 2, etc., the halogens, as shown at (77)-(79). Then, the numbers of the bonds being cited as pre-subscripts, and of the halogens as post-superscripts, the symbols 2u*, 2M1, and zP1, for example, will mean that halogen-1 is antiperiplanar, M-synclinal, and P-synclinal, respectively, to bond-2.
I Symmetry
2a1, l a z
zM1, iPz
z M 1 , iMZ
CZV;axis bisects bond-angles 12 and 34. C,; plane contains bonds 3 and Cz; axis bisects bond-angles 12 and 34. C I ; asymmetric.
Z P ' , 1P2 j
4 a 1 ,4a2, 4aJ
HC(CHzXh C3v; axis is along bond 4. Cs; plane contains bonds 1 and 4. C,; plane contains bonds 1 and 4. axis is along bond
axis bisects bond-angles 12 and 34. axis bisects bond-angles 14 and 23. plane contains bonds 1 and 2. axis bisects bond-angles 12 and 34. asymmetric. asymmetric.
Each molecule has fewer than the 9, 27, or 81 conformationally distinct isomeric forms, which would be allowed in the absence of structural equivalences. The trimethylene dihalide has two achiral forms and two enantiomeric pairs (one asymmetric). The methylidynetrimethyl trihalide has three achiral forms and four enantiomeric pairs (three asymmetric). The pentaerythritol derivative has three achiral forms and three enantiomeric pairs (two asymmetric). The various conformers are specified in the Table by the method described above. Pairs of enantiomers are indicated by braces. It should be understood that the conformational descriptions given in the Table are far from unique. For example, the model of any one conformer of a pentaerythritol halide can be numbered in 24 ways; and for
[25] E. Hirofa, J. chem. Physics 37, 283 (1962). [ 2 6 ] C. Komaki, I. Ichishima, K . Kuratani, T. Miyarawa, T.Shimanouchi, and S . Mizushima, Bull. chem. SOC.Japan 28, 330 (1955). [27] J . K. Brown and N . Sheppard, Trans. Faraday SOC.50, 535 (1954). [28] S . Mizushima, T . Shimanouchi, T . Miyazawa, K . Abe, and M.Yasumi, J. chem. Physics 19, 1477 (1951).
any fixed placing of the numbers, for instance, one satisfying the conditions 2al 3M1 4P1, these three completely equivalent descriptions will be available to specify the conformation of halogen-1 ; wherefore there will be 81 ways of describing that one conformation of the pentaerythritol halide. Some of these descriptions are more immediately informative than others as to the chiral status of the conformation; and, in the Table, we have chosen, often from among a number of alternatives that would have served equally well, descriptions which signalise in an obvious way the achiral and chiral forms, and the enantiomeric pairs among the latter.
The conformations of those trimethylene dihalides which are numbered in the Table are schematically represented at (80) -(83) below. The vibration spectra of trimethylene dichloride, dibromide, and di-iodide, each as liquid and in crystalline form, have been studied by Brown and Sheppard[291, who were able thus to specify certain features of the symmetry of the isomers present, and to distinguish fairly certainly between antiperiplanar and synclinal partial conformations about the carbon-carbon bonds. They found that the molecules of the stable solid forms of all three dihalides contain two synclinal partial conformations, and concluded that these forms consist of the C2 racemates (one chiral variety at 82), because the Cs meso-form (81) is expected to be rendered unstable by pressure between the halogen atoms. The iodide was obtained also in a metastable solid form, the molecule of which contains two antiperiplanar partial conformations, and
[29] J. K . Brown and N . Sheppard, Proc. roy. SOC. (London) A 231, 555 (1955).
hence must be the Czyisomer (80). The liquid dihalides were mixtures. Their main component was in each case the isomer of the stable solid form, the C2 racemate. All three liquids contained a second isomer, shown by its spectrum to have one synclinal and one antiperiplanar partial conformation, and therefore to be the C1 racemate [one chiral form at ( 8 3 ) ] . The liquid dibromide and the liquid di-iodide contained a third isomer, characterised by two antiperiplanar partial conformations; this was the Czv isomer (80). This diiodide was identified with the metastable solid form of that dihalide.
shown at (91). A trans-decalin composed of chair-form six-rings has an antiperiplanar bridge-bond, and otherwise alternate M- and P-synclinal ring-bonds (92). A cis-decalin built from chair-form six-rings is chiral; one enantionier has the bridge-heads joined by two tetramethylene loops of MPMPM-synclinal bonds (to specify them in order), as in (93), and the other spans the bridge-heads by two PMPMP-loops. In 9,lO-tetramethylefie-cis-decalin, either all three tetramethylene loops are MPMPM, as shown in the Newman projection (94), or else all are PMPMP.
Gilman and his co-workers [301 isolated tetra-o-tolylsilane, Si(C6&Me-u)4, in four (optically inactive) forms having m.p.'s 145, 228, 300, and 344 "C, together with a possible fifth form of m.p. 270C. They stated that four meso-forms and two racemic mixtures (eight isomers in all) should be expected, but did not indicate what assumptions underlay this computation. If we assume four equivalent systems of three energy hollows, in which each methyl can bear the same space-relations to the three bonds holding other o-tolyl groups as each halogen in a pentaerythritol halide bears to the three bonds holding other halogenomethyl groups, we must expect isomers corresponding to the pentaerythritol isomers listed in the Table, namely, three achiral forms and three racemates (nine isomers in all). The forms of those numbered in the Table are shown at (84)-(89). They can be derived by applying, with due allowance for enantiomers, conformations (80) -(83) independently to the 1,Zpair and the 3,4-pair of CH2Br groups, the upper and lower pairs, respectively, in (84)-(89), and then eliminating overlap from the overall conformational representations thus obtained. \
4.3. Conformations Involving Two Torsional Energy Hollows The normal conformation of hydrogen peroxide has been determined in a spectroscopic investigation by Cross and his co-workers [321. There are only two effective energy hollows in the torsional potential-energy curve. These contain the energy levels of the M- and P-anticlinal conformations. Their valency angles are 94.8 O, and their torsion angles are *119.8 '. Between the energy hollows rise, on the one hand, a synperiplanar barrier of 3.7 kcal/mole and, on the other, an antiperiplanar barrier of 0.85 kcal/mole. The most important examples of optically stable conformers dependent on two energy hollows associated with torsions about single bonds are those of the biaryl series. These molecules have axial chirality, which may be specified, as has been described (Sub-section 2.6), on the basis of the Chirality Rule (p. 391). However, as already explained (Sub-section 1.5), we hold it allowable to regard the enantiomerically related structures as being conformationally distinct, and hence as suitable also for specifying chirality on the basis of the Helicity Rule (p. 391). Throughout this field of examples, assignments R and S by the former method respectively correspond to assignments M and P by the latter, provided that the same sets of groups are employed in the two methods.
[32] R. L. Redington, W. B. Olson, and P. C. Cross, J . chem. Physics 36, 13 1 1 (1962).
Conformations are strongly limited and selected by ring-formation. The chair-form conformation of cyclohexane has alternate M- and P-synclinal partial conformations about the ring-bonds (90). An important conformation of cyclodecane 1311 has two diametrically opposite antiperiplanar bonds, and, elsewhere, the balanced arrangement of M- and P-synclinal bonds
[30] G. N. Russell Smart, H . Gilinan, and H . W. Otto, J. Amcr. chem. SOC. 77, 5193 (1955). [31] J. D.Dunitz and V . Prelog, Angew. Chem. 72, 896 (1960). Angew. Chem. internat. E d i t .1 Vol. 5 (1966)
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And now that we have changed our procedure (cf. Sub-section 2.6) for choosing fiducial groups in the specification of axial chirality, making the effective chiral axes as short as possible, instead of, as formerly, as long as possible, the groups used for the defining of axial chirality in biaryl applications will always be the same as those, necessarily adjacent to the biaryl torsion bond, which are employed for the purpose of specifying its partial conformation. These matters could be illustrated with a number of the biaryl examples treated in Paper I1 or in Sub-section 2.6 of this paper. It may suffice here to refer to formula (39) (p. 399). The axially chiral molecule represented is in the R-configuration, or, if we prefer, the M-conformation. The second main group of examples of optically stable conformers conceptually derivable from two energy hollows in torsions around single bonds - often, in this area, around trunnion-like pairs of bonds - is in the group of the cyclophanes, or, more generally, that of bridged rings with aromatic bridge-heads. As described in Sub-section 2.7, these molecules have planar chirality, which may be specified on the basis of the Chirality Rule. However, some of the examples fulfil the wide definition of conformers given on p. 388; and, as explained in Sub-section 1.6, we consider it permissible to specify chirality of the conformations about the relevant bonds by means of the Helicity Rule. For such a specification, we propose to apply the Helicity Rule to the same atoms as served for the specification of planar chirality, namely, the pilot atom p and the atoms a, b, c, of the associated planar sequence (see p. 401), the torsion bond among the overall sequence of atoms p, a, b, c, being the bond a-b. This procedure yields, in this group of examples, a simple relation between the symbols of planar chirality and those of helicity: R and S correspond here, in contrast to the biaryls, to P and M y respectively. A number of the examples of planar chirality given in Paper 11, and several of those given in this paper, could be used in illustration. Thus, the planar chirality of the molecule (8) (p. 389) is S for the plane of the brominated benzene ring, and R for the plane of the other benzene ring. The corresponding conformational helicities are seen to be M and P, respectively. Similarly, the symbol R for the planar chiralities of molecules (49), (50), and (52) (p. 401) corresponds to the symbol P for the helicities of the conformations about the single bonds selected as described above.
The more obvious is 9,10-tetramethylene-cis-decalin, one chiral conformation of which is represented in (94), on p. 409. It has been pointed out that each of the three tetramethylene loops in this molecule consists of five synclinal partial conformations in the chiral order MPMPM. We now note that the combined translation and rotation of a right-hand helix will carry the first atom of any of the three loops into the last atom of the same loop. This feature, if regarded as one of secondary structure, would allow the Helicity Rule to confer on the conformation as a whole the single symbol P, or, if the suggestion in Sub-section 3.6 is followed, secP, as an alternative to the longer designation in terms of individual partial conformations. The other example is cis-decalin, one chiral conformation of which is shown in (93). The same conformation could be represented more stereographically by a Newman projection, derived from (94) by omission of one tetramethylene loop. Each of the remaining loops would again be conformationally defined by the identical conformational order of its bonds, namely, MPMPM. And again the two ends of each loop would bear an identical helical inter-relation, which would allow the Helicity Rule to describe the whole conformation more simply as P, or, as we should prefer, secP.
Ligancies Five and Six By far the most important ligancy higher than four, for which the specification of chirality has yet presented any practical problems, is ligancy six of the octahedral atoms. These include non-metals, such as sexiligant phosphorus in the tri~-2,2-biphenylylenephosphate(v1) ion [331; but the main family of examples comprises the transition metals in their six-co-ordinate complexes. We shall discuss in detail only the co-ordinatively sexiligant octahedral structures. The chirality of a quinqueligant atom could be specified after extension of its ligancy to six by means of a phantom atom, in a manner similar to that in which we specify the chirality of a trigonal pyramidal atom after extension of its ligancy to four. However, since we know of no molecule whose chirality depends on that of a configurationally stable, chiral, quinqueligant atom, we shall for the present refrain from detailing such a procedure. We shall also not attempt to treat ligancies higher than six, whether of atoms of the heavier elements, or of polyatomic elemental clusters. We shall have to describe positional relations on the octahedral co-ordination figure in a more detailed way than has been done before. But we can start from some already used descriptions. Werners designations of the geometrical relations of pairs of ligands as cis or trans, according as they terminate an edge or body-diameter of the octahedron, are generally accepted.
[33] D. Hellwinkel, Angew. Chem. 76, 756 (1964).
The possibility of describing the chirality of secondary structures is attractive in that one may often thus achieve comprehensive but succint specifications. This was illustrated by means of the helicenes, in Sub-section 2.8. Among the conformations discussed in Sub-section 4.3, there are two in which a secondary-structural feature of readily definably chirality can be recognised.
Werner numbered the octahedron, with 1 and 6 in trans-positions, and 2-5 in cyclic order cis to each. Our method of distinguishing stereoisomers involves numbering the octahedral model according to that prescription, but allowing its unspecified features, namely, those of where to start, and in what sense to take the cyclic order, to be determined by a sequence of the ligands, as described hereunder. Having thus numbered the octahedral model, we designate its chiral sense according to a pattern read in the numbers.
The problem of arranging six ligands in sequence, for the purpose of specifying their spatial positions about a centre, is neither necessarily nor advantageously solved in the same way as for four ligands. Four points are the fewest that can constitute a three-dimensional figure, and hence possibly provide a chiral figure. When we have only four ligands, their properties have to determine the sequence which is required to describe the chirality of their space-distribution. With six ligands, more than this necessary minimum of working data would be furnished were exactly the same method followed; and then, some very difficult problems of selection would arise. We avoid these by designing our sequence of ligands, to be, not the sole instrument for placing a sequence of numbers on the octahedral model, but the means of completing a spatial distribution of numbers already delimited by the geometrical pre-condition of their octahedral arrangement. With this simpler requirement in view, we have some freedom to adjust our sequence-forming procedure in order to reduce the intricacies that two features of coordination structures would otherwise frequently create. The first feature is the occurrence about a chiral centre of identical ligands, as is possible when the total number of ligands exceeds four. In order to deal with this, we use the circumstance that, just because the number exceeds four, we are not dependent only on their internal properties in order to secure a chirality-defining sequence. We can allow their internal properties to order them as far as may be, and then leave co-operation with the octahedral pre-condition, implied in the Werner pattern of numbering, to complete the sequence-inspace. The second feature of octahedral structures that could create considerable complications is the frequent occurrence of chelate ligands. However, we can largely forestall these difficulties by devising a special procedure, as described in the next Sub-section, for ordering groups in sequence. The general circumstance which forces on us an elaboration of our procedure of chiral specification, when we come to complexes, is that, with more than four ligands to be arranged about a chiral centre, the various relations of geometrical isomerism, and the relations of chirality, arise together. Our procedure must therefore be competent to specify both, and not the latter only. That is why, after arranging the ligating atoms in sequence, we put in an additional step that takes the octahedral geometry into account, namely, the step of numbering the groups on the octahedron. At that stage,
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the geometrical isomerism, apart from any associated chirality, is completely described. All is then ready for the final step, which is to specify chirality. Our procedure is thus as follows. With an octahedral structure, as with any molecule, the first step is to apply the Factorisation Rule (p. 391), so separating the chiral elements, in particular, the sexiligant chiral centre with the detailed description of which this Section is concerned. Independently of ligancy, centres, axes, and planes of chirality are treated in that order. To the sexiligant chiral centre we apply in the second step the Octahedral Sequence Rule (Sub-section 5.2), which is a rule designed to order the ligating atoms in a linear seriesof priorities. The third step is to apply the Octahedral Numberin,? Rule (Sub-section 5.3), so assigning to the ligating atoms a set of numbers, which takes joint account of the already determined priorities and of the octahedrally geometrical relations. The geometrical relations, apart from chirality, are then fully specified, and the only remaining step, the fourth, is to apply the Octahedral Chirality Rule (Sub-section 5.4), so specifying the chiral sense of the sexiligant atom. We proceed now to describe these steps in detail.
5.2. The Octahedral Sequence Rule and its Sub-Rules
Our procedure must allow for ligands, which range from unidentate to sexidentate ligands. The classes from bidentate to sexidentate constitute the chelate ligands. They could create formidable complications, if we should try to handle them only by the machinery provided to deal with atomic ligancies of four and less. For they build rings round the sexiligant atom, bridged and even multiply bridged rings if the ligand is more than bidentate; and then the sexiligant atom becomes a common bridge-head of all the rings, and sometimes a spiro-atom in addition. It would be possible, but usually intricate, to explore such ring structures by means only of the Standard Sub-rules (p. 391). However, we offer below an extended system of sub-rules, better adapted to cope with such situations. The position of complex chemistry, as a main division of chemistry, potentially comparable with organic chemistry, justifies such a special measure. The extended system is comprised in three Octahedral Sequence Sub-rules, as we may call them, which are to be successively applied. The second of these new sub-rules incorporates the Standard Subrules. We shall first describe the new sub-rules, and then state them formally. First, the ligands are ordered by classes, according to the number of atoms in each which are bound directly to the same sexiligant atom, a number which it will be convenient to call the denticity of a ligand. The denticity classes are ordered on the basis that higher denticities precede lower. The unidentate, that is, the non-chelate ligands will thus constitute the last class. Secondly, the ligands of each denticity class are ordered, as far as possible, within their class. A ligand now takes its order from a leading ligating atom, which is a selected
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one of its terminal ligating atoms, or, if none is terminal as in an endless ligand, a selected one of its ligating atoms, selection being made by applying the Standard Sub-rules to the combined ligand. By terminal ligating atom is meant a terminal member of a series of ligating atoms contained in a ligand, regardless of whether or not it is at an extreme end of the ligand. The leading ligating atom of a non-chelate ligand is, of course, the only ligating atom that the ligand possesses. In each denticity class, the leading ligating atoms of the ligands, and hence the ligands themselves, are set in order, within the collective precedence of their denticity class, with terminal before non-terminal leading atoms, and otherwise as prescribed by the Standard Sub-rules (p. 391). Thirdly, the ligating atoms of each chelate ligand are ordered within the collective precedence of the ligand. Apart from the leading ligating atom, the precedence of ligating atoms within a ligand is based on position in the ligand alone, and not on the properties used by the Standard Sub-rules. The leading ligating atom is given the first place; and then, proceeding from it along the longest continuous chain of linked atoms that leads to a terminal ligating atom, the successively situated ligating atoms, and, thereafter, the ligating atoms in the successively situated branches from that chain, are given successively lower places, all within the collective precedence of the chelate ligand. Direction round a cyclic ligand is taken as from the leading ligating atom to that one of the ligating atoms next on each side of it, which is given precedence over the others by the Standard Sub-rules. Any remaining ambiguity of direction in a bridged-ring ligand is resolved by taking at a bridgehead that path which would be preferred by the Standard Sub-rules. In illustration of the described procedure, the internal priorities of the ligating atoms in some chelate ligands, assumed maximally ligated to the same central atom, are indicated by letter-labels (a > b > c > d, etc.) in formulae (95)-(98). The first two of these are unbranched ligands, and the second two are branched ligands. In the latter, the ligating atoms in branches receive lower priorities than any in the main series. The only use of the Standard Sub-rules in these examples is to determine which of the non-equivalent ligating atoms of propylenediamine (95) is to be made the leading ligating atom.
(2) The leading ligating atom of a rigand being its terminal ligating atom most preferred by the Standard Sitbrules, or, in an endless ligand, the ligating atom which is so most preferred, the ligands are ordered, ended before endless, and otherwise as their leading ligafing atoms would be ordered by the Standard Sub-rules.
( 3 ) The ligating atoms of a ligand are ordered according to position, with diminishing precedence fr om the leading ligating atom along the longest continuous chain of atoms that leads to a terminal ligating atom, and thereafter in the successively situated branches from that chain. The sense of the succession in a cyclic ligand i s taken as from the leading ligating atom to that next ligating atom which is preferred by the Standard Sub-rides, or, in case a choice remains, by following the path preferred by the Standard Subrules.
The Octahedral Sequence Rule gives to the differing ligating atoms a linear sequence, which has now to be converted into an octahedral sequence, by the use of a numbering scheme, preconditioned to describe octahedral arrangements, but capable of registering such information contained in the linear sequence as is significant for the description of the geometrical relations of the ligating atoms. The pattern of the octahedral numbering scheme is Werners. This is prescribed in the first two of the following set of four sub-rules. The last two of these sub-rules adapt the priorities of the ligating atoms, as given by the Octahedral Sequence Rule, to the octahedral numbering pattern. The Octahedral Numbering Sub-rules, which are to be successively applied, are as follows : (a) The numbers I and 6 mark trans-positions. (b) The numbers 2-5 form a cyclic sequence. (c) With the number I is associated the ligating atom which is most preferred by the Octahedral Sequence Rule; or, in case a choice is open, that most preferred ligating atom which allows the least preferred possible to be associated with the number 6 ; or, $ a choice is still open, that which allows more preferred ligating atoms to be associated with lower numbers in the range 2-5. (d) The numbers 2-4 are successively associated with the most preferred of the ligating atoms remaining available to each. In order to show how the Octahedral Numbering Subrules work with sexiligant atoms, we number some illustrative formulae, in the first place achiral formulae, below. Chelate ligands are represented by symbols such as A-A, A-B, B-A-B, the leading ligating atoms of which are A, A, and B, respectively. The order of precedence of the ligating atoms, as this would be given by the Standard Sub-rules, is taken to be A > B, etc. It is assumed, as is the usual situation, that successive ligating atoms of chelate ligands ligate in cis-positions.
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We may now formally state the Octahedral Sequence Sub-rules which are to be successively applied :
(1) Ligands of higher denticity precede those of lower.
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Non-chelate ligands are represented by a, b, etc. Their order, as given by the Standard Sub-rules, is taken to be a > b, etc.
A set of numbers consistent with the Octahedral Numbering Sub-rules (a) and (b) is shown at (99). The formulae (100)-(104) are so drawn that these numbers can be superposed on them by a translation alone, consistently with the Numbering Sub-rules (c) and (d). Now these are all achiral structures, and it is an easily proved characteristic of such that they can be numbered by the Octahedral Numbering Sub-rules in two completely equivalent ways, only one of which is illustrated in the diagrams. The alternative numberings are all obtainable by mirror-reflexions. For (loo), we reverse the positions of the numbers 2 and 3, and also 4 and 5. For ( l o ] ) ,
we reverse 1 and 3, and also 5 and 6. For (102), we reverse numbers 2 and 4; for (103), numbers 3 and 5 ; and for (104), 1 and 6. In every case, either of the alternative distributions of numbers on the octahedron, if carried into the name of the structure, produces an identical name, which, conversely, uniquely defines the achiral structure. Formulae (105) -(119) illustrate application of the Octahedral Numbering Sub-rules to chiral structures. Again the formulae are so drawn that the numbering shown at (99) can be superposed by a pure translation consistently with the Octahedral Numbering Sub-rules. For many such structures, the numbering thus obtained is the only allowable one. But for others it is one of two or more completely equivalent number-distributions, inter-relafcd by rotations. Structures (113), (116), and (119) each have two, structure (117) has four, and structure (114) has six such equivalent number-distributions. Obviously, these apparent alternatives, lead to the same name, which conversely, describes the same model, except only with respect to its chirality.
The Numbering Sub-rules are such that, when any chiral structure, such as one of those shown at (105) to (119), is reflected in a plane, and the resulting structure is re-numbered, the result is the same as if the numbering as well as the structure, had suffered the reflexion. In other words, any chiral isomer and its enantiomer have their ligating atoms identically numbered, and, if the numbers are incorporated in a name, are represented by the same name. Thus the numbering system takes care of every feature of diastereoisomerism, excepting only associated chirality. The outstanding matter of the specification of chirality is, however, very easily dealt with by reference to the numbering. The rule for so doing is as follows: Octahedral Chirality Rule. The chiral centre of the numbered model is specified as R or S, according as the path of the numbers 1, 2, 3 in order appears right- or left-handed from the side of the model remote from 4, 5 , 6. According to this rule, all the structures figured at (105)-(119) are in R-form. So also is that represented by (120), which shows the iron atom and one valencebond structure of the haem of the oxygen-myoglobin adductc341. The iron atom is a-complexed, and two phantom atoms must make up the ligancy deficiencies in the two tertiary nitrogen atoms present in any valencebond structure. Tertiary and quaternary nitrogen atoms in any such structure are always linked by conjugation, in the manner, already illustrated in the cyanine ion (16) (p. 394). Hence, in the blended structure, each of the four nitrogen atoms carries half a phantom atom, and each nitrogen atom and each ring-carbon atom has
[34] J. C. Kendrew, H . C. Watson, B. E. Strandberg, R . E. Dickerson, D . C . Phillips, and V. C. Shore, Nature (London) 190, 666 (1961); cf. R . E. Dickerson in H . Neurath; The Proteins. Academic Press, New York 1964, Vol. 2, p. 634.
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a delocalised valency. The atomic numbers associated with these delocalised valencies are 3 for nitrogen atoms, 6113 for carbon atoms adjacent to nitrogen, and 6 for other carbon atoms. The Octahedral Sequence Subrules place the quadridentate ligand ahead of the nonchelate ligands, and identify in the former the leading ligating atom, and the sense of the cycIic ordering. Thus, the first two ligating atoms will belong to the vinyl-bearing pyrrole rings, and their relative order will follow from comparative explorations from N-1 to vinyl-2 and from N-2 to methyl-6 (if we distinguish the substituted pyrrole moieties with their side-chains by the numbers here attached to their nitrogen atoms). Then, the Octahedral Numbering Rule completes the association of ligating atoms with numbers on the octahedron, as shown in (120), and the designation of chirality follows.
and so is the R-enantiomer. By a comparative analysis of the relevant circular dichroism spectra, Mason and his co-workers have correlated this configuration with those of a number of other complexes of like symmetry, and thus have established that [Cr(en)# giving [MI, = +30O0, [Co(ox)3]3- giving [MI, = -7500, and [Cr(ox)#- giving [MI, = +8000 in water, all have the R-configuration 1371. These workers have given the rule, applying to complexes with D3 symmetry of d3 and d6 metals, that according as the longest-wave, spin-allowed absorption along the axis of the uniaxial crystal has a positive or negative rotational strength, the configuration of the complex will be R or S. They also evolved a second self-contained method of determining absolute configuration, a method wholly based on the theoretical analysis of suitable circular dichroism spectra. Thus they showed 1381, without reference to any substance of known chirality, that (-)-tris-(0-phenanthro1ine)ruthenium(I1) has the R-configuration (114) (AA = o-phen). Again, by comparative analyses of circular dichroism spectra, the same workers have shown [371 that certain ions of C2 symmetry, viz. (+)-cis-diammine- and (+)-cisdicyano-(bisethylenediamine)cobalt(III), have the Rconfiguration (113) (AA = ethylenediamine; a = NH3, CN-). They have similarly shown that some C1 (asymmetric) ions, viz. (+)-cis-chloro-, (+)-cis-bromo-, and (+)-cisaquo-ammine(bisethylenediamine)cobalt(III), have the R-configuration ( I l l ) (AA = ethylenediamine; a = C1-, Br-, OHz; b = NH3).
Octahedral chiral systems can belong to any of the following five symmetry classes. First, there is the asymmetric class, C1, illustrated by models (105) to ( I l l ) , (I15), and (118). Next higher in symmetry stands the C2 class, which has one two-fold rotational axis as its only symmetry, and is illustrated in models ( l l 3 ) , (116), and (119). Thencomes the C3 class, which has one three-fold rotational axis as its only symmetry, as illustrated in model (112). Above that stands the V class, whose symmetry comprises three two-fold rotational axes, as exemplified by model (117). Finally, the highest class, D3, whose symmetry is constituted from one three-fold and three two-fold rotational axes, is exemplified by model (114). In these five classes, the multiplicities (of group theory), or symmetry numbers (of statistical mechanics), are also the numbers of equivalent number-distributions on the octahedral figure, namely, one, two, three, four, and six, respectively. The first octahedral complexes to be assigned absolute configurations were of the D3 class. The self-contained method of diffraction by a favourable crystal structure of X-rays of a critical wavelength [351 was applied to the ion tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) by Suit0 and his coworkers [361, who thus showed that the isomer with [MI, = +600 in water has structure (114) (AA = en),
[35] J, M . Bijvoet, A . F. Peerdeman, and A . J. van Bommel, Nature (London) 168, 271 (1951). [36] Y. Saito, K. Nakatsu, M . Shiro, and H . Kuroya, Acta crystallogr. 8, 729 (1955).
5.6. Secondary Structures Involving Ligancies Six When a unique helical relation is apparent in a structure, the Helicity Rule (p. 391) affords a particularly easy description of the chirality. We have applied this description to conformations and to secondary structures; and, because of its convenience when applicable, we have treated as secondary some organic structures which are so only marginally, such as the helicenes. We now propose a similar liberty in the field of octahedral structures, again taking advantage of the circumstance that the term secondary structure is not defined. Octahedral structures with three cis-pairs of ligating atoms, like within each pair, but either like or unlike as between the pairs, contain a helical axis. This property bears no uniform relation to symmetry. Some, though not all, C1 structures, which, being asymmetric, contain no axis of symmetry, nevertheless possess a helical axis. Model (110) is an example: it has secM-helicity. A C2 structure may have zero, one, or two helical axes. Such axes never coincide with the symmetry axis. Model
[37] R . E. Ballard, A . J. McCaffery, and S . F. Mason, Proc. chem. SOC.(London) 1962, 33 1 ; A. J. McCaffery and S. F. Mason, ibid. 1962, 388; Trans. Faraday SOC.59, 1 (1963); Mol. Physics6, 359 (1963); S. F. Mason, Quart. Reviews 17, 57 (1963); A. J. McCaffery, S. F. Mason, and B. J. Norman, Chem. Commun. 1965, 132; A. J. McCaffery, S . F. Mason, and R . E. Ballard, J. chem. SOC.(London) 1965, 2883. [38] A . J . McCafery and S. F. Mason, Proc. chem. SOC.(London) 1963, 21 1.
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(113) has two helical axes: about one it has secM, and about the other secP-helicity. All D3 structures, without exception, contain four helical axes. One of these is coincident with the three-fold axis of symmetry. None of the other three helical axes is co-incident with any of the three two-fold axes of symmetry. Model (114) is an example: with respect to the helical axis co-incident with the three-fold symmetry axis, it has secM-helicity : with respect to any of the other three helical axes, it has secP-helicity. The former assignment of helicity will probably be preferred on grounds of obviousness, but it is clearly not definitive unless the relevant axis of helicity is specified.
shown in end-projection in the alternative representations (113') of (113). Under octahedral geometry, the rotational axis C2 is not a helical axis, because, inter alia, the chelate ligands AA spread apart along the direction of C 2 .
a /
\ a
This discussion would modify the helicity symbols given to ions of C2 symmetry, referable to model (113), in a paper [391 which appeared while the present paper was in press: P(C2) would become secP or secM, according to the helical axis chosen; or, in the system which is always unequivocal, it would be R. The symbols M and P should refer to a helical axis, such as those
We thank Dr. H . H . Westen, not only for the German translation, but also for discussions andproposals arising therefrom that stimulated many improvements in the paper as a whole.
Received: August 12th. 1965 [A 516/292 IEI German version: Angew. Chem. 78, 413 (1966)
A Novel Synthesis of Adipic Acid from Acetylene and Acetic Acid
By Dr. J. DiPietro and Dr. W. J. Roberts Research Laboratories of Celanese Corporation of America, Summit, New Jersey (U.S.A.) It is known that carboxylic acids are formed when acetic acid is reacted with olefins in the presence of radical-producing agents [1,21. We wish to report a novel synthesis of adipic acid by the freeradical addition of acetic acid to acetylene. A rocking bomb was charged with 1.8 kg of glacial acetic acid and 3.3 g (0.02 mole) of di-t-butyl peroxide. The bomb was then closed, purged with N2 and heated. Once the temperature of the solution inside the bomb had reached 110 " C , anhydrous acetylene gas (4.94 g) was slowly introduced. The bomb was rocked and heated up to 120 5 "C for 18 hours, after which it was cooled down to room temperature. The liquid portion of the reaction mixture was then distilled under nitrogen until most of the acetic acid was removed. Addition of cold H 2 0 separates water-clear crystals of adipic acid from a n oily product; the latter possesses a molecular weight of about 300, with a carboxyl content of 36 % by weight and has no unsaturation detectable by infrared spectroscopy. Based on the acetylene charged the yield of adipic acid was 10 %. Unreacted acetylene (64 %) can be recovered. It remains to be established whether the reaction proceeds step-wise through the formation of vinylacetic acid, or by a simultaneous free-radical addition of two moles of acetic acid to acetylene. It is of interest in this respect that vinylacetic acid, when added to a large excess of boiling acetic acid in the presence of di-t-butyl peroxide, yields adipic acid.
Received: October 4th, 1965 [Z 1021929 IE] German version: Angew. Chem. 78, 388 (1966)
[ l ] W. Banes, F. J. Fitzgerald, and M . C. Nelson, US.-Patent 2585723 (1952). [2] J . C. AIIen, I. G . Cadogan, and H. D . Hey, Chem. and Ind.
1962. 1 6 2 1 .