Scalar Wave Effects
Scalar Wave Effects
Scalar Wave Effects
With the current RFID technology the transfer of energy takes place on a
chip card by means of longitudinal wave components in close range of the
transmitting antenna. Those are scalar waves, which spread towards the
electrical or the magnetic field pointer.
In the wave equation with reference to the Maxwell field equations, these
wave components are set to zero, why only postulated model computations
exist, after which the range is limited to the sixth part of the wavelength.
A goal of this paper is to create, by consideration of the scalar wave compo-
nents in the wave equation, the physical conditions for the development of
scalar wave transponders which are operable beyond the close range. The
energy is transferred with the same carrier wave as the information and
not over two separated ways as with RFID systems. Besides the bi-direc-
tional signal transmission, the energy transfer in both directions is addi-
tionally possible because of the resonant coupling between transmitter and
First far range transponders developed on the basis of the extended field
equations are already functional as prototypes, according to the US-Patent
No. 787,412 of Nikola Tesla, New York 1905 [1].
244 Meyl, K.: Scalar Wave Effects according to Tesla
Key words
1. Introduction
The far range transponders developed by the first transfer centre for sca-
lar wave technology are able to transfer energy beyond close range (10 to
100 m) and besides with fewer losses and/or a higher efficiency. The en-
ergy with the same carrier wave is transferred as the information and
not as with the RFID technology over two separated systems [2].
Requirements at transponders
In today's times of Blue tooth and Wireless LAN one accustomed fast to
the amenities of wireless communication. These open for example garage
gates, the barrier of the parking lot or the trunk is lid only by radio.
However, in the life span limited and the often polluting batteries in the
numerous radio transmitters and remote maintenance are of great disad-
Ever more frequently the developers see themselves confronted with the
demand after a wireless transfer of energy. Accumulators are to be re-
loaded or replaced completely. In entrance control systems (ski elevator,
stages, department stores…) these systems are already successful in use.
Annual Report on the Activities of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) in 2006 245
In the close range of an antenna, so the current level of knowledge is, are
longitudinal -towards a field pointer, portions of the radiated wave pres-
ent. These are usable in the transponder technology for the wireless
transmission of energy. The range amounts to however only l/2p and that
is approximately the sixth part of the wavelength [3].
The problem consists now of the fact that the valid field theory, and that
is from Maxwell, only is able to describes transversal and no longitudinal
wave components. All computations of longitudinal waves or wave com-
ponents, which run toward the electrical or the magnetic pointer of the
field, are based without exception on postulates [4].
with the electric field strength E = E(r,t) and the magnetic field strength
H = H(r,t)
ing waves, which can be also called field vortices, that produce vortex
losses for their part with the time constant t1 in the form of heat.
Where however do, at close range of an antenna proven and with tran-
sponders technically used longitudinal wave components hide themselves
in the field equation (1.11)?
On the one side of the wave equation the Laplace operator stands, which
describes the spatial field distribution and which according to the rules of
vector analysis can be decomposed into two parts. On the other side the
description of the time dependency of the wave can be found as an
inhomogeneous term.
One practical example of a scalar wave is the plasma wave. This case
forms according to the
the space charge density consisting of charge carriers rel the scalar por-
tion. These move in form of a shock wave longitudinal forward and pres-
ent in its whole an electric current.
Physically seen the generated field vortices form and establish a scalar
Within the near field range of an antenna opposite conditions are pres-
ent. With bad conductivity in a general manner a vortex with dual char-
acteristics would be demanded for the formation of longitudinal wave
components. I want to call this contracting antivortex, unlike to the ex-
panding eddy current, a potential vortex.
If we examine the potential vortex with the Maxwell equations for valid-
ity and compatibility, then we would be forced to let it fall directly again.
The derivation of the damped wave equation (1.1 to 1.11) can take place
in place of the electrical, also for the magnetic field strength. Both wave
equations (1.11 and 1.12) do not change thereby their shape. In the
inhomogeneous Laplace equation in this dual case however, the longitudi-
nal scalar wave component through div H is described and this is accord-
ing to Maxwell zero!
Besides still another boundary problem will be solved: since in div D elec-
trical monopoles can be seen (1.13) there should result from duality to
div B magnetic monopoles (1.14). But the search was so far unsuccessful
[8]. Vortex physics will ready have an answer.
2. The approach
itself with water above the open ocean, then the contracting potential
vortex is predominant and the energy density increases threateningly. If
it however runs overland and rains out, it again becomes bigger and less
In fluidics the connections are understood. They are usually also well vis-
ible and without further aids observable.
If we take as an example the lightning and ask how the lightning channel
is formed: Which mechanism is behind it, if the electrically insulating air
for a short time is becoming a conductor? From the viewpoint of vortex
physics the answer is obvious: The potential vortex, which in the air is
dominating, contracts very strong and doing so squeezes all air charge
carriers and air ions, which are responsible for the conductivity, together
at a very small space to form a current channel.
The contracting potential vortex thus exerts a pressure and with that
forms the vortex tube. Besides the cylindrical structure another structure
can be expected. It is the sphere, which is the only form, which can with-
stand a powerful pressure if that acts equally from all directions of space.
Only think of ball lightning.
Annual Report on the Activities of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) in 2006 251
With the tendency of the potential vortex for contraction, inevitably the
ability is linked to a structural formation. The particularly obvious struc-
ture of a ball would be besides an useful model for quanta.
The divergence may be set therefore neither with the electrical field (4th
Maxwell equation) nor with the magnetic field (3rd Maxwell equation) to
Since the radius, at which it comes to vortex detaching and with it the
size of the sphere vortex depends on it’s conductivity, electrical
monopoles and among them rank numerous elementary particles, will be
extremely small. Magnetic monopoles however would have to take enor-
mous, no longer for us measurable dimensions.
252 Meyl, K.: Scalar Wave Effects according to Tesla
Because Maxwell for this purpose needed two equations with each time a
first derivation, he had to introduce the displacement current in
Ampçre’s law and had to choose an appropriate notation for the formula-
tion of the law of induction to get to the wave equation.
His light theory initially was very controversial. Maxwell faster found ac-
knowledgement for bringing together the teachings of electricity and
Annual Report on the Activities of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) in 2006 253
Nevertheless the question should be asked, if Maxwell has found the suit-
able formulation, if he has understood 100 percent correct his friend Far-
aday and his discovery. If discovery (from 29.08.1831) and mathematical
formulation (1862) stem from two different scientists, who in addition be-
long to different disciplines, misunderstandings are nothing unusual. It
will be helpful to work out the differences.
E=vxB (2.1)
That of course also is valid for the field concept advocated by Maxwell,
which we now contrast with the “Faraday-law” (fig. 5). The second
Maxwell equation, the law of induction (2.2), also is a mathematical de-
scription between the electric field strength E and the magnetic induc-
tion B. But this time the two aren’t linked by a relative velocity v.
254 Meyl, K.: Scalar Wave Effects according to Tesla
Figure 5. Two formulations for one law: As a mathematical relation between the
vectors of the electric field strength E and the induction B (= magnetic flux density)
In that place stands the time derivation of B, with which a change in flux
is necessary for an electric field strength to occur. As a consequence the
Maxwell equation doesn’t provide a result in the static or quasi-station-
ary case, for which reason it in such cases is usual, to fall back upon the
unipolar induction according to Faraday (e.g. in the case of the
Hall-probe, the picture tube, etc.). The falling back should only remain
restricted to such cases, so the normally used idea. But with which right
the restriction of the Faraday-law to stationary processes is made?
The vectors E and B can be subject to both spatial and temporal fluctua-
tions. In that way the two formulations suddenly are in competition with
each other and we are asked, to explain the difference, as far as such a
difference should be present.
The textbook opinion based on the Maxwell equations names the static
field of the charge carriers as cause for the electric field, whereas moving
ones cause the magnetic field [7, i.e.]. But that hardly can have been the
idea of Faraday, to whom the existence of charge carriers was completely
unknown. For his contemporaries, completely revolutionary abstract field
concept, based on the works of the Croatian Jesuit priest Boscovich
(1711-1778). In the case of the field it should less concern a physical
quantity in the usual sense, than rather the “experimental experience” of
an interaction according to his field description. We should interpret the
Faraday-law to the effect that we experience an electric field, if we are
moving with regard to a magnetic field with a relative velocity and vice
Obviously there exist two formulations for the law of induction (2.1 and 2.2),
which more or less have equal rights. Science stands for the question: which
mathematical description is the more efficient one? If one case is a special
case of the other case, which description then is the more universal one?
Bosse gives the same derivation, but for him the Maxwell-result is the
special case and not his Faraday approach [13]! In addition he addresses
the Faraday-law as equation of transformation and points out the mean-
ing and the special interpretation.
On the other hand he derives the law from the Lorentz force, completely in
the style of Küpfmüller [12] and with that again takes it part of its autonomy.
Pohl looks at that different. He inversely derives the Lorentz force from
the Faraday-law [14]. We should follow this very much convincing repre-
While both equations in the books of Pohl [14, p.76 and 130] and of
Simonyi [15] are written down side by side having equal rights and are
compared with each other, Grimsehl [16] derives the dual regularity
(2.3) with the help of the example of a thin, positively charged and rotat-
ing metal ring. He speaks of “equation of convection”, according to which
moving charges produce a magnetic field and so-called convection cur-
rents. Doing so he refers to workings of Röntgen 1885, Himstedt,
Rowland 1876, Eichenwald and many others more, which today hardly
are known.
In his textbook also Pohl gives practical examples for both equations of
transformation. He points out that one equation changes into the other
one, if as a relative velocity v the speed of light c should occur.
tions and the scopes of the derived theories should result correctly, e.g. of
what the Maxwell approximation consists and why the Maxwell equa-
tions describe only a special case.
E=vxB (2.1)
H=–vxD (2.3)
Two of these again are zero for a non-accelerated relative motion in the
x-direction with:
v = dr/dt (3.5)
grad v = 0 (3.5*)
div v = 0 (3.5**)
Annual Report on the Activities of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) in 2006 259
One term concerns ’the vector gradient (v grad)B, which can be repre-
sented as a tensor. By writing down and solving the accompanying deriv-
ative matrix giving consideration to the above determination of the v-vec-
tor, the vector gradient becomes the simple time derivation of the field
vector B(r(t)),
dB dD
(v grad)B = and (v grad)D = , (3.6)
dt dt
For the last not yet explained terms at first are written down the vectors
b and j as abbreviation.
With equation 3.9 we in this way immediately look at the well-known law
of Ampçre (1st Maxwell equation).
moves with the velocity v for instance through a conductor (in the x-di-
b = – v div B (= 0) , (3.10)
From the comparison of eq. 3.8 with the law of induction (eq.1.1) we
merely infer, that according to the Maxwell theory this term is assumed
to be zero. But that is exactly the Maxwell approximation and the restric-
tion with regard to the new and dual field approach, which roots in Fara-
In that way also the duality gets lost with the argument that magnetic
monopoles (div B) in contrast to electric monopoles (div D) do not exist
and until today could evade every proof. It has not yet been searched for
the vortices dual to eddy currents, which are expressed in the neglected
j = – v · rel (3.11)
j = ((E (1.5)
262 Meyl, K.: Scalar Wave Effects according to Tesla
D = ((E (1.6)
j =D τ1
D/(1 (3.13)
1 ==ε/σ
(/( (1.7).
D +D
curl H = dD/dt τ1 = e · (dE/dt + E/t1)
D/(1 (3.14)
clearly is brought to light, why the magnetic field is a vortex field, and
how the eddy currents produce heat losses depending on the specific elec-
tric conductivity s. As one sees we, with regard to the magnetic field de-
scription, move around completely in the framework of textbook physics.
b = B/t2 (3.15)
in duality to the current density j (eq. 3.13), which with the help of an ap-
propriate time constant t2 founds vortices of the electric field. I call these
potential vortices.
There isn’t a way past the potential vortices and the new dual approach,
It has already been shown, as and under which conditions the wave equa-
tion from the Maxwell' field equations, limited to transverse wave-por-
tions, is derived (chapter 1.4). Usually one proceeds from the general case
of an electrical field strength E = E(r,t) and a magnetic field strength
H = H(r,t). We want to follow this example [18], this time however with-
out neglecting and under consideration of the potential vortex term.
The two equations of transformation and also the from that derived field
equations (3.14 and 3.16) show the two sides of a medal, by mutually de-
scribing the relation between the electric and magnetic field strength:
We get on the track of the meaning of the “medal” itself, by inserting the
dually formulated equations into each other. If the calculated H-field
from one equation is inserted into the other equation then as a result a
determining equation for the E-field remains. The same vice versa also
functions to determine the H-field. Since the result formally is identical
and merely the H-field vector appears at the place of the E-field vector
264 Meyl, K.: Scalar Wave Effects according to Tesla
and since it equally remains valid for the B-, the D-field and all other
known field factors, the determining equation is more than only a calcu-
lation instruction. It reveals a fundamental physical principle. I call it the
complete or the “fundamental field equation”. The derivation always is
the same: If we again apply the curl operation to curl E (law of induction
4.2) also the other side of the equation should be subjected to the curl:
If for both terms curl H is expressed by Ampçre’s law 4.1, then in total
four terms are formed:
e · m = 1/c2, (1.10)
a b c d e (4.5)
The four terms are: the wave equation (a-b) with the two damping terms,
on the one hand the eddy currents (a-c) and on the other hand the poten-
tial vortices (a-d) and as the fourth term the Poisson equation (a-e),
which is responsible for the spatial distribution of currents and potentials
In addition further equations can be derived, for which this until now
was supposed to be impossible, like for instance the Schrödinger equa-
tion (Term d and e). As diffusion equation it has the task to mathemati-
cally describe field vortices and their structures.
The Maxwell equations are nothing but a special case, which can be de-
rived. (if 1/t2 = 0). The new approach however, which among others bases
on the Faraday-law, is universal and can’t be derived on its part. It de-
scribes a physical basic principle, the alternating of two dual experience
or observation factors, their overlapping and mixing by continually mix-
ing up cause and effect. It is a philosophic approach, free of materialistic
or quantum physical concepts of any particles.
With the field-theoretical approach however the field is the cause for the
particles and their measurable quantisation. The electric vortex field, at
first source free, is itself forming its field sources in form of potential vor-
tex structures. The formation of charge carriers in this way can be ex-
plained and proven mathematically, physically, graphically and experi-
mentally understandable according to the model.
The first wave description, model for the light theory of Maxwell, was the
inhomogeneous Laplace equation (1.12):
DE · c2 = d2E/dt2
d 2 B 1 dB 1 dB B
– c · curl curl B =
+ + + (4.7)
dt 2
t 2 dt t 1 dt t1 t 2
There remains the potential vortex term (1/t2) · dB/dt , which using the
already introduced relations
1 dB B
= v grad (3.6)
t 2 dt t2
Annual Report on the Activities of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) in 2006 267
= – v div B (3.10+3.15)
v 2
grad div B – c2 curl curl B = d2B/dt2 (4.9)
The simplified field equation (4.7) possesses thus the same force of ex-
pression as the general wave equation (4.9), on adjustment of the coordi-
nate system at the speed vector (in x-direction).
The wave equation (4.9) can be divided into longitudinal and transverse
wave parts, which however can propagate with different velocity.
gates with the speed of light. It concerns the special case v = c. With that
the derived wave equation (4.9) changes into the inhomogeneous Laplace
equation (4.6).
Completely different is the case for the longitudinal wave. Here the prop-
agation takes place in the direction of an oscillating field pointer, so that
the phase velocity permanently is changing and merely an average group
velocity can be given for the propagation. There exists no restriction for v
and v = c only describes a special case.
It is a transverse wave for which the field pointers of the electric and the
magnetic field oscillate perpendicular to each other and both again per-
pendicular to the direction of propagation. Besides the propagation with
the speed of light also is characteristic that there occurs no phase shift
between E-field and H-field.
The calculation provides the result that in the proximity of the emitting
antenna a phase shift exists between the pointers of the E- and the
H-field. The antenna current and the H-field coupled with it lag the
E-field of the oscillating dipole charges for 90°.
In the text books one finds the detachment of a wave from the dipole ac-
cordingly explained.
Figure 8. The coming off of the electric field lines from a dipole. The forming
vortex structures found a longitudinal electric wave carrying impulse!
If we regard the structure of the outgoing fields, then we see field vorti-
ces, which run around one point, which we can call vortex centre. We con-
tinue to recognize in the picture, how the generated field structures es-
tablish a shock wave, as one vortex knocks against the next [see Tesla: 1].
At the receiver the conditions are reversed. Here the wave (a-b in eq. 4.5)
is rolling up to a vortex (a-c-d), which usually is called and conceived as a
“standing wave”. Only this field vortex causes an antenna current (a-e)
in the rod, which the receiver afterwards amplifies and utilizes.
The function mode of sending and receiving antennas with the puzzling
near field characteristics explain themselves directly from the wave equa-
tion (4.5).
verse, because the field pointers of the E-field and the H-field oscillate
perpendicular to c. By means of the orbit the speed of light c now has be-
come the vortex velocity.
Wave and vortex turn out to be two possible and stable field configu-
rations. For the transition from one into the other no energy is used; it
only is a question of structure.
In the second case the field vectors exchange their place. The characteris-
tic of the magnetic wave is that the direction of propagation coincides
with the oscillating magnetic field pointer (fig.10), while the electric field
pointer rolls up.
The vortex picture of the rolled up wave already fits very well, because
the propagation of a wave in the direction of its field pointer cha-
racterizes a longitudinal wave, because all measurement results are
perfectly covered by the vortex model. In the text book of Zinke the
near field is by the way computed, as exactly this structure is postulated!
Since it is to concern that vortices are rolled up waves, the vortex speed
will still be c, with which the wave runs now around the vortex center in
circular motion. Hence it follows that with smaller becoming diameter
the wavelength of the vortex likewise decreases, while the natural fre-
quency of the vortex increases accordingly.
If the vortex oscillates in the next instant back, the frequency decreases
again. The vortex works as a frequency converter! The mixture of high
frequency signals developed in this way distributed over a broad fre-
quency band, is called noise.
Antenna losses concern the portion of radiated field vortices, which did
not unroll themselves as waves, which are measured with the help of
wide-band receivers as antenna noise and in the case of the vortex decay
are responsible for heat development.
6. Summary
The proof could be furnished that within the Maxwell field equations an ap-
proximation lies buried and they only represent the special case of a new,
dual formulated more universal approach. The mathematical derivations of
the Maxwell field and the wave equation uncover, wherein the Maxwell ap-
proximation lies. The contracting antivortex dual to the expanding vortex
current with its skin effect is neglected, which is called potential vortex. It is
capable of a structural formation and spreads in badly conductive media as
in air or in the vacuum as a scalar wave in longitudinal way.
The noise proves as the potential vortex term neglected in the Maxwell
equations. If e.g. with antennas a noise signal is measured, then this
proves the existence of potential vortices. However if the range of validity
of the Maxwell theory is left, misinterpretations and an excluding of appro-
priate phenomena from the field theory are the consequence, the noise or
the near field cannot be computed any longer or conclusively explained.
If the antenna efficiency is very badly, for example with false adapted an-
tennas, then the utilizable level sinks, while the antenna noise increases
at the same time.
The wave equation following the explanation could also read differently:
From the radiated waves the transversals decrease debited to the longitu-
dinal wave components. The latter’s are used however in the transponder
technology as sources of energy, why unorthodox antenna structures
make frequently better results possible, than usual or proven.
So far high frequency technicians were concerned only with the maximi-
zation of the transversal utilizable wave, so that this does not go down
regarding the noise. The construction of far range transponders however
require false adapted antennas, the exact opposite of what is learned and
taught so far in the HF technology, inverse engineers and engineering so
to speak. And in such a way the introduction and development of a new
technology requires first an extended view and new ways of training.
Dielectricity e= er · eo As/Vm
Permeability m= mr . m Vs/Am
1. N. Tesla, Art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural medium, United
States Patent, No. 787,412 Apr. 1905
2. S. Kolnsberg, Drahtlose Signal- und Energieübertra-gung mit Hilfe von Hochfrequenz-
technik in CMOS-Sensorsystemen (RFID-Technologie), Dissertation Uni Duisburg 2001.
3. Meinke, Gundlach: Taschenbuch der Hochfrequenztechnik, Springer Verl. 4.ed.1986,
N2, eq.5
4. Zinke, Brunswig: Lehrbuch der Hochfrequenztechnik, 1. Band, Springer-Verlag, 3. ed.
1986, p. 335
5. G. Lehner, Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie, Springer Verlag 1990, 1st edition, page
239, aq. 4.23
6. K. Simonyi, Theoretische Elektrotechnik, vol. 20, VEB Verlag Berlin, 7th ed. 1979,
page 654
7. K. Küpfmüller, Einführung in die theoretische Elektrotechnik, Springer Verl., 12th
edit.1988, p.308
8. J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics. 2nd.ed. Wiley & Sons N.Y. 1975
9. H.J. Lugt, Wirbelströmung in Natur und Technik, G. Braun Verlag Karlsruhe 1979,
table 21, p. 356
10. J.C. Maxwell, A treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Dover Publications New York,
(orig. 1873).
11. R.W. Pohl, Einführung in die Physik, vol. 2 Elektrizitätslehre, 21.ed. Springer-Verlag
1975, pp. 76 and 130.
12. K. Küpfmüller, Einführung in die theoretische Elektrotechnik, Springer V. 12.ed.1988,
p.228, eq.22.
13. G. Bosse, Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik II, BI-Hochschultaschenbücher No.183, 1.
ed. 1967, Chapter 6.1 Induction, page 58
14. R.W. Pohl, Einführung in die Physik, vol. 2 Elektrizitätslehre, 21. ed. Springer-Verlag
1975, p. 77
15. K. Simonyi, Theoretische Elektrotechnik, vol. 20, VEB Verlag Berlin, 7.ed. 1979, page 924
16. Grimsehl: Lehrbuch der Physik, 2. vol., 17. ed. Teubner Verl. 1967, p. 130.
17. Bronstein et al: Taschenbuch der Mathematik, 4. Neuauflage Thun 1999, p. 652
18. G. Lehner, Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie, Springer Verlag 1990, 1.ed., p. 413 ff.,
chap. 7.1
19. J.C. Maxwell, A treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Dover Publications N.Y., Vol. 2,
pp. 438
20. Zinke, Brunswig: Lehrbuch der Hochfrequenztechnik, 1. vol., Springer-Verlag, 3. ed.
1986, p. 335
21. K. Meyl, Scalar Waves, from an extended vortex and field theory to a technical, bio-
logical and historical use of longitudinal waves. Indel-Verlag ( 1996,
engl. Transl. 2003
276 Meyl, K.: Scalar Wave Effects according to Tesla
More than 100 Years ago Nikola Tesla has demonstrated three versions
of transportation electrical energy:
The main subject of the conference presentation will be the wireless sys-
tem and the practical use of it as a far range transponder (RFID for large
distances). Let me explain some expressions as used in the paper.
Seen from the physical characteristics they are longitudinal waves. Con-
trary to the transverse waves, for example the electromagnetic waves,
scalar waves carry and transport energy and impulse. Thus one of the
tasks of scalar wave transponders is fulfilled.